Project - Report Jainam
Project - Report Jainam
Project - Report Jainam
PaperLess Invitation
Submitted By
This is to certify that Mr. Jainam Narendra Savla of B.Tech. Semester VII (Computer
Science Engineering) has completed his final year project work titled “PaperLess
Invitation” satisfactorily in partial fulfillment of the requirement of a Bachelor of
Technology degree in Computer Science, Rai University, Saroda, Ahmedabad, in the
year 2023.
Date: Date:
The project would not have been possible without the help of many people, which is why we
would like to thank all of them for their support.
During this Project, I got a good experience of actual work, which is entirely different from
academics. And this Project can be considered the final step towards achieving the bachelor’s
degree. We are very thankful to the many people who helped us during our training.
Also, I would like to thank Harshil Kanpariya for being a part of my team and helping me out
through this project with multiple ideas and parallel working on this project.
C E R T I F I C A T E.........................................................................................................................2
TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................................4
LIST OF FIGURES.............................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................7
CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................8
2.1 Efficiency:....................................................................................................................................8
2.2 Customization:.............................................................................................................................8
2.3 Integration:...................................................................................................................................8
2.4 Cost-effectiveness:.......................................................................................................................8
2.4 Sustainability:..............................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER 3: DESIGN AND FLOW OF SYSTEM........................................................................9
3.1 UNIFIED MODELING LANGUAGE DIAGRAMS..................................................................9
CHAPTER 4: SCREENSHOTS.......................................................................................................13
4.1 SCREENSHOTS........................................................................................................................13
Fig 4.1 Home Screen........................................................................................................................13
Fig 4.2 About Page..........................................................................................................................14
Fig 4.3 Pricing Page.........................................................................................................................15
Fig 4.4 FAQ Page............................................................................................................................16
Fig 4.5 Contact Page........................................................................................................................17
Fig 4.5 Registration Page.................................................................................................................18
Fig 4.6 Registration Page.................................................................................................................19
Fig 4.7 Registration Page.................................................................................................................20
Fig 4.8 Login Page...........................................................................................................................21
Fig 4.9 Login Page...........................................................................................................................22
Fig 4.10 Login Page.........................................................................................................................23
Fig 4.11 Home Page.........................................................................................................................24
Fig 4.12 User Profile Page...............................................................................................................25
Fig 4.13 User Password change Page..............................................................................................26
Fig 4.14 User Password change Page..............................................................................................27
Fig 4.15 Upload pdf / csv section....................................................................................................28
Fig 4.16 Upload pdf section.............................................................................................................29
Fig 4.17 Upload csv section.............................................................................................................30
Fig 4.18 Upload pdf / csv section....................................................................................................31
Fig 4.19 View pdf images................................................................................................................32
Fig 4.20 View selected image..........................................................................................................33
Fig 4.21 Specify coordinates............................................................................................................34
Fig 4.22 Entering coordinates..........................................................................................................35
CHAPTER 5: SALIENT FEATURES AND FUTURE ENHANCEMENT................................36
5.1 Salient Features..........................................................................................................................36
5.2 Future Enhancements.................................................................................................................37
However, in today's market, the template style and content of electronic invitations are
thousands of identical, which makes electronic invitations lack commemorative significance
and uniqueness, and gradually become commercialized formalization.
Facing the current situation of today's market, the system of personalized customization of
online invitation hardly exists, so the online invitation customization system is highly
competitive in the market. Compared with the traditional paper invitation, the electronic
invitation customized by users is very low-carbon, environmental friendly, convenient and
fast, and has great personality and commemorative significance.
This paper mainly discusses and studies the design and implementation of online invitation
customization system based on go web, in order to develop a highly unique and diverse
online invitation customization system, which greatly meets the individual needs of young
PaperLess Invitation is an website which provides the service to write text on images or pdf.
User who wants to write text on images/pdf will need to register an account on this website and then
login through their login credentials.
Users need to provide data in form of csv (csv data contains the information to be written on the
images) and image/pdf. PaperLess
Invitation will go through the csv and write on the images/pdf and finally user will select subscription
and will make payment according to the subscription.
2.1 Efficiency:
A digital invitation system can streamline the invitation process, making it faster and
more efficient to send and receive invitations. This can save time and effort for event
planners and guests alike.
2.2 Customization:
A digital invitation system can offer a range of customization options, such as
choosing the design, layout, and colour scheme, which can help make your event invitations
unique and tailored to your needs.
2.3 Integration:
A digital invitation system can be integrated with other event management systems,
such as RSVP tracking and guest list management, making it easier to manage all aspects of
the event in one place.
2.4 Cost-effectiveness:
A digital invitation system can be more cost-effective than traditional paper
invitations, as it eliminates the need for printing, postage, and other expenses associated with
physical invitations.
2.4 Sustainability:
A digital invitation system can help reduce paper waste and minimize the
environmental impact of events, which is becoming increasingly important for many people.
Fig. 3.2 Customer (use case Diagram)
3.2 Activity diagram
Activity diagrams, along with use case and state machine diagrams are considered behaviour
diagrams because they describe what must happen in the system being modeled. Activity
diagrams help people on the business and development sides of an organization come
together to understand the same process and behaviour.
Fig 3.4 Customer (Activity Diagram)
This is the Home page of the paperless invitation website where user can view
site, Sign up to the website as well as login to the website.
As shown above in the navbar user can visit any page from there such as about us
section, services section, Team section and at last contact us section.
Fig 4.2 About Page
This is the about page of the website where user can see how things is done and what
can paperless invitation do.
This page also shows how paperless invitations reimagine invitations, technology user
to power the design etc.
Fig 4.3 Pricing Page
This Page shows that are three package that user can view or buy as per their need.
Names of the packages are basic which cost ₹250, second one is Basic Plus
which cost ₹500 and at last Premium which cost ₹1000.
Fig 4.4 FAQ Page
These are the some of the most asked question by the user along with the answer.
Fig 4.5 Contact Page
If user wants to contact paperless invitation for any query they can contact us by
filling this form or can call us directly and we will at your service
Fig 4.5 Registration Page
This is Registration page of the website where user needs to fill the details like First
name, Last Name, Email and Password.
All the Fields mentioned above is required to fill by the user in order to register.
If the user is has already created an account then he/she can click on the below
mention link for login process.
Fig 4.6 Registration Page
This page show the details entered by the user in order to register to the website.
Fig 4.7 Registration Page
This Page shows that the email id which user is trying to register with is already
User cannot create an account with the same email id which has been already used by
him or the other user.
Fig 4.8 Login Page
Once the user is registered, user has been redirect to the login page where user has to
login through their login credentials.
There is also a forgot password option, which can help the user if user has forgotten
the password.
Fig 4.9 Login Page
This page shows when user tries to login with login credentials like email id and
Fig 4.10 Login Page
This Page shows that when the user tries to login to the website with incorrect login
When user enters the incorrect information then this type of message is seen like
“Email or Password is incorrect.”
Fig 4.11 Home Page
Once the user has created account and login through the same details. User has been
redirected to the home page.
As shown in the image there are multiple option the user can play around and if user
wants to logout of the website he can do just by clicking on the logout button.
Fig 4.12 User Profile Page
This is the user profile page where user can see his details like first name, last name,
email id, phone number.
There is also an option if user wants to change the password. To change password he
just need to click on the change password button.
Fig 4.13 User Password change Page
This page shows when user tries to change the password. In this page user need to
provide details like old password, new password and confirm the new password.
Fig 4.14 User Password change Page
This page shows when user tries to change password but password doesn’t match the
old password.
Fig 4.15 Upload pdf / csv section
This section of the page is only visible when user is login to the website.
This page all about uploading pdf and csv files. Left side of the page shows where
user can upload pdf and on the right user can upload csv.
Fig 4.16 Upload pdf section
This page shows the pdf file which is uploaded by the user.
Fig 4.17 Upload csv section
Fig 4.18 Upload pdf / csv section
This page shows the both pdf and csv file side by side. Once the files are uploaded the
upload button is disabled.
Once the pdf and csv files are uploaded by the user, user need to click on the generate
invitation button for the further proces
Fig 4.19 View pdf images
When user click on the generate invitation button then this page has been render and
shown to the user.
In this page the whole pdf file is converted into images and all the images are
displayed where user can select the page he wants to edit.
Fig 4.20 View selected image
When user clicks on the get coordinates button this page pop ups which enlarge the
selected image to find the coordinates (x, y) of the image.
Fig 4.21 Specify coordinates
When user clicks on the image the user gets the exact coordinates (x, y) which helps
the user to specify that where text will be written on the image.
Fig 4.22 Entering coordinates
This page shows the image that user want to edit and had entered x, y coordinates and
the field name here field name should be equal to the field present in the csv file.
Once all the details that need to write on the image are been provided then the user
need to click on the submit data for further process.
Convenience: With paperless invitations, hosts can easily create and send invitations using
online platforms, saving time and effort compared to traditional paper invitations.
Cost-effectiveness: Paperless invitations eliminate the need for printing, postage, and other
associated costs, making them a more cost-effective option.
Eco-friendliness: By eliminating paper invitations, hosts can significantly reduce their carbon
footprint and contribute to a more sustainable environment.
Accessibility: Paperless invitations make it easy to invite guests who are located in different
parts of the world, as they can be sent and received instantly over email or other electronic
Reduced clutter: Electronic invitations do not create physical clutter, eliminating the need
for guests to store or dispose of them after the event.
5.2 Future Enhancements
Custom Templates: We will add custom template option where user can create his own
template for any event such as birthday, marriage, engagement, etc.