Human Rights
Human Rights
Human Rights
a United Nations
University Press
6 United Nations University, 2004
The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations University.
United Nations University Press is the publishing division of the United Nations
ISBN 92-808-1092-8
Acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
Figures and tables
In this volume:
1 billion ¼ one thousand million
1 trillion ¼ one million million
$1 ¼ 1 US dollar
Shale Horowitz
Albrecht Schnabel
August 2003
Human rights and societies in
transition: International context and
sources of variation
Shale Horowitz and Albrecht Schnabel
Our study focuses on four main factors that seem likely to influence hu-
man rights practices: political regime type and leadership; political cul-
ture and national identity; economic structure and interests; and civil and
international conflict. These factors can have a significant impact both
alone and in combination with one another. Apart from the direct effects
of the factors operating separately, two types of interactive effects seem
particularly likely: authoritarian political regimes are more likely to
adopt informational and cultural policies, economic policies, and conflict-
related policies that threaten human rights; second, civil and international
conflict is likely to destabilize democracies and make authoritarianisms
more repressive, which, as discussed, is likely to produce more unfavour-
able informational and cultural policies, economic policies, and conflict-
related policies.
Let us now return in more detail to these four factors and their impact
on human rights conditions. First, significant progress towards full de-
mocratization is usually associated with greater progress towards respect
for human rights generally. In contrast, authoritarian regimes are more
likely to employ various kinds of human rights abuses to forestall chal-
lenges to their political power.5
Full democratization necessarily involves free expression, freedom of
the press, and freedom of association for political purposes and organi-
zations, as well as free and fair elections to the positions of real political
power. A free political process usually incorporates an array of legal and
institutional human rights protections and facilitates mobilization for
human rights improvements through the political process. More well-
institutionalized and widely legitimate democratic processes are thus
typically associated with stronger human rights protection. Of course, the
association is far from perfect: extensive political freedom may exist
alongside severe restriction of other human rights. For example, arbitrary
and corrupt use of police and judicial powers might be significant, but not
typically directed at political targets. There might be significant restric-
tion of economic opportunities of individuals and groups, but these might
affect people of all political persuasions more or less equally. Traditional
forms of discrimination may flourish in the larger society, and political
efforts to stop them and to remedy their effects may be intermittent and
often ineffective.
However, the situation for other human rights is likely to be worse if
political rights and freedoms are weak or non-existent. Authoritarian re-
gimes and leaders typically use their discretionary power to attack and
weaken their political opponents and to prevent new opposition from
arising. This strategy usually goes beyond action against political free-
Authoritarian regime
Increased economic
discrimination and
Onset, perpetuation, More restriction and
or intensification of manipulation of mass
civil or international media and other
conflict cultural institutions
Figure 1.1 Interactive effects of regime type and other factors on human rights
for human rights abuses. This is true for the old military dictatorships of
Argentina and South Korea, in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, in the authori-
tarian regimes of Iran and Pakistan, in Turkey’s partially authoritarian
regime, in post-communist authoritarian regimes such as the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia under Slobodan Milošević, in Somalia and
apartheid-era South Africa, in most West African states, and in the Peo-
ple’s Republic of China. Authoritarian regimes often attack or ignore
non-political rights, but this is not always the case. For example, there
were improvements in civil and (especially) economic rights after the
South Korean military regime, and Deng Xiaoping’s People’s Republic
of China (PRC) embarked on successful economic development pro-
grammes. On the other hand, democracies are in every case responsible
for providing important human rights protection – although the extent to
which political rights protection is also complemented by the pursuit of
civil, economic, social, and cultural rights, varies considerably. This is
true for newly democratized Argentina and South Korea, for the Re-
public of China (Taiwan) since democratization, and for India.
There is little evidence that political cultures and national identities
directly lead human rights norms to be either strongly upheld or strongly
defied. Authoritarian regimes consistently use their control of the mass
media, the educational system, and religious and other social institutions
to interpret political cultures and national identities in self-serving ways.
However, there is no strong evidence that such manipulation generally
has a significant effect on public opinion. It is more likely to do so if the
regime’s policies are producing economic improvements or if genuine
‘‘elective affinities’’ (relatively strong logical and practical compatibil-
ities) exist between the regime’s policies and what appears to the public
to be implied by its traditions and collective goals. Similarly, in democ-
racies, political culture or national identity is likely to favour improve-
ments in non-political rights if ‘‘elective affinities’’ exist with the way the
public understands its traditions and collective goals.
Consider the so-called ‘‘Asian values’’ debate. This largely concerns
the priority to be attached to individual as opposed to collective rights
and goals. To begin with, this is far from being a specifically ‘‘Asian’’
issue. After all, the PRC regime has a decidedly Western ideological
lineage – a socialist rather than a liberal one. If correlations are exam-
ined, the strong current support for individual rights in South Korea and
Taiwan, and among opposition voices in the PRC and Hong Kong, would
not lead us to conclude that Confucian cultures are inimical to individual
rights norms. The same is true for the relation between Hinduism and
individual rights norms in India. These examples do, however, support
the idea that limitation of individual political and civil rights may be more
tolerable if the regime is delivering consistent economic growth and
With this summary in mind, we can now return to the question of the
probable impact of the international human rights regime. Our conclu-
sion above was that creation of international human rights norms and
decentralized propagation of such norms by NGOs would be expected to
have a greater impact than actions taken by states – whether individually,
through their own foreign policies, or collectively, through decisions of
IGOs. We argued that this is because state policies reflect state interests
and, even under the best circumstances, are predictably inconsistent and
of limited scope.
These expectations are supported by the more detailed analyses of the
international human rights regime and by the country and regional case
studies. Although further discussion is given in the concluding chapter, it
is useful to review the evidence briefly here. Human rights norms have
become difficult for even the most repressive regimes to ignore. It is a
victory for the human rights cause that such regimes feel compelled to
concoct excuses for their abuses, thus implicitly admitting fault and ac-
cepting the need for remedial action. Wherever regimes allow sufficient
freedom, international NGOs help to nourish the growth of local human
rights organizations and cultures. As long as human rights norms can be
plausibly presented as consistent with local traditions and widely held
collective goals, they are liable to be embraced by wide segments of
public opinion – including not only the opposition but also important ele-
ments traditionally allied with authoritarian rulers. In this way, human
rights norms have been widely embraced in the post-communist coun-
tries, in many parts of post-Cold War Africa, in Argentina (and most of
the rest of Latin America), in Turkey, in South Korea and Taiwan, and in
India. Even in highly authoritarian countries such as Iran and the PRC,
human rights norms have been widely accepted by the opposition, much
of the population, and influential segments of the élite. In addition to
political repression, the other primary barriers to widespread acceptance
of human rights norms are extreme poverty and civil and international
conflict. People in extremely poor countries are less literate, have less
access to international information sources, and care less about non-
economic goals. War facilitates regime efforts to stifle alternative voices,
and creates personal and economic security risks that sideline most other
From a human rights perspective, then, cultural globalization is more
important than economic globalization. However, international economic
integration also has an important role to play. Most directly, sustained
economic development efforts have involved international economic
integration – particularly increased reliance on international trade. Such
integration expands the economic opportunities available to the popula-
tion and interacts favourably with improvement in the provision of civil
rights and public goods. Such effects are evident in South Korea, Taiwan,
Deng-era and post-Deng China, and more recently in much of the post-
communist world, Turkey, and India. Of course, there are also significant
risks and costs associated with international economic integration –
particularly transitional economic downturns, periodic post-transitional
losses of international investor confidence, and the associated economic
hardship and political turmoil. These transitional and integration costs
are more difficult to bear in extremely poor countries, such as those of
West Africa. However, by the same token, the long-term gains are po-
tentially much greater if transitions can be effectively implemented and
International economic integration probably has a more significant
impact on human rights norms simply by increasing personal and cultural
interaction with the rest of the world. This has all the beneficial effects
already mentioned, and sustained international economic integration
functions as a commitment to sustain such personal and cultural interac-
tion. This tendency is evident, for example, in authoritarian-era South
Korea and Taiwan and in the Deng-era and post-Deng PRC. Of course,
this assumes that individual human rights norms continue to remain
prominent in international culture and among NGOs. As the early post-
colonial experience in West Africa attests, however, this can by no means
be taken for granted.
Before summarizing the contents of the volume, two fundamental
issues – one theoretical, the other historical – should be mentioned. First,
this volume does not attempt to settle the issue of whether human rights
are more important or fundamental than other values or goals:12 here, it
is simply assumed that human rights are an important and interesting
object of empirical study and, hence, that examination of their causes and
consequences is worth while. As already mentioned, however, many
linkages between human rights and factors such as political institutions,
economic structure and development, and cultures and national identities
are discussed in detail. This provides important evidence for those inter-
ested in ethical or philosophical debates about the importance of human
In the aftermath of the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks in New
York and Washington, some commentators have argued that human
rights principles appear to be under siege.13 On the one hand, the attacks
themselves, along with the authoritarian institutional and ideological en-
vironments that often nourish terrorism, reflect a widespread rejection of
human rights norms – not only in much of the Islamic world but also in
East Asia and other parts of the developing world. On the other hand,
the terrorist threat may lead many developed states of the West to com-
promise civil liberties – as has often been the case during periods of war
and international tension. However, it can be argued that the September
11 attacks will also have a favourable impact on human rights practices.
The attacks have produced a renewed conviction that human rights
abuses can have dramatic negative consequences across borders. There is
much disagreement about the priorities in fighting terrorism and about
the means to be used in doing so. Nevertheless, improving human rights
practices is probably the strongest common denominator among the rival
points of view. Similarly, in countries with better records of human rights
protection, it is almost universally accepted that anti-terrorism measures
must be reconciled with the strongest possible protection of existing
rights. In retrospect, we believe it is more likely that September 11 will
be viewed not as the high point of global human rights protection but as
a warning against ignoring the likely consequences of extreme human
rights abuses in much of the world.
moting and protecting human rights in the past, and how the International
Criminal Court may do so in the future. He comes to the conclusion that
international legal tribunals are most likely to fall short of their objec-
tives when it comes to deterring future human rights violations.
Albrecht Schnabel, in chapter 7, examines the concept, legality, and
practical record of international efforts to protect human rights in transi-
tion societies. He argues that the focus of international involvement
should be at pre-conflict stages or, failing that, at post-conflict stages. His
analysis of legal, political, and moral considerations leads him to con-
clude that international military interventions for humanitarian causes
are likely to receive worldwide support and UN authorization only in
cases of extreme, genocidal, violence. Military intervention in response to
lower levels of violence – with or without the blessing of the United Na-
tions and the wider international community – is likely only if there are
particularly pressing political, strategic, or economic reasons. Therefore,
international action to protect human rights in transition societies should
emphasize pre-conflict support and assistance, enhanced by diplomatic
pressure, to address the structural violence that usually accompanies
transition processes. Schnabel shows that human rights conditions are
extremely useful indicators of a state’s capacity and performance in
managing transition processes – indicators that should be better utilized
by the international community to offer assistance in trouble-shooting
deteriorating human rights conditions, thus preventing further violations
and eventual escalation to armed violence and to state and society col-
In chapter 8, Barbara Ann J. Rieffer and David P. Forsythe examine
how foreign policies of sovereign states can affect human rights practices
in transitional societies. Focusing on the example of the US foreign pol-
icy, they find that foreign policies towards human rights are likely to be
affected by national identity as well as by military and economic interests.
The main US human rights-promotion efforts are made through bilateral
diplomacy and aid programmes and through multilateral standard-setting
regimes and aid programmes. The United States seeks to promote de-
mocracy and related civil rights abroad, in a manner consistent with the
central place of US political institutions and civil rights norms in its na-
tional identity. Similarly, the relative US emphasis on civil and political
rights compared with economic and social rights also reflects US tradi-
tions. However, human rights promotion is also widely viewed and justi-
fied as serving US military and economic interests. Military and economic
interests are also evident in the way that diplomatic efforts and aid are
targeted towards countries more important to the United States and in
the way that political and civil rights standards are sometimes compro-
mised to maintain good relations with such countries. Finally, Rieffer and
military power. The Turkish military reserves the right to restrict human
rights as necessary to protect and advance these modernizing methods
and goals. The associated modernizing, national-assimilationist ideology
has made it more difficult to settle the Kurdish conflict, which has re-
sulted in severe human rights abuses. Since Iran’s Islamic Revolution, the
controlling religious élites have defined the national mission in terms of
putting Iran in the vanguard of Islam. These ruling élites were able to
consolidate their power during the war launched by Iraq’s Saddam Hus-
sein. However, since the end of the war, internal repression has produced
a widespread backlash within society and among the moderate élites.
These groups felt that Islam has been over-politicized, and they seemed
determined to fuse local religious and national-historical traditions with
modernist norms emphasizing human rights. In all three countries, the
security forces have played central roles in imposing national objectives
and policies. Over time, this has given the state a more dominant role in
the economy, contributing to stagnation and crises. Both the military and
private interest groups have developed significant stakes in the state-
owned sector and in the state-subsidized private sector. This has made it
more difficult to design and implement effective market reforms, particu-
larly because the more economically vulnerable elements in society can
be politically activated during post-reform recessions. Poverty and cor-
ruption are particularly severe in Pakistan, making significant economic
progress difficult to achieve and leaving large parts of the population
susceptible to political radicalism. This encourages civilian and military
leaders to fall back on populist appeals, creating a more permissive envi-
ronment for human rights violations. In all three countries, weak human
rights protection threatens democratization and economic development
efforts and makes it more difficult to settle civil and international con-
Shale Horowitz, in chapter 11, examines the causes of variation in hu-
man rights practices in the post-communist world. He hypothesizes that
political institutions, cultures and national identities, economic develop-
ment, and ethnic conflict should have significant impacts. These hypoth-
eses are tested statistically for the 28 post-communist countries at three
different time intervals following the collapse of the old regimes. The re-
sults indicate that economic development has a relatively weak positive
influence and war a relatively strong negative influence. Culture defined
in terms of ‘‘frustrated’’ national identities has by far the strongest and
most consistent impact. Cultures and national identities are here not an-
alysed for their intrinsic value-content and traditional institutions; rather,
they are distinguished in terms of their forward-looking tactical compati-
bility, in a specific historical context, with stronger human rights prac-
tainers, and military conflict erupted once more. This period ended with
the collapse of central authority, civil war, and the emergence of local
warlord regimes. By contrast, South Africa has made a successful transi-
tion from the apartheid regime to a rights-based democracy with a hope-
ful future. This was possible because human rights norms were an im-
portant part of the campaign against apartheid and because these norms
were upheld by responsible leaders and supported by the public. This
experience shows that African traditions are compatible with human
rights norms. Okumu argues that the most important role for the inter-
national community is to inculcate human rights norms in transitional
discourses, processes, and institutions. Looking to the future of transi-
tional societies, human rights norms are also crucial in creating and pre-
serving both democracy and peace.
In chapter 14, Eghosa E. Osaghae examines human rights in West Af-
rican transitional societies. Authoritarian regimes, whether of military
factions or ruling parties, have been the main source of human rights
abuses. These regimes were able to take root so easily for a number of
reasons. Economic backwardness and colonial rule weakened civil soci-
eties and exacerbated ethnic divisions. Ideologically, such regimes were
legitimized by the post-colonial emphasis on collective peoples’ rights
over individual and group rights. The predominant emphasis on the anti-
colonial struggle and on the post-colonial state-building and economic
development missions rationalized the unaccountable centralization of
state power. Authoritarian regimes abused human rights directly in their
efforts to take and keep power. Other common characteristics had similar
effects. State-led economic development strategies opened the way for
extensive use of state subsidies and legal and regulatory preferences to
build political support networks, commonly along ethnic lines. For the
same reason, provision of public goods and services was neglected. This
perpetuated poverty and exacerbated ethnic grievances. Corrupt (and
often violent) authoritarian rule and heightened ethnic tensions fuelled
civil conflicts, which usually raised human rights violations to new levels.
The end of the Cold War brought paradoxical changes: on the one hand,
the post-colonial ideology of state-led development largely collapsed,
leading to a new emphasis on individual rights and ethnic minority rights;
this was often associated with democratization and efforts to restructure
state-dominated economies; however, high expectations were largely
dashed by the difficulties of managing political and economic transi-
tions consensually, given the heightened ethnic tensions, still-weak and
poverty-stricken civil societies, and intense transitional economic down-
turns. Significantly, authoritarianism and widespread human rights
abuses are no longer legitimate; however, under the prevailing difficult
conditions they remain entrenched for lack of politically sustainable al-
once the perceived threats had subsided and large segments of civil soci-
ety had mobilized against continued military rule. He argues that, al-
though it is desirable to punish those chiefly responsible for human rights
abuses, such punishment should not threaten transitions to democracy:
punishment should target a small group of top military officers, to avoid
the impression that the military as an institution is targeted; punishment
should be delayed until the military has been reliably restored to civilian
control; and punishment should not appear to unleash or re-create fun-
damental threats to the nation similar to those that prompted the military
coups in the first place.
In the concluding chapter, Albrecht Schnabel and Shale Horowitz
review regional variations. They also offer policy recommendations to
NGOs, states, and IGOs involved in improving human rights practices in
transition societies.
1. Amnesty International Report 2002, New York: Amnesty International USA, 2002; Hu-
man Rights Watch World Report 2002: Events of 2001, New York: Human Rights Watch,
2002. See also the Freedom House evaluations and rankings of countries at hhttp://
2. See, for example, Ian Brownlie, ed., Basic Documents on Human Rights, New York:
Oxford University Press, 1981; David Forsythe, The Internationalization of Human
Rights, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1991; Theodor Meron, Human Rights Law-
Making in the United Nations, New York: Oxford University Press, 1986; Johannes
Morsink, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Origins, Drafting and Intent,
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999.
3. See, for example, Hayward R. Alker, Jr. and Bruce Russett, World Politics in the Gen-
eral Assembly, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1965; Stephen F. Burgess, The United
Nations under Boutros Boutros-Ghali, 1992–1997, Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2001;
George J. Lankevich, The United Nations under Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, 1982–1991,
Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2001; Bruce Russett, ed., The Once and Future Security
Council, New York: St. Martin’s, 1997; Ramesh Thakur and Albrecht Schnabel, eds.,
United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: Ad Hoc Missions, Permanent Engagement,
Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2001.
4. See, for example, Lynda Bell, Andrew J. Nathan, and Ilan Peleg, eds, Negotiating Cul-
ture and Human Rights, New York: Columbia University Press, 2001; Jack Donnelly,
Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1989;
Thomas Risse, Stephen C. Ropp, and Kathryn Sikkink, eds, The Power of Human
Rights, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
5. See, for example, Kenneth L. Cain, ‘‘The Rape of Dinah: Human Rights, Civil War in
Liberia, and Evil Triumphant,’’ Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 21, May 1999, pp. 265–
307; Jack Donnelly, ‘‘Human Rights, Democracy, and Development,’’ Human Rights
Quarterly, Vol. 21, August 1999, pp. 608–632; Rupert Emerson, ‘‘The Fate of Human
Rights in the Third World,’’ World Politics, Vol. 27, January 1975, pp. 201–226; Mark
Gibney, ‘‘Prosecuting Human Rights Violations from a Previous Regime,’’ East Euro-
pean Quarterly, Vol. 31, March 1997, pp. 93–110; Conway Henderson, ‘‘Conditions Af-
fecting the Use of Political Repression,’’ Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 35, March
1991, pp. 120–142; Rhoda E. Howard and Jack Donnelly, ‘‘Human Dignity, Human
Rights, and Political Regimes,’’ American Political Science Review, Vol. 80, September
1986, 801–817; Sakah S. Mahmud, ‘‘The State and Human Rights in Africa in the 1990s:
Perspectives and Prospects,’’ Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 15, August 1993, pp. 485–
498; Neil J. Mitchell and James M. McCormick, ‘‘Economic and Political Explanations
of Human Rights Violations,’’ World Politics, Vol. 40, July 1988, pp. 476–498; Mike
Oquaye, ‘‘Human Rights and the Transition to Democracy under the PNDC in Ghana,’’
Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 17, August 1995, pp. 556–573; Steven C. Poe and C. Neal
Tate, ‘‘Repression of Human Rights to Personal Integrity in the 1980s: A Global Anal-
ysis,’’ American Political Science Review, Vol. 88, December 1994, pp. 853–872. For
more qualified views, see Akwasi Aidoo, ‘‘Africa: Democracy without Human Rights?’’
Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 15, November 1993, pp. 703–715; Fareed Zakaria, ‘‘The
Rise of Illiberal Democracy,’’ Foreign Affairs, Vol. 76, November–December 1997, pp.
22–43; Amin Saikal and Albrecht Schnabel, eds, Democratization in the Middle East:
Experiences, Struggles, Challenges, Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2003.
6. Examples of relevant work in the ‘‘democratic peace’’ literature include Henry S.
Farber and Joanne Gowa, ‘‘Common Interests or Common Polities? Reinterpreting the
Democratic Peace,’’ Journal of Politics, Vol. 59, May 1997, pp. 393–417; Scott Gates,
Torbjørn L. Knutsen, and Jonathan W. Moses, ‘‘Democracy and Peace: A More Skep-
tical View,’’ Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 33, January 1996, pp. 1–10; Zeev Maoz and
Bruce Russett, ‘‘Normative and Structural Causes of Democratic Peace,’’ American
Political Science Review, Vol. 87, September 1993, pp. 624–638. For a discussion of di-
versionary theories of war, see Kurt Dassel, ‘‘Civilians, Soldiers, and Strife: Domestic
Sources of International Aggression,’’ International Security, Vol. 23, Summer 1998, pp.
7. See, for example, Joanne Bauer and Daniel A. Bell, The East Asian Challenge for Hu-
man Rights, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999; Samuel Huntington, ‘‘The
Clash of Civilizations?’’ Foreign Affairs, Vol. 72, Summer 1993, pp. 22–49; Bonny Ibha-
woh, ‘‘Between Culture and Constitution: Evaluating the Cultural Legitimacy of Hu-
man Rights in the African State,’’ Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 22, August 2000, pp.
838–860; Douglass C. North, Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Perfor-
mance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990; Lucien Pye and Sidney Verba,
eds, Political Culture and Political Development, Princeton: Princeton University Press,
8. Alexander Gerschenkron, Bread and Democracy in Germany, Ithaca: Cornell Univer-
sity Press, 1989; Douglass C. North, Structure and Change in Economic History, New
York: Norton, 1981; Amartya Sen, Development as Freedom, New York: Random
House, 1999; United Nations, Human Development Report 2002, New York: Oxford
University Press, 2002; World Bank, World Development Report 2000/2001: Attacking
Poverty, New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
9. See, for example, Rodney G. Allen, Martin Cherniack, and George J. Andreopoulos,
‘‘Refining War: Civil Wars and Humanitarian Controls,’’ Human Rights Quarterly, Vol.
18, November 1996, pp. 747–781; Kenneth L. Cain, ‘‘The Rape of Dinah: Human
Rights, Civil War in Liberia, and Evil Triumphant,’’ Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 21,
May 1999, pp. 265–307; Rupert Emerson, ‘‘The Fate of Human Rights in the Third
World,’’ World Politics, Vol. 27, January 1975, pp. 201–226; Shale Horowitz, ‘‘War after
Communism: Effects on Political and Economic Reform in the Former Soviet Union
and Yugoslavia,’’ Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 40, January 2003, pp. 25–48; Steven
C. Poe and C. Neal Tate, ‘‘Repression of Human Rights to Personal Integrity in the
1980s: A Global Analysis,’’ American Political Science Review, Vol. 88, December 1994,
pp. 853–872; Karen Rasler, ‘‘War, Accomodation, and Violence in the United States,
1890–1970,’’ American Political Science Review, Vol. 80, September 1986, pp. 921–945;
Bruno Sinama and Andreas L. Paulus, ‘‘The Responsibility of Individuals for Human
Rights Abuses in Internal Conflicts: A Positivist View,’’ American Journal of Interna-
tional Law, Vol. 93, April 1999, pp. 302–316; Edward Newman and Albrecht Schnabel,
eds, Recovering from Civil Conflict: Reconciliation, Peace and Development, London:
Frank Cass, 2002.
10. See also the chapter summaries in the following section.
11. The original statement is in Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capital-
ism, New York: Scribner, 1958.
12. For a recent survey, see Tim Dunne and Nicholas Wheeler, eds, Human Rights in
Global Politics, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
13. See, for example, Michael Ignatieff, ‘‘The Attack on Human Rights,’’ Foreign Affairs,
Vol. 80, November/December 2001, pp. 102–116.
Part One
Defining, delimiting, and
understanding human rights in
societies in transition
The Universal Declaration of
Human Rights as a norm for
societies in transition
Johannes Morsink1
the volume) point out that ‘‘[o]n the fiftieth anniversary of the UDHR we
thought it appropriate to evaluate the processes by which human rights
principles and norms found their way from the international into the do-
mestic political arena.’’3 This leaves open the question of the validity of
these international or universal norms in the first place. Also, it does not
explain how the norms of the UDHR are appropriate targets for societies
in transition. The creation of these norms on the international level itself
breaks down into several stages, and those of the UDHR are among the
earliest ones.4 For that reason, if we are interested in how these moral
norms came to be internationally accepted (before they could be trans-
lated into various domestic settings), we would do well to study the adop-
tion debates of a document like the Declaration.
The document itself was drafted and adopted when world society as a
whole was reacting to the failures of the League of Nations and the hor-
rors that were brought to light when the Nazi camps were liberated. The
drafters tell us in their second recital that the ‘‘barbarous acts’’ of World
War II gave them new insights into the dignity of every human being,
which they then presented to the world as ‘‘a common standard of
achievement for all peoples and all nations.’’ I argue that the broad scope
of these insights makes the Declaration a very helpful guide for societies
in times of transition. First, I discuss drafting details that make the Dec-
laration a moral norm that transcends any society. When societies come
out of a crisis and are forced to make a transition to a more normal and
stable state of affairs, they have both a need and an opportunity to make
radical changes: the UDHR was written to meet this need. After I intro-
duce the Declaration as the free-floating norm that it is, I make three
more specific points that are particularly relevant to societies in transi-
tion. First, I point out that the Declaration expands on the short United
Nations Charter list of non-discrimination items and (unlike the Charter)
directly aims to protect members of minority groups. I then show how it
came to embrace social, economic, and cultural human rights. Third, I
argue that it sets up democracy as the mandatory form of government for
any society that wants to respect the full range of human dignity. As I
enumerate these four topics, I make occasional references to the work of
theoreticians of human rights, which supports or conflicts with my read-
ing of the Declaration.
tween the United States and the Soviet Union grew so intense in 1946 –
which is the year the preparations for the Commission that was to write
the Declaration started – that many believed that a third world war was
imminent. This holding back on enforcement questions was a great dis-
appointment for many of the smaller nations.5 On the positive side,
however, this distrust also suddenly set the drafters free to become moral
visionaries. As I see it, the Cold War’s effect on the writing of the Dec-
laration was a blessing in disguise: the necessity created by the Cold War
became the mother of moral invention and discovery. For as long as they
suspended questions of enforcement, the drafters agreed fairly easily on
the provisions to be included in the Declaration. Not being able to fight
about legal niceties and intricacies of implementation and so being
‘‘forced’’ to look at the big, moral picture, they discovered that they had
far more in common than cultural, economic, and religious differences
would lead us to suspect.
This view of the 1948 Declaration as being a type of document signifi-
cantly different to the two later-adopted international covenants takes
exception to Jack Donnelly’s ‘‘Universal Declaration (UD) model’’ of
international human rights.6 In his model, Donnelly collapses the three
main texts of the International Bill of Rights (the Declaration and the
two covenants) into one unified model, and he quotes from them to make
general points about the model. As the two covenants are obviously ad-
dressed to states, Donnelly makes the mistake of treating the Declaration
in the same fashion. He describes his UD model of human rights as one
with a ‘‘state-centric conception.’’7 No doubt Donnelly is correct when he
argues that ‘‘the modern state has emerged as both the principal threat to
the enjoyment of human rights and as the essential institution for their
effective implementation and enforcement.’’8 However, he steps over the
line between possession and enjoyment with the assertion that what it
means for X to have a human right is that ‘‘[e]ach state has the authority
and responsibility to implement and protect the right to X within its ter-
ritory.’’9 The authority of states is, in my eyes (and in the eyes of most of
the drafters of the UD), not involved in this question of meaning. The
Declaration’s first recital (with the ideas of inherent dignity and inalien-
able rights) and Article 1 (with the notion of being born free and equal)
give us the meaning of what it is to have a human right, while the two
covenants are among the most important practical measures of imple-
mentation. Donnelly’s unified model blurs this division of labour.10
One of the problems with Donnelly’s unified model is that the UDHR
was not addressed to states. Toward the end of the drafting process the
Third Committee adopted (by a vote of 47 to none, with one abstention)
an Egyptian motion that formalized one of the rules that the drafters had
been following all along. This motion stated that, ‘‘[t]he Third Committee
decides that the declaration of human rights shall be limited to the for-
mulation of principles relating to human rights which presuppose the ex-
istence of corresponding duties on the part of States and defers the for-
mulation of principles relating to the duties of States for incorporation
to an appropriate instrument.’’11 It turned out to be two instruments in-
stead of one – the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
(ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cul-
tural Rights (ICESC) – both of which came into force in 1977. This de-
ferral did not take place simply because there had been no time to deal
with the duties of states: it was also a conceptual question of keeping the
statement of moral principles on the possession of human rights separate
from the measures of implementation among which the duties of states
would rank foremost.
As they were writing, the drafters came to realize that, if they were to
write a standard that would improve the human condition (which, after
the war, they all wanted to do), they would have to keep out all state
references that might cripple the transcendent character of any of the
rights they planned to include in their document. They did this very con-
sistently, which is why there are only two references to the role of the
state in the entire document – one in Article 16(3) (which indicates how
intent they were about protecting the family) and one in Article 22
(which I mention below). For the rest, there is a resounding silence that
speaks volumes about the transcendent (to, for instance, the power of
sovereign states) moral character of the rights proclaimed. On a number
of important occasions the USSR delegation submitted amendments that
would have injected state references into the very conception of the right
being considered. As Andrei Vyshinksky (who later was to be the prose-
cutor at Stalin’s infamous conspiracy trials) put it, ‘‘Human rights could
not be conceived outside the State; the very concept of right and law was
connected with that of the State.’’12 The great majority of drafters dis-
agreed with this Benthamite, positivist interpretation of the rights to be
listed. They rejected communist amendments that sought to inject state
references into Articles 12, 15, 17, 18, and 29, where the USSR delega-
tion proposed the phrase ‘‘democratic state’’ instead of ‘‘democratic so-
ciety.’’13 The Saudi Arabian delegation encountered a similar rebuff
when it wanted to insert into the marriage rights of Article 16 the clauses
‘‘legal matrimonial age’’ and ‘‘as defined in the marriage laws of their
country.’’14 It is not a coincidence that both of these delegations ab-
stained in the final vote on the Declaration. Since there were six com-
munist delegations, the Saudi one makes for seven abstentions. The
eighth abstention came from the Union of South Africa, which felt that
many of the articles of the Declaration – in particular, the one on free-
dom of movement – conflicted with the prerogatives of what a state can
Rene Cassin, the French delegate who belonged to the core group of
drafters, fought an uphill battle to have his colleagues recognize the fact
that the United Nations was the key organization through which the
transcendent moral rights of the Declaration could, in a first step, be
brought down to earth. Following this, more regional regimes and na-
tional constitutions could finish the job.18 He often lost; nevertheless, as
the phrases ‘‘international cooperation’’ in Article 22 and ‘‘international
order’’ in Article 28, as well as the reference in Article 29 to ‘‘the pur-
poses and principles of the United Nations’’ indicate, they did recognize
this viewpoint.19 The two later-adopted international covenants were
written and are being administered under UN auspices.
They did not do it by way of a special minority rights Article, as they well
might have done (and almost did); however, they did make an effort by
intentionally going far beyond the short (‘‘race, sex, language, and reli-
gion’’) Charter list of non-discrimination items. To clarify this, and to
combat the misconception that the UDHR does not protect members
of minority groups very well, I enumerate below some of the pertinent
drafting details.
It is important to do this because a growing number of communitarian
thinkers are criticizing the liberal model of politics that we find in the
UDHR as being woefully inadequate. The liberal model seeks to protect
members of minority ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups solely by way
of first setting up a list of rights for all citizens and then forbidding any
kind of discrimination on the basis of standard characteristics such as
those mentioned in the Charter list cited. Critics say that this simple (and,
to them, simplistic) non-discrimination approach is not enough. They
support Charles Taylor’s thesis, ‘‘The Politics of Recognition,’’ in the
volume Multiculturalism, where he argues that liberal democracies must
add overt measures of support for all minority groups because these
groups and their members are at a disadvantage when majorities inevita-
bly shape state policies to their own advantage.23 Taylor and other com-
munitarians (such as MacIntyre, Rorty, Kymlicka, and Brown)24 do not
believe that there is, or can be, a neutral state which treats all cultural
traditions equally. To them, the absence of a minority rights article in the
UDHR is a grave defect. I, myself, at one time also argued for an
amendment to the document to correct this defect;25 however, as I am
reconsidering, I draw attention to the defence of minority rights that the
document does provide. Even as it stands, members of minority groups
receive a great deal of protection under this universal umbrella. This
does not mean that the UDHR is fully conversant with the third genera-
tion of human rights, comprising the rights of peoples, for it is not; how-
ever, it does mean that the liberal model, as we find it expressed in the
UDHR, is not nearly as defective as a rapid reading of the text might
lead one to think.
The UN Charter contains seven references to ‘‘human rights and free-
doms,’’ but it does not give us a list of them: it simply states four times
that these rights and freedoms are to be implemented without discrimi-
nation on the basis of ‘‘race, sex, language, or religion.’’26 The UDHR
was written to flesh out these inadequate Charter references. When they
came to the question of non-discrimination, the drafters took their as-
signment as an opportunity for great expansion of this short Charter list.
From the very beginning of the drafting process, the communist dele-
gations (being led by the USSR) were very insistent that the UDHR
Since the end of World War II, world society has moved on two parallel
tracks. On the one hand (call it the moral track) it created human rights
regimes that now cover most of the globe. From this normative point of
view, all the nations in the world are in transit toward the goal of im-
plementing the UDHR and they all have learned to speak the language
of human rights in discussions about their developmental progress. Also
in the late 1940s, world society established various economic institutions
– the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT; which became the World
Trade Organization). These organs were to help nations that lagged be-
hind in development to catch up with the industrialized ones, to create
stability in exchange rates between various national currencies, and to
promote international trade; let us call this the economic track. For quite
some time these two tracks did not communicate. This division of labour
was induced by the Cold War when, in 1966, the United Nations adopted
two international covenants instead of one – one for civil and political
rights and one for social, economic, and cultural ones. This split in im-
plementation instruments gives the incorrect impression that there are
two kinds of human rights and that (depending on one’s ideology) one
kind is more important than the other: the communists stressed social
and economic rights, and the North Atlantic nations and their allies em-
phasized civil and political rights.
Recently, however, these two tracks have started to ‘‘talk’’ to each
other and a convergence is taking place that restores the UDHR to its
pre-eminent place in international law and affairs. Unlike the two coven-
ants to which it gave birth, the UDHR itself contains the entire scope of
human rights; it can, therefore, better serve as the norm for the merger of
the two tracks that is now taking place. Economists such as Amartya Sen
have forsaken the strict language of the market-place and of economic
man and have pulled the human rights track into the economic sphere.33
From the other angle, human rights philosophers such as Alan Gewirth,
Martha Nussbaum, and Thomas Pogge have started to take human de-
velopment issues seriously in constructing their theories of human
rights.34 Sen and (especially) Nussbaum have developed a bridge theory
(called the capabilities approach) that links human rights and human de-
velopment questions. Recent publications by the United Nations Devel-
opment Programme and by the World Bank also testify to the merger of
these two tracks.35 In this section I demonstrate how the document came
to be so inclusive that it now can be the moral umbrella under which both
tracks find philosophical justification.36
ing and medical care were kept in the UDHR. It took an equally strong
insistence by the Chinese delegation to keep the items of food and clothing
in the UDHR: when he saw the threat to these two rights, Chung Chang
pleaded with his colleagues in the crucial 71st meeting of the Third Ses-
sion. He told them that he ‘‘did not see what possible objection there could
be to that phrase when millions of people throughout the world were de-
prived of food and clothing.’’ These rights were retained by 11 votes to 3.
These liberal items are regular staples of what benevolent Confucian kings
used to set before their people and what millions of persons living in soci-
eties in transition badly need. The UDHR makes the point that the world’s
poor have a right to have these and other such basic needs met. The other
list in Article 25 pertains to ‘‘[social] security in the event of unemploy-
ment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood
in circumstances beyond his control.’’ Because of the ECOSOC mandate
to pay attention to union rights, and strong union delegations among the
drafters, the particular items on this list were never questioned after
Humphrey and Cassin had written them in.
When most of the social, economic, and cultural rights had been
adopted, the drafters voted to give these ‘‘new’’ rights their own covering
Article 22: ‘‘Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social se-
curity and is entitled to realization, through national effort and interna-
tional cooperation and in accordance with the organization and resources
of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for
his dignity and the free development of his personality.’’ Critics of the
liberalism in the second half of the UDHR are not correct when they
seek to use the clauses italicized in the above citation as an indication
that liberal rights have a lower status in the document. The motivation
behind these clauses was not that the drafters doubted the authenticity of
liberal rights as being genuine human rights; on the contrary, the Minutes
of the meetings show that they inserted Article 22 with these clauses be-
cause these liberal rights were new or newly discovered, they usually re-
quire somewhat more material involvement on the part of the State, and
they call for greater international cooperation.45
This greater need for material and international involvement was
highlighted so that states would be aware of it and not shirk their correl-
ative duties: it is for this reason that the drafters called upon them to set
up frameworks of international cooperation. Article 22 was designed to
make sure that these liberal rights would not starve for lack of resources.
However, this special attention to social, economic, and cultural rights
does not mean that civil and political rights do not require financial lay-
outs and international cooperation: by the late 1940s the costs of these
(old) rights had been borne for almost two centuries. The general neces-
sity for international cooperation in this area was also underscored when
1. Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly
or through freely chosen representatives.
2. Everyone has the right to equal access to public service in his country.
3. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this
will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by
universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent
free voting procedures.
the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.’’ The
adoption discussions for this Article are quite relevant to our own on-
going discussions of how democracies should deal with hate crimes and
fanatical political parties. The drafters saw this issue as one of the spirit of
the laws. A legal system can superficially appear thorough but in its spirit
and application may flaunt human rights regularly, especially in cases
where political opponents of the regime are involved. Eleanor Roosevelt,
the American delegate, pointed out that ‘‘Nazi Germany had appeared to
be legally fulfilling the duties and obligations of the state, but in practice
had been destroying all human rights and liberties.’’58 It was her opinion
that no text could protect the spirit of the laws. Charles Malik, the Leb-
anese representative, countered that this was precisely the reason why
such an article should be included in the UDHR. He received support
from Pierre Ordonneau, the French representative to the Third Session
of the Commission, who felt that it ‘‘was essential that the Declaration
should at least recall the dangers of Nazism’’ and that ‘‘it was wrong to
deny a possible recurrence of Nazism.’’59 He saw the ‘‘danger against
which Article [30] was aimed [as] a serious one.’’60 When, in the later
Third Committee meetings, the United States continued to object to Ar-
ticle 30, Pavlov, the Soviet Union’s delegate, argued that this particular
article ‘‘was the only one that could be used as a weapon against Na-
zism.’’ Moreover, ‘‘[h]e appealed to the committee to consider its re-
sponsibilities before rejecting the article, which might in the future serve
as a weapon against Nazism and fascism.’’61
Present-day discussions of what the democratic entitlement entails
seem to suggest that Pavlov’s future is here. The question that newly
born (and, therefore, often fragile) democracies face is precisely that of
how tolerant they should be of members of militant political groups, who
abuse the freedoms of Articles 19 and 20 to come to power and then re-
fuse to implement Article 21. To void this scenario, Pavlov was a strong
supporter of a French amendment to insert the word ‘‘group’’ into the
text of Article 30. The French proposed this amendment because ‘‘expe-
rience had shown that it was rarely States or individuals that engaged in
activities aimed at the destruction of human rights; such activities in re-
cent times had been pursued by groups sometimes acting on the instruc-
tions or with the connivance of states.’’62 After Pavlov pointed out how
the paths to power of both Hitler and Mussolini had been paved ‘‘by
constant infiltration and propaganda,’’ he added the example of the Klu
Klux Klan in the United States. He wanted to answer the argument of
those who belittled the influence of these kinds of hate groups be-
cause ‘‘their membership was very small and their activity of little conse-
quence.’’63 That rationale, he said, was exactly what had also been used
in the early stages of Hitler’s and Mussolini’s political careers; ‘‘the di-
1. This study is part of a larger project on the intellectual challenges posed by the Uni-
versal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
2. Thomas Risse and Kathryn Sikkink, ‘‘The socialization of international human rights
norms into domestic practices: Introduction’’ in The Power of Human Rights Interna-
tional Norms and Domestic Change, Thomas Risse, Stephen C. Ropp, and Kathryn
Sikkink, eds, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 22–35.
3. Ibid., p. 235 [emphasis added].
4. The Bogota Declaration adopted by the nations of Latin America in April of 1948 pre-
ceded the adoption of the Universal Declaration in December of that same year, but it
is not really an international set of norms. For its influence on the drafting of the Dec-
laration, see Origins (see note 5), chapters 4, 5, and 6, but especially sections 4.1 and 4.3.
5. For the effects of the Cold War on the drafting of the Declaration and the facts of this
section, see Johannes Morsink, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Origins,
Drafting and Intent, Philadelphia: The University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999, section
1.3. In the text and in the notes I refer to this volume as Origins, and then give the rel-
evant section or sections.
6. He bases most of the second edition of this book (Universal Human Rights in Theory
and Practice, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2003) on his analysis of this unified
7. Ibid., p. 34.
8. Ibid., p. 35.
9. Ibid., p. 34.
10. He does recognize the ‘‘paradox of possession’’ (p. 9), claiming that we have our human
rights because of our human nature (e.g. pp. 10, 25 (note 4), and 90), but that nature is
not connected to the basic human needs of which scientists speak; rather, it is a moral
posit of societies reacting to the onslaughts of modern markets and states (section
1.3.B). I evaluate these more metaphysical and epistemological claims in a forthcoming
volume on the intellectual challenges of the UDHR.
11. UN DOC (1948) A/C.3/94th Meeting, p. 81.
12. UN DOC (1948) A/C.3/94th Meeting, p. 924.
13. Origins, p. 342.
14. UN DOC A/C.3/240 and see Origins, section 1.4, for discussion of the proposal.
15. UN DOC A/C.3/240 and see Origins, section 1.4, for discussion of the proposal.
16. UN DOC A/C.3/240 and see Origins, section 1.4, for discussion of the proposal section
17. Ibid.
18. In East and Central Europe alone, there were 25 new or revised constitutions written
since the end of the Cold War. Since 1990, more than 20 new French African constitu-
tions were published. Most of these contain bills of rights that were inspired by (and
sometimes make explicit reference to) the UDHR. See the Comment in Henry J.
Steiner and Philip Alston, eds, International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics,
Morals, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000, p. 990.
19. For drafting details see Origins, section 6.4.
20. For numerous details on the effects of the women’s lobby summarized here, see Origins,
section 3.5.
21. See Christine Chinkin’s essay, ‘‘Gender Inequality and International Human Rights
Law,’’ in Inequality, Globalization, and World Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press,
1999, pp. 95–122, as well as the statistics of the works cited in note 29.
22. For the protection of the rights of children in the Declaration, see Origins, section 7.2.
23. Charles Taylor, ‘‘The Politics of Recognition,’’ in Amy Gutmann, ed., Multiculturalism,
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.
24. See Alasdair MacIntyre, After Virtue, Notre Dame, Indiana: Notre Dame University
Press, 1984; Richard Rorty, Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity, Cambridge UK, Cam-
bridge University Press, 1989; Will Kymlicka, Liberalism, Community and Culture, Ox-
ford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1991; Chris Brown ‘‘Universal Human Rights: a critique,’’ in
Human Rights in Global Politics, Tim Dunne and Nicholas Wheeler, eds, Cambridge,
UK: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
25. See Johannes Morsink, ‘‘Cultural Genocide, the Universal Declaration, and Minority
Rights,’’ Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 4, November 1999, pp. 1009–1061.
26. Article 1(3), Article 13(1b), Article 55(c), and Article 76(c).
27. UN DOC E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.5, p. 5.
28. For the adoption story of Article 2, see Origins, sections 3.3 and 3.4.
29. There his compatriot Hans Metha argued that, in the draft Covenant that was also being
written, the item of ‘‘colour’’ did follow the item of ‘‘race,’’ and that the same should
therefore be done with the Declaration. With strong support from the Lebanese and
Philippine delegations, this item was lifted from the note and put into the text of the
30. UN DOC E/CN.4/AC.1/Sub.2/SR.21, p. 5.
31. UN DOC E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.12, p. 12.
32. Origins, section 3.4.
33. See Amartya Sen, Inequality Reconsidered, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Uni-
versity Press, 1992, as well as his more recent Development as Freedom, New York:
Random House, Inc., 1999.
34. See Alan Gewirth, The Community of Rights, Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
1996; Martha Nussbaum, Women and Human Development: A Capabilities Approach,
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2000; and Thomas Pogge, World Poverty
and Human Rights, Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 2002.
35. United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 2000, New
York: Oxford University Press, 2000; and The World Bank, World Development Report
2000/2001: Attacking Poverty, New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
36. The reader will find supporting references for the drafting claims I make in this section
in chapters 4, 5, and 6 of Origins.
37. There are always exceptions to general statements like this. See, for instance, Martin
Golding, ‘‘The Primacy of Welfare Rights,’’ in Ellen Frankel Paul et al., eds, Human
Rights, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1984, pp. 119–137.
38. Maurice Cranston, ‘‘Human Rights, Real and Supposed,’’ in Morton E. Winston, ed.,
The Philosophy of Human Rights, Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Com-
pany, 1989, pp. 121–129.
39. I think that these have been laid to rest by Henry Shue’s discussion of the distinction
between positive and negative rights (which is what Cranston and others relied on) in
his book Basic Rights, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980.
40. Origins, section 6.4.
41. The only outright cut he made was the right everyone has to (as Humphrey put it) ‘‘an
equitable share of the national income as the need for his work and the increment it
makes to the common welfare may justify’’ (UN DOC E/CN.4/AC.1/3/Art.39).
42. Origins, section 5.3.
43. Origins, section 5.4.
44. Origins, section 6.1.
45. Origins, section 6.4.
46. Origins, section 2.5.
47. Gregory H. Fox and Brad R. Roth, eds, Democratic Governance and International Law,
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
48. Thomas M. Franck, ‘‘Legitimacy and the Democratic Entitlement,’’ in Fox and Roth,
p. 26, note 42. His evidence is that ‘‘as of late 1997, approximately 130 national gov-
ernments were legally committed to permit open, multiparty, secret ballot elections with
universal franchise’’ (p. 27). He points out that just in the year ‘‘1996–97 elections were
observed in Algeria, Ghana, Madagascar, Mali, and Yemen; further [that] electoral as-
sistance was also provided to Bangladesh, the Comoros, Gambia, Guyana, Haiti, Libe-
ria, Mali and Mexico’’ (p. 31). And he is of the opinion that a failure like the one in
Angola is ‘‘balanced by successes in Namibia, Cambodia, Nicaragua and El Salvador’’
(p. 41). A lot of election monitoring was done in Eastern Europe with the post-1989
transition from communism. To facilitate the emergence of this right to democratic
participation, the United Nations added an Electoral Assistance Division to its Secre-
tariat in 1992.
49. Gregory H. Fox, ‘‘The right to political participation in international law,’’ in Fox and
Roth, p. 50, note 2.
50. Ibid., p. 89.
51. Ibid., p. 55.
52. See Origins, p. 60.
53. See United Nations, Human Development Report 2000, Oxford: Oxford University
Press, p. 171.
54. Gregory H. Fox and Georg Nolte, ‘‘Intolerant Democracies,’’ in Fox and Roth, p. 411,
note 42.
55. See Origins, section 2.4.
It will not have escaped the reader that this book is informed by a belief in the
ability of different people from different cultures to share many common values
and to agree on some common commitments. Indeed, the overriding value of
freedom as the organizing principle of this work has the feature of a strong uni-
versalist presumption.23
Sen views human rights as a system of ethical reasoning that is the basis
of political demands involving basic political liberties and civil rights in
rich and poor countries alike. Although he focuses his argument on the
universality of a wide array of civil and political rights and rarely invokes
economic, social, and cultural human rights explicitly, he offers consider-
able substantive evidence on behalf of the latter set of rights.
Arguments for a comprehensive and interdependent universalism are
rooted in natural rights doctrine, the overwhelming 1948 vote favouring
the UDHR,24 and international court rulings that this Declaration and
certain other major and wide-ranging human rights instruments consti-
tute parts of customary international law. Interdependence relates to the
idea that civil–political and economic, social, and cultural rights, among
other individual and collective rights, help to make each other viable and
cannot be fully effective without all rights being respected.
The substantially increased intensity of global human rights super-
vision and enforcement in the last quarter of the twentieth century pro-
duced a backlash against the universal applicability of at least some parts
of the ‘‘international bill of rights.’’25 The ideological basis of this assault
is reviewed below. In political terms, the multifaceted challenge to uni-
versalism constituted, by the early 1990s, a major perceived threat to
universalist assumptions and expectations.
As a result, the 1993 Vienna Conference on Human Rights, the 1994
Cairo Conference on Population and Development, and the 1995 Beijing
Women’s Conference all involved efforts to articulate and reassert uni-
versalism definitively. The Vienna delegates declared ‘‘all human rights’’
universal, indivisible, interdependent, and interrelated, adding that ‘‘the
universal nature of these rights and freedoms is beyond question.’’26 The
Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action amply incorporate third-
generation rights as much as first-generation civil and political ones.
Those rights given especially strong endorsement relate to national self-
determination, development (with accompanying duties of international
assistance), freedom from extreme poverty, and asylum from persecu-
tion. Although many key first-generation rights (e.g. freedom of expres-
sion and freedom of religion) are given rather little attention in the
Vienna documents, the matter of which groups should benefit from the
principle of equal protection and treatment is addressed broadly and with
renewed intensity.27 In comparison, the affirmation of comprehensive
universalism in the United Nations Millennium Declaration, issued in
September 2000 in the name of the heads of state and government of
each member state, was rather perfunctory.28
Other concrete steps toward a comprehensive universalist approach
have included the development by various global treaty-supervisory
committees of ‘‘core minimum obligations,’’ designed to give concrete
meaning to many kinds of socio-economic as well as civil–political
rights.29 Such efforts to make a wide array of adopted human rights more
enforceable have been reinforced by rulings of national and regional
courts, especially those that have referred explicitly to international hu-
man rights law in areas such as housing and gender discrimination.30
Comprehensive approaches also can be found in the leading Inter-
American and African human rights documents.31
Despite their participation in these global affirmations of universalism,
various Western officials generally avoid stating or endorsing positions
that link economic, social, and cultural rights with civil–political ones or
combine the rights of individuals with collective rights. Their periodic
endorsement of comprehensiveness has been the price paid for the affir-
mation by others of universalism concerning civil and political rights.
None the less, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European
Union, adopted at its Nice European Council meeting in December 2000,
can be seen as a small step towards Western acceptance of a compre-
hensive universalist approach in a single document, an action that gen-
erated considerable controversy at that forum.32
Comprehensive universalism has certain flaws and limitations that
weaken its global support. One source of concern is the politically moti-
vated inconsistencies reflected in its formal endorsement at various
meetings. At Vienna, several Western states, most notably the United
States and the United Kingdom, agreed reluctantly to include the entire
corpus of economic and social as well as collective rights as part of a
comprehensive package of universal rights. Certain developing states
acknowledged comprehensive universalism at that forum, despite their
strong ongoing political campaigns to delegitimize the concept. They ac-
cepted compromise formulations that gave some standing to cultural rel-
ativism and avoided the negative political and economic consequences
that might have resulted from the defiance of stronger states at that
forum. Some of these developing states view the further recognition of such
less well-established rights as that of development and self-determination
the first – stresses the need for and value of preserving traditional and
religious approaches to issues of equality, family, gender, children, sexu-
ality, and related matters. The former focus has been strongly challenged
as an ideological mask of authoritarian regimes seeking to defend re-
pression and hold onto power. Both perspectives are often widely shared
by large proportions of citizens as well as by élites in various authoritar-
ian and transitional states.50
Radical, strong, and weak versions of cultural relativism can be distin-
guished. Donnelly notes that the radical position holds that culture is the
‘‘sole source of the validity of a moral right or rule.’’51 He suggests that
the strong relativist position views culture as the principal basis of their
validity and that weak relativism perceives culture as an ‘‘important
source’’ of the validity of a moral or human right.52 This American po-
litical theorist also offers this useful categorization of the possible rele-
vance of cultural relativism to different aspects of human rights:
ment in the entire body of regional and national as well as global human
rights instruments, further steps should be taken to legitimize an ex-
panding core of rights that should be singled out for more effective global
implementation. The hierarchy of rights implied in the enforcement work
of the Human Rights Committee and the Committee on Economic, So-
cial and Cultural Rights is a start to such a process.58
The broadening of these sets of core rights requires what has been
termed ‘‘intercultural’’ or ‘‘intercivilizational’’ dialogue. This effort must
be made, even if we accept pessimistic predictions concerning global
order, peace, and stability in the decades ahead.59 Such dialogues have
been skilfully managed in recent decades at conferences and symposia
organized by diverse sponsoring organizations.60 Progress in under-
standing diverse perspectives and seeking ways to bridge gaps is evi-
dent in books and other publications, such as those edited by Berting
(with others), Bauer and Bell, and Van Ness. The meetings that helped
to generate the present book constitute another valuable effort at glo-
bal dialogue. Vitally important communication occurs among NGO
representatives and delegates before and during major human rights
conferences – efforts that periodically contribute to the expansion of a
core universalist consensus.61 Needless to say, such dialogue also poses
risks of hardened positions as outcomes, but this is a gamble worth taking
when the meetings are well prepared and major participants on all sides
have open minds and freedom to find common ground.
Various advocates of universalism who work actively in traditional Is-
lamic and other societies have convinced this writer that the advance-
ment of rights for women, children, religious minorities, and others
depends on dialogue, persuasion, and compromise within particular states
or on a pan-religious basis.62 That is, the past and current demands
made by proponents of Shar’ia and other religious or traditional doc-
trines and practices must be answered internally in order for progressive
approaches to equality and tolerance to emerge and develop. There is a
very real risk that external criticism of traditional societies will be
counter-productive if it occurs while such internal dialogues and political
efforts proceed. Yet, in the long run, the internal and international dia-
logues must proceed together and should be combined with global pres-
sure when (as in Sudan, Myanmar, and Afghanistan) particularly severe
approaches to inequality and intolerance are adopted.
Various transitional societies offer both great opportunities and major
risks for internal and intersocietal dialogue relating to tradition and
human rights. Respected quantitative research finds that transition
status correlates positively with greater violence and ‘‘life-integrity vio-
lations.’’63 Transitional states moving away from stable authoritarianism
confront an exceptionally wide array of destabilizing forces and risks:
there has been a struggle to take the right to life seriously in relation to
genocide, war crimes, and other crimes against humanity;66 however,
infectious disease constitutes no less a threat to the right to life, and it
is necessary to invoke effective approaches that are global, are multi-
faceted, and that build upon an expanding conception of universally ap-
plicable human rights.
The HIV/AIDS pandemic also suggests the need for more astute ap-
proaches to certain traditional and religious ideas and practices that
many see as impeding efforts to bring the disease under control. This
crisis, particularly in various parts of Africa, has forced states and com-
munities to utilize traditional medical practitioners, to engage in dialogues
with religious authorities concerning the need to reinterpret traditional
conceptions of morality and sexuality, and to study carefully the impacts
of patriarchy on the pandemic. In some of the most successful highly af-
fected countries, bearers of tradition are effectively mobilized and pre-
vention campaigns are adjusted to gain the support of culturally diverse
élites and others.67 Unfortunately, there are more examples of failures to
overcome such perceived barriers than to co-opt or transform them, and
national leaders who fear the loss of certain benefits of economic global-
ization are often the leading voices of national denial concerning the
pandemic. But admonitions concerning the need for inclusive strategies
are being advanced by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/
AIDS (UNAIDS) and its constituent organizations, even as national
élites and others gradually abandon their various rationalizations for
denial concerning the level of crisis and the solutions needed.
Lessons from the past two decades of experiments with transitional
justice also suggest opportunities to embrace relativism on behalf of
universalist conceptions of rights. South Africa has taught us how Chris-
tian and traditional religious ideas can contribute to the shaping of ap-
proaches to reconciliation.68 Whether the South African effort to balance
truth, amnesty, and prosecution has helped to entrench the rule of law
will long be debated. It contributed to these larger goals by allowing the
crimes of the victorious forces to be investigated and reported together
with those of the apartheid state. According to Alex Boraine, Deputy
Chairperson of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission,
‘‘Every attempt should be made to assist countries to find their own so-
lutions provided that there is no blatant disregard of fundamental human
South Africa’s (and some other states’) experiences with amnesty and
reconciliation have evoked mostly positive responses from the interna-
tional community. International criminal tribunals in Tanzania and, es-
pecially, the Hague, offer models of transitional justice that mesh diverse
legal procedures and traditions, avoid the death penalty, and assert as
crimes against humanity such atrocities as systemic rape and sexual slav-
1. It can be argued that almost every society strongly affected by economic and cultural
globalization is transitional. However, the consensus of the authors of this book is that
the term should be employed more narrowly.
2. Andrew Moravcik presents evidence that ‘‘new democracies’’ were vital to the devel-
opment of a strong European human rights regime that focused on civil–political rights
both in the aftermath of World War II and in the 1990s. He argues that the insecurity of
their situation as new democracies motivated their support of a strong regional human
rights regime that would serve as ‘‘a bulwark against tyranny.’’ Moravcik, ‘‘The Origins
of Human Rights Regimes: Democratic Delegation in Postwar Europe,’’ International
Organization, Vol. 54, No. 2, Spring 2000, p. 237.
3. Michael Freeman, ‘‘The Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights,’’ Human Rights
Quarterly, Vol. 16, 1994, pp. 491–514.
4. Peter Van Ness, ed., Debating Human Rights: Critical Essays from the United States and
Asia, London and New York: Routledge, 1999, p. 11.
5. Thomas M. Franck, ‘‘Are Human Rights Universal?’’, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 80, No. 1,
January–February 2001, pp. 203–204.
6. Eric Hobsbawm, The Age of Extremes: A History of the World, 1914–1991, New York:
Pantheon Books, 1994.
7. For a wide-ranging introduction to such schools or approaches see Scott Burchill and
Andrew Linklater, Theories of International Relations, New York: St Martin’s Press,
1996. For an excellent edited volume that applies several of these approaches to con-
temporary foreign policy, see C. John Ikenberry, ed., America Unrivaled: The Future of
the Balance of Power, Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press, 2002. The
leading presentation of neorealism is Kenneth Waltz, Theory of International Relations,
Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1979. For liberal internationalism see M.W. Zacher
and R.A. Mathew, ‘‘Liberal International Theory: Common Threads, Divergent
Strands,’’ in Charles W. Kegley Jr, ed., Controversies in International Relations Theory,
New York, 1995, pp. 107–150. A leading and controversial recent work reflecting sev-
eral schools of critical theory is Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Empire, Cambridge,
Mass. and London: Harvard University Press, 2000.
8. Michael Ignatieff et al., Human Rights as Politics and Idolatry, Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 2001, especially pp. 3–52; Andrew Hurrell, ‘‘Power, Principles and
Prudence: Protecting Human Rights in a Deeply Divided World,’’ in Tim Dunne and
Nicholas J. Wheeler, eds, Human Rights in Global Politics, Cambridge and New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 277–302; Tony Evans, ‘‘Introduction: Power,
Hegemony and the Universalization of Human Rights,’’ in Evans, ed., Human Rights
Fifty Years On: A Reappraisal, Manchester and New York: Manchester University
Press, 1998, pp. 2–23; and David Forsythe, ed., Human Rights and Comparative Foreign
Policy, Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2000.
9. Thomas Risse, Stephen C. Ropp, and Kathryn Sikkink, eds, The Power of Human
Rights: International Norms and Domestic Change, Cambridge and New York: Cam-
bridge University Press, 1999.
10. See Austin Sarat and Thomas R. Kearns, eds, Human Rights: Concepts, Contests, Con-
tingencies, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2001; Michael Ignatieff et al., Hu-
man Rights as Politics and Idolatry, pp. 53–98; Alison Brysk, ed., Globalization and
Human Rights, Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002; and Upenda Baxi,
‘‘Voice of Suffering Fragmented Universality, and the Future of Human Rights’’ and
Anne Oxford, ‘‘Contesting Globalization: A Feminist Perspective on the Future of Hu-
man Rights,’’ in Burn H. Weston and Stephen P. Marks, eds, The Future of Human
Rights, Ardsley, New York: Transnational Publishers, 1999, pp. 101–156, 157–186.
11. For such a realist version see Henry Kissinger, White House Years, Boston: Little,
Brown & Company, 1979, especially pp. 54–70.
12. See Yash Ghai, ‘‘Rights, Social Justice, and Globalization in East Asia,’’ in Joanne R.
Bauer and Daniel A. Bell, eds, The East Asian Challenge for Human Rights, Cambridge
and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 241–263.
13. See Ann Kent, China and the United Nations, and Human Rights: The Limits of Com-
pliance, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999; Ming Wan, Human Rights
in Chinese Foreign Relations: Defining and Defending National Interests, Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001.
14. See Samuel Huntington, The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Cen-
tury, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1991.
15. For a view of this matter that is more positive than mine see Adrian Koratnycky, ‘‘A
Century of Progress,’’ Journal of Democracy, Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2000, pp. 187–
2000; for more negative views see Renske Doorenspleet, ‘‘Reassessing the Three Waves
of Democratization,’’ World Politics, Vol. 52, April 2000, pp. 384–406, and Fareed Za-
karia, The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad, New York:
W.W. Norton Publishers, 2003.
16. Numerous Muslim states have based reservations concerning ratified human rights
conventions on the necessity of maintaining policies based on Shari’a. See Radhika
Coomaraswamy, ‘‘Reinventing International Law: Women’s Rights as Human Rights
in the International Community,’’ in Van Ness, ed., Debating Human Rights, pp. 167–
17. Abdullahi An-Na’im, ‘‘Human Rights in the Arab World: A Regional Perspective,’’
Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 23, No. 3, August 2001, pp. 701–732.
18. One major source of such scholarly arguments is Joanne R. Bauer and Daniel A. Bell,
eds, The East Asian Challenge for Human Rights, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1999. Their volume also includes opposing views.
19. Several of these historical efforts are reviewed in Paul Gordon Lauren, Power and
Prejudice: The Politics and Diplomacy of Racial Discrimination, Boulder, CO and Lon-
don: Westview Press, 1988. See also documentation in Henry J. Steiner and Philip
Alston, eds, International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics, Morals, 2nd edn.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 56–125.
20. Louis Henkin et al. refer to the 1945 Nuremberg Charter as ‘‘the first formal assertion
of an international law of human rights.’’ They cite Adam Hochschild to the effect that
the phrase ‘‘crimes against humanity’’ originated with a letter concerning the atrocities
in the Congo from George Washington Williams to US Secretary of State Blaine dated
15 September 1890. Henkin et al., Human Rights, New York: Foundation Press, 1999,
p. 73. See also Hochschild, King Leopold’s Ghost, New York: Houghton Mifflin Co.,
1998, pp. 111–112.
21. See Paul Gordon Lauren, The Evolution of International Human Rights: Visions Seen,
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1998, pp. 38–45; and M. Cherif Bas-
siouni, ‘‘Universal Jurisdiction for International Crimes: Historical Perspectives and
Contemporary Practices,’’ Virginia Journal of International Law, No. 42, Vol. 1, 2001,
pp. 82–162.
22. Paul Sieghart, International Law of Human Rights, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983, p. 17.
23. Amartya Sen, Development as Freedom, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2000, p. 244.
24. Because most other human rights instruments adopted at the global level have been
more narrowly focused, the UDHR is a rare example of wide-ranging first-, second- and
third-generation rights in a single official document.
25. This term includes the UDHR and the international covenants on civil–political and
economic, social, and cultural rights adopted by the General Assembly in 1966. Efforts
to implement a more or less comprehensive universalist approach include the activation
of several treaty-based UN human rights supervisory committees in the 1980s and
1990s. These committees help implement conventions on economic, social, and cultural
rights and civil–political rights as well as conventions to overcome discrimination based
on gender and race and to advance the rights of children, among others. Further, NGOs
Princeton University Press, 2000. A limiting development is the 2001 decision of the
International Court of Justice concerning immunity of an incumbent Minister of Foreign
Affairs of the Congo from Belgium’s claimed jurisdiction. Democratic Republic of the
Congo v. Belgium, 14 February 2002.
39. See Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Trade, Employment
and Labor Standards, Paris: OECD, 1996, pp. 10–28. These rights were justified in part
on the basis that they provide ‘‘framework conditions’’ that make other labour stan-
dards possible.
40. Christina M. Cerna, ‘‘Universality of Human Rights and Cultural Diversity: Implemen-
tation in Different Socio-Cultural Contexts,’’ Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 16, 1994,
p. 744.
41. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Trade, Employment and
Labor Standards, pp. 10, 26.
42. Cerna (see note 40), pp. 745–749; Meron (see note 33), ‘‘On a Hierarchy of Interna-
tional Human Rights.’’
43. On normative logics relative to human rights see Richard Falk, Human Rights and State
Sovereignty, New York and London: Holmes and Meier Publishers, 1981, pp. 33–62.
44. See Human Rights Watch Press Release, ‘‘UN: Progress on Disappearances Pact
Hailed,’’ 26 April 2001, available at h
45. See David P. Forsythe, ‘‘US Foreign Policy and Human Rights,’’ pp. 27–38, and Daniel
W. Wessner, ‘‘From Judge to Participant: The United States as Champion of Human
Rights,’’ in Peter Van Ness, ed., Debating Human Rights: Critical Essays from the United
States and Asia, London and New York: Routledge, 1999, pp. 255–277.
46. Richard Lewis Siegel, Employment and Human Rights: The International Dimension,
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994, pp. 65–71; Seyom Brown, Human
Rights in World Politics, pp. 29–30. The vote on the Charter was 120 to 6 with 10 ab-
47. Although abolition of the death penalty has advanced significantly as an internationally
recognized human rights standard, particularly in the past two decades, full abolition is
not yet a universally accepted aspect of the right to life, or cruel and inhuman punish-
ment. None the less, major inroads have been made. Abolition has been adopted as a
binding regional norm in the growing domain of the Council of Europe and has pro-
gressed as a norm accepted in Latin America and Africa and in relation to the mentally
ill and developmentally disabled, as well as those under the age of 18 years. See William
A. Schabas, The Abolition of the Death Penalty in International Law, 3rd edn, Cam-
bridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
48. For scholarly support for relativism see Jan Berting et al., eds, Human Rights in a Plural
World: Individuals and Collectivities, Westport/London: Mechler Corporation, 1990;
Richard A. Wilson, ed., Human Rights, Culture and Context: Anthropological Perspec-
tives, London and Chicago: Pluto Press, 1997; and Adamantia Pollis and Peter Schwab,
Human Rights: Cultural and Ideological Perspectives, New York: Praeger Publishers,
49. Jack Donnelly, Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice, Ithaca and London:
Cornell University Press, 1989, p. 109.
50. Abhullahi An Na’im states this point as a common feature of Arab States in An
Na’imm, p. 722. For a somewhat more positive view of democratic prospects see Adrian
Karatnycky, ‘‘The 2001 Freedom House Survey: Muslim Countries and the Democracy
Gap,’’ Journal of Democracy, Vol. 13, No. 1, January 2002, pp. 99–112.
51. Donnelly, Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice, pp. 109–110.
52. Ibid., p. 110.
53. Ibid.
54. Jack Donnelly, International Human Rights, second edition, Boulder, CO: Westview
Press, 1998, p. 33.
55. See Lee Kuan Yew, The Singapore Story: Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew, New York:
Prentice-Hall, 1999.
56. See Declan O’Sullivan, ‘‘The History of Human Rights Across the Regions: Universal-
ism versus Cultural Relativism,’’ The International Journal of Human Rights, Vol. 2, No.
3, Autumn 1998, pp. 31–34, 37–43 and Olusola Ojo, ‘‘Understanding Human Rights in
Africa,’’ in Jan Berting, et al., Human Rights in a Pluralist World, pp. 115–124.
57. See O’Sullivan, ‘‘The History of Human Rights Across the Regions,’’ pp. 28–29.
58. This includes the effort to achieve consensus on core minimum obligations of states as
well as to hold states parties to what the US Supreme Court would call ‘‘strict scrutiny’’
for designated elements of each multinational convention.
59. Pessimistic prognostications are presented in Samuel Huntington, The Clash of Civi-
lizations and the Remaking of World Order, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996 and
Robert D. Kaplan, The Coming Anarchy: Shattering the Dreams of the Post Cold War,
New York: Vintage Books, 2000.
60. These have included UNESCO, the UN Human Rights Centre, The Netherlands Com-
mission for UNESCO, the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, the
Association for Asian Studies, and the Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars.
61. Examples of such progress have occurred recently in relation to child soldiers, exploit-
ative child labour, violence against women, and a permanent international criminal
court. Although not necessarily producing new core universally accepted rights, such
developments clearly constitute steps in that direction.
62. See Norani Othman, ‘‘Grounding Human Rights Arguments in Non-Western Culture:
Shari’a and the Citizenship Rights of Women in a Modern Islamic State,’’ in Bauer and
Bell, The East Asian Challenge for Human Rights, pp. 169–192.
63. See Helen Fein, ‘‘More Murder in the Middle: Life-Integrity Violations and Democracy
in the World, 1987,’’ Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 17, 1995, pp. 170–191 and Steven C.
Poe, C. Neal Tate, and Linda Camp Keith, ‘‘Repression of the Human Right to Per-
sonal Integrity Revisited: A Global Cross-National Study Covering the Years 1976–
1993,’’ International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 43, 1999, pp. 291–313.
64. For the most comprehensive set of essays and documents on the choices made see Neil
J. Kritz, ed., Transitional Justice: How Emerging Democracies Reckon with Former Re-
gimes, 3 volumes. Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1995; see
also Robertson, Crimes Against Humanity.
65. I discuss these themes in Siegel, ‘‘AIDS and Human Rights,’’ Human Rights Quarterly,
Vol. 18, No. 3, August 1996, pp. 612–640; see also Helen Epstein, ‘‘Time of Indiffer-
ence,’’ The New York Review of Books, 12 April 2001, pp. 33–38.
66. See Samantha Power, ‘‘A Problem from Hell’’: America and the Age of Genocide, New
York: Basic Books, 2002.
67. See Lawrence K. Altman, M.D., ‘‘In Africa, a Deadly Silence about AIDS Is Lifting,’’
New York Times, 13 July 1999, p. D7.
68. See Alex Boraine, A Country Unmasked: Inside South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation
Commission, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000, especially pp. 340–378; and Pris-
cilla B. Hayner, Unspeakable Truths: Confronting State Terror and Atrocity, New York
and London: Routledge, 2001.
69. Boraine, ibid., p. 433.
70. Robertson, A Country Unmasked, pp. 306–307; the rape cases include Prosecutor v.
Akayesu, Trial Chamber, International Tribunal for Rwanda, 1998. Case No. ICTR-96-
4-T,, printed in part in
Steiner and Alston, International Human Rights in Context, pp. 1178–1188.
71. This has characterized the approaches to transitional justice in some South American
and African countries and the failure to this date to begin prosecutions in Cambodia.
72. Siegel, ‘‘Transitional Justice: A Decade of Debate and Experience,’’ Human Rights
Quarterly, 20, No. 2, May 1998, pp. 431–454.
73. See Robertson, A Country Unmasked, especially pp. 248–256, and Orentlicher, ‘‘Set-
tling Accounts: The Duty to Prosecute Human Rights Violations of a Prior Regime,’’
Yale Law Journal, Vol. 100, 1991, pp. 2537–2615.
From global norms to local change:
Theoretical perspectives on the
promotion of human rights in
societies in transition
Geneviève Souillac
. . . proceeds on the central assumption that achieving a human rights culture and
realizing global justice are intertwined and mutually reinforcing goals. The over-
arching aim of normative commitment is to incorporate rights and justice into a
framework of humane governance.8
If we replace the premise of states’ essential autonomy with the broader inter-
pretive assumption that constitutive norms can exist at the level of systems, we
allow for an explanation of the conditions under which states are relatively au-
tonomous actors in a particular historical era.14
been argued that the type of political will associated with the emergence
and consolidation of norms – especially internationally binding norms –
cannot be explained as a progressive adaptation to risk and threat, nor
solely in terms of self-interest but, rather, as following a complex and
wilful process. This ‘‘life cycle’’ of norms, which determines their evolu-
tion and influence,18 includes the emergence of norms; then a period of
norm ‘‘cascade,’’ involving various degrees of acceptance by states; and,
finally, a third moment of internalization following a ‘‘tipping point,’’ at
which ‘‘a critical mass of relevant state actors adopt the norm,’’ on the
basis of a complex array of motivations. In the final stage of internaliza-
tion, the norms in question are no longer the object of public debate and
scrutiny as to their value, and work can continue for their ongoing im-
These theoretical findings have implications for the transformative role
of global human rights norms on foreign policy and on states’ definitions
of their identity and interests. This can be witnessed in the revival of in-
terest in the relationship between ideas and politics, notably in studies of
the impact of foreign policy on both domestic and international politics.
Kathryn Sikkink argues for a more systematic understanding of the in-
tegration of human rights ideas into foreign policy in both the United
States and Europe. According to Sikkink, understanding this process
helps to shed light on the ‘‘impact’’ of human rights norms upon policy-
making in general. As she convincingly argues, ‘‘[t]he emergence of hu-
man rights policy is not a simple victory of ideas over interests. Rather, it
demonstrates the power of ideas to reshape understandings of national
interest.’’20 An architectural system of human rights norms influences
policy in ways that are profoundly transformative of states’ understand-
ings of their own interest and location in the world system. As Sikkink
The last section proposed a sketch of the picture now generated by the
growing influence of morally significant ideas and of a universal model of
regulation of political behaviour. It delineates a framework whereby an
ideally constituted international society is continuously attempting to
communicate its norms. Human rights norms form an architectural model
that burgeoning political societies are encouraged to follow. International
organizations such as the United Nations and INGOs include such en-
couragement as part of their conditions for complex assistance. Yet, from
trends of meaning is helpful for thinking about these issues. A first way of
identifying a process of ‘‘identification’’ with global norms lies in the
theory of the impact of ‘‘external’’ normative ideas on domestic struc-
tures through transnational advocacy. The theoretical insights of recent
scholarship on the nature and role of transnational advocacy formulates a
flexible approach to the communication of norms. Transnational advo-
cacy is now recognized as a unique form of norm entrepreneurship.30
First, research into the causes of change in foreign policy preceded
scholarship on transnational advocacy networks but gradually drew at-
tention to the existence of ‘‘networks’’ of ideas. Thomas Risse-Kappen
convincingly explores the idea that ‘‘ideas do not float freely,’’ based on
an empirical analysis of the changes in Soviet foreign policy.31 In the
past, transnational coalitions were ideological movements of ideas based
on a philosophical framework. The most famous examples were the vari-
ous interpretations of Marxism in different nationalist settings and strug-
gles for emancipation, from Russia to China, Viet Nam, Laos, and many
more. The ambition of these movements was often expansive, and their
strategies resembled the religious model of conversion, as they aimed at
transforming the consciousness of collectivities rather than altering the
behaviour of states oppressing their own people. The political life of
ideas, however, shifted in focus as states became both more emancipated
from other (mostly Western) states’ influence and, wishing to secure their
interests vis-à-vis these states, more accountable to a growing interna-
tional community. Such paradoxical interdependence has been illustrated
by arguments that security interests may have been reconceptualized
from the growing influence of the Western liberal internationalist com-
munity, which was formed into transnational networks and encouraged
the emergence of ‘‘new thinkers’’ in the former Soviet Union.32 This in-
vestigation of the relationship between a variety of agents, their ideas,
and the development of these ideas into norms, bridges the framework of
human rights as global norms and the studies of their promotion by state
actors in foreign policy or through norm entrepreneurship.33
More recent theories examine the ‘‘power’’ of principled ideas to exert
political pressure on human rights-abusing governments and to generate
civic awakening through a process of political and social reconstruction
in such societies. This identifies more precisely the ways in which non-
governmental parties interact with illegitimate governments to influence
their policy and even provoke their collapse, if they do not abide by in-
ternational standards and integrate into the international community.
Margaret Keck and Kathryn Sikkink’s groundbreaking book Activists
beyond Borders34 offers an even more convincing argument about the
dependence of states on each other as the basic proposition or first con-
dition from which other principles governing international relations may
In each of the countries investigated that reached the final stage of sustained rule-
consistent behavior, the improvement of the human rights record was accom-
panied by a profound change in state identity. States became eager to join the
community of human rights-abiding ‘‘civilized nations.’’52
Later, a process of mutual learning can follow, moving toward a ‘‘fusion of hori-
zons’’ in Gadamer’s term, where the moral universe of the other becomes less
strange. And out of this will come further borrowings and the creation of new
hybrid forms.60
In this chapter, I have suggested that there are benefits to a more precise
theoretical consideration of the relationship between global norms and
local change, in terms of the openings afforded by the emerging rele-
vance of ethical communication in political identity formation. Theoreti-
cal developments emphasizing the role of constructivism in interest for-
mation draw attention to more sociologically inspired categories of
munities and documenting violations of human rights. In some ways, this activity re-
sembles that of a marketplace; in others, it puts you in mind of an intellectual produc-
tion line for the liberal emporium – Global Ethics Inc.’’
2. See Joanne Bauer and Daniel A. Bell, The East Asian Challenge for Human Rights,
Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge University Press, 1999; Amy Gutmann, ed., Human
Rights as Politics and Idolatry, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001; Lynda Bell,
Andrew J. Nathan, and Ilan Peleg, eds, Negotiating Culture and Human Rights, New
York: Columbia University Press, 2001.
3. Jack Donnelly’s work on human rights epitomizes the view that human rights are nec-
essarily accompanied by a liberal view of democracy. See Jack Donnelly, Universal
Human Rights in Theory and Practice, New York: Cornell University Press, 1989. An-
other representative philosopher linking human rights theory with liberal theory is Alan
Gewirth. See Alan Gewirth, ‘‘The Basis and Content of Human Rights,’’ in J. Roland
Pennock and John W. Chapman, eds, Nomos XXIII: Human Rights, New York: New
York University Press, 1981. For a more recent volume discussing these debates, see
Tim Dunne and Nicholas J. Wheeler, eds, Human Rights in Global Politics, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1999.
4. Jürgen Habermas, ‘‘Remarks on legitimation through human rights,’’ in Jürgen Haber-
mas, The Postnational Constellation. Political Essays, translated and edited by Max
Pensky, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2001, p. 117.
5. See Mervyn Frost, Toward a Normative Theory of International Relations, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1986; Chris Brown, International Relations Theory: New
Normative Approaches, Hemel Hempstead: Harvester-Wheatsheaf, 1992; Audie Klotz,
Norms in International Relations: The Struggle against Apartheid, Ithaca and London:
Cornell University Press, 1995; Simon Caney, David George, and Peter Jones, eds, Na-
tional Rights, International Obligations, Boulder, Col.: Westview Press, 1996.
6. See Falk’s definition of the distinction between government and governance: ‘‘. . . gov-
ernance calls attention to various forms of institutional and collective efforts to organize
human affairs on a global scale, encompassing the global institutions of the UN system,
various regional actors, and transnational and local grassroots initiatives’’ (italics in the
text). Richard Falk, Human Rights Horizons: The Pursuit of Justice in a Globalizing
World, London: Routledge, 2000, p. 20.
7. Ibid., pp. 21–22.
8. Ibid., p. 10.
9. See Ramesh Thakur, ‘‘Global Norms and International Humanitarian law: An Asian
Perspective,’’ International Review of the Red Cross, No. 841, 2001, p. 25.
10. Mireille Delmas-Marty, Trois défis pour un droit mondial, Paris: Seuil, 1998, p. 77.
Delmas-Marty compares this ‘‘fuzzy law’’ to the ‘‘soft law’’ currently regulating eco-
nomic activities, which features the deployment of complex and opaque regulations
under the ‘‘guise’’ of ‘‘deregulation.’’
11. Jürgen Habermas, La paix perpétuelle, le bicentenaire d’une idée kantienne, Paris: Cerf,
1996, p. 74 (personal translation), quoted in Mireille Delmas-Marty, Trois défis pour un
droit mondial, p. 8. See also Hedley Bull, An Anarchical Society, London: Macmillan,
12. Alexander Wendt, ‘‘The Agent–Structure Problem in International Relations Theory,’’
International Organization, Vol. 41, No. 3, Summer 1987, p. 41.
13. See Martha Finnemore and Kathryn Sikkink, ‘‘International Norm Dynamics and Po-
litical Change,’’ International Organization, Vol. 52, No. 4, Autumn 1998, p. 893.
14. Audie Klotz, Norms in International Relations, p. 17. See especially the chapter ‘‘Norms
in International Relations Theory,’’ pp. 13–35.
15. Delmas-Marty, Trois défis pour un droit mondial.
16. On the critique of the ‘‘immutability’’ thesis that ‘‘political communities cannot escape
the logic of power inherent in the condition of anarchy,’’ see Andrew Linklater, ‘‘The
Achievements of Critical Theory,’’ in Steve Smith, Ken Booth, and Marysia Zalewski,
eds, International Theory: Positivism and Beyond, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1996, p. 282.
17. Kathryn Sikkink, ‘‘The Power of Principled Ideas: Human Rights Policies in the United
States and Western Europe,’’ in J. Goldstein and R.O. Keohane, eds, Ideas and Foreign
Policy, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1993, pp. 139–170.
18. See Martha Finnemore and Kathryn Sikkink, ‘‘International Norm Dynamics and Po-
litical Change,’’ pp. 894–895.
19. Ibid., p. 895.
20. Sikkink, ‘‘The Power of Principled Ideas,’’ p. 140.
21. Ibid., p. 157.
22. Ibid., p. 141.
23. See Finnemore and Sikkink, ‘‘International Norm Dynamics and Political Change,’’
p. 887.
24. Jack Donnelly, The Concept of Human Rights, London: Croom Helm, 1985.
25. Jack Donnelly, ‘‘Post-Cold War Reflections on the Study of International Human
Rights,’’ Ethics and International Affairs, Vol. 11, 1997, p. 97.
26. Jack Donnelly, ‘‘Human Rights and Human Dignity: An Analytic Critique of Non-
Western Conceptions of Human Rights,’’ American Political Science Review, Vol. 76,
1982, pp. 303–316.
27. Rhoda E. Howard and Jack Donnelly, ‘‘Human Dignity, Human Rights, and Political
Regimes,’’ American Political Science Review, Vol. 80, 1986, pp. 801–817.
28. Ibid., p. 801.
29. Ibid., p. 802.
30. See William Korey, ‘‘Human Rights NGOs: The Power of Persuasion,’’ Ethics and In-
ternational Affairs, Vol. 13, 1999, pp. 151–174.
31. Thomas Risse-Kappen, ‘‘Ideas Do Not Float Freely: Transnational Coalitions, Domestic
Structures, and the End of the Cold War,’’ International Organization, Vol. 48, No. 2.
Spring 1994, pp. 185–214.
32. Ibid.
33. See Finnemore and Sikkink, ‘‘International Norm Dynamics and Political Change,’’ pp.
896–897: ‘‘Norms do not appear out of thin air; they are actively built by agents having
strong notions about appropriate or desirable behavior in their community.’’
34. Margaret E. Keck and Kathryn Sikkink, Activists beyond Borders. Advocacy Networks
in International Politics, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1998.
35. Ibid., p. 4.
36. Ibid., p. 8.
37. Ibid., p. 9: ‘‘Relationships among networks, both within and between issue areas, are
similar to what scholars of social movements have found for domestic activism.’’
38. Ibid., pp. 8–9.
39. Ibid., p. 9. See reference to Myra Marx Feree and Frederick D. Miller, ‘‘Mobilization
and Meaning: Toward an Integration of Social Psychological and Resource Perspectives
on Social Movements,’’ Sociological Inquiry, Vol. 55, 1985.
40. Ibid., p. 8.
41. Ibid., p. 72.
42. See a description of the ‘‘spiral model’’ of norm internalization by norm-violating gov-
ernments, from repression, to denial, to tactical concessions, and finally to a response to
global norms as possessing ‘‘prescriptive status,’’ in Thomas Risse and Stephen C.
Ropp, ‘‘International Human Rights Norms and Domestic Change: Conclusions,’’ in
Thomas Risse, Stephen C. Ropp and Kathryn Sikkink, eds, The Power of Human
Rights: International Norms and Domestic Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1999, pp. 237–238.
43. See Thomas Risse and Kathryn Sikkink, ‘‘The Socialization of International Human
Rights Norms into Domestic Practices: Introduction,’’ in Risse, Ropp, and Sikkink, eds,
The Power of Human Rights, p. 5.
44. See Keck and Sikkink, Activists beyond Borders, Preface, p. viii.
45. See Thomas Risse, ‘‘International Norms and Domestic Change: Arguing and Commu-
nicative Behavior in the Human Rights Area,’’ Politics and Society, Vol. 27, No. 4, Dec.
1999, pp. 526–556.
46. See Klotz, pp. 152–164.
47. Ibid., p. 162.
48. See Klotz, pp. 169–170.
49. Thomas Risse, ‘‘ ‘Let’s Argue!’ Communicative Action in World Politics,’’ International
Organization, Vol. 54, No. 1, Winter 2000, p. 31.
50. Risse, ‘‘International Norms and Domestic Change,’’ p. 551.
51. See Thomas Risse, ‘‘ ‘Let’s Argue!’ ’’, especially the section ‘‘International relations: a
common life world?’’, pp. 14–16.
52. See Risse, ‘‘International Norms and Domestic Change,’’ p. 550.
53. See Alison Dundes Renteln, International Human Rights: Universalism Versus Relativ-
ism, Newbury Park: Sage, 1990, p. 11.
54. Richard Wilson, ‘‘Human Rights, Culture and Context: An Introduction,’’ in Richard
Wilson, ed., Human Rights, Culture and Context: Anthropological Perspectives, London:
Pluto Press, 1997, p. 11.
55. See also Richard Wilson’s article on human rights reporting in Guatemala, ‘‘Repre-
senting Human Rights Violations: Social Contexts and Subjectivities,’’ in Richard
Wilson, ed., Human Rights, Culture and Context, pp. 134–160.
56. See for instance, Radhika Coomaraswamy, ‘‘To Bellow like a Cow: Women, Ethnicity,
and the Discourse of Rights,’’ in Rebecca J. Cook, ed., Human Rights of Women: Na-
tional and International Perspectives, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,
1994, pp. 39–57. See also Smitu Khotari and Harsch Sethi, eds, Rethinking Human
Rights: Challenges for Theory and Action, Delhi: Lokayan, 1991.
57. Charles Taylor, ‘‘Conditions of an Unforced Consensus on Human Rights,’’ in Joanne
Bauer and Daniel A. Bell, eds, The East Asian Challenge for Human Rights, pp.
124–144; Taylor, ‘‘A World Consensus on Human Rights?’’, Dissent, Summer 1996,
pp. 15–21.
58. Taylor, ‘‘Conditions of an Unforced Consensus on Human Rights,’’ p. 124.
59. Abdullahi An-Na’im, ed., Human Rights in Cross-Cultural Perspectives: A Quest for
Consensus, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992, p. 7.
60. Taylor, ‘‘A World Consensus on Human Rights?’’, p. 20.
61. Risse and Sikkink call this the ‘‘intersubjective nature of norms.’’ See ‘‘The Socializa-
tion of Human Rights Norms,’’ p. 8.
Part Two
Monitoring, promoting, and
enforcing human rights
The United Nations and
human rights
W. Ofuatey-Kodjoe
The relationship between transitional societies and the discourse and ac-
tivities of human rights activities within these societies seems somewhat
paradoxical. On the one hand, the revolutions and ideologies on the basis
of which they gained their independence and statehood were framed in
terms of the human rights of their inhabitants – and often of the right of
the groups to self-determination. It is not altogether surprising, therefore,
that many of these states have joined the emerging global consensus on
respect for international human rights standards.1 Many of them have
expressed recognition of some legal obligation – or at least of some po-
litical pressure – to treat their citizens according to international stan-
dards of human rights. On the other hand, there are developments that
seem to point towards an increase in human rights violations around the
world. Although no region is exempt from these violations, some of the
most egregious violations of human rights have been occurring in transi-
tional societies.
In order to understand this apparent paradox, I attempt to present an
account of the evolution of the principle of human rights in the contem-
porary world. In this effort, I pay particular attention to the role of the
United Nations in the process of the internationalization and legitima-
tion of human rights. This is because the United Nations has been the
main arena within which the international politics of human rights have
been played out. It is through the United Nations that the international
norms regarding the human rights of individuals and groups were estab-
lished, and it was through the United Nations that the institutions and
mechanisms that give concrete expression to these norms were created.2
Furthermore, as the United Nations moves into the new millennium, it is
appropriate to analyse and evaluate its performance in the promotion of
human rights, to review some of the new challenges which the world
faces regarding the protection of individual and group rights, and to ex-
plore some of the ways in which the United Nations can continue to
function more effectively in the face of these new challenges.
Implementation mechanisms
The effort of the United Nations to protect the rights of individuals and
groups may take the form of direct and indirect action. Direct action in-
volves direct activity on the part of the United Nations to protect human
rights; indirect action involves actions of the United Nations, designed to
influence states to promote and protect human rights. Most of the UN
efforts have been primarily indirect – that is, the United Nations has ba-
sically depended on the states to honour their obligations, incurred under
the various standard-setting instruments, to protect the human rights of
individuals and groups within their jurisdictions. In this process, the role
of the United Nations has primarily been to cajole and shame the states
into compliance.
Indirect protection
Direct protection
The United Nations has made some efforts to engage in the direct pro-
tection of human rights. However, in the main, these efforts have lagged
behind the indirect protection activities. In general, direct protection in-
volves taking action within states in order to protect the human rights of
individuals or groups through preventive or corrective action. In some
cases this intervention has been accomplished with the cooperation, and
at the invitation, of the government concerned. However, sometimes it
has taken the form of humanitarian intervention – the active (and some-
times forcible) intervention in the internal affairs of a state without the
consent – or even despite active opposition – of the government.23 Both
of these types of direct protection have become more prominent aspects
of the UN human rights activity, particularly since the end of the Cold
Technical assistance
The United Nations’ direct protection of human rights with the consent
of the government concerned involves the provision of technical assis-
tance to help countries develop structures and procedures that can en-
hance support for human rights. Countries in need of technical assistance
to comply with UN standards of human rights are considered by the
Commission under the UN Advisory Services Programme. In the past
few years, the United Nations has engaged in a number of such activities,
involving the administration and monitoring of elections or the training
of police and criminal-justice personnel, in countries such as Angola,
Cambodia, El Salvador, Haiti, Namibia, Nicaragua, Mozambique, and
Humanitarian intervention
Humanitarian intervention brings the United Nations face to face with
state sovereignty. Both the establishment of the legal basis for such in-
tervention and development of the organization’s capacity to undertake
humanitarian intervention have been slow processes. Theoretically, the
direct protection of human rights can be based on the right of the United
Nations to intervene in states in which the government is unwilling, or
unable, to safeguard the rights of individuals or groups at risk (as they
are required to do by the various treaties they signed), or when states use
force to deprive a group of its right to self-determination.25 However, the
United Nations has been very reluctant to use this justification. In one
exceptional case the United Nations used this argument as a basis of its
termination of the South African mandate over Namibia.26 However, the
United Nations was completely inactive in many situations of gross vio-
Access and capacity are crucial for both indirect and direct protection
of both individual and group rights; they are also basic concerns in pro-
posals concerning ‘‘humanitarian intervention.’’
Unless potential or actual victims of human rights violations have ac-
cess to international political and judicial institutions, it will continue to
be extremely difficult to protect them against oppressive or abusive gov-
ernments.36 In order to address the issue of access, the development of
human rights law must be strengthened. Therefore, one of the tasks for
the international community is to continue to refine the definitions of
both individual and group rights. The development of individual rights
seems to have made substantial progress in spite of all the setbacks in
implementation. The area in which there has been some difficulty is in
the development of group rights: this is due, in particular, to the reluc-
tance of states to afford rights to sub-state groups, for fear that their in-
tegrity might be compromised by secessionist agitation.
However, it is precisely due to the problem of the assertion of sub-state
groups that peaceful solutions need to be found. In the past, issues of
ethnic or national self-assertion have been resolved by force. Typically,
groups have demanded their cultural rights, local autonomy, or even se-
cession; typically, the states have rejected these claims, and the issue has
been settled on the battlefield. The whole development of group rights
was due to the realization that these issues should be settled by right, not
by force.
We are undoubtedly going to continue to see the assertion by sub-state
groups of people of a whole range of demands for self-rule. If we are
going to arrest the disintegration of international life into a series of
mini-holocausts and ethnic cleansings, then we must continue the trend
of seeking peaceful solutions based on law rather than on force. How-
ever, the development of the law alone is not going to resolve the prob-
lem: the law has to be unequivocally enforced. This requires the en-
hancement of institutional and political capacity.
basis for rejecting the legality of self-determination. See U.N. Doc. A/C.3/5R. 310 para.
33, 1955.
11. See Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, UN Doc. A/CONF.157/23, 12 July
12. Ofuatey-Kodjoe, The Principle of Self-Determination in International Law, p. 122. For a
discussion of the early attempts by the United Nations to develop rules regarding the
rights of minorities, see Hurst Hannum, ‘‘Contemporary Developments in the Interna-
tional Protection of the Rights of Minorities,’’ Notre Dame Law Review, Vol. 66, No. 5,
13. GA Res. 3103(XXVII), December 12, 1973; Antonio Cassese, ‘‘The Self-Determination
of Peoples,’’ in Louis Henkin, ed., The International Bill of Rights, New York: Columbia
University Press, 1981, p. 427.
14. Ofuatey-Kodjoe, The Principle of Self-Determination in International Law, p. 177. The
process of clarifying the meaning of self-determination began with General Assembly
resolution 648(VII), December 10, 1952, which provisionally approved the idea that a
territory may attain self-government in one of three ways, namely ‘‘the attainment of
independence,’’ ‘‘the attainment of other separate systems of government,’’ and ‘‘free
association of a territory with other component parts of the metropolitan or other
country.’’ The United Nations maintained this in a number of resolutions including Res.
742(VIII), Res. 1541(XV), the Human Rights Covenants, UNGA Res. 2200(XXX),
1966 and UNGA Res. 2200, 1966, and the Declaration on Friendly Relations, UNGA
Res. 2625, 1971.
15. GA Res. 1314(XII), Res. 1541(V), Res. 2158(XXI); Res. 2625(XXVI); Res. 3201(S-VI);
and Res. 3281(XXXIX).
16. Ofuatey-Kodjoe, The Principle of Self-Determination in International Law, pp. 160–177;
J.J. Lador-Lederer, International Group Protection, Leyden: Sijthoff, 1968, p. 244; W.
Ofuatey-Kodjoe, ‘‘Internal Peacekeeping in African Imbroglios: Problems and Pros-
pects. The cases of Angola, Mozambique and Somalia,’’ Paper presented to the 35th
Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, Washington, D.C.: 28
March–1 April 1994; Aureliu Cristecu, The Right to Self-Determination: Historical and
Current Developments on the Basis of United Nations Instruments (U.N. DocE/CN.4/
Sub.2/404 Rev. 1, 1981). The right to protection by the United Nations is derived from
the notion of trusteeship which was the basis of the UN trusteeship system, as well as
the more general category of peoples described in Chapter XI of the Charter as ‘‘peo-
ples of non-self-governing territories.’’ Euphemistically characterized as ‘‘communities
not yet able to stand on their own feet,’’ they were considered politically unprepared,
and therefore lacking the capacity to exercise their right of self-determination. How-
ever, the right of self-determination of such communities did not lapse: they were
merely deferred until they could acquire that capacity. One of the duties which the ad-
ministering powers undertook in the Charter was to prepare the peoples of such terri-
tories for eventual self-government. The United Nations became an agent of protection
with the obligation to supervise the preparation of these peoples by the administering
powers, to assist them in their development, and to protect them until they acquire the
capacity to exercise their right of self-determination. The United Nations also had the
duty to supervise the process by which these peoples would choose their mode of ex-
ercising their right of self-determination. Lador-Lederer, International Group Protec-
tion, p. 181.
17. Egon Schwelb and Philip Alston, ‘‘The Principal Institutions and Other Bodies
Founded under the Charter,’’ in Karel Vasak, ed., The International Dimensions of Hu-
man Rights, Vol. 1, Westport, Conn., 1982; Tom. J. Farer and Felice Gaer, ‘‘The UN
and Human Rights: At the End of the Beginning,’’ in Adam Roberts and Benedict
Kingsbury, eds, United Nations, Divided World: The UN’s Role in International Rela-
tions, 2nd edn, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993.
18. Farer and Gaer, ‘‘The UN and Human Rights,’’ p. 265. The first of the theme mecha-
nisms to be created was the Working Group on Disappearances in 1980; it was followed
by the Working Group on Arbitrary Executions (1982), the Special Rapporteur on
Torture (1985), the Working Group on Religious Intolerance (1985), and the Working
Group on Mercenaries (1987). More recently, other Working Groups have been created
on Children (1990), Arbitrary Detention (1991), Internally Displaced Persons (1992),
Racism and Xenophobia (1993), and Freedom of Expression (1993).
19. Lador-Lederer, International Group Protection, 181; Ofuatey-Kodjoe, The Principle
of Self-Determination in International Law, p. 116. For a discussion of the trustee-
ship system of the United Nations, see Ernst Hass, ‘‘The Attempt to Terminate Colo-
nialism: Acceptance of the U.N. Trusteeship System,’’ International Organization, Vol.
7, 1965.
20. W. Ofuatey-Kodjoe, ‘‘The Role of the UN Secretary-General in the Decolonization of
Namibia,’’ in Benjamin Rivlin and Leon Gordenker, eds, The Challenging Role of the
UN Secretary-General, Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1993, pp. 133–151.
21. Ofuatey-Kodjoe, The Principle of Self-Determination in International Law, pp. 114,
22. Usha Roy Sud, ‘‘Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories: Its
Role in the Promotion of Self-Determination of Colonial Peoples,’’ International Studies
(Quarterly Journal of the Indian School of International Studies) Vol. vii, No. 2, Octo-
ber 1965; Ofuatey-Kodjoe, The Principle of Self-Determination in International Law,
pp. 113–128; Benjamin Rivlin, ‘‘Self-Determination and Colonial Areas,’’ International
Conciliation No. 501, January 1955; Mohammed A. Shukri, The Concept of Self-
Determination in the United Nations, Damascus: Al Jadidah Press, 1965.
23. Howard Adelman, ‘‘Humanitarian Intervention: The Case of the Kurds,’’ International
Journal of Refugee Law, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1992, pp. 4–38; Jack Donnelly, ‘‘Humanitarian
Intervention: Law, Morality and Politics,’’ Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 37,
Winter 1984, pp. 311–328.
24. Ofuatey-Kodjoe, ‘‘The Role of the UN Secretary-General in the Decolonization of
25. Howard Adelman and John Sorenson, eds, ‘‘Introduction,’’ in African Refugees, Boul-
der: Westview Press, 1993, ix–xix; Ofuatey-Kodjoe, The Principle of Self-Determination
in International Law; Surya P. Subedi, ‘‘The Concept of Safe Havens, Safe Areas, En-
claves and No-Fly Zones in International Law,’’ Paper presented at the Annual Con-
ference of the Academic Council on the United Nations, The Hague, Netherlands, June
1994; Donnelly, ‘‘Humanitarian Intervention.’’ The use of chapter VII of the UN Char-
ter to justify United Nations intervention in the internal affairs of a state to protect hu-
man rights has been the source of some controversy. See Lori Damrosch, ed., Enforcing
Restraint: Collective Intervention in Internal Conflicts, New York: Council on Foreign
Relations, 1993.
26. Ofuatey-Kodjoe, ‘‘Recent Development and Evolving Trends in the Role of the United
27. Donnelly, ‘‘Humanitarian Intervention.’’
28. U.N.Doc. S/Res/418 (1977).
29. S/Res/253 (May 29, 1968).
30. Graham E. Fuller, ‘‘The Fate of the Kurds,’’ Foreign Affairs, Vol. 72, No. 2, Spring
1993, pp. 108–121; Jane E. Stromseth, ‘‘Iraq’s Repression of Its Civilian Population,’’ in
Damrosch, ed., Enforcing Restraint.
31. Res. 781 (1992).
32. Res. 824 (1992); Subedi, ‘‘The Concept of Safe Havens, Safe Areas, Enclaves and No-
Fly Zones in International Law.’’
33. Magnus Linklater, Isabel Hilton, and Neal Ascherson, eds, The Nazi Legacy: Klaus
Barbie and the International Fascist Connection, New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Win-
ston, 1985; Jerry Bornstein, The Neo-Nazis: the Threat of the Hitler Cult, New York: J.
Messner, 1986; Dennis King, Lyndon Larouche and the New American Fascism, New
York: Doubleday, 1989.
34. Hannum, ‘‘Contemporary Developments in the International Protection of the Rights
of Minorities,’’ p. 1446.
35. Ofuatey-Kodjoe, The Principle of Self-Determination in International Law, pp. 160–176;
Ofuatey-Kodjoe, ‘‘Internal Peacekeeping in African Imbroglios’’; Cristecu, The Right to
Self-Determination: Historical and Current Developments on the Basis of United Nations
Instruments, 1981. For a discussion of the role of NGOs in the protection of human
rights, see David Weissbrodt, ‘‘The Contribution of International Non-Government
Organizations to the Protection of Human Rights,’’ in Theodor Meron, ed., Human
Rights in International Law: Legal and Policy Issues, New York: Oxford University
Press, 1984.
36. For a discussion of some recommendations for the enhancement of the effectiveness of
the United Nations, see Theodor Meron, Human Rights Law-Making in the United Na-
tions, New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.
37. A/Res/46/182, 19 December 1991.
The consequences of the war crimes
tribunals and an international
criminal court for human rights in
transition societies
Paul J. Magnarella
The twentieth century witnessed two world wars and a number of brutal
regional conflicts that resulted in massive killings. One response to some
of these tragedies has been the imposition of war crimes tribunals on
certain of the warring parties, by either the victors or the United Na-
tions Security Council. More recently, the world community, through the
United Nations, has embarked upon the venture of establishing a per-
manent international criminal court (ICC) with jurisdiction over human-
kind’s most serious crimes.
This chapter deals with the background, legal structure, and con-
sequences of war crimes tribunals and assesses the potential effects of an
ICC on human rights in societies in transition. These tribunals and the
ICC implement humanitarian law – that is, the customary human rights
law that applies to situations of armed conflict as well as to crimes against
humanity that may occur in the absence of armed conflict. Humanitarian
law supplements and complements general human rights law. Some hu-
man rights conventions permit states to derogate from several of their
human rights obligations during times of public emergency, such as war;1
humanitarian law, in contrast, becomes operative during wartime and al-
lows for no derogation. Consequently, humanitarian law offers people
human rights protection just when states may be derogating from some of
their conventional human rights obligations.
In October 1943, the Allies began a series of meetings to plan the cre-
ation of a post-World War II tribunal to try major war criminals of the
European Axis powers. Meeting in London in August 1945, American,
British, French, and Soviet representatives reached an agreement estab-
lishing the International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuremberg. The re-
sulting Nuremberg Charter established the principle that ‘‘crimes against
international law are committed by men, not abstract entities, and only
by punishing individuals who commit such crimes can the provisions of
international law be enforced.’’2
Article 6 of the IMT Charter listed the following acts as crimes falling
under the jurisdiction of the Tribunal and for which there would be indi-
vidual responsibility:
Rules of procedure
When constructing the rules of procedure, tribunal judges had little pre-
cedent to guide them. The procedural rules for the Nuremberg and To-
kyo tribunals were rather rudimentary, numbering only 11 and 9 rules,
respectively. After extensive debate and revision, with constructive in-
puts by NGOs, the Office of Legal Affairs of the UN Secretariat, and
states, the judges adopted 125 procedural rules (hereinafter referred to as
‘‘Rules’’) at the end of their second session in February 1994.14
The Rules incorporate all the fundamental due process guarantees for
a fair and speedy trial found in Article 14 of the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). With respect to suspects, articles
42–45 of the Rules even exceed the Covenant’s requirements. According
to these articles, a suspect has the right to counsel of his/her choice, free
legal assistance if he/she is indigent, and free assistance of an inter-
preter and translator, if necessary. The Tribunal is not authorized to im-
pose the death penalty, in deference to the Second Optional Protocol to
the ICCPR of 1989.
The due process rights of the accused include the following: the right to
the presumption of innocence; the right against self-incrimination; the
right to counsel of choice or to free legal assistance if indigent; the right
to inspect the prosecution’s incriminating and exculpatory evidence; the
right to privileged communication with counsel; the right to public pro-
ceedings; the right to challenge the prosecution’s evidence and to present
evidence in one’s defence; and the right of appeal. There are no provi-
sions for trials in absentia.
Outline of proceedings
If the notified state has been unable to arrest the accused, and if the
registrar has, at the prosecutor’s request, published notices of the arrest
warrant in widely circulated newspapers, a trial chamber may, after find-
ing the prosecutor’s evidence sufficient, issue an international arrest war-
rant that shall be transmitted to all states (Rule 61). The president of the
tribunal has the authority to notify the Security Council of any state that
refuses to honour the tribunal’s arrest warrant or that impedes the exe-
cution of such a warrant. In practice, the Security Council has success-
fully placed pressure on Croatia and Serbia to hand over at least some of
the indicted suspects that resided in their territories.
Judges who serve on the tribunal are elected by members of the United
Nations from a list of candidates nominated by Member States and non-
Member States maintaining permanent observer missions at UN Head-
quarters. According to article 13 of the ICTY statute, ‘‘the judges shall be
persons of high moral character, impartiality and integrity who possess
the qualifications required in their respective countries for appointment
to the highest judicial offices.’’ The standard of proof for a criminal con-
viction is guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
Article 1 of the tribunal’s statute states that the ICTR ‘‘shall have the
power to prosecute persons responsible for serious violations of inter-
national humanitarian law committed in the territory of Rwanda and
Rwandan citizens responsible for such violations committed in the terri-
tory of neighboring states.’’ Consequently, the statute gives the tribunal
both personal and territorial jurisdiction in Rwanda as well as limited
personal and territorial jurisdiction in surrounding states. By contrast, the
statute of the ICTY grants tribunal jurisdiction ‘‘in the territory of the
former Yugoslavia’’ only (Art. 1).
By granting the ICTR the competence to prosecute Rwandans who al-
legedly committed certain crimes abroad, the Security Council has added
a new dimension to the humanitarian law of non-international armed
conflict. Rwanda’s neighbours must surrender some of their jurisdiction
to the ICTR without choice. All states have the authority or competence
to prosecute Rwandans for crimes committed on their territories. How-
ever, because the ICTR by its statute has primacy over the national
courts of all states [Art. 8(2)], it may formally request that any neigh-
bouring state’s court defer certain cases to its competence. This request
carries with it the threat of a penalty for non-compliance. Should any
state notified of a deferral request not respond satisfactorily within 60
days, the ICTR’s president may report the matter to the Security Coun-
cil, which would presumably consider sanctions.
In 1995, for example, Kenyan president Daniel Arap Moi stated that
not only would he not cooperate with the ICTR but also that he would
prevent it from seeking out suspects in his country.19 Immediately after
Moi’s remarks, ICTR Chief Prosecutor Richard Goldstone sent him a
letter asking for clarification and warning that Kenya’s refusal to co-
operate with the tribunal would be regarded as a breach of Kenya’s
obligations under international law – a matter for the Security Council
to consider.20 President Moi soon retracted his statement and began to
cooperate satisfactorily with the ICTR.
Subject-matter jurisdiction
Rules of procedure
The ICTR’s Rules of Procedure are based on those of the ICTY. They
incorporate the fundamental due process guarantees to a fair trial found
in Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
(ICCPR). Judges for this tribunal are selected in the same manner as
they are for the ICTY (see above), and the standard of proof for a crim-
inal conviction is guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
International war crimes and criminal tribunals can contribute to the pro-
motion of human rights in a number of ways. These include the following:
1. Contributing to the cessation of humanitarian law violations by show-
ing parties to any ongoing conflict that the international community is
determined to arrest and punish those who violate the human rights
protected by humanitarian law.
2. Achieving justice and retribution by actually prosecuting and punish-
ing those responsible for humanitarian law violations.
3. Contributing to the reconciliation of the parties or opposed popula-
tions by creating an authoritative record of those responsible for
Both the IMT and the ICTR came into existence after one side to the
conflict had been defeated and a cease-fire had been declared. The ICTY,
by contrast, began operations in 1994 at the height of the conflict in Bos-
nia and Herzegovina. The warring parties exhibited little fear of the tri-
bunal: some rejected and mocked it.24 In February 1994, Bosnian Serbs
launched a mortar strike in a Sarajevo marketplace, killing 68 civilians
and wounding 200. Bosnian Serbs also began shelling UN safe areas.
In April, they took over the Gorazde safe area. In May, Bosnian Serbs
attacked other UN safe areas and took UN peacekeepers hostage. In July
1995, under the direction of General Mladic, Bosnian Serbs captured
Srebrenica and Zepa and massacred about 7,000 Muslim men and boys.
Given events of this sort, it appears that the ICTY did little to contribute
to the cessation of hostilities: it required NATO’s intervention to end the
war, not ICTY indictments and trials.
Achieving justice
Arguably, the IMT and the other post-World War II war crimes tribunals
achieved significant (albeit one-sided) justice and retribution for victims
of Germany and Japan by actually prosecuting and punishing many of
those responsible for humanitarian law violations. The ICTY is on the
road to achieving justice. On 29 June 2001, it took former Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milošević into custody to try him for various hu-
manitarian law violations allegedly committed in 1999 in Kosovo. In Au-
gust 2001, the ICTY convicted Bosnian Serb General Radislav Krstic of
genocide and crimes against humanity and took three indicted former
Bosnian Muslim commanders (two generals and a colonel) into custody.
As of 30 May 2003, the ICTY had issued over 90 indictments: it had 50
accused persons in custody and had tried 37; of those tried, 32 had been
found guilty and 5 not guilty; 22 indictees were still at large.25
However, a number of persons alleged to be primarily responsible for
genocide and crimes against humanity were among those at large. They
included Radovan Karadžić, the former political leader of the Bosnian
Serbs, and Ratko Mladic, the former commander of the Bosnian Serb
forces. NATO commanders in Bosnia initially refused to arrest them,
claiming such arrests were not part of NATO’s mandate. NATO forces
subsequently began arresting indictees and turning them over to the
ICTY. Should the opportunity arise, it is expected that NATO forces will
arrest Karadžić and Mladic as well.
The ICTR has also made significant progress. As of 26 May 2003, the
ICTR had issued 75 indictments: of those indicted, 65 had been arrested
and 10 were at large. The ICTR had completed 15 cases, in which all
of the suspects either confessed or were found guilty; 18 trials were in
progress and 31 indictees were in detention awaiting trial. Those arrested
included cabinet ministers, high-ranking military leaders, key media fig-
ures, senior government administrators, and leaders of the murderous
Interahamwe.26 Interim Prime Minister Jean Kambanda’s extensive con-
fession concerning his government’s intentional policy of genocide con-
stitutes the fundamental fact upon which future ICTR prosecutions will
rest. His confession clearly identifies the guilty and destroys the credibil-
ity (if it ever existed) of revisionist historians, who claim an intentional
massacre or genocide never took place.27
Article 28 of the Nuremberg Charter gave the Tribunal ‘‘the right to de-
prive the convicted person of any stolen property and order its delivery
to the Control Council for Germany.’’ However, the Charter contained
no provisions for securing indemnity for victims; this was dealt with by
other means, including a West German reparations agreement with
The ICTY and ICTR go beyond the IMT. Article 24(3) of the ICTY
Statute and Article 23(3) of the ICTR Statute are identical. Both con-
stitute a property return provision: ‘‘In addition to imprisonment, the
Trial Chambers may order the return of any property and proceeds
acquired by criminal conduct, including by means of duress, to their
rightful owners.’’ Neither statute, however, contains provisions to com-
pensate victims for injuries, medical expenses, pain and suffering, de-
stroyed property, or rehabilitation.
The most frequent criticisms levelled at the IMT concern its weak guar-
antees of fair trial and due process rights. According to its Charter, the
IMT was not established to try all those mainly responsible for humani-
tarian law violations: it was established for ‘‘the just and prompt trial and
punishment of the major war criminals of the European Axis’’ only (Art.
1); consequently, it ignored the war crimes committed by Allied forces.
The IMT is often called a ‘‘victors’ tribunal’’ because its creators,
judges, and prosecutors were from the four victorious Allied countries.
Article 3 of the IMT Charter stipulated that, ‘‘neither the Tribunal, its
members nor their alternates can be challenged by the prosecution, or by
the defendants or their Counsel.’’ According to Article 26, the judge-
ments of the tribunal as to the guilt or innocence of any defendants were
final and not subject to review.
example, the Supreme Court of Canada cited the statutes of the ICTY,
ICTR, and ICC as evidence of a significant international movement to-
wards the abolition of the death penalty.34
However, both the ICTY and the ICTR have been criticized for de-
laying or prolonging trials. Such problems, however, can be largely at-
tributed to difficulties encountered in securing witnesses from unstable
areas and other related obstacles.
The ICC will have jurisdiction over the citizens of many more states than
any of its predecessors. Consequently, its potential for contributing to the
cessation of humanitarian law violations, achieving justice, contributing
to the reconciliation of the parties, and deterring future humanitarian
law violations is most probably greater. Despite the restrictions imposed
on its ability to initiate prosecutions, the proposed ICC is a solid begin-
ning to the deterrence of atrocities and to bringing offenders to justice.
By March 2001, the nine African countries of Botswana, Gabon, Ghana,
Lesotho, Mali, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, and Swaziland had
already amended their constitutions to include the ICC Statute articles
pertaining to crimes against humanity;35 other African countries are ex-
pected to follow suit.
The Rome Statute is also designed to do more in the way of securing
indemnity/compensation for victims. Article 79 directs the Assembly of
States Parties to the Statute to create a trust fund for victims and their
families; it also authorizes the ICC to order money and property col-
lected through fines and forfeitures to be transferred to this fund. Article
75 directs the ICC to establish principles for determining the amount of
restitution, compensation, and rehabilitation it may award victims and
their families. The ICC may impose the cost of the above on convicted
persons or it may authorize awards from the Trust Fund.
Like its predecessors (the ICTY and ICTR), the ICC is designed to
guarantee the due process and other rights of victims and defendants
as recommended in the most recent human rights conventions. Hence, it
should be a model for national courts for the protection of human rights
of victims and defendants.
1. See, for example Article 4 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,
which states in part that, ‘‘In times of public emergency . . . States Parties to the present
Covenant may take measures derogating from their obligations to the present Covenant
. . .’’
2. The Charter of the International Military Tribunal, 8 August 1945, 59 Stat. 1544, 82
U.N.T.S. 279.
3. Ibid., article 6.
4. Richard May and Marieke Wierda, ‘‘Trends in International Criminal Evidence: Nur-
emberg, Tokyo, The Hague, and Arusha,’’ Columbia Journal of Transnational Law,
Vol. 37, 1999, pp. 725–765.
5. Dinah Shelton, ‘‘Introduction,’’ in Dinah Shelton, ed., The Role of the International
Criminal Court, Ardsley, NY: Transactional Publishers, 2000, p. ix.
6. UN Doc. S/25704, 1993.
7. ICTY Statute, UN Doc. S/RES/827, 1993.
8. Para. 7 of UN Doc. S/1994/1007, 29 August 1994. For a discussion of the establishment
of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, see M. Cherif Bassiouni,
‘‘Former Yugoslavia: Investigating Violations of International Humanitarian Law and
Establishing an International Criminal Tribunal,’’ Fordham International Law Review,
Vol. 18, 1995, pp. 1191–1211. For a description and analysis of that Tribunal’s legal
structure, see Theodor Meron, ‘‘War Crimes in Yugoslavia and Development of Inter-
national Law,’’ American Journal of International Law, Vol. 88, 1994, pp. 78–87; Ruth
Wedgwood, ‘‘War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia: Comments on the International
War Crimes Tribunal,’’ Virginia Journal of International Law, Vol. 34, 1994, pp. 267–
275; John R. Jones, The Practice of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former
Yugoslavia and Rwanda, New York: Transnational Publishers, 1998; and Michael P.
Scharf, Balkan Justice: The Story Behind the First International War Crimes Tribunal
Since Nuremberg, Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 1997.
9. Para. 34 UN Doc. S/25704, 1993.
10. Para. 35 of UN Doc. S/25704, 1993.
11. Jean-Bernard Marie, ‘‘International Instruments Relating to Human Rights,’’ Human
Rights Journal, Vol. 14, 1994, pp. 51–67.
12. ‘‘Advisory Opinion on Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punish-
ment of the Crime of Genocide,’’ International Court of Justice, Vol. 15, 1951.
13. Para. 64 of UN Doc. S/25704, 1993.
14. Rules of Procedure and Evidence, IT/32/ Adopted on 11 Feb. 1994, subsequently
15. Studies of the genocide include: Gerard Prunier, The Rwanda Crisis: History of a
Genocide, London: Hurst, 1997; Philip Gourevitch, We Wish to Inform You that To-
morrow We will Be Killed with Our Families, New York: Farrar Straus and Giroux,
1998; Alison Des Forges, Leave None to Tell the Story: Genocide in Rwanda, London:
Human Rights Watch, 1999; and Paul J. Magnarella, Justice in Africa: Rwanda’s Geno-
cide, Its National Courts and the UN Criminal Tribunal, Aldershot, England: Ashgate,
16. ICTR Statute, UN Doc. S/Res/955, 1994. For a description and analysis of the ICTR’s
legal structure and early functioning, see V.A. Morris and M.P. Scharf, The Interna-
tional Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Vols. 1 and 2, New York: Transnational Publish-
ers, 1998; Magnarella, Justice in Africa.
17. Julia Preston, ‘‘Tribunal Set on Rwanda War Crimes; Kigali Votes No on UN Resolu-
tion,’’ Washington Post, 9 November 1994, p. A44.
18. UN Doc. A/Res/49/206, 1994.
19. Donatella Lorch, ‘‘Kenya Refuses to Hand Over Suspects in Rwanda Slayings,’’ New
York Times, 6 October 1995, p. A3.
20. Richard Goldstone, ‘‘Statement by Justice Richard Goldstone,’’ ICTR, 5 October 1995,
The Hague.
21. Villia Jefremovas, ‘‘Acts of Human Kindness: Tutsi, Hutu and the Genocide,’’ Issue,
Vol. 23, 1995, pp. 28–30.
22. UN Doc. A/CONF.183/9, 17 July 1998.
23. Some of these functions have been delineated previously by other legal scholars, e.g.
Antonio Cassese, ‘‘Reflections on International Criminal Justice,’’ Modern Law Review,
Vol. 61, 1998, pp. 3–6; Alinikisa Mafwenga, ‘‘The Contribution of the International
Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda to Reconciliation in Rwanda,’’ in Dinah Shelton, ed.,
International Crimes, Peace, and Human Rights: The Role of the International Criminal
Court, Ardsley, NY: Transactional Publishers, 2000, pp. 11–17; Sandra Coliver, ‘‘The
Contribution of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia to Rec-
onciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina,’’ in Shelton, ed., International Crimes, Peace,
and Human Rights, pp. 19–31.
24. See, for example Agence France Presse, ‘‘Serb Militant Rejects Legitimacy of the War
Crimes Tribunal,’’ Lexis-Nexis News File, 24 October 1994.
25. This and updated information are available at
26. Information available at hwww.ictr.orgi.
27. Kambanda’s confession is contained in Magnarella, Justice in Africa, pp. 85–93.
28. For the social, political, and human rights conditions in BH, see the annual U.S. De-
partment of State reports on Bosnia and Herzegovina Human Rights Practices, 1995–
2002, available at h
29. See ‘‘Serbian Analysts: Serbs a Long Way from Reconciliation with Their Past,’’ Balkan
Report, 22 February 2002, Vol. 6, No. 10. Available at: h
30. Des Forges, Leave None to Tell the Story.
31. Magnarella, Justice in Africa, pp. 1–27. See also U.S. Department of State Reports,
Rwanda: Human Rights Practices, 1994–2002, available at h
32. For a discussion of reparations, see Benjamin Ferencz, ‘‘The Experience of Nurem-
berg,’’ in Shelton, ed., International Crimes, Peace, and Human Rights, pp. 3–9.
33. For a first-hand description and critique of the IMT, see Telford Taylor, The Anatomy
of the Nuremberg Trials, NY: Knopf, 1992.
34. United States v Burns, 2001 Supreme Court of Canada 7, File No. 26129, 15 February
35. ‘‘Africa News,’’ 29 March 2001, Lexis-Nexis News File.
International efforts to protect
human rights in transition societies:
Right, duty, or politics?
Albrecht Schnabel
Much has been written about the general subject of humanitarian in-
tervention, particularly since the end of the Cold War and the resurgence
of international military intervention in internal conflicts. Many of these
interventions were launched at least partly under the pretext of humani-
tarian protection. Often-cited and -studied cases range from America’s
intervention in Haiti in 1994 to the United Nations’ intervention in Bos-
nia in 1992, to NATO’s intervention in Kosovo in 1999. Past tragic fail-
ures of the international community to intervene effectively, along with
the more recent debates on pre-emptive military strikes against rogue
states (apparently) possessing weapons of mass destruction (WMD) have
heightened interest in the broader concept of humanitarian intervention.
There is little agreement on the legitimacy or duty of such humanitarian
intervention: a review of the literature turns up arguments for operations
that are more expanded or more limited, more proactive or more reac-
tive, UN-authorized or not, and conducted with or without a host state’s
consent. It is not hard to make plausible arguments that a particular in-
tervention was or was not (or would or would not be) legally, morally,
politically, or economically sound.
Such uncertainty could be a blessing in disguise: flexibility in concep-
tualizing and applying human rights support and enforcement allows
those who are willing and able to respond to do so. Yet this same flexi-
bility leaves much room for abuse and it prevents or postpones the cre-
ation of permanent structures for principled responses to human rights
violations. Thus, while some peoples’ human security will be the interna-
tional community’s business, other peoples’ lives and destinies will not.
The purpose of this chapter is to review and assess this ongoing and
evolving debate and to suggest some ways to refine debates on the inter-
national community’s rights and responsibilities to defend human rights
in transition societies. The chapter argues that, despite all the short-
comings of the embryonic structures and principles of international soli-
darity, community, and citizenship, we have, in fact, come a long way
towards breaking down the wall between the individual and the global
community. This is leading to an erosion of institutionalized, structural
injustice and the limits previously put on efforts to support and enforce
universal principles of human decency. Although still in its infancy, and
fraught with shortcomings and unintended consequences, the increased
legitimacy of local, regional, and international human rights enforcement
efforts may, in the long run, lead to a more just and secure global society.
The chapter is divided into five main parts. Following this introduction,
I focus on the need to intervene in transition societies to protect human
rights and thwart their violation. I then ask if there is, in fact, a right or
a duty to intervene in the sovereign affairs of a state for humanitarian
purposes. The chapter then calls for a greater focus on preventive in-
International responses
deal of political and diplomatic room for external assistance and sup-
port. Governments will be more willing to accept external support.
Provision of health expertise and supplies can ease pressure on the gov-
ernment to provide for basic medical care; energy and food supplies
can alleviate pressure on strained state budgets; and political, legal,
and technical advice can strengthen state capacity and legitimacy vis-à-vis
its citizens. Such benevolent and non-violent involvement in a country’s
transition process defuses inevitable causes of human rights violations
and tensions during times of political, economic, and social uncertainty.
Much heavier-handed support may be necessary in societies that are
emerging from war, ravaged by near-total political, economic, and social
breakdown: political and judicial institutions are weak and divided; in-
frastructure and economy are in shambles; communities are divided by
a culture of violence and distrust; and the wartime security apparatus
is ill-suited to meet the challenges of a fragile and dangerous post-war
security environment. In such an environment, little progress towards
durable peace can be expected unless the government, economy, and
security sector are transformed and the population is able to meet its
basic human needs – including food, shelter, and physical security. These
tasks include all or some of the following: the provision of legislative,
executive, and judicial authority; basic civilian and social administrative
functions; coordination of elections and implementation of their results;
coordination of humanitarian aid, disaster relief, and development assis-
tance; reconstruction of key infrastructure; maintenance of civil law and
order; protection of returning refugees and displaced persons; transfor-
mation of the security sector (including the disarmament, demobilization,
and reintegration of former combatants).4 Such comprehensive assis-
tance in political, economic, and social reconstruction efforts is rare. The
ongoing international involvement in Afghanistan, for instance, is qual-
itatively much weaker than international efforts to rebuild Bosnia, Ko-
sovo, or East Timor. The depth of involvement generally depends not on
need but on the magnitude of resources and political will available to
launch effective post-conflict peacebuilding operations.
If a war had drawn international attention and was concluded with the
assistance of an international military peace operation (by the United
Nations or a regional alliance), wide-ranging and broad international
support might be available to aid the society in its transition from war to
reconciliation, peace, and economic development. Given the enormous
task involved in rebuilding a society torn by war, significant international
involvement is likely only as a continuation of ongoing international
military involvement. In cases where little external interest could be
mustered to stop a war, similar lack of interest will be likely to prevent
substantial post-conflict involvement.
Lofty ambitions
So far, the international community has failed to live up to the principles
enshrined in these international agreements. Many of these commitments
appear to be no more than lofty ambitions: their realization depends on a
wide range of highly contextual political and other factors; after all, the
United Nations and its members are committed only to the ‘‘promotion’’
(Art. 55) of these goals, not to their enforcement. Principles of interna-
tional solidarity and responsibility appear to be no more than rhetorical
expressions, purposely devoid of enforcement provisions and dependent
on ever-changing political, strategic, and moral contexts.
Nevertheless, the fact remains that most states have, at least on paper,
committed themselves to the defence of many norms and practices that
would, if enforced on a global basis, result in a vastly more just and secure
world.14 There are thus plenty of expressions of an ideal global order,
although without reference to enforcement, as broad international agree-
ment on these principles can be reached only in the abstract, not in real-
ity. Yet, those abstract statements are first steps towards their realization,
even if they express far-fetched hopes that clash with current realities.
Current activities
Much of the assistance that would need to be granted to transition soci-
eties, or other fragile societies, is currently discussed in the context of
development, human security, prevention, and peace-building debates.17
Although sometimes presented as new and emerging debates, all of
the key concepts and responsibilities discussed can easily be found in
decades-old expressions of international legal commitments, starting with
the Charter of the United Nations. It is laudable and important that these
debates have resurfaced and are seriously examined in both academic
and policy circles. Although the promotion and, sometimes, enforcement
of international norms have long been treated as luxuries driven more
by altruism than responsibility, the latter appears to be returning to aca-
demic and official debates. We may be very far removed from an inter-
national order in which global norms are advanced on a principled basis,
because we have neither the resources nor the institutional structures to
do so. However, the intention to do so – at least in part, sometimes,
where politically and economically feasible and convenient – is a prom-
ising beginning.
There are many international and local actors that do their utmost
Enforcement operations
law.’’32 In two other prominent cases – Northern Iraq (1991) and Kosovo
(1998–1999) – the Security Council cited concerns over violations of hu-
man rights and humanitarian norms but fell short of an explicit au-
thorization of the use of force.33 Nevertheless, in both cases the United
States and its coalition partners (in the case of Kosovo, under the um-
brella of NATO) decided to launch military actions encouraged by Se-
curity Council language but without its endorsement. They argued that
the various Security Council Resolutions that condemned human rights
violations and called for responses to humanitarian crises in fact con-
stituted implied authorizations for interested and willing members of the
international community to use force on behalf of threatened individuals
and groups.
State sovereignty, in its most basic sense, is being redefined – not least by the
forces of globalization and international co-operation. States are now widely un-
derstood to be instruments at the service of their peoples, and not vice versa. At
the same time individual sovereignty – by which I mean the fundamental freedom
of each individual, enshrined in the Charter of the UN and subsequent interna-
tional treaties – has been enhanced by a renewed and spreading consciousness of
individual rights. When we read the Charter today, we are more than ever con-
scious that its aim is to protect individual human beings, not to protect those who
abuse them.39
The absence of the nuclear threat after the Cold War has allowed human
rights violations to move closer to the forefront of international attention.
Slowly, the principle of non-intervention, a core principle of a state’s na-
tional sovereignty (and security), seems to have become conditional on
a state’s ability to create an environment that protects minimum human
rights standards promoted by international law. This is certainly a posi-
tive development.
In the context of this volume, particularly given its focus on human rights
protection in transition societies, a number of issues are striking. What is
sometimes called ‘‘humanitarian intervention’’ takes place once the con-
sequences of human rights violations, among others, begin to hurt com-
munities beyond the borders of oppressed populations. Once political,
cultural, and economic orders begin to crumble and social conflicts are
the consequence, outside actors take notice. If trade is disrupted, or ref-
ugees or armed conflict threaten to spill over borders, they take even
greater notice. In the latter case, sometimes this is considered a ‘‘threat
to or breach of international peace and security.’’ Chapter VII can be
invoked, if the UN Security Council agrees on action. Of course, that
presupposes that none of the permanent five members of the Security
Council objects to such measures. Intervention in Chechnya is, therefore,
impossible; UN intervention in Kosovo would not have been possible,
either. If the threat is large enough to raise concern and trigger responses,
action might be taken. If the threat is not large enough – in other words,
if no significant outsider is significantly threatened – no action will be
taken. If action is taken, it might be defined in humanitarian terms – the
international community comes to the rescue of threatened populations.
Of course, the story is often quite different: the international community
in fact comes to the rescue of itself – namely, of those who may indirectly
or directly suffer from civil or interstate strife in other parts of the world.
Reality shows that the international community is deeply rooted in a
culture of reaction, not proaction, and that it reacts only if the interests
other issue areas – as long as those issue areas are perceived to be high
priorities for other major powers. It is, thus, important that economic and
political partners do not shy away from discussing and criticizing human
rights violations, even with their closest allies and trading partners.
Although it may be more difficult to find consensus to intervene in a
country that enjoys the support of many regional allies, the latter also
offer opportunities to assert indirect pressure on the government in
question. Whereas rich countries may be less inclined to allow external
influence in their internal affairs, their wealth tends to depend largely
on their ability to do business with the wider regional and international
community. Here, again, dependence on one issue (economy) may lead
to compliance on other issues (human rights record). Finally, an ethnic-
ally diverse and charged society may be prone to inter-communal fric-
tion and accompanying human rights violations, especially when not all
groups are equally represented in places of political and economic power.
Nevertheless, the most powerful group’s interests are not served well
by international hesitance to invest in, and do business with, a fragile so-
ciety with high potential for social upheaval and conflict. It thus remains
the task of the international community to identify the most durable and
promising entry points for early and effective support for a political, eco-
nomic, and social environment that is conducive to the provision of basic
human rights.
prevent human rights and humanitarian issues from slowing down (or
completely derailing) the transition process. It is a core interest of the
international community to see transition societies succeed in developing
stable political, economic, and social systems. This not only will guaran-
tee acceptable levels of human dignity and security for their populations
but also will allow them to contribute more fully to the wider global
community as productive partners, without posing a threat to wider re-
gional and international stability.
Returning to the title of this chapter, international efforts to protect
human rights in transition societies are thus characterized by the right of
individuals to have their basic rights protected by the state or, if the state
will not comply, by the international community at large. In turn, the
latter has the duty (or, at least, responsibility) to live up to its commit-
ments to human rights protection – under normal circumstances through
non-violent means in the form of assistance and support; under ex-
ceptional circumstances of large-scale violence, through military inter-
vention and reconstruction. Unfortunately, to a very large extent, both
rights and corresponding responsibilities are subject to political scrutiny.
Where does an individual go to charge the international community with
gross negligence in the execution of its own laws, norms, and principles?
Although, at the end of the day, politics and interests will usually pre-
vail over the principled and automatic application of norms, politics and
interests themselves are deeply grounded in normative perceptions of
‘‘oneself’’ and ‘‘the other.’’ The debate on rights and on the responsibil-
ity to defend those very same rights if others are deprived of them, is
bound to expand a sense of regional and international solidarity among
peoples and states. This will be a slow process, one that will possibly span
many lifetimes. Nevertheless, progress in that direction has the potential
that, one day, the global community will manage to live according to the
standards, norms, and principles that it has created for itself.
1. For further discussions of the particularities of human rights violations in transition
societies, see the next section of this chapter, as well as chapter 1 and all chapters in part
three of this volume.
2. See Tim Niblock, ‘‘Economic Sanctions and Human Rights,’’ Journal of Social Affairs,
Vol. 18, No. 71, Fall 2001, pp. 11–33.
3. For a comprehensive examination of the intervention in Kosovo, see Albrecht Schnabel
and Ramesh Thakur, eds, Kosovo and the Challenge of Humanitarian Intervention:
Selective Indignation, Collective Action, and International Citizenship, Tokyo: United
Nations University Press, 2000.
4. See, for instance, Security Council Resolution 1244 of 10 June 1999 (establishing the
UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo) and Security Council Resolution 1272
Schnabel and Thakur, eds, Kosovo and the Challenge of Humanitarian Intervention,
pp. 482–495.
17. For extensive bibliographies on these and related subjects, see ICISS, The Responsibil-
ity to Protect: Research, Bibliography, Background, pp. 223–336.
18. See Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to General Assembly Resolution 53/35: The
Fall of Srebrenica, UN Doc. A/54/549, 15 November 1999. For an internal analysis of the
failure of the United Nations and the international community in Rwanda, see Report of
the Independent Inquiry into the Actions of the United Nations during the 1994 Genocide
in Rwanda, UN Doc. S/1999/1257, 16 December 1999.
19. See Adam Roberts, ‘‘Humanitarian Issues and Agencies as Triggers for International
Military Action,’’ International Review of the Red Cross, No. 839, 2000, pp. 673–698.
20. John J. Merriam, ‘‘Kosovo and the Law of Humanitarian Intervention,’’ Case Western
Reserve Journal of International Law, Vol. 33, No. 1, Winter 2001, p. 119.
21. See William A. Schabas, ‘‘International Law and Response to Conflict,’’ in Chester A.
Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson, and Pamela Aall, eds, Turbulent Peace: The Challenges of
Managing International Conflict, Washington, D.C.: USIP Press, 2001, p. 605.
22. Ibid., p. 604.
23. As Schabas notes, a deadlocked Security Council was bypassed in favour of the General
Assembly, which utilized a Uniting for Peace Resolution to endorse a military inter-
vention. However, ‘‘[f]orty years later . . . the major powers had lost any enthusiasm for
such a role being exercised by a General Assembly whose overwhelming majority now
lay in the southern half of the planet.’’ Ibid., p. 606.
24. The following information is based on Roberts, ‘‘Humanitarian Issues and Agencies as
Triggers for International Military Action.’’ For further details, see Roberts’ discussion.
25. On measures to take military action in support of humanitarian assistance, see Res. 770
(13 August 1992). On the establishment of safe areas, see Res. 824 (6 May 1993) and
Res. 836 (4 June 1993).
26. On the authorization of the Unified Task Force (UNITAF), an invasion led by the
United States, see Res. 794 (3 December 1992). On the establishment of UNOSOM II, a
UN-peacekeeping operation, see Res. 814 (26 March 1993).
27. On the pre-massacre attempt to expand the small UN Assistance Mission for Rwanda
(UNAMIR) in early 1994, see Res. 918 (17 May 1994), part of which was adopted under
Chapter VII. On the post-massacre authorization of France to address the humanitarian
consequences of the massacre (which had already been referred to in Res. 925 of 8 June
1994), see Res. 929 (22 June 1994).
28. On the Security Council’s call to remove the military leadership and the launch of the
US-led Multinational Force in Haiti (MNF), see Res. 940 (31 July 1994). On the estab-
lishment of the UN Mission in Haiti (UNMIH), see Res. 975 (30 January 1995).
29. On the establishment of the Italian-led Multinational Protection Force (MPF), see Res.
1101 (28 March 1997).
30. On the establishment of the Australian-led UN Mission in East Timor (UNAMET), see
Res. 1264 (15 September 1999). On the establishment of the UN Transitional Adminis-
tration in East Timor (UNTAET), see Res. 1272 (25 October 1999).
31. On the establishment and subsequent strengthening of the UN Mission in Sierra Leone
(UNAMSIL), see Res. 1270 (22 October 1999) and Res. 1289 (7 February 2000).
32. Security Council Res. 1270 (22 October 1999).
33. For Northern Iraq, see Res. 688 (5 April 1991); for Kosovo see Res. 1199 (23 September
1998) and Res. 1203 (24 October 1998).
34. Nico Kritsch, ‘‘Legality, Morality, and the Dilemma of Humanitarian Intervention after
Kosovo,’’ European Journal of International Law. Vol. 13, No. 1, 2002, pp. 323–337.
Also see the following recent contributions to this debate, reviewed in detail in Kritsch’s
essay: Simon Chesterman, Just War or Just Peace? Humanitarian Intervention and In-
ternational Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001; Christine Gray, International
Law and the Use of Force, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000; Nikolaos K. Tsa-
gourias, Jurisprudence of International Law: The Humanitarian Dimension, Manchester:
Manchester University Press, 2000; Nicolas J. Wheeler, Saving Strangers: Humanitarian
Intervention in International Society, Oxford: Oxford University 2000; Reinhard Merkel,
ed., Der Kosovo-Krieg und das Völkerrecht, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 2000. See also Oliver
Ramsbotham and Tom Woodhouse, Humanitarian Intervention in Contemporary Con-
flict, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1996; Independent International Commission on Kosovo,
The Kosovo Report: Conflict, International Response, Lessons Learned, Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2001; Schnabel and Thakur, eds, Kosovo and the Challenge of Hu-
manitarian Intervention; and Albrecht Schnabel, Ethnic Conflict, Sovereignty, and Hu-
manitarian Intervention: Internationalization of Domestic Conflict and Systems Change
in International Relations, PhD Dissertation, Ann Arbor, Michigan: UMI Dissertation
Services, 1995.
35. See Nicola Butler, ‘‘NATO: From Collective Defense to Peace Enforcement,’’ in
Schnabel and Thakur, eds, Kosovo and the Challenge of Humanitarian Intervention,
pp. 273–290.
36. Some believe that the evolving – in fact, redefined – concept of sovereignty, while im-
portant, ‘‘pales in significance when compared to the basic moral imperative to protect
human rights’’ and thus ‘‘allows for the international protection of human rights and
thus avoids conflict between sovereignty and humanitarian intervention.’’ See Merriam,
‘‘Kosovo and the Law of Humanitarian Intervention,’’ p. 116.
37. See Michael Barnett, ‘‘The New United Nations Politics of Peace.’’
38. Quoted in Merriam, ‘‘Kosovo and the Law of Humanitarian Intervention,’’ p. 118.
39. Kofi Annan, ‘‘Two Concepts of Sovereignty,’’ The Economist, 18 September 1999. See
also Annan’s speech at the opening meeting of the General Assembly, UN Press Re-
lease SG/SM/7136, GA/9596, 20 September 1999.
40. For an extensive discussion of the conflict prevention debate, see David Carment and
Albrecht Schnabel, eds, Conflict Prevention: Grand Illusion or Path to Peace? Tokyo:
United Nations University Press, 2003; and, by the same editors, the forthcoming vol-
umes Conflict Prevention from Rhetoric to Reality: Organizations and Institutions; and
Conflict Prevention from Rhetoric to Reality: Opportunities and Innovations, Lanham:
Lexington Books, 2004.
41. See, for example, the various contributions to World Editorial and International Law,
Vol. 1, No. 1, 15 September 2002.
42. See Agon Demjaha, ‘‘The Kosovo Conflict: A Perspective from Inside,’’ pp. 32–43, and
Duska Anastasijevic, ‘‘The Closing of the Kosovo Cycle: Victimization versus Respon-
sibility,’’ pp. 44–63, both in Schnabel and Thakur, eds, Kosovo and the Challenge of
Humanitarian Intervention.
43. For a more detailed analysis of post-conflict preventive challenges, see Albrecht Schna-
bel, ‘‘Post-Conflict Peacebuilding and Second-Generation Preventive Action,’’ Interna-
tional Peacekeeping, Vol. 9, No. 2, Summer 2002, pp. 7–30; and, by the same author,
‘‘International Organizations and the Prevention of Intergroup Conflict: From Rhetoric
to Policy to (Pro)Action,’’ Journal of Social Affairs, Vol. 18, No. 72, Winter 2001, pp.
Democratic transitions and
foreign policy: The United States
Barbara Ann J. Rieffer and David P. Forsythe1
‘‘The defense of freedom and the promotion of democracy around the world
aren’t merely a reflection of our deepest values. They are vital to our national
Bill Clinton, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 12 December 1991
In the last 25 years, and especially after the Cold War, the international
community has witnessed remarkable changes. More and more countries
are turning away from their authoritarian past and moving towards lib-
eral democracy. Since 1975, when there were approximately 30 liberal-
democratic societies, there has been a vast increase in the number of such
democracies in the world: now more than 120 countries arguably offer
their citizens at least a liberal-democratic constitution.2 These transitions
toward liberal democracy have varied from country to country. Some
countries such as the Czech Republic have been largely successful in
achieving free and fair elections and in protecting a broad range of hu-
man rights (although, like all societies, the Czech Republic still violates
some human rights). Other countries have made progress, but have a
long way to go (e.g. South Africa), while some have not fared as well
(e.g. Haiti). As countries have attempted to implement liberal democ-
racy, many Western governments, including the United States, have
developed democracy-assistance programmes as part of their larger for-
eign policy to promote liberal democracy.3 These programmes encourage
transition societies to promote democracy and to protect human rights.
Types of rights
For many of the countries moving towards liberal democracy, the chal-
lenges they face revolve around three sets of human rights. First, there
are democratization rights per se: participation rights combined with
those civil rights necessary for meaningful participation in public policy
issues.6 This category refers to the right to vote in free and fair elections,
combined with such civil rights as freedom of thought and opinion, and
freedom of speech, organization, and assembly. The ability to organize
and speak freely is deeply connected to the critical role played by civil
society in a healthy democracy. Civil society is a vital aspect of democ-
racy. NGOs often encourage tolerance and represent diverse and tradi-
tionally marginalized groups. Through this pluralistic activity, NGOs can
keep the power of the state in check.7 For these reasons, scholars have
argued that a robust civil society is an essential characteristic of a healthy
Second, there are liberalization rights that transform illiberal democ-
racy into liberal democracy: these are the rights that restrain the majority
from becoming tyrannical.9 Illiberal democracies are popularly elected
governments that violate the rights of minorities. To prevent illiberal
democracy one finds various minority rights, including freedom from
arbitrary arrest and detention, habeas corpus, and freedom of religion.
Third, there are preservation rights; these are the socio-economic rights
that establish a minimum threshold below which personal welfare should
not be allowed to fall. Here, one finds the rights to adequate minimal
standards of food, clothing, shelter, health care, and basic education.
Preservation rights are required to consolidate liberal democracy. His-
tory has shown that, without social and economic security, political free-
dom is not entirely meaningful. Various governments emphasize different
combinations of these rights, both at home and abroad; hence, it is useful
to keep these sets of rights theoretically distinct.
Having said the above, we must hasten to add that, as with all catego-
must understand how the citizens of the respective countries view them-
selves and their place in the world.
Americans generally believe that they are an exceptional people owing
to the remarkable political system they have constructed. Americans of
all classes and races endorse the democratic system and the civil and po-
litical rights enshrined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The one
tenet of American nationalism that is widely shared is a belief in Ameri-
can greatness, defined in terms of support for personal freedom, and the
belief that American freedom should serve as a moral and political lesson
to the rest of the world.14 US foreign policy has echoed these sentiments
over the twentieth century, and more actively since the end of the Cold
that, when the United States emphasizes the global enlargement of the
number of market democracies, it is really interested in the markets, not
the democracies. Weak markets allow penetration and control by global
monopoly capitalism, as V.I. Lenin argued.
When examining the theoretical options for US foreign policy, one
notices the tendency among administrations to adopt and justify policy
decisions as indicated by the realist model. Even US Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright, in the second Clinton Administration, took the
realist approach to human rights in general, while mentioning ‘‘justice’’
in passing:
Bilateral policy
Programmatic diplomacy
There is no clear, simple, long-term US programme to support liberal
democracy abroad. General programmatic statements exist, but they fail
to provide sure and specific guidance for US policy in concrete situa-
tions.26 Despite the decentralized nature of US foreign policy, there
are various agencies involved that can assist transition countries. The
Multilateral policy
IGO standards
As the most powerful state in international relations, the United States
casts a great shadow over the decisions and activities of intergovern-
mental organizations. In some of these, such as the United Nations, US
policy has been part of the growing attention accorded to the subject of
democracy; in others, such as the World Bank, the attention to democ-
racy has been very sporadic; in still others, such as the International
Monetary Fund (IMF), there has been very little attention to democracy.
The United States bears considerable responsibility for this record.
In contemporary US foreign policy, Washington has clearly endorsed
democratic standards in the United Nations, OAS, OSCE, and other gen-
eral or ‘‘political’’ IGOs. Since the Cold War, the United States has offi-
cially endorsed the view that the ‘‘only type of legitimate government is
liberal democracy.’’33 In this sense, the United States endorses the ‘‘end
of history’’ thesis that argues liberal democracy is the ultimate way to
legitimize the exercise of governing power.34
US leadership for democratic theory has been particularly pronounced
in the OAS, especially in its support for the ‘‘Santiago Declaration,’’ in
which the presence or absence of democracy in hemispheric affairs was
declared to be an international matter and not one of domestic jurisdic-
tion.35 This declaration was reaffirmed – and even expanded – at the
Summit of the Americas in Quebec, in April 2001.36
US support for liberal democracy is much less certain in the interna-
tional financial institutions. Only in the European Bank for Reconstruc-
tion and Development has the United States, like other donor members,
endorsed the integration of democratic factors in that Bank’s lending
policies. In the World Bank, by contrast, there is evident confusion about
the meaning of ‘‘good governance.’’37 In some cases (e.g. Kenya, Malawi,
Bosnia, Yugoslavia) the Bank has attached political conditions to its loans
in order to press for liberal-democratic reform; however, in other cases
(such as Indonesia, Nigeria, and China) it has not, and has made sizeable
loans to clearly authoritarian governments. This record in the World
Bank is largely the product of such important donor states as the United
States and Germany, who have pressed political conditions on the Bank
staff in a highly inconsistent way. Given recent trends, especially per-
taining to Indonesia and Burma, the Bank appears to be strengthening its
concern with repression that proves inimical to economic growth.
The IMF has, historically, been impervious to arguments that it should
take democratic and human rights standards seriously, being much more
adamant than the World Bank that most governance issues lie outside
its proper domain. Yet even the IMF, following the US lead, suspended
drawing rights after the Chinese regime massacred peaceful demon-
strators in Tiananmen Square in 1989. During 1999, the IMF warned
both Pakistan (under military rule) and Russia (when engaged in brutal
policies in Chechnya) that they might forfeit IMF support. States such
as Pakistan and Russia, however, are too important to the Western-state
members of the IMF for democracy considerations to be the only factor
controlling loans. Likewise, the evolution of democracy in these states is
affected by many factors besides IMF loans.
the striking developments, especially in the United Nations and OAS, but
also in the OSCE, is the expansion of multilateral electoral assistance. In
such places as El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua, Cambodia, and elsewhere,
the United States supported important IGO roles in the conduct of free
and fair elections. This multilateral diplomacy was in addition to bilateral
US involvement and support for private activity (by NGOs).
In general, the United States has been supportive of complex peace-
keeping by the UN and OAS. The deployment of a non-combat military
force (with the consent of the parties), along with civilian personnel, is
designed to secure not only narrow military objectives but also political
ones, such as democratic and rights-protective national governance.38
This can overlap with IGO electoral assistance. In places such as El
Salvador, Namibia, Cambodia, Mozambique (and elsewhere), complex
peacekeeping is directed at the construction of democratic order and
a liberal-democratic state. El Salvador and Mozambique are clear, if rel-
ative and imperfect, success stories. Despite congressional reservations,
the United States continues to pay for about one-third of UN peace-
keeping, in addition to unilaterally covering the costs of US military
forces deployed in the UN-approved Haitian field mission and the US
share of NATO costs in Bosnia and Kosovo. All these field missions
(whether officially under the aegis of the United Nations, or the OAS,
or NATO) are linked to liberal democracy and would not have occurred
had the United States objected.
The United States has supported UN, OAS, and OSCE programmes
of technical assistance for such tasks as the reform of the judiciary, re-
construction of police forces, development of parliamentary procedures,
protection of minority rights, and civilian superiority over the military.
This technical assistance can be authorized through discrete projects or
as part of complex peacekeeping. These and similar IGO programmes try
to contribute to the construction and consolidation of liberal democracy.
Congressional pressures to reduce IGO budgets, however, impair the
ability of the organizations to respond to growing requests for democratic
assistance. The UN Human Rights Centre still receives less than $20
million per annum for all of its human rights work, of which democracy-
related efforts are only one part. By comparison, USAID alone was
spending more than $35 million on its Rule of Law programmes abroad
in 1999.39
Enforcing democracy
The United States has utilized IGOs to enforce democracy only in Haiti
in 1994 and in Kosovo in 1999. Although there was no significant military
combat in Haiti, it was clear that US military forces, given the green light
by the UN Security Council, were prepared to use military force to re-
Political culture
Every society has its own dynamic political culture that defines its iden-
tity. The beliefs and history shared by a national people are an influential
aspect of the goals and possible achievements of any given state. This
is true of those countries promoting democracy, as well as of those
countries attempting to develop liberal-democratic political systems. As
already indicated in different terms, the political culture of the United
States revolves around various democratic ideals. Individualism, liberty,
political equality, and diversity within an assimilationist doctrine are all
fundamental aspects of American political culture. This identity shapes
the way the United States exercises its influence in the world.46 One con-
sequence of this identity is the tendency to neglect preservation rights
(but see above). American belief in rugged individualism promotes the
belief that individuals, and not the government, should provide for one’s
basic needs. Thus, the State Department will readily argue that the
United States is committed to ‘‘international norms of respect for human
dignity and freedom for all people,’’ as long as this does not include
preservation rights.
Political culture in the transition state is also critical to the promotion
of liberal democracy. Countries with little or no experience of elections
or of basic freedoms, and with an environment of intolerance are unlikely
to move quickly towards consolidation of liberal democracy. Initial im-
provements may also be accompanied by backsliding. South Africa shows
the ongoing difficulties with a transition to liberal democracy.
Until the 1990s, South Africa operated under apartheid and the gov-
ernment consistently violated the rights of non-Whites.47 Growing eco-
nomic difficulties and international pressure48 eventually cajoled the
South African government into holding multiracial elections, and in 1994
Nelson Mandela was elected President.49 Under Mandela, major institu-
tional changes were implemented, including the creation of a new con-
stitution.50 However, despite these democratic improvements, South
Africa still faces many problems: political violence, although decreasing
in level, still occurs; deaths in police custody remain a serious problem;51
furthermore, the vast majority of Africans tend to vote for an African
party (the African National Congress; ANC), whereas most Whites vote
for a White party.52 This suggests that the races and political parties re-
main politically segregated and have not yet obtained a working demo-
cratic system. Thus, despite the progress made – South Africa moved
from a partly free country on the Freedom House survey from 1977 to
1994 to a free country from 1995 on – South Africa has not fully con-
solidated a liberal-democratic system.53
In addition, programmes that do not respect the local culture or that
implement ideas and institutions contrary to the local culture are often in-
effective and disregarded by the recipient country.54 Furthermore, coun-
tries with ‘‘traditional cultures’’ that accept a paternalistic relationship
between the individual and the state and incorporate some dominant re-
ligious tradition are often difficult to convert to a liberal-democratic po-
litical system. Russia demonstrates how a traditional political culture can
be an obstacle to liberal democracy: the deeply entrenched beliefs in the
need for a strong leader to deal with national problems, and the patriar-
chal values of the Russian Orthodox Church, promote public passivity,55
which decreases the likelihood of popular democracy. These results are
evident from public-opinion polls, which suggest that over 85 per cent of
Russians believe that ‘‘the most important thing today is to elect a presi-
dent who is capable of solving the nation’s problems;’’ 75 per cent said
they favoured a system of government other than democracy.56
Further evidence of the importance of a society’s political culture is
Economic realities
Political factors
Despite all the rhetoric concerning human rights and democracy as a pil-
lar of US foreign policy, there was little change in some aspects of that
overall policy. Through the Clinton administration the United States did
not alter the percentage of aid given to Israel and Egypt – together they
continued to receive over 50 per cent of US foreign assistance; thus,
strategic interests trumped the promotion of liberal democracy in the
Middle East. We have already noted how this tendency was accentuated
by the Bush administration after 11 September 2001. On the other hand,
after the Cold War the United States, in its development assistance to
African states south of the Sahara, did provide more funds for democ-
racy, human rights, and humanitarian concerns. In South Africa, the
United States has given over $670 million since 1990; however, assistance
Clearly, the United States could not have played a significant and direct
role in all the events that have affected movements toward liberal de-
mocracy in the world over the past quarter of a century. Some countries,
such as Slovenia, have proceeded much on their own, with perhaps some
international factors of importance, but none necessarily stemming from
Washington.70 US funding is too meagre and too thinly spread to have a
concentrated impact in most situations. US ad hoc diplomacy gives too
much attention to strategic and self-interested economic pursuits to have
a consistent impact per se on liberal democracy abroad. Furthermore, US
democracy assistance has encountered major social barriers in such
places as Bosnia and Kosovo, Rwanda and Burundi. Those countries
with little democratic history, a dominant authoritarian culture, and con-
temporary ethnic hatreds are unlikely to make dramatic progress in the
short run towards liberal democracy. In Russia, a long-term prognosis
might be more optimistic.
Some countries have received much aid from the international com-
munity, making it difficult to isolate the impact of US policy alone. In
a few countries such as El Salvador, Namibia, and Mozambique, the
United States – along with other outsiders – has had considerable re-
sponsibility for the steps toward liberal democracy, however difficult it is
to label precisely the overall situation at a given moment. However, even
in these cases, other players beyond the United States were also impor-
tant. In El Salvador, for example, the office of the UN Secretary-General,
the states making up the Friends of the Secretary-General, and other
states have all played important direct or indirect roles.
There is also no doubt that the United States could have done more to
advance liberal democracy abroad, whether through ad hoc and pro-
grammatic bilateral policy, or through multilateral policy. A particular
defect, in addition to the relatively low level of funding for this purpose,
is the disinclination of Washington to put the question in a proper eco-
nomic context. Not being a social democracy, the United States tends to
see a simple correlation between capitalism and democracy. Along with
authors such as Francis Fukuyama,71 it tends to gloss over the fact that
people want not only to have their freedom respected but also their
social security protected. Thus, the United States was greatly surprised
when (slightly) reformed communists improved their popularity in free
and fair elections in several places in Eastern Europe – for example,
Bulgaria. The reformed communists were opposed to markets with only
meagre social safety nets.
There is considerable evidence that social security in the broad sense
is necessary for the consolidation of liberal democracy. This can be
achieved in several ways: through the US model, with very limited and
optional safety nets; through the Scandinavian and other European
models, with more extensive and better entrenched safety nets; through
the Japanese model (currently being adjusted); or through others. Large
numbers of people in Chile (in the 1970s) and Peru (in the 1980s) sup-
ported governmental moves toward less freedom if promised more phys-
ical and social security. The United States should not have to be a social
democracy to understand that personal freedom without social security is
not a sure path to a stable liberal polity.72 For this reason, one expert in
this field argues strongly for increased democracy assistance and greater
attention by the United States to issues of prosperity and social security,
for the sake of stabilizing the democratic gains that have been made.73
George Soros, the successful investor and philanthropist, argues that the
greatest threat to liberal democracy in areas of former European com-
munism is unregulated capitalism: it is too harsh and threatens people’s
sense of social security.74
One helpful step by the United States would be to move the World
Bank and other international financial institutions (IFIs) further along
the path of the European Bank, in that factors of liberal democracy and
welfare policies (if not social democracy) would be integrated with more
traditional economic factors. This would help to correct one of the prob-
lems evident in El Salvador, for example. At a time when the Salvadoran
government needed more money for land reform and the integration of
the former opposition forces into the economy and society, the World
Bank and the IMF were demanding structural readjustment programmes
that entailed a smaller, more austere role for the government in the
economy. The traditional IFI recipe for economic growth countermanded
the immediate requisites for the consolidation of moves toward liberal
democracy. Similarly, US foreign-policy rhetoric about democratic state
capitalism should be disaggregated to ensure that the democratic aspects
are not overwhelmed by the capitalist emphasis.
An additional recommended shift in democracy promotion concerning
economic factors centres on civil society. Democracy assistance with re-
gard to civil society attempts to promote greater participation among the
population and tends to focus on human rights, NGOs, women’s rights,
and environmental groups.
This is not surprising, given the US emphasis on civil and political
rights. However, the US orientation means that those NGOs with a socio-
economic focus – such as health clinics and other welfare organizations
– do not receive any democracy-assistance funds. Enhancing aid to a
variety of NGOs, including those supporting preservation rights, would
improve the prospects for consolidating democracy.
Ultimately, US support for democracy abroad may exist mostly to
allow Americans to maintain their self-image as an exceptionally good
people who stand for personal freedom. Still, it is on balance better
to have such an orientation than not, as long as this results in support
for liberal democracies and not the type of illiberal democracies that
have existed in such places as Khomeini’s Iran, Milošević’s Yugoslavia,
and Tudjman’s Croatia. Washington could enhance its democratic pro-
grammes abroad if it communicated its goals to the American public.
Explaining why and where American tax dollars are being allocated
could gather public support for democracy-assistance programmes. Over
time, US contributions to liberal democracy abroad, in conjunction with
others, might make some difference at the margins and at least in some
Conservatives who value order over moves toward liberal democracy
do not make their case that US policy has been generally detrimental
to the world. Even in Haiti, disappointing as results have been since
1994, the preferred policy is not a return to support for authoritarians
but a longer-term commitment to liberal democracy with social secu-
rity. Nor do radical leftists provide clear evidence that US democ-
racy assistance comprises cultural imperialism. Washington does not
insist on replication of the American political model, although it does
favour as little statism as possible, which can be a problem – as already
US support for democracy abroad requires reduced expectations in the
short term because of daunting social obstacles. Furthermore, funding
with a more concentrated focus over time, less strategic and economic
self-interest, and more integration between political and economic fac-
tors, would all seem to be required. Furthermore, since liberal democracy
takes time, money, and nurturing, the United States must be patient, es-
pecially with regard to those countries that have no previous acquain-
tance with liberal democracy. None of these, however, are on the imme-
diate horizon in Washington.
In fact, after 11 September 2001, owing to US foreign policy, the pros-
pects for successful democratic transitions were significantly reduced
in a number of countries, such as Pakistan. When the world’s only hy-
perpower chooses to emphasize its traditional national security through
an emphasis on fighting terrorism, such states as Pakistan will be free
from US democracy promotion and pressures as long as they prove
helpful to Washington in short-term security matters. It may be true
that many Islamic ‘‘terrorists’’ arose out of repressive Islamic states; in
the immediate aftermath of September 11, however, Washington did
not respond with increased emphasis on democratic transitions in places
such as Saudi Arabia or Algeria. Whether this pattern might change
over time is a matter of great significance, certainly for the question of
democracy but also, perhaps, for the question of national security in
broader terms.
1. We would like to thank Patrice McMahon for her helpful comments on an earlier ver-
sion of this chapter. Doug Bend also provided research assistance.
2. Press Briefing on the Release of Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, 1999, 25
February 2000.
3. Yuri Fedorov, ‘‘Democratization and Globalization: The Case of Russia,’’ Working
Papers, No. 13, Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, May 2000,
p. 1.
4. Joshua Muravchik, Exporting Democracy: Fulfilling America’s Destiny, Washington, D.C.:
American Enterprise Institute Press, 1991. See also Gregory A Fossedal, The Demo-
cratic Imperative: Exporting the American Revolution, New York: Basic Books, 1989.
5. See further Michael Ignatieff, ‘‘Is the Human Rights Era Ending,’’ New York Times, 5
February 2002, A25. Ignatieff correctly treats democracy as a subset of the larger con-
cept of human rights.
6. For a classic approach to the subject see Robert Dahl, Who Governs? Democracy and
Power in an American City, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961.
7. Patrice McMahon, ‘‘What Have We Done? Evaluating International Involvement in
Bosnia,’’ paper presented at the annual conference of the International Studies Associ-
ation, Chicago, 20–24 February 2001.
8. Robert Putnam, Making Democracy Work, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995.
9. Fareed Zakaria, ‘‘The Rise of Illiberal Democracy,’’ Foreign Affairs, No. 76, Nov/Dec.
1997, pp. 22–43.
10. Scholars have convincingly argued for the need to emphasize more than simply civil and
political rights. See Henry Shue, Basic Rights, Princeton: Princeton University Press,
1980; Rhoda Howard, Human Rights and the Search for Community, Boulder: Westview
Press, 1995.
11. David P. Forsythe, ed., Human Rights and Comparative Foreign Policy, Tokyo: United
Nations University Press, 2000.
12. It is worth noting that, for the first time, the Group of Eight countries committed
themselves to coordinating their democratic assistance to countries in transition. See
John Shattuck, ‘‘Diplomacy with a Cause: Human Rights in US Foreign Policy,’’ in
Samantha Power and Graham Allison, eds, Realizing Human Rights, New York: St
Martin’s Press, 2000, p. 282.
13. South Africa, for example, received $139 million in 1996 from the European Union, $16
million from Germany, and over $140 million from the United Kingdom. In addition,
Canada, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and the Netherlands all offered support
for South Africa’s transition to liberal democracy. See
14. Michael H. Hunt, Ideology and US Foreign Policy, New Haven: Yale University Press,
1987. The link between American national identity and democracy is also echoed in
various documents from government agencies such as USAID. See
15. Tony Smith has argued that democracy promotion has been the defining feature of
American foreign policy for the greater part of the last hundred years. See Tony Smith,
‘‘US Democracy Promotion: Critical Questions,’’ in Michael Cox, G. John Ikenberry,
and Takashi Inoguchi, eds, American Democracy Promotion, Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2000, p. 63–84. See also Tony Smith, America’s Mission: The United States and the
Worldwide Struggle for Democracy in the Twentieth Century, Princeton: Princeton Uni-
versity Press, 1994.
16. The literature on the democratic peace thesis is abundant. For a good introduction see
Michael Doyle, The Ways of War and Peace, New York: Norton, 1997. One of the more
recent discussions comes from Bruce M. Russett and John R. Oneal, Triangulating
Peace: Democracy, Interdependence, and International Organizations, New York: Nor-
ton, 2001.
17. Speech given on 25 February 2000. See
18. Thomas Carothers, ‘‘The Clinton Record on Democracy Promotion,’’ Working Papers,
No. 16, Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, September 2000.
19. New York Times, 20 September, 2002,
20. See especially Thomas Carothers, ‘‘Aiding – and Defining – Democracy,’’ World Policy
Journal, Vol. 13, No. 1, Spring 1996, pp. 97–109.
21. Samuel Huntington, The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century,
Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1991. See also Greg Sorensen, Democracy and
Democratization, Boulder: Westview, 1993; and Terry Lynn Karl and Philippe C.
Schmitter, ‘‘Democratization around the Globe: Opportunities and Risks,’’ in Michael
T. Klare and Daniel C. Thomas, eds, World Security: Challenges for a New Century,
New York: St Martin’s Press, 1994.
22. See further Aung San Suu Kyi, ‘‘Freedom, Development, and Human Worth,’’ Journal
of Democracy, Vol. 6, No. 2, April 1995; and Jacques Barzun, ‘‘Is Democratic Theory
for Export?,’’ in Joel Rosenthal, ed., Ethics and International Affairs, Washington:
Georgetown University Press, 1999, p. 57.
23. See, for example, Putnam, Making Democracy Work; Francis Fukuyama, ‘‘Social Capi-
tal and the Global Economy,’’ Foreign Affairs, Vol. 74, No. 5, September/October, 1995,
pp. 89–104; and Edgar Owens, The Future of Freedom in the Developing World: Eco-
nomic Development as Political Reform, New York: Pergamon Press, 1987.
24. Thomas Carothers, Aiding Democracy Abroad: The Learning Curve, Washington D.C.:
Carnegie Endowment for Peace, 1999.
25. See Carothers, ‘‘The Clinton Record on Democracy Promotion.’’
26. For an AID general statement, see ‘‘USAID’s Strategies for Sustainable Development:
Building Democracy,’’ available at h
See also Carothers, ‘‘Aiding – and Defining – Democracy.’’
27. Carothers, ‘‘Aiding – and Defining – Democracy.’’
28. Interhemispheric Resource Center and the Institute for Policy Studies, ‘‘In Focus: US
Democratization Assistance,’’ Foreign Policy in Focus, Vol. 4, No. 20, July 1999, avail-
able at hwww.foreignpolicy-infocusi.
29. ‘‘The Milosevic Regime Versus Serbian Democracy and Balkan Stability,’’ Hearing
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 105th Congress, 2nd session, 10
December 1998, Washington: GPO, 1999, p. 41.
30. Washington Post, 31 August 1999, p. 8.
31. See hwww.freedomhouse.orgi.
32. International Herald Tribune, 12 June 2001, p. 9.
33. Thomas M. Frank, ‘‘The Emerging Right to Democratic Governance,’’ American Jour-
nal of International Law, Vol. 86, No. 1, January 1992, pp. 46–91. However, for the ar-
gument that there are many sources of governmental legitimacy in fact, and for a review
of the obvious fact that the United States has normal relations with numerous authori-
tarian governments, see David P. Forsythe, Human Rights and Peace: International and
National Dimensions, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1993, chapter 3.
34. Francis Fukuyama, The End of History and the Last Man, New York: The Free Press,
35. See further Richard J. Bloomfield, ‘‘Making the Western Hemisphere Safe for Democ-
racy? The OAS Defense of Democracy Regime,’’ The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 17,
No. 2, Spring 1994, pp. 157–169.
36. To participate in hemispheric economic plans, a state had to be a democracy. See
37. See further David P. Forsythe, ‘‘The United Nations, Human Rights, and Develop-
ment,’’ Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 19, No. 2, May 1997, pp. 334–349; David Gillies,
‘‘Human Rights, Governance, and Democracy: The World Bank’s Problem Frontiers,’’
Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, Vol. 1, No. 1, March, 1993, pp. 3–24.
38. David P. Forsythe, ‘‘Human Rights and International Security: United Nations Field
Operations Redux,’’ in Monique Castermans-Holleman et al., eds, The Role of the
Nation-State in the 21st Century, The Hague: Kluwer, 1998, pp. 251–264.
39. USAID has created a new office – The Office of Transition Initiatives of the US
Agency of International Development – which developed a Rule of Law programme
that trains judges, court administrators, prosecutors, defence lawyers, etc. Available at See also Shattuck,
‘‘Diplomacy with a Cause: Human Rights in US Foreign Policy,’’ p. 282.
40. Howard J. Wiarda, Cracks in the Consensus: Debating the Democracy Agenda in
US Foreign Policy, Westport: Praeger, for the Center for Strategic and International
Studies, Washington Papers #172, 1997.
41. Many agencies concerned with the public-opinion backlash of long-term, expensive
programmes have imposed time limits on such programmes. For example, USAID plans
to phase out an education programme by 2005 for this reason.
42. Frank Newman and David Weissbrodt, International Human Rights: Law, Policy and
Process, Cincinnati: Anderson, 1990.
43. See further on this topic Amartya Sen, Development as Freedom, New York: Oxford
University Press, 1999.
44. Jean-Philippe Therien, ‘‘Foreign Aid and Global Justice,’’ Paper presented at ISA
Conference, Chicago, 20–24 February 2001.
45. Nikolas Emmanuel, ‘‘The Determinants of US Foreign Assistance in the Post Cold War
Era,’’ Paper presented at ISA Conference, Chicago, 20–24 February 2001.
46. Cox, Ikenberry, and Inoguchi, eds, American Democracy Promotion.
47. Hermann Giliomee, ‘‘Democratization in South Africa,’’ Political Science Quarterly,
No. 110, Spring 1995, pp. 83–104.
48. One example of international pressure was the 1986 Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid
Act adopted by the US Congress. Ibid., p. 88.
49. The US contributed $10 million to assist the 1994 election.
50. Under the Constitution various rights are articulated, including the right to freedom and
security of person, which includes the right not to be deprived of freedom arbitrarily or
without just cause; not to be detained without trial; to be free from all forms of violence
from either public or private sources; not to be tortured in any way; and not to be
treated or punished in a cruel, inhuman, or degrading way. In addition, everyone has
the right to privacy, freedom of conscience, religion, thought, belief and opinion, free-
dom of expression, and freedom of association. Most of the rights established under the
new constitution relate to those civil and political rights found in the ICCPR. Although
South Africa’s Constitution mentions some economic rights found in the ICESC Eco-
nomic, Social and Cultural Rights, it does so in a passive manner: for example, Article
26 states that everyone has the right to have access to adequate housing; similarly, Ar-
ticle 27 states that everyone has the right to have access to health-care services, and
sufficient food and water. However this amounts to a non-discrimination clause rather
than a legitimate right to housing, food, water, and health care.
51. See hwww.amnesty.orgi.
52. This is not surprising, as heavy ethnic party voting by ethnic groups is quite common in
consolidated democracies.
53. See David Welsh, ‘‘The State of the Polity,’’ in J.E. Spence, ed., After Mandela:
The 1999 South African Elections, London: Chatham House, 1999; and also hwww.
54. Sarah Mendelson and John Glenn, ‘‘Democracy Assistance and NGO Strategies in Post
Communist Societies,’’ Working Papers, No. 8, Washington: Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, February 2000.
55. Fedorov, ‘‘Democratization and Globalization.’’
56. Ibid, p. 2.
57. Bruce Garver, ‘‘Human Rights in Czech and Slovak History,’’ in David P. Forsythe, ed.,
Human Rights in the New Europe, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1994, Chapter
58. Ballot irregularities and disputed counting methods have led the opposition and the in-
ternational community to question the election in 2000. See New York Times, 8 Febru-
ary 2001, A6. Recently, Aristide has offered to hold elections in 2002 because of the
international pressure that he has received. His motive is partly financial: in return for
holding elections next year, Aristide has requested that the OAS resume foreign aid to
Haiti. International Herald Tribune, 5 June 2001.
59. New York Times, 5 March 2001, A23.
60. David Brinkley, ‘‘Democratic Enlargement: The Clinton Doctrine,’’ Foreign Policy,
Vol. 106, Spring 1997, pp. 111–127.
61. Budget of the US Government, Fiscal Year 1999, 105th Cong., 2nd session, H. Doc 105–
177, Vol. 1, Washington: GPO, 1999.
62. Shattuck, ‘‘Diplomacy with a Cause.’’ See also Mendelson and Glenn, who demonstrate
that only 2.8 per cent of US assistance to Russia went to democratic activities from 1990
to 1999. Conversely, the European Union, while giving less assistance overall, gave a
greater percentage of its aid – 19 per cent – for democracy assistance.
63. The Freedom Support initiative was in addition to the Support for Eastern European
Democracies initiative. Both elevated economics over democracy in both theory and
64. This is why many USAID statements argue that, through the promotion of democracy
in Latin America, the United States was pursuing the national interest because doing so
would reduce the region’s poor from seeking refuge and better economic opportunities
in the US. See further Smith, ‘‘US Democracy Promotion’’; and Abraham F. Lowenthal,
Exporting Democracy: The United States and Latin America, Baltimore: John Hopkins
University Press, 1991.
65. Carothers, ‘‘Aiding – and Defining – Democracy.’’
67. Max Singer and Aaron Wildavsky, The Real World Order, New York: Seven Bridges
Press, 2001.
68. Secretary of State Albright stated that South Africa was ‘‘obviously the leading country
on the continent.’’ For Albright’s speech, given in Pretoria on 9 December 2000, see
h For similar justifications of assistance
to South Africa see
69. Fedorov, ‘‘Democratization and Globalization.’’
70. Slovenia desired to be accepted into the Council of Europe and eventually into the
EU; the Council of Europe has become the ante-chamber for the EU, which makes both
together a major pull factor for liberal democracy. See further David P. Forsythe, Hu-
man Rights in International Relations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000,
Chapter 5.
71. Fukuyama, The End of History and the Last Man and ‘‘Social Capital and the Global
72. Even realists such as Robert Gilpin accept the fact that the rough edge of capitalist de-
mocracy must be buffered by welfare/preservation rights. See The Challenge of Global
Capitalism, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000, p. 4.
73. Larry Diamond, Promoting Democracy in the 1990s, New York: Carnegie Corporation,
74. George Soros, ‘‘The Capitalist Threat,’’ Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 279, No. 2, February
1997, pp. 45–58.
Part Three
Sources of human rights violations
and their impact on peace,
democratization, and economic
Sources and consequences of
human rights violations in Iraq
Jenab Tutunji
The fall of the Ba’thist regime that had ruled Iraq since 1968 unleashed
unpredictable social forces. Saddam Hussein, who rose from strongman
to undisputed leader in 1979, and who ushered in an era of unprece-
dented human rights abuses in Iraq, was swept from power in April 2003
by the invading armies of the United States and the United Kingdom.
Security Council resolution 1483 bestowed international legal standing
on the occupation authority that was to govern Iraq and manage its oil
resources until the formation of a new Iraqi government, which, at the
time of writing, was not expected to happen for approximately another
two years. One of the stated objectives of Washington and London was
to transform the politics of Iraq and to institute a democratic regime that
would be a model for the region as a whole. The future is uncertain, yet
the best approach to predicting the future of human rights in Iraq is to
revisit the past and identify the causes of the violation of those very
In this chapter I attempt to identify structural and situational factors
that have contributed to human rights violations in Iraq during the
Ba’thist regime, which governed Iraq from 1968 to 2003. I focus on the
role of institutions, while permitting recourse to cultural and other ex-
planations to supplement the causal analysis. This enables light to be
shed on important causal factors that are intangible but which, neverthe-
less, contributed to human rights violations.
The state of Iraq came into being after World War I, at which time it
came under British rule. A 1922 treaty with Britain transformed Iraq into
a Mandate in all but name. The British established a constitutional mon-
archy and, in July 1924, an Organic Law (constitution) was adopted,
which gave the country a limited parliamentary democracy. However, the
British were not reluctant to subvert the authority of parliament – a les-
son not lost on the Iraqis. Political groups and parties were established
under the monarchy but not under conditions that would foster the con-
duct of healthy democratic life; nevertheless, a limited civil society ex-
isted at the time. In 1932, Iraq gained nominal independence. In 1936,
General Bakr Sidqi mounted the Arab world’s first coup, helping to un-
dermine the prospects for democracy.
Iraq became a distinctly authoritarian state after the bloody revolu-
tion of 1958, in which the entire royal family was massacred and which
brought a dictator, General Abdel Karim Qassem, to power. Qassem
designated the cabinet as the supreme executive and legislative authority
in the country. The Qassem regime was toppled in a second bloody coup
by an alliance of the military and the Ba’th in February 1963. In Novem-
ber 1963, the first Ba’th regime was overthrown by Nasserist army offi-
cers, who remained in power until July 1968, when the second Ba’th
regime was established. On 21 September 1968, a new provisional con-
stitution vested full executive and legislative power in the Revolutionary
Command Council (RCC) until the election of a national assembly. The
actions of the president and the RCC were not subject to judicial chal-
lenge. This absence of the accountability of branches of government to
each other, and of the government to the people, by virtue of the struc-
ture of the state allowed repression and chronic human rights violations
to continue unchecked.
It will be argued that, between the Ba’th’s return to power in 1968 and
the early 1980s (a few years into the war with Iran), Iraq underwent a
transition from an authoritarian to an ideocratic rentier state. A novel
aspect of the regime that came to power in 1968 was single-party rule.
The term ‘‘ideocratic’’ denotes the exclusive and ubiquitous hegemony of
a doctrine, in this case Ba’thist ideology, in all aspects of life. The Ba’th
Party gradually acquired a monopoly on political life and over the orga-
nizations of civil society found even in an authoritarian state, replacing
them with Ba’th Party institutions. In the process, the state virtually
swallowed up civil society. Being an ideocratic state also provided ample
justification for repression, as differences with the government were per-
ceived as heresy or treason.
In the second place, Iraq became a rentier state because of its depen-
dence on economic rents from the sale of oil, which is the main source of
government revenues. This granted the executive branch autonomy from
the legislature, since the elected assembly no longer controlled the power
of the purse and became a powerless body. Economic rents allowed the
IRAQ 193
state to launch social and economic programmes for the benefit of the
people, which established the dependence of society on the state. Being a
rentier state diminishes accountability by the government and is inimical
to participation by the people in government and contestation of state
I have combined the terms ‘‘ideocratic’’ and ‘‘rentier’’ to highlight a
particular type of government of which Iran and Saudi Arabia, as well as
Iraq, are examples. The aspect of rentierism compounded the threat to
political and civil liberties posed by the ideocratic nature of the state.
The third point has to do with Saddam Hussein and the changes he
brought about. On 16 July 1979, Saddam Hussein (who had been the real
power behind the scenes almost from the beginning) became President of
Iraq. He also occupied the office of Prime Minister. Barely two weeks
after he assumed power, there was a major purge of ‘‘all suspected ele-
ments’’ from the Ba’th party and its various organs, ‘‘including the army,
the Popular Army, trade unions, student unions, professional and other
associations, and departments . . . . For several weeks, a reign of unprece-
dented terror enveloped Iraq.’’1 Twenty-two Ba’th leaders, including
one-third of the Revolutionary Command Council, were executed, and
about 500 senior party officials were arrested. Saddam had eliminated all
internal opposition to his rule and gained uncontested control of the
In the mid-1980s, a few years into the war with Iran and primarily as a
consequence of difficulties arising from the war, Saddam Hussein pushed
through a transition that involved the partial de-institutionalization of
state apparatuses, the relative marginalization of the Ba’th Party, and
the ascendancy of the personal rule of Saddam Hussein, his family, and
the clientelist networks loyal to them. He was willing to sacrifice tens of
thousands of Iraqis in war in order to realize his ambitions for Iraq, and
to execute an equal number of his countrymen to support his regime.
Nevertheless, there is an entangled recursive relationship between Sad-
dam’s personality and the structural factors mentioned here.
The fourth point I establish in this chapter is that warfare has severely
exacerbated human rights violations in Iraq, making an already bad situ-
ation even worse. It has led to rebellions that invited violent repression
by the government and simultaneously provided the state with a justifi-
cation for its actions. The most egregious example of human rights vio-
lations occurred in 1988 when the regime mounted the ‘‘Anfal’’ campaign
to subdue Kurds in rural northern Iraq, who had rebelled against the
state during the war with Iran. The combination of being an ideocratic
rentier state and the fatality of warfare was poisonous for democracy and
human rights.
The fifth point concerns Iraq’s ethnic and sectarian make-up. The de-
sire of the Kurds for a state of their own, for independence or at least
The Arab-nationalist and socialist Ba’th regime in Iraq was guided by the
mantra of unity, freedom, and socialism. These central objectives were
IRAQ 195
bodied incontestable truth, and it did attempt such a fusion of truth and
power. The mass media served as a mouthpiece for the regime and contri-
buted in a significant way to the indoctrination of the public. Traditional
means of socialization, including schools and the family, were recruited in
the dissemination of the dominant ideology. Parents taught their children
to love ‘‘Papa Saddam,’’ lest those children should blurt out something
in school that indicated that their parents were anti-regime.
To ensure loyalty to party ideology and the regime, Iraq became a po-
lice state. Kanan Makiya (writing under the pen name of Samir al-Khalil)
elaborates on this theme in his book Republic of Fear. As he sees it, the
state had instituted a culture in which true or real citizens were those who
were loyal to the ideals of the Ba’th; those who were not loyal fell be-
yond the pale: they were dehumanized and excluded.6 He argues that
violence was pervasive and institutionalized, and fear and suspicion en-
demic. In addition, the Ba’th Party cadres were expected to report on
their fellow citizens, and the party’s mass organizations also functioned as
surveillance organizations. The government’s security apparatus included
militias attached to the President, the Ba’th Party, and the Interior Min-
istry. Al-Khafaji speaks of ‘‘a network of intelligence apparatuses that
pervaded all aspects of Iraqi society.’’7 Some observers have even de-
scribed the regime in Baghdad as Stalinist (Saddam Hussein was deeply
impressed by Stalin, and studied him intensively).
In addition to its ideological hegemony, the regime sought to dominate
the economy. The pursuit of the regime’s economic articles of faith led
it to nationalize the Iraq Petroleum Company in 1972. This had impor-
tant consequences for the regime: by 1980, oil provided half of Iraq’s
national income and the lion’s share of governmental revenues. This
created a government that was autonomous of civil society, and a civil
and economic society that was dependent on the government. However,
the Ba’th regime believed that people had economic rights, even as it
denied them political and civil rights. By 1978, the public sector had be-
come dominant in the economy and a socialist agricultural sector was
well established with about 80 collective farms, over 700 cooperatives,
and eight giant state farms. The quasi-feudal landowning class of tribal
leaders had been divested of most of its holdings.8 During this period, the
middle class doubled from one-third to two-thirds of the population. One
may even argue that, at least for the first 10–15 years after 1968, Ba’th
Party leaders thought they were carrying out the ‘‘general will’’ of the
people and the nation. Egalitarian economic development was pursued,
and many programmes were directed at the poor. Significant progress
was achieved in the economic development effort. By 1982, the public
sector accounted for 80 per cent of GNP.9 This coincided with the apogee
of the power of the Ba’th Party.
IRAQ 197
During the 1970s and early to mid-1980s, the regime’s power was con-
solidated. For the first three years of the war with Iran, Iraq’s gov-
ernment continued its welfare programmes by drawing down its foreign
reserves and accumulating foreign debt, particularly to Kuwait and Saudi
Arabia. However, the process of consolidation was halted and partially
reversed as the war with Iran depleted state revenues. For a while the
war went badly for Iraq, and the loyalty of the army to the regime could
not be ensured. In 1984, the Republican Guard, consisting of troops loyal
to the President, was hugely expanded, and the amn khas (intelligence
service to protect the President) was formed, so that there were now four
security services. Most damaging, perhaps, was the tendency to shift state
power from the party to the family and clan of the President, laying
the basis for sultanistic rule.12 This was marked by despotic powers of the
head of state, extreme glorification of the ruler, the undermining of the
credibility of Ba’thist ideology and institutions, and the adulteration or
Civil society
Democracy requires a vibrant civil society, freely formed civic associa-
tions, and solidarities.15 The Ba’th regime and the sultanistic regime into
which it evolved swallowed up civil society, a crucial force for democra-
tization. Civil society refers to organizations that mediate between citi-
zens and the state, such as political parties and interest groups, labour
unions and employers’ associations, women’s organizations or NGOs,
autonomous of the state.
IRAQ 199
. . . the mid-1980s witnessed the eclipse not only of the Revolution’s Command
Council and the Regional Command of the Ba’th Party, but also the organiza-
tions that the Ba’th had designed to mobilize supporters, such as the National
Union of Students and Youth and the Federation of Peasants’ Associations. The
Federation of Labor Unions was abolished altogether, and workers in the state
sector, comprising a majority of wage earners, were henceforth banned from
joining unions.17
Ba’thist institutions did not disappear, of course, but they were often
sidelined and their ideological foundations were undermined. Alter-
natively, they were used as an extension of the clientelist networks loyal
to Saddam.
At the end of the Iran–Iraq war, political liberalization measures were
contemplated and elections for the National Assembly were announced
for April 1989. The regime spoke of allowing the formation and licensing
of political parties other than the Ba’th. One cannot tell what these plans
for political liberalization would have amounted to; at any rate, they were
cut short by the second Gulf War.
In theory, according to a 1991 law, non-Ba’thist parties could exist.
However, the regime did not recognize the political associations formed
by Kurds, Assyrians, Turkomans, and Shi’ites. Although elections for the
National Assembly were held in March 2000, the candidates either be-
longed to the Ba’th Party (which won 165 seats), or ran as unaffiliated but
pro-government candidates (these won 55 seats), or were appointed by
the President (30 seats). No candidates ran as representatives of parties
other than the Ba’th. Dissent within the party, the bureaucracy, or the
army was not tolerated – this was, in fact, almost invariably lethal to the
dissenters. Opposition was severely repressed – not only were opposition
parties illegal but also membership of some of them was punishable by
Real opposition was to be found only outside Iraq, or in areas of the
north beyond the control of Baghdad since the early nineties. Indepen-
dent trade unions did not exist. In the Kurdish area outside the gov-
ernment’s control, a regional parliament was elected in 1992; however,
because of infighting between the Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP) and
the Patriotic Union of Kurds (PUK), it has not met since 1995.
However, it became apparent after the fall of the Ba’th regime that
one element of civil society had not been crushed. The mosque is a centre
where people continued to meet and socialize and Islamic groups and
solidarities in Iraq tended to survive, despite the repression and the
attempt by the state to intimidate, co-opt, and patronize the religious
establishment. Prominent clerics have networks of disciples and lay emu-
lators, and a share of religious taxes. Despite the former regime’s best
efforts to suppress and co-opt Shi’ism, we have witnessed the sudden
proliferation of Shi’ite groups.
(a) The systematic, widespread and extremely grave violations of human rights
and of international humanitarian law by the Government of Iraq, resulting
in an all-pervasive repression and oppression sustained by broad-based dis-
crimination and widespread terror;
IRAQ 201
Amnesty International (AI) has been reporting for years on such viola-
tions.19 In its 2001 annual report, AI reported that in the year 2000,
‘‘[t]orture and ill-treatment were widespread, and new punishments, in-
cluding beheading and the amputation of the tongue, were reportedly
introduced. Non-Arabs, mostly Kurds, continued to be forcibly expelled
from their homes in the Kirkuk area to Kurdistan.’’20 Also in 2001, AI
issued several appeals, among them one entitled, ‘‘Iraq: Relentless ex-
ecutions must end.’’ AI called for an immediate moratorium on execu-
tions, commenting that ‘‘[t]he high rate of executions in Iraq shows a
continuing disregard for human life.’’21 On 15 August, it issued a report
saying that, ‘‘[t]orture is used systematically against political detainees in
Iraqi prisons and detention centers. The scale and severity of torture in
Iraq can only result from the acceptance of its use at the highest level,’’
noting that this is in violation of the ICCPR, which Iraq ratified in 1971.22
According to Max van der Stoel, who served as Special Rapporteur of
the Commission on Human Rights on the situation of human rights in
Iraq from 1992 to 1999, there were an estimated 16,496 outstanding cases
of missing persons in Iraq during that period, the vast majority of them
Kurds who disappeared during the Anfal Campaign23 (discussed at
length below). This rendered Iraq the country with the highest number of
disappearances reported to the Working Group established by the Com-
mission on Human Rights.
Some human rights groups have placed the number of missing persons
over the past 35 years as high as 300,000, most of them presumed dead.
After the fall of the regime, Iraqis started digging up suspected mass-
grave sites, looking for missing family members. According to Sandra
L. Hodgkinson, a State Department official who had been documenting
some of the sites for the American occupation forces in Iraq,
[t]he truly frightening part is that the number of suspected mass graves is so un-
fathomable (. . .) They are everywhere. Literally every neighborhood and town is
reporting possible grave sites, and from all different periods of time. I think we’re
going to find them everywhere.24
War has had a devastating effect on the economy of Iraq, on civil and
human rights, and on political rights as well. The Iran–Iraq war (or the
first Gulf War) lasted from 1980 to 1988 and had the most severe con-
sequences for both participants. The second Gulf War, precipitated by
the invasion of Kuwait in 1990, completed the devastation, practically
knocking Iraq back into the pre-industrial age. The subsequent economic
sanctions, which are still in place at the time of writing, have perpetuated
malnutrition, disease, death, and suffering. The invasion of Kuwait, which
brought down the regime of Saddam Hussein, has so far left the county in
Economic difficulties arising from the war with Iran were a major
causal factor in the invasion of Kuwait. The government responded to
IRAQ 203
the public sector’s difficulties amid war’s crushing economic burden with
a strategy of privatization. Privatization policies began in July 1982 and
further intensified in February 1987. They gave birth to an opportunistic
and state-dependent private sector, leading to higher inflation and eco-
nomic stagnation in Iraq, as well as increased social injustice and eco-
nomic inequality. The state became not only the main investor in the
economy but also the principal customer of private capital, nurturing a
private sector that is dependent on the state (not unlike Syria, another
Ba’thist state).26 Yet this was done at the expense of egalitarianism, par-
ticularly in the agricultural sector. Tighter governmental controls on the
public became necessary.
As economic stagnation intensified, the Iraqi regime became desper-
ate. The Kuwaiti government refused to cancel the debts the Iraqi gov-
ernment had incurred in the course of the war with Iran (perceived at the
time as a war that was fought partly in defence of Kuwait). When Kuwait
went on to exceed its production quota in the Organization of Petroleum-
Exporting Countries (OPEC) and entered into a dispute with Iraq over
drilling rights, the regime announced that Kuwait had declared economic
war on Iraq, and attempted to annex Kuwait.27 This only multiplied
Baghdad’s difficulties.
Kamran Mofid calculates the cost of the Iran–Iraq war for Baghdad to
be $452.6 billion. This amounts to 435 per cent of Iraq’s oil revenues
during the eight-year conflict or 112 per cent of its Gross National Prod-
uct (GNP) for each year of that war.28 Al-Nasrawi gives the figure of
$519 billion for the economic cost of the second Gulf War.29 This is equal
to 53 times Iraq’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 1993. The cost of
the two wars verged on one trillion dollars.
Another illuminating perspective is offered by tracing the change in
Iraq’s per capita GDP in 1980 prices: it rose from $1,745 in 1970 to $4,083
at the beginning of the Iran war in 1980, but then fell to $1,756 in 1988 at
the end of the war with Iran and to $627 at the end of the second Gulf
War in 1991.30 Iraq’s per capita GDP in 1991 in real terms was actually
less than in 1950, when per capita GDP (in 1980 prices) stood at $654 and
the population was only 5.2 million. By 1993, per capita GDP had fallen
from the 1991 figure of $627 to $485, although the population had in-
creased by only one million. The above figures of the costs of the two
wars tell their own story. It is hard to imagine that the regime’s functional
legitimacy could have survived – although, after the economic sanctions
started to bite, its ability to distribute desperately needed food rations
must have restored some of that loss. The regime had no way to substi-
tute for the loss of functional legitimacy, except to resort to repression;
with the carrot gone, one has to rely on the stick more heavily.
According to Workman, ‘‘[w]arfare . . . often tips the balance of social
forces in favor of dominant social groups. Warfare more often than not
reinforces existing asymmetries of social power; that is, it tends to the
maintenance of socially oppressive relations.’’31 In a nutshell, the cost of
the wars in which Iraq has been involved since 1980 has been borne by
the general population, ethnic minorities, labour, and women, while the
regime succeeded in enhancing its position – except in the 2003 war, nat-
The Shi’ites
Shi’ite unrest broke out in February 1977. By the end of the decade, as
many as 200,000 Shi’ites may have been stripped of their nationality and
forcibly deported to Iran.32 Selective repression of Shi’ites resumed in
the aftermath of the Iranian revolution and the advent of Khomeini to
power. Khomeini’s overt enmity to the Ba’thist regime and his exhorta-
tions to the Shi’ites of Iraq to religious rebellion were followed by assas-
sinations of scores of government officials by the Islamic Da’wa Party
(which had been founded in the late 1950s to combat atheism and com-
munism). Later, in April 1980, an attempt was made to assassinate Dep-
uty Prime Minister Tareq Aziz. Subsequently, there was an attack on the
funeral of those killed in the assassination attempt. Membership in the
Da’wa Party was made a capital offence and hundreds were executed.
Imam Muhammad Baqer al-Sadr, the guiding light of the party, and his
widely venerated sister, Bint al-Huda, were arrested, tortured, and killed.
Riots broke out in the south and many were killed; however, the vast
majority of Iraq’s Shi’ites remained loyal to their country throughout the
Iran–Iraq war.
It is clear that the government’s fear of Iran’s ability to foment dis-
content among the Shi’ite population, segments of which could be mobi-
lized by Iraqi clerics, was a precipitant of the Iran–Iraq war.33
In the aftermath of the invasion of Kuwait, some retreating soldiers
mounted a rebellion and took refuge among Shi’ite opponents of the re-
gime. The rebels, who numbered as many as 50,000, carried out bloody
massacres, and their repression by the regime was particularly brutal.
The insurgency spread to the cities of Najaf and Karbala’, holy to the
Shi’ites. The rebels mounted a fierce resistance to government forces and
took refuge in a number of holy shrines, which were shelled by the Re-
publican Guards in putting down the rebellion. A large number of people
(including civilians), estimated at the time at anywhere between 600
and 6,000, were killed; another 3,000–6,000 were taken prisoner.34 Ever
since the fall of the Ba’th regime, mass graves, each containing scores of
bodies, have been discovered in many places in the south. On 14 May
2003 the New York Times reported the discovery of a mass grave in Ma-
IRAQ 205
The Kurds
Iraqi Kurdistan covers about 17 per cent of the area of Iraq, constituting
the northern part of the country, including the oil-producing region of
Mosul and Kirkuk. After World War I, Britain attached the former Ot-
toman vilayet of Mosul to the former vilayets of Baghdad and Basra to
form the state of Iraq, over Kurdish objections. The Kurds have sought
independence and, in the pursuit of that objective, have been used, at
times wittingly or unwittingly, as pawns by the enemies of Iraq. There
were Kurdish rebellions in 1922 and 1930 stretching through 1931 and
1932. The first Barzani tribe rebellion in Iraq began in 1931. Mullah
Mustafa Barzani formed the KDP. During 1961–1963 the Iraqi army and
air force waged a campaign against Mullah Barzani’s forces – the pesh
merga (those who face death) – who numbered as many as 20,000 at the
time (and were to reach 50,000 in 1975).
In March 1970, the second Ba’thist regime struck an agreement
with the Kurds that granted them linguistic, educational, cultural, eco-
nomic, and political rights, including the appointment of a Kurdish vice-
The attack on civilians in the Kurdish town of Halabja is one of the most
notorious examples of the atrocities attributed to the reign of Saddam
Hussein, an incident which was behind President George Bush’s repeated
references to the Iraqi regime gassing its own people. On 16 March 1988,
the town of Halabja was bombed with poison gas (killing about 5,000
Kurds). This reportedly occurred during a counter-attack by the Iraqis,
who had been driven out of the town by the PUK fighting alongside
the Iranians.40 Immediately after the battle the United States Defense
Intelligence Agency investigated, and produced a classified report that
maintained that the Kurds had died from Iranian, not Iraqi, chemical
weapons. As the report was classified, it is hard to explain its conclusions
as part of an effort to support Iraq.
Stephen Pelletiere was the senior political analyst on Iraq for the Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the war with Iran and led an US
Army investigation in 1991, which went into great detail about Halabja.
He wrote in an op-ed piece in the New York Times:
This much about the gassing at Halabja we undoubtedly know: it came about in
the course of a battle between Iraqis and Iranians. Iraq used chemical weapons to
try to kill Iranians who had seized the town, which is in northern Iraq not far
from the Iranian border. The Kurdish civilians who died had the misfortune to be
caught up in that exchange. But they were not Iraq’s main target (. . .) The agency
did find that each side used gas against the other in the battle around Halabja.
The condition of the dead Kurds’ bodies, however, indicated they had been killed
with a blood agent – that is, a cyanide-based gas – which Iran was known to use.
The Iraqis, who are thought to have used mustard gas in the battle, are not
known to have possessed blood agents at the time.41
IRAQ 207
supplies or medical care. Villages were razed and surviving villagers were
prohibited from rebuilding, or returning to, their villages.
The Kurdish population of the cities was not targeted in the Anfal
campaign. Prior to Anfal, Kurds who voluntarily moved from rebel areas
(‘‘prohibited areas’’ in the government’s jargon) to areas under govern-
ment control were resettled in housing complexes or ‘‘modern villages’’
or ‘‘new cities,’’ and were referred to in government documents as ‘‘re-
turnees to the national ranks.’’ Those remaining in the prohibited areas
were subject to execution.
Three years later, the Shi’ite rebellion in the wake of the expulsion of
Iraqi forces from Kuwait ignited a wide Kurdish rebellion, in which the
insurgents gained control of most of northern Iraq. On 6 March 1991,
Kurds in the town of Rania mounted a rebellion against the Baghdad re-
gime. All major Kurdish towns, including Kirkuk, rose up against Bagh-
dad. Government forces attacked, precipitating an exodus of between 1
million and 1.5 million Kurds. The uprising was crushed within three
weeks, but the United States, Britain, and France intervened and set up a
safe haven for the Kurds in the Dohuk governorate. Iraq withdrew its
troops from the Kurdish areas (except for Kirkuk) by October 1991, and
a Kurdish regional government was established following elections in
May 1992.
In August 1996, following internecine fighting between the KDP and
the PUK, Baghdad intervened in the Kurdish area at the request of the
KDP. Baghdad withdrew its forces following a US bombardment.
Impact on women
Between the period that the Ba’th came to power for a second time and
the first few years of the Iran–Iraq war, women benefited considerably
from the educational and professional opportunities created by the Iraqi
government and came to occupy high professional positions. They en-
joyed the same rights of citizenship as men, and were expected to con-
tribute their share to the development of Iraq. In 1980, 27 of the 250
members of the National Assembly were women. The General Federa-
tion of Iraqi Women was a nationwide institution that represented the
interests of women. The government subverted clan control over women
through its policies and legislation, such as the 1978 personal status laws,
which undermined patriarchal domination over women. That was to
change: during the war, as conditions deteriorated and the regime started
IRAQ 209
UN sanctions
During the six-week Gulf War, which began on 16 January 1991, more
bombs rained down on Iraq than had been dropped in all of World
War II. The relentless air campaign destroyed food processing and phar-
maceutical plants, power plants, sewage pumping stations, roads, and
Security Council Resolution 661, of 16 August 1990, had already es-
tablished a blanket embargo on all of Iraq’s imports and exports, with the
exception of ‘‘supplies intended strictly for medical purposes, and, in hu-
manitarian circumstances, foodstuffs,’’ according to paragraph 6c of the
resolution. Yet the exception was meaningless, as Iraq could not sell oil
to buy food or medicines. Death from starvation and disease, particularly
the dramatic rise in infant mortality, as a result of the targeting of the
country’s industrial infrastructure during the war and the economic sanc-
tions imposed since, should be viewed as a violation of human rights and,
in fact, qualifies as a crime against humanity.
It has been said many times that sanctions are blunt instruments. The
political target of the economic sanctions was the Iraqi regime but the
most profound effect of the sanctions has been on the most vulnerable
elements of the population – children, the aged, and the poor in general.
The mechanism by which sanctions may cause civilian hardship is rel-
atively well understood: all non-essential supplies are prohibited, result-
ing in shortages of many civilian-related items. Meanwhile, restricted
access to foreign markets contributes to economic depression – including
soaring unemployment, rising inflation, and a higher cost of living. These
problems may translate, at the level of the family, into stress, extreme
poverty, malnutrition, and poor health, which can be particularly devas-
tating to children.46
Sanctions affect food and agriculture, medicines and medical services.
Vaccination programmes for children in Iraq were impaired. Infectious
diseases spread because of the deterioration of the water supply and
sanitation facilities. There has been a steep increase in unemployment,
inflation, and family debt. By September 1991, less than a year after the
war, 48 per cent of households in Iraq had incurred heavy sanctions-
related debt.47
The impairment of Iraq’s water and sewerage systems as a result of the
sanctions has had profound public health consequences for the popula-
tion. Prior to the sanctions, potable water networks distributed over four
million cubic metres (MCM) of treated water to 93 per cent of the urban
and 70 per cent of the rural population. Before the 2003 war, water-
treatment plants were operating at about 50 per cent capacity and most
sewage-treatment plants had stopped chemical treatment altogether. Pipe
networks had many breaks, resulting in sewage overflows and dangerous
cross-connections between water and sewage lines. Untreated sewage
was pumped directly into the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, along which
two-thirds of Iraq’s population lives.48
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
reported in 1995 over a million deaths in Iraq, of which 570,000 were
among children. It described 4 million people as starving. UNICEF’s
1999 Iraq Child and Maternal Mortality survey measured the difference
between mortality rates for children in Iraq for the 25 years from March
1974 to March 1999; a sufficiently long period was chosen before and
after the war to permit the emergence of trends. UNICEF collected its
own data, using interviews and questionnaires, and did not rely on Iraqi
government data. Separate surveys were conducted for the Kurdish re-
gion in the north under UN control and the 15 southern governorates
controlled by the Baghdad government. The survey of the southern re-
gions found that the under-five mortality rate had increased from 56
deaths per 1,000 live births in 1984–1989, to 92 deaths per 1,000 live
births in 1989–1994, to 131 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1994–1999.49
Projecting trends that preceded the war and comparing that with the ex-
IRAQ 211
isting situation permitted the deduction that half a million more children
under the age of five years had died since the end of the war than would
have been the case if the war had not occurred and the sanctions had not
been imposed.50 The survey also found that, although the maternal mor-
tality rate was not high, maternal deaths were, nevertheless, a leading
cause of deaths among women, accounting for 31 per cent of adult female
A study commissioned by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNI-
CEF) recommends that a Child Impact Assessment be prepared prior to
the imposition of sanctions, and that the application of sanctions should
be subject to close monitoring to assess its impact on human rights.52
Denis Halliday, the former United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator
in Iraq (and Assistant Secretary-General for Human Resources Manage-
ment), who resigned his post in autumn 1998 in protest against what he
witnessed in Iraq, points out that the oil-for-food programme ‘‘was de-
signed to prevent further deterioration, not more than that.’’53 Halliday
has written that the economic sanctions constitute a crime against hu-
manity. He has also pointed out that the economic sanctions are under-
mining family life and the previously strong family values in Iraq, which
is certainly not a situation that is conducive to the emergence of democ-
racy or the cessation of human rights violations. The US State Depart-
ment places the blame for the situation squarely on Saddam Hussein
for not taking up the oil-for-food programme immediately when it was
offered, and also blames him for delays in food distribution; Halliday
dismisses this attitude as simplistic and dishonest. The oil-for-food pro-
gramme may have prevented massive starvation, but it did not allow for
the rebuilding of Iraq’s infrastructure devastated by war, and economic
recovery is essential if the country’s public health system is to be rebuilt.
The primary rationale for clinging on to the economic sanctions after
all those years was that they were to be kept in place until Iraq got rid of
its weapons of mass destruction. However, the sanctions themselves have
probably been responsible for the deaths of more people in Iraq than all
those killed by all weapons of mass destruction throughout history.54
Sadly, even if one accepts the high figure of 300,000 for the victims of
state repression, and if one adds another 200,000 to represent the victims
of the Anfal campaign (although there is certainly strong overlap be-
tween the two categories, so that the numbers cannot simply be added as,
in fact, the second group may simply be a subset of the first), the awful
truth is that the UN sanctions claimed more victims than did govern-
mental repression.
The sanctions regime was eased. Iraq was eventually allowed to sell as
much oil as it could, bearing in mind that the infrastructure of its oil in-
dustry had not been fully repaired. Nevertheless, the economic situation
and the plight of ordinary Iraqis improved. According to the CIA World
Factbook, Iraq’s GDP grew at the rate of 15 per cent in 2000, and per
capita income had risen to $2,500 a year.55 In mid-May 2002, the Security
Council adopted Resolution 1409, effectively allowing Iraq to buy what-
ever it wants (except for a 332-page checklist for so-called ‘‘dual use’’
What would a solution to Iraq’s problems look like? Wars change history
in unforeseen ways. Any recommendations made here are subject to the
proviso that the occupation authority will, in fact, do what is necessary to
install a democratic regime in Iraq. Democracy is a normative and ‘‘con-
structed’’ aspiration, not the normal condition of human societies or a
form of society and polity that somehow emerges by default. The 2003
war has deposed the Ba’thist regime but has left behind a chaotic situa-
tion: law and order have to be established; an efficient bureaucracy has to
be rebuilt. We are reminded by Abbas Alnasrawi that, despite Iraq’s oil
wealth, we have been witnesses to ‘‘the destruction of development.’’56
Economic reconstruction is needed.
This chapter has identified seven main sources of human rights viola-
tions in Iraq. The war has eliminated a number of these; others remain to
be dealt with.
First, it was argued that Iraq was an ideocratic rentier state as a source
of human rights violations. Not only has the Ba’thist regime gone, but so
have its repressive institutions; what remains to be seen is whether a lib-
eral democracy will take its place. A new constitution is needed: Iraq
must become a country of laws. A parliamentary (rather than a presi-
dential) system of government, with an independent judiciary, would be
the best place to start. State institutions must be rebuilt.
A prominent threat to democratic government in Iraq would be the
emergence of an Islamic state, along the lines of the Islamic Republic of
Iran, where the country is led by a religious authority under the principle
of velayat-e faqih (rule of the jurisprudent), particularly if the principle of
popular sovereignty is trumped by the veto of a council of guardians
whenever the council feels that legislation passed by parliament is incon-
sistent with divine law or the Shari’ah. In particular, one should ask if
the dominant Shi’ite factions in Iraq support the idea of velayat-e faqih.
Iraq’s Shi’ites do not have a united position and it is not clear, at the time
of writing, which group will be dominant. The Supreme Council of the
Islamic Revolution in Iraq, or SCIRI, has favoured the idea of velayat-e
faqih, but this position is weakening. Al-Da’wa al-Islamiyah, another
IRAQ 213
major group, was founded in the 1950s by Muhsin al-Hakim, who out-
lined a system of Islamic government in which an elected assembly could
substitute for the imam; this goes against the idea of velayat-e faqih. An-
other major group is led by Muqtada al-Sadr, a young firebrand with a
large number of followers, who has adopted an anti-US position. Muq-
tada al-Sadr is a religious follower of Kathem al-Ha’iri, who resides in
Qom in Iran and believes in velayat-e faqih – whereas Muqtada himself
does not and seems to be rather secular in many ways. Finally, there is
the traditional Shi’ite establishment, which survived the rule of Saddam,
led by Ayatollah Ali Sistani. He is opposed to the politicization of reli-
gion but is challenged by the more radical Shi’ites. In principle, it should
be possible for an Islamic Democratic Party to arise.
It can be concluded from the above that there will be a struggle for
supremacy among these factions. However, one ought to remember that
the Shi’ites in Iraq have been part of a secular tradition for eight decades.
The upsurge in Shi’ite self-affirmation may largely be the result of a
sudden-found liberty after a quarter-century of oppression by Saddam
and the Ba’th.
Second, Iraq should cease to be a rentier state. However, denationaliz-
ing Iraq’s oil industry after 12 years of economic sanctions runs the risk
of foreign ownership or control of the country’s natural resources. To
eliminate the risk to democracy posed by oil revenues accruing to the
state, it is not necessary to denationalize Iraq’s oil: it will be sufficient
to place oil revenues under the control of parliament rather than of the
executive. The fiscal autonomy of the state from society should end, the
state should be made dependent on tax revenues, and parliament should
wield the power of the purse. An efficient and honest tax-collection sys-
tem is required. If parliament controls the power of the purse, it will have
real and effective power. Aside from the oil sector, economic privatiza-
tion plans should be pursued.
Third, while the US and British military intervention in Iraq has put an
end to the sultanistic state, war cannot, unfortunately, erase the legacy of
that state. One result of this legacy is that civil society has been emptied
of content. Civil society – a set of organizations (such as political parties,
labour unions, employers’ associations, NGOs, civil rights organizations,
and parent–teacher associations) that act as intermediaries between the
people and the state – will have to be created. At the moment, Iraq does
not represent fertile ground for the emergence of a effective civil society.
It will take many months – probably years – to inculcate the norms, atti-
tudes, and political culture needed, to create the necessary organizations
and institutions, and to institute checks and balances.
There were political parties in Iraq under the monarchy from 1921 to
1948, which functioned within a parliamentary system. Opposition parties
were tolerated, and debate and contestation of state policies was per-
mitted. Parliament did exercise influence over state policy, although the
executive enjoyed a great deal of power. There were over 23 indepen-
dent newspapers published in Iraq. Can Iraq simply return to that kind
of society overnight? Regrettably, this is unlikely: it takes time to form
political parties, as they need time to develop platforms and to mature;
unions and associations do not spring up overnight, particularly given the
lack of trust and social cohesion.
Fourth, the Ba’th regime sought to maintain a stranglehold on power,
in part because of its fear of a military coup. This fear is legitimate and
could re-emerge in the future, constituting a threat to democracy and
human rights. One way to get the army to stay in its barracks is through
socialization and the creation of a political culture that acknowledges that
politicians, not the military, should rule. Institutional measures can also
be taken – such as creating a balance between the army and the national
guard. The army could be kept relatively small and sizeable national
guard units could be made truly professional and battle ready, to be
called up only and exclusively at times of war.
Fifth, to end the problem of warfare, Iraq should be demilitarized for
25 years (emulating post-World War II arrangements with Germany and
Japan), which should allow the state to focus on development. The mili-
tary embargo has not been lifted; perhaps it should be kept in place for a
generation, as long as Iraq’s security is guaranteed by the United States
or the United Nations.
Sixth, the ethnic conflict problem has not been eradicated. The solu-
tion to this difficulty may lie in the choice of a consociational model of
democracy – as in the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Lebanon, or
Malaysia – where different communities share power and there are guar-
antees against the dominance of any one community over the others.
This may be done first through constitutional guarantees that Kurds,
Sunni Arabs, and Shi’ites will be able to practise their religion, customs,
and traditions. In addition, these three communities must share power:
seats in parliament and positions in government can be allocated in a
manner proportional to the demographic ratio of each community in the
population; the three communities would also be represented in a fair
way in the bureaucracy and the army.
On 4 October 1992 the Kurdish legislative assembly, established in the
Kurdish no-fly zone in northern Iraq, unanimously adopted a law es-
pousing federalism as a solution for the Kurdish problem in Iraq. This
action was supported by the KDP, the PUK, and other Kurdish groups.
Although the law is not specific on the nature of federalism, in 2002 the
KDP submitted its own proposal concerning the nature of federalism in
Iraq: it recommends renaming the country as the Federal Republic of
IRAQ 215
1. Said Aburish, Saddam Hussein: The Politics of Revenge, New York: Bloomsbury, 2000,
p. 172.
2. UNICEF, Eric Hoskins, Consultant, Office of Emergency Programs, ‘‘The Impact of
Sanctions: A Study of UNICEF’s Perspective,’’ 1999, available at hhttp://www.unicef.
3. Amazia Baram, ‘‘The Ruling Political Elite in Ba’thi Iraq, 1968–1986: The Changing
Features of a Collective Profile,’’ International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 21,
No. 4, 1989, p. 447.
4. Ibid., p. 467.
5. Ernest Gellner, Conditions of Liberty, New York: Penguin Press, 1994, p. 137.
6. Samir Al-Khalil (Kanan Makiya), Republic of Fear: The Inside Story of Saddam’s Iraq,
New York: Pantheon Books, 1998, p. 128.
7. According to Makiya (Republic of Fear, p. 20), these include five agencies with over-
lapping duties: Jihaz a-Himaya al-Khas (the President’s Special Protection Apparatus);
Jihaz al-Mukhabarat al-’Ammah (General Intelligence Apparatus); Al-Istikhbarat al-
’Askariyah (Military Intelligence); Mudiriyat al-Amn al-’Ammah (General Security Di-
rectorate); and Maktab al-Amn al-Qawmi (Bureau of National Security).
8. Tareq Y. Ismael and Jacqueline S. Ismael, ‘‘Iraq’s Interrupted Revolution,’’ Current
History, Vol. 84, No. 498, January 1985, p. 30.
9. Phebe Marr, The Modern History of Iraq, Boulder: Westview, 1985, p. 242.
10. Economic rent may be defined as the difference between the market price of a good
or factor of production and its opportunity cost. Such states enjoy a strategic position
that allows them to set oil prices well above the opportunity cost for the oil they are
11. Dirk Vandewalle, ‘‘Islam in Algeria: Religion, Culture, and Opposition in a Rentier
State,’’ in John L. Esposito, ed., Political Islam: Revolution, Radicalism or Reform?
Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1997.
12. Juan Linz and Alfred Stepan, Problems of Democratic Transitions and Consolidation,
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996, pp. 51–54.
13. Zuhair al-Jaza’iri, ‘‘Ba’thist Ideology and Practice,’’ in Fran Hazelton, ed., Iraq since the
Gulf War, London: Zed, 1994, pp. 30–51.
14. Said K. Aburish, Saddam Hussein: The Politics of Revenge, London: Bloomsbury, 2000.
15. See Juan Linz and Alfred Stepan, particularly chapter 1.
44. See The Anfal Campaign in Iraqi Kurdistan: The Destruction of Koreme, New York:
Middle East Watch and Physicians for Human Rights, 1993.
45. Amnesty International, Report 2001, p. 132.
46. UNICEF, ‘‘The Impact of Sanctions.’’
47. Ibid., 7.
48. Roger Normand, ‘‘Iraqi Sanctions, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law,’’ Middle East
Report (Merip), Summer 1997, p. 2, also available online at h
49. UNICEF, South Center Mortality Survey – Full Report; Chapter 8: ‘‘Infant and Child
Mortality,’’ 11/08/01, p. 5, also available online at h
50. UNICEF, Iraq: Under-five Mortality, 05/29/01, also available online at hhttp://www.
51. UNICEF, Results of the 1999 Iraq Child and Maternal Mortality Surveys, ‘‘Survey of the
15 Southern Governorates,’’ pp. 15–16, also available online at h
52. UNICEF, ‘‘The Impact of Sanctions,’’ p. 4.
53. Denis Halliday, ‘‘Economic Sanctions on the People of Iraq: First Degree Murder or
Manslaughter?’’ AAUG Monitor, Vol. 15, No. 1, Spring 2000.
54. John Mueller and Karl Mueller, ‘‘The Methodology of Mass Destruction: Assessing
Threats in the New World Order,’’ Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 23, No. 1, March
2000, pp. 163–187.
55. As cited in Howard Schneider, ‘‘Little by Little, Iraq Shows Signs of Economic Life,’’
Washington Post, 17 May 2002, p. A01.
56. Abbas Alnasrawi, The Economy of Iraq: Oil, Wars, Destruction of Development and
Prospects, 1950–2010, Westport: Greenwood Press, 1994.
57. See Edmund Gharib, ‘‘The Kurdish Issue,’’ in Shams Inati, ed., Iraq: Its History, People,
and Politics, New York: Humanity Books, 2003.
Exploring the dynamics of human
rights and reform: Iran, Pakistan,
and Turkey
Mahmood Monshipouri1
the widely held perception that the Iranian clerics constitute a unified
and homogeneous social stratum and that they are universally inimical to
the separation of Church and State, they are deeply divided. In fact, a
small faction of the clerics now dominates the state apparatus, indicating
obvious divisions within the clerical hierarchy.26
The clerics have been extremely careful to initiate economic liberal-
ization without political reforms. Even so, the theocracy’s collective
leadership has created a regime more tolerant in some ways than that of
the late Shah. For instance, Iran’s parliament today is ‘‘a far cry from the
rubber stamp that existed during the rule of the Shah.’’27 Although Iran’s
political institutions provide a setting for managing factional rivalries
peacefully, the fact remains that the institutions have themselves been
manipulated and in some instances subverted by the ruling élites.28
In the first decade since revolution, the ratios of real government ex-
penditures to the real GDP decreased to a low of 9 per cent in 1988 and
then rose to a high of 24 per cent in 1993. Ratios of government revenues
to real GDP followed the same trend during the period. This decline was
caused largely by the decrease in oil revenues, which in turn resulted
from the ravages of the eight years of the Iran–Iraq War (1980–1988)
and the national policy of economic independence and self-sufficiency.29
The government’s system of subsidy, including subsidies for basic com-
modities and hidden subsidies for gasoline (petrol), proved insufficient.
The recent proposal to start direct subsidies to low-income families has
been comparatively effective. This system, however, runs into ineffici-
encies and corruption in government circles.30
Income inequalities and poverty intensified during Iran’s Second De-
velopment Plan (1995–2000). Published records, according to one expert,
indicate that 20 per cent of the people own 80 per cent of the country’s
wealth; the share of the bottom 10 per cent is 1.5 per cent. Approx-
imately 20 per cent of the Iranian people go hungry; 15 per cent of
five-year-old children are shorter than normal, and 11 per cent are under-
weight as a result of malnutrition.31 Throughout the Second Plan, the
public sector expanded well beyond the previous period. The recipients
of government subsidies and rent-seeking beneficiaries of state largess
have resisted the public sector’s downsizing. Several dozen parastatal
bonyads (Islamic charitable foundations), which pay virtually no taxes
but have access to public perks and often are not subject to government
regulation, continue to exert control over the economy through their
connections with the country’s clerical nomenklatura.32
Meanwhile, the economy’s dependence on oil and gas has intensified.
Because of continued public investment in oil and gas exploration and in
refining, petrochemicals, steel, and aluminium, the state reinforced its
assets rather than selling them via a consistent privatization programme.
Since the partition of the British raj into India and Pakistan and the cre-
ation of the latter as a Muslim country in 1947, Pakistan has undergone a
turbulent process of nation building, seeking to create consensus and in-
stitutions sufficient for stability. The struggle to establish parliamentary
democracy in a federal setting has been hampered by inter-ethnic strife,
fragmented élites, praetorian rule, and regional and global influences.
Four times since 1947 (in 1958, 1969, 1977, and 1999), military officers
have administered governments through either martial law or caretaker
mechanisms, seeking to gain legitimacy en route to nation building. In
the latest military take-over, the parliamentary government of Nawaz
Sharif was suspended on 12 October 1999; two days later, General Pervez
Musharraf declared a state of emergency and issued the Provisional
Constitutional Order (PCO).
Instead of promoting the tradition of civilian supremacy bequeathed
by Great Britain, civilian rulers have often relied on the military to pre-
serve power. The military, which is dominated by Punjabis and repre-
sents landed and industrial interests, regards its dominance of Pakistan
politics as vital to any attempt to safeguard the country’s territorial in-
tegrity in the face of perplexing ethnic, linguistic, and regional diversity.
Military and non-military governments have appealed to Islam to main-
tain their legitimacy and uphold different political, economic, and class
The economic situation in Pakistan was overwhelmed by the country’s
debt crisis. Pakistan has a foreign debt of $38 billion, and its domestic
economy is in deep recession.41 Investors have closely followed the con-
troversy created by Religious Minister Mahmood Ghazi in January 2001,
when he said that the government would fix interest (riba) by 1 July 2001,
in accordance with a Supreme Court ruling on Islamicizing the economy.
Thus far, General Pervez Musharraf has placated militant Islamic funda-
mentalist parties, who are keen on the creation of an Islamic system.42
Other studies have shown that Pakistan spends 67 per cent of its bud-
get to service interest repayment on its massive external debt.43 Many
aspects of the economy at the end of 1999 showed no sign of economic
progress. Aside from exports, Pakistan’s two other sources of foreign ex-
change – foreign investment and remittances from overseas Pakistani
workers – have also shown a drastic decline. The poor performance
of Sharif’s government led to the 12 October 1999 military coup. The
country’s ruling élites owed $4 billion in non-performing and defaulted
loans to state-owned banks at the time of the coup.44 The military’s own
huge budget raises serious questions about the prospects of reviving the
economy. Preoccupied with a fully fledged nuclear weapons programme,
the military cannot afford to cut its budget unless there is peace with
India – a prospect that remains unrealistic for the foreseeable future.
Meanwhile, these dire economic straits have fuelled Islamic militancy.45
To these difficulties could be added other formidable economic prob-
lems. During 2000, the country remained vulnerable to regular price
hikes with all the features of an uneven economy. International monetary
institutions contributed, however indirectly, to this unevenness by their
insistence on the withdrawal of price subsidies. Corruption was also per-
vasive; and the problems of governance, a growing population, and low
literacy rate stunted the country’s economic growth. Before the end of
the year, the IMF and other IFIs allowed new loans to Pakistan, which
prevented a complete economic breakdown while encouraging the mili-
tary regime to contemplate an ambitious privatization programme.46
In Pakistan, the identity problem has reached crisis proportions. Be-
cause Pakistan came into being as a separate political identity to provide
an independent homeland for Muslims on the Indian subcontinent, the
religious identity of the community and the political legitimacy of the
state have become inextricably intertwined. Ever since its creation, Islam
has been a common thread holding diverse groups together. It continues
to bind the country: in the face of economic adversities, Islam has been
dominant in bridging ethnic differences and neutralizing subnationalistic
the newly formed Virtue Party (the Fazilet). Before being banned, Refah
took part in three coalition governments between 1973 and 1980. From
1991 to 1995, however, a coalition of the centre-right True Path Party and
the leftist Social Democratic Populist Party ruled Turkey. During that
period, tensions caused by the economy and the Kurdish crisis in the
south-east increased Islam’s political voice and revitalized Islamic move-
In the late 1995 parliamentary elections, the Refah Party won with 21.3
per cent of the vote; by June 1996 it had become the senior partner of the
governing bloc in parliament. After the formation of the coalition gov-
ernment, media pundits routinely speculated on the military’s role in the
country’s stability and order. Under heavy pressure from the military
(which exerted considerable influence over the political transformation),
Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan resigned on 18 June 1997, after
eleven turbulent months in office. Then-President Demirel granted
Motherland Party leader Mesut Yilmaz approval to form a new govern-
ment on 30 June 1997. Yilmaz was the prime minister until his govern-
ment was subjected to a vote of no confidence on 25 November 1998. In
June of 1999, a coalition government led by Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit
of the Democratic Left (DSP), which included the far-right National
Action Party (MHP), won a vote of confidence. As mentioned above, in
the national election of 3 November 2003, Abdullah Gul became the
country’s new prime minister.
The deep roots of military intervention in politics (1960, 1971, and
1980) and the military’s regular behind-the-scenes powers continue to
render precarious the realization of human rights in Turkey. During the
military rule of the early 1980s, all civil and political rights were sus-
pended. Restrictions were gradually lifted in 1983, when multi-party par-
liamentary elections were held. Since 1987, Turkey has become a party to
various international human rights conventions, including the European
Convention of Human Rights, the European Convention Against Tor-
ture, and the UN Convention Against Torture.
Turkey has also recognized the compulsory jurisdiction of the Euro-
pean Court of Human Rights; has signed the UN Convention on the
Rights of the Child, the revised European Social Code, and the Paris
Charter; and has accepted the Ninth Additional Protocol to the Euro-
pean Convention on Human Rights. Nevertheless, many cases of torture
and ill-treatment (which are reported in annual reports of Human Rights
Watch) illustrate the widespread nature of human rights abuses in Turkey.
The military, still an overriding force in the country’s politics, continues
to be a factor in restricting civil rights, such as freedom of expression.
Many abuses are reported by detainees accused of theft and other com-
mon criminal offences, as well as by those interrogated under the Anti-
Terror Law.58 During the year 2000, the European Court of Human
Rights found Turkey responsible for ‘‘disappearance, extra-judicial exe-
cution, death in custody, torture, and suppression of freedom of expres-
sion in numerous new decisions.’’59
On balance, as Middle East observers argue, the military has been
more instrumental in building state apparatuses than in creating strong
economies. By strengthening the state apparatus and the public sector,
military rulers have structured the political arena along corporatist
models: ‘‘Order has taken precedence over mobilization, organic unity
over pluralism, discipline over spontaneity.’’60 The combination of war
and military rule has been the major barrier to the genesis of more liberal
political practices, if not to democracy itself. Further, the region’s linger-
ing and unresolved conflicts keep the military in the thick of the political
fray and enable it to exert claims to substantial resources.61
Turkey’s economic liberalization policies were accompanied by little or
no political democratization. Income distribution became less equitable
as a result of years of liberalization. Despite a preference throughout the
1980s for restructuring of the metropolitan municipalities, the Turkish
political system remained largely centralist.62 The greater emphasis on
the private sector notwithstanding, by the mid-1990s the public enter-
prises produced about one-third of the total output in the manufacturing
industry.63 During the 1980s and early 1990s, foreign and domestic debt
rose sharply, the public deficit increased, high rates of inflation became
chronic, and privatization proved problematic. These difficulties became
even more pronounced under the True Path Party–Socialist Democratic
Populist Party coalition government that ensued, forcing Turkey once
again to adopt strict stabilization programmes in the spring of 1994.64
The economic crises of late 2000 and early 2001 demonstrated that the
austerity programmes, rising unemployment, and an increase in the num-
ber of companies going bankrupt have led to loss of faith in the liberal-
izing measures.65
More recently, Turkey has announced a package of austerity measures
aimed at winning between $10 billion and $12 billion in new foreign loans
and restoring confidence in the country’s battered economy.66 To this
end, the government will cut spending by 9 per cent and freeze hiring by
the state’s bloated bureaucracy. This means that the lira, the country’s
currency, will continue to float and the government will not protect the
currency. Many people in Turkey have protested against such an ap-
proach, fearing that it will lead to the doubling of prices and hundreds of
thousands of lay-offs.67
Since the late 1990s, Turkey has intensified its lucrative commercial
and financial ties with Europe and is now regarded as one of the world’s
ten most promising emerging markets by the US government. Turkey,
however, has yet to display full compliance with the Copenhagen rules
(which are guidelines established in 1993 requiring EU applicants to
build Western-style democratic institutions in an effort to guarantee the
rule of law, individual rights, and protection of minorities).68
The military’s economic power base figures prominently in the coun-
try’s economic configuration. The powerful, activist, officer corps holds a
firm grip on certain aspects of the economy. Eric Rouleau describes this
situation as ‘‘mercantile militarism.’’ Rouleau writes: ‘‘[I]t is the chief
of staff, not the prime minister, the cabinet, or the parliament, who over-
sees arms production and procurement (which do not figure in the state
budget). It is also the general staff that draws up the annual budget of
the armed forces (even though it absorbs more than a third of state
revenues).’’69 Additionally, the military controls several industries, in-
cluding the most lucrative one, OYAK, which is a vast conglomerate
comprising some 30 enterprises in sectors as diverse as automobile man-
ufacturing, cement works, food processing, pesticides, petroleum, tour-
ism, insurance, banking, real estate, supermarkets, and high technology.
Despite its leaders’ claims that secularism and democracy are the two
fundamental concepts that bind the people together, the contradictions of
the Turkish political system are obvious. The military is so powerful and
ethnic diversity so little respected that some experts have called our at-
tention to Turkey as ‘‘the great laboratory of Westernization in the world
of Islam, and the epic battleground of resistance to it.’’70 Others have
argued that Turkey – at first glance, and better than any other country –
dramatizes the paradox of Westernization. Yet a closer examination re-
veals that the real cultural clash is not between modernity and tradition
but between contrasting visions of modernity. It is in such a context that
the emergence in Turkey of multiple identities – such as Kurdish identity,
Islamism, Kemalism, or pan-Turkism – must be seen.71 Turkey appears
to be the solution to preserving the right to cultural and ethnic diversity.
Some observers, however, have warned that such diversity cannot come
at the expense of Turkey’s territorial integrity.72
Without a democratic framework in place, these multiple identities and
cultural traits are becoming more explicit and harder to reconcile.73 The
Turkish state shows few signs of admitting the presence of alternative
national identities.74 Arguably, major economic progress and increased
democratization in south-east Turkey are likely to alleviate some symp-
toms of the crisis. Ultimately, however, there is a consensus among ex-
perts that only a solution that underscores the ethnic character of the
problem will be a lasting solution: ‘‘at a minimum that means a clear
recognition of the existence of the Kurds as a culturally distinct identity,
and recognition of the rights of Kurds to express their culture fully under
a system of cultural autonomy.’’75 Thus far, the state’s repressive meth-
ods of coping with the quest for recognition by the Kurds (by far the
country’s largest non-Turkish-speaking group) have complicated and
prolonged the Kurdish security problem, with no solution in sight in the
immediate future.76
In south-eastern Turkey, many human rights violations have been di-
rectly linked to the Kurdish question. Since 1984, the war between the
Turkish government and the Kurdish Workers’ Party (Partiya Karkeren
Kurdistan; PKK) has claimed over 30,000 lives.77 The Kurdish question
has become one of the most formidable challenges facing the Turkish
Republic since its establishment (1923) and is certainly the key obstacle
to its aspiration to full integration with the EU.78 The Kurds have be-
come increasingly disenchanted with the PKK: only a minority of the
Kurds see the PKK as their main representative organ, and the majority
do not desire a separate Kurdish state. A significant number of Kurdish
people have integrated into Turkish society.79 With the PKK militarily
vanquished and its leader, Abdullah Ocalan, arrested, Turkey is expected
to accelerate the process of democratization as well as the process of
granting cultural rights to the Kurds. ‘‘In its relations with the European
Union and international human rights bodies,’’ experts concur, ‘‘Turkey’s
very defeat of the PKK rebellion makes it increasingly difficult to justify
restrictions on cultural rights.’’80
The Turkish government has, to date, refused to sign either the (Eu-
ropean) Framework Convention on Minorities or the European Charter
for Regional or Minority Language. Recently, it signed the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which addresses the issue of na-
tional minorities, but it is unclear whether the government will make a
reservation to the document.81 Europeanized secular élite groups, and
religious elements who defend an ‘‘Eastern’’ way of life, constitute the
opposite poles of a renewed cultural struggle to determine the country’s
future course. Opening up to the EU in order to gain recognition as a
partner has failed to bring about reconciliation between the two sides.
lief and Growth Facility (PRGF), and regional organizations such as the
EU and the Commonwealth of Nations, is critical to political viability and
international legitimacy.91 The regional organizations must balance their
commercial and strategic interests, such as trade and investment con-
tracts, with human rights concerns. The EU’s two-track approach toward
Iran – that is, condemning human rights violations in Iran while support-
ing the reformist policies of President Khatami – is a proper strategy.92
These countries’ dilemmas in dealing with liberalization programmes
represent a microcosm of the problems facing the developing world,
where adjustment programmes have come at uncertain costs. Political
will and right planning will properly address the questions of equity and
transparency. If bloodshed, uprisings, or any other form of instability are
to be avoided in these countries, their leaders must opt for a viable re-
form strategy that combines economic liberalization and the expansion of
civil society. Equally crucial will be the pressure of the international
community in demanding close adherence to international human rights
laws and conventions.
1. Some of the discussions here have been further elaborated in the author’s Islamism,
Secularism, and Human Rights in the Middle East, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Pub-
lishers, 1998.
2. William Spencer, ‘‘The Middle East: Cradle of Islam,’’ in William Spencer, ed., Global
Studies: The Middle East, 8th edition, Guilford: Dushkin/McGraw Hill, 2000, p. 12.
3. Alan Richards and John Waterbury, A Political Economy of the Middle East, 2nd edi-
tion, Boulder: Westview, 1996, p. 222.
4. Roundtable, ‘‘Civil Society in Iran and the Middle East,’’ Discourse: An Iranian Quar-
terly, Vol. 2, No. 2, Winter 2001, p. 5.
5. Ibid., pp. 6–7.
6. Human Rights Watch World Report 2001, New York: Human Rights Watch, 2000, p. 378.
7. For more on this, see Amnesty International at hwww.amnesty.orgi.
8. Human Rights Watch World Report 2001, New York: Human Rights Watch, 2000, p. 213.
9. Sten Widmalm, ‘‘The Rise and Fall of Democracy in Jammu and Kashmir,’’ Asian Sur-
vey, Vol. 37, No. 11, November 1997, pp. 1005–1030.
10. Human Rights Watch World Report 2001, p. 325.
11. Ibid., p. 327.
12. Mahmood Monshipouri, Islamism, Secularism, and Human Rights in the Middle East,
p. 224.
13. Human Rights Watch World Report 2001, p. 329.
14. Ibid., p. 329.
15. James A. Bill and Robert Springborg, Politics in the Middle East, 5th edition, New
York: Longman, 2000, p. 171.
16. Ervand Abrahamian, ‘‘Iran,’’ in Mark Kesselman, Joel Krieger, and William A. Joseph,
eds, Introduction to Comparative Politics: Political Challenges and Changing Agendas,
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2000, pp. 607–654.
17. Daniel Brumberg, Reinventing Khomeini: The Struggle for Reform in Iran, Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 127, 151.
18. Jon B. Alterman, ‘‘Iran: Came the Revolution,’’ Current History, Vol. 100, No. 642,
January 2001, p. 29.
19. Ibid., p. 29.
20. Ibid., p. 32.
21. Mahmood Monshipouri, ‘‘Civil Society, Democracy, and Velayat-e Faqih,’’ Journal of
Iranian Research and Analysis, Vol. 15, No. 2, November 1999, pp. 106–107.
22. John L. Esposito and John O. Voll, Islam and Democracy, Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1996, p. 70.
23. See, for example, the writings and declarations of the Islamic philosopher Abdulkarim
Soroush, in which he rejects any official interpretation of Islam and warns against turn-
ing religion into an ideology. Hojatoleslam Mohsen Kadivar, a prominent cleric, has
also publicly espoused similar views. For a particularly informative analysis on this sub-
ject, see Dariush Zahedi, The Iranian Revolution, Then and Now: Indicators of Regime
Instability, Boulder: Westview, 2000, pp. 40–92.
24. See Geneive Abdo, ‘‘Re-Thinking the Islamic Republic: A Conversation with Ayatollah
Hossein Ali Montazeri,’’ The Middle East Journal, Vol. 25, No. 1, Winter 2001, p. 14.
25. Ibid.
26. See Zahedi, The Iranian Revolution, Then and Now, pp. 67–84.
27. Ahmad Ghoreishi and Dariush Zahedi, ‘‘Prospects for Regime Change in Iran,’’ Middle
East Policy, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1997, p. 98.
28. H.E. Chehabi, ‘‘Eighteen Years Later: Assessing the Islamic Republic of Iran,’’ in Wil-
liam Spencer, ed., Global Studies: The Middle East, 7th edition, Guilford: Dushkin/
McGraw-Hill, 1998, pp. 199–202.
29. Hamid Zangeneh, ‘‘The Post-Revolutionary Iranian Economy: A Policy Appraisal,’’
Middle East Policy, Vol. VI, No. 2, October 1998, pp. 118–119.
30. Kamran M. Dadkhah and Hamid Zangeneh, ‘‘The Straw that Could Break the Camel’s
Back: An Economic Analysis of Subsidies in the Iranian Economy,’’ Journal of Iranian
Research and Analysis, Vol. 16, No. 1, April 2000, pp. 123–134.
31. Jahangir Amuzegar, ‘‘Iran’s Post-Revolutionary Planning: The Second Try,’’ Middle
East Policy, Vol. VIII, No. 1, March 2001, p. 36.
32. Ibid.
33. Ibid., p. 37.
34. Ibid., p. 40.
35. Alan Richards and John Waterbury, A Political Economy of the Middle East, p. 244.
36. A. Reza Sheikholeslami, ‘‘The Transformation of Iran’s Political Culture,’’ Critique:
Journal for Critical Studies of the Middle East, No. 17, Fall 2000, p. 133.
37. H.E. Chehabi, ‘‘Eighteen Years Later,’’ p. 201.
38. Val Moghadam, ‘‘The Student Protests and the Social Movement for Reform in Iran:
Sociological Reflections,’’ Journal of Iranian Research and Analysis, Vol. 15, No. 2,
November 1999, p. 103.
39. International Iran Times, June 15, 2001, p. 1.
40. Esposito and Voll, Islam and Democracy, pp. 102–123.
41. Ahmed Rashid, ‘‘Pakistan: Balancing Act,’’ Far Eastern Economic Review, 1 February
2001, pp. 60–61.
42. Ibid.
43. Ahmed Rashid, ‘‘Pakistan’s Coup: Planting the Seeds of Democracy,’’ Current History,
Vol. 98, No. 632, December 1999, p. 414.
44. Ibid.
45. Ibid.
46. Iftikhar H. Malik, ‘‘Pakistan in 2000: Starting Anew or Stalemate?,’’ Asian Survey, Vol.
XLI, No. 1, January/February 2001, pp. 110–111.
47. Mahmood Monshipouri, ‘‘Backlash to the Destruction at Ayodhya,’’ Asian Survey, Vol.
33, No. 7, July 1993, p. 715.
48. Lawrence Ziring, Pakistan: The Enigma of Political Development, Boulder: Westview,
1980, pp. 41–57.
49. John L. Esposito, ‘‘Islam: Ideology and Politics in Pakistan,’’ in Ali Banuazizi and
Myron Weiner, eds, The State, Religion, and Ethnic Politics: Afghanistan, Iran, and Pa-
kistan, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1986, see p. 333.
50. Mary Louise Becker, ‘‘India: Government and Politics,’’ in Peter R. Blood, ed., Paki-
stan: A Country Study, Lanham: Berman, 1995, pp. 244–245.
51. Stephen P. Cohen, ‘‘Old Issues and New Opportunities,’’ The Brookings Review, Vol.
18, No. 4, Fall 2000, p. 33.
52. Paul R. Brass, ‘‘India: Democratic Progress and Problems,’’ in Selig S. Harrison, Paul H.
Kreisberg, and Dennis Kux, eds, India and Pakistan: The First Fifty Years, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 33–34.
53. Lawrence Ziring, Pakistan in the Twentieth Century: A Political History, Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1997, p. 560.
54. Paula R. Newberg, Double Betrayal: Repression and Insurgency in Kashmir, Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace, Washington, D.C., 1995, pp. 73–74.
55. James A. Bill and Robert Springborg, Politics in the Middle East, pp. 134–138.
56. Arthur Goldschmidt, Jr, A Concise History of the Middle East, 6th edition, Boulder:
Westview, 1999, p. 200.
57. Jenny B. White, ‘‘Islam and Democracy: The Turkish Experience,’’ Current History,
Vol. 94, No. 558, January 1995, p. 8.
58. Human Rights Watch World Report 2001: Events of 2000, New York: Human Rights
Watch, 2000, p. 327.
59. Ibid., p. 329.
60. Alan Richards and John Waterbury, A Political Economy of the Middle East, p. 345.
61. Ibid.
62. Ersin Kalaycioglu, ‘‘Decentralization of Government,’’ in Metin Heper and Ahmet
Evin, eds, Politics in the Third Turkish Republic, Boulder: Westview, 1994, pp. 87–
63. Ergun Ozbudun, ‘‘Turkey: Crises, Interruptions, and Reequilibrations,’’ in Larry Dia-
mond, Juan J. Linz, and Seymour Martin Lipset, eds, 2nd edition, Politics in the Devel-
oping Countries: Comparing Experiences with Democracy, Boulder: Lynne Rienner,
1995, p. 250.
64. Ibid., p. 258.
65. Middle East International, No. 644, February 23, 2001, pp. 17–18.
66. Douglas Frantz, ‘‘Needing Cash, Turkey Plans More Sacrifice,’’ New York Times, Sun-
day, 15 April 2001, p. 14.
67. Ibid.
68. Eric Rouleau, ‘‘Turkey’s Dream of Democracy,’’ Foreign Affairs, Vol. 79, No. 6,
November/December 2000, p. 101; see also Aslan Gunduz, ‘‘Human Rights and Tur-
key’s Future in Europe,’’ Orbis, Vol. 45, No. 1, Winter 2001, p. 17.
69. Rouleau, ‘‘Turkey’s Dream of Democracy,’’ p. 109.
70. Ian McGillis, ‘‘A View of Turkey Beyond Stereotypes,’’ The Gazette (Montreal), 22
January 2000, available at hwww.lexis-nexusi.
71. Dov Waxman, Turkey’s Identity Crises: Domestic Discord and Foreign Policy, Conflict
Studies #311, Research Institute for the Study of Conflict and Terrorism, Leamington
Spa, Warwickshire, 1998, p. 6.
72. Kemal Kirisci and Gareth M. Winrow, The Turkish Question and Turkey: An Example
of a Trans-State Ethnic Conflict, London: Frank Cass, 1997, pp. 212–213. See also Nader
Entessar, Kurdish Ethnonationalism, Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1992, pp. 9–10.
73. Paul Kubicek, ‘‘Turkish–European Relations: At a New Crossroads?’’ Middle East
Policy, Vol. VI, No. 4, June 1999, p. 161.
74. Henri J. Barkey and Graham E. Fuller, Turkey’s Kurdish Question, Lanham: Rowman
and Littlefield, 1998, p. 133.
75. Ibid., p. 180.
76. Heinz Kramer, ‘‘Turkey: Toward 2000: In Search of National Consensus and a New
Political Center,’’ in William Spencer, ed., Global Studies: The Middle East, pp. 232–
77. Svante E. Cornell, ‘‘The Kurdish Question in Turkish Politics,’’ Orbis, Vol. 45, No. 1,
Winter 2001, p. 31.
78. Ibid.
79. Ibid., p. 43.
80. Ibid., p. 44.
81. Aslan Gunduz, ‘‘Human Rights and Turkey’s Future in Europe,’’ Orbis, Vol. 45, No. 1,
Winter 2001, p. 26.
82. Amnesty International Report 1999, New York: Amnesty International USA, 1998, pp.
198, 265, 336.
83. See Mahmood Monshipouri, ‘‘The Fate of Human Rights in the Middle East and North
Africa,’’ in Manochehr Dorraj, ed., Middle East at the Crossroads: The Changing Politi-
cal Dynamics and the Foreign Policy Challenges, Lanham: University Press of America,
1999, pp. 75–76.
84. Philippos K. Savvides, ‘‘Legitimation Crisis and Securitization in Modern Turkey,’’ Cri-
tique: Journal for Critical Studies of the Middle East, No. 16, Spring 2000, p. 62.
85. Ibid., pp. 69–71.
86. New York Times, 10 June 2001, p. 4K.
87. This should not obscure the fact there are many difficulties inherent to economic liber-
alization programmes, regardless of the ways in which such reforms are implemented.
Good governance alone cannot provide the answer for the human and political costs of
economic reforms, including ending price controls, cutting government spending and
subsidies, and adopting other painful market-related measures.
88. Alan Richards and John Waterbury, A Political Economy of the Middle East, p. 345.
89. See Lee H. Hamilton and James Schlesinger, ‘‘Turning a Friendlier Face to Iran,’’ New
York Times, 16 June 2001, p. A15.
90. M. Hakan Yavuz and Michael M. Gunter, ‘‘The Kurdish Nation,’’ Current History, Vol.
100, No. 642, January 2001, p. 36.
91. Human Rights Watch 2001, pp. 216–217.
92. Ibid., p. 383.
Causes and consequences of
variation in post-communist
human rights practices
Shale Horowitz
of political reform. What are here termed ‘‘frustrated national ideals’’ are
widely held beliefs that the communist system frustrated pre-communist
national potential, particularly in the areas of political autonomy and
greatness, economic development, and cultural autonomy and expres-
sion. Such widely held beliefs should be reflected in better-organized,
more politically aggressive, nationalist opposition movements and in lo-
cal communist parties more sympathetic to the agenda of national re-
vival. Such opposition movements and reformist communist parties did,
in fact, have central roles in the cases where communist regimes were
replaced by more democratic governments. More democratic govern-
ments typically showed greater respect for human rights and imposed
more radical market reforms.
There is no inherent reason why nationalist movements should pursue
democracy, human rights, and market reform. However, there was a
good reason for this in the specific post-communist context. The commu-
nist system was typically viewed as something imposed by alien rulers;
democracy, human rights, and market reforms were the most obvious
means of destroying the alien system and replacing it with one more
compatible with national developmental objectives. Methods that were
less democratic, more repressive, and more economically interventionist
were discredited as all-too-Soviet or all-too-Yugoslav. On the other hand,
the combination of democracy, human rights, and market economies was
politically ascendant in other parts of the world and was politically and
economically compatible with pursuing national-revival goals.
Measurement of the extent of frustrated national ideals is a more diffi-
cult undertaking. The measure proposed here starts with pre-communist
political and economic achievements. Where these achievements were
greater, there should be greater hostility to the communist system as
one that set back national developmental potential. Greater pre-commu-
nist achievements might also be expected to amplify resentment at
communist-era repression and at threats to demographic and territo-
rial integrity associated with communist rule. A quantitative index de-
signed to predict stronger frustrated national ideals is offered below. The
index is based on country classifications given in table 11.1 and explained
in more detail in the Appendix (pages 260–263).
The predictive power of frustrated national ideals can be compared
with that of predominant religions. It is relatively obvious that predom-
inantly Islamic post-communist countries have had the worst human
rights practices, and that predominantly Orthodox Christian countries
have had worse human rights practices than predominantly Catholic or
Protestant countries. One can devise intrinsic reasons why this should
be so, but such reasons have a strongly ex post facto character. To take
the most obvious example, efforts to explain outcomes such as economic
Democratization is measured using Freedom House’s Political Rights In-
dex (PRI). There are direct and indirect dimensions. Directly, there must
be elections in which all parties can compete equally, in which votes are
accurately counted, and in which the victors take political power. Indi-
rectly, the ability of parties to compete equally is affected by the ability of
individuals to express themselves politically, through both free associa-
tion and organization for political purposes, and open competition of
political views in the mass media. Again, rankings on these indices are
then averaged to produce an overall ranking on a scale of one to seven,
with one indicating most complete protection of human rights.5 In two
areas there is limited but unavoidable overlap between the CLI and PRI:
individual expression and association, particularly through the mass me-
dia and formal organizations, are general human rights. In specifically
political forms, they are also necessary conditions of free political com-
petition. All the other components of the two indices – the overwhelming
majority – are, in principle, distinct. As discussed, there is reason to ex-
pect a much greater overlap for practical political reasons.
Threat to national
Index of past economic Index of past political integrity (demographic
achievement achievement dilution or territorial loss) Repression
Very Czech Republica, Baltic States, Hungary, Bosnia–Herzegovina, Mongolia, Soviet
strong Hungary, Slovenia Mongolia, Poland Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Republics
Strong Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Estonia, Macedonia, Albania, Poland,
Poland, Slovakia Republic, Serbia– Moldova, Tajikistan Romania
Montenegro, Slovenia
Moderate Albania, Armenia, Armenia, Georgia, Romania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Croatia, Hungary
Azerbaijan, Bosnia– Slovakia Croatia, Georgia,
Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Serbia–
Georgia, Lithuania, Montenegro,
Macedonia, Romania, Turkmenistan, Ukraine,
Russia, Serbia– Uzbekistan
Weak Belarus, Moldova, Albania, Moldova, Russia, Armenia, Poland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic,
Tajikistan, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Romania, Slovakia Serbia–Montenegro,
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Slovenia, Slovakia
Very Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia– Albania, Bulgaria, Czech Bosnia–Herzegovina,
weak Mongolia, Herzegovina, Kazakhstan, Republic, Hungary, Macedonia
Turkmenistan Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Mongolia, Slovenia,
Turkmenistan Russia
a. For the early period in which a unified Czechoslovakia still existed, its rankings are the same as for its dominant Czech part.
August 1991 for the Soviet successor states. It ends at the points at which
human rights practices and democratization are being examined (1991/
92/93, 1995/96/97, and 1999). The share of time at war is the proportion
of the time during which the country has been engaged in large-scale
military hostilities. The countries embroiled in such hostilities for ex-
tended periods of time were Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia–Herzegovina,
Croatia, Georgia, Moldova, Tajikistan, and the Federal Republic of
Table 11.3 Cultural, economic, and conflict-related sources of human rights practices
Model 4A Model 4B Model 5A Model 5B Model 6A Model 6B
1991/92/93 1991/92/93 1995/96/97 1995/96/97 1999 1999
Frustrated national ideals 0.879*** 1.038*** 1.152***
(0.217) (0.155) (0.168)
Islam 2.475*** 2.296*** 2.780***
(0.561) (0.509) (0.505)
Christian Orthodoxy 0.923** 1.106** 1.293***
(0.531) (0.471) (0.468)
Agriculture’s share of 0.068 0.053 0.093** 0.066 0.041 0.013
workforce (0.059) (0.058) (0.043) (0.056) (0.049) (0.057)
Share of time at war 1.752** 1.743** 1.430* 1.480 1.769* 1.773
(0.663) (0.656) (0.725) (0.912) (0.994) (1.148)
Intercept 5.539*** 2.583*** 5.884*** 2.571*** 6.156*** 2.406***
(0.563) (0.366) (0.405) (0.326) (0.438) (0.324)
R2 0.556 0.597 0.715 0.569 0.700 0.618
Adjusted R 2 0.498 0.524 0.679 0.494 0.662 0.551
N 27a 27a 28 28 28 28
*** p < :01, ** p < :05, * p < :10
a. Models 4A and 4B include a unified Czechoslovakia, so they have one less data point.
Table 11.4 Cultural, economic, and conflict-related sources of democratization
Model 7A Model 7B Model 8A Model 8B Model 9A Model 9B
1991/92/93 1991/92/93 1995/96/97 1995/96/97 1999 1999
Frustrated national ideals 1.153*** 1.477*** 1.521***
(0.243) (0.201) (0.219)
Islam 2.878*** 3.685*** 3.958***
(0.688) (0.586) (0.588)
Christian Orthodoxy 0.842 1.527*** 1.414**
(0.651) (0.543) (0.544)
Agriculture’s share of 0.083 0.069 0.088 0.057 0.040 0.016
workforce (0.066) (0.071) (0.056) (0.064) (0.064) (0.067)
Share of time at war 1.415* 1.493* 2.786*** 2.774** 3.020** 2.966**
(0.742) (0.805) (0.940) (1.051) (1.298) (1.335)
Intercept 6.178*** 2.510*** 6.333*** 1.536*** 6.422*** 1.494***
(0.630) (0.449) (0.526) (0.376) (0.572) (0.377)
R2 0.572 0.533 0.758 0.710 0.716 0.712
Adjusted R 2 0.516 0.448 0.728 0.660 0.680 0.662
N 27a 27a 28 28 28 28
*** p < :01, ** p < :05, * p < :10
a. Models 7A and 7B include a unified Czechoslovakia, so they have one less data point.
man rights practices will more easily flag in the presence of military, po-
litical, and economic instability. Although human rights practices may
play an important role in sustaining democracy, in the face of war and
political and economic polarization such ‘‘traditions of civility’’13 may
prove unreliable where they have not been ideologically incorporated as
conditions of fulfilling the national collective’s potential.
Human rights practices, to the extent that they have contributed to max-
imum equality of economic opportunity, appear to have made an im-
portant contribution to the more successful post-communist transition
economies. The dismantling of the planned economies invariably pro-
duced a large-scale collapse of capital-intensive industries and an asso-
ciated economic downturn and unemployment surge. In all the economies
that experienced rapid recoveries and sustained post-recovery growth, a
crucial role was played by new, small-scale enterprises. This was, of
course, made possible by permissive and stabilizing economic policies
and supplemented by a range of other factors. Among these other fac-
tors, great importance is attributed to rule-of-law conditions.14 These
conditions are easily recognized as the basic human rights protections of
equality under the law, along with neutral and efficient enforcement and
In the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, enhanced human rights were
often associated with increased conflict. This was because underlying
ethnic conflicts over political and cultural autonomy, territory, and eco-
nomic resources were controlled under the old regime – largely through
the credible threat to use overwhelming force. When the ‘‘enforcer’’ dis-
appeared, the disputes had to be resolved somehow. In particular, when
it came to disputes over collective ethnic ‘‘rights’’ to territorial autonomy,
it was often quite difficult to come to a mutually acceptable accommoda-
tion. Such disputes were at the root of all the severe post-communist
ethnic conflicts.
Improvements in human rights practices were often associated with
nationalist mobilizations and uncontrolled local and regional inter-ethnic
hostilities – for example, in Croatia, Bosnia–Herzegovina, Serbia, Mol-
dova, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Tajikistan. Of course, often this did not
happen – for example, in Ukraine, Latvia, and Estonia. On the other
hand, communist parties retaining authoritarian powers were typically
quite large (35–38 per cent). Croatia, Belarus, Lithuania, Ukraine, Azer-
baijan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Serbia–Montenegro, and Turkmenistan had
sizeable but not so threateningly large minority populations (20–30 per
cent). Romania (despite its 9 per cent Hungarian minority) and particu-
larly Poland were more homogeneous, but suffered significant territorial
losses at the hands of Russia and the Soviet Union in the recent past.
Armenia was also relatively homogeneous, but her claims to Nagorno-
Karabakh must be factored in.19
Repression under communism (the fourth ranking) was most severe
within the Soviet Union itself and in Mongolia. Collectivization and
mass purges and deportations under Stalin took the greatest human tolls,
although repression and casualties on a comparable scale often oc-
curred during the period of civil war following the Bolshevik Revolu-
tion. In Eastern Europe, all countries experienced severe purges of non-
communist élites during and/or after World War II. Of the latter, Poland
and (somewhat less so) Hungary suffered most in the Soviet sphere, and
Croatia and (to a lesser extent) Serbia–Montenegro and Slovenia most
in the Yugoslav sphere. National communist regimes in Albania and
Romania maintained high levels of repression until just before their
1. To clarify, two issues are being argued. There is some definitional overlap between
human rights and necessary elements of democratic political processes. For practical
reasons, protection of political rights is more likely to be associated with protection of
non-political rights, and violation of political rights with violation of non-political rights.
2. For overviews, see the relevant chapters in Ian Bremmer and Ray Taras, New States,
New Politics: Building the Post-Soviet Nations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1997, and Bogdan Szajkowski, ed., Political Parties of Eastern Europe, Russia and the
Successor States, London: Longman, 1994.
3. See Janos Kornai, The Socialist System: The Political Economy of Communism, Prince-
ton: Princeton University Press, 1992; Marie Lavigne, The Economics of Transition:
From Socialist Economy to Market Economy, London: Macmillan, 1995; and World
Bank, From Plan to Market: World Development Report 1996, Washington, DC: Oxford
University Press, 1996.
4. Another measure, which is highly correlated with agricultural share of the workforce, is
gross domestic product at purchasing power parity. However, the latter measure is not
available for many poorer post-communist countries.
5. The CLI and PRI indices are given in Freedom House, Annual Survey of Freedom
Country Scores, 1972–1973 to 1999–2000, Washington, DC: Freedom House, 2001.
Along with a more detailed discussion of the ranking criteria, they are also available at
the Freedom House website, hhttp://www.freedomhouse.orgi.
6. Alternatively, simpler indices could be constructed by using the average or the maxi-
mum of the rankings of pre-communist political and economic achievement. Since the
correlations between these alternative indices and the one in the text exceed 90 per
cent, the alternative indices have a virtually identical impact. Results for the two alter-
native indices are available upon request.
7. Except in Bosnia–Herzegovina, the plurality religion is everywhere the majority reli-
8. For data on agricultural share of the workforce and GDP per capita at purchasing
power parity, see World Bank, From Plan to Market, pp. 188–189 and pp. 194–195;
World Bank, The State in a Changing World: World Development Report 1997, Wash-
ington, DC: Oxford University Press, 1997, pp. 214–215 and pp. 220–221; Socialist
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, ‘‘The Non-Agricultural Population,’’ Yugoslav Survey,
No. 28, 1987, pp. 3–24.
9. Information on the incidence and duration of warfare can be found in Szajkowski, Po-
litical Parties; Karen Dawisha and Bruce Parrott, eds, Conflict, Cleavage, and Change in
Central Asia and the Caucasus, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997; Karen
Dawisha and Bruce Parrott, Democratic Changes and Authoritarian Reactions in Russia,
Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997; and
Karen Dawisha and Bruce Parrott, eds, Politics, Power, and the Struggle for Democracy
in South-East Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
10. The virtually all-pervasive institutions of the communist system itself would appear far
more relevant for this sort of habitual impact. Yet these institutions should have af-
fected all post-communist countries more or less equally. Duration of time under com-
munist rule is also a weak predictor: it cannot explain the significant variation both
across the former Soviet Union and Mongolia and across Eastern and South-eastern
11. A similar story holds for the relatively less important Islamic Renaissance Party of Uz-
12. See the summaries of party platforms in Szajkowski, Political Parties, and in the 1997
Cambridge University Press series edited by Dawisha and Parrott: Conflict, Cleavage,
and Change in Central Asia and the Caucasus; The Consolidation of Democracy in East-
Central Europe; Democratic Changes and Authoritarian Reactions in Russia, Ukraine,
Belarus, and Moldova; and Politics, Power, and the Struggle for Democracy in South-
East Europe. For Tajikistan, see also Shahram Akbarzadeh, ‘‘Why Did Nationalism Fail
in Tajikistan?’’ Europe–Asia Studies, Vol. 48, July 1996, pp. 1105–1129; Allen Hetma-
nek, ‘‘Islamic Revolution and Jihad Come to the Former Soviet Central Asia: The Case
of Tajikistan,’’ Central Asian Survey, Vol. 12, Summer 1993, pp. 365–378; and Hab-
ibollah Abolhassan Shirazi, ‘‘Political Forces and Their Structures in Tajikistan.’’ Cen-
tral Asian Survey, Vol. 16, Fall 1999, pp. 611–622.
13. This phrase is used by the British political theorist, Ernest Barker.
14. Anders Åslund, How Russia Became a Market Economy, Washington, DC: Brookings
Institution, 1995; EBRD [European Bank for Reconstruction and Development], Tran-
sition Report, London: EBRD, 1994–1999; World Bank, From Plan to Market: World
Development Report 1996, Washington, DC: Oxford University Press, 1997.
15. For treatments of these conflicts, see Bruno Coppieters, Contested Borders in the Cau-
casus, Brussels: VUBPRESS, 1996, available at
eng/info.htm; Michael Croissant, The Armenian–Azerbaijani Conflict: Causes and Im-
plications, Westport, CT: Praeger, 1998; the series edited by Dawisha and Parrott; Laura
Silber and Allan Little, The Death of Yugoslavia, London: Penguin, 1996; and Szaj-
kowski, Political Parties.
16. For examples of studies that contain elements of such an approach, see Jill Crystal,
‘‘The Human Rights Movement in the Arab World,’’ Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 16,
August 1994, pp. 435–454; and Bonny Ibhawoh, ‘‘Between Culture and Constitution:
Evaluating the Cultural Legitimacy of Human Rights in the African State,’’ Human
Rights Quarterly, Vol. 22, August 2000, pp. 838–860.
17. Czechoslovakia is grouped with Hungary and Slovenia in order to use five-level rank-
ings across all four dimensions. Allowing a sixth level for past economic achievement
has no significant effect on the results. Data are from Ralph Scott Clem, The Changing
Geography of Soviet Nationalities and its Socioeconomic Correlates, 1926–1970, PhD
Diss., Columbia University, 1976, p. 278; B.R. Mitchell, European Historical Statistics,
1750–1975, New York: Facts on File, 1980, series C1; Dijana Plestina, Regional Devel-
opment in Communist Yugoslavia: Success, Failure, and Consequences, Boulder, CO:
Westview, 1992, 22; Joseph Rothschild, East Central Europe between the Two World
Wars, Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1974, pp. 37, 39, 91, 167, 204, 285,
359, 367, 369; Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, ‘‘The Non-Agricultural Popu-
lation’’; Jozo Tomasevich, Peasants, Politics and Economic Change in Yugoslavia, Stan-
ford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1955, pp. 239, 304.
18. Bremmer and Taras, eds, New States, New Politics: Building the Post-Soviet Nations;
D.A. Dyker and I. Vejvoda, eds, Yugoslavia and After: A Study in Fragmentation, De-
spair and Rebirth, London: Longman, 1996; Zev Katz, ed., Handbook of Major Soviet
Nationalities, New York: Free Press, 1975; Rothschild, East Central Europe between the
Two World Wars; Tomasevich, Peasants, Politics and Economic Change in Yugoslavia.
19. Bremmer and Taras, eds, New States, New Politics: Building the Post-Soviet Nations;
Adrian Karatnycky, Alexander Motyl, and Boris Shor, Nations in Transit 1997: Civil
Society, Democracy and Markets in East Central Europe and the Newly Independent
States, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1997; Szajkowski, Political Parties.
20. Stéphane Courtois, Nicholas Werth, Jean-Louis Panné, Andrzej Paczkowski, Karel
Bartosek, and Jean-Louis Margolin, The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terrors,
Repression, trans. by Jonathan Murphy and Mark Kramer, Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 1999; see also Nora Beloff, Tito’s Flawed Legacy: Yugoslavia and the
West, 1939–1984, London: Gollancz, 1985, pp. 115–128; Sabrina P. Ramet, Nationalism
and Federalism in Yugoslavia, 1962–1991, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press,
1992, p. 255; Peter Vodopivech, ‘‘Seven Decades of Unconfronted Incongruities: The
Slovenes and Yugoslavia,’’ in Jill Benderly and Evan Kraft, eds, Independent Slovenia:
Origins, Movements, Prospects, Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1994, pp. 34–35.
Human rights and conflict in the
former Yugoslavia1
Aleksandar Resanovic
The former Yugoslavia was, and has remained, a politically tectonic re-
gion. Human rights and freedoms as political issues were insufficiently
known to the general public, and were pushed aside to be addressed in
future – hopefully better – times. The price of this policy turned out to be
high, particularly in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY; since 4
February 2003, Serbia and Montenegro), Croatia, and Bosnia and Her-
The relations between Serbia and Croatia, often embittered by war
and crisis, should be the basis of peacemaking and integration processes
in the Balkans. The case of Serbia and Montenegro is interesting for a
number of reasons: the fate of this two-member union is still unknown,
because disputed relations between Serbia and Montenegro, and the
status of Kosovo, are all awaiting a final resolution. Finally, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, a very complex national and confessional community, has
since time immemorial been the object of aspirations and territorial
claims by Belgrade and Zagreb. Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Dayton
structure (see later) is very fragile and therefore remains in need of in-
ternational support.
The Communist regime that was in power during the post-World War
II period came to an end following the break-up of the former Socialist
the former Yugoslavia were dishonest, and armed conflicts broke out in
the following year of 1991. It even seems that they wanted the break-up
of the common state to be brutal and violent, so that subsequent diffi-
culties could always be externalized, and blamed on another ethnic
group. Borne on the waves of nationalism, inter-ethnic intolerance, and
hatred, they set out to acquire and maintain political leadership and fi-
nancial power.
The methods employed by Slobodan Milošević in Yugoslavia/Serbia
were the same as (or very similar to) those used by Franjo Tudjman in
Croatia, or by Alija Izetbegović in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The rise of
nationalism on one side caused a corresponding phenomenon on the
other side – the strengthening (and hardening) of the position of one na-
tional leader had the same effect on the other national leaders. The ab-
sence of the desire and capacity for peaceful negotiations and dispute
settlements destroyed the prospects for peaceful inter-republic relations.
This dynamic resulted in the isolation of the FRY from the rest of the
world, impoverished it, and pushed it several decades into the past.
In all three of these states, authoritarian leaders imposed strict control
over legislative, executive, and judicial powers. All government institu-
tions functioned under their strict orders, in defence of the ‘‘national in-
terest.’’ They also controlled the media, universities, banks and other
financial institutions, insurance companies, business firms, phantom po-
litical parties, NGOs (that they, themselves, had established), and other
vital institutions. In cooperation with loyal, like-minded followers, they
therefore controlled all spheres of life. This situation was most pro-
nounced in Serbia. Milošević was a classical dictator and managed to stay
in power longer than any of the other post-Yugoslav leaders. The coun-
try’s international isolation facilitated his work.
For two reasons, the FRY deserves greater attention in this chapter than
Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina: first, massive political changes
have occurred only recently (some ten years later than in other former
Yugoslav Republics); second, widespread disrespect for human rights
was most pronounced in this republic. Human rights violations were
marked by certain particularities that require additional explanation.
for US dollars or another hard currency on the very day of receipt, it was
almost completely worthless a day later.
Factories were entirely deserted, with production halted. Miraculously,
life went on in the streets. Hundreds of thousands of people became
jobless and were forced to resort to smuggling and selling of goods that
were in short supply on the street, and to committing other petty criminal
Minority relations
Milošević’s authoritarian regime had no adequate answer to address the
challenges posed by the country’s national and religious minorities, who
make up more than 30 per cent of Serbia and Montenegro’s population.
The overall complexity of these problems can best be seen in Kosovo.
Over a long period, Albanian separatists have been advocating an ethni-
cally pure and independent state of Kosovo. In pursuing this goal, they
have committed drastic acts of violence against the non-Albanian popu-
lation and Albanians loyal to Yugoslavia;8 this has resulted in a steady
reduction in the number of Serbs and other non-Albanians in Kosovo.
According to a 1981 census, with participation of almost the entire pop-
ulation of Kosovo, Albanians accounted for 77 per cent and the Serbs for
13 per cent of a total population of 1,585,000. Judging by still preliminary
and unprocessed data from the population census carried out in Yugo-
slavia in April 2002 (and in which only the Serbian population, which
lives in enclaves, participated), Serbs now account for less than 4 per cent
of Kosovo’s total population.
However, these developments do not by any means justify a whole
range of violent political and military actions carried out over the years
by the authorities in Belgrade, that greatly diminished any chance for
peaceful cohabitation of Albanians, Serbs, and others. The atrocities
carried out by Serb forces in 1998 – not only against Albanian separatists
but also against the civilian population at large – are well known. In early
1998 the Serbian police and Yugoslav army began to shell mostly Alba-
nian settlements in Kosovo, forcing the Albanian civilian population to
move into areas that were not under control of the Kosovo Liberation
Army (KLA). In the process, a large number of Albanians were forced to
abandon their homes.
According to a report from December 1998, about 300,000 persons,
mostly Albanians and representing about 15 per cent of Kosovo’s popu-
lation, were displaced within the province during the first ten months of
1998. The United Nations reacted to such actions by ‘‘condemning the
excessive use of force by Serbian police forces against civilians and
peaceful protestors in Kosovo,’’9 and introduced an embargo on arms
exports to the FRY. Six months later, the United Nations noted ‘‘the de-
terioration of the situation in Kosovo and the FRY’’ and therefore de-
manded all sides to ‘‘cease all hostilities and the Serbian side to withdraw
security forces used for repression against civilians.’’10 These and similar
efforts resulted in the signing of an Agreement on the OSCE Verification
Mission for Kosovo.11 Regrettably, all these efforts did not alter the
situation on the ground in Kosovo, and from 1 January until 24 March
1999 many lives were lost in continuing outbursts of violence. According
to FRY government sources, the casualties included 102 Albanians, 26
Serbs, and 4 persons of other nationalities.12 In contrast, according to the
Kosova Information Centre, during the first 40 days of 1999 alone, Serb
forces had killed 171 Albanians.13 Particularly during 1998 and 1999,
such significant differences in the number of casualties became a standard
feature of reports from Kosovo, which is characteristic of the lack of im-
partiality and level of politicization in data collection and interpretation.
Much information, from all sources, should be taken with a grain of salt.
Albanian citizens were detained for no reason and subsequently sub-
jected to various acts of physical and mental torture. The Humanitarian
Law Fund in Belgrade registered the commission of 500 torture cases
during 1998 in Yugoslavia, of which over 400 were registered in Kosovo
alone.14 To this day an estimated 2,000 cases of torture have remained
unaccounted for.15 The killing of 45 Albanian civilians in the village of
Štimlje on 15 January 1999 served as a direct pretext for NATO to
launch air strikes on the FRY and Kosovo, lasting from 23 March to 7
June 1999. The precise number of civilian victims of the bombing cam-
paign is unknown. As the level of violence rose during the campaign,
around 600,000 Albanians fled Kosovo; about 2,000 of them have re-
mained unaccounted for to this day. According to unconfirmed NGO
reports, over 800,000 people, mostly Albanians, were forced out or vol-
untarily abandoned their homes. Following the suspension of the NATO
intervention, the Albanian forces also engaged in unbridled violence
against Serbs and other non-Albanian civilians: according to UNHCR
data, an estimated 240,000 of these civilians were forced to flee Kosovo.
per cent of the electorate voted for Koštunica and 37.2 per cent for Mi-
lošević. The remaining votes were evenly distributed among three more
candidates. Elections for the Federal Assembly were held at the same
time, with a turnout of 74.4 per cent: the Association of Opposition
Parties (Democratic Opposition of Serbia; DOS) won 53.7 per cent of the
seats, Milošević’s Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) 40.7 per cent, and
Šešelj’s Serb Radical Party (SRS) 5.6 per cent. In the republican parlia-
mentary elections in Serbia, held on 23 December 2000, 74.4 per cent of
the voters took part:19 in these elections, DOS won 70.4 per cent of the
seats, SPS 14.8 per cent, and SSJ (Party of Serb Unity; the party of the
late Željko Ražnatović Arkan) 5.6 per cent.
The newly elected authorities at the Yugoslav and, subsequently, at the
Serbian level faced the extremely difficult task of democratizing the soci-
ety, promoting respect for human rights, and – in a nutshell – bringing all
regulations and practices in Yugoslavia into line with relevant interna-
tional standards.
The most daunting challenge for the new democratic authorities in
Serbia is the need either to improve relations between Serbia and Mon-
tenegro or to separate peacefully by agreement.20 Furthermore, in co-
operation with the international community, they must settle the issue
of Kosovo. Kosovo is only formally a part of Serbia, with actual power
being exercised by international civil and military bodies. The Ser-
bian authorities must regulate relations with their neighbouring states,
particularly Croatia and Bosnia–Herzegovina, and integrate more than
800,000 refugees from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo
into Serbian society.
The authorities must pursue full inclusion in the international commu-
nity and membership in international organizations, and cooperate fully
with the Hague Tribunal (including the surrender of persons charged by
this Court with war crimes). They must implement the transition to a
democratic society, despite a ten-year lag behind other former commu-
nist countries of Eastern and Central Europe. Together with the other
countries that have been formed from the ruins of former Yugoslavia,
they must address the issue of succession (i.e. property rights and li-
abilities of the former Yugoslavia).21 They must establish an ombuds-
person, as Serbia and Montenegro is one of the few countries in the
world that still has not established this institution for the protection of
human rights.
The new democratic authorities of Serbia were installed after all dem-
ocratic opposition forces united. This anti-Milošević coalition, composed
of 18 parties with very different orientations, inherited a number of
problems and obligations that date from the time of the Milošević re-
gime. Moreover, they take different positions on a variety of issues, dif-
Republic of Croatia
integrated and authentic state and social community. This involves ac-
complishing a number of important – and difficult – tasks for the demo-
cratic authorities of BiH:
0 to establish genuine unity of state and society, given that nationalist
and separatist feelings are still very much alive;
0 to adopt a single constitutional document for the entire BiH, which
would aggregate all three existing constitutions – the BiH Constitution,
the Constitution of the BiH Federation, and the Constitution of the
Republic of Srpska;
0 to integrate BiH itself, as a precursor to join the processes of regional
and European integration legitimately and responsibly;
0 to join, along with other states of the region, European integration
processes and relevant organizations, especially the Stability Pact for
South-East Europe;
0 to promote and realize equality, inter-ethnic reconciliation, and the
return of all interested refugees;
0 to promote good-neighbourly relations with Yugoslavia and Croatia;
0 to cooperate with the Hague Tribunal, including the surrender of per-
sons accused of war crimes;
0 to eliminate the consequences of war operations, particularly in respect
of some 1.5 million remaining anti-personnel mines;
0 to continue genuine transformation of the state of BiH into a civil,
democratic society; and
0 to raise the living standards of the population.
The most crucial development of human rights and freedoms in all three
countries has been the departure of the authoritarian leaders Milošević,
Tudjman, and Izetbegović. Subsequent strides towards democratization
of all three societies have led to an expansion of human rights and free-
doms. However, there is a continuation of nationalist feelings and ac-
companying separatist tendencies among parts of the population in each
country. The nationalist-separatist ideas promoted by the former leaders
still have strong appeal, particularly in Kosovo, Montenegro, and both
entities of BiH. This represents one of the greatest problems and chal-
lenges of transition – to transform societies that harbour such feelings of
intolerance towards members of other nations and religions into demo-
cratic, civil societies.
The death penalty has been abolished in Croatia, BiH, and Yugoslavia.36
Other improvements have been sanctioned by legislation in all three
states. In practice as well, the situation is improving in all three states.
There are still instances of torture in police detention but their occur-
rence is substantially lower than in previous years, owing to improved
training of the police and harsh penalties for offenders.
Rights to personal freedom and safety have been addressed in the legis-
lation of all three states. An important legal inconsistency existed in Yu-
goslavia for more than ten years: the Constitution specified that only a
competent court can order detention, whereas the Law on Criminal Pro-
ceedings extended that right to the police as well. Relevant amendments
to criminal legislation, mentioned earlier in this chapter, have rectified
this inconsistency.
The human right to a fair trial has been continually violated by authori-
tarian regimes in all three states. Courts and judges were (made) depen-
dent on the regime. For as long as Milošević, Tudjman, and Izetbegović
were in power, the practice of appointing only obedient and incompetent
party cadres as judges degraded the principle of an independent judi-
ciary: the right to a fair trial was greatly compromised. After the depar-
ture of the authoritarian leaders, the situation improved significantly in
Croatia and BiH; however, because the judges that were appointed by
Milošević’s regime are still in office, there has been no improvement in
the courts of Serbia. Very complicated recall procedures allow them to
stay in office and continue to follow the demands of their party chiefs,
thus hampering just trials. Eventually, the Law on Lustration (Sunshine
The right to peaceful assembly has been violated in all three states – most
blatantly, in Serbia. The authorities banned all gatherings that appeared
to threaten the regime. Public gatherings were immediately ordered to
disperse. The largest number of rallies was registered in Serbia. With all
political institutions and the media completely under the regime’s con-
trol, this was the only way for citizens to express their views. The Milo-
šević regime did shy away from using violence to put down protests (this
was particularly true during protests by students and Otpor against elec-
toral theft from November 1996 to January 1997 and against the gov-
ernment’s rigging of the September–October 2000 elections).
The right to unhindered use of property was widely violated in all states.
The destruction, burning, seizure, or forcible acquisition of property of
refugees and internally displaced persons was used to further the nation-
alist policies of authoritarian leaders. The situation in Croatia and BiH is
still poor, as the return of Serbs and other refugees is still largely being
prevented. The situation is similar in Kosovo. The lion’s share of re-
sponsibility lies with the international community, which is not enforcing
conditions under which Serbs and other non-Albanians can return and
repossess their property without hindrance.
Minority rights
The right to free elections was also violated severely by all three states. It
was commonly assumed that those authorities that call elections are also
the ones that win them. This perception was the result of the regimes’
total control over the entire electoral process – from the adoption of
relevant election laws, to the elections, and to vote counting. Unfortu-
Special protection of women and children has not been adequately im-
plemented in any of the former Yugoslav states. Particularly in Mon-
tenegro and BiH, women are traditionally disparaged, and it is commonly
believed that women and children should be beaten, as ‘‘the stick is the
surest peacemaker.’’ Since none of these states provide either full practi-
cal or legal protection, numerous NGOs have dedicated their efforts to
educating the population and providing protection, including emergency
telephone lines for victims of violence, women’s autonomous centres, and
children’s rights centres.
Freedom of association
cluding the hand-over of all indictees and access to all state archives), a
domestic settlement of the relations between Serbia and Montenegro,
and an adequate political solution for Kosovo.
Certain contemporary human rights and freedoms (such as the protec-
tion of consumers and the right to a healthy environment) have not yet
become the subject of major research, as citizens of all three states are
still concerned with some of the more vital rights. The considerable fi-
nancial resources and civic–cultural level required of citizens for their
implementation are remote prospects: after all, it has been only a few
years since the war in Croatia and BiH ended and Yugoslavia witnessed
NATO bombing and the end of a dictatorial regime. In all three states
the first priority is to resolve the most burning problems of state regula-
tion, development of democratic institutions, and respect for basic human
rights and freedoms, before third- and fourth-generation rights can be
Concluding remarks
In the FRY (Serbia and Montenegro), Croatia, and Bosnia and Herze-
govina, the authoritarian regimes and their leaders (Milošević, Tudjman,
and Izetbegović) were the main sources of human rights violations. They
skilfully utilized the rise of nationalism within the population, which re-
sulted from 50 years of communist dictatorship and numerous unresolved
national questions throughout the former Yugoslavia, in an attempt to
fulfil their own separatist aspirations and to emerge as undisputed rulers
of their newly formed states.
Nationalism and hatred of other peoples and religions were promoted
(and virtually institutionalized) as a precondition for the brutal break-up
of the former Yugoslavia. Ethnonationalism was, and has largely re-
mained, widely and deeply entrenched among the three constituent eth-
nic groups. So far, nationalism is not on the retreat, and nationalists have
not renounced the support they had given to their former leaders. Na-
tionalists have redirected their support to new leaders who have now
donned ‘‘democratic suits,’’ by skilfully declaring themselves as either
democrats or nationalists, depending on the political circumstances.
In all these states, political, economic, and judicial institutions, as well
as the media and other civic organizations, were tightly controlled by the
authoritarian leaders: their main function was to protect the regime.
None the less, movement towards democratization and establishment of
the rule of law has been initiated and the first results are visible. In large
part owing to the work of NGOs, the media, and academic experts, a
culture of human rights is taking root: numerous professional panels and
1. The chapter covers the FRY, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. It does not cover
the former Yugoslav republics of Slovenia and Macedonia.
2. The Official Gazette of FRY, No. 1, 1992.
3. Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, The Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia,
No. 1, 1990, and Constitution of the Republic of Montenegro, The Official Gazette of the
Republic of Montenegro, No. 48, 1992.
4. The Official Gazette of FRY, Article 15, No. 1, 1992.
5. The Official Gazette of Serbia and Montenegro, No. 1, 2003.
6. The Official Gazette of Serbia and Montenegro, No. 6, 2003.
7. For this activity, an indictment was rendered against Milošević before the Hague Tri-
bunal on 24 May 1999 and amended on 16 October 2001. Milošević was in Central
Prison in Belgrade from 31 March until 28 June 2001.
8. This included murders, expulsions from land or evictions from homes under the threat
of murder, below-value buy-outs of land or houses, rape, and various other forms of
9. UN Security Council Resolution 1160 (1998).
10. UN Security Council Resolution 1199 (1998).
11. The Agreements were signed on 16 October 1998 by the FRY on the one hand and the
UN and OSCE on the other.
12. Report of the FRY Government of March 1999.
13. Report of the Kosovo Information Centre, February 1999.
14. ‘‘Under Scrutiny,’’ Report on Human Rights in the FRY in 1998, Humanitarian Law
Fund, No. 28, 1998, p. 3. There are definite indications that, of 400 cases of torture in
Kosovo committed during 1998, seven resulted in the death of persons tortured while in
detention (six Albanians and one Serb).
15. Humanitarian Law Fund, Report, July 1999.
16. UN Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999).
17. Kosovo Force (KFOR)’s Report, July 1999.
18. Report of the Federal Election Commission, 2000.
19. Report of the Federal Election Commission, 2000.
20. In April 2001 elections, over 50 per cent of Montenegro’s citizens voted, for the first
time, for a coalition that favoured Montenegro’s separation from Serbia.
21. Accordingly, an international commission was established. After years of blockade, the
Commission produced its first results after the political changes in Yugoslavia in 2000.
22. The National Gazette (Narodne novine), No. 124, 2000.
23. In numerous appearances in various media in 1989–1991, Tudjman and other Croatian
national leaders portrayed the Serbs as plain ‘‘evil.’’
24. In the case of Radio 101, 100,000 citizens of Zagreb publicly protested against the clos-
ing of the station in March 1998. However, unlike in Serbia, where police violence
against Serb citizens was commonplace, police violence against Croatian citizens was
comparatively limited.
25. The Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights Report, 1996. The regime had in-
formal links with notorious World War II war criminals, who had been hiding for de-
cades in Latin America and elsewhere in the world. This was an insult to the feelings of
all victims and honest citizens in Croatia.
26. Republic of Croatia Statistical Yearbook 1992, Zagreb, Central Bureau of Statistics,
1993, p. 64.
27. The population census was carried out on 1–15 April 2001 on the basis of the Law on
the Census of the Population, Households and Flats. The National Gazette No. 64, 2001.
28. Voice (Glas), 25 May 2002, p. 8.
29. Siniša Tatalović, ‘‘The Position of National Minorities in Croatia,’’ in Democracy and
National Minorities, Centre for Ethnic Studies, Belgrade 2002, p. 275.
30. UNHCR Report BiH, 1996.
31. Jody Williams, coordinator of the International Campaign Against Landmines, Speech
at ICBL Meeting, Oslo, September 1997.
32. Statistical Bulletin of the Statistical Office of BiH, No. 223, Sarajevo 1993.
33. See Ante F. Markotić, Bosnia Will Lose all Its Witnesses, Mostar: Croatian Homeland
Society (Matica Hrvatska), 1998, p. 253.
34. National Report on the Human Development of BiH–2001, Economic Institute of Sar-
ajevo and UNDP Sarajevo, 2001.
35. Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH, Information on the Implementation of
Annex VII of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in BiH, Sarajevo 2001.
36. Law on Amendments to the Criminal Code of FRY, The Official Gazette of FRY, No.
61, 2001.
37. Based on a comparison of the 1991 population census in the former Yugoslavia and
preliminary results of the 2001 population census in Croatia and the one carried out in
FRY in 2002.
38. Decision on the Establishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, The Offi-
cial Gazette, No. 15, 2001.
39. The meeting took place on 28 May 2002 in Belgrade.
Human rights in transition societies:
The cases of Somalia and South
F. Wafula Okumu
or all of them. The case of South Africa shows that it is not enough for
human rights to be recognized in a constitution: a political culture that
creates conditions for a genuine and lasting peace is a prerequisite for the
persistence of a human rights culture.
Analytical framework
Individuals form states for the main purpose of distributing and redis-
tributing goods and services, including public safety, and the creation of
an environment that allows them to meet their basic needs. Unfortu-
nately, most states in Africa have been unable, to use the words of H.J.
Kotze, ‘‘to deliver public goods to all citizens, irrespective of ascriptive
identity, communal affiliation, or partisan loyalty.’’ The failure of the
state to live up to this challenge leads to schisms, in which partisan inter-
ests seek to control and use the state as ‘‘an instrument of discrimination
and domination, favoring certain communities in the provision of public
goods.’’2 Eventually, when the state comes under total control of one
social group, as it did in apartheid South Africa and in Siad Barre’s So-
malia, it becomes an epitome of a ruling clique and its institutions are
transformed to serve that clique’s exclusive interests.
H.J. Kotze contends that, ‘‘in a truly democratic state, citizens must
have equal opportunity to gain access to public goods. In addition to
voting rights, these include the provision of social services such as schools,
welfare, and economic infrastructure, as well as less tangible symbolic
goods including official languages, flags, and national anthems.’’3 Con-
flicts and wars in Africa occur when small, rapacious, and praetorian co-
teries of politically well-connected individuals misuse and deny access to
public goods. It is a violation of one’s rights to be denied the benefits or
access to public goods that one has paid for or is entitled to. These rights
are further violated when one is stripped of basic freedoms to demand
access to those goods and services, or when an environment is created in
which these goods and services cannot be acquired. Although wars have
captured headlines of African-related events, the world has rarely been
told that human rights violations are one of the causes of these wars. In
the case of Somalia, the flagrant abuse of basic rights left Somalis so
paralysed by hopelessness that many are now virtually unable to take
care of themselves and have to rely on international humanitarian assis-
tance. Prior to the total collapse of their state in 1992, the Somalis were
already living in a state of fear and insecurity – they were fearful of arbi-
trary arrest, seizure or destruction of their properties, and loss of life.
The violation of human rights, I point out later in this chapter, is central
to the failure of the Somali state.
long prison sentences awaited individuals who stepped out of line; any hint of in-
dependence was proof of links to sinister ‘‘dissident movements.’’ Women acti-
vists were especially cruelly treated – held in prison and subjected to sexual abuse
and rape as forms of torture. A climate of fear made the exchange of free opinion
virtually impossible.11
rested without warrants and then sentenced without trial. Among those
arbitrarily arrested and sentenced in a kangaroo court was businessman
Ahmed Farah Jire, who ‘‘came under suspicion when he brought his
clansmen together for a road construction project . . . (that) did not pose a
threat to the authorities.’’13
Owing to the legal system’s lack of uniformity, in most regions the ju-
diciary applies either traditional and customary law, Islamic Shari’a law,
or the penal code of the pre-1991 Siad Barre government, or a combina-
tion of the three. For instance, whereas Bardera courts apply a combina-
tion of Islamic Shari’a law and the former penal code, those in north
Mogadishu, a segment of south Mogadishu, the Middle Shabelle, and
parts of the Gedo and Hiran regions, base their decisions solely on
Shari’a law. In areas where Islamic culture is particularly entrenched,
such as in Gedo and Hiran, those convicted of certain offences might re-
ceive harsh punishments ranging from public whippings to amputations
and stoning.14
The Constitution of the Republic of Somaliland, which was endorsed
by clan elders in 1991, contains guarantees for human rights. However,
this constitution also contains inherent contradictions that compromise
some of the human rights. For instance, it places limitations on religious
freedom by making Islam the official and only religion. Christians are
not allowed to proselytize, although they can deliver relief aid and keep
their beliefs privately. It also guarantees the rights of women, but only
as ‘‘specifically ordained in Islamic Shari’a.’’15 This constitution only
‘‘encourages’’ the government to ‘‘legislate for the right of women to be
free of practices which are contrary to Shari’a and which are injurious
to their person and dignity.’’16 It also gives women ‘‘the right to own,
manage, oversee, trade in, or pass on property in accordance with the
law,’’ as well as ‘‘the right to have extended to them education in home
The administration of justice is hampered by a shortage of qualified
judges and defence attorneys in Somaliland. In those areas where tradi-
tional and customary judicial practices or Shari’a law are applied, the
right to representation by an attorney and the right to appeal do not ex-
ist. In some cases the Shari’a courts have also contravened the norms of
Shari’a law by denying basic rights, including defendants’ rights to face
witnesses during trial. Although the Hargesa administration has not lived
up to the letter and spirit of the document, Somaliland has taken the
positive step of stipulating human rights protection in its constitution.
The other breakaway parts of former Somalia neither possess constitu-
tions nor practise the rule of law.
For democracy to thrive and peace to prevail in a society there must be
adherence to the rule of law. This law must also ‘‘be universally heeded,
that is, obeyed and complied with.’’18 The rule of law, according to I.
Mohammed, implies the following:
0 the law is sovereign over all authority, including the government;
0 the law must be clear and certain in its content and accessible and
predictable for the subject;
0 the law must be general in its application;
0 the judiciary must be independent and accessible to every aggrieved
0 the law must have procedural and ethical content.19
All these components are lacking in Somalia; instead, the rule of law in
Somalia is guided by particularism – that is, it is based ‘‘on either expe-
rience or on substitution of some sort of moral judgment for legality.’’20
But more so, the Somali warlords have gained notoriety for their antipa-
thy to the rule of law. This is understandable, since power in Somalia is
arbitrary, personal, and unpredictable.
In the period following the fall of Barre, Somalis did not know how to
relate to the state or how the state ought to treat them, as none existed.
The collapse of the state coupled with the particularity of the rule of law
meant that renegade warlords and the people could take whatever laws
they deemed beneficial to their interests into their own hands. Gibson
and Gouws caution that ‘‘although rule of law is . . . necessary for demo-
cratic government, it is certainly not sufficient.’’ It must have ‘‘meaning as
an attribute of institutions, cultures, and the belief systems of ordinary
citizens.’’21 To help us better understand the present state of Somalia so
that we can propose viable solutions, we trace, in the next section, the
historical roots of the present lack of human rights guarantees and the
collapsed state.
Somalis had a code of conduct called xeer that established rules and
norms that promoted security and social justice among themselves. Fur-
thermore, Chopra adds, ‘‘clans and families could not muster enough
resources and were not sufficiently centralized to exploit inequalities. The
communitarian nature of Somali society prevented classes from being
stratified according to wealth.’’24 Abdi Ismail Samatar points out that,
acting as a social contract, the xeer regulated conflicts ‘‘in the absence of
centralized coercive machinery’’ by ensuring that people relied and lived
on their ‘‘labor/livestock rather than exploiting others.’’25
Leadership in pre-colonial Somalia was based on merit and conferred
upon proof of effective management of one’s household. Leaders were
‘‘elected by majority votes of informal councils or assemblies known as
Shir, composed of any member of a particular lineage. A Shir also made
most political and judicial decisions, hence limiting the exercise of lead-
ership powers. Committees of elders appointed for a specific purpose by
the elected leaders implemented decisions. In this manner, the ideal of
decentralization was guaranteed and checks and balances against exploi-
tation were safeguarded.’’26
When the British, French, and Italians arrived and claimed territories
(in 1886, 1888, and 1905, respectively) they established states that were
convenient for colonial rule – that is, centralized and with hierarchical
power structures. In the process of claiming supreme authority, the colo-
nial state had to ignore or undermine the existing traditional sources of
authority. Beside the colonial state that was designed in Europe, the
colonialists also introduced a form of capitalism that diminished the
role of pastoralism in economic production and the communitarian social
order. Colonialism also introduced into society an alien class of western-
educated Somalis that was ferocious in its accumulation of material goods
introduced by the Europeans. Henceforth, all Somali social institutions
and practices were either completely destroyed or weakened and sub-
jugated to serve the colonial interests.
The implantation of conflict in Somali society took form when Somalis
started resisting colonial domination and had to muster resources to do
so. This, Chopra claims, entailed competing for control of resources that
the colonialists were also seeking. The outcome of this was a complicity
in destruction of their own pastoral nomadic culture and creation of tools
to fight each other. By destroying the ‘‘xeer glue that regulated conflicts
and held Somali society together,’’ seeds for future chaos were planted.
This partly explains why the Somali conflict has become intractable.27
The situation was exacerbated by the failure of the colonial states to
govern effectively and justly. Instead of protecting and promoting human
rights, the British, French, and Italians established administrations that
stance, it forced the ANC and the PAC to become more militant and
violent, transformed the Black townships into cauldrons of political may-
hem, and led the international community to isolate South Africa. By the
1980s, political violence had become a common means of communication
between the government and its oppressed populations. By the beginning
of the 1990s, it had become obvious to the apartheid stalwarts that the
system was doomed. As the burdens of apartheid became too heavy to
bear, the government of F.W. de Klerk made concessions: it legalized
nationalist movements, released Nelson Mandela and other jailed lead-
ers, and embarked on a path of ‘‘liberalizing’’ South Africa.
Human rights violations in South Africa attracted international atten-
tion, opprobrium, and action because they were specifically directed at
non-White racial groups. From 1948 to the early 1990s, the apartheid
regime – built on intolerance, violence, and disrespect for life – ‘‘was
responsible for a multitude of increasingly systematic human rights vio-
lations in the course of initiating, elaborating, and defending’’ the system
of racial discrimination.46 Among these violations were ‘‘arbitrary arrests
and detentions without trial; the denial of basic civil and political rights to
more than three-quarters of its people; systematic press censorship; de-
nial of equal social and economic rights and opportunities to its people;
and torture and extra-judicial executions.’’47
Apartheid was constructed as a scheme to deny non-Whites access to
public goods. By giving Whites exclusive access and maximum benefits,
the Whites came to enjoy ‘‘unprecedented rates of economic growth’’ in
the second half of the 1960s and first half of the 1970s.48 However, to-
wards the end of the 1970s, South Africa had become internationally
despised for its flagrant violations of human rights. As domestic opposi-
tion and international pressure mounted, the government was forced to
make piecemeal reforms. These were rejected, since they merely sought to
protect the privileges and extend the control of the Whites. The apart-
heid government responded to these pressures by adopting draconian
measures, including a partial state of emergency, strict media censorship,
brutal suppression of protestors, and extensive powers of arrest and de-
tention of state opponents. Using legislation, arbitrary executive orders,
and unregulated powers of executive officers such as the Minister of Law
and Order, the apartheid government flagrantly infringed the universal-
ism of the rule of law.49 By allowing the police and security forces to run
the state unrestrained and unfettered by the rule of law, South Africa was
essentially a police state.
Because apartheid was anti-human rights, it became very easy to sell
the anti-apartheid struggle to the international community as a human
rights struggle. This, in turn, greatly contributed to the success of protec-
tion of human rights in the post-apartheid society, as the anti-apartheid
heid state into a democratic one, and how to reconcile and build a new
nation. The transformation of the apartheid state started with redistribu-
tion of political power. A new parliament was created, consisting of two
chambers – the National Assembly with 400 members and the Council
of Provinces with 90 members. Half of the members of the National
Assembly were elected from national constituencies, the other half being
elected proportionally from the provincial lists. After peaceful elections
in 1994, a ‘‘Government of National Unity’’ was formed and given a five-
year lease of life to establish a firm foundation for a new South Africa.
In the new cabinet that was formed, the 27 positions were distributed
among all the parties that received more than 5 per cent of the vote.
When Mandela was elected President, he picked former President F.W.
de Klerk (a former adversary and leader of the White National Party)
and Thabo Mbeki (of the ANC) as his deputies.
Although the final shape of the transition was not determined in ad-
vance, there is no doubt that the transition was driven by liberal interna-
tional human rights norms. Indeed, of the five minimum conditions that
the apartheid government was required to meet before the international
community could lift international restrictions, four were related to hu-
man rights: these were (1) repealing the state of emergency, (2) releasing
all political prisoners, (3) legalizing the ANC and other political parties,
and (4) eliminating apartheid laws.52 However, this international em-
phasis on political rather than on social and economic rights meant that
the transformation was not radical enough to restructure the economy
and ‘‘redress South Africa’s deep historic inequalities.’’53 By promoting
‘‘the more narrow goals of political democratization, particularly univer-
sal suffrage,’’ instead of the socio-economic transformation of apartheid
South Africa, the international community may have planted seeds for
future unrest.
Whereas Whites in post-apartheid South Africa have sought to protect
the gains they made during the apartheid era, the Black majority popu-
lation, who had been disadvantaged and deprived of economic oppor-
tunities and decent living standards, are demanding more than legal,
political, and civil rights:54 unless ‘‘South Africa’s deep, racially struc-
tured, inequities’’ are ‘‘addressed in some form,’’ the transition will be
not only stalled but possibly even reversed.55 This transition, of which
Western states were, basically, the midwives, has turned out to be a pro-
motion of Western liberal democracy and capitalism.56 Nevertheless, the
most important thing is that ‘‘the post-apartheid government, through its
socially progressive, constitutionally entrenched bill of rights, has dem-
onstrated its intent to entrench the prescriptive status of liberal human
rights norms, and to adhere to rule-consistent behavior.’’57 Among the
indicators that South Africa’s new government is committed to fostering
a human rights culture are the abolition of the death penalty and the es-
tablishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to help heal the
wounds of the apartheid era.58
The final act of restructuring the state involves democratizing its in-
struments, which had been designed to oppress, suppress, and exploit the
majority of people. This is more important, since these instruments are
also needed to implement new policies of reconciliation and reconstruc-
tion of the nation, and redistribution of public goods and services. Nev-
ertheless, this task has not been easy: for example, the constitution
provides for a policy of affirmative action, with the intention of redistribut-
ing positions to Blacks previously denied public-service appointments
in the apartheid state; however, the implementation of such policies in
core state agencies (such as the military, police, and the courts) has run
into problems, particularly from the Whites, who have accused the state
of reverse discrimination. Great care is being taken because these state
apparatuses are crucial to the survival of the state, the rule of law, and
maintenance of civil order.
There was an urgency to create and promote a human rights culture
in South Africa after the fall of the apartheid state.59 Although human
rights are no longer at the top of the post-apartheid government agenda,
the country remains on the path toward a human rights-based constitu-
tional democracy. So far, all human rights institutions provided for in
both the interim60 and final61 constitutions have been established and the
legislature has enacted important human rights laws. South Africa has
also shown its commitment to human rights by signing the International
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Convention on the Elim-
ination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. By 1996, it had ratified the
Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Elimina-
tion of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, the Protocols to the
Geneva Convention, and the African Charter on Human and People’s
Rights. The South African Parliament has also played a leading role in
promoting human rights by passing laws that have ‘‘significant implica-
tions for the establishment of a human rights based democracy’’62 and
setting up of human rights institutions.63 To ensure that all laws and ex-
ecutive acts did not undermine the human rights standards established in
the Bill of Rights, a Constitutional Court was inaugurated in February
1995. So far, this court has handed down judgements abolishing the death
penalty, outlawing civil imprisonment for civil debt, and taking other de-
cisions related to equality, privacy, freedom of expression, and access to
South Africa took a major step towards the promotion of human rights
by establishing a Human Rights Commission. This Commission promotes
human rights by educating the people and the communities about their
rights, making recommendations to Parliament, reviewing human rights-
related legislation, and ‘‘investigating alleged violations of fundamental
rights and assisting those affected to secure redress.’’65 Another com-
mission that has played a crucial role in South Africa’s transition to a
democratic society was established to help the country come to terms
with its past. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was given
the primary role in developing a complete picture of the causes, nature,
and extent of the gross human rights violations committed from 1 March
1960 to 10 May 1994. Additional tasks included facilitating the grant of
amnesty to those who owned up to their political crimes, establishing the
fate or whereabouts of victims, restoring the human and civil dignity of
the survivors of abuse, and recommending measures to repair past hu-
man rights violations and prevent them in the future.66
South Africa has also identified the need to ensure that public goods
are not misused or abused by individuals, by establishing the office of the
Public Proctor. The Public Proctor has the duties of investigating any
conduct in state affairs that is alleged or suspected to be improper, to re-
port that conduct, and to take remedial actions. According to Jeremy
Sarkin, the Public Proctor is also . . .
1. The views expressed in this chapter are personal and do not necessarily reflect those of
the African Union.
2. H.J. Kotze, ‘‘The State and Social Change in South Africa,’’ International Social Science
Journal, No. 163, March 2000, p. 79.
3. Ibid.
4. Federico Mayor, The Human Right to Peace – Declaration by the Director-General,
Paris: UNESCO, 1997, p. 5.
5. Patrick Hayden, ‘‘From Laws of the Peoples to Perpetual Peace,’’ International Journal
on World Peace, Vol. 13, No. 2, June 2000, p. 48.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid., p. 60.
8. Ibid., p. 58.
9. See US Committee for Refugees, Country Report – Somalia, 2002. hhttp://www.
10. Paulos Tesfagiorgis, ‘‘Democratic Elbow Room,’’ New Internationalist, No. 238, De-
cember 1992.
11. Ibid.
12. US Department of State, Somalia: Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 1998.
Available at h
htmli. This list suggests that some traditional values still exist in Somalia and can be
used as foundations for reconstruction of a new human rights culture. See also the
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the ‘‘Situation of Human Rights in Somalia,’’
submitted to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights on 26 January 2000.
Document number E/CN.4/2000/110.
13. Ibid.
14. See the Report of the Special Rapporteur on the ‘‘Situation of Human Rights in Soma-
lia,’’ submitted to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights on 26 January
2000. Document number E/CN.4/2000/110.
15. See Article 36 of the Revised Constitution of the Republic of Somaliland, adopted on 31
May 2001.
16. Ibid.
17. Ibid.
18. James Gibson and Amanda Gouws, ‘‘Support for the Rule of Law in the Emerging
South African Democracy,’’ International Social Science Journal, No. 152, June 1997,
p. 174.
19. I. Mohammed, ‘‘Preventive Detention and the Rule of Law,’’ South African Law Jour-
nal, Vol. 106, 1989, pp. 547–549.
20. Gibson and Gouws, ‘‘Support for the Rule of Law,’’ p. 175.
21. Ibid.
22. Jarat Chopra, Peace-Maintenance: The Evolution of International Political Authority,
New York: Routledge, 1999, p. 133.
23. Ibid., p. 134.
24. Ibid.
25. Abdi Ismail Samatar, ‘‘Destruction of State and Society in Somalia: Beyond the Tribal
Convention,’’ The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 3, No. 4, December 1992,
pp. 632–633.
26. Chopra, Peace-Maintenance, p. 134.
27. Ibid., p. 135.
28. Samatar, ‘‘Destruction of State and Society in Somalia,’’ p. 633.
29. An AU–IGAD fact-finding mission to Somalia in June 2003 found that the TNG had
control over only four buildings in Mogadishu, while Hussein Aidid controlled less than
200 square metres of the capital city.
30. Dahir Riyale Kahin replaced Mohammed Igal, who died on 2 May 2002.
31. Gitau Warigi, ‘‘Why Warlords Mission in Kenya Came Unstuck,’’ Sunday Nation, 18
March 2001.
32. David Black, ‘‘The Long and Winding Road: International Norms and Domestic Politi-
cal Change in South Africa,’’ in Thomas Risse, Stephen C. Ropp, and Kathryn Sikkink,
The Power of Human Rights – International Norms and Domestic Change, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1999, p. 102.
33. The TNG, embroiled in scandals over embezzlement of donor funds, has so far failed to
disarm and demobilize armed militias and to reunite Somaliland or Puntland with the
unstable regions in the south.
34. See Security Council Resolutions 733 (of 23 January 1992), 746 (of 17 March 1992), 751
(of 24 April 1992), 767 (of 27 July 1992), 775 (of 28 August 1992), 794 (of 3 December
1992), 814 (of 26 March 1993), 837 (of 6 June 1993), 865 (of 22 September 1993), 879 (of
29 October 1993), 885 (of 16 November 1993), 886 (of 18 November 1993), 897 (of 4
February 1994) and press statements of the President of the Security Council on 16
October 1992, 14 June 1993, and 18 June 1993.
35. Ibid., p. 106.
36. Somalia flickered on the screens after the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks in the
United States, when it was suspected to have provided havens for some of the terrorists
and was targeted for retaliation. As a failed state, Somalia is regarded as a breeding
ground for al-Qaeda terrorists targeting Western and Israeli interests in the region.
37. See h
38. See h
39. Somalia National Peace Conference (SNPC) took place in Djibouti from 2 May to 13
June and led the creation of the Transitional National Assembly. On 25 August 2000,
it elected Mr Abdiqassin Salad Hassan as President of Somalia. For more details, see
40. See h
41. Martin R. Ganzglass, ‘‘Restoration of the Somali Justice System,’’ International Peace-
keeping, Vol. 3, No. 1; Spring 1996, p. 117.
42. Ameen Jan, ‘‘Somalia: Building Sovereignty or Restoring Peace?’’ in Chetan Kumar
and Elizabeth Cousins, Peacebuilding as Politics: Cultivating Peace in Fragile Societies,
Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2001, p. 76.
43. Ganzglass, ‘‘Restoration of the Somali Justice System,’’ pp. 125–126.
44. Jan, ‘‘Somalia,’’ p. 76.
45. Black, ‘‘The Long and Winding Road,’’ p. 78.
72. David Little, ‘‘A Different Kind of Justice: Dealing with Human Rights Violations in
Transitional Societies,’’ Ethics and International Affairs, Vol. 13, 1999, p. 65.
73. Walter Wink, When the Powers Fall: Reconciliation in the Healing of Nations, Minne-
apolis: Fortress Press, 1998, p. 53.
74. For a detailed analysis of ubuntu, see Michael Battle, ‘‘The Theology of Community:
The Ubuntu Theology of Desmond Tutu,’’ Interpretation, Vol. 54, No. 2, April 2000.
75. Peter Manikas and Krishna Kumar, ‘‘Protecting Human Rights in Rwanda,’’ in Krishna
Kumar, ed., Rebuilding Societies After Civil War, Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1997, p. 63.
Human rights and transition
societies in Western Africa
Eghosa E. Osaghae
1994, for instance, Gambia was suspended from the Commonwealth after
Yahya Jammeh overthrew President Dauda Jawara in a coup and un-
leashed a reign of terror on the country. Sanctions were similarly im-
posed on Nigeria’s repressive military governments, especially after the
annulment of the 1993 elections and the execution of Ogoni minority
rights activists, led by Ken Saro-Wiwa, by the government of General
Sani Abacha in 1995. They were also imposed on Liberia’s President
Charles Taylor in May 2001 because of his involvement in the illegal
trade in diamonds and his support for rebels in Sierra Leone, which were
critical factors in the wars in Sierra Leone and Liberia.
The poor human rights situation in West Africa is a major factor in the
persistent domestic and external pressures for reforms, following which
West Africa has emerged as a centre of some of the most engaging
transitions in Africa. National conferences convened by self-asserting
civil-society organizations and previously excluded opposition elements
(of which the 1990 Benin conference became prototypical), represents
one face of these transitions. Military-managed transitions – which have
tended to produce relatively fragile but growing forms of democracy, as
in Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Niger – represent
another face of transition. There have also been less orderly and conflict-
aggravating transitions, such as those forced upon countries by civil war
and warlords.
It is against the backdrop of the transition ferment, and on the as-
sumption that human rights are critical instruments of conflict manage-
ment and state reconstitution, that this chapter analyses the trajectories
of human rights in West Africa. The remainder of the chapter is divided
into three sections. The next section presents a broad overview of human
rights in West Africa and searches for the sources of human rights abuses
across the region. Then the transformation of the human rights regime
under democratization is examined. The final section grapples with the
question of why recent transitions in West Africa, which held the promise
of the much-touted ‘‘second liberation’’ in Africa, failed to transform the
human rights regime.
Political institutions
The state in West Africa typifies the post-colonial African state, and
therefore suffers from the pathologies that are associated with that state.
Foremost of these is an endemic legitimacy crisis that is embedded in the
imposed origins of the state under colonial rule. The crisis manifests it-
self in different ways, such as low level and sectional support for govern-
ment, lack of transparency and accountability in the public domain, and
contested and disorderly succession to power, including a vicious cycle
of inconclusive elections and military interventions. Civilian control of
the military is problematic and frequently breached. There is also neo-
patrimonial rule, in which state power is privatized and over-centralized,
support is secured through patron–client linkages and pay-offs, and gov-
ernment positions are made instruments of accumulation by predatory
office holders.5
The cumulative effect of the foregoing factors is that constitutionalism
and governmental institutions are underdeveloped, weak, and fragile,
leading in many cases to arbitrary and ineffective governance. Typically,
civil society is emasculated by what Bayart calls the totalizing tendency of
the state,6 which includes attempts at mobilizing popular support through
state-directed schemes such as the ‘‘June 4 movement’’ in Ghana and the
‘‘movement for economic recovery, self-reliance and social justice’’ in
Nigeria. Furthermore, separation of powers exists mostly in the formal
sense, as the legislature and judiciary function more or less as elonga-
tions of the executive, which is built around a powerful ruler and a single
or dominant party (the military variety had supreme councils with un-
challengeable powers).
The political scene in West Africa has witnessed some of the most ex-
treme forms of these pathologies. By 1989, on the eve of the end of the
Cold War, virtually every country in the region was under one form of
authoritarian rule or another. The regime of authoritarianism had two
demonstrable effects: first, it raised the stakes of politics and made the
struggle for state power grim, zero-sum, and violent. Second, the constant
threats to the survival of incumbent rulers led to an emphasis on the se-
curity and stability of the ruler at the expense of the well-being of citi-
zens. In many states, state security services, secret police, terrorist units,
and so-called élite forces were probably the most developed agencies of
the state and attracted disproportionately large budgetary allocations.
Demands and struggles by aggrieved elements for access, participation,
redress, and equitable allocation of resources were suppressed through
instruments such as preventive detention, emergency power, and state
security acts.7
The fractional nature of élite organization and competition is another
Economic institutions
factor, explaining why contestation over land is one of the main sources
of communal and ethnic conflicts. In addition, a significant proportion of
ordinary people, especially in the urban areas, are engaged in the vibrant
informal sector that runs parallel to the formal sector. The informal sec-
tor helps to absorb large portions of the population that would other-
wise be unemployed or live below the poverty line. It also houses such
illegal practices as smuggling, moonlighting, piracy, currency counter-
feiting, drug trafficking, prostitution, child labour, and foreign-exchange
‘‘black markets’’ that are subversive of government economic policies.
Accordingly, they usually attract punitive measures – crackdowns, mass
arrests, demolition of illegal structures, etc. – from the state.
Third, virtually all the states in the region are monocultural, dependent
on the export of one main agricultural or mineral commodity: crude oil
accounts for over 90 per cent of Nigeria’s total revenue; cocoa is the
mainstay of the Ivorian economy; gold and cocoa for Ghana; rubber for
Liberia; diamonds for Sierra Leone; and so on. Largely because the
states have no control over the prices of their export commodities, their
economies are susceptible to, and have been adversely affected by, un-
stable commodity prices and other shocks and depressions that the global
economy suffers from time to time. One direct effect of this has been the
accumulation of foreign debts. The volume of debts owed by West Afri-
can countries (estimated at $77.3 billion by 1996) is not unduly large,
compared with the rest of the third world (Nigeria and Côte d’Ivoire,
with estimated debts of $32 billion and $19.8 billion respectively, are the
exceptions). However, when the volume of total debt service is consid-
ered, such debts are quite a burden on poor and fragile economies. It is
as such that foreign debts have diminished the developmental capacity of
the states and left them with no option but to swallow the bitter pill of
International Monetary Fund and World Bank-authored economic re-
forms built around structural adjustment programmes (SAPs).
Fourth, although most states have been active in the economy since
independence and have tried to live up to their titles of developmental
states, they have depended on rents and royalties paid by multinationals
that dominate the productive sector of mining and agriculture. The gov-
ernment’s greatest showing is in the bloated public service and enter-
prises sector, which is not only the largest employer of labour in the for-
mal sector but also the recipient of the bulk of revenues, with as much as
90 per cent of total revenue going to recurrent expenditures (salaries and
overheads) in many countries. The industrial and manufacturing (assem-
bly) sectors are miniscule (most countries in the region recorded negative
real growth rates in these sectors in the 1980s and 1990s). Fifth, going
back to the foundations laid during colonial rule, the economies are
dominated by foreign concerns – multinationals and hosts of Asian and
cation, and health care to beyond the reach of most ordinary people. The
state itself was also a major casualty: with the decline in resources and
revenues that prefaced SAP and the increased dependence on foreign
aid, governments found it increasingly difficult to satisfy the minimum
imperatives of statehood, including provision of such basic goods and
services as the regular payments of salaries to public officers, the security
of lives and property, the running of public schools and hospitals, and
the maintenance of infrastructure. Increased poverty is a major factor in
the upsurge in violent crimes, prostitution, child labour, emigration, the
spread of HIV/AIDS, and the resurgence of the slave trade and such
killer diseases as malaria and cholera.
It did not come as a surprise, therefore, that, after a review of initial
failures, the World Bank became a major proponent of poverty allevia-
tion. However, this could not stem the tide of massive opposition by
labour, youth, academics, professional associations, women’s associa-
tions, and the urban poor, nor of the phenomenal increase in anti/
counter-state conflicts. The massive opposition led the state to higher
levels of authoritarianism and repression, without which SAPs could not
be implemented – indeed, the real success cases were those implemented
by more authoritarian rulers – such as General Babangida of Nigeria
(who passed a decree forbidding discussion of alternatives to SAP) and
J.J. Rawlings of Ghana.
All countries in West Africa are multi-ethnic, although the difficulties and
state-threatening problems posed by this make-up have differed from
country to country. Nigeria – with over 300 ethno-linguistic groups (the
divisions of which are reinforced by a complex mix of regional and reli-
gious cleavages) and with a long history of separatist agitations and
ethnic, regional, religious, and communal conflicts – is clearly the worst
case. Another country that has failed in ethnic terms is Liberia, the oldest
republic in the region. Although the country has only 16 major ethnic
groups, it has suffered bitter ethnic feuds that ultimately resulted in civil
war in 1989. Ghana’s post-independence history has witnessed con-
tinuous wrangling between the Asante and the Ewe, the largest of the
country’s (over 90) ethnic groups, for control of the state, and a fairly
large number of localized ethnic and communal conflicts (involving the
Kokomba and Nanumba, Nawuri and Gonja, etc.), which have been on
the increase since the 1990s.
In general, ethnicity has been more politically salient and troubling in
anglophone countries (notably Nigeria, Ghana, and Sierra Leone) than
it has been in such francophone countries as Côte d’Ivoire, Benin, and
As in most other parts of the world, in West Africa the post-Cold War
political scene witnessed an upsurge in civil conflict and war. There have
been protracted civil wars in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Niger, Guinea, and
Guinea Bissau, the effects of which have resonated all over the region.
Furthermore, virtually every country in the region has experienced one
form or another of devastating ethnic, regional, religious, and commu-
nal conflict. Counter-state mobilization, including separatist agitation, has
risen phenomenally since the late 1980s. Examples include Casamance
separatism in Senegal, Tuareg separatism in Niger, the Niger Delta up-
rising in Nigeria, and ‘‘rebel’’ activities in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea-
Bissau, Guinea, and Côte d’Ivoire. In a word, West Africa has become
something of a theatre of war, as attested to by the presence of warlords,
refugees, displaced persons, exile communities, child soldiers, and so on.
The scenario may be regarded as one of the inevitable consequences
of Cold War manipulations and tensions, especially the arms build-up
and support lent to authoritarian regimes and ethnic adversaries while
the war lasted. A host of other factors, however, served to accentuate the
state of instability and war in the region. Foremost among these is the
combination of desperate economic crises and state collapse, which af-
forded the opportunity, finally, for previously marginalized and oppressed
groups, ambitious politicians, and warlords to demand reconstruction
of the state.13 Second, there has been a paradigm shift in the discourse
on national cohesion. The collapse of the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia,
and Yugoslavia seemed to have brought the old conventional wisdom –
which privileged the state and justified the hegemonic projects of post-
independence ruling élites in Africa – to an end. Ethnic claims were no
longer illegitimate, after all; in fact, the rights of minorities, indigenous
peoples, and oppressed groups became the new privilege, and various
groups in the region were on line to make the most of the opportunities
created by that new privilege.
The political reforms prescribed (some would say imposed) by the he-
gemony-seeking global powers, whose hallmark was political liberaliza-
tion – pluralism, multi-partyism, and human rights – further boosted the
new-found voice for ethnic claimants. Indeed, there was something of
arose from the wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone, is that of the status and
rights of refugees and displaced persons. Host states have all kinds of
problems with refugees, not the least of which is the security risk they
pose. Indeed, refugees from Liberia were a source of tension in neigh-
bouring Côte d’Ivoire, Sierra Leone, and Guinea, and were believed to
be conduits in the outbreak of war in these countries. However, even
more urgent problems arose over the welfare of refugees. Being poor and
unstable themselves, the host countries were not in a position to provide
adequate food, shelter, and security for them. In some cases, refugees
were forced to seek employment – mostly menial jobs for men and pros-
titution for women – which exposed them to the danger of xenophobia
from members of the host communities.
Civil wars were only the more extreme situations of conflict in West
Africa: other localized conflicts afforded the state the opportunity to de-
prive individuals and groups of their rights. Conflicts that were perceived
as a threat to the stability, cohesion, and survival of the state were met
with the full might of state terrorism, and the rights of the ‘‘offending’’
groups were brazenly violated. This point is illustrated by the virtual war
declared by the Nigerian federal government on the country’s oil-rich
Niger Delta region to ‘‘crush’’ the rebellion of aggrieved equity-seeking
Transition consequences
violations of the repressive regimes in their countries and, with the sup-
port of sympathetic ‘‘host’’ states, played an active part in the diplomatic
offensives to oust dictators. What is of importance, however, is not the
mechanics of democratization per se, but the pivotal role of human rights
in the process. In a real sense, the struggle was for liberation – for the
rights and freedom of the people, as opposed to the state, which, as the
repository and recipient of rights at independence failed to actualize
the expected gains of decolonization. It was the failure of the state, as it
were, that made a second liberation struggle necessary – this time, from
internal colonialists and despots.17
The concept of a second liberation, which I consider the most original
contribution by African scholars to democratization scholarship, helps to
place the transformation of the human rights agenda in the context of
transition in perspective. This involves a shift in conception from that
of rights as state property to that of rights as the property of individuals
and groups, and from that of rights as duties to the state to that of rights
as rights from and against the state. To elaborate, we use the insights
offered by Ekeh, who has made the most remarkable attempt so far to
interrogate the analytical power of the concept of second liberation in
relation to human rights.18 For him, liberation as freedom is at the core
of democratization, and the main difference between the first and second
liberations lies in the differing conceptions of freedom that informed the
movements. In the first liberation, freedom was approached as the col-
lective right of peoples and states. This, as we have already indicated, not
only submerged individual rights but also made it possible to deny indi-
vidual rights, if doing so was perceived to be in the interest of the state.
By contrast, the freedom of the individual was the object of the second
The lesson from the failure of the first liberation was that any struggle
for freedom from the all-powerful state would be hollow if steps were not
taken to safeguard the autonomy of individuals and groups and to pre-
vent a relapse to state monopoly of the public sphere. This meant that
practical ways of checking the totalizing tendency of the state had to be
found, making its power holders responsive and accountable, and pro-
tecting human rights. From the common steps taken throughout the re-
gion, there was something of a consensus that constitutional reform and
constitutionalism held the best promise.
However, the resulting constitutions were no longer to be clones of
erstwhile colonial authorities with elegant but hollow bills of rights. A
major objective in the struggle was, therefore, to have constitutions that
reflected the balance of social and political forces, were people-centred
and, above all, were not imposed from above (that is, by incumbent gov-
ernments). Thus, civil-society leaders were critical of the 1999 Nigerian
Economic development
Two points are crucial to analysing the human rights implications of the
economic transition that occurred in West Africa from the late 1980s.
The first is the precipitate decline in the developmental capacities of
states and their ability to discharge the basic functions of statehood ef-
terprises provoked ethnic sentiments and tensions, the Bureau for Public
Enterprises (the state agency saddled with the exercise) was forced to
advance loans to members of poor communities to ensure that the exer-
cise was not turned into an opportunity for members of more affluent
communities to take over the economy. The overall point, I think, is that
political democracy has to be matched with economic and social democ-
racy to make human rights meaningful.
The second point relates to the fact that economic reforms embodied
in SAPs were undertaken alongside political reforms. Several studies
have pointed to the contradictory pulls elicited by a twinning of the two
processes:21 whereas political liberalization is participatory and support-
ive of democracy, the packaging and implementation of economic re-
forms encourages authoritarian tendencies. This often sets governments
on collision courses with the more discerning elements of civil society –
notably labour, students, and academics – and reinforced authoritarian
However, the major problem remains that the reforms so far under-
taken have not led to significant transformations in economic structures
and recovery. The economies remain monocultural and as vulnerable as
ever to external shocks; trade liberalization and privatization have not
yielded the expected dividends, whether in terms of foreign investment or
increased local and global competitiveness; the public sector, with all its
inefficiency, remains at the core of the economy; the commanding heights
of the economies are still controlled by multinationals and other foreign
interests; poverty levels appear to be on the increase in spite of the pop-
ularity of poverty-alleviation programmes; foreign debts are still a major
burden and have left the countries at the mercy of the World Bank and
the IMF; and the social sector has remained in the doldrums.
Explanations for the apparent failure of adjustment programmes have
ranged from the lack of will and managerial ability on the part of the
state (whose efficiency, contrary to expectation, was not enhanced by its
trimming), to cultural inertia, the point being that African cultures are
generally impervious to change. Although these explanations are partly
valid, the missing link is still the state. The only realistic path to economic
recovery would be to invest more in its dwindling credibility and legiti-
macy by strengthening its capacity for just and equitable distribution
of resources. This is an area that needs urgent attention because of the
primacy of economic development to democratization, conflict resolu-
tion, and the creation of a culture of rights. The point cannot be over-
emphasized that the continued poverty of African states poses a threat
not just to the stability of the states but to the peace and security of the
global system as a whole.
Conflict resolution
The fact that democratization processes were taking place in West Africa
while several parts of the region were embroiled in civil war and violent
conflicts, had direct consequences for conflict resolution in individual
countries and the region as a whole. One of these was the realization
that, as Dahl has argued, peace, resolution of conflict, and stability are
necessary for democracy and development.22 This realization saw the
emergence of new attitudes towards conflicts and adversaries, as in the
reconciliatory meetings organized by the government of Côte d’Ivoire in
2001, and the workings of the Oputa panel in Nigeria, whose sessions
were similar to those of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in
South Africa. It also underlay the rapid growth of the conflict-resolution
industry, involving both governmental and non-governmental agencies.
Another was the realization that the democratization and development
of any state were closely tied to the peace and stability of the entire sub-
region. A key variable in this regard is de-militarization, an absolutely
necessary condition for peace, civility, and human rights. This regional
dimension increased the importance of the bold initiatives of ECOWAS,
the regional organization, in the areas of collective security (through
ECOMOG), a regional culture of peace (through arms-proliferation con-
trol), and regional development (through establishment of a regional
parliament, a high court, and a common currency).
Three other developments combined to raise the challenge and ur-
gency of conflict resolution. First was the increase in the number and size
of conflicting parties (as a result of the opening up of previously closed
systems), which afforded groups that had been suppressed or excluded,
the opportunity to join first-order competition, leading to an expansion of
grievances and competitors. The problem was not, however, the expan-
sion of competitors per se, but the fact that some transitions involved the
loss of state power and that this engendered counter-revolutionary action
on the part of ‘‘losers.’’ These losers – such as the conservative Hausa–
Fulani of northern Nigeria – swelled the ranks of the aggrieved. In South
Africa, the short-term compensations conceded to the White Afrikaners
who were displaced from power contributed immensely to the smooth
passage of transition. In Nigeria, there was no such compensation or re-
assurance; instead, there appeared to be an attempt literally to vanquish
the losers – to punish them for the excesses of past military governments.
Such actions increased the tension and bitterness of transition.
The second development was that, unlike the past, when the state en-
joyed the privilege of dealing with demands that were deemed ‘‘illegiti-
mate,’’ the new discourse of pluralism and liberalization privileged rival
groups, whose claims and demands on the state were accordingly legiti-
mized. To be able to cope with this new challenge and enhance its legiti-
macy, it was obvious that the state had to devise new forms of political
accommodation in place of the old authoritarian and hegemonic struc-
tures. The third development was the (near) breakdown of law and order
in many countries, which was a concomitant of state collapse. The break-
down, which manifested itself in different ways, including an increase in
crime and criminal violence and the rise of ethnic militias, demonstrably
made the task of conflict resolution more difficult.
So how did the various states cope with the new challenges? This takes
us back to the major source of conflicts discussed in the previous section:
the fact that the state lacked relative autonomy (or ‘‘neutrality’’) and was
not insulated from exclusionary personal or ethnic capture. The opening
up of political systems means that one of the structural requirements
for a turnaround has been met; however, the question is how this can
be translated into greater accountability, responsiveness, and guaranteed
access to competing groups, especially those in opposition. Constitutional
safeguards may be helpful, to the extent that they reduce the fluid and
volatile character of power contestation and provide a reference point for
seeking redress; however, a lot more needs to be done in the realm of
political action to make political institutions and processes effective. This
is where the role of civil society, as the ultimate watchdog over state ac-
tions, becomes very useful.
Although some significant changes have taken place, the overall state of
affairs in the region suggests that no fundamental change has occurred. It
is, therefore, not surprising that, in his classification of regimes at the end
of 1997 (based on the average Freedom House score on political and civil
liberties), Diamond listed only Benin in the lower rung of the category
of ‘‘free’’ states, while Mali was an ‘‘outside’’ entry at the very bottom
of the category.24 Most of the countries in the region were listed under
the categories of ‘‘(Non-liberal) Electoral Democracies’’ and ‘‘Pseudo-
Democracies,’’ while Nigeria and Sierra Leone fell in the category of the
countries with the least freedom (authoritarian regimes). Changes in
some countries since 1997 would give them better – or worse – ratings:
Nigeria, for example, has come closer to being an electoral democracy
since the inauguration of civilian government there in 1999; Ghana post-
Rawlings would probably be ahead of Benin; and Guinea, Liberia, and
Côte d’Ivoire would have descended to the category of least freedom.
Nevertheless, the overall picture remains as Diamond found it in 1997.
1. The states in the region belonging to ECOWAS are Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde,
Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria,
Sierra Leone, Senegal, and Togo.
2. Joy Mukubwa Hendrickson, ‘‘Rights in Traditional African Societies,’’ in John A.A.
Ayoade and Adigun A.B. Agbaje, eds, African Traditional Political Thought and In-
stitutions, Lagos: Centre for Black and African Arts and Civilization, 1989, pp. 19–43.
3. H. Diabate, ‘‘The Process of Nation and Constitution-Building in Côte d’Ivoire,’’ in I.G.
Shivji, ed., State and Constitutionalism: An African Debate on Democracy, Harare:
SAPES, 1991, p. 170.
4. O.C. Eze, Human Rights in Africa: Some Selected Problems, Lagos: Nigerian Institute of
International Affairs (NIIA) and Macmillan, 1984, p. 27.
5. P. Chabal and J. Daloz, Africa Works: Disorder as Political Instrument, Oxford: James
Currey, 1999; P. Englebert, State Legitimacy and Development in Africa, Boulder:
Lynne Rienner, 2000.
6. J.-F. Bayart, ‘‘Civil Society in Africa: Reflections on the Limits of Power,’’ in P. Chabal,
ed., Political Domination in Africa, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986,
pp. 106–125.
7. In Nigeria, the instruments multiplied under military rule, but the main one was the
State Security (Detention of Persons) Decree no. 3 of 1966, which was amended as
deemed fit by successive military governments. In Ghana, it was the Executive Instru-
ment: 151 Preventive Custody (no. 54) Order of 1977 that was used to legalize the de-
tention without trial of opponents of the government.
8. D.L. Horowitz, ‘‘Democracy in Divided Societies,’’ in L. Diamond and M.F. Plattner,
eds, Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and Democracy, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
Press, 1994, pp. 35–55.
9. P.P. Ekeh and E.E. Osaghae, eds, Federal Character and Federalism in Nigeria, Ibadan:
Heinemann, 1989, pp. 1–10; E.E. Osaghae, ‘‘Human Rights and Ethnic Conflict Man-
agement: The Case of Nigeria,’’ Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 33, No. 2, 1996, pp.
10. R. Suberu, ‘‘The Travails of Federalism in Nigeria,’’ in Diamond and Plattner, eds, Na-
tionalism, Ethnic Conflict, and Democracy, pp. 56–70; K. Amuwo, A.A.B. Agbaje, R.
Suberu, and G. Herault, eds, Federalism and Political Restructuring in Nigeria, Ibadan:
Spectrum, 1998.
11. African Development Bank (ADB), African Development Report 1998: Human Capital
Development, Oxford: Oxford University Press for ADB, 1998.
12. G. Gonnin, ‘‘Ethnicity, Politics and National Awareness in Côte d’Ivoire,’’ in O. Nnoli,
ed., Ethnic Conflicts in Africa, Dakar: CODESRIA Books, 1998, pp. 159–182.
13. R. Joseph, ed., State, Conflict, and Democracy in Africa, Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1999.
14. E.E. Osaghae, ‘‘The Ogoni Uprising: Oil Politics, Minority Nationalism, and the Future
of the Nigerian State,’’ African Affairs, Vol. 94, No. 376, 1995, pp. 325–344.
15. W.G. O’Neill, ‘‘Gaining Compliance without Force: Human Rights Field Operations,’’
in Simon Chesterman, ed., Civilians in War, Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2001, pp. 93–
16. While the focus here is on supportive external forces, it should be noted that, by the
very nature of the contradictions that attend relations between African states and the
global capitalist system, the external factors also had democracy-weakening aspects.
A case in point is the adjustment programmes that African states were compelled to
17. G. Nzongola-Ntalaja, ‘‘The State and Democracy in Africa,’’ in G. Nzongola-Ntalaja
and M.C. Lee, eds, The State and Democracy in Africa, Harare: AAPS Books, 1997, pp.
9–24; P.P. Ekeh, ‘‘The Concept of Second Liberation and the Prospects of Democracy
in Africa: A Nigerian Context,’’ in P. Beckett and C. Young, eds, Dilemmas of Democ-
ratization in Nigeria, Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 1997, pp. 91–106; E.E.
Osaghae, ‘‘The ‘Second Liberation’ and African Development,’’ in Myriam Gervais,
ed., Development: The Need for Reflection, Montreal: Centre for Developing Areas
Studies, 2000, pp. 22–29.
18. Ekeh, ‘‘The Concept of Second Liberation and the Prospects of Democracy in Africa,’’
p. 96.
19. Ekeh, ‘‘The Concept of Second Liberation and the Prospects of Democracy in Africa,’’
pp. 96–97.
20. J. Ihonvbere, Towards a New Constitutionalism in Africa, Centre for Democracy and
Development Occasional Paper Series No. 4, London: CDD, 2000.
21. Various contributions in P. Gibbon, Y. Bangura and A. Ofstad, eds, Authoritarianism,
Democracy and Adjustment: The Politics of Economic Reform in Africa, Uppsala: Nor-
diska Afrikainstitutet, 1992.
22. R. Dahl, ‘‘Democracy and Human Rights under Different Conditions of Development,’’
in O. Savic, ed., The Politics of Human Rights, London: Verso, 1999, p. 172.
23. Uhuru is Kiswahili (the commonest language for most of East, Central, and Southern
Africa) for ‘‘freedom’’.
24. L. Diamond, Developing Democracy: Toward Consolidation, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1999, pp. 279–280.
Political development and
democratic rights in Greater China
Man-To Leung1
Human rights issues are among the most disputable issues in interna-
tional discourse. After World War II, various countries, especially the
European countries, felt an urgent need to have some kind of consensus
on the importance of respecting human rights. This led to an agreement
on a Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the International Cov-
enant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), and dozens of
other international covenants and conventions.
Both the ICCPR and the ICESCR conventions came into force in
1976. Countries ratifying these two covenants have to submit reports to
the Human Rights Committee and can be criticized for violating human
rights. For those countries that have not ratified the conventions, the
force of international pressure comes indirectly through diplomacy and
the influence of international human rights NGOs. The three regions
in Greater China – the Mainland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong – have been
under pressure from various sources to improve their human rights
Apart from international pressures, internal forces also affect human
rights implementation. The Republic of China (Taiwan) (ROC) was ef-
fectively governed by the Kuomintong (KMT) before the founding of the
Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). After the lifting of the martial law
in July 1987, the process of democratization sped up in Taiwan. It took
15 years for the DPP to take control of the government. Significant im-
Immediately after World War II, the Republic of China played an im-
portant role in the drafting process of the UDHR. With regard to the
Charter of the United Nations, China (represented by the ROC) made
substantive contributions to the provisions on international cooperation
in the solution of economic, social, cultural, and other humanitarian prob-
lems. At the end of the 183rd Meeting of the General Assembly, the
ROC voted in favour of the UDHR. Dr P.C. Chang, the ROC represen-
tative on the Commission on Human Rights, declared that the objectives
of the Declaration were to set up a universal moral standard.2
The ROC signed the ICCPR and the ICESCR in 1967, but did not
ratify them under the KMT government, although that government rati-
fied 16 other covenants.3 As a result, the ROC was not held formally
accountable to the international community. This is one reason why the
implementation of civil rights and political rights in the ROC was defec-
tive through the 1960s. After being expelled from the United Nations in
1971, the ROC has not been subject to international pressure with re-
spect to the implementation of these two covenants. Nevertheless, the
ROC government, under the leadership of the DPP, showing its deter-
mination to protect human rights better, ratified the two covenants in
April 2001. However, as the ROC is no longer recognized by the United
Nations as an independent sovereign country, the government in Taiwan
does not have to submit human rights reports to the United Nations, and
this has proved to be an important set-back to monitoring the human
rights situation in Taiwan.
In the past, despite the fact that the KMT government committed itself
to the drafting process of the UDHR and other covenants, the KMT had
been criticized as an authoritarian government suppressing human rights.
Taiwan had been a Japanese colony for several decades before its res-
toration to Chinese control in 1945. The mainlanders, appointed by the
KMT, imposed authoritarian rule over the local Taiwanese, who are
mostly ancestors of migrants from the mainland to the island before
Japan’s occupation. The 28 February incident of 1947 was the first case
of massive human rights suppression. Later, the KMT and its followers
fled to Taiwan. Chiang Kai-shek imposed martial law on Taiwan in 1949,
suspending the Constitution and subjecting hundreds of individuals to
unlawful arrests, inhumane torture, long-term imprisonment, and extra-
judicial executions. In 1954, the National Assembly extended the Tem-
porary Provisions, which allowed the KMT to issue a Garrison Command
that placed people under martial law, thereby curtailing peoples’ demo-
cratic rights.
From its arrival in Taiwan in 1950 until 1986, the KMT was intolerant
of political opposition. Under the leadership of Chiang Kai-shek, internal
reform was slow. The KMT government introduced electoral competition
at the local level in the early 1950s. Direct elections were later extended
to cover the Provincial Assembly. Since the 1977 local election, the po-
litical opposition (Tangwai) has participated in local elections;4 however,
supplementary elections for the Legislative Yuan and the National As-
sembly were tightly controlled by the KMT. Together with activists and
intellectuals of both local and mainland origin, Lei Chen (the founder
and editor of the liberal journal Free China Fortnightly) attempted to
form the China Democratic Party in 1960. When this attempt failed and
Lei Chen was arrested, the development of political rights was severely
More importantly, freedom of the press was not respected before the
lifting of martial law. Censorship by the government was vigorous during
the 1950s and 1960s. Violators of martial law faced long-term imprison-
ment. Despite improvements in the 1970s and the early 1980s, there was
widespread confiscation of underground magazines and newspapers: the
number of journals and newspapers banned from publishing continued to
increase in the 1980s.
Freedoms of demonstration and association were not respected, either.
The so-called Kaohsiung incident or Formosa incident of 10 December
1979 is perhaps the most significant human rights issue in Taiwan. A
massive demonstration organized by the Formosa (Mei-li Tao, the coali-
tion of dissidents) was held to celebrate International Human Rights Day
and to protest against alleged government violations of human rights;
however, the police brutally suppressed this demonstration and arrested
more than 100 members of the political opposition.
The seeds of democratization in Taiwan were sown during the pro-
cess of ‘‘Taiwanization’’ of the KMT in the 1970s.5 Under the leadership
Although the PRC had not yet been established at the time of the draft-
ing process of the Universal Declaration, the representative of the CCP
(Dong Biwu) took part in the process. Nevertheless, owing to its isolation
policy, the PRC had not paid much attention to the development of the
international human rights regime since the early 1950s.15 The Cultural
Revolution – which, ironically, emerged in the year (1966) that the two
international covenants of human rights (ICCPR and ICESCR) were pro-
posed, and which ended in the year (1976) that the two covenants came
into force – was disastrous for human rights protection. Whereas, since
the adoption of the Open Door Policy, liberalization in the economic
sphere has become unstoppable, in the early stages of the economic re-
form human rights were still regarded as a bourgeois slogan.16
In the process of liberalization, the PRC faces a dilemma. If it opens
itself up to the world, it subjects itself further to international norms and
standards; this would curtail its sovereignty. From the PRC’s perspective,
human rights are used as a propaganda weapon by particular Western
countries to spread their political system and values all over the world.
Although Deng Xiaoping seldom talked about human rights directly,
nevertheless (under pressure from the West) he once made an infamous
comment: ‘‘What are human rights? Are human rights for the majority
or for the minority, or for the people of the whole country? So-called
‘human rights’ as understood in the Western World and human rights we
talk about are two different things. There are different viewpoints re-
garding this matter.’’17 Deng’s comments on the difference between the
Western interpretation of human rights and the PRC’s interpretation are
regularly quoted by Chinese officials and human rights scholars.
The Tiananmen Square incident marks an important turning point in
the attitude of the CCP toward human rights issues. The suppression of
the student anti-corruption movement to a certain extent undermined the
legitimacy of CCP rule. The CCP was forced to deal with the issue of
human rights. Before the Tiananmen Square incident, the notion of hu-
man rights was understood as a weapon used by the West to overthrow
the CCP: the initial response from the PRC was a ‘‘hard-line’’ policy
founded on the concept of national sovereignty, suggesting that the PRC
had the right to resist foreign intervention.18
After the suppression of the student movement in Tiananmen Square
protection of civil liberties in the PRC at the same level as that of Cam-
eroon, Congo, and Rwanda.26
As a response to persistent and harsh attacks from international NGOs,
the PRC appeals to relativism. While agreeing with the universality of
the human rights concept, PRC officials and human rights scholars claim
that the implementation of human rights should be subject to variations
of cultural contexts in different countries. In arguing for their views on
human rights, the PRC leaders also appeal to developmentalism,27 ac-
cording to which political and civil rights may be curtailed for the sake of
social and economic development.
Western countries, especially the United States, are unhappy with the
deplorable human rights situation in China. The United States and the
European Union have published reports on the human rights situation
in the PRC. In the last decade, attempts were made through the Human
Rights Commission of the United Nations to censure the PRC for its al-
legedly appalling human rights record. The PRC used a procedural rule
to block a vote on the merits of the Commission’s motion, which ex-
pressed deep concerns about the reports of violations of various civil
Despite its reluctance to adopt the so-called Western perspective, the
Beijing government signed both the ICCPR and the ICESCR covenants
in 1998 in order to demonstrate the CCP’s commitment to human rights
protection. Other factors, including the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games
and efforts to gain World Trade Organization (WTO) membership, are
all part of Beijing’s increased effort to show this commitment in recent
years. The People’s Congress ratified the ICESCR in March 2001; the
PRC has ratified over thirty other conventions,29 and it is possible that
the People’s Congress will ratify the ICCPR in the near future.
As long as the CCP is in power, the United States and other Western
countries will continue to use ‘‘human rights’’ in international political
bargaining. Human rights will still remain a ‘‘structural weakness for the
PRC’s diplomacy’’ and an important part of many countries’ foreign pol-
icies towards the PRC.30 However, as the PRC now enters the WTO, the
PRC’s economic concerns will have much less influence on human rights
issues. It is not clear how far the international community may affect hu-
man rights implementation in the PRC in the future. What is important
for the development of the international human rights regime is sincerely
to respect human dignity and protect individual and group interests. The
role of international NGOs may prove to be even more important in the
implementation of human rights norms in the PRC in the future.
The PRC leadership’s gradual change in its attitude towards human
rights norms is not only a result of international pressure but also a
product of domestic pressure for democratization. The Democratic Wall
Movement, led by the dissident Wei Jing-Sheng, is well known in its sig-
nificance as a grass-roots demand for political democratization. It origi-
nated in the discontent with the government’s failure to redress the
grievances of those who suffered in the Cultural Revolution;31 however,
as soon as CCP élites felt that their political monopoly was challenged,
the movement was suppressed.
Similar democratic movements occurred some 11 years later in 1989,
when the Chinese people were discontented with the corruption and
authoritarianism of the government. From the perspective of dissidents,
political democratization was seen as the only remedy for misgovern-
ment. Wei Jingsheng, Hu Ping, and Yan Jiaqi all appealed to the idea of
human rights.32 However, because the political monopoly of the CCP
was directly challenged, the demand for democratization was brutally re-
pressed. Large-scale political movements have changed into bold small-
scale attempts to organize political parties. These attempts have failed,
and organizers have been imprisoned or subjected to unlawful long-term
It should be noted that, whereas political reform at the national level
has been avoided, local political reforms have carried on since 1987, when
the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress adopted the
Organic Law of Village Committees.33 The focus of political reform is
placed on village democracy. It looks promising but it poses serious diffi-
culties for the CCP, because many elected representatives at the village
levels are not CCP members.
Although the human rights situation before Deng’s death is well docu-
mented, it is useful to look at recent developments. First, people on the
Mainland cannot freely express ideas that differ from those of the CCP
political élites without fear of severe punishment. Freedom of expression
of those who oppose the CCP rule and policy has been reduced to a
minimum. In the summer of 2000, four right-wing scholars of the Chinese
Academy of Social Sciences, who openly urged the CCP fully to liberal-
ize the economy or who criticized President Jiang were expelled from
the institute. In the summer of 2001, leftists criticized President Jiang for
allowing ‘‘red capitalists’’ to enter the CCP, in a piece of ‘‘ten-thousand
words’’ circulated on the Internet. Subsequently, two journals that are
controlled by the leftists and supported by government funding were
banned. Democratic change in China is possible only if there is better
political and civil rights implementation. Freedoms of speech and expres-
sion are essential for democratization. Without a marketplace of ideas,
there will not be a ‘‘common democratic consciousness’’ that will pro-
mote political reform.34 It is reasonable to believe that the political con-
trol of free speech has become even tighter after the transition of political
power from the old generation to the new generation of CCP leaders in
late 2002: this is because, to ensure the legitimacy of the new leadership
and political stability, voices from opposition on the right and the left
need to be suppressed.
Second, religious freedom and freedom of association are still sup-
pressed.35 Political monopoly by the CCP is possible only if religions
are marginalized in (if not totally swept out from) the PRC. In Marx’s
dictum, religion is the ‘‘opium of the people.’’ Since 1999, Falun Gong
members have not been allowed to propagate their views and practise
their qigong in public.36 For many who practise qigong, it is incompre-
hensible that they would find themselves accused of committing a politi-
cal crime. Of course what Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong, has
in his mind is not known. It may be possible that Li Hongzhi intends
to subvert communist rule or, at least, to harass CCP leaders. But what
seems clear is that he is able to capture people’s dissatisfactions with the
government. The number of Falun Gong practitioners, estimated to be
more than 100 million all over the world, even exceeds the number of
CCP members, which is about 60 million. Many CCP members and even
government officials are Falun Gong practitioners. More importantly,
Falun Gong’s mobilization power is even greater than that of the CCP.
On 25 April 1999, 10,000 members of Falun Gong surrounded Zhong-
nanhai, the Beijing compound housing the CCP leaders. This not only
embarrassed the CCP leaders but also posed a threat to the political
leadership of the CCP. This was followed by the repression of Falun
Gong, and large-scale persecution of qigong associations, religious groups,
and family churches.
The message from the PRC leadership is very clear: no matter what
their background or class, intelligentsia, social élites, economic tycoons,
and religious leaders who support CCP rule are in good standing; those
who disagree with the CCP leadership, even if they are proletarians, will
be suppressed.
In contrast to the élites in civil society, the public is more concerned
about freedom of information. Freedom of information has been a key
human rights issue in the PRC. It seems that, in the foreseeable future,
this freedom will be even further restrained. The Beijing government
blocked domestic access to thousands of Internet websites early in Jan-
uary 2002.37 There are three reasons for the Beijing government having
done so: first, there is information on the Internet that is considered po-
litically sensitive and believed to convey messages that damage the image
of the government and its policies; second, the flow of information inevi-
tably introduces public space for free discussion, which, in turn, fuels
calls for democratization; third, cyberspace supersedes the territories of
nation-states. In cyberspace there is no supreme sovereignty, and there
is no central government. In the PRC’s efforts to resist international
Hong Kong
Under British colonial rule, Hong Kong has had an undemocratic system
since the cession of sovereignty to the British in the unequal treaty in
1842. The system was undemocratic in two senses. The first concerns
Hong Kong’s constitution, which was founded on the Letters Patent is-
sued by the Crown: according to these Letters Patent, the British gov-
ernment had unrestrained power to invalidate any ordinances enacted by
the Hong Kong Legislative Council. The second sense concerns the way
in which legislators were elected: before 1991, legislators were appointed
by the Governor; It was not until 1991 that Hong Kong had directly
elected members in the Legislative Council.
The British persistently used force to suppress political dissent in Hong
Kong. The first large-scale use of force by the British can be traced
back to the 1920s, after strikes by the Seamen’s Union. The suppression
of freedom of speech can be traced back to 1925, when a local critical
newspaper, San Man Po, was ordered to be closed because of its anti-
British stance. Despite the fact that the British have boasted about their
achievements in Hong Kong, the human rights record under their rule
was poor before (and even after) World War II.42
Although Britain is a signatory to the ICCPR and ICESCR, the people
of Hong Kong hardly enjoyed their benefits, even in the 1970s and 1980s.
The Letters Patent did not contain any guarantee of civil liberties and
human rights, and the British attached some reservations to the ICCPR
that restrained Hong Kong people from political participation.43 The
British justified their reservations with the claim that Hong Kong was not
ready for self-governance;44 this is a typical nineteenth-century justifica-
tion for maintaining British rule in its colonies.
The attitude of the British changed (or was forced to change) when the
In April 1995, another human rights NGO, the Hong Kong Human
Rights Monitor (HKHRM), was established by professionals and aca-
demics and sponsored by democrats.48 It focuses mainly on promoting
democratic rights. The organization publishes shadow reports on hu-
man rights, supplementing the government’s reports. By submitting these
shadow reports to the UN Human Rights Commission, the organization
attempts to present a critical perspective from civil society alongside the
official viewpoint of the government.
After the suppression of the student movement in June 1989 in Beijing,
Hong Kong people feared that the Chinese government would not fulfil
its promise to maintain ‘‘one country, two systems.’’ In response, Beijing
allowed the endorsement of two basic international covenants of human
rights in the Basic Laws for post-1997 Hong Kong. However, before the
People’s Congress passed the Basic Law in 1990, the colonial government
had planned to grant Hong Kong a Bill of Rights. In November 1989, the
former Governor of Hong Kong, Sir David Wilson, had revealed the in-
tention of the government to adopt a Bill of Rights for the people of
Hong Kong. In 1991 the Legislative Council passed the Bill of Rights,49
and the Letters Patent were amended to guarantee the ICCPR supremacy
over future ordinances.50
The Bill of Rights served two purposes. First, it tried to relieve the
confidence crisis in Hong Kong (as evidenced by another tide of emigra-
tion) after the Tiananmen Square incident. Second, the British believed
that they were obligated to make sure that Hong Kong would not be
turned into a totalitarian society ruled by the CCP; the Bill of Rights was
used to demonstrate the benevolence of the British. As the British had
granted a Bill of Rights in the Falkland Islands and other dependent ter-
ritories by the end of the 1980s, there seemed to be no reason why there
could not be one in Hong Kong, especially when the British government
was very uncertain about whether Hong Kong peoples’ rights would be
respected by Beijing after 1997.
As a cosmopolitan city, Hong Kong always tried to comply with inter-
national norms and standards. Before the take-over of Hong Kong by the
PRC, the Bill of Rights Ordinance assumed supreme constitutional sta-
tus. Section 4 of the Ordinance dictates that all legislation enacted on or
after the commencement date of the Ordinance shall be construed so as
to be consistent with the ICCPR as applied to Hong Kong. In February
1997, the Standing Committee considered that this section and two other
sections (2(3) and (3)) of the Bill of Rights Ordinance had an overriding
effect over other laws, including the Basic Law. Thus, the Committee
decided that they contravened the Basic Law and could not be adopted
after the take-over of Hong Kong by Mainland China.51 This move hin-
dered implementation of political and civil rights. For the pro-China local
élite, there is no need to implement the Bill of Rights, as the Basic Law
already protects Hong Kong people’s basic rights and freedoms.52
Regarding the election in Hong Kong, in the first election under PRC
sovereignty, on 24 May 1998, pro-democracy candidates won more than
60 per cent of the directly elected seats in the Legislative Council. In
September 2000, elections for the Legislative Council were held for the
second time since 1997. It is noteworthy that only half of the seats in the
legislative body will be directly elected in 2003. The pace of democrati-
zation is severely restrained under the provisions of the Basic Laws.
In the early 1990s, PRC senior officials kept reminding Hong Kong
people and Western countries of the PRC’s commitment to guarantee
freedom of the press in Hong Kong.53 In 1994, however, reporter Xi
Yang was sentenced to 12 years in prison for allegedly stealing state se-
crets. The PRC’s action was a warning to Hong Kong reporters that they
should exercise greater self-restraint. During a trip to the United States
in March 1995, Lu Ping, the top official on Hong Kong Affairs, declared
that freedoms of the press and speech are guaranteed in Hong Kong;
however, in June 1996, he suggested that the freedom of the press in
Hong Kong could not remain unbridled.54 He warned that advocacy
of Hong Kong and Taiwanese independence would not be allowed after
the take-over.55 The Xi Yang incident definitely fostered self-censorship
among reporters and editors working in the local media. One way for the
PRC to restrict freedom of press in Hong Kong is to refuse visas to
blacklisted journalists.56 Following the reversion of Hong Kong to PRC
sovereignty, there has been no obvious evidence of direct interference
by the Beijing government, although it is likely that there is severe self-
censorship by members of the media themselves.57
Before and after the take-over, political power in Hong Kong was
vested in the hands of the entrepreneurs and pro-Beijing élite. In the
transition, both the first Chief Executive (Tung Chee-Hwa) and the Pro-
visional Legislature were chosen by a 400-member Selection Committee,
consisting mainly of entrepreneurs. The election of the new chief ex-
ecutive in 2002 was also by a selection committee, now consisting of 800
people. Even before the nomination period started, President Jiang, Pre-
mier Zhu, and Vice-Premier Qian Qichen openly announced their sup-
port for Tung. Although President Jiang Zhemin claimed that Tung was
widely supported in the HKSAR,58 this is not in accordance with the
facts: popular support for Tung has remained weak since the take-over.
Given the blessing of the Beijing leaders, the élite cohesion inevitably
guaranteed that Tung was re-elected. The pace of democratization in
HKSAR is exceptionally slow.
The take-over of Hong Kong posed a challenge for the PRC. The CCP
leaders sincerely hoped that the success of Hong Kong would continue.
In spite of the fact that the PRC intends to grant autonomy to Hong
Kong, the CCP leaders have to ensure that the HKSAR will not become
out of control; they hope to prove that ‘‘one country, two systems’’ is
also a suitable model for the reintegration of Taiwan and the Mainland.
However, no significant improvement in the implementation of human
rights has been made. Two incidents merit a brief discussion – namely,
Falun Gong and the right of abode.
Falun Gong poses a challenge to the HKSAR government. In order to
maintain the autonomy of the special administrative region, the govern-
ment allows Falun Gong practitioners in the HKSAR to demonstrate and
to organize public meetings. The local leftists and pro-China élite have
been urging the government to enact laws to prohibit acts of subversion
against the central government. The laws in the PRC forbidding treason,
secession, sedition, and subversion against the government are not appli-
cable to the HKSAR, as, according to Article 23 of the Basic Law, the
region has to enact its own laws. Nevertheless, as it is an extremely sen-
sitive issue, the region has not enacted its own laws to punish treason,
secession, sedition, and subversion against the government. Since the
Falun Gong practitioners do not violate the laws of the HKSAR, they are
allowed to promote their beliefs and practise their qigong publicly.
Another major human rights issue after 1997 is that of the right of
abode. Because of lack of resources and the allegedly heavy economic
burden on public expenses, the HKSAR Government decided to exert
strict control over the quota of immigrants from the Mainland, thereby
failing to assist those who have the right to come to HKSAR for the
purpose of family reunion.59 On 10 July 1997, the Provisional Legislative
Council, whose members are pro-Beijing, enacted two ordinances to pro-
hibit the originally qualified immigrants from entering HKSAR without
prior application.
Human rights activists objected on the grounds that the government
was violating a basic human right to have a family reunion. The defend-
ers of the mainlanders who have the right of abode argued that the re-
strictions breached the Basic Law, and the mainlanders submitted a legal
appeal; subsequently, on 29 January 1999, the Court of Final Appeal de-
clared the two ordinances unconstitutional. In June 1999 a major debate
arose over whether the HKSAR Government should seek the judgement
of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPCSC)
in Beijing for interpretation of the Basic Law on Right of Abode. How-
ever, critics argued that it was inappropriate for the HKSAR government
to seek an NPCSC interpretation because this would infringe the auton-
omy of the HKSAR. The government decided to seek an interpretation
from the NPCSC, which subsequently declared that the HKSAR gov-
ernment’s immigration ordinances are constitutional and that the verdict
of the Court of Appeal was inconsistent with the basic intent of the Basic
Law. Accordingly, the rights of abode of qualified immigrants were cur-
Since the take-over, the PRC intends to demonstrate that the human
rights of HKSAR are well protected. Although the PRC, the sovereign
authority in HKSAR, has yet to ratify the ICCPR, the Central People’s
Government has made special arrangements for HKSAR to submit the
reports to the treaty-monitoring body and to attend this hearing. How far
these reports reflect the real situation is, however, debatable.
It should be noted that, as in the case of Taiwan, democratization and
the improved implementation of democratic rights has reduced the level
of corruption in Hong Kong: from 1995 to 1997, the CPI score was be-
tween 7.01 and 7.28; it increased to around 7.7–8.2 in the period from
1998 to 2002.60 Thus, despite HKSAR’s difficulties in coping with the
Asian economic crisis, the prevalence of corrupt practices seems to have
To sum up, human rights violations in the ROC and PRC are driven by
policies that suppress freedom of association, of speech, and of expres-
sion. Despite the protection promised by the laws, the political system
in Hong Kong remains largely undemocratic after the take-over by the
PRC. Government officials are held accountable to the Chief Executive
of HKSAR rather than to the people. Thus, it is the PRC-backed regime
and its larger power-conserving objectives that stand in the way of further
progress relating to civil and political rights in HKSAR.
for Asia as a whole: the countries of that continent embrace a wide range
of cultures with a great diversity of religious and cultural traditions. Un-
fortunately, conflicts between the constituent nations persist at the sub-
regional level.
Without an intergovernmental regional instrument, it is difficult to
monitor the human rights situation in Greater China at the regional level.
Since there is no intergovernmental human rights organization in Asia,
the role of NGOs is of crucial importance, Amnesty International and
Human Rights Watch Asia being the most influential NGOs in this re-
gion. The PRC, the ROC, and Hong Kong should cooperate with the in-
ternational NGOs and endeavour to achieve the objectives stated in the
Asian Charter.
In Taiwan, the KMT government was protected by Taiwan’s diplo-
matic isolation from international pressure; however (ironically), Tai-
wan’s isolation now constitutes an obstacle to the promotion of human
rights. The ROC is moving forward as human rights activists are working
towards the establishment of a National Human Rights Commission. To
go further, the DPP government should promote exchanges with the in-
ternational human rights community. In Hong Kong, the implementation
of democratic rights depends on the provisions of the Basic Law. The
HKSAR government should submit reports to the UN Human Rights
Commission that truly reflect HKSAR’s human rights situation. Interna-
tional pressure and the effort of local NGOs can be effective in pressing
for improved human rights provisions in Greater China.
When we compare the situation in the PRC, Hong Kong, and the
ROC, one has to ask if the rule of law should have higher priority than
democracy in the course of political development, or vice versa. Taiwan
and Hong Kong have taken two different routes towards political devel-
opment: Taiwan is more democratic than Hong Kong in the sense that, in
Taiwan, there are more open competitions for most of its political offices;
however, Hong Kong has a better legal system, as the rule of law is re-
spected to a greater degree. The PRC’s performance is the worst in terms
of both democracy and the rule of law; however, it is not certain that
a sudden transition from democratic centralism to a multi-party system
would be a useful path to take. Arguably, it would be more promising to
follow the Taiwan and Hong Kong precedents and focus first on the rule
of law and economic prosperity. Once China has attained economic
development and a rule of law comparable to those of Hong Kong or
Taiwan, there will be greater internal pressure for enhanced political
rights. The CCP regime will have an easier pathway towards political lib-
eralization, as did the KMT before it in Taiwan. However, it is difficult
to predict whether the CCP would take the democratic route.
Greater China remains deficient in three main areas – rule of law, in-
1. This chapter is based on research conducted within a broader project on ‘‘The Theory
and Practice of Human Rights in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan: A Com-
parative Study’’ (Grant No.: HKU 7129/98H), which is financially funded by the Hong
Kong Research Grant Council. The author would like to thank Dr Joseph C. W. Chan,
as well as the editors and referees of this book, for valuable suggestions in the prepara-
tion of this chapter.
2. See Kuen-Chen Fu, ‘‘Application of International Human Rights Law within the Legal
Framework of the Republic of China,’’ Journal of Social Sciences (Taiwan), No. 37,
1988, pp. 488–489.
3. See h (in Chinese), accessed on 12 November
4. For the development of the Tangwai into the DPP see Alexander Ya-Li Lu, ‘‘Political
Opposition in Taiwan: The Development of the Democratic Progressive Party,’’ in Tun-
jen Cheng and Stephan Haggard, eds, Political Change in Taiwan, Boulder: Lynne
Rienner Publishers, 1992, pp. 121–145.
5. Hung-mao Tieb, ‘‘Transformation of an Authoritarian Party State: Taiwan’s Develop-
ment Experience,’’ Political Change in Taiwan, pp. 40–43.
6. Yun-han Chu, ‘‘Taiwan’s Unique Challenges,’’ Journal of Democracy, No. 7, 1996,
p. 73.
7. Hsin-huang Michael Hsiao, ‘‘The Rise of Social Movements and Civil Protests,’’ in
Political Change in Taiwan, p. 62.
8. Jaushieh Joseph Wu, Taiwan’s Democratization, New York: Oxford University Press,
1995, pp. 66–67.
9. See h
10. See h
11. Hsin-huang Michael Hsiao, ‘‘The Rise of Social Movements and Civil Protests,’’ in
Political Change in Taiwan, pp. 63–69.
12. For an overstatement see Chyuan-jeng Shiau, ‘‘Civil Society and Democratization,’’
in S. Tsang and Hung-mao Tien, eds, Democratization in Taiwan, London: Macmillan,
1999, p. 114.
13. China Post, 1 January 2002.
14. See h
15. R. Cohen, ‘‘People’s Republic of China: The Human Rights Exception,’’ Human Rights
Quarterly, No. 9, 1987, pp. 447–549.
16. Xiao Weiyun, Luo Haocai, Wu Xieying, ‘‘Makesi zhuyi zenmayang kan ‘renquan’
wenti’’ (‘‘How Marxism Views the Question of Human Rights’’), Hongqi (‘‘Red Flag’’)
No. 5, 1979.
37. ‘‘China Issues Internet Controls,’’ 18 January 2002, Associated Press, hhttp://www.
38. Jack Linchuan Qiu, ‘‘Virtual Censorship in China: Keeping the Gate between the Cy-
berspaces,’’ International Journal of Communication Law and Policy, No. 4 1999/2000,
p. 3.
39. ‘‘China and Tibet,’’ Human Rights Watch World Report 2000, available at hhttp://
40. Jiang Zemin’s Speech at the Meeting Celebrating the 80th Anniversary of the Founding
of the Communist Party of China, Section III. Available at h
41. See hhttp://www.transparency.orgi.
42. For an excellent account see Richard Klein, ‘‘The Empire Strikes Back: Britain’s Use of
the Law to Suppress Political Dissent in Hong Kong,’’ Boston University International
Law Journal, No. 15, 1997, pp. 1–70.
43. Nihal Jayawickrama, ‘‘Hong Kong and the International Protection of Human Rights,’’
in R. Wacks, ed., Human Rights in Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Oxford University Press,
1992, pp. 129–131.
44. Linda Butenhoff, ‘‘East meets West: Human Rights in Hong Kong,’’ in Peter Van Hess,
ed., Debating Human Rights, London: Routledge, 1998, pp. 107–109.
45. Shiu-hing Lo, The Politics of Democratization in Hong Kong, London: Macmillan, 1997,
p. 49.
46. See Hong Kong Government, The Further Development of Representative Government
in Hong Kong, Green Paper, July 1984; Hong Kong Government, The Further Devel-
opment of Representative Government in Hong Kong, White Paper, 1984.
47. See h
48. See h
49. For a detailed discussion of the Bill of Rights see Raymond Wacks, ed., Hong Kong’s
Bill of Rights, Hong Kong: Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong, 1990; Johannes
Chan and Yash Ghai, eds, The Hong Kong Bill of Rights: A Comparative Approach,
Singapore: Butterworth Asia, 1993.
50. A.Y. Chen, ‘‘The Interpretation of the Basic Law,’’ Hong Kong Law Journal, No. 30,
2000, p. 418.
51. See Peter Wesley-Smith, ‘‘Maintenance of the Bill of Rights,’’ Hong Kong Law Journal,
No. 27, 1997, pp. 15–16, and Yash Ghai, ‘‘The Continuity of Laws and Legal Rights and
Obligations in the SAR,’’ Hong Kong Law Journal, No. 27, 1997, pp. 141ff.
52. Article 4 of the Basic Law reads, ‘‘The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall
safeguard the rights and freedoms of the residents of the Hong Kong Special Adminis-
trative Region and of other persons in the Region in accordance with law.’’
53. See, for example, ‘‘Assurance on Freedom for Journalists,’’ South China Morning Post,
10 April 1995.
54. D.C. Turack, ‘‘The Projected Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Human Rights
Record in the Post-British Era,’’ Akron Law Review, No. 31, 1997, pp. 96–97.
55. See Frances H. Foster, ‘‘The Illusory Promise: Freedom of the Press in Hong Kong,
China,’’ Indiana Law Journal, No. 73, 1998, pp. 765–796.
56. James E. Sciutto, ‘‘China’s Muffling of the Hong Kong Media,’’ Annals of the American
Academy of Political and Social Science, No. 547, 1996, p. 136.
57. W.H. Overholt, ‘‘Hong Kong: the Perils of Semidemocracy,’’ Journal of Democracy, No.
12, 2001, p. 7.
58. Ming Pao, 20 December 2001.
59. J.M.M. Chan, H.L. Fu, and Y. Ghai, eds, Hong Kong’s Constitutional Debate, Hong
Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2000.
The human rights movement in India is an offshoot of the social and cul-
tural renaissance that began in nineteenth-century British India. The es-
tablishment of British rule united the subcontinent. The pioneering work
of orientalists such as Sir William Jones, James Prinsep, Charles Wilkin,
and Max Muller established and promoted intellectual unity.
However, the ideals of modern-day human rights can be seen in vari-
ous classic religious and secular sources, such as the Vedas, Puranas, and
epics. Although human rights in the ancient Indian literature did not
form a coherent unified structure, they were widely referred to. The Rig
Veda talks about three civil liberties – Tana (body), Skridhi (dwelling
house), and Jibazi (life). Mahabaratha, the great Indian epic, describes
According to the 1991 census estimates, some 11.3 million children of 200
million aged between 5 and 14 years are engaged in child labour.8 These
children work in various spheres, from agriculture to mining. Although
the practice continues (despite a ban and a series of court verdicts), en-
couragingly, child labour is in decline. According to the National Sample
Survey, there were 16.3 million child labourers in 1981 and 11.3 million in
There are at least three types of child labour. First, there is non-
monetary domestic labour: in this case, girls do most of the domestic
work. Second, there is monetary labour, which is non-domestic: here,
children are employed as wage labourers in organized and unorganized
sectors, both in rural and urban areas. Third, there is bonded labour,
where children are pledged by their parents.
Most of the child labourers are employed primarily in the agricultural
sector as workers. They also work in industries including leather facto-
ries, hosiery units, carpet factories, glass factories, textile units, and plas-
tics factories. Some work as servants in private homes. Worse, some work
as bonded labourers and sex workers. According to a UNDP Position
Paper on Child Labor, India accounts for the largest number of child
workers in the world.9 According to a UNICEF study, there are more
than 100,000 child labourers in the Mirzapur carpet industries, 50,000 in
the Firozabad glass industries, 30,000 in the Moradabad brass industries,
and 10,000 in the Aligarh lock industries (which manufacture various
articles – such as locks, scales, letter boxes, badges, knives, and scissors –
for supply to the postal department country-wide).10
The Indian government has passed several laws prohibiting child labour,
the most important being the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation)
Act of 1986, which prohibits employment of children below 14 years of
age in specified hazardous occupations and processes. The Juvenile Jus-
tice Act (1986) superseded all existing legislation related to children in
Mining and quarrying
Household industries
Trade and commerce
Manufacturing (excluding
household industries)
different states and Union territories. The Act provides for the creation
of Advisory Boards and the establishment of State Children Funds, the
objective of which is to protect children and to provide educational,
training, and rehabilitation facilities for neglected children. In 1993, the
Union government set up a National Authority to eliminate child labour.
It provided rupees 850 crore (Rs8.5 billion; US$185 million), which
aimed to benefit two million child labourers by undertaking measures on
education, poverty reduction, and awareness creation.
and the refusal to allow women to inherit. The Indian National Crime
Records Bureau (NCRB) provides statistics of crimes against women in
the last decade (table 16.1). The increase in crimes is mainly due to an
increased willingness to report them, driven in part by a growing aware-
ness of women’s rights, pressure on law enforcement agencies, and the
work of voluntary organizations.
According to the statistics shown in table 16.2, the states of Rajasthan,
Madhya Pradesh, and Delhi record the highest levels of crimes against
women, whereas states such as Nagaland, Meghalaya, and Punjab have
reported lower levels.13 As table 16.3 reveals, lower-class women have
most crimes committed against them.
Table 16.2 Crime rate against women in Indian states and Union Territories
States/Union Territories No. of crimes per million persons
Daman and Diu 17.5
Nagaland 25.3
Meghalaya 29.9
Pondycherry 31.9
Punjab 35.8
Bihar 39.0
Manipur 44.6
Goa 50.5
Tamil Nadu 72.0
Karnataka 74.5
Andaman and Nicobar 75.2
Uttar Pradesh 77.4
West Bengal 86.8
Gujarat 89.3
Arunachal Pradesh 91.8
Chandigarh 92.2
Kerala 95.8
Tripura 99.1
Jammu and Kashmir 101.0
Orissa 110.4
Dadri and Nagar Haveli 111.0
Sikkim 114.6
Assam 118.8
Haryana 119.4
Andhra Pradesh 122.0
Mizoram 127.9
Himachal Pradesh 139.4
Maharahshtra 173.8
Delhi 197.1
Madhya Pradesh 207.0
Rajasthan 208.2
Table 16.3 Composition of crimes against women by social status (values are
The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is the basic criminal law, prescribing de-
terrent punishments. Cases under the IPC are investigated and tried in
higher courts of law. The IPC covers issues related to crimes against
women – rape (Section 376), kidnapping and abduction (Sections 363–
373), dowry killings (Sections 302 and 304B), molestation (Section 354),
eve teasing and sexual harassment (Section 509), and importation of girls
(Section 366 B).
Table 16.5 Sex ratio and child population in the 0–6-year age group in selected
states of India in 1991 and 2001
Child population
Total Total (0–6 years)
States and Union population population
Territories (1991) (2001) (1991) (2001)
Himachal Pradesh 976 970 951 897
Punjab 882 874 875 793
Chandigarh 790 773 899 845
Uttaranchal 936 964 948 906
Haryana 865 861 879 820
Delhi 827 821 915 865
Rajasthan 910 922 916 909
Uttar Pradesh 876 898 927 916
Bihar 907 921 953 938
Gujarat 934 921 928 878
Daman and Diu 969 709 958 925
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 952 811 1,013 973
Maharashtra 934 922 946 917
Source: Census of India, New Delhi, Office of the Registrar-General, India, 2001.
1988 390 1 29 1 31
1989 2,154 0 79 13 92
1990 3,905 183 862 132 1,177
1991 3,122 614 594 185 1,393
1992 4,971 873 859 177 1,909
1993 4,457 1,328 1,023 216 2,567
1994 4,484 1,651 1,012 236 2,899
1995 4,479 1,338 1,161 297 2,796
1996 4,224 1,194 1,333 376 2,903
1997 3,004 1,177 840 355 2,372
1998 2,993 1,045 877 339 2,261
1999 2,938 1,184 799 555 2,538
2000 2,835 1,808 842 638 3,288
2001 (up 1,628 760 503 278 1,541
to June)
Total 45,584 13,156 10,813 3,798 27,767
Source: South Asia Intelligence Review (SAIR), Weekly Assessments & Brief-
ings hwww.satp.orgi
Source: South Asia Intelligence Review (SAIR), Weekly Assessments & Brief-
ings h
a. Data up to 28 June 2000.
BLT&BTF: Bodo Liberation Tiger & Bhindranwale Tigers Force.
NDFB: National Democratic Front of Bodoland.
NSCN/DHD: National Socialist Council of Nagaland/Dima Halong Daga.
ULFA: United Liberation Front of Asom.
UPDS: United People’s Democratic Solidarity.
Table 16.8 Security force personnel killed by various terrorist groups in Assam
Terrorist groupa 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000b
ULFA 10 15 7 14 48 50 42 29 28
NDFB 10 6 22 16 25 25 22 14 6
BLT&BTF 0 0 0 1 6 1 5 8 0
NSCN/DHD 14 3 6 42 8 9 3 26 6
UPDS – – – – – – 0 2 0
Total 34 24 35 73 87 85 72 79 40
Source: South Asia Intelligence Review (SAIR), Weekly Assessments & Brief-
ings h
a. Abbreviations as in Table 16.7.
b. Data up to 28 June 2000.
Table 16.10 Security force personnel killed by various militant groups in Manipur
Terrorist groupa 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000b
NSCN 8 46 67 20 8 5 2 1 2
Meitei 22 41 21 38 52 67 57 63 24
Kuki 0 4 10 6 5 39 3 0 0
Source: South Asia Intelligence Review (SAIR), Weekly Assessments & Brief-
ings h
a. NSCN, National Socialist Council of Nagaland.
b. Data up to 28 June 2000.
Caste violence
Lives lost by 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000a
Civilians 34 62 110 80 144 104 26 26 5
Security Force 33 43 26 25 48 38 14 4 4
Militants 29 68 56 108 112 218 72 118 52
Source: South Asia Intelligence Review (SAIR), Weekly Assessments & Brief-
ings h
a. Data up to 28 June 2000.
Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh. The main reasons for increased caste
violence in these states have been the feudal nature of society, the con-
centration of land in the hands of a select few, suppression of the lower
castes by land-owning upper castes, and the reluctance of the upper
castes to provide equal social status to the lower castes. The following
section focuses especially on caste violence in Bihar, where it is more
organized. States such as Bihar and Uttar Pradesh are characterized as
highly feudal societies, where caste lines are clearly drawn between the
upper and lower castes. These caste groups have well-funded and or-
ganized armed militias, known as Senas. Every caste group has its own
Sena, as shown in table 16.12. Of these caste militias, Ranvir Sena is the
most powerful. It has been involved in more massacres than any other
militia: since its formation it has been involved in more than 25 massa-
cres, in which more than 250 people have been killed.
Especially during the past three years, India has witnessed increased
attacks on minority communities, especially on Muslims and Christians.
More than 600 incidents took place in 1998; in December 1998, churches
and other Christian establishments were attacked in Gujarat in Dangs
district; on 22–23 January 1999, an Australian missionary, Graham
Staines, and his two sons were burnt alive; on 13 January 1999, a church
in Dangs district was burnt and a Muslim Dargah was razed to the
ground in the Surendranagar district of Gujarat. In April 1999, sectarian
violence between Shias and Sunnis resulted in the killing of two people;
in the same month, two more were killed in the Rai Bareli district of
Uttar Pradesh in a communal clash, and a priest of the Roman Catholic
Church was killed in the Koenjar district. Seven people were killed in
Surat, Gujarat, in September 1999, in a communal clash during a Lord
Ganesh procession.
Communal violence has been the result of religious conversions from
one faith to another, or of rival claims to property or land. These sensi-
tive and emotional issues are being handled carefully by various author-
ities: for example, a procession by a Hindu community through a street
where a mosque is located is handled with extreme care and caution by
senior officers of the state; although the right of a community to take part
in a procession needs to be maintained, this action should not offend the
religious sentiments of another community. Tact and diplomacy in han-
dling the situation is essential to ensure that the procession does not in-
volve loud music and drum beats while crossing select streets or places.
State violence
It is not only non-state entities that are involved in violence: the state, at
times, is also involved in violence against its citizens. Such state violence
takes place at four levels: first, it occurs in an insurgency situation where
the armed forces are involved in tackling terrorist groups; there are a
number of complaints against Indian armed forces deployed in Jammu
and Kashmir, and in the various north-eastern states; second, the police
used force to control organized political uprisings of armed groups, es-
pecially that of the Naxalites19 and caste militias; third, during political
crises – especially in situations such as bandhs (strikes) and processions –
the state has, in the past, used force to bring disorderly situations under
control; fourth, under even normal political conditions police atrocities
occur. The police force in India was set up by the British to serve their
colonial interests: even after independence, the police have not been able
to transform their mind-set to serve in a free and democratic society;
even then, the laws of procedure remained unchanged and, as such, were
not in the best interests of the police. The enactment of a large number of
laws places a great burden on a police force that is inadequate and not
appropriately equipped to discharge their responsibilities effectively. The
police force is one of the most visible arms of the government and fre-
quently confronts a public that is disenchanted with the government’s
failure to fulfil election promises. The increasing politicization of the law-
and-order machinery has been undermining the neutrality, credibility,
acceptability, and effectiveness of the police force. The birth and spread
of organized crime, terrorism, insurgency, and extremism also puts enor-
mous pressure on the police. Unable to bear such pressure of rising ex-
pectations of both the government and the public, the police lose their
equilibrium and balance: to prove themselves to be effective, at times
they resort to excesses. However, with the public becoming increasingly
aware of their rights, and with human rights organizations growing more
active, efforts are being made to bring about legal reforms. The situation
seems to be changing for the better.
Police atrocities are considered a major area of human rights violations
falling under the category of state violence. This includes torture and
death in police custody, ‘‘encounter’’ death,20 and atrocities against
women including rape and illegal detention.
The government has also been accused of systematically violating in-
ternational law by using lethal force against peaceful demonstrators and
engaging in widespread and arbitrary arrest of persons suspected of
sympathizing with the militants, detaining them for extended periods
without charge or trial.
. . . the State must reeducate the constabulary out of their sadistic acts and incul-
cate a respect for human person – a process which must begin more by example
than precept if the lower rungs are really to emulate . . . Nothing is more cowardly
and unconscionable than a person in police custody being beaten up and nothing
inflicts a deeper wound on our constitutional culture than a state official running
berserk regardless of human rights.24
Third, the cases pending trial, the slow process of prosecution (both
deliberately and by chance), and the attitude of the administration (both
State and Centre), need to be discussed. Confinement without trial for a
long period is against the spirit and principles of the Indian Constitution
and its commitment to the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
As Sharma argues,
The distributive justice demands that the criminal justice should be swift and sure,
that the guilty should be punished while the events are still fresh in public mind
and that the innocent should be absolved as early as is consistent with a fair and
impartial trial. A criminal trial, which drags on for an unreasonably long time, is
not a fair trial. Sometimes, the offences with which the accused charged are so
trivial that even if proved, would not warrant punishment for more than few
months, but the accused has to suffer detention because of the protracted nature
of the trial.25
also mentions that ‘‘[i]n the determination of any criminal charge against
him, every one shall be entitled . . . (c) to be tried without undue delays’’
(Article 14(3)(c)).
Although the judiciary in India has repeatedly condemned the delay in
trials, nothing much has happened in actual terms. Justice Krishna Iyer in
Babu Singh v. State of UP points to the following problem:
Our justice system, even in grave cases, suffers from slow motion syndrome,
which is lethal to fair trial whatever the ultimate decision. Speedy justice is a
component of social justice, since the community as a whole is concerned in the
criminal being condignly and finally punished within a reasonable time and the
innocent being absolved from the inordinate ordeal of criminal proceedings.26
Wastes such as zinc ash, residues and skimmings; lead waste and scrap; used
batteries; and waste and scrap of metals such as cadmium, chromium, cobalt,
antimony, hafnium and thallium have been exported to India from countries in-
cluding OECD nations such as Germany, USA, Australia, Denmark, the Nether-
lands, UK, Belgium and Norway. These imports have occurred without any
authorization or the knowledge of the Indian Ministry of Environment. Some of
these waste items are also illegal under the laws of European Union nations and
Australia, both of which have banned the exports of hazardous wastes to non-
OECD countries.29
The enjoyment of life and its attainment and fulfillment guaranteed by Article 21
of the Constitution embraces the protection and preservation of nature’s gifts . . .
The slow poisoning by polluted atmosphere caused by environmental pollution
and spoliation should be regarded as amounting to violation of Article 21 of the
In another judgement, the court gave the verdict that ensuring enjoyment
of pollution-free water and air should be considered as a part of Article
Parts III and IV of the Indian Constitution focus on many aspects of hu-
man rights: in fact, it is widely considered as a social document.32 Article
14 states that ‘‘[t]he State shall not deny to any person equality before
the law and equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.’’
Article 15 states, ‘‘(1) The State shall not discriminate against any citizen
on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them.
(2) No citizen shall on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of
birth or any of them be subject to any disability, liability, restriction or
condition with regard to (a) access to shops, public restaurants, hotels
and places of public entertainment.’’ Article 16 states ‘‘(1) there shall be
equality of opportunity for all citizens in matters relating to employment
or appointment to any office under the State.’’ Article 19 states that all
citizens shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression; to as-
semble peacefully and without arms; to form associations or unions; to
move freely throughout the territory of India; to reside and settle in any
part of the territory of India; and to practise any profession or to carry on
any occupation, trade or business.’’
Article 20 states that ‘‘[n]o person shall be convicted of any offence
except for violation of a law in force at the time of the commission of the
writs has been used extensively by both the Supreme Court and the High
Second, the judiciary has interpreted the Constitution in various cases,
expanding the scope of human rights in India. Some of the cases and
their judgements are worth mentioning. In Francis Coralic Mullin v. Ad-
ministrator, Union Territory of Delhi (1981), the Supreme Court of India
observed that,
The right to life includes the right to live with human dignity and all that goes
along with it, namely the bare necessaries of life such as adequate nutrition,
clothing and shelter and facilities for reading, writing and expressing oneself in
diverse forms, freely moving about and mixing and commingling with fellow hu-
man beings.34
. . . Right to live with human dignity . . . must include protection of the health and
strength of workers, men and women, and of the tender age of children against
abuse, opportunities and facilities for children to develop in a healthy manner
and in conditions of freedom and dignity, educational facilities, just and humane
conditions of work and maternity relief. These are the minimum requirements
which must exist in order to enable a person to live with human dignity and no
state – neither the Central Government nor any State government – has the right
to take any action which will deprive a person of the enjoyment of basic essen-
‘Right to life’ in Article 21 includes protection of the health and the strength of
the worker. The expression ‘life’ in Article 21 does not connote mere animal ex-
istence. It has a much wider meaning, which includes right to livelihood, better
standard of life, hygienic conditions in workplace and leisure.35
National Human Rights Commission and the State Human Rights Com-
missions (all funded by the State), NGOs, and the judiciary.
made by the NHRC is varying, owing to the economic and social factors
discussed earlier in this chapter.
The Protection of Human Rights Act 1993 also provides for the estab-
lishment of State Human Rights Commissions (SHRC). An SHRC is to
consist of a Chairperson, who has been a Chief Justice of a High Court,
one member who is/has been a High Court Judge, one member who is/
has been a District Judge in that State, and two members who are per-
sons having knowledge of human rights.
As in the case of the NHRC, the members of the SHRCs are appointed
by a committee consisting of the Chief Minister of the State, Speaker of
the Legislative Assembly, Minister of Department of Home, Leaders of
the Opposition in the Legislative Council and Assembly, and the Chair-
man of the Legislative Council. The Governor appoints the members for
a fixed period of five years. Members can be removed by the Governor
only on the grounds of misbehaviour or incapacity; this strengthens the
autonomy of the SHRCs. The effectiveness of the SHRC depends on its
structure, its chairman, and its members. The responsibilities of the Chief
Minister, who heads the State government, also play a crucial part in
making the SHRC effective. Moreover, the success of an SHRC depends
on public awareness and the role of society, led by the media and volun-
tary organizations. At present only 12 of 28 states in India have estab-
lished SHRCs.
Besides the NHRC and the SHRCs, there are other commissions, whose
functions involve protecting human rights in India.
Non-governmental organizations
(PUCL), the People’s Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR), and Citi-
zens for Democracy.
The PUCL was originally founded as the People’s Union for Civil
Liberties and Democratic Rights (PUCLDR) in 1976 by Jayaprakash
Narayanan. The objective was for PUCLDR to be free from political
ideologies, so that people of different groups and parties would come to-
gether to fight for civil liberties and human rights. PUCL was established
in its present form after a conference held in November 1980, at which a
new Constitution was drafted and adopted. This made the PUCL a
membership-based organization, with branches all over the country.
The PUCL had set up units in various states (for example in Delhi,
Bombay, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Allahabad) and efforts are being
made to establish units in other states. The PUCL is actively involved in
fighting human rights violations, whether by the state or non-state actors.
It has set up a number of fact-finding missions to investigate human rights
violations, and has published many reports, which are mostly based on
the results of those missions.
The PUDR is another offshoot of the PUCLDR. Like the PUCL, the
PUDR has also been involved in a number of fact-finding missions and
reports related to social, economic, and political issues. In particular, the
PUDR focuses on police atrocities and ‘‘encounter’’ deaths.
The colonial mind-set of the past still exists in certain sections of bu-
reaucracy, in law enforcement agencies, and even among the civil society.
Loopholes exist in law and procedure. Powerful elements exploit the ex-
isting ineffective investigation and undue delay in judicial trials. Political
power and wealth sometimes impede the course of investigation and dis-
pensation of justice. Poverty and ignorance on the part of victims very
often prevents them from seeking relief. Poor, ignorant, and vulnerable
sections of the society need to be empowered to seek and to obtain rem-
edy and justice.
India must accomplish a number of key tasks before major – and
sustainable – advancements in human rights protection can be achieved.
These include an increase in literacy; reduction of poverty, particularly in
rural areas of the country; and revision of laws and investigative proce-
dures concerning human rights violations. Other key tasks are decentral-
ization of political and economic powers from the national government to
state governments, from states to districts, and from the latter to the vil-
lage level. Such advancements will create a more secure and just envir-
onment, conducive to economic growth, political stability, and social
justice ensuring ‘‘All Human Rights for All.’’
1. Vasudaiva Kutumbakam is a concept that believes all human beings are one family and
that we are part of each other.
2. Subhash Kashyap, Human Rights and Parliament, New Delhi: Metropolitan Publishers,
1978, p. 19.
3. Aitaraya Brahmana, I, 14 cited in Subhash Kashyap, Human Rights and Parliament.
Brahmanas are explanations of the Vedas; Aitaraya Brahmana is appended to the Rig
4. Ibid., p. 20.
5. M. Sundara Raj, ‘‘Awakening of Human Rights,’’ in C.J. Nirmal, ed., Human Rights in
India, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1999, p. 2.
6. Keshav Chandra Sen joined the Brahmo Samaj in 1857 and established Sangat Sabha in
1859. He focused especially on humanitarian activities and provided help during fam-
ines and epidemics.
7. Jyotiba Phule played a significant role in the nineteenth-century fight against untouch-
ability. He fought for the rights of all non-Brahmins, as they were considered untouch-
8. The census in India takes place every ten years. The latest census was taken in 2001, but
until now there has been no official report on this issue. Children in the 5–14 age group
constitute roughly 23 per cent of the population. Ram Ahuja, Social Problems in India,
New Delhi: Rawat Publications, 1997, p. 218.
9. h
10. Ram Ahuja, Social Problems in India, New Delhi: Rawat Publications, 1997, p. 218.
Mirzapur, Firozabad, Moradabad and Aligarh are leading industrial towns in Uttar
Pradesh State.
11. AIR 1997 SC 699.
12. ‘‘Eve teasing’’ is a form of harassment, especially of young girls in public places.
13. Lower levels of crime against women correspond to higher levels of literacy – female
literacy in particular.
14. N. Jayapalan, Human Rights, New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers, 2000, p. 118.
15. These include, for example, the Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), the Fo-
rum against Oppression of Women, Maitri, Sakshi, and the Women’s Rights Initiative.
16. Dowry is one major factor that is considered to be a major burden in raising a girl.
However, dowry is not a one-time affair that is given at the time of marriage: even after
marriage, the girl’s family (not only the parents of the girl, but also her brothers) is ex-
pected to offer ‘‘gifts’’ on various occasions, especially during religious festivals. In ad-
dition, there are certain rituals and practices (although not uniform all over India) in
which, during ceremonies conducted for the children, the mother’s family side is ex-
pected to offer huge sums as gifts.
17. Mahendra K. Premi, ‘‘The Missing Girl Child,’’ Economic and Political Weekly, 26 May
2001, p. 1880.
18. These (approximate) figures are based on 1995 data.
19. Naxalites are armed groups that follow the teachings of Karl Marx and other Commu-
nist thinkers and leaders. They believe in armed conflict with the state and the élite
sectors of society to achieve their goals. At present there are a number of Naxalite
groups in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.
20. ‘‘Encounter’’ deaths refer to those deaths that occur in clashes with the police. Whereas
the police claim that all such deaths are due to self-defence, in many cases NGOs claim
that such deaths are ‘‘false encounters,’’ meaning that innocent, unarmed persons were
killed unjustifiably by the police. Very often a judicial or administrative inquiry is
ordered by the government to establish whether the death is due to a ‘‘genuine en-
counter’’ justified under the law.
21. Sankar Sen, ‘‘Indian Prisons: A Survey,’’ in K.P. Saxena, ed., Human Rights: Fifty Years
of Indian Independence, New Delhi: Gyan Publishing House, 1998.
22. Ibid., p. 102.
23. AIR 1980 SC 1675.
24. AIR 1981 SC 625.
25. See Sudesh Kumar Sharma, ‘‘Realization of Speedy Justice: An Overview of Human
Rights in Criminal Proceedings,’’ in B.P. Singh Seghal, ed., Human Rights in India, New
Delhi: Deep and Deep, 1995, p. 318.
26. AIR 1978, SC 527.
27. AIR 1979, SC 1518.
28. Upendra Baxi quoted in Sudesh Kumar Sharma, ‘‘Realisation of Speedy Justice: An
Overview of Human Rights in Criminal Proceedings,’’ p. 325.
29. Greenpeace, ‘‘India Remains a Favored Dumping Ground for Global Toxic Wastes,’’ 11
September 2000. h
30. Damaodar Rao v. Muncipal Corporation, Hyderabad, AIR 1987, AP 171.
31. Subhas Kumar v. State of Bihar, AIR 1991, SC 420.
32. Granville Austin, The Indian Constitution: Cornerstone of a Nation, Bombay: Oxford
University Press, 1991, p. 50.
33. J.N. Pandey, Constitutional Law of India, Allahabad: Central Law Agency, 1997, p. 405.
34. AIR 1978 SC 597.
35. (1995) 3 SCC 42.
Human rights, the military, and
the transition to democracy in
Argentina and South Korea
Terence Roehrig
During the 1960s, numerous countries around the world experienced the
tragedy of military-led coups d’état and the imposition of rule by the
armed forces. Over time, these regimes accumulated long lists of human
rights abuses, including kidnapping, torture, and execution. Two such
cases were Argentina and South Korea: in both instances, these regimes
were responsible for serious human rights violations carried out by mili-
tary and security forces, although with differences in the scope and methods
of the violations. The abuses also largely resulted from perceived politi-
cal and economic threats to these countries – threats emanating from
both internal and external sources. Finally, the legacy of human rights
abuses complicated the transition to democracy, which both countries
began in the 1980s as part of what Samuel Huntington called the ‘‘Third
Wave’’ transitions.1 Specifically, these governments faced two important
questions: (1) should members of the previous military regime be prose-
cuted for past human rights abuses, and (2) can these trials occur without
disrupting the transition to democracy? Although in both cases the
new civilian governments attempted to prosecute their former military
leaders, each case had different results and different consequences for the
protection of human rights.
Two important conclusions seem evident from an analysis of these two
cases: first, the human rights violations in Argentina and South Korea
were based primarily on political divisions, as opposed to more deeply
rooted racial, ethnic, and/or religious differences; second, these two cases
offer lessons on how states can hold perpetrators of human rights abuses
accountable without derailing the transition to democracy. Both coun-
tries tried to prosecute their former leaders for human rights violations;
however, the results differed and may offer lessons for others involved in
democratic transitions.
This chapter is divided into four sections. The first section briefly re-
views the history of these two military regimes and their transitions to
democracy. The next sections examine the causes of human rights viola-
tions in each case and the consequences that these violations had for the
transition to democracy. The final section concludes with some lessons
that these two cases provide concerning human rights and countries in
tives, attacks on military institutions, and (in May 1970) the abduction
and eventual murder of former President and General Pedro Eugenio
By 1973, it was becoming clear that the military junta had failed to
achieve a broad consensus for their rule and had difficulty in maintaining
public support for its policies. After achieving some initial success, their
economic policies began to fail. Increased opposition from labour, and
bombings and kidnappings by leftist guerrillas, added to the discontent
with military rule. Even the junta was divided over what to do, as evi-
denced by the several changes made within the junta’s leadership during
the early 1970s.3 By 1972, it was evident that the junta was in trouble and
the country was falling apart, with little hope for peace and stability in
the near future. At this time, the head of the junta, General Alejandro
Agustı́n Lanusse, started a dialogue with Juan Domingo Perón, the one
man most thought could bring order to the country and unite the people.
For years, Perón had been a powerful force in Argentine politics, hav-
ing risen to fame as the Secretary of Labour and champion of the work-
ing class. In 1946, he was elected to the presidency with over 60 per cent
of the vote. However, in 1955, opponents removed Perón in a coup and
he was exiled to Spain. Perón remained outside Argentina until military
authorities contacted him for a possible return to help bring peace and
stability to the troubled country. Perón returned in 1972 but declined to
run for office himself, insisting that Dr Héctor José Cámpora run in his
stead, while he remained behind the scenes.4 It was not long before
Cámpora angered military leaders and conservatives by failing to control
leftist violence and giving numerous pardons to imprisoned guerrillas.
After only a few months, Cámpora was forced to resign and new elec-
tions brought Perón himself to power in October 1973.
Unfortunately, Perón’s rule was short-lived, as he died of heart prob-
lems after less than a year in office.5 His Vice-President and third wife,
Isabel Martı́nez de Perón, was now thrust into leading a country whose
economy was unravelling yet again and was being pressed by ever more
aggressive guerrilla actions. Isabel Perón struggled in her new role, hav-
ing little political experience and often being subject to manipulation by
subordinates.6 As the economy worsened and the political violence esca-
lated, the military intervened in 1976 to remove Isabel Perón from office.
Once more, the armed forces seized control of the government, deter-
mined to remain in power; however, this time, the officers believed that
they would do a better job in bringing order and prosperity to Argentine
society. As Gary Wynia noted, the military was convinced that ‘‘Argen-
tines needed discipline not liberty and now they would have it.’’7 To that
end, military and security forces conducted a massive campaign to elimi-
nate the ‘‘terrorist subversives’’ of the left, especially the Montoneros
hasty retreat back to the barracks. In 1983, the country held elections
and, to the surprise of many, the people chose Radical Party candidate
Raúl Alfonsı́n as president and leader for the transition to democracy.
Following the Malvinas War there was deep contempt for the military:
according to David Pion-Berlin, ‘‘a profound gulf separated the armed
forces from society. Military incompetence, self-aggrandizement, and re-
pression in office contributed to an unprecedented repudiation of the
profession at the hands of civil society. The military found itself dis-
credited by and ostracized from the larger Argentine community to a
degree not previously experienced.’’15 Nevertheless, the military re-
mained adamant that it had done nothing wrong. During the election
campaign, Alfonsı́n had pledged to prosecute the armed forces for the
past and, once in office, he began a limited effort to go after high-level
officers that had actually been part of the junta. He hoped that, by steer-
ing this more moderate course between no trials and extensive prose-
cutions deep into the ranks, some measure of the military regime could
be held accountable without provoking a backlash that would disrupt the
transition to democracy. In addition, Alfonsı́n simultaneously undertook
several efforts to reassert civilian control of the military, including re-
structuring the Ministry of Defence, drastically cutting the military bud-
get, and confining the armed forces to an external security mission – thus
excluding them from involvement in domestic surveillance. In the end,
Alfonsı́n was unable to control the judicial proceedings and avoid the
military backlash he feared.
Alfonsı́n resigned in 1989, five months before his term expired – not
because of the trial but, rather, because of the continuing economic mal-
aise. In early elections in 1989, Carlos Saúl Menem won the presidency
and chose a different route from his predecessor. Although continuing to
push the democratic transition forward, Menem moved to end the trials.
In the election, he received a significant share of the votes of military
personnel and, according to Wynia, ‘‘Menem neither feared nor loathed
the armed forces as Alfonsı́n did. He knew that he could not allow offi-
cers to claim any more authority than Alfonsı́n had allowed them, but he
also believed that direct assaults on the military had to stop.’’16 Between
October 1989 and December 1990, Menem issued pardons for all those
who had been convicted or were still under indictment. The pardons
were very controversial and angered many, but Menem argued that they
were necessary to restore the military’s faith in constitutional govern-
ment.17 In 2001, lower courts ruled that earlier measures enacted to
protect the military were unconstitutional. The matter is awaiting a final
ruling from Argentina’s Supreme Court. If the Supreme Court affirms the
lower court rulings, another round of prosecutions may follow.
South Korea
his goals. Finally, in the wake of the Viet Nam War and a US commit-
ment that seemed to be waning, Park believed that firm rule was neces-
sary to unify and strengthen South Korea for the possible decrease in
American support that seemed on the horizon.21
During his tenure, Park instituted economic policies that surpassed the
dismal performance of the Rhee era. However, Park ruled with an iron
fist: he showed little tolerance for the opposition, and extensive human
rights abuses occurred owing to his efforts to suppress political oppo-
nents. Thousands were arrested for criticizing the government or on sus-
picion of being communists, an accusation that could be used against
nearly any political opponent. Repression, especially during the latter
years of Park’s rule, included ‘‘arbitrary arrests, prolonged detentions,
forced confessions under torture, and sham trials followed by imprison-
ment or execution . . . .’’22 Emergency Measure Number 9 even made it a
criminal offence to criticize the President. Usually, the repression was
carried out by the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA), which
was given wide latitude in ferreting out opponents of Park’s rule.
In 1979, the Park era came to an abrupt end: in a heated argument
over the proper response to increasing political unrest, the head of the
KCIA shot and killed Park at a dinner meeting. Many thought that South
Korea might at last begin a transition to democracy; yet, once again, after
a brief period of democratic rule, Major General Chun Doo Hwan or-
chestrated a ‘‘multistage coup’’ in 1979–1980 that returned the military
to power.23 As Park had done, Chun resigned his commission and won
a series of elections under a system that gave his ruling party decisive
advantages. Chun continued the Park legacy of economic growth accom-
panied by suppression of the opposition and human rights abuses. Par-
ticularly galling to South Koreans was an event that occurred in May
1980 in the city of Kwangju: Chun sent in crack troops from the South
Korean army to crush demonstrations that had been building in response
to his seizure of power and years of economic neglect by the central
government. Although the government placed the number killed at 200,
other groups have maintained that the number was closer to 2,000. The
government announced that they had thwarted a communist plot; how-
ever, for South Koreans, Kwangju left a bitter memory. The violence at
Kwangju made it nearly impossible for Chun to establish any legitimacy
for his rule.
Throughout his term (which was to end in 1988), Chun maintained that
he would step down and comply with the constitutional restriction of one
seven-year term. However, under the electoral system of that time – an
indirect electoral college process that heavily favoured the ruling party –
it was virtually assured that whoever ran under Chun’s government party
label would become the next president. By 1986, pressure to reform the
the Agency for National Security Planning, the former KCIA, from do-
mestic surveillance activities. Furthermore, Roh announced that the rul-
ing party’s next presidential nominee would not be a military man. As
Roh noted, ‘‘for the sake of the nation and its political development, I
should be the last president to come from the army.’’25 However, some
vestiges of the old regime remained, especially the National Security
Law26 and the government’s rough treatment of labour.
Despite tremendous pressure from the opposition, Roh and Chun were
able to escape prosecution. After all, Roh had as much incentive as Chun
to avoid any judicial action, given his own involvement in the coup and
the Kwangju massacre. Thus, this task would be left to the next Presi-
dent, Kim Young Sam, who assumed the office after the 1992 election.
President Kim continued South Korea’s transition but was also unin-
terested in pursuing an accounting of past abuses, preferring to leave
these events up to ‘‘the judgement of history.’’ As Kim noted, ‘‘we should
not forget the atrocities but let’s forgive them to achieve national recon-
ciliation.’’27 In large part, this was due to a surprising coalition formed by
his opposition party and Roh’s ruling party two years prior to the 1992
election. The merger gave Kim the inside track on the presidency; how-
ever, this meant that, if elected, he would have been going after members
of his own party.
However, President Kim also added fuel to prosecution efforts by de-
scribing the Kwangju incident as a ‘‘pro-democracy movement,’’ not a
rebellion, as Chun had maintained. He also said that the 12 December
incident was ‘‘a development tantamount to a coup d’état in which lower
ranking officers disobeyed the orders of superior officers.’’28 His com-
ments encouraged numerous individuals to initiate lawsuits in 1993 and
1994 against Chun and Roh. However, for a variety of reasons, the Seoul
prosecutor’s office chose not to indict them, possibly taking their cue
from President Kim’s preference to let the matter rest. Ultimately, an
unexpected revelation that Chun and Roh had accumulated huge cam-
paign slush funds re-energized efforts to prosecute them. Public pressure
rose to the point where the process could not be stopped. Owing to this
ground swell, Kim Young Sam reluctantly supported the prosecution of
Chun and Roh.
In both Argentina and South Korea, military leaders seized the reins of
government because they believed that there were serious threats to the
survival of the nation. In turn, the human rights abuses that followed
flowed largely from efforts to quell the threats and quash opposition to
their rule. These threats were political and economic in nature. The ab-
sence of deep-seated racial, ethnic, or religious divides within Argentina
and South Korea meant that the transition to democracy was likely to
have one less complication: societies that are severely fractured along
racial, ethnic, and/or religious lines have greater problems with power
sharing and establishing the necessary political institutions for an effec-
tive democracy. Let us now consider each case.
When the military intervened in 1966 and again in 1976, they felt that
they were reacting to several threats that endangered the country. First,
despite efforts by the civilian government, the economy struggled during
the 1960s: inflation rates rose, agricultural production declined, and in-
vestor confidence waned. Numerous strikes and factory take-overs or-
ganized by the General Confederation of Labour (La Confederación
General del Trabajo; CGT) accompanied these woes, leading to a per-
ception that the government was in chaos and the country was spinning
out of control. In the military’s view, something had to be done to save
Argentina from the impending economic collapse.
In addition to the fears of economic breakdown, military leaders saw
communist subversion as a second threat that would prey upon the
country’s rapidly deteriorating economy. During much of the 1960s,
guerrilla groups supporting Marxist ideologies utilized unconventional
violence, including kidnapping and murder, to achieve their goal of
bringing societal change. These groups were interspersed within the
population, making their detection by the government unlikely. In the
junta’s view, these subversive elements were dangerous enemies bent on
destroying the state and, therefore, harsh measures were required to
eliminate the threats. As José Zalaquett noted, military leaders saw
‘‘Marxist penetration and insurgency as an all-pervading presence of a
new type of enemy fighting a new type of war,’’ and ‘‘since the war on
Marxism is an insidious one, unorthodox methods are called for, includ-
ing torture and extermination of irredeemable political activists.’’29 Ac-
cording to General Jorge Rafael Videla, army commander-in-chief
and leader of the junta in 1976, ‘‘we will combat, without respite, sub-
versive delinquency in all of its forms until its total annihilation.’’30
Subsequently, the government cracked down hard on these guerrilla
groups, arresting suspected leaders, many of whom were tortured and
When the military returned to power in 1976 after a three-year re-
spite, they were even more determined to end the threat of ‘‘left-wing
subversives.’’ According to General Videla, ‘‘[a]ll those persons neces-
sary will die in order to achieve the security of the country.’’31 As junta
leaders saw it, Argentina was being attacked from within by a cancerous
disease that, if left unchecked, would eat away at a society weakened by
an inept democratic system of government. Democracy had tried and
failed; now it was time for the military to bring order and structure to
society, a task at which they excelled. The remedy was radical surgery to
remove the infected parts, since it was unlikely that subversives could be
reformed. Also, given the high stakes for the country, any methods were
acceptable. According to Admiral Cesar Guzetti, the first Foreign Minis-
ter of the junta in 1976, ‘‘subversion or terrorism of the right – there is no
such thing. The social body of the country is contaminated with a disease
that corrodes its entrails and forms antibodies. These antibodies cannot
be considered in the same way that one considers the microbe.’’32
Can these actions taken against the left be considered as human rights
violations? In 1980, General Leopoldo Galtieri stated emphatically:
. . . in this country there was not, and could not have been any violation of human
rights. There was a war, an absurd war, unleashed by a treacherous and criminal
barbarism, a war which in spite of the fact that it was directed not only against the
people but also against a way of life which is supported by a large number of na-
tions of the world, had to be confronted and resolved by Argentines alone.33
The military argued vehemently that their actions were part of a war to
save the country. Rather than be accused of human rights abuses, they
instead should be congratulated for performing their patriotic duty in
rescuing the country from the scourge of communism. As the military
saw it, the disappeared (desaparecidos) were not the victims; instead,
they were the perpetrators and the military was protecting Argentine
society from their sickness.
Military leaders also saw the threat in terms of the National Security
Doctrine (NSD), an ideology of sorts developed in France and the
United States and taught at the time throughout many service academies
in Latin America. According to NSD, the most pressing threats to na-
tional security were not external but, rather, internal threats from subver-
sive elements, especially the spread of communism. These threats were
ongoing and difficult to detect, requiring constant vigilance and a vigor-
ous response with whatever means were necessary to ensure the safety of
the nation.34 Yet, despite the fact that the military succeeded in elimi-
nating the threat of these ‘‘subversive elements’’ during their first year in
power in 1976, the repression and horror continued, victimizing many
who had little or no connection with the left. As long as the ‘‘threat’’ re-
mained a possibility, military authorities believed that they were justified
in continuing to rule and impose their harsh measures.
South Korea
In South Korea, human rights abuses also flowed from the military’s
perception of serious threats to the country. However, whereas the threat
in Argentina was primarily an internal one, for South Korea the threat
had a much larger external component – namely, the danger of a grave
security threat from a hostile North Korea. In the face of growing politi-
cal unrest and economic turmoil, military officers stepped into power,
determined to impose order and bring economic development to the
country, while showing little tolerance for opposition to their political
rule or economic plans.
Early in the morning on 16 May 1961, the military seized power from
the civilian government in Seoul. One year earlier, South Korea had un-
dergone a major political shake-up with the ousting of Syngman Rhee,
President of South Korea since its inception in 1948. A fledgling democ-
racy followed Rhee’s tenure, but the coup led by a group of colonels and
lieutenant-colonels interrupted this brief period of democratic rule. The
junior officers had several reasons for intervening. First, the democratic
political system had great difficulty in functioning. The ruling Democratic
Party held a solid majority in the National Assembly but was badly frac-
tured, making it difficult to develop and execute policy.35 As a result,
serious problems (especially a stagnant economy debilitated by high
inflation rates) were left unattended. The political climate was so polar-
ized that accomplishing anything was a difficult task and, increasingly,
this government appeared feeble and ineffective.36
Second, students, who had been an important force in ousting Rhee,
continued large-scale demonstrations after his departure. The students
felt so energized by their power that they considered themselves to be
the ‘‘fourth’’ branch of government.37 On several occasions, students
marched into the National Assembly to lecture politicians on the proper
course of action in legislative matters. Even worse, these student groups
called for meetings with fellow students in the North and pushed for
peaceful reunification of the two Koreas.38 North Korea exploited these
developments by stepping up propaganda and infiltration activity.
Finally, the South Korean economy continued to struggle, showing few
signs of growth and suffering from spiralling inflation. Rhee had little
knowledge of (and almost no interest in) managing economic affairs:
during his 12 years of rule, Rhee never implemented a comprehensive
economic plan.39 Corruption was rampant and, despite large doses of US
economic aid, the South Korean economy made little progress. Following
Rhee’s rule, the administration under Chang Myon attempted to imple-
ment a major economic initiative, but the plan did not have sufficient
time to work. The lack of economic development threatened not only the
livelihood of the people but also the South’s ability to defend itself. As
military leaders saw it, economic growth had to occur soon to ensure that
the country had sufficient resources to maintain a robust defence capa-
bility in its struggle with the North.
For Park Chung Hee and other military leaders, these were dangerous
threats to the regime, and the civilian government seemed incapable of
addressing them. It was now their turn to bring order to the political sys-
tem and to implement an effective plan for economic development. Ac-
cording to Park, the country would now ‘‘have to resort to undemocratic
and extraordinary measures in order to improve the living conditions of
the masses . . . one cannot deny that people are more frightened of pov-
erty and hunger than totalitarianism . . . .’’40 A vigorous economy and
stable political order would end the threat of internal political and eco-
nomic disintegration and also build the country’s strength to confront the
external threat from the North.
As Park’s rule progressed, he tolerated little opposition to his eco-
nomic plans or political leadership. Thousands were arrested for criti-
cizing the government or on suspicion of being communists. As noted
earlier, his regime became particularly harsh in the later years of his rule.
To implement his draconian measures, Park utilized the KCIA. Many
were arrested, detained for long periods of time, tortured, and, after
hasty trials, imprisoned or executed.41
After Park’s assassination in 1979, Chun Doo Hwan continued the
legacy of authoritarian rule. His violent crackdown at Kwangju, followed
by further repressive rule, placed a cloud over the legitimacy of Chun’s
regime. Yet, as Chun and others maintained, given the threat from the
North, South Korea could not afford democracy: they believed that South
Korea had to be united politically and to grow economically in order to
confront the communist threat; thus, the internal and external threats
were linked. The danger of political unrest and economic chaos had a
direct bearing on South Korea’s ability to maintain the necessary defence
posture to deter Pyongyang.
Authoritarianism and the consequent human rights abuses in South
Korea and other Asian societies have some roots in Confucianism. As a
political philosophy and code of social order, Confucianism stresses the
importance of hierarchy and obedience to those above on the social and
political ladder: good citizens must be loyal and obedient to the central
authority, accepting of its dictates for the greater good of the entire
country; in return, leaders are expected to rule justly and provide for
their people. When things go wrong, leaders lose the ‘‘mandate of
heaven’’ and subjects have the right to overthrow those who are appar-
ently acting unjustly. Both Park and Chun utilized Confucianism to rein-
force their authority, emphasizing loyalty and obedience to the state and
to justify measures taken to halt opposition to their rule. In this manner,
they grounded their authoritarianism in traditional values and an ideol-
ogy familiar to all in an effort to legitimize their rule. During Park’s
tenure, phenomenal levels of economic growth helped to produce the
success that maintained the mandate for his rule. However, even con-
tinued prosperity under Chun could not overcome the lack of legitimacy
created by the Kwangju massacre and a growing desire for greater polit-
ical participation. Later, when Chun and Roh were accused of corrup-
tion in addition to the charges of mutiny stemming from the coup and
the events at Kwangju, it would become clear that the citizens of South
Korea took seriously the second portion of the mandate – namely, that
leaders must rule justly. South Korea demonstrates that democratization
and human rights can fit with the traditional values of Confucianism.
In the cases of both Argentina and South Korea, threat perceptions
played an important role as the chief cause for the military to seize power
and subvert human rights. The militaries in both countries believed that
the survival of the state was at stake. In Argentina, ‘‘reducing the
threats’’ meant that the subversives of the left were virtually wiped out in
the ‘‘dirty war,’’ although the economic problems remained. In South
Korea, authoritarian rule and economic growth created one of the eco-
nomic powerhouses of East Asia. As the threats lessened, the military
felt more assured that they could return to the barracks and allow the
democratic transition to begin.
Also important in explaining the movement to democratic rule and
greater respect for human rights is the role played by civil society and the
pressure it brought to bear on the respective regimes. In Argentina,
waning support for the junta’s economic policies followed by the Malvi-
nas debacle saw the military beat a hasty retreat in the face of growing
public criticism. Numerous segments of Argentine society initially sup-
ported the military coup for many of the same reasons espoused by the
military – democracy had failed to bring peace, order, and prosperity.
Public condemnation, coupled with the military’s realization that the
forces of communism had been defeated, made it easier for them to re-
linquish power. In South Korea’s case, the prosperity generated under
the military rule eliminated one of the threats to South Korea but
created seeds for its own demise – a strong, vibrant, middle class that
demanded a share of political power to accompany its growing economic
clout.42 In both cases, a growing weariness with authoritarian rule and
the suppression of human rights created pressure for a return to civilian
an institution. For many in the armed forces, this was unacceptable and
required intervention to bring the trials to a halt. The public was out-
raged by the military’s actions and massive demonstrations followed.
Nevertheless, the military had demonstrated unmistakably that there
were limits to what they would tolerate during the transition, and the
government was unable to stop them from flexing their muscles. Al-
though some of the highest-ranking officers were convicted, eventually
they all received pardons after serving only partial sentences. Thus, the
transition to democracy did not include holding the military accountable,
and many Argentines still lament the lack of punishment for the atroc-
ities of the past.
South Korea
28. Shim Jae Hoon, ‘‘Bitter Harvest,’’ Far Eastern Economic Review, 27 May 1993, p. 15.
29. José Zalaquett, ‘‘From Dictatorship to Democracy,’’ The New Republic, Vol. 193, De-
cember 1985, pp. 18–19.
30. As quoted in David Pion-Berlin and George A. Lopez, ‘‘Of Victims and Executioners:
Argentine State Terror, 1975–1979,’’ International Studies Quarterly, 35, 1991, p. 71.
31. As quoted in J. Patrice McSherry, Incomplete Transition: Military Power and Democ-
racy in Argentina, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1997, p. 78.
32. Buenos Aires Herald, 10 October 1976, as quoted in McSherry, Incomplete Transition,
p. 93.
33. Speech given by General Leopoldo Galtieri, contained in Brian Loveman and Thomas
M. Davies, eds, The Politics of Antipolitics, 2nd edn, Lincoln: University of Nebraska
Press, 1989, p. 202.
34. For more on the National Security Doctrine, see Pion-Berlin and George A. Lopez, ‘‘Of
Victims and Executioners: Argentine State Terror, 1975–1979,’’ pp. 69–71.
35. Eckert et al., Korea Old and New, pp. 356–358.
36. Han Sung-joo, The Failure of Democracy in South Korea, Berkeley: University of Cali-
fornia Press, 1974, p. 28.
37. Se-jin Kim, The Politics of Military Revolution, Chapel Hill: University of North Caro-
lina Press, 1971, p. 30.
38. Gregory Henderson, The Politics of the Vortex, Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
1968, p. 179.
39. Oh, Korean Politics, p. 31.
40. Seoul: Hyangmunsa, 1963, trans. Leon Sinder, pp. 105–107, as quoted in Oh, Korean
Politics, pp. 51–52.
41. Eckert et al., Korea Old and New, p. 369.
42. For an excellent treatment of South Korean civil society during the transition to de-
mocracy, see Sunhyuk Kim, The Politics of Democratization in Korea: The Role of Civil
Society, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2000.
43. A thorough treatment of transitional justice in Argentina, Greece, and South Korea is
contained in Terence Roehrig, The Prosecution of Former Military Leaders in Newly
Democratic Nations: The Cases of Argentina, Greece and South Korea, Jefferson:
McFarland Press, 2001.
44. There has been a lively debate among scholars and practitioners concerning the merits
of prosecuting human rights violations. The following is a small sample of the vast lit-
erature on the subject. Jamal Benomar, ‘‘Justice after Transitions,’’ Journal of Democ-
racy, Vol. 4, No. 1, June 1993, pp. 3–14; Luc Huyse, ‘‘Justice after Transition: On the
Choices Successor Elites Make in Dealing with the Past,’’ Law and Social Inquiry, Vol.
20, No. 1, Winter 1995, pp. 51–78; Neil J. Kritz, ed., Transitional Justice: How Emerging
Democracies Reckon with Former Regimes, Volumes I, II, and III, Washington D.C.:
United States Institute of Peace Press, 1995; Jaime Malamud-Goti, ‘‘Transitional Gov-
ernments in the Breach: Why Punish State Criminals?’’ Human Rights Quarterly, Vol.
12, February 1990, pp. 1–16; A. James McAdams, ed., Transitional Justice and the Rule
of Law in New Democracies, Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1997; and
David Pion-Berlin, ‘‘To Prosecute or to Pardon? Human Rights Decisions in the Latin
American Southern Cone,’’ Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 16, No. 1, February 1994,
pp. 105–130.
45. Despite Alfonsı́n’s hopes, civilian courts bucked efforts by the executive branch to limit
the number of prosecutions. When Alfonsı́n obtained legislative approval in 1986 for
Punto Final (End Point Law) that imposed a 60-day time limit on initiating new cases
against military personnel, judges and prosecutors raced to indict as many as possible
before the deadline expired.
For internal and external actors to prevent human rights violations and
instil a pro-rights culture within society and state structures, they have to
address the root causes of violations, not just their symptoms. Under-
standing the reasons for human rights violations is the first step towards
effective proaction. As the findings of the various case studies in this
volume show, causes for human rights violations vary from region to re-
gion and from country to country. Nevertheless, there are a number of
overarching root causes that apply in similar fashion in many different
societies. Local, national, regional, and global actors must cooperate in
designing and implementing the most appropriate response strategies to
generic as well as context-specific root causes of human rights violations.
Furthermore, some countries develop and implement policies that ad-
vance human rights. The reasons for this tell us much about states’
motivations for protecting human rights – motivations that need to be
fostered from within the region and by the international community. In-
terestingly, these motivations are often quite similar to those of oppres-
sive states: to strengthen one’s hold on power and privilege – now, how-
ever, achieved through broad acceptance as a legitimate authority and
not through the spread of fear. With the old authoritarian alternatives
now more ideologically discredited, élites are forced to pursue their
power and wealth interests in more constrained and enlightened ways.
Drawing on the regional and country studies of this volume, the fol-
lowing paragraphs summarize some of the most salient root causes of
human rights violations, as well as reasons for policies that promote hu-
man rights.
The African continent is plagued by numerous instances of military,
one-party, and personal rule of collapsing and weakened states. Encour-
aged by the legacy of colonialism and Cold War-era superpower rivalry,
repressive regimes and leaders have perpetrated violations in efforts to
sustain unjust political structures. Political leadership tends to be repres-
sive and corrupt. Nation-building projects place emphasis on citizens’
duties to the state, rather than on citizens’ rights. Entrenched systems of
ethnic stratification, discrimination, domination, and exclusion are main-
tained and reinforced by state power holders. Indigenous cultures are
being destroyed and often replaced by alien values. Consequently, ordi-
nary citizens have lost faith in the state and increasingly view it as an il-
legitimate perpetrator of abuses, rather than as a protector of their rights.
The state subjugates citizen rights to the supposed imperatives of ‘‘de-
velopment,’’ while grave inequalities between the ‘‘haves’’ and ‘‘have-
nots’’ are perpetuated to secure wealth for ruling élites and their political
allies. The region is characterized by rigid and discriminatory economic
the former Soviet Union have used human rights violations as a means of
retaining power. Civil and international conflicts throughout the region
have undermined human rights directly. They have also done so indi-
rectly, by undermining reformist political movements and weakening civil
society. Some national identities are not oriented strongly enough to-
wards a break with the communist past and its poor human rights record.
To a lesser extent, human rights practices suffer from weak economic
development, associated with weaker national identities, lower levels of
education, and stronger economic interest groups opposed to reform.
Throughout the region, states are often plagued by insufficient capacity
to provide adequately for the security and well-being of their citizens.
On the other hand, democratic regimes not only have valued human
rights protection for their own sake but also have used human rights
protection as a means of consolidating democracy and achieving other
reforms. For many governments, particularly those unwilling to use au-
thoritarian methods, enlightened human rights policies help to preserve
legitimacy and popularity. A number of factors influence élite willingness
and ability to embrace democracy and human rights protection. These
include national identities that are strongly oriented towards a break with
the communist past, including a break with its poor human rights record;
an understanding of the need to avoid civil and international conflicts
(or, at least, to end them as quickly as possible); movement towards
integration with the EU; and, to a lesser extent, strong economic develop-
ment, associated with stronger national identities, higher levels of educa-
tion, and weaker economic interest groups opposed to reforms.
Human rights violations in the People’s Republic of China are driven
by the regime’s determination to pre-empt threats to its power, primarily
through laws that suppress civil and political rights. Poverty and corrup-
tion also restrict civil and economic rights throughout the country. Some
human rights protections are granted as means to a certain level of polit-
ical legitimacy, to developing and maintaining a minimum standard of
living and quality of life, and to enhancing national economic and mili-
tary power. In Taiwan, democratization has brought much greater re-
spect for human rights. This is enhanced by evolving local human rights
norms, as well as pressure from key external actors (particularly the
United States).
In both Argentina and South Korea, the primary cause for human
rights violations has been the military’s reaction to perceived threats.
They believed that their countries were experiencing a breakdown in the
economic and social order and were threatened by communism. In Ar-
gentina, that threat was primarily internal (communist subversion); in
South Korea, the threat was primarily external (North Korea), with a
more limited danger of internal subversion. Human rights violations oc-
Summing up
Activists beyond Borders (Keck and Barre, Muhammed Siad, 294, 295, 297, 299,
Sikkink), 87–88 300
Aghajari, Hashem, 227 Basic Principles for the Treatment of
Agreement on the OSCE Verification Prisoners (1990), 136
Mission for Kosovo, 274 Beijing Women’s Conference (1995), 57
AHRC (Asian Human Rights Commission), BiH (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
357 exercise of human rights/freedoms in,
Aideed, Hussein Mohammed, 300 281–286
Albright, Madeleine, 169 human rights violations in, causes and
Alfonsı́n, Raúl, 393, 403, 404–405 consequences of, 279–281
al-Qaida, 169 Black, David, 303
Alterman, Jon b., 224 Body of Principles for the Protection of
Anfal campaign (Iraqi), 207–208 All Persons under Any Form of
An-Na‘im, Abdullahi, 94 Detention or Imprisonment (1988),
Argentina 136
democratization Boraine, Alex, 68
causes of human rights abuses and, Bosnia
398–399 exercise of human rights/freedoms in,
consequences of human rights abuses 281–286
and, 403–405 human rights violations in, causes and
military rule and, 390–393 consequences of, 279–281
Aristide, Bertrand, 175, 178 UN intervention in (1992), 142
armed conflicts. See war Bush, George, 206
Asian Preparatory Meeting (1993), 64 Bush, George W., 169, 178, 237
‘‘Asian values’’ debate, 9–10
Attorney-General (West), Lakanmi and CAHR (Chinese Association for Human
Anor v. [Nigeria], 320 Rights), 343–344
Cairo Conference on Population and cultural rights, UDHR inclusion of, 38–42
Development (1994), 57, 64 culture
Cámpora, Héctor José, 391 as source of democratization, 255t
Cassese, Antonio, 122 as source of human rights practices, 254t
Cassin, Rene, 34, 39 West African human rights violations
caste violence (India), 374–375t and, 323–325
Chang, Chung, 41 See also political culture
Chang Myon, 400 Cumings, Bruce, 394
Charter of Fundamental Freedoms of the Czech Republic, 178
European Union, 60
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the Dayton Accords (1995), 133–134, 267, 268,
European Union, 58 272, 280
Chen Shui-bian, 343 Dehousse, Fernand, 44
Chiang Ching-kuo, 342 Delmas-Marty, Mireille, 81, 82
child labour (India), 366–367 democracy
children civil society as aspect of, 165
comparing treatment in former human rights promoted in liberal,
Yugoslavia of, 285 166–167
India human rights variation linked to, 257–258
government and child labour, 366–367 transformation of illiberal to liberal, 165
legal system and child labour, 367 US foreign policy and promotion of,
sex ratio and population of, 371t 176–180
See also women Democratic Governance and International
Chopra, Jarat, 297, 298 Law, 42
Chun Doo Hwan, 395–396, 401, 402, 405, 406 democratization
Churchill, Winston, 136 Argentina
CIA World Factbook, 212 consequences of human rights abuses
civil society during transition to, 403–405
as democracy aspect, 165 human rights abuses during transition
in Iraq, 198–200 to, 398–399
See also NGOs (non-governmental military rule and transition to, 390–393
organizations) cultural, economic, conflict-related
CLI (Civil Liberties Index) [Freedom sources of, 255t
House], 249 human rights challenges of, 165–166
Clinton, Bill, 164, 175 human rights protections built-in, 6
collective bargaining rights, 166 human rights violations/protection and,
conflicts. See war 420–424
Confucianism, 401–402 limited process of Iran, Pakistan and
Convention Against Torture (1987), 60 Turkey, 219
Corruption Perception Index, 345 post-communist human rights practices
Cović, Nebojš, 275 and variation in, 249, 253t
Cranston, Maurice, 39 South Korea
Croatia. See Republic of Croatia consequences of human rights abuses
cultural relativism during transition to, 405–406
challenge to universalism by, 63–65 human rights abuses during transition
examining US universalism vs., 62–63 to, 400–402
experience with critical issues and lessons military rule and transition to, 394–397
on, 67–69 UDHR inclusion of human right to
human rights practices limited by, 52–55 participation in, 42–48
transitional societies and intercultural of West Africa and transformation of
dialogue on, 65–67 human rights, 327–330
Iraqi PUK (Patriotic Union of Kurds), 200, See also Iraq; minorities; Turkey
207 Kuwait invasion (1990), 202–203
Iraqi RCC (Revolutionary Command Kwangju massacre (South Korea), 402, 405
Council), 192, 193, 195
Iraq Petroleum Company nationalization Lakanmi and Anor v. Attorney-General
(1972), 196 (West) [Nigeria], 320
IRP (Islamic Renaissance Party), 256 League of Arab States, 64
Islamic Conference (1981), 64 Lee Teng-hui, 343
Izetbegović, Alija, 259, 270, 279 legal pluralism, 93
Lenin, V.I., 169
Jan, Ameer, 303 Leung, Man-To, 22, 339
Japan, 167 liberal democracies
al-Jazairi, Zuhair, 198 human rights promoted in, 166–167
John Paul II, Pope, 55 transformation from illiberal to, 165, 166
See also United States
Kaarthikeyan, D. R., 22 liberalization rights, 165, 166
Kahin, Dahir Riyale, 300 Linklater, Andrew, 147
Kambanda, Jean, 133 Lu Ping, 355
Kant, I., 81
Kaohsiung incident (1979), 341 MacArthur, Douglas, 121
Karadzic, Radovan, 133 Magnarella, Paul J., 16–17, 119
Karadžić, Radovan, 280 Makiya, Kanan (Samir al-Khalil), 196
Karadzic, Radovan, 133 Malik, Charles, 37, 47
Karadžić, Radovan, 280 Mandela, Nelson, 177, 304
KCIA (Korean Central Intelligence Masani, Minocheher, 36
Agency), 395 Mayor, Federico, 294
Keck, Margaret, 87, 88–89, 90 Mbeki, Thabo, 306
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928), 153 Méndez, Juan E., 408
Khamenei, Ayatollah Sayed Ali, 223, 227 Menem, Carlos Saúl, 393
Kim Dae Jung, 394, 405 Milošević, Slobodan, 132, 135, 259, 270,
Kim Young Sam, 394, 397, 406 272
KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army), 273 minorities
Klerk, F.W. de, 304, 306 comparing treatment in former
Klotz, Audie, 90–91 Yugoslavia of, 284
KMT. See Republic of China FRY human rights violations and
Koretsky, Vladimir, 36 relations between, 273–274
Kosovo, 142, 144, 154, 156, 273–274, 276 hate speech (former Yugoslavia) against,
Kotze, H.J., 293 268
Krstic, Radislav, 132 India, human rights violations against,
Kurds 375–376
Anfal campaign (1980–1988) against, UDHR protection of, 34–37
207–208 See also Kurds
attack on civilians in Halabja, 206 Mladic, Ratko, 133
Autonomy Laws (1974) and, 206 Mofid, Kamran, 203
cultural and political rights (1970) granted Mohamad, Mahathir Bin, 64
to, 205–206 Mohammed, I., 297
political parties of, 199, 200, 206, 207, 234 Moi, Daniel Arap, 127
rebellions against Iraqi state by, 193–194, Monshipouri, Mahmood, 18–19, 218
208 Montazeri, Ayatollah Hossein Ali, 224
Turkish political situation regarding, Montenegro. See FRY (Federal Republic of
222–223, 233–234, 237 Yugoslavia)