ESS Paper2 TZ2 SL MS

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8823 – 6303M


November 2023

Environmental systems and societies

Standard level

Paper 2

21 pages
–2– 8823 – 6303M

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–3– 8823 – 6303M

Subject details: Environmental systems and societies SLP2

Mark allocation

Candidates are required to answer:

• ALL questions in Section A [25] and TWO questions in Section B [40].
• The maximum total = [65].

1. Environmental systems and societies uses marking points and markbands to determine the
achievement of candidates

When using marking points (All of this paper except Section B, part (c) questions):
i. A markscheme often has more marking points than the total allows. This is intentional
ii. Each marking point has a separate line and the end is shown by means of a semi-colon (;)
iii. Where a mark is awarded, a tick/check () must be placed in the text at the precise point
where it becomes clear that the candidate deserves the mark. One tick to be shown for each
mark awarded
iv. The order of marking points does not have to be as in the markscheme, unless stated

When using markbands (Only for Section B, part (c) questions):

i. Read the response and determine which band the response fits into
ii. Then re-read the response to determine where the response fits within the band
iii. Annotate the response to indicate your reasoning behind the awarding of the mark
Do not use ticks at this point
iv. Decide on a mark for the response
v. At the end of the response place the required number of ticks to enable RM Assessor to
input the correct number of marks for the response.

2. An alternative answer or wording is indicated in the markscheme by a slash (/). Either wording can
be accepted.

3. Words in brackets ( ) in the markscheme are not necessary to gain the mark.

4. Words that are underlined are essential for the mark.

5. If the candidate’s answer has the same “meaning” or can be clearly interpreted as being of
equivalent significance, detail and validity as that in the markscheme then award the mark.
Where this point is considered to be particularly relevant in a question it is emphasized by
OWTTE (or words to that effect).
–4– 8823 – 6303M

6. Remember that many candidates are writing in a second language. Effective communication is
more important than grammatical accuracy.

7. Occasionally, a part of a question may require an answer that is required for subsequent
marking points. If an error is made in the first marking point then it should be penalized. However, if
the incorrect answer is used correctly in subsequent marking points then follow through marks
should be awarded. When marking, indicate this by adding ECF (error carried forward) on the

8. Do not penalize candidates for errors in units or significant figures, unless it is specifically referred
to in the markscheme.
–5– 8823 – 6303M

Section A
1. (a) State the trophic level of herring. [1]

secondary consumer / third/3rd(trophic level);

(b) State the relationship between POPs concentration and the trophic level. [1]

POP concentration increases/is higher moving up to higher/at increasing trophic

levels / positive/direct correlation / as one increases the other increases;

Note: Do not credit biomagnification or bioconcentration in response to this


(c) Explain the relationship between POPs concentration and trophic level. [2]

a. POPs bioaccumulate/bioconcentrate within organisms/tissues, as they are

taken up from surrounding environment/polluted ocean water/food;
b. … because POPs are non-biodegradable/don’t break down…;
c. …and result in biomagnification, as they pass from one trophic level to the next
(across levels)...;
d. ...due to the decrease of biomass/energy (respiratory losses) up the food chain;

Note: Do not award marks if similar statements are given in 2(b) and 2(c)

(d) Calculate, as a percentage, the efficiency of energy transfer between herring and
cod. [1]

(5/25) x 100 = 20 (%);

(e) Outline one strength and one weakness of a pyramid of productivity as a model to
represent energy in an ecosystem. [2]

Strength: [1 max]
a. shows the flow/production rate of energy/biomass through a food chain (rather
than the standing stock) / never inverted;
b. tracks change over time (rather than "snapshot" in time);
c. more efficient comparison of different ecosystems;
d. visual representation / simplification of complex system/ easy to communicate
information to non-specialist;
e. can be used to make predictions;

Weakness: [1 max]
f. difficult to place organisms that occupy more than one trophic level;
g. hard to get accurate data because collection is difficult / inevitably some values
are approximate;
h. (estimating in field) may involve killing of organisms;
i. oversimplification and loss of detail/complexities of interacting factors
–6– 8823 – 6303M

2. (a) Identify the region that shows the greatest NOx emission reductions in February
2020 as shown in Figure 2(a). [1]

Asia and Middle East;

(b) Outline one reason for the NOx emission reductions during Covid-19 lockdowns, as
shown in Figure 2(a). [1]

reduced burning/combustion of fossil fuels, a source of NOx / due to reduced

traffic/factory closures;

(c) Explain the relationship between the NOx emissions shown in Figure 2(a) and
tropospheric ozone concentrations shown in Figure 2(b). [2]

a. the two have a positive correlation/as NOx decreases so does tropospheric ozone;
b. …because NOx (is a primary pollutant) that can lead to tropospheric ozone
(secondary pollutant);
c. …because NOx interacts with sunlight/UV (and sometimes VOCs) to produce
tropospheric ozone;
d. tropospheric ozone reductions continue to increase in some regions after NOx
reductions level off / possibly because other factors (e.g. weather, other
pollutants) influence tropospheric ozone production;

(d) Outline two impacts of tropospheric ozone on living systems. [2]

a. damages the leaves of plants / the ability of plants to photosynthesize / reduces

agricultural/primary productivity;
b. reduced PP/global warming may cause loss of habitats/food for animals;
c. damages lung tissue / causes respiratory diseases / lung inflammation
d. eye irritation;

Note: Do NOT credit "global/local warming" unless explicitly linked to other impacts
in living systems, as in MPb. Do NOT credit impacts that are due to increased
UV/solar radiation (e.g. cataracts).

(e) Tropospheric ozone is a major component of photochemical smog. Outline two

conditions that contribute to high levels of photochemical smog in an area. [2]

a. topographic conditions: next to mountains / in a depression/low-lying area traps

b. climatic conditions: high pressure systems / weak winds / temperature
inversions / high insolation / limited rainfall / high temperature;
c. high population urban density: heavy use of fossil fuels due to high vehicle
use/industrial output / evaporation of paint and cleaning (VOC- releasing)
d. burning of forests increases the formation of primary pollutants that contribute to

(f) NOx also contributes to acid deposition. State one method that could be used to
restore an ecosystem damaged by acid deposition. [1]

liming / reforestation / restocking fish / extracting toxic metals from water/soils /

adding nutrients/fertilisers to soils / adding wood ash / planting acid resistant plants
to bind soil;
–7– 8823 – 6303M

3. (a) With reference to Figure 3, identify the stage that represents the greatest food loss
and waste in North America. [1]

use / stage 5;

(b) Outline two strategies to reduce food waste at the use stage (stage 5) in North
America. [2]

a. buy only food that will be consumed;

b. pay attention to expiry dates of purchased food;
c. ensure proper storage conditions (at home) to reduce spoilage / avoid pest
d. buy/consume “ugly”/misshaped fruits and vegetables;
e. donate unsold/unused food;
f. some food items may be re-cooked / put in freezer (for later consumption);
g. education/ awareness campaign to reduce wasteful attitudes related to food

Note: Accept other valid points relevant to use of food; do NOT credit “composting” or
any SDW disposal method

(c) With reference to a stage in Figure 3, describe one reason for a difference
between food loss and waste in a less economically developed country (LEDC). [2]

LEDCs might have more waste in stage 1/2/3/4/5…; [1max]

…due to… [1max]
a. …more pest infestation due to lack of pesticides (stage 1);
b. …poor storing conditions/ higher ambient temperatures increasing spoilage
during handling/transportation (stage 2 or 4);
c. ...less efficient facilities/machinery may lead to increased waste during
harvest/handling/packaging (stage 2 or 3);

LEDCs might have less waste in stage 1/2/3/4/5…; [1max]

…due to… [1max]
d. …subsistence farming reduced productivity (stage 1);
e. …local consumption of grown food reducing need for handling and
processing (stages 2 or 3);
f. …buying/eating the cheaper “ugly” food (stages 4 or 5);
g. …consuming less food due to less income (stages 4 or 5);
h. ...consuming lower on food chain/less meat (stages 4 or 5);

Note: Accept any point of equal significance

Only award credit for reasons that are correctly linked with “less” or “more” waste.
–8– 8823 – 6303M

(d) Discuss the sustainability of two solid domestic waste disposal strategies that can
be used to manage food waste. [4]

a. Composting is turning food waste into natural fertilizer / reduces waste to landfill
/ emits less methane (aerobic composting)…;
b. …but does not apply to meat/dairy/liquids / may associate with pests/disease;
c. Methane collection from landfills would contribute to sustainable/low-impact
energy production / sustainably designed landfills (e.g. liner, collecting &
treating leachate) is an efficient method of dealing with huge amounts of
d. …but landfills are notorious for emitting various pollutants contaminating
ground/water/air / prevent any possibility of re-using food waste / require large
amount of land;
e. Incineration would efficiently reduce volume of food waste / require less land…;
f. …but would release harmful air pollutants / would require a lot of energy/initial
g. anaerobic digestion/fermentation may turn food waste into biogas/fuel...;
h. ...but requires facilities (digesters)/expertise not available in LEDCs;

Allow [1 max] for a conclusion, like “landfill/incineration overall increase EF /

composting overall contributes to lower EF” or comparing the sustainability of the
SDWs discussed “compost is a less expensive SDW than incineration / compost is
less efficient for management of large quantities of food waste”

Award [2 max] for each SDW strategy (i.e. one mark for positive, one for negative)

Note: only award mark once for same point for different strategies
Note: recycling is not a valid method
–9– 8823 – 6303M

Section B
4. (a) Outline how the ecological footprint (EF) of a country can be measured. [4]

a. EF is the area of land and water required to sustainably provide all resources at
the rate at which they are being consumed by a given population;
b. find total amount of waste produced from food production/domestic activities;
c. find the total amount of food consumed;
d. find the total amount of water consumed by the population;
e. find the total amount of energy consumed / carbon (dioxide) emissions;
f. find the mean rate of productivity of local vegetation;
g. find the total availability of local water supply;
h. calculate the area of local vegetation/land required to absorb all waste and
produce all food / (annual) total consumption rate plus waste emission rate
divided by (annual) land productivity;
i. (If per capita rates are initially measured then) multiply per capita EF with
population size;
– 10 – 8823 – 6303M

(b) With reference to an aquatic food-production system, explain how renewable natural
capital can be sustainably managed. [7]

a. sustainable resource management prevents resource/natural capital depletion...

/ allows full recovery of ecosystems affected by extraction and use of
resources... / that the future generations can also benefit from it;
b. renewable natural capital can be generated and/or replaced as fast as it is being
used / includes living species/e.g. fish and ecosystems that use solar energy
and photosynthesis;
c. estimate maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of fish/marine animal population;
d. avoid overfishing/tragedy of commons / catch restricted to less or equal to MSY;
e. international/national policies/coordination dictating use of quotas/MSY;
f. reduce by-catch;
g. implement sustainable fishing methods (e.g. spearfishing, satellite detection of
boats and fish stocks, not fishing a single fish species) / avoid non-sustainable
fishing methods (e.g. longlining, bottom trawling);
h. international regulation of fishing grounds / designation of exclusion areas
i. avoid catch of younger fish / increase mesh size of nets / ban fishing in breeding
j. education on sustainability principles for fishermen/aquaculturists;
k. stricter monitoring/fining of illegal fishing;
l. legal framework requiring sustainability certification of marine products sold /
social responsibility of enterprises involved in fisheries and aquaculture;
m. polyculture approach in aquaculture / feces fed to algae used as fish food;
n. applying sustainable closed-system technologies (in aquaculture) / e.g.
recirculating tanks/flow-through systems/inland ponds/raceways / power by
renewable energy;
o. reduced stock density in aquaculture (prevents disease spreading);
p. reduced use of antibiotics/pesticides/fertilizers to reduce pollution/contamination
of nearby habitat/indigenous species;
q. encourage/fund scientific research on growth rate/productivity/survival/health of
fish species raised in captivity;
r. treat aquaculture effluent with bioremediation/absorbing materials/settling
ponds/use vegetation as filters;
s. optimize feed composition to reduce food waste / use of probiotics to reduce
phosphorus load in fish excrement;

Accept points of equal significance relating to other renewable natural capital, e.g. algae
cultivation, river/lake ecosystems, wetlands, estuaries.
– 11 – 8823 – 6303M

(c) Human population dynamics are influenced more by social, cultural, political and
economic factors than by resource availability.

Discuss the validity of this statement. [9]

The following guide for using the markbands suggests certain features that may be
offered in responses. The five headings coincide with the criteria in each of the
markbands (although ESS terminology has been conflated with ‘understanding
concepts’) This guide simply provides some possible inclusions and should not be
seen as requisite or comprehensive. It outlines the kind of elements to look for when
deciding on the appropriate markband and the specific mark within that band.

Answers may include:

• understanding concepts and terminology of population dynamics; carrying

capacity; ecological footprint; limits to growth; Malthus v Boserup; population
policies; pro-natal & anti-natal; contraception; tax incentives; abortion policies;
marital age; female emancipation; literacy; religions/ideologies; migrations;
wars; child labour; importation of resources; density dependent factors; resource
exploitation; sustainable yields; demographic transition; renewability of
resources; recycling; etc
• breadth in addressing and linking population dynamics (growth and decline)
with a wide range of factors including social (e.g. role of women), cultural (e.g.
religious imperatives), political (e.g. population policies), economic (e.g. tax
incentives), resource availability (e.g. food production, energy, water, pollution
management) etc
• examples of named social, cultural, political, economic factors that influence
population growth in a range of different named countries and societies (MEDCs
and LEDCs, Western and Eastern, tropical and temperate) along with examples
of different resources that may limit population growth, and different
management strategies addressing the availability of resources.
• balanced analysis of the extent to which sociopolitical factors are more or less
influential than resource availability on the growth and/or decline of human
populations considering both the pros and cons for the argument selected.
• a conclusion that is consistent with and supported by analysis and
examples given, e.g. Human populations in the latter stages of demographic
transition are largely regulated by sociopolitical factors and generally it is only
the populations at earlier stages of the DTM that are literally limited by resource
factors such as famine and water scarcity.

Please see markbands on page 21.

– 12 – 8823 – 6303M

5. (a) Outline the differences between anthropocentric and ecocentric value systems. [4]

Anthropocentrism [2 max]
a. sustainable management is a duty of human societies / environmental
b. population control given equal weight to resource use;
c. strong legal regulation by authorities / imposing environmental taxes, fees,
d. it is moral for human societies to benefit from natural capital;

Ecocentrism [2 max]
e. nature/ecosystems should be left alone with minimal interference / deep
f. self-reliant communities (population controlled by carrying capacity) / use of
small-scale technology;
g. self-imposed constraint in resource use;
h. holistic world view / spiritual dimensions to natural systems/intrinsic value /
prioritizes bio-rights;
– 13 – 8823 – 6303M

(b) Evaluate the use of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to ensure the
sustainability of a new development project. [7]

Definition [1 max]

sustainability is the use and management of resources that allows full natural
replacement of the resources exploited / full recovery of the ecosystems affected by
their extraction and use / so that future generations may also use them;

Pros [4 max]

a. EIA provides to decision-makers the relevant information on the current situation

(baseline study);
b. identifies/predicts the possible environmental impact before the onset of a
c. suggests the possible management strategies that would mitigate/prevent any
adverse effects of a project;
d. holds policy-makers/entrepreneurs accountable for any decision they will
eventually make (in follow-up assessment);
e. takes into consideration social and economic impacts as well/e.g. social
acceptance, deterioration of property value/life quality;
f. may be effective in stopping a potentially harmful project;

Cons [4 max]

g. may not prevent the implementation of a project, even if it has severe negative
h. requires technical expertise that might not be available in all countries/situations;
i. if funded by the enterprise developing the project, it might be biased;
j. in most countries, the legal/regulatory framework is not well established / lack of
standards/official training for practitioners;
k. some environmental factors/impacts may not be readily quantified / e.g.
life/landscape quality / may fail to properly study some environmental factors;
l. may not include socio-economic impacts;
m. it may be more profitable for an enterprise to pay a fine for ignoring EIA’s
n. may delay the implementation of a project due to time consuming procedure.

Conclusion [1 max]

Despite the shortcomings of an EIA, becoming a legal requirement for major

projects has reduced the adverse environmental impacts/resulted in higher social
responsibility of enterprises / Even a “perfectly” implemented EIA may not
guarantee the future sustainability of a project, as environmental conditions may
change (e.g. climate change).
– 14 – 8823 – 6303M

(c) Urbanization has had a greater effect on the quality and availability of freshwater resources
than agricultural activities.
Discuss the validity of this statement. [9]

The following guide for using the mark bands suggests certain features that may be
offered in responses. The five headings coincide with the criteria in each of the
markbands (although ESS terminology has been conflated with ‘understanding
concepts’) This guide simply provides some possible inclusions and should not be
seen as requisite or comprehensive. It outlines the kind of elements to look for when
deciding on the appropriate markband and the specific mark within that band.

Answers may include:

• understanding concepts and terminology of urbanization, waste-water

treatment; leaching of heavy metals; sedimentation; suspended solids;
landscape changes; well-drilling; aquifers; urban growth; grey water cycling; acid
precipitation; reverse osmosis; pesticide pollution; bioaccumulation;
biomagnification; irrigation; flooding; drip irrigation; leaching of fertilisers;
• breadth in addressing and linking urbanisation and agricultural activities with
a range of associated impacts on quality and availability of freshwater including
pollution; waste disposal; sustainable management; overexploitation;
development of irrigation/drinking systems/dams etc
• examples of named pollutants from urban and agricultural sources; named
strategies for sustainable management of water in urban and agricultural
contexts; named countries/societies in which issues arise;
• balanced analysis evaluating the relative impact (negative or positive) of both
urbanisation and agriculture on water quality and availability and the extent to
which these may be mitigated through sustainable management
• a conclusion that is consistent with and supported by analysis and
examples given, e.g. although urbanization creates a broader range of
negative effects on freshwater quality than agriculture it also provides methods
for the production of freshwater from sewage and sea water.

Please see markbands on page 24.

– 15 – 8823 – 6303M

6. (a) Outline how species diversity in an ecosystem can be measured. [4]

a. species diversity in communities is a product of two variables: the number of

species (richness) and their relative proportions (evenness);
b. name an appropriate index, e.g. Simpson’s diversity index / Shannon’s index;

To calculate Simpson's Index:

c. the area must be sampled, e.g. using quadrats placed randomly or
systematically/pitfall trap/mark–recapture;
d. several samples need to be taken and the data pooled (to give a better estimate
of overall diversity);
e. the number of individuals of each species (abundance) should be noted in each
sampling plot;
f. there is no necessity to be able to identify all the species, (provided they can be
distinguished from each other);

g. calculate diversity index by using a valid formula, like

n = the total number of organisms of a particular species
N = the total number of organisms of all species
[Note: credit only if all symbols are explained; accept different formulas as found
in literature]
h. with this index, the higher the value of D, the higher the species diversity;

Note: Accept any other relevant measurement to those given.

Do NOT credit Lincoln's index formula.
– 16 – 8823 – 6303M

(b) Explain how the movement of tectonic plates has influenced biodiversity and
evolution. [7]

a. plate tectonic movement may lead to divergence of continents/growth of

mountain ranges/opening of oceans/formation of islands…;
b. …which separates populations/species from each other / isolates gene pools…;
c. …leading to divergent evolution/action of natural selection/genetic drift /
accumulating different mutations over (geological) time…;
d. …as they have to adapt to different habitats/climates/environmental pressures
(in order for fitter species to survive)…
e. ...causing speciation (thus, increasing biodiversity);
f. ...or may shift population in harsher climatic/habitat conditions, causing their
extinction (thus reducing biodiversity);
g. plate tectonic movement may lead to formation of land bridges / closing of
h. …which brings different populations/species in contact / opens novel migration
i. …leading to interspecific competition / competitive niche exclusion…;
j. …which might cause the extinction of less fit species (reducing biodiversity);
k. …also leading to hybridization/interbreeding of related species / increased gene
l. …which may either reduce genetic differences / lump related species (thus,
reducing biodiversity);
m. …or create a new species better adapted to intermediate/new habitat / e.g.
introgression in plants (thus, increasing biodiversity);

Note: Do NOT credit description of evolutionary process (mutations / natural

selection / survival of fittest / fitter genes dominating a population / speciation)
outside the context of plate tectonics movement.
– 17 – 8823 – 6303M

(c) Discuss the effectiveness of habitat-based conservation in relation to the impacts of

climate change. [9]

The following guide for using the markbands suggests certain features that may be offered in
responses. The five headings coincide with the criteria in each of the markbands (although
ESS terminology has been conflated with ‘understanding concepts’) This guide simply
provides some possible inclusions and should not be seen as requisite or comprehensive. It
outlines the kind of elements to look for when deciding on the appropriate markband and the
specific mark within that band.
Answers may include:
• understanding concepts and terminology of habitat-based conservation;
species-based conservation; reserves; national parks; size; shape; edge effects;
corridors; buffer zones; ecotourism; climate change; precipitation patterns;
global warming; biome shifts; migrations; extinctions; salinity change; melting
glaciers; hazardous weather events; droughts; rising sea levels; salt intrusion
• breadth in addressing and linking a good range of features of habitat-based
conservation including design and management of reserves and their relevance
in addressing a range of impacts from climate change including those leading to
loss of biodiversity and changing distribution patterns.
• examples of named conservation areas from a variety of named
regions/countries and examples of named species impacted by climate change
along with relevant named organisations currently addressing habitat
conservation (e.g. World Wildlife Fund for Nature, Greenpeace, Friends of the
Earth International and Earth First!)
• balanced analysis evaluating the degree to which the various aspects of
conservation areas can or cannot effectively address the threats of climate
change including both strengths and limitations of habitat-based conservation.
• A conclusion that is consistent with and supported by analysis and
examples given, e.g. habitat-based conservation strategies are effective,
especially when contrasted to species approach, but cannot compensate for
climate change impacts on their own; there needs to be international
cooperation and political will toward mitigating climate change altogether.

Please see markbands on page 21.

– 18 – 8823 – 6303M

7. (a) Outline four characteristics of a highly productive soil. [4]

a. presence of sufficient basic nutrients (minerals) / e.g. nitrates, phosphates,

b. contains adequate organic/humus content to retain moisture/good water-
holding/infiltration capacity;
c. pH is optimal for plants grown (usually 5.5 to 7.0);
d. loamy soil/ balanced clay, silt, sand composition…;
e. …leading to optimal soil properties: balanced drainage/infiltration/permeability /
adequate porosity/protection from water-logging;
f. thick topsoil / deep soil layers provide higher water/nutrient holding ability /
better plant support / less water-logging;
g. rich microbiota/decomposing microorganisms/nitrogen-fixing bacteria (including
symbiotic Rhizobia)/mycorrhizal fungi / high decomposing activity / high
biological mixing;
h. absence of toxic substances;
i. presence of adequate secondary nutrients (minerals) / e.g. sulphates,
magnesium/calcium/iron/copper salts;

Note: Do NOT credit soil colour

– 19 – 8823 – 6303M

(b) Compare and contrast the movement of energy and matter within an ecosystem. [7]

Similarities (“Compare”) [4 max]:

a. both move/flow between/across (biotic and/or abiotic) storages/compartments /
e.g heat loss from an organism’s body and biomass moving up the food chain /
solar energy heating the oceans and nutrient intake by a plant;
b. both move/flow within (biotic and/or abiotic) storages/compartments / e.g. water
moving from roots to leaves (within plant storage) / light passing through the
c. Both transfers may occur simultaneously/ e.g. river flow, wind advection,
chemical energy in ingested biomass/decomposed feces;
d. both may be transformed during their movement (transfer) / e.g. solar energy
heats the atmosphere and plant biomass becomes animal biomass up the food
e. both follow the First Law of Thermodynamics / neither energy nor matter may be
destroyed or created / both are conserved during their movement;
f. both follow the Second Law of Thermodynamics / any process involving either
energy or matter movement will lead to increase in the total entropy (disorder) of
the system / energy “lost” as heat and materials disintegrate;
g. both are important ecosystem inputs / organisms would die/ecosystems would
collapse without either energy or material input;
h. both may leave ecosystems as outputs / e.g. heat loss and migration/leaching;

Differences (“Contrast”) [4 max]:

i. there’s continuous influx/input of solar energy in Ecosphere /ecosystems…
j. …whereas matter inflow is virtually zero in ecosphere (as Earth is a closed
system) / very limited in open (eco)systems;
k. there's continuous heat loss/radiation from ecosystems/Ecosphere /energy
output is also the reflection of light/albedo... ;
l. ...whereas loss of matter from ecosystems is relatively insignificant / e.g. in the
form of immigration/leaching / matter output is virtually zero in ecosphere (as
Earth is a closed system);
m. matter is mostly cycled (i.e. biogeochemical cycles) within the ecosphere…;
n. … whereas energy follows a uni-directional (and irreversible) movement: solar
to chemical to heat / moves mostly as chemical energy within ecosystems / also
stored as thermal energy inside bodies (living or inanimate);

Note: Allow credit for points of equal significance and validity if response
compares and contrasts valid examples of movements, e.g. solar
radiation/heat loss vs. precipitation/wind.
No need to explicitly mention whether KS refers to similarity or difference.
Do NOT credit that matter is tangible, whereas energy is intangible, as this is
a property of their nature not their movement.
– 20 – 8823 – 6303M

(c) To what extent are food production systems impacted by anthropogenic (human-
caused) changes to the atmosphere. [9]

The following guide for using the mark bands suggests certain features that may be
offered in responses. The five headings coincide with the criteria in each of the
mark bands (although ESS terminology has been conflated with ‘understanding
concepts’) This guide simply provides some possible inclusions and should not be
seen as requisite or comprehensive. It outlines the kind of elements to look for when
deciding on the appropriate mark band and the specific mark within that band.

Answers may include:

• understanding concepts and terminology of food production systems;

subsistence; commercial; intensive; extensive; terrestrial; aquatic; acid rain;
global warming; climate change; precipitation patterns; hazardous weather
events; inundation; ocean acidification; ozone depletion; tropospheric ozone;
photochemical smog;
• breadth in addressing and linking a wide range of anthropogenic impacts on
the atmosphere’s composition and temperature with their associated impacts
(both positive and negative) on a wide range of food production systems in
different environments/regions.
• examples of named impacts on named food production systems in named
locations and societies due to named anthropogenic influences on the
• balanced analysis evaluating the extent to which anthropogenic impacts on the
atmosphere do or do not influence food production systems either positively or
• a conclusion that is consistent with and supported by analysis and
examples given, e.g. There are a wide range of anthropogenic influences on
the atmosphere that impact both terrestrial and aquatic food production systems
and although some impacts may positively affect productivity, the great majority
tend to reduce it.

Please see markbands on page 21.

– 21 – 8823 – 6303M

Section B, part (c) markbands

Marks Level descriptor

The response does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below and is not
0 relevant to the question.

The response contains:

• minimal evidence of knowledge and understanding of ESS issues or concepts
• fragmented knowledge statements poorly linked to the context of the question
1–3 • some appropriate use of ESS terminology
• no examples where required, or examples with insufficient explanation/relevance
• superficial analysis that amounts to no more than a list of facts/ideas
• judgments/conclusions that are vague or not supported by evidence/argument.
The response contains:
• some evidence of sound knowledge and understanding of ESS issues and concepts
• knowledge statements effectively linked to the context of the question
4–6 • largely appropriate use of ESS terminology
• some use of relevant examples where required, but with limited explanation
• clear analysis that shows a degree of balance
• some clear judgments/conclusions, supported by limited evidence/arguments.
The response contains:
• substantial evidence of sound knowledge and understanding of ESS issues and concepts
• a wide breadth of knowledge statements effectively linked with each other, and to the
context of the question
• consistently appropriate and precise use of ESS terminology
• effective use of pertinent, well-explained examples, where required, showing some
• thorough, well-balanced, insightful analysis
• explicit judgments/conclusions that are well-supported by evidence/arguments and that
include some critical reflection.

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