Leave 19th - Barclays
Leave 19th - Barclays
Leave 19th - Barclays
Online Assessments
1 message
You have reached the next stage in the assessment process in your application to the position of Technology Summer
Intern Programme 2024 EG - 00284806 that requires an online assessment.
You are scheduled to complete your assessment on our Experience Platform on April 19th, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
(your local time). Please ensure you allocate this time slot in your schedule to fully engage with the assessment.
Further details and instructions will be provided on the platform before you begin. If you require any accommodations or
adjustments for the assessment, please contact us by emailing [email protected] as soon as
You have until the end of April 19th to complete this stage of the process. Failure to do so may result in the withdrawal
of your application.
If you are prompted to enter log-in credentials, please use your username and password you created when you applied.
If you would like further information about online assessments, including how to troubleshoot problems, then please
click here. If you cannot find the information you require or need more support, then please contact us by emailing
[email protected]
Technical Guidance
For the best experience, you should access the assessments using a common operating system and browser. To find
out if your browser is supported, click here.
Kind regards,
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4/18/24, 8:48 PM Gmail - Online Assessments
Barclays Talent Acquisition
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