Consultancy Services 2023 - 240120 - 002349

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Consultancy services

Solar PV Plants

Abhinav Shukla 9/28/23 Consultancy services

Key result areas (KRAs) / Responsibilities of “SaveEarth Technologies” ......................................................... 2
A. Stage 1 – Planning ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Following are the activities performed by the consultant: ............................................................................. 2
1. Site Survey & assessment ........................................................................................................................ 2
2. Plant capacity estimation, Technology, business model selection & Financial calculation .................... 2
3. Tendering ................................................................................................................................................. 3
B. Stage 2 – Construction Administration (CA) Services .................................................................................. 3
1. Construction Supervision Services........................................................................................................... 3
2. Document collection, verification & handover ....................................................................................... 3
3. Third party Inspection (with reference to IEC standard) ......................................................................... 4
4. Project monitoring, Project implementation planning & Work progress report preparation ................ 4
C. Stage 3: Operation & performance assessment.......................................................................................... 4
D. Guarantee .................................................................................................................................................... 5
E. Fees .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
F. Our credentials in consultancy services ...................................................................................................... 5

System Integration, Consultancy Services & Solar PV Training Program

Contact: 9179818192, 8718818192 | Web: |Email:[email protected]
Factory: SET Estate, Gram Bhadpura, Lameta Ghat Road, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh 482053
Key result areas (KRAs) / Responsibilities of “SaveEarth Technologies”
Our Consultancy services are subdivided into following three stages

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

• Planning • Construction Administration • Operation & Maintenance

A. Stage 1 – Planning

Following are the activities performed by the consultant:

1. Site Survey & assessment

1.1 Physical Site survey
1.1.1 Shadow analysis & estimation of Shadow free area
1.1.2 Roof Load bearing assessment
1.1.3 Selection of Module mounting structure & Methods of grouting
1.1.4 Car Parking & other than roof area estimation to maximize the plant capacity
1.2 Electrical Survey
1.2.1 Electricity bill collection
1.2.2 Diesel generators and usage study
1.2.3 Data collection for Load pattern analysis
1.2.4 Power Quality Assessment
1.3 Preparation of Site survey report & creating KMZ file

2. Plant capacity estimation, Technology, business model selection & Financial calculation
2.1 Solar resource assessment
2.2 Interpretation of Solar policy
2.3 Electricity bill & Load pattern analysis
2.4 Plant capacity estimation on the basis of
a. Solar policy
b. Area Availability
c. Rate analysis & Budget approved
2.5 Tentative Plant lay out preparation
2.6 Software simulation of Plant (PV SYST & HELIOSCOPE)
a. Optimizing tilt angle & orientation to maximize the ground coverage ratio
b. Energy Loss assessment & Specific yield estimation of the plant
c. P50/75/90 analysis, IRR, ROI, & buy back calculations
2.7 Finalizing the size of the plant, estimated cost, Time line etc.

System Integration, Consultancy Services & Solar PV Training Program

Contact: 9179818192, 8718818192 | Web: |Email:[email protected]
Factory: SET Estate, Gram Bhadpura, Lameta Ghat Road, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh 482053
2.8 Environmental Impact assessment
2.9 Technology & business model selection
2.10 Cost benefit analysis between on grid & On Grid with storage
2.11 Preparing a report on techno commercial aspects for final
budget approval

3. Tendering
3.1. Preparation of Detailed Tender document with related drawings, Specifications, &
3.2. Applying & Getting approvals for Net metering approvals to nodal agency & DISCOM for plant
3.3. Pre-bid meeting for interested solar developers
3.4. Review report on BOQ, BOM, offered in techno commercial offer by different bidders
3.5. Assessment of bidder’s techno commercial capabilities & Matching with eligibility criteria

B. Stage 2 – Construction Administration (CA) Services

1. Construction Supervision Services

a. Establish communication procedures between the owner’s and
contractor's site and HQ teams for the relevant functions and issues
b. Monitor overall project progress and submit the Daily, Weekly and
Monthly reports for plan Vs actual and the reason for deviations
along with revised recovery plans for the overall activities for the
c. Prepare periodical reports for submission to lenders, investors and the various Government bodies
as required
d. Organize and participate in the periodical project coordination meetings/Teleconference calls with
relevant stakeholders
e. Proactively identify all risks and recommend actions to mitigate the same
f. Review of construction works for ESH and Quality standards (QAP) and submission of timely reports
for ESH and quality metrics
g. Assist the site team in resolving Design, Quality, Contract and Site Management related issues

2. Document collection, verification & handover

a. Permits and Clearances obtained for the project
b. As built Single line drawing, Plant layout & Earthing Layout
c. Equipment installation and Maintenance Manuals
d. Plant & Equipment Test Reports
e. Warranty & Guaranty Documents

System Integration, Consultancy Services & Solar PV Training Program

Contact: 9179818192, 8718818192 | Web: |Email:[email protected]
Factory: SET Estate, Gram Bhadpura, Lameta Ghat Road, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh 482053
3. Third party Inspection (with reference to IEC standard)
a. Shadow verification
b. Solar panels visual inspection
c. I-V curve tracing of solar modules
d. Cable insulation testing
e. Inverter functionality test
f. Working of Remote monitoring system
g. Power quality test report reading & interpretation
h. Mounting structure testing
i. Earthing related test
1. Earth resistivity
2. Ground fault protection
3. AC side /DC side /LPS Earthing

4. Project monitoring, Project implementation planning & Work progress report preparation
a. Preparation of a Bi-weekly report on work throughout the construction
b. Final acceptance commissioning
c. Review Pre commissioning checklists for various systems and equipment’s & monitor completion
d. Review documentation for testing and commissioning processes and certify test reports submitted
by the contractor
e. Coordinate with Owners and Contractor for planning and monitoring of the testing and
commissioning activities of the plant, point of interconnection and metering as per plan
f. Witness Plant Acceptance Performance Ratio test as agreed in the contract

C. Stage 3: Operation & performance assessment

1. O&M of the plant

2. Plant performance analysis

a. Performance Ratio calculation (monthly)
b. Plant health check report (Quarterly)

System Integration, Consultancy Services & Solar PV Training Program

Contact: 9179818192, 8718818192 | Web: |Email:[email protected]
Factory: SET Estate, Gram Bhadpura, Lameta Ghat Road, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh 482053
D. Guarantee
To confirm the highest standards in project execution, SaveEarth technologies chalk out a road map for its
clients by taking ownership of the entire project and ensuring that the project is handed over in a controlled
and disciplined manner. Following are the important advantages of hiring us

a. Maximum utilization of the area available

b. Optimum Investment with maximum returns on investment
c. Smooth implementation of the project

E. Fees
Fees and terms and conditions for consultancy work can vary based on various factors such as the scope of
work, project size, complexity, and the consultant's expertise required (for any specific job). However, all the
projects are different and need some specific skills set hence cost varies on project-to-project basis. here are
some common aspects that are typically covered in the fees and terms and conditions for a us:

a. Professional fees depend upon following factors

 On site survey
 Software simulation
 Report preparation
b. Reimbursable Expenses depend upon following factors
 Travel costs,
 Accommodation,
 Printing or any Specialized equipment

F. Our credentials in consultancy services

Following are our major projects in last 4 years

S.No. Name of client Nature of work No of Site Project Pattern of

capacity Fees
1. MP tourism  Complete planning stage 19 no’s sites 1.2 MWp X % of total
(MPSTDC)  Tender preparation surveyed project cost
 Construction & administration 7 no’s plants
(2018-2020)  Third party inspection installed

2. MP state skill  Complete planning stage 19 no’s sites 1.5 MWp Lump sum
development  Tender preparation surveyed
project  Software simulation 7 no’s plants
(MPSDP) installed
TATA consulting

System Integration, Consultancy Services & Solar PV Training Program

Contact: 9179818192, 8718818192 | Web: |Email:[email protected]
Factory: SET Estate, Gram Bhadpura, Lameta Ghat Road, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh 482053
3. MPUDC  Site survey 9 no’s sites Total Lump sum
(Urban  DPR preparation surveyed 2 12 MWp
development  Technical & Financial due DPR
corporation) diligence
(2022-23)  Software simulation
4. Shapoorji &  Site survey 1 no’s site 2 MWp Lump Sum
Pallonji, Leh  Plant Technical & financial due surveyed
Airport diligence
 Glare & Glint analysis
(2021-22)  Assistance in tender
5. Porbandar  Site survey 1 no’s site 150 kWp Lump Sum
airport  Plant Technical & financial due surveyed
(2021-22) diligence
 Glare & Glint analysis
6. Jharsugda  Site survey 1 no’s site 250 kWp Lump Sum
Airport  Plant Technical & financial due surveyed
(2021-22) diligence
 Glare & Glint analysis
7. KPMG / REMCL/  Site survey 25 no’s sites 5 GWp Per day
NEXUS  Land assessment surveyed basis
 Energy yield generation
8. E&Y  Appointed as a Team leader - Per Month
for 5 GWp solar rooftop Project basis
(2019-21) project for BESCOM stopped
 Project stopped due to COVID

9. Al Sabbagh  Concept PPT preparation 27 sites visited 7 plants total Lump sum
Trading LLC  Site survey & assessed capacity of 2
OMAN  Roof Top/ Land assessment MWP
 Detailed design installed
(2018-23)  Plant installation &
 Performance analysis & O&M
10. ROCHEM  Concept PPT preparation 9 sites visited 850 kWp Per Watt
Separation  Site survey Total 9 plants & basis
Mumbai  Roof Top/ Land assessment installed 150 Ongoing
 Detailed design
(2019-22)  Plant installation &
 Performance analysis & O&M

System Integration, Consultancy Services & Solar PV Training Program

Contact: 9179818192, 8718818192 | Web: |Email:[email protected]
Factory: SET Estate, Gram Bhadpura, Lameta Ghat Road, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh 482053
11. Adani Green  Site survey 1 no’s site 2 MWp Lump Sum
Energy Limited  Land assessment surveyed
(2019-20)  Energy yield generation
12. IDAM Consulting  Site survey 1 no’s site 3 MWp Lump sum
 Plant capacity assessment surveyed
 Software simulation and
 Report preparation
13. Suhail Bahwan  Site survey One site 1.25 MWp Lump sum
Group Holding  Plant Layout , Foundation visited
LLC Oman with layout & String layout 625 kWp on
Al sabbagh (Detailed design) 4 Field RCC Roof
trading co LLC  Software simulation segments 625 Carport
 Roof Top/ Land assessment on Roof top
 Plant installation &
(First of its type solar PV Carport
project in Oman)

14. SAAL Cold  Concept PPT preparation 2 field 800 kWp Lump sum
storage Oman  Site survey segments
with Al sabbagh  Plant Layout , Foundation
trading co LLC layout & String layout
(Detailed design)
 Software simulation
 Roof Top/ Land assessment
 Plant installation &

System Integration, Consultancy Services & Solar PV Training Program

Contact: 9179818192, 8718818192 | Web: |Email:[email protected]
Factory: SET Estate, Gram Bhadpura, Lameta Ghat Road, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh 482053

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