Forecasting Demand For Electric Batik Stoves Using
Forecasting Demand For Electric Batik Stoves Using
Forecasting Demand For Electric Batik Stoves Using
Today's economic problems cause companies to be able to manage finances. For companies
engaged in production, it is essential to manage finances so that the company does not
experience losses. To overcome this, companies need to make optimal production and demand
planning. Demand planning, in general, is better known as forecasting. The single-moving
average method uses actual demand data to generate forecast values for future demand. This
method will be effectively applied if the product's market demand remains stable. This method
has two unique properties: making a forecast requires historical data within a certain period,
and the longer the moving average, the smoother the moving average will be. The results
showed three samples of stoves, namely, type A-AS001 with a MAD value of 118.16, an MSE
value of 44015.27, and a MAPE value of 3.93. The type A-AS002 stove shows a MAD value
of 7.81, an MSE value of 92.23, and a MAPE value of 0.27. The type A-SD001 stove has a
MAD value of 16.16, an MSE value of 550.75, and a MAPE value of 3.72.
Keywords: forecasting, moving average, MSE, MAD, MAPE
Today's economic problems cause companies to be able to manage finances. For companies
engaged in production, it is essential to manage finances so that the company does not experience losses.
To overcome this, companies need to make optimal production and demand planning. Demand planning,
in general, is better known as forecasting. Forecasting is an objective calculation that uses past data to
determine something in the future. Forecasting is essential in the company, namely, the consumer
demand for products. Knowing product demand forecasting can help companies determine the amount
of product that should be produced.
Forecasting is the art or science of predicting future events. This can be done by projecting
historical data into the future with systematic modeling. Alternatively, you can also use a combination
of mathematical models that are adjusted to the reasonable judgment of a manager (Hudaningsih, 2020).
The forecasting method used is adjusted to the needs and type of forecasting to be carried out.
This study forecasts the demand for electric stove products at CV. ABC is done using the moving average
method. Moving average is a forecasting method that uses several actual demand data to generate
forecast values for future demand. The moving average method is suitable for long-term data, with
forecasting, CV. ABC can estimate the number of electric stove products to be produced for the next
period so that the company will not experience a loss.
Forecasting is thinking about a quantity, for example, the demand for a product or several
products in the future. Forecasting is just a thought (guess), but by using specific techniques, forecasting
becomes more than just an estimate. Forecasting is a scientific estimate (educated guess). Every future
decision-maker must have a forecast underlying decision-making (Nurlifa, 2017).
Widya Risnawati Siagian et al. (2018) research forecasting the number of tourist arrivals to
Batam in 2015 produces an MSE of 198983051, while the Winter method produces an MSE of
114349.6717. Another research on forecasting the number of students using the moving average method.
The research results show that the best model used is the weight-moving average model with the most
negligible forecasting accuracy (MSE, WMA, EMA) of 5807.963, 55.88889, and 0.0524132. (Prapcoyo
Forecasting is usually done to reduce uncertainty about something that will happen in the
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Halal Industries (JIEHIS) P-ISSN 2722-8150
Vol. 3 No. 2 Desember 2022 E-ISSN 2722-8142
future. An attempt to reduce this uncertainty is carried out by using forecasting methods. Forecasting
methods are divided into two main categories: qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative methods are used
when past data is unavailable, so forecasting cannot be done. In a qualitative method, experts' opinions
will be considered in making decisions as a result of forecasting that has been done. However, if past
data is available, forecasting with quantitative methods will be more effective than qualitative methods.
(Nasution 2018)
The single moving average method uses a number of actual demand data to generate forecast
values for future demand. This method will be effectively applied if we assume that the product's market
demand will remain stable over time. This method has two unique properties; namely, to make
forecasts, it requires historical data within a certain period, the longer the moving average will produce
smoother moving averages (Murahmawati, 2009); systematically moving averages are:
𝑋𝑡 + 𝑋𝑡 − 1 + ⋯ . 𝑋𝑡 − 𝑛 + 1
𝑆𝑡 + 1 =
Where :
St + 1 = Forecast for period t+1.
Xt = Data
The measure of the accuracy of forecasting results, which is a measure of forecasting error, is
a measure of the degree of difference between the results of requests and actual requests. Several
methods have been used to show errors caused by a particular forecasting technique. Almost all of
these measures use the average of some function of the difference between the actual and forecast
values. The difference between the actual and forecast values is usually referred to as the residual. The
equation for calculating the original or residual error value from each forecasting period is as follows:
et = Xt – St
et = Forecasting error in period t.
Xt = Data in period t.
St = forecasting value in period t.
One way to evaluate forecasting techniques is to use a measure of the degree of difference
between forecasting results and actual demand. There are several sizes commonly used, namely:
Mean Absolute Deviation is the average absolute error over a certain period regardless of whether the
forecasting results are greater or smaller than the reality. Mathematically, MAD is formulated as follows:
𝐴𝑡 − 𝐹𝑡
𝑀𝐴𝐷 = ∑ | |
Where :
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Halal Industries (JIEHIS) P-ISSN 2722-8150
Vol. 3 No. 2 Desember 2022 E-ISSN 2722-8142
∑ 𝑒𝑖 2 ∑(𝑋𝑖 − 𝐹𝑖)2
𝑀𝑆𝐸 = =
𝑛 𝑛
Xi = actual value of period i
Fi = forecasting value of period i
n = number of periods
Mean Absolute Percentage Error is a measure of relative error. MAPE usually means more than
MAD because MAPE expresses percentages. MAPE is in the form of forecasting error results against
actual demand during a certain period which will provide information on the percentage of errors that
are too high or too low. Mathematically, MAPE is expressed as follows:
100 𝐹𝑡
𝑀𝐴𝑃𝐸 = ( ) ∑ |𝐴𝑡 − |
𝑛 𝐴𝑡
Where :
At = actual demand in the t-period
Ft = demand forecast (forecast) in period t
n = the number of forecasting periods involved
Below is the stove request data in CV. ABC in the last year
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Halal Industries (JIEHIS) P-ISSN 2722-8150
Vol. 3 No. 2 Desember 2022 E-ISSN 2722-8142
November, which was 167 pcs, and the lowest demand was in April and December, 0 pcs. For the T-SD
001 type stove, the highest demand was in November for 37 pcs, and the lowest demand was in
December, which was 0 pcs. For the A-AS 002 type stove, the highest demand was in January for 85
pcs, and the lowest demand was in February, May, July, September, November, and December; namely,
0 pcs. For the A-SD 001 type stove, the highest demand was in August 60 pcs, and the lowest demand
was in April, May, July, October, and December, namely as many as 0 pcs, namely 0 pcs, and for the
type A-SD 003 stove the highest demand was in September as many as 30 pcs, and the lowest demand
was in April, May, July, August, September, October, and December; namely 0 pcs.
From Figure 1, 3 stoves were selected for sampling: A-AS001, A-AS002, and A-SD 001.
1. Stove Type A-AS001
a. Measure Moving Average 3
Based on the results of the forecasting test above using the POM for windows software,
it can be seen that the forecasting results using the Moving average method with n=3 for the
request for the A-AS 001 stove on C.V ABC obtained a Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD)
value of 118.26, Mean Squad Error (MSE) of 44015.27 and the Mean Absolute Percent Error
(MAPE) of 3.93. Furthermore, the results for forecasting demand for the next period of 298
b. Graph Forecasting Moving Average 3
Based on the data processing performed with the POM for windows software, Figure 3
shows a graph of demand and forecasting. The black line shows demand data, and the blue line
shows the forecasting results using the n=3 moving average method.
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Halal Industries (JIEHIS) P-ISSN 2722-8150
Vol. 3 No. 2 Desember 2022 E-ISSN 2722-8142
Based on the results of the forecasting test above using the POM for windows software,
it can be seen that the forecasting results using the Moving average method with n=3 for the
request for the A-AS 002 stove on C.V ABC obtained a Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD)
value of 7.81, Mean Squad Error (MSE) of 92.23 and the Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE)
of 0.27. Furthermore, the results for forecasting demand for the next period are four or equal
to 4 pcs.
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Halal Industries (JIEHIS) P-ISSN 2722-8150
Vol. 3 No. 2 Desember 2022 E-ISSN 2722-8142
Based on the data processing performed with the POM for windows software, the
graph above shows a graph of demand and forecasting. The black line shows demand data,
and the blue line shows the forecasting results using the n=3 moving average method
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Halal Industries (JIEHIS) P-ISSN 2722-8150
Vol. 3 No. 2 Desember 2022 E-ISSN 2722-8142
Based on the results of the forecasting test above using the POM for windows
software, it can be seen that the forecasting results using the Moving average method with n
= 3 for the request for the A-SD 001 stove on C.V ABC obtained a Mean Absolute
Deviation (MAD) value of 16.11, Mean Squad Error (MSE) of 550.75 and the Mean
Absolute Percent Error (MAPE) of 3.72. and the results for forecasting demand for the next
period are 0.67 or equal to 1 pcs
b. Grafik Peramalan Moving Avarage 3
Based on the data processing performed with the POM for windows software, the
graph above shows a graph of demand and forecasting. The black line shows demand data,
and the blue line shows the forecasting results using the n=3 moving average method.
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Halal Industries (JIEHIS) P-ISSN 2722-8150
Vol. 3 No. 2 Desember 2022 E-ISSN 2722-8142
1. Based on the demand graph, it is known that the pattern of demand for electric batik stoves at
CV ABC shows fluctuating market demand. This can be judged from the data from January
2020 to December 2020, which tended to fluctuate. For the type A-AS 001 stove, the highest
demand was in October for 552 pcs, and the lowest demand was in July for 0 pcs.
2. Based on the criteria for the lowest error value through the MAD, MSE, and MAPE values
which are based on the fact that the smaller the error value, the more accurate the results. The
results showed three samples of stoves, namely, type A-AS001 with a MAD value of 118.16,
an MSE value of 44015.27, and a MAPE value of 3.93. The type A-AS002 stove shows a MAD
value of 7.81, an MSE value of 92.23, and a MAPE value of 0.27. The type A-SD001 stove has
a MAD value of 16.16, an MSE value of 550.75, and a MAPE value of 3.72..
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