Barow Et Al - 2017 - Oculogyric Crises
Barow Et Al - 2017 - Oculogyric Crises
Barow Et Al - 2017 - Oculogyric Crises
Ewgenia Barow1 MD; Susanne A. Schneider2 MD, PhD; Kailash P. Bhatia3 MD;
Christos Ganos1,3 MD
Corresponding Author:
Department of Neurology
Martinistraße 52
20251 Hamburg
Number of tables: 2
conjugate and typically upward deviation of the eyes lasting from seconds to hours. It
was initially observed in patients with postencephalitic parkinsonism, but since then a
number of conditions have been associated with OGC. These include drug-induced
reactions, hereditary and sporadic movement disorders, and focal brain lesions. Here,
we systematically review the literature and discuss the spectrum of disorders associated
with OGC in order to aid clinicians place this rare but distinctive clinical sign into the
dystonic, conjugate and typically upward deviation of the eyes lasting from seconds to
hours [1]. Oculogyric crises were first described in patients with parkinsonism
following the epidemy of encephalitis lethargica (Economo’s disease) during the 1910-
1930s [2]. Since then, OGCs have been reported in association with numerous
Although commonly reported as acute disorder, OGC may also occur within weeks or
even months after an inciting event [1, 8-10]. Clinical presentation may vary from very
brief and subtle eye deviation as an isolated symptom to more severe and even painful
pressure and heart rate. Episodes generally last minutes, but may range from seconds
to hours. In addition, psychiatric symptoms such as agitation and anxiety, but also
body schema, catatonic symptoms, mood disorders such as depression or mania and
Oculogyric crises are not life threatening. However, they often present a source of
distress for patients and their environment. Due to their rarity and variable clinical
exacerbation of psychotic illness [11, 13]. Oculogyric crises are non epileptic eye
tonic eye deviations within the context of epileptic seizures (i.e. thorough history and
clinical observation for features suggestive of an epileptic event and EEG), but also
from oculogyric tics, as part of tics disorders [15, 16]. Oculogyric crises should also be
childhood-onset and episodic tonic upward deviation of the eyes, neck flexion
[17]. Indeed, the recognition of OGCs is a useful clinical sign to guide the diagnostic
procedure, leading in turn to appropriate counceling and treatment. To date, there has
been no systematic study to assess the spectrum of conditions reported to occur with
words oculogyric eye movements, oculogyric crisis/crises, tonic eye deviation, tonic
gaze deviation and all combinations of these. Only articles with publication of original
cited in relevant articles and their bibliographies were also checked and considered if
fulfilling the criteria for this review. After removal of articles without abstract,
duplicates and opinions/comments about articles, all abstracts and full texts if available
According to our inclusion and exclusion criteria 147 publications reporting the clinical
characteristics of 394 patients with OGCs were identified. Based on our results, three
crises as a result of focal brain lesions. Following, we present the clinical characteristics
1. Drug-induced OGC
The majority of the reported OGC cases were drug-induced, most commonly as adverse
drugs inducing OGCs is provided in table 1). Among the 175 reported patients the
median age was 22 years (range: seven months to 54 years), with a 1:1 male/female
Sixtyeight percent of all reported patients (median age: 24 years; range: five to 47 years)
with drug-induced OGCs we could identify were due to neuroleptics. In this context
neuroleptics (i.e. OGC as a tarvide dystonic reaction) [8, 18]. Both typical and atypical
neuroleptics induced OGCs, however the use of typical neuroleptics and OGCs was
more commonly reported (63 patients in 15 articles for typicals versus 32 patients in 21
articles for atypicals; the exact neuroleptic agent was not reported for 24 remaining
cases). Younger age, male sex, dose increase of an existing pharmacological agent or
the introduction of a new agent were reported as associated risk factors [19-22].
We found nine articles reporting OGCs in ten female patients and one male patient
single cases associated with intake of clebopride, ondansetron and droperidol [29-31].
Thirteen patients in seven different articles were identified reporting OGCs as a result
of treatment with anticonvulsants. The five male and five female patients (the gender
of the remaining three patients was not reported) had a median age of 26 years (range:
[36], gabapentin (two patients) [37], and oxcarbazepine (one patient) [38] are described.
All patients were treated for epilepsy with or without mental retardation. In most
Oculogyric crises were also reported in association with antidepressants (four articles,
three female and one male patients; median age: 28 years; range: ten to 44 years). Three
reported the induction of OGCs by imipramine, one of the first tricyclic antidepressants
Further case reports and case series (13 articles, 24 patients; median age: 15 years;
range: seven months to 54 years) described OGCs after intake of cetirizine (number of
patients; n=9) [43], organophosphate poisoning (n=3) [44], tetrabenazine (n=2) [45, 46],
L-dopa (n=2) [47], lithium (n=1) [48], tensilon (n=1) [49], cefexime (n=1) [50],
pentazocine (n=1) [51], nifedipine (n=1) [52], isotretinoin (n=1) [53], phencyclidine
the triggering agent; and continuation of OGCs without further exposure is generally
not seen.
Schneider and collegues, however, observed OGCs in three patients in whom episodes
of OGCs, initially triggered by a single dose of haloperidol (in two cases) or a single
dose of metoclopramide (in one case), continued spontaneously despite withdrawal [9].
On the other hand, Mendhekar and Duggal described a female patient with mental
retardation and aggressive behavior who developed OGCs only after abrupt
Oculogyric crises have also been described during off-periods of L-dopa treatment in
The second most common association of OGCs was with hereditary and sporadic
movement disorders (complete list of all disorders is provided in table 2). In total 57
articles with 207 patients were identified with a median age of 23 years (two months to
92 years) and 1:1.3 male/female ratio (64 males, 83 females; 60 patients no gender
Disorders of dopamine metabolism are the most common metabolic cause of OGCs,
which may be a clue towards the pathophysiology (see below). The literature review
revealed 103 cases (in 28 reports). This included deficiency of aromatic L-amino acid
65] (n=19; median age: 10 years; range: three to 23 years), tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)
disorders with similar phenotypic features [4]. In more detail, for AADC, reported
patients were mostly infants and children (median age: five years; range: two months
Oculogyric crises were reported in 22 female patients with Rett syndrome [73], six
patients (median: nine years; range: three to 16 years) with mutations at the SLC18A2
neurons [74, 75] and three cases of Kufor Rakeb disease due to mutations in ATP13A2
[76, 77]. Further, OGCs were described in two cases with neuronal intranuclear
inclusion disease (NIID) [78, 79]. Oculogyric crises have also been associated with
neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation due to mutations in PLA2G6 [80] and
pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration (PKAN) [81].Interestingly, in the
two cases of PLA2G6 neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation, OGCs occurred
in the dopaminergic ON state, and this has been suggested as a helpful clinical hint to
differentiate this type of disorder from other brain iron accumulation syndromes[80].
Pathogenic mutations in GRIN I gene, encoding for the GluN1 subunit of the ionotropic
movement disorders, to include chorea and myoclonus [82]. MRI images show
atrophy. Oculogyric crises have been described in two such cases [82].
the basal ganglia and cerebellum (H-ABC) syndrome [83], rapid-onset dystonia
parkinsonism due to mutations in the ATP1A3 gene [84], Perry syndrome [85],
parkinsonism [88].
parkinsonian patients (number of patients: n=54; median age: 35 years; range: eight to
92 years), as a result of encephalitis lethargica (EL) (n=48) [14, 89-94], EL-like illness
(n=1) [95] or Japanese Encephalitis (n=1) [96]. Oculogyric crises were further reported
in patients with young-onset (n=1) [97] and juvenile onset parkinsonism (n=2)[88, 98],
with OGCs. Movements described as OGCs have also been more recently described in
Twelve single case reports of OGCs occurring as a result of focal brain lesions were
also identified. They included lesions of the brainstem caused by herpetic encephalitis
[7], the dorsal midbrain area (mesencephalic locomotor region) [103], the substantia
nigra [6], the posterior third ventricle affected by a cystic glioma [104] and the basal
ganglia [105, 106], [107]. Also two patients with either multifocal drug-induced
OGCs [108, 109]. However, in both of these cases additional factors may have
contributed to the development of OGCs. Finally, OGCs have also been reported most
likely in association with focal lesions caused by neurosyphilis and multiple sclerosis
conditions associated with OGCs and the diversity of clinical presentations, there
OGCs. First, in all reviewed cases where OGCs were clearly a result of focal brain
lesions, damage was reported either to the basal ganglia or the midbrain, and thereby
are also directly related to either neurochemical (e.g. AADC and others [4]) or
syndrome [85]) and typically manifest with parkinsonian and/or dystonic symptoms. It,
epicentre of OGCs.
muscle dystonia” [100], it has been often proposed that OGCs, as other acute drug-
cholinergic inputs within the striatum. Indeed, striatal dopaminergic input is known to
not be the sole pathophysiological explaination for all OGC cases. For example, the
more recently the hypothesis of maladaptive synaptic plasticity have been proposed to
explain the presence of tardive involuntary movements [115]. However, robust
humans are lacking. Moreover, it is unclear, whether tardive OGCs share similar
Similarly, the pathophysiology of OGCs related to drugs, not directly associated with
dopaminergic function, as for example SSRIs also remains unclear. Several hypotheses
these hypotheses have been linked to SSRI-induced dystonic reactions. However, most
of these hypotheses are not supported by direct experimental data in humans, nor
Taken together, although the vast majority of conditions associated with OGCs are
Treatment strategies are variable and depend on the aetiology of OGCs. In drug-
induced OGCs the first step of management should include removing or, if not possible,
reducing the dose of the offending agent [10, 119]. In acute cases, administration of
anticholinergics, such as benztropine (e.g. 2mg intravenous) and biperiden (e.g. 5mg
repeated after 15-30 minutes [119-122]. To avoid re-occurance of symptoms over the
ensuing time frame oral administration of anticholinergics for at least 4-7 days is
approach for cases seen outside the emergency setting. In cases of persistent lack of
response oral treatment with benzodiazepines such as clonazepam (e.g. 0.5-4 mg) might
provide symptom relief [123]. In cases of tardive OGCs the aforementioned agents
clozapine might be required [124, 125]. However, it should be noted that treatment
Treatment of OGCs with L-dopa may also be successful in patients with parkinsonism
including idiopathic Parkinson’s disease with OGCs related to wearing off [57, 58]; but
also in other conditions such as Kufor Rakeb disease [76], NIID [78] and PKAN-
to elicit OGCs in patients with parkinsonism as peak-dose phenomenon and hence some
[14]. Benztropine has also been reported to alleviate symptoms in patients with EL-like
illness [95].
In OGCs associated with focal brain lesions (e.g. striatocapsular infarction [105],
pallidonigral lesion [6], lentiform nuclei [107]) the use of anticholinergics has been
The spectrum of conditions associated with OGCs is wide and encompasses three main
movement disorders, 3. disorders related to focal brain lesions. The common basis of
(i.e. removal of triggering factors; avoidance of further exposure). In the acute phase
Indeed, the systematic analysis of the data presented here also revealed several
conditions, but this remains largely underexplored and, therefore, poorly understood.
While attempts have been made to delinate differences between associated phenomena,
such as psychiatric and autonomic symptoms in some of the conditions presenting with
OGCs [11], this has been based on retrospective literature reviews and there are no
Hence, to date, no predictors have been identified regarding which patients could be
susceptible to developing OGCs, under which conditions and how severe their clinical
mechanisms of OGCs. Indeed, although our systematic review provides evidence that
both the dopaminergic and cholinergic system are involved in the pathophysiology of
OGCs, the exact mechanisms, including functional neuroanatomic and
functional neuroimaging will be helpful to shed further light on these matters. Indeed,
addressing the aforementioned questions will inevitably lead to better patient care.
but distinct pathophysiologies we provide here is a first step towards understanding the
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Author roles:
1. (A) Conception and design of the study, (B) acquisition of data, (C) analysis and
interpretation of data
2. (A) Drafting the article, (B) revising it critically for important intellectual content
3. Final approval of the version to be submitted.
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Author disclosures:
the Eva Luise und Horst Köhler-Stiftung and royalties from Springer.
Kailash P. Bhatia receives royalties from publication of the Oxford Specialist Handbook
Parkinson's Disease and Other Movement Disorders (Oxford University Press, 2008) and of
Marsden's Book of Movement Disorders (Oxford University Press, 2012). He received funding
for travel from GlaxoSmithKline, Orion Corporation, Ipsen and Merz Pharmaceuticals.