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Konvergensi Komunikasi Dan Inovasi Sebagai Modal Sosial Penanganan Stunting

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vol 8 no.

2, December 2023
Available at:
https://ejournal.unida.gontor.ac.id/index.php/ettisal P-ISSN 2503-1880
http://dx.doi.org/10.21111/ejoc.v8i2.10741 E-ISSN 2599-3240

Konvergensi Komunikasi dan Inovasi Sebagai

Modal Sosial Penanganan Stunting
Andri Kurniawan
Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram
Jalan Gajah Mada No.100, Jempong Baru, Sekarbela, Kota Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, 83116, Indonesia
[email protected]

Permasalahan stunting masih menjadi isu krisis global dengan berbagai upaya yang dilakukan
oleh sektor pemerintahan. kurangnya literasi masyarakat membuat kasus stunting pada tahun
2022 di Lombok Timur mencapai 35,6%. Berbagai Regulasi yang dilakukan mulai dari Perbup
sampai Perdes terkait stunting perlu dikomunikasikan lebih intens dan interaktif. Penelitian ini
fokus terhadap pola komunikasi dan inovasi yang dilakukan dalam analisis struktural fungsional,
dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif fenomenologi melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi
dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola komunikasi yang dilakukan adalah
paola rantai (chain) ataukomunikasi hierarki dan pola komunikasi Y melalui perantara staf atau
pihak ketiga dengan model komunikasi Shannon & Weaver dalam proses penyampaian informasi.
Inovasi program dilakukan seperti sawer telur oleh UPTD, membentuk PIKR dan Tribina (Bina
Keluarga Balita, Lansia dan Remaja) oleh tim pendamping keluarga (TPK). Melalui analisis AGIL
Talcott Parsons, keterlibatan semua pihak (integreated action) belum maksimal termasuk tokoh
agama (Tuan Guru) dengan pengaruh yang cukup besar di masyarakat.

Kata Kunci: Konvergensi Komunikasi, Pola Komunikasi, Inovasi, Stunting, Struktural Fungsional.

Submitted: 24-09-2023 Accepted: 13-03-2024 Published: 16-03-2024

Convergence of Communication and Innovation as

Social Capital for Handling Stunting
Despite several efforts made by the government sector, the issue of stunting remains a global crisis.
In East Lombok, stunting cases will reach 35.6% in 2022 due to a lack of public literacy. It is necessary to
communicate various stunting-related regulations, like the regent regulation (Perbup) and village regulation
(Perdes), more aggressively and intensely. This study employs phenomenological qualitative approaches,
including in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation, to examine communication innovations and
trends in functional structural analysis. The findings demonstrated that the communication patterns used in
the information delivery process were chain or hierarchical and Y communication patterns through intermediary
personnel or third parties. Program innovations include the creation of PIKR and Tribina (Toddler Family
Development, Elderly and Adolescents) by the family assistance team (TPK) and the egg sawer by UPTD.
According to Talcott Parsons’ AGIL analysis, the community’s influential religious leaders (Tuan Guru),
who have a significant amount of power, have not been fully involved in the process (integrated action).

Keywords: Communication Convergence, Communication Patterns, Innovation, Stunting, Structural


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INTRODUCTION only the health sector but also those of food

security, drinking water and sanitation,
The packaged snacks and other meals
parenting and early childhood education,
that are high in artificial sweeteners and
social protection, and nutrition. To ensure
unnutritional preservatives are a major
contributor to the relatively unhealthy that the goal is reached by all stunting
lifestyle that prevails in today’s culture. reduction measures, the acceleration of
Numerous children and adults have this stunting reduction is also carried out in
condition, which has obvious effects that a converging manner. It encompasses 23
might impede growth, development, and Ministries/Institutions (among which is the
health, such as undernutrition (stunting). Ministry of Social Affairs) at the central level
Stunting is a problem that affects the entire and incorporates actions such as thematic
world community (UNICEF, 2019). Many labeling of stunting in the budgeting
nations are making significant efforts to and planning systems of Ministries and
reduce the frequency of stunting using a Institutions. At the provincial, district,
variety of strategies. There is no exception and kedsxczota levels via eight integration
to the efforts made by the West Nusa actions and the incorporation of activities
Tenggara Provincial Government through into planning and budget papers. The usage
coordinated initiatives and oversight. of village funding and homes with under-
Since it affects societal welfare, the five children (1,000 HPK) are the focus of
problem of stunting is one that should village-level initiatives (Tampubolon, 2021)
be seriously studied by every member of In Indonesia, the prevalence of stunting
society, especially policymakers. The issue has fluctuated year over year. According
of stunting will have a significant influence to the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas)
on human health and growth, especially the findings from 2018, Indonesia has a 30.8%
brain, if not carefully addressed. incidence of stunting. According to the data,
Indonesia, which is expected to there were less cases of stunting in 2018
experience a demographic bonus period in than there were in 2013 (37.2%) (4). One of
2020–2035 and its peak in 2028–2030, would the provinces having a high prevalence of
undoubtedly suffer from subpar cognitive stunting is South Kalimantan Province. As of
levels and low productivity. Demographic January 31, 2022, Banjar Regency ranks third
bonus refers to the circumstance where out of 13 districts/cities in South Kalimantan
the ratio of the total population of the in terms of the prevalence of stunting, with
productive population (aged 15 to 64 48.2% (Hidayat et al., 2022; Widniah et al.,
years) is larger than the number of the non- 2022 ; Balitbang, 2022).
productive population (aged less than 15 The mother is one of the main
years and 65 years and over) (Bender, 2022). contributors to stunting. Mothers are crucial
The national stunting prevention allies in the fight against nutrition issues,
policy is carried out through a multi-sectoral especially when it comes to family nutrition
approach that integrates all stakeholders intake, from food preparation to ingredient
from the central, regional, and village levels. selection to menu planning. Children born
The multi-sector strategy encompasses not to mothers who are in good nutritional

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condition will be well-fed. The family’s is to give pregnant women with Chronic
ability to provide for the children’s dietary Energy Deficiency (KEK) extra food and
demands both in terms of quantity and to give them blood supplement tablets. 90
nutritional value has a significant impact items altogether, including extra meals for
on their nutritional status. Underweight expectant mothers and mosquito netting to
and shortness are more common in families protect them from malaria.
with relatively steady incomes than in Increasing family understanding of the
families with unpredictable income. It is importance of focusing on their children’s
well recognized that an ideal nutrient intake nutrition can help prevent stunting. Using
fosters a toddler’s physical, psychological, the Interpersonal Communication method
and motoric growth and development; in to communicate with families is one of the
other words, an ideal nutrient intake now possible efforts. The ability to communicate
foreshadows an ideal future for growth and effectively has the capacity to alter how the
development (Sutio, 2017). community views healthy living. Due to
Po s ya n d u o f f i c i a l s ’ e f f o r t s t o the social structures that it incorporates,
minimize stunting cases are insufficient; which have a significant connection to cases
the bureaucracy, community, media, of stunting, communication convergence
practitioners, and academics must all analysis can view this issue as a whole and
contribute ideas and strategies to this on a global scale.
widespread issue in order to achieve Stunting has many causes, risks,
transformative (pentahelix) breakthroughs in and dangers. It is crucial to educate the
problem solving. Stunting needs to reduce community about these issues through
its cases more quickly as a global social literacy and socializing. We are aware
concern, especially from different parties. that raising a decent family necessitates
The communication that has to happen extensive health knowledge. Stunting
(the convergence of communication) is an prevention initiatives can take various
intervention strategy and a team effort. The forms, one of which is socialization.
inference is that integrated communication According to the Indonesian Ministry of
can compel all facets of society to cooperate Health (2018), improving family health
and carry out shared objectives. and nutrition can be accomplished through
Human needs and communication educating women and modifying their
are inseparable. Communication can behavior (Fitri, 2022).
be an effort as well as a potential to One of the key elements that must be
overcome stunting. According to research taken into account is poor communication
by Sazali et al., (2022) the idea of enhancing while informing the community. Even
local wisdom-based communication in when the government engages in a variety
combating stunting in Tanjung Tiram of activities and initiatives, including
District is the first through an education- acceleration efforts, it is unlikely that they
based communication culture. As an will be successful as long as the community
illustration, in an effort to raise maternal continues to hold the misconception that
awareness about stunting, one strategy stunting is a common ailment that will go

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away on its own, despite the fact that this and comprehensive manner. Syamsuadi,
is untrue. et al’s research focused on the activities
To build wholesome families and and obstacles faced by the government in
communities, we must focus on a variety overcoming stunting cases, while this study
of issues. Collective expectations are looked at the function of social structures
challenging to meet if new and accelerating in the convergence of stunting reduction
actions are not in place to support them. The communication.
significance of program integration with Not much different, the next relevant
stakeholders, improving digital-based scale research was conducted by Mastina and
reports, and of course innovative activities Mitra (2023) entitled “The Role of Cross-
that want to be carried out collaboratively Sector Coordination in Convergence Action
to address the issue of stunting are some to Reduce Stunting” with the findings that
things that become regular tasks. The there is a lack of optimal cross-sector and
essential factor in overcoming the issue of cross-program coordination mechanisms
stunting is the role and function of social in stunting convergence. There are no
structure, which includes encouraging regulations that strengthen villages in
a self-awareness attitude. If growth and implementing convergence actions in each
development is problematic, how can the district both vertically and horizontally
nation prepare a quality generation in the from the highest leadership to the village
future. Thus, the issue of stunting in the level through active communication and
communication approach in this research coordination between commitment-making
is considered important to do. officials and implementers in the field.
The focus of the above research is on the
standard rules in conducting bottom-up
Research on the convergence of stunting convergence, while this research
communication and innovation as social leads to the achievement of quality families
capital in handling stunting through a through communication convergence
functional structural review can be seen involving many parties.
and reviewed from a variety of different It is interesting to see previous
variables. Among the relevant previous research through innovation variables in
studies is the research of Syamsuadi, overcoming stunting problems, such as
et al. (2023) which raised “The Role of research by Sastrawan, et.al. (2020) which
Cross Sectors in the Convergence of discusses “Innovation Activities “Si mamah
Accelerating Stunting Reduction in Rokan Riang” and Managerial Assistance: An
Hulu Regency” has found that in an effort to Effort to Combat Stunting by Maximizing
reduce stunting, the Rokan Hulu Regency the Potential of Home Food”. The findings
government identified the distribution of show that 75% of the target activities
stunting, actualized programs, nutritional understand the material and have basic
interventions and even reviewed the skills in processing local menus and
performance of the implementation of changing their children’s diets. “Si Mamah
stunting reduction programs in a structured Ramah” activity for family empowerment

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in order to help accelerate the reduction behave in a manner that is comparable to

of stunting, especially in Central Lombok. that of their communicants, but it can also be
This activity has a positive and encouraging harmful when it is done with the intention
trend. The research above is oriented of humiliating, taunt, or humiliate (Richard
towards the “Si Mamah Ramah” program & Turner, 2008) Convergence review,
as an innovation to reduce stunting, while communication is attractive, predictable, and
this study looks at the various innovations easy to understand. Message organization
that have been carried out by the Sinar in positive convergence is done with
Mulia KB Village, Embung Kandong conventional design logic. In conventional
Village, Terara. design logic, messages are organized
No one has particularly looked at according to norms and can explain in detail.
the convergence of communication and Messages that are in accordance with the
innovation as social capital to lessen norms describe attractive messages, namely
stunting, despite the fact that many other by respecting questions by answering with
studies also address the issue of stunting. words that do not hurt and adjust to the
As a result, in order to show the gap, this interlocutor. Then, conventional design logic
study will gather a lot of information is also shown by messages that can explain
about the convergence of communication in detail, which illustrates predictable
from the innovations made by the Sinar messages with messages that have been
Mulia Family Planning Village in Embung answered repeatedly, and messages that
Kandong Village, East Lombok, as well as are easy to understand with messages that
the role and function of social structures in provide explanations accompanied by
addressing the issue of stunting. detailed images and descriptions (Virdaus,
Strengthening the epirical basis of this 2021).
research, it is necessary to affirm the concept The definition of convergence
and present a theoretical framework as the communication means that various
grand design of the research. The following information can produce and determine
keywords will be explained conceptually relationships between two or more
and the relevance of the theory to the individuals, so communication behavior
research, such as pesantren, pesantren must be studied on the basis of the view
communication, pesantren tradition, and of ‘who relates to whom’ (Suprapto, 2009).
functional structural theory, which are Communication convergence in this
explained below: research sees more mutual interactions of
Convergence is frequently described social structures in making changes and
as an interactive model that emphasizes contributing the best for mutual progress.
change, interchange, comparison of Communication convergence looks more
behavioral patterns that characterize at the process and role of social structures
a society, and leads to communication in carrying out a reciprocal relationship to
across time with a focus on reciprocal reduce stunting.
interactions (Liliweri, 2001). Convergence Innovation is an idea, practice or
can be constructive when communicators object that is considered new by a person or

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group of people. This definition is as stated The main goal of the innovation
by Mohan J. Dutta who said innovation as process is to provide and deliver better
“… is an idea, practice or object that is new to customer value. You can observe innovation
the adopter group” (Dutta, 2011). The success through structuralist and process methods.
of an innovation will be determined by Structural approaches treat innovation as
the success in diffusing it. Diffusion is the an entity with fixed parameters such as
process of disseminating innovations in management practices and technology,
the targeted community. More specifically, while process methods treat innovation
Greenhalgh defines it as “…the process as a complex process, involving different
by which an innovation is communicated social groups within an organization
throught certain channels over time among the (Fathurrohman, 2017).
members of social system” (Greenhalgh, 2005) Coleman (1988) sees social capital as
; (Rogers, 1983). everything that is directed or created to
Goswami & Mathew (2005) argue facilitate the actions of individuals in their
that innovation is something that must social structure. Meanwhile, Putnam (2000)
be owned and built by the organization. says that while physical capital refers to
Through the innovation process, value- physical objects and human capital refers
added goods and services can be created to individual property, social capital refers
so as to create various benefits. to relationships between individuals, social
Suryana (2003) also argues that networks and the norms of reciprocity and
innovation is the ability to use creativity to trust that arise from them. Both Coleman
solve problems and improve and enrich life and Putnam recognize that social capital can
opportunities. Organizational innovation increase or decrease over time (Field, 2010).
can be explained broadly and can change Like Coleman and Putnam, Fukuyama
in many ways. Innovation provides a new (2002) explains that every group has social
way out that can add value to consumers. capital potential - the extent to which it is
From this description, an understanding utilized with respect to the radius of trust.
can be drawn that innovation is a way or The term social capital actually refers
process that reverses ideas and practices, to the capacity of individuals to acquire
these ideas and practices are considered material or symbolic goods of value based
new and can provide added value to users, on the virtues of social relationships
so that organizations or companies have and membership in social groups or the
different values. capacity of a plurality of people to enjoy
However, adopting an innovation the benefits of collective action based on
and then diffusing it so that it is adopted the virtues of social participation, trust in
by the targeted individuals or communities institutions or commitment to set ways of
is not an easy process. Although the doing things (Ritzer, 2005).
innovation is technical in nature, the Haridison (2013) concluded that some
success of its implementation will depend experts’ views on the conception of social
on the communication process carried out capital are: (1) a set of actual and potential
(Setianto, 2016). resources; (2) its entities consist of several

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aspects of the social structure, and these Risk factors for stunting include
entities facilitate the actions of individuals economic factors and poverty (Kustanto,
in the structure; (3) horizontal associations; 2021) poor environmental factors (Vilcins,
(4) the ability of actors to guarantee benefits; Sly, & Jagals, 2018), availability of clean
(5) information; (6) norms; (7) values; (8) water (Yenita, Thamrin, Amin, & Agrina),
reciprocity; (9) cooperation; (10) networks. maternal conditions during pregnancy
Basically, social capital has three such as anemia and chronic energy
important elements: value norms, networks deficiency (Khairunnisa, Mitra, Purba,
and trust. The first element is social norms. Alamsyah, & Abidin, 2022) and recurrent
In general, norms are concrete values. infectious diseases experienced by toddlers
Created to be a guide for each individual (Purnamasari, Sartika, & Sudarti, 2022). De
to behave in accordance with the rules that Onis, et.al. (2019) that toddlers are declared
apply in society (Fathy, 2019) stunted if their height is shorter for their
The Indonesian Ministry of Health age or less than -2 standard deviations
defines stunting as a type of growth and against the median child growth according
development failure that results in linear to the World Health Organization (WHO).
growth abnormalities in toddlers due to
Stunting is caused by multidimensional
the accumulation of long-lasting dietary
factors, such as not meeting nutritional
deficiencies that begin during pregnancy
needs and being exposed to repeated
and continue through 24 months of age.
infectious diseases for a long time (chronic)
Early-life malnutrition will impede a
(Mitra, 2015).
child’s physical growth and development,
The fundamental idea introduced
increase morbidity, impede their mental
by Talcott Parsons is functional structural
development, and potentially result in
theory. This idea tends to see a community
death. Stunted toddlers run the risk of losing
or society as a system that is unified in its
intellectual capacity, being less productive,
and maybe contracting degenerative functions and forms a balance. This theory
disorders in the future (Sahroji, Hidayat, stems from assumptions that give society a
& Nababan, 2022). position equivalent to biological organisms.
Stunting is a condition of growth This theory was influenced by the views of
failure in children (body and brain growth) Herbert Spencer and August Comte who
due to malnutrition for a long time which argued that there is an interdependence of
results in children being shorter than the various organs of our body with one
normal children their age and having delays another.
in thinking. This prolonged malnutrition Talcott Parsons further developed his
occurs from the fetus in the womb until the thinking as that society should be seen as
beginning of the child’s life (First 1000 Days a system of interdependent parts. So the
of Birth). The main causes are low access relationship of influence between parts
to nutritious food, low intake of vitamins is reciprocal. Even if social integration
and minerals, and poor diversity of food can never be achieved perfectly, social
and animal protein sources (Sazali, Mailin, systems basically always tend towards
& Harahap, 2022). dynamic equilibrium. Although there

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are tensions, dysfunctions and abuses, Parsons’ theory has an important

the social system is still on the way to position in this research, namely as a
integration. Social system change occurs theoretical framework in analyzing and
gradually through adaptation and does not adjusting field data according to the
occur in a revolutionary manner. The most assumptions of this theory. The analysis
important factor that has the integration of provided through Parsons’ way of thinking
a social system is the agreement within the follows the problems in this research, namely
members of the society (Henderson, 2014). seeing the convergence of communication
Parsons also developed the concept carried out in a functional structural
of functional imperatives to make the manner. This theory can also analyze
system survive. These imperatives are innovations carried out collectively in
usually referred to as AGIL, namely accelerating the reduction of stunting
Adaptation, Goal attainment, Integration cases in Embong Kandong. This ends in
and Latency. Adaptation is the ability of analyzing communication and invasion as
society to interact with the environment. social capital that must be considered by all
Goal attainment imperative is the ability to elements of society through AGIL analysis in
determine and set future goals and make Talcott Parsons’ functional structural theory.
decisions in accordance with these goals. More clearly, here’s how the theory works.
Integration is the harmony of all members
of the social system after reaching mutual RESEARCH METHOD
agreement on community values or norms. This research, which is located in
Latency is the maintenance of the model, the Sinar Mulia KB Village, Embung
in this case certain social values such as Kandong Village, Terara District, East
culture and language (Turama, 2018). Lombok Regency, uses a qualitative
research approach. While the paradigm
is interpretive constructiv because this
research intends to view reality as a
social construct. The choice of paradigm
is also based on the assumption that the
researcher’s knowledge and understanding
of the reality being studied is a product
of the researcher’s interpretation with the
subject and system under study.
Qualitative research is an investigative
process to understand social problems
based on creating a complete holistic
picture formed with words, reporting
informants’ views in detail, and arranged in
a natural setting (Silalahi, 2009). Therefore,
Figure 1: Theoretical Freamework in this study researchers reconstructed the
reality to be studied into new knowledge.

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Especially those focused on the function This research was also conducted
of social structure as a collective effort to through the observation method by
overcome the problem of stunting. observing events, occurrences, poses,
The type of research used is naturalistic and the like accompanied by a list that
phenomenology that will provide factual needs to be observed (Basuki, 2006).
data according to the actual situation. Thus, The aspects that were observed were
indepth-interviews will be widely used the communication process and the
against primary sources in this research. interconnection of relationships that took
In addition, researchers will also use direct place between parties and innovative
participation observation as a way to activities carried out in the community. As
understand the phenomenon under study. well as documentation data obtained from
Thus, this type has the aim of describing related documents, from village data and
symptoms, the state of certain groups, the Sinar Mulia KB village including books
individual characteristics, and to determine and research journals to complement and
the frequency of a certain relationship strengthen the primary data of the study.
between a symptom and other symptoms The analysis technique used is a
in society.
qualitative technique, which is an effort
This research requires descriptive
made by working with data, organizing
qualitative data with primary and
data, sorting into manageable units,
secondary data sources. The descriptive
synthesizing, looking for and finding
nature is related to the purpose of this
patterns, finding what is important and
research, which is to describe precisely
what is learned and deciding what can be
the characteristics of individuals, a
told to others. The data analysis process
situation, symptoms or certain groups,
is carried out at the same time as the data
or to determine the frequency of a certain
collection stage.
relationship between a symptom and other
symptoms in society (Moleong, 2010). In this case the analysis has been done
Given that the problem of stunting cannot first. In qualitative research, data analysis is
be solved by individuals alone, but requires carried out inductively, namely an analysis
stakeholders in activities that are collegial based on the data obtained, then certain
in nature in a functional structural review. relationship patterns are developed or
The data collection method was become hypotheses, to build theories.
conducted through semi-structured For the checking the validity of data,
interviews, namely interviews that are four indicators were developed, namely:
loosely related but sometimes use interview credibility, transferability, dependability,
drafts, so that the expected results are in and certainty. Data credibility testing with
accordance with the plan. The informants data validity testing in qualitative research
in this interview method are the Head is carried out by means of extended
of DP3AKB, Head of UPTD P3AKB Kec. observation, increased persistence in
Terara, Embung Kandong Village Head, research, tringulation, discussions with
Selaparang Television Journalist, Tuan peers, negative case analysis, and referential
Guru, Family Assistance Team (TPK). adequacy (Sugiyono, 2010).

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RESULT AND DISCUSSION by the quality of relationships that occur

between communication members,
Stunting is a serious problem because
including in terms of accelerating the
it causes children to be vulnerable to
handling of stunting cases in Embung
disease and experience delays in physical
Kandong Village, East Lombok.
and cognitive growth which certainly
One of the communication patterns of
affects the productivity and intelligence of
the five patterns described by Devito (2011)
children in the future. Stunting will affect
is the chain pattern and the Y pattern. First,
reproductive development, dental growth
the chain communication pattern is carried
or dental caries (Islami & Khouroh, 2021).
out in the form of giving instructions
The involvement of all elements from the
and coordinating to build togetherness
cultural community to the structural level
or relationships (Building Rapport). This
is expected to take a role in resolving the
communication pattern is a process of
prevalence of stunting as a common task
interaction carried out by a member of
as part of this structuration.
communication in delivering messages to
Stunting is a serious problem because
other members, other members convey to
it causes children to be vulnerable to
other members again and so on.
disease and experience delays in physical
and cognitive growth which certainly
affects the productivity and intelligence of
children in the future. Stunting will affect
reproductive development, dental growth Figure 2: Chain Communication Pattern
or dental caries (Islami & Khouroh, 2021). This pattern is a cycle of communication
The involvement of all elements from the that involves the other party, then the other
cultural community to the structural level party communicates with the other party
is expected to take a role in resolving the and so on. The involvement of many parties
prevalence of stunting as a common task is a type of interpersonal communication
as part of this structuration. that comes from the source of information
The main factors that make this case to the communicant who is personal.
still persist are differences in perception The study’s chain design, also known
and lack of literacy to the community. as a hierarchical communication pattern,
The actualization of communication in strictly follows the command-and-control
overcoming the problem of stunting is in concept of direct line communication. This
fact not as easy as it is understood and demonstrates that leaders have a very
always experiences high noises. high level of trust in their followers when
it comes to information distribution, yet
Communication Patterns (Pentahelix) each member can only receive and give
Awa r e n e s s o f c r e a t i n g g o o d information to a maximum of two persons,
relationships is a common need as social namely those above and below. usually
beings, including communication needs. true if a job is long-term. The findings of
Relationship polarization can be caused field research indicate that this pattern is

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implemented from the government to the up) as carried out by the communication
community. structure in handling stunting cases above.
“We always socialize in all OPDs So the chain communication pattern is also
(regional apparatus organizations), but now called vertical communication.
the problem is at the lower level (village level), Ve r t i c a l c o m m u n i c a t i o n i s a n
such as village regulations on child marriage.”. interpersonal communication practice
(Ahmat, 2023). that emphasizes several aspects of
The series of communication carried instruction and coordination. Top-down
out will lead to one point and then that vertical communication can be seen from
point will continue the information to the the practice of delivering instructions,
next point. As the results of the interview providing information, evaluating,
above show that the communication of the rewarding and reprimanding. Meanwhile,
Office of Women’s Empowerment, Child bottom-up communication aims to report
Protection and Family Planning (DP3AKB) achievements, suggestions and requests for
is addressed to the regional apparatus help (Kurniawan, 2021).
organization (OPD) then the regional The chain communication pattern has
apparatus continues the communication strengths, there are also weaknesses such as
in a chain downward. the lack of transparency of comunication,
Included in DP3AKB’s communication information is conveyed more slowly
destination points is the sub-district, called because it follows a systematic hierarchy
the UPTD P3AKB Regional Technical or regulation, and this pattern is more
Implementation Unit. This unit forwards monotonous in the implementation of
communication to the Family Planning instructions and coordination.
Field Officer (PLKB), the village and the Second, the Y communication pattern
Family Assistance Team (TPK). At the end strengthens delegates in continuing
point, this team then communicates with communication. Delegation trusted by the
communities affected by stunting. source of information can take the form of
“We communicate regularly with the delegation of authority or trust to some of
Family Assistance Team (TPK) and even the other group members.
have reports. If there is a problem, we
urge you to immediately communicate
or report what is an obstacle in the field”.
Communication is still ongoing, whatever
form it takes, it is still coordinated with
district officials.” (Sunarno, 2023).
This communication pattern tends
to be vertical, which is a communication
process designed to achieve certain goals
with a systematic method from top to
bottom (up-down) or bottom up (bottom- Figure 3: Y Communication Pattern

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This communication pattern is the use of communication technology

carried out when there are government as a medium for delivering information
activities in the field such as the Healthy through transmission models such as
Kitchen to Overcome Stunting (Dashat) signals and noise.
through delegation of members of the Shannon’s original communication
DP3AKB staff or team to supervise and model limits the interest to signalling
ensure the smooth running of activities. systems that include transmitter, receiver,
Although the information comes from channel, and noise. The transmitter prepares
the head of DP3AKB, the process of the signal for efficient transmission. The
disseminating it to other members is not channel is the media through which the
always through him, but can be from a third signal travels from the transmitter to the
party. In understanding this Y pattern, the receiver. The receiver reprocesses the signal
communication component is inseparable and converts the signal to its original form
from the team elements in the field such as (Abel & Trevors, 2005) ; (Al-Fedaghi , 2012).
TPK, Genre Ambassadors, TPPS and the
involvement of religious leaders.
“We have prepared 3,063 people as Family
Assistance Teams (TPK) spread across
92 KB villages and are professionals,
who handle pregnant women there are
midwives, handle post-natal and family Figure 4: Shannon & Weaver Model (Reddy, 2017)
planning cadres and handle underage
marriage there are PKK leaders. Second, Shannon & Weaver’s communication
there are two genre ambassadors in the model can be applied in interpersonal
village, totaling 508 people. Every village communication, public communication
we have a Stunting Handling Acceleration and mass communication. They did not
Team (TPPS). Involving Tuan Guru for discuss feedback in their theory. Thus,
stunting verses”. (Ahmat, 2023) this theoretical model is very simple.
Disturbances (noise) that occur can cause
This includes involving other sectors
errors in interpreting the message conveyed
such as Islamic boarding schools, mosques
and related agencies that have access to
cultural communities. This is to bring “The stunting data comes from the
information needs closer to the target of posyandu and there are about 15 children
communication. at risk, but not all of them get help because
In addition to direct communication of funding. The sub-district only gave
in the chain and Y patterns above, indirect eggs to 3 children, we don’t know where
communication is also part of the process the data came from and who the children
of delivering information related to are. We were given cards (quota) that
stunting, namely the Shannon-Weaver could not be used because the network
communication model which emphasizes was not good”(Susanti, 2023).

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The noise contained in the substance send a letter. They have a program
of the interview above is twofold, namely in collaboration with the media. The
noise that occurs between communicators existence of packaging innovations
to communicants due to unclear sometimes OPD is not ready, such as
communication and has an impact on making public service advertisements
miscommunication, and noise that occurs whose budget does not match the budget
in signal interference that does not support from the government.” (Firdaus, 2023).
the area. Through this indirect communication,
On the other hand, this research looks there needs to be a relevant budget
at the above model macro, namely the use mechanism, although not most people
of media with all the obstacles (noise) that currently enjoy television broadcasts,
interfere with the transmission of messages the majority have switched to digital
to the destination. This communication broadcasts even for cultural communities
model is done in one way, utilizing the classified as rural society. However, for
media needs to be the point in this case, some people who still enjoy television
either electronic such as telephone or broadcasts, it is a recommendation to
television or digital. Meanwhile, the noise innovate socialization through public
is emphasized by the head of DP3AKB in advertisements and persuasive broadcasts.
the interview results.
“I have made a Memorandum of Innovation as Social Capital to Overcome
Understanding (MoU) with the East Stunting
Lombok Regency Journalist Forum Efforts to overcome stunting through
which has almost 42 media, every activity certain skills are the ability to design
is always published, in collaboration projections that have a significant impact
with Selaparang Television every quarter on the communities affected by stunting
cases in the form of innovation.
I always talk about stunting.” (Ahmat,
Various innovations have been carried
out as an approach in overcoming stunting
The government does not dismiss
by UPTD and the Family Assistance Team
the power of the media in conveying
(TPK). The skills of this assistance team
information related to the issue of stunting.
are social capital in overcoming stunting
However, the government should innovate
information so that the messages conveyed
“Regarding the formation of activity
are more effective. Not only news or talk
groups, it is complete, there is a Youth Information
shows, but information that is influential
and Communication Center (PIKR). There
such as documentaries or public service
is Tribina that Toddler Family Development
announcements. Detailed by the media in
(BKB), Elderly Family Development (BKL),
the form of interviews.
Youth Family Development (BKR). We form
“If the stunting agenda is sudden, each hamlet, for example in Kandong Hamlet
they immediately call and sometimes we form BKR, in Gerantung Hamlet we form

vol 8 no.2, December 2023

102 | Andri Kurniawan

PIKR, and form BKL in Tinggi Hamlet” can design villages to become smart villages
(Susanti, 2023). (Pratama, 2023) as well as preparations
In the Tribina above, the actualization from various materials that are full of fiber
and mapping of locations for coaching and nutrition including vegetable protein
activities are carried out according to and animal protein including protein-rich
strategic positions according to the people salted egg crackers (Hutahaen, Sari, &
who need the benefits of the activities. Ningrum, 2023). Such processed packaging
Coaching is not done directly to the people skills and programs are urgently needed.
affected, but rather fostering one family to The various approaches taken by these
create a positive climate, supporting the innovators contribute to social change
program to overcome stunting. Different related to stunting.
at the companion level, at the sub-district No matter how great the innovations
level (UPTD) has its own program, namely carried out by the Family Assistance Team,
Sate Kambing, which is an egg sawer for UPTD and so on, if there is no collective
families at risk of stunting. awareness attitude, it will be difficult
“Distrubution eggs are given to those in to overcome the problem of stunting.
the data, if the healthy kitchen (Dashat) This awareness is not only owned by
has funds from DP3AKB to fulfill healthy the hierarchical structure, the affected
food. Providing education related to community must also instill it.
nutritional completeness for pregnant “In the healthy kitchen activity (Dashat)
women, two-year-old babies (baduta)” there are people who are affected who feel
(Sunarno, 2023). embarrassed to attend, he is the son of a
Communication needs make us teacher and is caused by the community’s
choose an approach to effectiveness, as well assumption that stunting is a disgrace.”
as information in various ways. Thus, all (Susanti, 2023).
forms of efforts to reduce stunting cases in We should also need to innovate
Embung Kandong Village can be achieved. communication, information design and
“The sub-district has a Sate Kambing need the right formulation so that affected
program (distribution eggs) once a communities such as pregnant women
month, given to those affected. The eggs with Chronic Energy Deficiency (KEK),
are given to the mother of the head of the two-year-old babies (baduta), five-year-old
region (head of hamlet) and must be given babies (toddlers) and prospective brides, to
to the person concerned, and succeeded get assistance and information evenly.
in increasing the weight of his height.” Parsons’ AGIL analysis
(Susanti, 2023).
Stunting cases in Embong Kandong
Innovation is not only in the form Village are primarily a result of the
of programs or activities such as genre community’s poor comprehension of
ambassadors by DP3AKB who aggressively the risks associated with it, a lack of
provide socialization to the community, but socialization that includes the participation

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of community leaders (village and hamlet relationships and traditions. The indicator
leaders) and religious leaders through of the communication tradition carried out
lectures that address stunting, and the is the friendship that is still strongly held
requirement for intensive literacy. These by the rural society. This will affect social
individuals also lack understanding awareness if done wisely.
of stunting, according to observations The egg sawer tradition as a
and interviews, and they have never government effort to fulfill the community’s
particularly discussed the risks of stunting protein intake must be targeted and fair. If
in social forums (lectures). 15 people are affected, then the egg sawer
The conceptual framework of this given is in accordance with this number, not
research, namely functional structural 3 people or some. The literacy tradition is
theory and figures from this school like also carried out to fulfill the community’s
Talcott Parsons, must be used to conduct information intake by adjusting to the level
in-depth analysis in order to maintain and of understanding and language that is easy
preserve all programs, innovations, and to understand.
communications that have been carried out Culture is the basis for the patterns
by all parties. and patterns of action of a person in his life.
Parsons claims that all acts must be Culture is considered a legacy of symbolic
goal-oriented and that when pursuing behavior that is learned in shaping humans.
our own objectives, we must also take Adaptive culture is a system of socially
into account the aspirations of others. His transmitted patterns of behavior that serve
grand theory begins with an explanation to connect human communities with their
of individual behavior. According to ecological environment. This community
Parsons’ AGIL pattern (Adaptation, Goal way of life includes technology and modes
Attainment, Integration, Latency), all social of economic organization, settlement
systems must operate in accordance with patterns, modes of social grouping and
their respective functions for the social political organization (Teguh et al., 2023).
system to fulfill its intended function Second, the analysis of Goal Attainment
(Tazkiyah, 2022). looks at the purpose of social empowerment
First, the analysis of adaptation in this by involving many sectors. The goals to
case study is more about the adjustment be achieved must go through a sufficient
of the system to the environment and discussion stage because the stunting
society. For example, a culture must have problem is a global problem that is not only
an adaptive mechanism to the biological faced by Indonesians.
and geographical environment. Achievements must be reported and
The traditions of communication, egg evaluated as performance indicators. The
sawer and literacy should be adapted to the reporting system using ELSIMIL by the
ability of the cultural community (rural family assistance team (TPK) consisting of
society) to understand communication village midwives, PKK leaders, and cadres
delivered in a hierarchical manner. This is part of a system that can show the results
adjustment can strengthen long-established of goal attainment.

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In terms of goal attainment, the integrated stunting reduction interventions.

purpose of the Elsimil application is to In priority districts, the implementation
conduct early detection of the health of of stunting prevention integration was
prospective brides to mitigate the risk of evaluated and assessed using eight
giving birth to stunted babies through convergence actions: (1) situation analysis;
filling out questionnaires related to several (2) activity plan; (3) stunting consultation;
variables. The questionnaire is filled in (4) Regent and Mayor regulations on
after the bride-to-be has undergone an village roles; (5) KPM coaching; (6)
examination at a health facility. The results data management system; (7) stunting
of the questionnaire will be a guide for measurement and publication; (8) annual
accompanying officers to provide assistance performance review. To prevent integrated
to prospective brides and grooms. In stunting in the regions, the regions can
addition to education, multivitamins or make certain program breakthroughs, get
supplements are also given according to support from the central government, and
the needs of the bride and groom. The even make management breakthroughs
result is an Elsimil certificate as a valid to better manage inter-sectoral programs
administrative file for marriage registration (Sabarisman & Sulubere, 2023).
at the KUA or Office of Religious Affairs Fourth, more analysis of pattern
(Sumantri, Rahmat, & Dermawan, 2023). maintenance. The function of a system to
Third, integration analysis which complement, maintain and improve at the
has multifunctions of the communication individual level as well as cultural patterns.
components in the hierarchy. this function Various programs to overcome
is very instrumental in managing the stunting in Embung Kandong Village are
relationship of the other three functions in still being carried out. Healthy kitchens
the AGIL scheme. Weak public knowledge can motivate people to consume and make
regarding the dangers of stunting due to healthy meals from vegetables, meat and
community assumptions, lack of literacy seafood, both during events and at home.
and socialization requires integrated action The existence of healthy kitchen
from all parties to create patterns and (Dashat) activities has many benefits, in
actualize programs to overcome stunting. addition to increasing nutrition, it can
The roles of DP3AKB, regional become a forum for community gathering.
apparatus organizations, UPTD, village This is in accordance with Parsons’ opinion
governments to the family assistance that when society changes, it will generally
team closest to the community must work grow with a better ability to overcome the
together in an integrated work pattern. problems of its life (Tazkiyah, 2022).
Because, if there is a dysfunctional role in AGIL analysis of the handling of
the hierarchy, it will be difficult to achieve stunting cases in Embung Kandong Village
the agreed goals. that to achieve success in reducing stunting
Through the Ministry of Home rates, it is necessary to adjust to the level of
Affairs, by the end of 2020 monitor the understanding of the cultural community
implementation of the convergence of on indicators that have been determined

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