8 Paper
8 Paper
8 Paper
ICECA 2021
Abstract— Over the past decades, increasing traffic volume light is empty, traffic control system sitting idle and thus
poses many challenges, dynamic traffic light management is one completely fail to be utilized own resources efficiently. This
of them. Unlike foreign countries, road traffic conditions of India happens because of fixed and same switching time of all the
are heterogeneous due to which detection, counting and traffic lights. In view of above scenario, we can switch to green
classification of vehicles in real-time has become difficult. Due to
fixed and predefined nature of traffic light switching traffic
signal for maximum time where density of traffic is high and
congestion is often. In nutshell, an improved and optimized minimum time where density of traffic is low, then this might
traffic control system is required. Introducing Beagle Bone solve problem.
Black/Rasp Pi to the traffic light system provides numerous
Many attempts were made to transform a traditional traffic
customizations to turn a traditional traffic light into a smart one.
To control traffic at road intersections, system containing
light into smarter one, but these attempts are either sensor-
microcontroller is established on traffic light. Image processing based or manual. Introducing Microcontroller to the traffic
algorithms, such as Haar Cascade and Background Subtraction light helps in applying algorithmic approach to traffic light to
are used to control timer. We have developed traffic control make it smarter in real-time. Image processing algorithm, such
system model for the main intersections of road. The real-time as Haar-cascade and Background subtraction is used for
traffic image, traffic density and other statistics will be sent to dealing with different conditions. These algorithm needs a
server. The data can be broadcasted from server at any time on training period and could be made more accurate. This
demand through digital solutions. The device gives a forecasted approach will allow the traffic timer to change in real-time. In
route to user by contacting different traffic lights on the way of
order to give a real-time view of the upcoming traffic light,
user. The motto of this research is to handle varied traffic
situations efficiently and to save time and money of user.
Region of Influence concept was created, which allows user to
fetch data and statistics from the upcoming traffic light directly
Index Terms— Intelligent Systems, Traffic Control, Traffic and to decide better route. By one click user can receive all the
Lights, Traffic Statistics, Microcontrollers, Real Time Systems statistics and data along with real-time images from the traffic
light, in layman language traffic light is directly
communicating user.
I. INTRODUCTION The paper is organized as follows: section II explains the
Traffic mobbing is a major problem in developed design of the system. Section III discusses the working of the
cities. In this traffic mobbing scenarios peoples are wasting system. Section IV is the result of experimentation. Section V
vehicles fuel and unable to utilized their time [1]. High concludes the paper. Finally, section VI gives future scope of
utilization of present road capacity by managing traffic the project followed by the acknowledgement and key
efficiently is very important. Due to these traffic congestion references used in the research work.
people’s daily schedules getting disturbed as well as some are
going through critical cases [3][5]. If we take example of
ambulance having patient in critical conditions and if there is II. SYSTEM DESIGN
traffic jam on that road, then there are high chances that
ambulance will not be able to reach hospital in time. Due to The work is divided into 4 parts. The first part is to process the
situations like these human lives are in danger. That’s why video signal and image acquisition from fixed camera using
there is need of dynamic intelligent traffic control system who Image Processing. Microcontroller will do the processing part.
can able to handle these traffic conditions efficiently to The second part is to change the timer according to the traffic
circumvent traffic crowding and accidents situations [4][5]. density. The third part is to send all the data to server (in
Current traffic lights control system is ineffective because particular timestamp). Finally, in the last part user can make
signal switching time is predefined and not based on vehicle use of that data according to their needs through an App. The
density. Let’s assume a situation where your vehicle is standing overall block diagram of the proposed system is illustrated
idly before red traffic light, while the lane with green traffic below.
III. WORKING AND EXPERIMENTATION algorithms. These timers are managed and coordinated in such
In this paper, we were used two algorithms to manage a way that waiting time of vehicles will be reduced. If the
traffic signal lights [2]. We have implemented these in vehicle density is at its peak, then timer will be green for
OpenCV: Trained Haar Cascade and Background Subtraction maximum time limit and if there is no traffic then also timer
Algorithms. Haar Cascade uses Haar-classifiers to recognize will be green but for minimum limit (for very less time).
objects as per the algorithm. Through object recognition, total
number of vehicles in-front of the traffic light can be found out.
The count of heterogeneous vehicles such as Bicycle, Scooter,
Bike, Car, Bus, Truck etc. is given to the microprocessor.
According to the count, Microprocessor changes the timer of
the traffic light which will give the dynamic time according to
the traffic density present on lane. Haar Cascade needs to be
trained for accurate results, this training takes some time.
Second Method is Background Subtraction, in which a
reference image is selected in which there were no single
vehicle & matching the real-time images with that reference
image. Traffic lights are controlled based on the percentage
change. For timer count, there will be a maximum and
minimum limit, so that only the dense populated road does not
get whole privilege. Meanwhile, real time image, timer count,
vehicle density, time taken to get out of that traffic light and
other statistics are sent to the server. If the user wants to check
the live status of the traffic light just by sitting at home, then he
is allowed to do so. By the help of this, user have the advantage
to take the minimal time taking path. Fig. 2. Haar Cascade Algorithm Applied on running Video
If the user is headed towards its destination, then during his
journey he can get the live updates by using GPS (global Background Subtraction is also algorithm of OpenCV as
positioning system) technology. For this, a region of influence shown in Fig.3, in which firstly cropping of the unwanted area
is set around a traffic light using longitude and latitude and is done then contours were made of the cars present on the
that region is drawn in such a way that user will have the road. These contours would have different color than that the
choice of taking that path as well as alternative path. When color of background color. A reference image of road without
user enters the region then he will automatically get the real- vehicles was taken and it is used to subtract the background.
time image and statistics of the upcoming traffic light. Along The area in which cars are present on the road are subtracted
with that user will be provided with the less time taking path, from empty road. Remaining area is the area of the empty
so that traffic can be diverted to other empty traffic light also. road, as shown in Fig. From this algorithm that area can be
With the help of Microcontroller, Image processing, GPS and extracted out where the vehicle is not present and the timer
Android App, traffic problem at the intersection can be solved can be changed accordingly. In Fig. 2, Haar Cascade
out. Microcontroller will do the processing part. The second Algorithm is used, which can be made more accurate by
part is to change the timer according to the traffic density. The training Haar classifier. This classifier is used to make the
third part is to send all the data to server timestamp. Finally, in algorithm more perfect.
the last part user can make use of that data according to their
needs through an App. The overall block diagram of the
proposed system is illustrated below.
If user selects any path then a map is given to the user,
which contains red marks, where this system is installed. If the
user clicks on any of the red mark, then whole details and Fig. 5. Average Waiting Time of Vehicles in Front of Traffic Light
statistics of the traffic light will be given to the user as shown
in Fig.4. The area around traffic light is called the ‘REGION The graph is drawn by experimental calculations of traffic
OF INFLUENCE’ as shown by the encircled area in Fig.4. light of Pune. This is the average time wasted by vehicles
When the user enters the influence region, a notification will because of inefficient traffic management system. Using above
pop up into the user’s mobile which shows the real-time image algorithms can make easy and efficient management of traffic
and other statistics of the upcoming traffic light. Along with at intersection. From Fig.5, another result can be deducted that
that, most suitable and less time taking path will be given to the peak hours are from 8AM to 11AM and 6PM to 8PM, where
user. This region is set according to user’s requirement, so that the waiting time of vehicles is the most and this is the time
user will have the option to either take that path or to choose where vehicular density is high. So, to make system well
another path. Suitable path will be decided by taking all the organized, traffic needs to be maintained efficiently.
other traffic lights into consideration coming to user’s path.
This GPS system will be established by using longitude and TABLE I. COMPOSITION OF TRAFFIC
latitude of the traffic light. By this way traffic light can directly
communicate the end user and can send and receive data. This
part is an add-on to the project. 2-wheeler 53%
Cycle 1%
Auto 11%
Car 22%
Bus 9%
Trucks 4%
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appropriate algorithms, exact time between source and
destination can be found out with the help of real time speeds
of vehicle since we have the exact time of vehicle to pass
through that traffic light. Moreover, this system can also be
used by government, local bodies and police authorities for
security purpose or for any estimation.
Authors want to give special thanks to HoD Computer
Department, Army Institute of Technology, Pune for their
enormous support and help. All the facilities and financial
support provided by the institution for the research work are
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