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1 author:
Vishal Kumbhar
Dr. Daulatrao Aher College of Engineering, Karad
All content following this page was uploaded by Vishal Kumbhar on 04 July 2018.
Review Article
In the recent days, the various fibers develop and used in the construction, industrial and highway engineering. The
steel is mainly used in that various application. Also fiber glass polythene fibers, carbon fibers, polyamide fibers are
now developed and also used in construction, industrial and infrastructure development. In that list new one fiber is
added, called, as basalt rock fibers.
Basalt originates from volcanic magma and flood volcanoes, a very hot fluid or semi-fluid material under the
earth crust, solidified in the open air. Basalt is the name given to a wide variety of volcanic rock, which is gray.
Brown or dark in colour, formed from volcanic lava after solidification.
The heavily thickened lavas contain olivine, clino-pyroxene (salite), plagioclase and opaque metal oxides.
Plageocene and pyroxene make up 80% of many types of basalts. Table 1.1 shows the results of the chemical analysis
of the basalt rock [2].
Because of good hardness and thermal properties, basalt has been used in the construction, industrial and
highway engineering, in the form of crushed rock. It is used as surfacing and filling in roads, the floor tiles in the
construction and as the lining material in the pipes for transporting the hot fluids. This can be major replacement to the
asbestos, which possess health hazards by damaging respiratory systems.
However, it is not commonly known that basalt can be used in manufacturing and made into fine, superfine
ultrafine fibers. Basalt is an alternative raw material for fiber forming because of its relatively homogeneous chemical
structure, its large scale availability throughout the world, its freedom from impurities and of course, its ability to form
fibers in the molten state.
Basalt fiber offer prospect of completely new range of composite materials and product. Low cost high
performance fibers offer potential to solve the largest problem in the cement and concrete industry, cracking and
structural failure of concrete. They have potential to high performance and cost effectively replace of fiberglass, steel
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fiber, polyamide fiber and carbon fiber product in many applications. 1 Kg basalt fiber replaces 9.6 Kg steel
reinforcement. [6]
Chemical %W
SiO2 52.8
Al2O3 17.5
Fe2O3 10.3
MgO 4.63
CaO 8.59
Na2O 3.34
K2O 1.46
TiO2 1.38
P2O5 0.28
MnO 0.16
Cr2O3 0.06
Crushed rock material are charged into bath type melting furnace by a dozing charger, which is heated using
air gas mixture or electrically. Crushed rocks are converted into melt under temperature 1285 0C to 14500C in the
furnace bath. Molten basalt flows from furnace to feeder through feeder channel and feeder window communicate to
recuperate. The feeder has a window with a flange connected o slot type bushing and is heated by furnace waste gases
or by electrically. The melt flows through platinum-rhodium bushing with 200 holes which is heated electrically. The
fibers are drawn from melt under hydrostatic pressure and subsequently cooled to get hardened filaments.
A sizing liquid with components to impart strand integrity, lubricity and resin compatibility is applied, and
then filaments are collected together to form ‘strand’ and forwarded to take up devices to wound on forming tube.
By varying the drawing speed of the fiber and temperature of the melt, fibers of wide size range could be
produced. For example, a drawing speed of 12m/s and nozzle temperature of 13250C a fiber of 7 micron were
produced while at 4m/s and 12850C a fiber of 17 micron was produced.
Mechanical Strength
Basalt fiber has tensile strength 3000-4840 M Pa, which is higher than E-glass fiber. It has higher stiffness and
strength than E-glass fiber. Basalt fiber has slightly higher specific gravity, 2.6 – 2.8 g/cc, than other fibers.
Chemical Resistance
Basalt fibers have very good resistance against alkaline environment, with the capability to withstand pH up to 13-14.
It also has good acid and salt resistance.
Abrasion Property
Basalt material is extremely hard and has hardness values between 5 to 9 on Mohr’s scale, which results in better
abrasion property. Even continuous abrasion of the basalt fiber-woven fabrics over the propeller type abraders do not
result in the splitting of fiber by fracture and results only in breaking of individual fibers from woven structure which
eliminates possibility of causing hazards.
Ecological Friendliness
Basalt fibers have natural raw material, which is basalt rock it does not cause any damage to the health. Basalt fiber
has no biological hazards and solves waste disposal problems. It does not clog incinerator as glass. Hence, it is
incinerator friendly.
Table 4.1 and 4.2 shows comparison of Basalt fibers and other fibers
Table 4.1 Mechanical and Thermal Characteristics and Cost Comparison (Note: 1 Dollar = Rs.60/-)
Table 4.2 Comparative % Weight loss after 3 hours boiling of CBF Fibers and Glass fibers in different Chemicals
Figure 5.1 to figure 5.9 shows various products of basalt fibers. Continuous basalt filaments have following
primary products such as Continuous basalt fibers, Chopped fibers, CBF roving, CBF yarns [7and 8]
By using these primary products the secondary products are produced such as Basalt rebar, Basalt geo-textile,
Basalt mesh, Basalt fiber pipes, and Basalt laminates.
Fig 5.1 CBF Filaments Fig 5.2 Copped fibers Fig 5.3 CBF roving
Fig 5.4 CBF yarns Fig 5.5 Basalt rebar Fig 5.6 Basalt geo-textile
CBF products are used in various applications. They are as follows-
Fig 5.7 Basalt fibers pipes Fig 5.8 Basalt fibers mesh Fig 5.9 Basalt fiber fabric
Concrete reinforcement
Requirement of the moderate strengthening in the civil structures & high fire resistance can be met with basalt fibers.
Basalt filaments incorporated unidirectional rods are used as the reinforcement of concrete slabs in hydraulic
engineering and construction in seismically hazardous regions. It is also used in reinforcement for bridges, tunnels,
railway sleepers etc.
The basalt rebar consisting of 80% of basalt fiber with on epoxy binder offer better mechanical property to the
reinforced concrete & are less expensive. Basalt rebar have same coefficient of thermal expansion (8 ppm/ 0C) as that
of concrete, which increases the compatibility & performance in adverse conditions.
In the accelerated weathering tests, basalt fiber shows better results as compared to glass fibers. Exposed to
6000C for 2 hours also results in almost retention of 90% of normal strength while carbon fiber and glass fibers loss
their volumetric integrity.
Chopped fibers are used in cement concrete which increases crack resistance and fracture toughness of
concrete. It does not give any adverse effect in concrete mixing.
Building material
Basalt fibers can also be used in the interiors, partitioning of buildings, fire proof doors, and sound insulations for the
building. They have better sound insulation property. It can act as a barrier in the frequency range up to 1800Hz to the
extent of 80% to 95% [5]. It is also used as and warmed panels for construction of prefabricated houses such as
roofing. Basalt fibers have better thermal insulating properties, almost three times than the asbestos. Basalt fabrics are
used as fire blocking material in the public transport systems. Both woven as well as knitted fabrics are used for these
It is used in port construction and sea platforms because of better chemical and salt resistance property and
also for environment safety.
Road construction
Basalt geo-mesh offers a number of advantages over glass and metal mesh for the pavement reinforcement. They are
ecological safe and can withstand very high temperature of molten asphalt. The basalt geo-meshes are chemically inert
and lighter than metallic meshes. They are also safe in tunnel lining work. Basalt geo-textile is suitable for soil and
embankment stabilization and environmental and ecological safety.
Basalt fibers can be used in the various agricultural applications like, land drainage pipes, pies for irrigation and
hosing. Also it is used in agricultural machine construction.
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Case Study
Case study shows an experimental result. Preliminary findings from recent research on concrete beams reinforced
with BFRP bars are presented by one research person. The average tensile strength and modulus of elasticity of BFRP
bars were determined from the test program and were found to be about 1090.2 M Pa and 42.78 G Pa respectively.
Beam Test
Thirteen test beams were tested over a span of 5 feet. The moment strength of concrete beams reinforced with BFRP
(Basalt Fibers Reinforced Polymer) bars was found to be consistent with mechanical properties of BFRP bars. The
design recommendations of ACI440.1R-06 are mostly adequate to predict the moment strength of concrete beams
reinforced with BFRP bars. However, research needs also exist in the area of shear strength and durability of BFRP
reinforced concrete members. The research presented in this paper was funded by Reforce Tech AS, Norway.
Test Result
It can be seen that most beams were able to achieve the moment strength that is predicted using ACI440.1R-06
method that is applicable to other common type of FRP. The preliminary research indicates that BFRP bars are
performing well than other types of common bars. A summary of test results is shown in table 6.1 [1].
1) Basalt can be used in manufacturing and made into fine, superfine ultrafine fibers. Basalt is an alternative raw
material for fiber forming because of its relatively homogeneous chemical structure, its large scale availability
throughout the world, its freedom from impurities and of course, its ability to form fibers in the molten state.
2) Basalt Rock fibers have no toxic reaction with air or water, are non-combustible. When in contact with other
chemicals they produce no chemical reactions that may damage health or the environment. So it is ecological
friendly material.
3) Basalt rock fibers have new range of material in building construction, road construction, concrete industry and
agriculture field. They have potential to high performance and cost effectively replace of fiberglass, steel and
carbon fiber product in many applications. As per case study, concrete beam reinforced with BFRP bars
achieved tensile strengths that are consisting with the relevant properties of the constituent materials. Concrete
beams reinforced with BFRP bars behave in ductile manner exhibiting large deflection at failure.
4) Basalt is well known as a rock found in virtually every country round the world. Basalt rock is more in India
(especially in Maharashtra). The cost of basalt is 10 times lower than that of raw materials for fiberglass. Basalt
is more available than any other raw material.
Thus, it is possible to install this technology in India (Maharashtra).
[1] Dr. Patnaik Anil, “Applications of Basalt Fibers Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) Reinforcement for Transportation
Infrastructure”, Developing a Research Agenda for Transportation Infrastructure – TRB, November 2009, 1-5.
[2] Dr. Sergey Osnos, “Basalt continuous fiber: development of technologies and equipment from the past to the
present”, Basalt Fiber & Composite Materials Technology Development Company, China.
[3] Murray Allan D.,” Basalt Fibers for high-performance composites”, Allied composite Technologies LLC, 1-4.
[4] Saravanan D., “Spinning of rocks – Basalt fibers”, Institute of Engineers (India) Journal, volume 82, February
2006, 39-45.
[5] Sheldon G. L., “Forming fibers from basalt rock”, platinum metal review, 1977, 18-24.
[6] Singha Kunal “A Short Review on Basalt Fiber”, International Journal of Textile Science, volume 1 (4), 2012, 19-
[7] Basaltex Pvt. Ltd., “Basalt continuous fiber: development of technologies from the past to present”, 1-6.
[8] Basalt information, “Aketoma – Basalt fabrics, tubes, Mesh, rods etc.”, (
© 2014, by the Authors. The articles published from this journal are distributed to Publication History
the public under “Creative Commons Attribution License” Received 12th Nov 2014
( Therefore, upon proper citation of Revised 08th Dec 2014
the original work, all the articles can be used without any restriction or can be Accepted 08th Dec 2014
distributed in any medium in any form. Online 30th Dec 2014