Contract Master
Contract Master
Contract Master
This agreement is made on the date written above our signatures between.
Nationality : _________________
Passport No : _________________
Mobile phone : _________________
E-mail : _________________
_________________ will be referred to as Owner throughout this agreement.
For a price identified below and figure in the BOQ, Contractor agrees to complete a new
residence (identified as the Project in this agreement) for the Owner.
V. Documents
This agreement follows by BOQ and refferrance of plan and facade architecture
drawing. which define and describe the Work to be done. The following documents are
incorporated as though included in full as part of this agreement.
X. Progress Payments
A. Schedule Payments
The Contract Price has been agreed in ………………. IDR. Down payments will be transfer
or cash to the contractor after signing the contract. For the remaining payment to follow
progress. Before the progress contractor will give to owner a report during progres project.
XVI. Warranty
A one month warranty will be issued on all structural works done by the contractor and
the sub-contractors.
XVII. Arbitration
Any dispute arising out of this ‘Agreement’ shall, to the extent possible, be settled
amicably between the ‘Parties’. Any such dispute that cannot be resolved within 30 (thirty) days
after the matter in dispute has been brought by one ‘Party’ to the attention of the other ‘Party’
should, at the election of either ‘Party’, be resolved by arbitration in the English language under
BANI (Indonesian Arbitration Body) Rules. Both ‘Parties’ are entitled to make written
submissions to the arbitrator so appointed upon the subject matter of the dispute. The
decision of BANI shall be final, binding and incontestable and may be used as a basis for
judgment thereon in Indonesia or elsewhere.
The ‘Parties’ hereto expressly agree that Article 6 of Law number 30 of 1999 regarding
arbitration shall apply so that accordingly there shall be no appeal to any court from the
decision of the arbitrators. The ‘Parties’ hereto further expressly agree that Article 56
paragraph 1 of the said Law number 30 of 1999 regarding arbitration shall apply to the extent
that the arbitrators shall be bound by strict rules of law in making their decision, but may not
pronounce judgment ex-aequo et bono.
Neither ‘Party’ shall be entitled to commence or maintain any legal proceeding in a
court of law upon any matter in dispute until such matter has been submitted and determined
as hereinbefore provided and then only for the enforcement of the respective arbitration
Pending the submission to arbitration and thereafter until the Board of Arbitration
publishes its award; the ‘Parties’ shall, except in the event of termination, continue to perform
all their obligations under this Agreement without prejudice to a final adjustment to be made in
accordance with a determination decision or award .