Chapter 6 Half

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Chapter 6 (Table and Query) Time: 60 Minutes PART-II

Objective 12 x 1 = 12 Test-8

1. The degree of relation refers to the number of:

a. Entities b. tables c. Tuple d. columns
2. The degree of database relation is also called:
a. extension b. size c. arity d. cardinality
3. Each set of related items in a table is called:
a. Table b. record c. field d. query
4. In relational database, a single piece of information is called:
a. Field b. Record c. Entity d. Tuple
5. The data in table entered in:
a. Design view b. Normal view c. Datasheet view d. Layout view
6. What is the default field size of a text data type in msaccess?
a. 2 b. 5 c. 20 d. 50
7. Which of the following view is used to modify data in table?
a. Layout view b. design view c. datasheet view d. divot view
8. Which data type is the default type in access?
a. Memo b. Number c. Text d. AutoNumber
9. Create command is used to create:
a. Table b. view c. report d. query
10. The row of a table is also called:
a. Entity b. attribute c. cell d. record
11. Which view is used to add, edit or delete record from table?
a. Record view b. datasheet view c. design view d. edit view
12. The degree of relationship refers to the:
a. Table b. field c. record d. attributes

Short Questions 10 x 2 = 20

1. Name three methods for creating tables in MS Access.

2. Name two table views available in Access.
3. What is the use of datasheet view in MS Access?
4. List out different data type available in MS Access.
5. What is the use of text data type?
6. Name different type of numeric data.
7. Differentiate between AutoNumber and other data type.
8. What is use of Match Case option in Find dialog box?
9. What does cascade update mean?
10. What does cascade delete mean?
11. Define sorting.
12. Define filter. List different type of filters.

Long Questions 08 x 02 = 16

1. What is Table? Write down six characteristics of table.

2. Explain different data types available in MS Access.
3. What is field property? Discuss different field properties in detail.
Chapter 6 (Table and Query) Time: 60 Minutes PART-II

Objective 10 x 1 = 10 Test-9

1. Which field type can be indexed?

a. Memo b. Number c. Hyperlink d. OLE
2. The graphical query tool is known as?
a. Query grid b. Design grid c. Query form d. Design form
3. How many query views are available in Microsoft Access?
a. 4 b. 3 c. 2 d. 1
4. How many types of relationship?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
5. Which of the following buttons of Find and Replace dialog box is clicked to start the search process?
a. Find b. Find Next c. Search d. Next
6. Design view, you can move from field to field in the Table window in Datasheet view using ______ button:
a. Tab b. Esc c. Enter d. Spacebar
7. The relationship between countries and their capitals is an example of ___________ relationship.
a. One-to-one b. one-to-many c. many-to-many d. None
8. The wildcard ______________ Sal[ei]ma.
a. Saleema b. Salima c. both a&b d. None
9. Which type of query is used to join two tables?
a. Select b. Find Unmatched c. Find Duplicate d. Crosstable
10. Which of the following menus is used to switch between table views?
a. Edit b. File c. Tools d. View

Short Questions 10 x 2 = 20

1. Compare Filter by form and Filter by Selection.

2. How editing, filtering, and sorting record differ.
3. Write two advantages of referential integrity.
4. Write any three uses of queries.
5. What is use of query design grid?
6. Where the result is appears when a query is run?
7. How are records sorted in a query?
8. Why is query the best object to create a report?
9. How is a query run from query design view?
10. State the use of wild cards.
11. State the purpose of “?” and “#”wild card?
12. How does a database differ from a table?

Long Questions 03 x 08 = 24
1. What is filter? Discuss different types of filters used in MS Access?
2. Describe the procedure for finding and replacing data in Access.
3. What is Query? Its types, uses and advantages.

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