Dark Elves WFRP
Dark Elves WFRP
Dark Elves WFRP
Few, if any, of the people native to the Old World would be able to distinguish the cruel
lords of Naggaroth from the noble scions of Ulthuan at sight. It is this inability to
distinguish the two kindreds, the Dark Elves, or Druchii as they call themselves, use to
pass as their much despised kin to further their own ends in the Old World. While much
rarer than the High Elves and without any official presence like Ulthuans merchant
houses. Dark Elves do live in the Old World, as spies, criminals and mercenaries with
their own secret web of influence and schemes.
Dark Elves living in the Old World are likely agents of the vast fleets of the Black Arks,
enchanted fortresses plying the dread seas of the world drawn by sea serpents. As these
pirate fleets plunder the ships hailing from the Old World, knowledge about their
shipping routes and cargo is a valuable commodity. It is also not unheard of Dark Elves
selling their murderous services as mercenaries to the highest bidder for gold and glory.
The Old World can also be a refuge for some Dark Elves. Naggaroth is a realm steeped in
murder and betrayal and those Dark Elves who find themselves with too many enemies
can be forced to flee their chill homeland. To plot their vengeance in exile in the Old
World, biding their time until they can enact their revenge. Some are even gifted in the
sorcerous arts of Dark magic and come to the Old World seeking magical artifacts or
As mentioned above Dark Elf player characters have three likely backgrounds in the Old
World, agents of the Black Arks, Mercenaries or Exiles. These backgrounds offer plenty
of opportunities and reasons for adventures, while Dark Elves may be cruel and arrogant,
they need food to eat and roofs over their heads as anyone else. Dark Elf characters are
thus likely to be involved in the grey areas of Old World society to earn their living, their
vicious dispositions and lust for violence making them most often found in the most cut
throat and bloody of the Old Worlds many occupations.
On Reiklander Humans…
“Brutish, noisy mongrels fit only for our slave pens who believe themselves ‘cultured’ because they live in
filthy cities and wear oversized hats. I cannot wait until I am rid of this place.”
- Vikril Ashfall, Smuggler in Altdorf
On Dwarfs…
“Stunted, petty and bitter. Forever blaming the world for all the woes inflicted by their own shortsighted
stubbornness. They are a weak and dwindling race whose suffering serves only to amuse their betters.”
- Hekarlil Silentblight, Sorceress from Ghrond
On Halflings…
“Short, fat and infuriatingly cheerful. They seemingly serve no other purpose but to eat, drink, smoke, rut
and steal anything not nailed down within reach of their grubby hands. If you can, silence them as quickly
as possible because they never shut up.”
- Dorval Fellhand, mercenary swordsman
On High Elves…
“They believe themselves safe, secure and unassailable. Pitiful, weak fools. Our usurper kin must be
reminded there is no place in this world they can go where our knives will not find them.”
- Rullin Shaderunner, spy for the Black Fleet
On Wood Elves…
“They drape themselves in animal skins, fight with primitive weapons and believe this makes them
ferocious and dangerous predators. How deluded and ignorant they are, as their savage condition, barely
better than the humans, display.”
- Minathar Hazerunner, underworld figure in Bögenhafen and Covenant of Nethu spy
Dark Elves
Skills: Athletics, Cool, Evaluate, Language (Eltharin), Intimidate, Melee (Basic),
Navigation, Perception, Gamble, Ranged (Crossbow), Sail, Swim
Talents: Hatred (High Elves), Acute Sense (Sight), Coolheaded or Warrior Born, Night
Vision, Second Sight or Sixth Sense, Read/Write
Dark Elves have slightly paler skin tones than High Elves and vary between white to
alabaster skin. As High Elves they are also inherently magical creatures and can have
variegated colours as mentioned on page 40 in the core rulebook. They also use the same
random height table as High Elves. Use the table below to determine eye colour and hair
colour. In the same table is an addition to the elf name generator.
Names of Power: Family ties are rarely flaunted in Naggaroth and Dark elves adopt
warrior names intended to strike fear in enemies and allies alike.
Examples: Beastbinder, Darkpath, Fangshield, Hydrablood, Spiteheart, Wyrmscale
Roleplaying tips:
1.) You're an extreme racial chauvinist. Other peoples are either your enemies (Asur,
Asrai) or not people at all (everyone else).
2.) You probably fully believe the story that Malekith is a denied hero.
3.) Your society is dominated by an attitude of social darwinism. The strong have a right
to subjugate the weak. Only oaths, love, or friendship will get in the way of this.
4.) Because of 3, you're very reserved with who you call friend, and parcel out love even
more carefully. These are weaknesses that could be used to hurt you.
5.) Violence is a man's highest calling, whether soldier or corsair. Those who cannot
manfully defend themselves deserve whatever happens to them.
6.) Khaine hath no fury like a woman scorned.
7.) Laws exist to be obeyed if you're weak, and ignored if you're not.
8.) Your gods are the Cytharai, with Khaine highest among them, and your gods desire
blood and souls, not prayers.
9.) Murder and torture are art forms. Murder is to be practiced to advance your position,
torture to be practiced for its own sake.
10.) Excellence in all things, no matter how twisted and cruel you are, you must excel at
doing it skillfully, a badly carried out betrayal is not a sin because of the morality of the
act, but because it was carried out artlessly, everything you do is a subtle display of power
and mastery (if not an overt one), therefore everything you do must be done as close to
perfect as you can.
11.) Dark elves contextualise themselves as being cold hearted killers, peerless warriors
and ruthless conquerors and that they are nothing else because to be anything else is to be
weak. Despite this however Dark elves have a strong tendency towards sentimentality,
particularly towards their ancient traditions from Nagarythe and it fuels their bitterness
towards the percieved betrayal of the High Elf ”usurpers”.
12.) Dark elves have an honor code. Oaths are practically sacrosanct and even Dark Elves
look down on oathbreakers. The Dark elf code of honor is however a warriors and
conquerors ethic based on what is beneath their dignity to do, rather than what is morally
wrong to do.
13.) Social skills exist to be tools to manipulate people and to get yourself advantageous
social positions. A well expressed word is just as much a weapon as a knife is to a druchii.
14.) You are defined by your vices rather than virtues. Despite being evil, Dark Elves are
not one dimensional and have complexity to them, which means they have both virtues
and vices. But they are defined by their vices rather than their virtues. Compared to High
Elves who are defined by their virtues not vices.
15.) Because of 14, Dark elves are often very hedonistic. Though it should be noted the
outlawed Cult of Pleasure is considered debased even by the Dark Elves.
Dark Elf Careers
New Career: Black Ark Corsair
To be a Corsair is a great honour amongst the Druchii, and it is a chance to win riches and fame and
capture slaves during their raids, for one tenth of the loot captured by a Corsair belongs to him. Four
tenths go to his captain and the remainder is the possession of the Witch King. These seafaring reavers
excel at boarding other vessels, making them amongst the deadliest fighters in close combat. In the Old
World they can often be found working as spies or enforcers for the Covenant of Nethu, either by their
own volition or as marooned unfortunates trying to bargain their way back to the Black Fleet with some
measure of their dignity intact.
Black Ark Corsair Advance scheme
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel
Base Silver Base - Base - - - Bronze Gold
Career path
Tier 1: Raider – Silver 1
Skills: Climb, Consume Alcohol, Dodge, Endurance,
Row, Melee (Basic), Sail, Swim
Talents: Combat Aware, Seasoned Traveler,
Strong Swimmer, Strider (Coastal)
Trappings: Black Ark Sabre, Dagger
Tier 2: Corsair – Silver 3
Skills: Athletics, Cool, Gamble, Intimidate, Intuition,
Lore (Torture)
Talents: Menacing, Sea Legs, Stout hearted, Old Salt
Trappings: Sea Dragon Cloak, boarding hooks and rope,
knucklebone dice
Tier 3: Reaver – Silver 6
Skills: Evaluate, Ranged (Crossbow), Perception,
Language (Any), Leadership
Talents: Ambidextrous, Fast Shot,
Robust, Pilot
Trappings: Repeating Handbow
with 10 bolts,
landing party of bloodthirsty Corsairs
Tier 4: Corsair Captain – Gold 3
Skills: Charm, Navigation
Talents: Frightening, Feint, Inspiring,
Trappings: Druchii corsair ship and
a villainous corsair crew, Parrot Lizard-hawk
Reaving charts, eye-patch, spy glass
New Career: Sorceress of Ghrond
The Sorceresses of Ghrond lay claim to being the most powerful wielders of magic in the world and have
much to substantiate their claim with. Trained in the Dark Arts in the by the Dark Convent of
Sorceresses in Ghrond an order of sorcery consisting entirely of Druchii women by the Witch Kings edict.
Fueled by cruel ambition and an unchained lust for power these cold hearted beauties often pursue vile
pacts with daemons and seek out dread magical artifacts the across the world. For this reason it is not
unheard of to find one of these mistresses of magic in the Old World, pursuing
whatever foul aims that their black heart’s desire.
Sorceress of Ghrond advance scheme
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel
Base - - - Silver Bronze - Base Base Gold
Career path
Tier 1: Apprentice Sorceress – Silver 2
Skills: Channeling (Any Lore), Dodge, Intuition, Language (Magick),
Lore (Magic), Melee (Basic), Melee (Polearm), Perception
Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Power of Darkness, Read/Write,
Second Sight, Petty Magic
Trappings: Ambition, Grimoire of Dark Magic, Ritual Dagger, Staff
Tier 2: Sorceress – Silver 7
Skills: Charm, Cool, Gossip, Intimidate, Lore (Daemonology), Secret
Signs (Convent of Sorceresses)
Talents: Arcane Magic (Any Arcane Lore), Detect Artefact, Sixth
Sense, Instinctive Diction
Trappings: Lust for Power, Imp Familiar, Convent Vestments
Tier 3: Hag Sorceress – Gold 3
Skills: Evaluate, Lore (Any), Language (Dark Tongue), Ride
(Horse or Cold One)
Talents: Attractive, Magical Sense, Menacing, War Wizard
Trappings: Apprentice, Power overwhelming, Multiple
familiars, Magical item
Tier 4: High Sorceress – Gold 7
Skills: Ride (Dark Pegasus), Research
Talents: Cat-tongued, Frightening, Iron Will, Schemer
Trappings: Sorcery supreme, enslaved spirits of evil,
Apprentice, Dread Sanctum
Male Sorcerers?
The laws of the Witch King dictate besides he,
only Druchii women are allowed to study magic.
However, this does not stop men from pursuing
or learning the Dark Arts outside of the Dark
Convent of Sorceresses. With the GM’s
permission, male Dark elves may take the
Sorceress of Ghrond career as rogue Sorcerers,
however, they will not be trained in Ghrond and
will be put to death, or worse, if they are
discovered practicing magic in Naggaroth. Which
is good enough reason for any Dark elf sorcerer
to travel to the Old World.
New Career: Beastmaster
In Naggaroth the Beastmasters of Clar Karond and Karond Kar can command the unruliest of creatures
to do their bidding. They are the masters of the lash and break raging Manticures, cunning Harpies,
serpentine Hydras and even the wisest of Dragons to their will. Much of their time when not tormenting
the great beasts in their thrall, the Beastmasters roam the wilds of Naggaroth, ever looking for new
creatures to enslave in their menageries. Those Beastmasters that find themselves in the Old World have
traveled there to capture a creature not found in Naggaroth, Wyverns or Griffons are typical goals of such
an expedition. Others are in the Old World in the employ of the Covenant of Nethu, driving and
breaking beasts in their fighting rings much as they do for the arenas in Naggaroth.
Beastmaster advance scheme
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel
Base Base Bronze Base Silver - - Gold - -
Career path
Tier 1: Apprentice Beastmaster – Silver 1
Skills: Animal Care (Any), Animal Training (Any),
Charm Animal, Endurance, Melee (Basic), Ranged
(Entangling), Outdoor Survival, Perception
Talents: Ambidextrous, Sixth Sense, Strike to
Stun, Hardy
Trappings: Beast Goad (Hand weapon), Whip,
Trainee Lizard-hawk, Desire to be the very best
Tier 2: Beastmaster – Silver 3
Skills: Athletics, Cool, Intimidate, Lore (Beasts),
Set Trap, Track
Talents: Animal Affinity, Menacing, Strider
(Any), Stout-hearted
Trappings: Pair of trained Beasts, Scars from
fangs and claws, Beast hide (Leather jerkin)
Tier 3: Beastslaver – Silver 5
Skills: Drive, Haggle, Ranged (Crossbow), Stealth
Talents: Fearless (Monsters), Robust, Crack the
Whip or Rover, Sure Shot
Trappings: Scourgerunner Chariot, Ravager
Harpoon and 6 Barbed Bolts, Net, Assistant
Tier 4: High Beastmaster – Gold 1
Skills: Ride (Any), Intuition
Talents: Frightening, Strike Mighty Blow, Strong-minded, Tenacious
Trappings: Trained monster (typically a Manticore or War-Hydra in Naggaroth)
Apprentice Beastmaster
New Career: Devoted of Khaine
Most famed of Khaines adherents are the Exeuctioners and the Witch Elves, but Khaine too has a
priesthood and lay devotees to his bloody worship. The devotees of the Lord of Murder are as much skilled
warriors as they are holy men, for no pious adherent of the Bloody Handed God would find themselves
ignorant of the ninety-nine sacred killing strikes. In Naggaroth, Khaines priesthood prepare bloody rituals
honoring Khaine and accompany the Witch Kings armies to war, inspiring Druchii warriors to ever
greater acts of slaughter in Khaines sacred name. In the Old World, his Priesthood act as
missionaries, ensuring that the crude native Cult of Khaine pays proper respects to the Lord of
Murder and that the few exiles and spies of the Druchii in the Old World are reminded to whom
they owe blood and souls in sacrifice.
Devoted of Khaine advance scheme
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel
Base - Base - Silver Bronze - - Base Gold
Career path
Tier 1: Initiate – Brass 5
Skills: Channeling (Khainite Sorcery), Cool, Dodge, Intuition, Lore
(Theology), Melee (Any), Speak Language (Magick), Pray
Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Sixth Sense, Strike Mighty Blow, Strong
Trappings: Sacrificial dagger, Bladed hand weapon, cult robes, Grimoire of
Khainite Sorcery
Tier 2: Devoted of Khaine – Silver 2
Skills: Charm, Lore (Torture), Intimidate, Ranged (Thrown), Secret
Signs (Cult of Khaine), Perform (Torture)
Talents: Arcane Magic (Khainite Sorcery), Menacing, Strike to
Injure, War Wizard
Trappings: Sacred vestments, Fighting Spines, Flesh Hooks,
Torturers tools
Tier 3: Anointed – Silver 3
Skills: Climb, Endurance, Perception, Stealth (Any)
Talents: Furious Assault, Frightening, Holy Visions, Seasoned
Trappings: Robes of Murder, Copy of the Parables of
Sundered Flesh
Tier 4: Bloody Handed – Silver 5
Skills: Leadership, Melee (Any)
Talents: Combat Master, Fearless (Any), Instinctive Diction,
Trappings: Draich, Mask of Khaines Aspect
Like all elves druchii are inherently magical beings with long lives that allows them to
master magic to a degree impossible for humanity. However, their relationship and
tradition with magic differs to that of their elven cousins. As the magical traditions of the
Druchii has deliberately shunned the Asur traditions of magic in favour of pure power.
They also look down on the feeble attempts at magic by humanity with sneering
contempt and consider the Colleges of Magic and Colour magic tradition as signs of
mankinds inherent inability to grasp magic and testament to the weakness of the High
The Lore of Dark Magic is the refined usage of Dhar only available to the Sorceress of
Ghrond career. Sorceresses of Ghrond can master multiple lores of magic, however they
only study the following lores outside the Lore of Dark Magic: Fire, Shadow, Metal,
Death and Daemonology. Outside of these exceptions Dark Elves follow the same rules
for gaining multiple lores as other elven wizards.
The Lore of Khainite Sorcery is the ritual magic and blood sorcery used by the priests and
devoted of Khaine in ther bloody exultations and worship of the Bloody Handed God.
As the Elves believe magic is a gift from the gods, the sorcery of Khaine reflects this. It is
the only magic Druchii men are allowed to study as it is Khaines holy art, but should any
Khainite sorcerer study Dark Magic or any other lore of magic they will be rogues and in
violation of the Witch Kings iron laws.
Power of Darkness
The raw energy of magic can be immensly powerful, but it is highly unstable and can be as dangerous to
the wielder as it is to the foe.
Channeling the volatile flows of dhar requires an absolute will to do without
dangerous backlash, however in the quest for ever more power Druchii
sorceresses have learned to tax their own flesh or even
bargain part of their souls to cast spells of even greater
potency. At the cost of two wounds before casting a
spell from the Lore of Dark Magic, the Sorceress may
add their Willpower Bonus number of SL’s to their
Channeling (Dhar) test. At the cost of one corruption point the
Sorceress may add double their Willpower Bonus number of
SL’s to their Channeling (Dhar) test.
The manipulation of Dhar in its highest, most refined and powerful form. The Lore of
Dark Magic is to the primitive, clumsy methods of using dhar among humanity as Qhaysh,
High Magic, is to Colour magic. It is still as dangerous as it is powerful, but through its
mastery the Druchii believe they show their supremacy.
Ingredients: The ingredients for casting Dark Magic are as horrifying as they are varied,
using a mixture of dark pacts, sacrificed blood and souls, symbols of evil and destruction,
unholy ritual objects and raw will.
Calling upon the coldness of Nagaelythe of the Utterdark, the Dark Elf unleashes a freezing wind
against her enemies.
CN: 6
Range: Half Willpower Yards
Target: AoE (Special)
Duration: Instant
Unleashing a wind of freezing cold in a cone before them, Chillwind is a magic missile
causing WPB+4 damage and hits targets as if the caster had the Breath (Cold) creature trait.
As the invocation is spoken, the other-worldly beast known as Kharatidon unleashes a bolt of pure
darkness upon the Dark Elves adversaries
CN: 8
Range: Willpower yards
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards)
Duration: Instant
Doombolt is a magic missile with WPB+5 damage that targets everyone in the area of
Word of Pain
Upon uttering the true name of the Serpent Lord, an unnatural and unbearable agony suffuses the body of
the casters hated foes.
CN: 8
Range: Willpower Yards
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards)
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
Upon uttering the incantation you inflict a number of Stunned conditions equal to your
Willpower Bonus on your target and everyone within Willpower Bonus yards of your
initial target.
With a plea to the Mistress of a Thousand Cuts, the Dark Elf sorceress conjures up a storm of magical
swords with which to assail the enemy.
CN: 10
Range: Willpower Yards
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards)
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
Bladewind is a magical missile that targets everyone in the area of effect. Causing
Willpower Bonus close combat attacks with WPB+4 damage and inflicting +1 Bleeding
condition for every 2 wounds suffered. These attacks can be defended against with an
Opposed Melee/Language (Magick) test.
Soul Stealer
The Daemon-crawler Anchan-Rogar reaches out from his domain and plucks the souls from the enemy.
CN: 10
Range: Willpower Bonus yards
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards)
Duration: Instant
Soul Stealer is a magical missile targeting everyone in the area of effect. It causes WPB+3
damage and +1 Fatigued condition for every 2 wounds suffered and for every wound
inflicted the caster gains up to Willpower Bonus additional wounds. These additional
wounds may not exceed the casters starting wounds + Toughness bonus and any wounds
gained beyond this are lost.
Black Horror
The sorceress conjures a whirling vortex of devastating magical energy that drags her victims into one of the
infernal regions.
CN: 15
Range: Willpower Yards
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus x2 yards)
Duration: Instant
Black Horror is a magical missile targeting everyone in the area of effect. Targets within
the area of effect must succeed in an Opposed Athletics/Language (Magick) test or
suffer WPB+4 damage. Targets within the area of effect must make an immediate Cool
test against Terror (Willpower Bonus rating).
Calling upon Lamehk the Slavemaster of the Third Hell, the sorceress takes control of the foe’s thoughts.
CN: 15
Range: Willpower Bonus x2 yards
Target: AoE (Willpower bonus yards)
Duration: Willpower Bonus Minutes
Dominion targets everyone within a chosen area of effect, centered on an initial target
(State Trooper, Goblin, Zombie, Wolf, etc). Targets within the area of effect must
succeed on an immediate Opposed Cool/Language (Magick) test or fall under the
casters control. Controlled targets will perform any orders given by the caster for the
duration of the spell.
The elves believe that magic is a gift from their gods and Khaines gifts are exceptionally
bloody. The sorcery practiced by the Cult of Khaine is
bound in sacrifice and the shedding of blood. Its spell
craft is fueled by the sacrifice of blood in Khaines name
to do even bloodier acts or drive Khaines adherents
into greater acts of slaughter and murder. It is a
frenzied blood sorcery that bears more in common
with cultic ritual and worship compared to what
most Old Worlders consider typical magic. The lore
of Khainite sorcery draws upon all available winds
of magic in an area and care not for the
consequences, its more skilled practitioners
intentionally channel Dhar in its spells but their
methods are uncommon. Channeling the Lore of
Khainite Sorcery requires a roll on the Minor Miscast
table unless cast with an ingredient. Thankfully for its
practitioners however, its main ingredients are
abundant and relatively simple to acquire. As
blood, bladed objects, organs extracted through
torture and body parts of animals sacred to
Khaine are common in his temples and sacred
Ingredients: Due to its ritualized and sacral
nature, each spells ingredients will be listed
Bloody Hand
You chant your dark dedications to the Lord of Murder
and your hands begin to drip blood, marking you as
Khaine’s chosen.
CN: 2
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
Ingredients: A murdered man’s blood.
Your hands drip with the blood of the murdered,
splashing on your foes in combat. Any that wish to
charge you must first succeed on a Cool test or
suffer a Broken condition as they stare at the blood
in horror. Furthermore, those in combat with you
suffer a -10 penalty to Weapon skill and Agility tests
as they instinctually try to avoid the terrible ichor.
Blessing of Death
The ninety-nine sacred killing strikes are secret ways of killing jealously guarded by Khaines devoted, but
with dark dedications chanted to the Lord of Murder this holy knowledge can be passed to those carrying
His blessing.
CN: 3
Range: Touch
Target: 1
Duration: Willpower Bonus hours.
Ingredients: Dagger that has been used to murder.
Invoking the Lord of Murder to bless His agent with one of the ninety-nine sacred killing
strikes, you touch the edge of a dagger used in murder to the bare skin of your target,
granting them Khaines blessing. For the duration of the spell, the target will gain an
additional Resilience point to use only for I Will Not Fail! in tests made to Attack a
target. If it is not used within the duration of the spell, the Resilience point is lost.
Hand of Khaine
Tracing a complex pattern in the air, the Khaines devoted entrances his victim, leaving him vulnerable and
open to attack.
CN: 3
Range: Willpower Bonus Yards
Target: 1
Duration: SL rounds
Ingredients: Blood spilled in battle.
With blood spilled in battle on their fingers, the sorcerer draws a runic pattern in the air
sacred to the Bloody Handed God and places the target in a terror induced trance. When
successfully cast, the target must succeed on an Difficult Cool (-10) test or suffer an
amount of Stunned conditions equal to the SL the target failed with.
Cry of War
By screeching one of the seventeen secret names of Khaine, the warrior freezes enemies with horror.
CN: 5
Range: Willpower Bonus yards
Target: AoE (Special)
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
Ingredients: Edged weapon wielded in anger.
Screeching one of the seventeen secret names of Khaine as a warcry, you freeze an
amount of targets equal to your Willpower Bonus within range of the spell. The targets
must succeed on a Hard Cool (-20) test or suffer an amount of Stunned conditions equal
to your Willpower Bonus. Targets that succeed on the Cool test suffer 1 Broken condition.
Scorpions Sting
Scorpions are sacred animals to Khaine in His aspect as the Scorpion Prince, invoking His name and
imbibing the venom of His children grants His faithful their blessed sting.
CN: 6
Range: Touch
Target: Willpower Bonus targets
Duration: Willpower Bonus x2 Minutes
Ingredients: Distilled Scorpion venom.
By drinking the venom of a sacred scorpion and praising the name of the Scorpion Prince
you invoke the killing power of the scorpion to the blades of Khaines faithful. Your
melee weapons, which must be edged (swords, axes, daggers etc), gain the Impale,
Damaging and Fast qualities for the duration of the spell. If they already possess one of
these qualities they gain the Venom trait in replacement for the duplicate quality.
Life in Death
Not all death is sacred to Khaine, by taking the lifeblood of His sacrifices the God of War can restore
His mortal warriors to health, so that they may bring Him more blood and souls to feast upon.
CN: 7
Range: Touch
Target: 1
Duration: Instant
Ingredients: Blood of a sacrificial victim to Khaine.
You bathe the target with the blood of a sacrificial victim to Khaine and beseech his
aspect as the God of War to grant life anew to his mortal servant. The spell restores an
amount of wounds equal to the Willpower Bonus of the caster and heals an amount of
Critical Wounds equal to half the SL of the Language (Magick) test used to cast the
Visage of the Manticore
Chanting the dread praises of the Lord of Murder, you are gifted with the spirit of His most vicious of
pets, the Manticore.
CN: 8
Range: Willpower Bonus Yards
Target: AoE (Special)
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
Ingredients: Five strands of Manticore fur.
Praising the name of the Lord of Murder He grants you his blessing by infusing you with
the vicious and bloodthirsty spirit of the Manticore. You gain the Terror (Willpower Bonus)
creature trait for all foes who look upon your now monstrous visage and the manifest
blessing of the Lord of Murder grants your allies Fearless (All) talent within Willpower
Bonus yards of you.
Maker of Widows
The cursed Widowmaker taints the souls of the Druchii and with enough blood and souls sacrificed to
Kaela Mensha Khaine, the Bloody Handed God can grant a portion of its cursed power upon His
CN: 10
Range: Special
Target: Special
Duration: 10 minutes per sacrificed victim
Ingredients: Sacrificial victim(s).
In a great and holy ritual of blood and death you cut out the hearts of sacrificial victims
and offer their souls to Kaela Mensha Khaine to grant you and the assembled
worshippers a portion of the murderous frenzy bound in the Widowmaker. For each
victim used as sacrifice the caster gains a +10 bonus to their Channeling (Khainite
Sorcery) test. The first victim sacrificed grants a number of targets equal to your
Willpower Bonus x2 Frenzy and Fear (1) for the duration of the spell. For each additional
victim sacrificed as part of the casting of the spell, increase the multiplier for the number
of affected targets by 1 and the rating of the Fear trait by 1. You can only sacrifice up to
your Willpower Bonus in victims to increase the Channeling (Khainite Sorcery) test
bonus, number of affected targets, Fear rating and duration, any further sacrifices will give
no mechanical advantage but will be pleasing to Khaine.
Bestiary of the Beastmasters
The Beastmasters in Naggaroth break and train every imaginable beast in the known
world. However they favour two in particular as signs of mastery of the beastmasters art,
the War-Hydra and Manticore. These beasts and their particular breeds found in
Naggaroth are very rare in the Old World. So a Beastmaster adventuring in the Old
World will have to rely on the local fauna broken to his will. Griffons, Wyverns and Great
Eagles are commonly sought out and broken for their ferocity and relative abundance.
However only the skill of the Beastmaster limits them in what beasts they can break to
their will. Below is a generic career using the Henchman rules intended to be applied to
tamed monsters and beasts. The next page features a few common animal imports from
Naggaroth, usually brought to the Old World by exotic animal traders and adventurers.
Henchman career: Beastmaster trained
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel
Base - Base Base Silver Bronze - Gold - -
Tier 1: Trainee
Skills: Athletics, Charm, Dodge, Intimidate, Perform (Obedience), Perception, Swim,
Talents: Acute Sense (Any), Beneath Notice, Flee!, Night Vision
Tier 2: Beast
Skills: Cool, Intuition, Melee (Tooth & Claw), Perform (Tricks), Outdoor Survival
Talents: Combat Reflexes, Fleet Footed, Menacing, Strong Legs
Tier 3: Trained Beast
Skills: Stealth, Endurance, Entertain (Any
appropriate), Perform (Any appropriate)
Talents: Distract, Fearless (Any), Iron
Jaw, Strike Mighty Blow
Tier 4: Veteran Beast
Skills: Charm animal, Climb
Talents: Disarm, Frightening,
Implacable, Iron Will
Cold One
Cold Ones are an ancient race of green-skinned reptiles that live in the
dark caves and tunnels in the mountains underneath Hag Graef.
Their cold flesh is almost immune to pain and their bodies exude
a toxic slime. Dark Elves can withstand small quantities of this
slime and tiny amounts are used to make the poisons and
intoxicating brews used by the Asssassins and Witch Elves of
Khaine. Though single-minded when hunting and feeding,
Cold Ones are extremely stubborn beasts, and not at all
intelligent. It takes great strength, practice and willpower to masted
such a steed, and those Dark Elves that do so earn fear, if not
respect from their fellow Naggarothi nobles. In the Old World
Cold Ones are exceptionally rare, existing only in a few rare
menageries and the fabulous Imperial Zoo of Altdorf.
However, a few Beastmasters associated with the Covenant of
Nethu have managed to import a handful of breeding pairs for
their own purposes and they may be convinced to sell them to
enterprising Druchii in the Old World.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel
5 2d10+ - 2d10+ 2d10+ 2d10+ 2d10+ - 2d10+ 2d10+ -
35 35 35 10 10 10 20
Traits: Armour (Scales 3), Bestial, Cold-blooded, Size (Large), Stride, Territorial,
Weapon+5 (Bite)
Optional: Champion, hardy, Size (Enormous), Trained (Broken, Guard, Mount, War)
Naggarothi Lizard-hawk
A common pet in Druchii society, favoured for its vicious nature and loyalty to
its master. The Lizard-hawk looks much like a raptor sized dragon, though it
lacks the forearms like the Wyverns, which has led some scholars to
speculate it is an offshoot of this very same breed of creature.
Typically trained and kept as hunting birds, much like Old World
falconry, Lizard-hawks have a myriad of common breeds, such as
the Parrot Lizard-hawk with its ability to mimic speech making it
highly popular among Druchii corsairs, or the ‘Drakeling’ bred for its
size and venom and often used to track and chase down runaway slaves. In
the Old World they are often imported by exotic animal traders and adventurers. A
notable part of the Covenant of Nethus legal income in the Old World come from
selling these animals to nobles and rich burghers who wish to show off their worldliness.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel
2 2d10+ - 2d10+ 2d10+ 2d10+ 2d10+ - 2d10+ 2d10+ 2d10
35 5 5 20 30 10 10
Traits: Bestial, Bite+2, Flight 60, Size (Little), Night vision, Weapon+1 (Claws)
Optional: Belligerent, Cunning, Fast, Mimic, Trained, Track, Territorial, Venom, Size
(Average), Size (Small)
Dark Elf equipment
Dark elf weapons and equipment are generally rare finds in the Empires markets and are
more often than not battlefield plunder. However, those few organized groups of Dark
elves in the Old World do much to maintain and even produce items fitting to their
aesthetic and quality standards. The vast majority of items made by mankind is simply
beneath them to wear or use and to “go native” is seen as a disgusting act of self-
humiliation. So even in the Old World Dark elves will still dress in fashions and use
weapons you would find on Dark elves dwelling in Naggaroth. Most Old Worlders are
generally too ignorant about the differences between the elven kindreds and their cultures
to pay much heed to whatever strange fashions one elf or another wears.
Weapon Price Enc Availability Reach/Reach Damage Qualities and
Black Ark 2gc 1 Rare Average +SB+4 Damaging
Lakelui 48gc 1 Exotic Long +SB+4 Impale, Impact
Ghlaith 40gc 1 Exotic Average +SB+4 Damaging,
Sea 20gc 2 Exotic Average +SB Shield 2,
Dragon Defensive,
Cloak Distract
Fighting 12gc 3 Exotic Short +SB+2 Defensive, Trap
Spines Blade,
Draich 70gc 3 Exotic Long +SB+5 Damaging,
Hack, Impale
(2h)Repeater 45gc 3 Exotic 60 +8 Repeater 6,
Crossbow Reload 2,
Repeater 55gc 1 Exotic 10 +6 Pistol, Repeater
Handbows 4, Reload 2
(2h)Ravager 60gc 4 Exotic 100 +11 Damaging,
Harpoon Reload 3
Barbed 8/ 1 Exotic As Weapon +2 Impale,
Bolts* Entangle,
* Can only be shot with a Ravager Harpoon
**Inflicts +1 Bleeding condition every 2 SL’s with a successful attack.
Black Ark sabre
Heavy bladed sabres favoured by the corsairs aboard Naggaroths Black Arks and raiding
fleets. Elegantly curved in a way that strongly favours the cut over the thrust and usually
forge with complex handguards that ranges from simple knucklebows to basket hilts of
Druchii design. They are often lavished upon as symbols of status and no Corsair captain
or Black Ark fleetmaster would be seen without one. Often paired with matching parrying
The ritual weapon of one of Khaine’s anointed Executioners, each draich is hand-crafted
by the armourers of Khaine’s temples and may take the form of a vicious sword or a
mighty axe. Incredibly rare weapons to find in the Old World as to acquire one, you need
to kill the previous owner which is a very daunting task.
An archaic weapon for ritual combat in dueling between the nobility, paired with the
Ghlaith. The name ‘Lakelui’ means soultaker in the Druchii tongue and is used to dispatch
the foe once they have been rendered defenseless by the Ghlaith. Exceptionally rare in the
Old World, it does find some favour with the Cult of Khaine. As the heavy blade, fitted
on a long pole much like a glaive, makes it well suited for ritual sacrifices or dramatic
killing blows in murders.
Always paired with a Lakelui the Ghlaith, meaning ‘spineblade’, is used to deliver
crippling blows to the lower spine or limbs with its curved, sickle shaped
blade. While it is traditionally used in ritual duels between Druchii nobility,
like the Lakelui the Ghlaith has found use with the Cult of Khaine for its
elaborate ritual use in killing.
Druchii Repeating Crossbow & Handbows
A marvel of Druchii engineering. The Repeating crossbows can
unleash a volley of deadly armour piercing bolts in the same time
it takes for an ordinary crossbowman to fire a single shot using
a sophisticated magazine and loading mechanism. The
Repeater Handbows use a similar mechanism
but in a pistol sized weapon, making it a
favoured ranged weapon
among the corsairs of
the Black Arks.
Ravager Harpoon
A bolt thrower typically mounted on Scourgerunner Chariots, but it is light enough to be
transported by one Druchii on foot. The Ravager Harpoon fires barbed bolts used to
capture beasts for the stables of the Beastmasters. The barbs and chains of the harpoons
allowing them to be entangled and safely bound to be brought back to the menageries of
the Druchii. Any target gaining an Entangled condition by the Barbed Bolts fired from a
Ravager Harpoon can be dragged SBx2 yards closer to the wielder by spending 1
Sea Dragon Cloak
While not a weapon, the tough scales of the Sea Dragon Cloak are used by Druchii
Corsairs to ward off blows and shots from the myriad of foes they encounter in their
raids across the world. Indeed, many Corsairs even use their Sea
Dragon Cloaks much like Estalian Diestros use cloaks like a flexible shield in their fencing
arts, though of course they claim they invented the style. Sea Dragon Cloaks are rare to
find in the Old World, particularly undamaged examples, as Corsairs are not particularly
fond of parting with them.
When not used as a Shield, the Sea Dragon Cloak provides +1 AP to all locations but the
Fighting Spines
Bladed protrusions part of the bracers on Dark elf plate armor and commonly worn by
Cold One Knights. Fighting Spines are curved and sharpened points which can be used to
catch enemy blades and disarm an opponent or as weapons in their own right. Fighting
Spines also count as a pair of Bracers when worn.
Tools, Kit, Gear and Accessories
Also known as “spirit bells”, the keikalla are believed to ward off the most malicious of
magical spirits whom live in Naggaroth with their jangling noise. They are also used by
Dark Elf nobility in battle to announce their presence, as they ride proudly to battle in full
view of their foes.
Flesh Hooks
Decorations from which trophies taken in battle can be hung from. Usually they are in the
shape of Druhir runes and among the nobility and knights of Naggaroth their exact
placement from which they are hung can denote many things such as status, allegiances,
family and battle honours. Much like the heraldry of lesser races.
Torturers Tools
A series of knives, blades, tongs, pliers, vicious insects, needles and other dread
instruments that bring torture from simple infliction of pain to a true art form.
Dark Elf groups in the Old World
The Covenant of Nethu
Named after the Cytharai god Nethu, keeper of the door to the elven underworld, Mirai,
and the son of the death goddess, Ereth Khial. The Covenant of Nethu are so named to
represent that they are an underworld to the ‘overworld’ of society in the Old World.
Acting much as a fraternity, a spy network and a criminal gang all at once. They are the
largest and most comprehensive group of Druchii in the Old World, operating largely in
secret, it provides security, information and community for its members (no dark elf
would however admit to it) as they live and work in the Old World, largely on their own.
Primarily concerned with gathering information about shipping, cargoes and naval
movements of Old World fleets which it supplies to the fleets of the Black Arks and
disrupting the diplomatic and trading missions of the Asur in the Old World. Because of
this the Covenant of Nethu has the majority of its presence along the coasts and
waterways in the Old World. It’s many secret ‘fraternal houses’ can often be found in
harbor and docks districts, masquerading as legitimate businesses or discrete backrooms
in already existing locales. Taverns, brothels and similar entertainment establishments are
preferred. Besides the spying and information gathering done by the Covenant and its
agents, it also engages in smuggling, largely of illicit goods to fund its operations in the
Old World and to bring in goods from Naggaroth not found in the Old World, and
various other forms of lucrative criminal enterprises. Typically arranging pit fights, selling
narcotics, gambling and money lending are common secondary sources of income.
Formally it owes allegiance to the Black Ark Fleet Masters in the dark elf colony of
Nagronath, in Albion, however due to its isolation the Covenant largely keeps its own
council and the loose internal hierarchy it maintains for itself. This suits the members of
the Covenant, as many of them (particularly the lowborn members) get a taste for the
comparative freedom and luxury of living in the Old World as a Druchii compared to
Naggaroth. Its members consist mostly of young Druchii looking to make a name for
themselves taking on work as a spy for the Black Fleets, or seeking to make a name for
themselves as mercenaries. However, a significant amount of its members are exiles,
exiled as punishment for failed schemes in the Naggarothi courts or in self-imposed exile
to avoid falling prey to their enemies. Notably the Covenant has a handful of Druchii
craftsmen living in the Old World making and supplying the Covenants members with
weapons, armour, clothes and equipment that fits the demanding standards of any self-
respecting Druchii rather than rely on smuggled imports by way of Nagronath.
The Cult of Khaine
The native Old World cult of Khaine is considered an amusing novelty or a hideous
affront, depending on the Druchii in questions piety to the Lord of Murder. However, all
Druchii consider it useful tool for their own purposes. For what the human worshippers
of Khaine lack in sophistication, they make up for in enthusiasm. Thus many of the more
pious Druchii who venerate the bloody handed one above all other Cytharai they often
infiltrate the Cult of Khaine and set themselves up as high priests, cult leaders or even
objects of worship as the bloody handed gods anointed. As the basic cultural
understanding of being born into druchii society gives
the typical druchii theological knowledge of the Lord of
Murder far beyond the human cultists in the Old
World. Many exiled Druchii are tempted by this and
they make up the majority of Druchii in the Old World
cult of Khaine.
As the Cult of Khaine is divided up into cells and with
very little hierarchy between them those cells the
Druchii have infiltrated are shaped by their individual
whims as much of the strictures of the cult. Naturally
the Cult of Khaine is popular for its ability to produce
reasonably competent assassins without having to
transport an assassin from the temples of Khaine in
Brotherhood of Sorcerers
The iron laws of the Witch King forbid Druchii men
from studying the art of Dark Magic at the pain of
death, based in his fear of the Prophecy of Demise.
Which states that a Dark King will be brought low by a
firstborn son of noble blood trained in the dark arts. As
a consequence many Druchii sorcerers leave Naggaroth
in self-imposed exile once the fear of discovery
becomes too much or fleeing during one of the Witch
Kings many purges. The Brotherhood of Sorcerers is a
coven of these exiled sorcerers in the Old World and
form perhaps the most secretive and reclusive of the
Druchii groups in the Old World. While the Witch
Hunters of the Empire would naturally hunt them if
they flaunted their sorcery openly, they are crude and
brutish and their methods are child’s play to hide from
compared to the Witch Kings agents. But even a Witch
Hunter can with luck find a sloppy sorcerer and no self-
respecting Druchii would ever wish to escape the Witch
Kings wrath only to be sent to the pyre by the oafish
Witch Hunters of Sigmar.
The Brotherhood has a basic hierarchy, as the group
has neither the age nor the resources to be as elaborate
as the Dark Convents in Ghrond. But they still
distinguish the repute and rank of their few members
based on skill and seniority, with the lowest ranking
members being Acolytes, typical members known as
Sorcerers and the coven’s leaders known as High
Sorcerers. For safety and secrecy they only convene once a month, when Mannsleib is
full, to perform rituals, initiate new Acolytes, share news, discuss their agendas and
socialize. Though none would admit it, the solitary life most Druchii sorcerers lead make
these meetings very important affairs to the Brotherhood as they have little other
opportunity to spend time and jostle for position with their peers and rivals.
The businesses of the Brotherhood are varied, though all of them are focused on
increasing their knowledge of the dark arts and power they wield. Grimoires of magic,
artifacts, rare ingredients and rumours to find these are their stock and trade and they
make deals with whomever they believe can further their own needs. Vampires,
Necromancers, Cultists of the Dark Gods or even the Ratmen, none is too low or too
high for the Brotherhood to bargain with if they can provide something to increase their
magical knowledge.
The final goal however, is gathering enough magical power to be able to return to
Naggaroth and retake their rightful places as dread lords in the Land of Chill. If this
requires them fulfilling the Prophecy of Demise, then they will delight in the irony of the
Witch King bringing about his own downfall.
This is a fan made supplement and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop or Cubicle 7
all art belong to their respective artists etc. With that out of the way, credits should be
given to the anons over at /wfg/ for giving feedback, ideas and suggestions for the
careers and magical lores. Secondly my WFRP4 group should have credit for testing out
the base rules for the Dark Elf race.
Thanks for reading, I hope you’ve enjoyed the fan material in the supplement and that it’s
given you the proper COLD BLOODED KILLERS experience!
- Naggaroth Anon
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