Is.2186.1985 ISO Metric External Screw Threads
Is.2186.1985 ISO Metric External Screw Threads
Is.2186.1985 ISO Metric External Screw Threads
1. scope - Covers the limits of sizes for IS0 metric external screw threads for interference fit
applications with the basic profile in accordance with IS : 4218 ( Part 1 )-I976 ‘IS0 metric screw
threads: Part 1 Basic and design profiles (first revision 1’.
2. Application - External threads covered in this standard shall be used with internal screw threads
conforming to IS : 4218 ( Part 6 )-I 978 ‘IS0 metric screw threads: Part 6 Limits of sizes for commercial
bolts and nuts ( diameter range 1 to 52 mm ) ( first revision )’ for the following applications:
a) For general interference fit applications, with internal threads of tolerance class 6H.
b) For closer interference fit applications, with internal threads of tolerance class 5H.
3. Form of External Screw Threads - The design profile of external threads shall be as given in
Fig. 1.
5. Designation - IS0 metric external threads conforming to this standard shall be designated as
Example :
An external thread of nominal size Ml2 shall be designated as: M12-IS : 2186
2, 0’4
(2’2) 2’5 0’45
i3.5) x2
(4’5) 0’75
5 0’8
I I --,_ I _I-_1---- _ I---
;, (7) 112 112
:‘25 0 132 132 71 0
lb 1.5 150 150
.-- _ -~- -F-i 71 --,_i I
12 1’75 170 170
(14), 16 180 180
(18)s 20 (22) z.5 0 212 212 100 55 1 105 ’ 160
24. (27) 3 236 236
30, i33j 3’5 1 265 j 265 1
__-__ __ I-i -I -------I-!-
4 300 300 I
48; (52)
56, (60)
4’5 0 315
335 315
335 140 0 140 72 1 152 224
355 355
64 to 80 375 375
(85) to 150
IS:2186 -1985
Thread Major Diameter d Pitch Diameter 4 Minor Diameter dJ
Nominal Pi’p”h
Max Min Max Min Max Min
0’25 1’000 0.958 0’874 0’838 0’712 0’656
0’25 1'100 1’058 0’974 0.812 0.756
0’25 1’200 1.158 1’074 Z3388 0'912 0.856
1’400 1’352 1’241 1’205 1’051
x1:5 1’600 1’647 1’409 1’375 1.189 ::%
I _I -
Note 2 - For thread sizes not covered in the above Table, limits of dimensions may be calculated from the
fundamental deviations given in Table 1.
Max I
Min Max Min
M24x I.5 23'097 22.197 22’085
24’000 23’850 23’026
M24x2 24000 23’820 22’801 22’701 21’601 21’441
M27x2 27.000 26.820 25.801 25701 24’601 24’441
(M28 x 1’5) 27’850 27’026
M30x1.5 29’026
M20x2 28’701
I ~-
M33x2 33’000 32’820 31.701 30’601 30’441
M36 x3 36’000 35’764 34’051 32’374 32’214
(M38 x 1’5) 38’000 37.850 37’026 36’197 36’085
Note 2 - For thread sizes not covered in the above Table, limits of dimensions may be calculated from the
fundamental deviations given in Table 1.
6. Dimensions
6.1 The basic dimensions for the external screw threads of coarse and fine series shall be in accordance
with IS : 4218 ( Part 3)-1976 ‘IS0 metric screw threads: Part 3 Basic dimensions for design profiles
( first revision )‘.
6.2 The limits of dimensions for external screw threads of coarse and fine series shall be as given
in Tables 2 and 3 respectively.
6.3 When the threads are required to be coated, minimum material limits would be maintained before
coating and to control the maximum limit coating thickness shall be agreed between the purchaser
and the supplier.
IS:2186 -1985
This standard was first published in 1967, covering the eternal threads of basic profile as per
IS0 metric threads and the limits corresponding to Sk6 class of DIN 13 and 14, Supplement 14.
Internal IS0 metric threads of 6H class were recommended for mating with these threads for
interference fit.
From the experience gained it was observed that the fit obtained by the above combination
needed improvement for satisfactory interference applications. Further some of the industries were
using a still closer interference fit threads ( corresponding to Sn4 class of DIN 13 and 14, supplement
14) which were also to be taken care of in this standard.
Considering the above points, following modifications have been made in this revision:
a) The maximum clearance between the mating threads has been reduced by shifting the
position of tolerance zone slightly such that the entire tolerance on pitch diameter is on
positive side. Accordingly the tolerance zone of minor diameter has also been shifted up-
wards. However, the amount of tolerance has been retained same in both cases. No change
is made in either the value or position of major diameter. These changes also increase the
maximum interference between the mating threads.
b) Two classes of internal threads that is 6H and 5H have been recommended for mating threads,
so that general as well as closer interference fit can be achieved.
In preparation of this standard, assistance has been derived from DIN 13 and 14, Supplement
14-1944 Metric screw threads, screw threads for interference fit fastenings without sealing action (for
inserted ends of studs), issued by the Deutsches lnstitut fiir Normung.
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