Oracle Solaris 11.3 Network Administration Cheatsheet
Oracle Solaris 11.3 Network Administration Cheatsheet
Oracle Solaris 11.3 Network Administration Cheatsheet
Note - Some of the following commands include parameters and values that are provided as examples only.
Action Command
Administering Profiles
List all of the network profiles on a system. # netadm list
Switch to the fixed mode by enabling the DefaultFixed profile. # netadm enable -p ncp DefaultFixed
Administering Datalinks
Display all the datalinks (physical and virtual) on a system. # dladm show-link
Display all the physical datalinks on a system. # dladm show-phys
Display all the properties for all the datalinks on a system. # dladm show-linkprop
Display all the properties for a specific datalink on a system. # dladm show-linkprop net0
Display a specific property for a specific datalink on a system. # dladm show-linkprop -p mtu net0
Administering IP Interfaces and Addresses
Display general information about a system's IP interfaces. # ipadm
Display a system's IP interfaces and addresses. # ipadm show-addr
Create an IP interface and then configure a static IPv4 address for that interface. # ipadm create-ip net0
# ipadm create-addr -a net0/addr
Obtain an IP address from a DHCP server. # ipadm create-ip net0
# ipadm create-addr -T dhcp net0/addr
Create an auto-generated IPv6 address. # ipadm create-ip net0
# ipadm create-addr -T addrconf net0/addr
Change the netmask for an IP address object name (net3/v4) to 8. # ipadm set-addrprop -p prefixlen=8 net3/v4
Configure a persistent default route for a system. # route -p add default
Configure a persistent default route by specifying a name. # route -p add -name route1
persistent: route add -name route1
Configure a static route for a system. # route -p add -net -gateway
Configure a system's host name. # hostname hostname
Set a system's domain name. # domainname name-of-domain
Administering Naming Services
Configure DNS for a system. # svccfg -s dns/client setprop config/
# svccfg -s dns/client setprop config/domain = astring:
# svccfg -s name-service/switch setprop config/host =
astring: '"files dns"'
# svcadm refresh name-service/switch
# svcadm refresh dns/client
# svcadm enable dns/client
Action Command
Administering TCP
Display TCP protocol properties. # ipadm show-prop tcp
Assign values to protocol properties. # ipadm set-prop [-t] -p property=value[,...] protocol
Remove one value from a set of values for a given property. # ipadm set-prop -p property-=value2
Reset a specific protocol property to its default value. # ipadm reset-prop -p property protocol
Enable packet forwarding for all IPv4 traffic on a system. # ipadm set-prop -p forwarding=on ipv4
Enable packet forwarding for all IPv6 traffic on a system. # ipadm set-prop -p forwarding=on ipv6
Display the lowest port number for a non-privileged port. # ipadm show-prop -p smallest-nonpriv-port tcp
Add a port to the extra privileged ports. # ipadm set-prop -p extra-priv-ports+=3001 tcp
Remove a privileged port. # ipadm set-prop -p extra-priv-ports-=4045 tcp
Display the ECN property. # ipadm show-prop -p ecn tcp
Add an algorithm for congestion control in the TCP protocol. # ipadm set-prop -p cong-enabled+=algorithm tcp
Remove an algorithm for congestion control in the TCP protocol. # ipadm set-prop -p cong-enabled-=algorithm tcp
Replace the default algorithm for congestion control in the TCP protocol. # ipadm set-prop -p cong-default=algorithm tcp
Display the algorithm currently used by UDP sockets. # ipadm show-prop -p reuseport-lbalg udp
Set the value of the TCP receive buffer size. # ipadm set-prop -p recv-buf=value tcp
Display information about IP interfaces in a system. # ipadm show-if
Display information about IP interfaces and addresses in a system. # ipadm show-addr
Administering IPMP Interfaces
Create an IPMP interface. # ipadm create-ipmp ipmp-interface
Create an underlying IP interface that can be added to the IPMP interface. # ipadm create-ip under-interface
Add the underlying IP interfaces to the IPMP interface. # ipadm add-ipmp -i under-interface1 [-i under-interface2
...] ipmp-interface
Set DHCP to manage and configure the data address for the IPMP interface. # ipadm create-addr -T dhcp ipmp-interface
Set DHCP to manage the test addresses of the underlying interfaces in an IPMP # ipadm create-addr -T dhcp under-interface
group for probe-based failure detection.
Set one of the underlying interface as a standby interface. # ipadm set-ifprop -p standby=on -m ip under-interface
Remove the data address from an IP interface. # ipadm delete-addr addrobj
Remove one or more interfaces from an IPMP group. # ipadm remove-ipmp -i under-interface[ -i under-interface
...] ipmp-interface
Display the list of data addresses. # ipadm show-addr ipmp-interface
Display the list of test addresses. # ipadm show-addr
Move an interface to a different IPMP group. # ipadm add-ipmp -i under-interface ipmp-interface
Remove the IP interfaces from an IPMP group. # ipadm add-ipmp -i under-interface ipmp-interface
Remove an IPMP interface. # ipadm delete-ipmp ipmp-interface
Administering IP Tunnel Interfaces
Create an IP interface over an IP tunnel. # ipadm create-ip tunnel-interface
Assign local and remote IP addresses to a tunnel interface. # ipadm create-addr [-t] -a
local=address,remote=address interface
Unplumb the IP interface that is configured over the tunnel. # ipadm delete-ip tunnel-link
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