Sample English 4as Detailed Lesson Plan Students
Sample English 4as Detailed Lesson Plan Students
Sample English 4as Detailed Lesson Plan Students
I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a) identify accurately the parallel words or phrases in the sentences through analyzing
sentences with faulty parallel structures;
b) write sentences correctly, observing the parallel structures through writing a 3-sentence
paragraph about the celebrity that one adores; and
c) participate actively in using parallel structures of words through varied activities.
II. Subject Matter Topic: Parallel Structures (Verbs & Adjectives)
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: African literature as a means of
exploring forces that human beings contend with; various reading styles vis – à-vis purposes of
reading; prosodic features that serve as carriers of meaning; ways by which information may be
organized, related, and delivered orally; and parallel structures and cohesive devices in presenting
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering an
informative speech based on a specific topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and effective
use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and
Learning Competency: Using Parallel Structures (EN8G-la-7)
References: DepEd Quarter 3 – Module 6: Using Parallel Structures
Materials: Visual Aids & PowerPoint Presentation
Literacy and Numeracy: Reading of objectives and definition of terms, counting, writing
Integration Across Curriculum: ESP Values integration, MAPEH motor skills, Personal
Development Self-care
Positive Discipline: Encourage and appreciate the learner to answer and participate actively.
Values Integration: Teamwork, Cooperation, and Strategy
III. Procedure Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
a. Opening Prayer
b. Greetings
Say: How are you feeling today? All: We are feeling wonderful today, sir.
Say: Wonderful!
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Motivation
(The teacher plays the energizer, (The students dance to the energizer)
“Follow the Leader Dance.”)
e. Review
Say: Now that you are all ready, let's Student: Our previous lesson, sir, was all about the
first have a review of the previous use of appropriate cohesive devices in various types
lesson you had. What was your lesson
of speech
last meeting? Anyone? Students
dance to the energizer.
Say: Fantastic! Now, who can give me
some examples of cohesive devices that Student: Sir, some examples of cohesive devices
you know? include: also, similarly, likewise, compared with,
and, also, furthermore, moreover, too.
Say: Great job! Thank you. Now, what
are the functions of cohesive devices? Student: Cohesive devices are words and phrases
Anyone? that we use to connect ideas, Sir.
Say: Amazing! It seems to me that you
really mastered your previous lesson.
Very good, class.
f. Presentation of Objectives
B. ANALYSIS Say: Great! How did you feel answering All: The activity was fun, sir.
the activity? Did it ring a bell?
Say: How were you able to find the Student: I was able to find the appropriate words to
appropriate words that suited the be used, Sir, based on the way they look and
function. I made sure that the words have the same
sentences in our activity?
Say: Excellent job! Now what have you Student: I noticed, sir, that the construction of the
noticed on the words in bold form in the sentences become smooth. It’s as though the words
sentences? How do they look? have the same format and function.
Say: Very good observation. Last Student: The word that I can think of right now, sir,
question, how would you call the words to use to refer to words that look the same or may
that have the same function or format? have the same function or format is parallel or
C. ABSTRACTION Say: Wow! exactly! Today, we’ll learn
more about parallelism or parallel
structures. We’ll discuss it using the
activity we had earlier. Let’s check
whether your answers are correct or not by
discussing them.
Say: Why do you say so? Student: The sentence is parallel, sir, because they
are all verbs used in the past form.
Say: Swimming, dancing, boxing are All: Dora likes swimming, dancing, and boxing.
parallel because just like in the previous
sentence, they are gerunds.
Say: Who can tell me what is the Student: The right word to be used in the sentence
appropriate word to be used to make this in place of the wrong phrase, sir, is energetic.
sentence correct? Anyone?
(after 20 minutes…)
Activity 2: “Analyze Me” (the students should come up with the following
Directions: Write P if the sentence is
parallel; if not, write the 1. passionate
appropriate word to be used 2. knowledgeable
to make the sentence correct. 3. P
4. Meditating
1. Andrei is an industrious and full 5. Went
of passion man. 6. P
7-10. (answers may vary)
2. To be an effective teacher, one
has to be diligent, patient, and full
of knowledge.
3. During her past time, Danny
enjoys walking, reading, and
playing in their wide backyard.
4. Praying and to meditate before
sleeping is proven to be effective
for a good-night sleep.
5. After the party, Drake left, goes
home, and slept.
6. The students read and laugh
Direction: For numbers 7 and 10, write
two parallel sentences in the
following parts of speech:
Say: Time is up! Very good, everyone.
You seem to have really understood our
lesson for today. Please stay in your seats,
because I will be the one to collect the
Student: We have discussed about parallelism in
Say: Who among you here can tell me
verbs and adjectives, sir.
what we have just discussed?
Student: Sir, parallelism refers to the consistency in
Say: Thank you. What about parallelism?
form of the words that we use in our sentences.
What is parallelism or parallel structures
in your own words?
Values Integration
Say: Thank you, class, and you are now All: Thank you, sir, and may God bless you, too.
dismissed. God bless you.
Prepared by:
BSEd-English 2nd Year