4 PB
4 PB
4 PB
Non Formal Education, IKIP Mataram, Indonesia
Educational Technology, IKIP Mataram, Indonesia
MTSN 3 Jembrana, Bali, Indonesia
Biology Education, FKIP Universitas Mataram, Indonesia
DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v7i4.15272
Accepted: July 11th, 2018. Approved: December 10th, 2018. Published: December 29th, 2018
The purpose of this study was to develop a curriculum model which included local primacy based on the princi-
ples of social reconstruction curriculum in West Nusa Tenggara. This study was a developmental research which
adopted and modified Borg & Gall developmental model (1983) with the following stages: (1) needs analysis; (2)
model development; and (3) model validation. The results of needs analysis indicated that coral reef materials
were the main priority of local primacy integrated into the secondary school curriculum in West Nusa Tenggara.
The principles of social reconstruction curriculum were implemented in three components as the result of model
design, i.e. learning objectives, learning methods (organizational learning strategies, learning delivery strategies,
and learning management strategies), and learning results or assessment. The product design model was em-
braced in instructional tools consisting of syllabus, topic formulation and basic competence, comic learning mate-
rials, and assessment instruments. Based on the assessment qualifications on the instructional tools validation test
which included three aspects, namely the content aspect, the display aspect and the accuracy aspect of language
use, the mean scores were 3.4, 3.8, and 3.4 respectively. Therefore, the overall instructional tools were in a very
good category.
achieved by West Nusa Tenggara as World’s Best cy in the form of a coral reef ecosystem in West
Halal Honeymoon Destination and World’s Best Nusa Tenggara. An initial research done by Sukri
Halal Tourism Destination at the World Halal et al. (2017) produces a learning tool that adopts
Travel Summit & Exhibition 2015 event held the potential of coral reef ecosystem at SDN Gili
in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (Winarti, Matra, West Nusa Tenggara. Furthermore, Sukri
2017). et al. (2017) also explained that the materials of
According to Subijanto (2015), local pri- coral reef ecosystem can be integrated into the
macy is one of the potentials that exist in every subjects in elementary school for grade 4 on the
region to be used as interesting contextual materi- theme of natural resources, and grade 6 on the
als to be taught in schools. Furthermore, Marlia- theme of animal and plant conservation, as well
na & Hikmah (2013) described that local primacy as ecological balance.
integrated into education can be extracted from Referring to Sukri et al. (2017), coral reef
various potentials such as natural resources, hu- ecosystem materials need to be developed for se-
man resources, geographic, culture, and history. condary school, junior high school (SMP). The-
In the context of this research, the local primacy refore, to accommodate the coral reef ecosystem
is the primacy of natural resource which is a coral materials into junior high schools, it is necessary
reef ecosystem owned by West Nusa Tenggara. to design an appropriate curriculum in accordan-
Coral reef ecosystem materials need to ce with the local primacy characteristics of West
be introduced to the community especially to Nusa Tenggara province. The purpose of this stu-
students for elementary and secondary school dy was to develop a curriculum model that adopt
(Sukri et al., 2017). It is important to develop local primacy based on the principle of social re-
students’ understanding and knowledge on co- construction in West Nusa Tenggara. This article
ral reef ecosystem early on, so that awareness of describes the developed curriculum design based
maintaining and taking care of coral reef ecosys- on the principles of social reconstruction.
tem especially in West Nusa Tenggara can be
well-implemented (Sukri, 2011). Ironically, the METHODS
materials of coral reef ecosystems in West Nusa
TenggarA has not yet included in the curriculum This research adopted and modified the re-
for both primary and secondary level. Based on search development steps by Borg & Gall (1983).
these findings, it is considered urgent to develop a The research implementation consisted of the fol-
curriculum that integrates local primacy of West lowing three stages: (1) needs analysis; (2) model
Nusa Tenggara province. This is in line with the development; and (3) model validation. Here are
perspective of social reconstruction in an educa- the descriptions of the activities undertaken in
tion world to accommodate local primacy, integ- the three stages of the study.
rate the environment, solve social problems and The needs analysis adopted the fishbo-
substance of potentials around the students (Su- ne diagram model (Ishikawa, 1976) to map out
kardi, 2016). the school’s support capacity covering aspects of
Social reconstruction curriculum is a cur- people, materials, procedures, equipment, and
riculum design centered on problem-solving (Mc- environment in the context of curriculum deve-
Neil, 1981; Stanley, 1981; Hunkins & Ornstein, lopment which included local primacy as the en-
2016), and focuses on issues faced by the society richment materials for junior high schools (SMP)
(Sulthon, 2014). The social reconstruction cur- according to the 2013 curriculum in Indonesia.
riculum emphasizes cooperation and interacti- The needs analysis was carried out through Fo-
on, the interaction between learners and other cus Group Discussion (FGD) activities involving
students, the interaction between learners and science teachers in junior high schools, princi-
teachers, the interaction between learners with pals, and curriculum development teams from the
their environment and other learning resources Office of Education, Youth and Sports (DISPO-
(Sulthon, 2014; Mubaroq, 2018). With this con- RA) of North Lombok regency with a total of 25
cept, coral reef ecosystem which is one of the lo- people. The selection of North Lombok Regency
cal primaries of West Nusa TenggarA province as a research location was based on its best repre-
is considered necessary to be developed into one sentation of West Nusa Tenggara with local pri-
of the lesson materials taught in elementary and macy in the form of coral reef ecosystem which
middle schools in West Nusa Tenggara province. has been widely known by foreign countries.
The development of lessons that adopted The model development aimed to determi-
local primacy in West Nusa Tenggara has been ne the integration model of local primacy poten-
done by Sukardi (2016) who developed a creative tial into the curriculum in the form of learning
economic-based craft and entrepreneurship mo- tools consisting of a syllabus, lesson plans, tex-
del with the dimensions of the local primacy in- tbooks, and assessment instruments. The model
dustry, namely silver and batik handicraft. There development refers to the theory of the social
have not many types of research related to the de- reconstruction curriculum (Hunkins& Ornstein,
velopment of curriculum that adopts local prima- 2016) which is actualized into three components,
A. Sukri, M. A. Rizka, H. G. Sakti, K. U. Maududy/ JPII 7 (4) (2018) 467-475
namely (a) learning objectives; (b) learning met- tended to be traditional through lecturing method
hods consisting of: strategy of organizing lear- although some teachers have already applied se-
ning, learning delivery strategies; and learning veral interesting teaching methods in the learning
management strategies; and (c) learning results or process. Therefore, the teachers had to be infor-
assessment (Gagne et al., 1992; Degeng, 2013). med an understanding of appropriate learning
Model validation intended to test the curri- methods to teach the reef ecosystem materials.
culum products that have been prepared through Fourth, supporting equipment and infrastructure
expert validation test. Model validation was per- in teaching materials of the coral reef ecosystem
formed by three experts namely, content specia- was adequate. Fifth, the environmental aspect
lists, resource display experts, and linguists. The which is very supportive in learning the coral reef
validation test instrument was adopted from the ecosystem as it exists around the students.
non-text book assessment guidebook developed The need analysis results concluded that it
by the Book Center, Ministry of National Edu- is a necessity to raise the materials of coral reef
cation in 2008 combined with the local resource- ecosystem which is the local primacy of West
based assessment instrument developed by Sukri Nusa Tenggara as one of the enrichment materi-
et al. (2017). Scoring are in the range of 1-4, i.e als for a science lesson in junior high school level.
score 1 = less good, score 2 = good enough, score These results are supported by the availability of
3 = good, and score 4 = very good. The final qua- human resources (teachers), equipment and the
lification of textbook appraisal was as follows: 3 environment. In addition to these aspects, the in-
<s≤4 (Very Good), 2 <s≤3 (Good), 1 <s≤2 (Good tegration of coral reef ecosystems into one of the
Enough), and s≤1 (Less Good ), s = score. subject matter of junior high schools also pays
attention to socio-cultural aspects of society in as
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION suggested by Sukri (2011).
Table 1. Topic sequence, Basic Competence, and Description of the Main Materials Picturized
through Comic
Topic II: Referring to KD 3.2 The iconic figure explains the phylum
Coral Reef Diversity Classifying living things and objects classification of living things, one of which
and Classification based on observed characteristics is coral reef based on cellular observations
(organelles), living habitats, and other
Topic III: Referring to KD 3.6 The iconic figure explains the cellular sys-
Cellular System and Identifying organizational systems of life tem and body structure of coral reefs.
Coral Reef Body from the cellular level to the organisms
Structure and major compositions of cell constitu-
470 A. Sukri, M. A. Rizka, H. G. Sakti, K. U. Maududy/ JPII 7 (4) (2018) 467-475
Topic IV: Referring to KD 3.3 The iconic figure invites students to analyze
Inheritance of Na- Applying the concept of inheritance of various opportunities of traits derived from
ture on Coral Reefs nature in the breeding and survival of the reproductive processes undertaken by
living things coral reefs according to Mendel’s trait inheri-
tance laws.
Topic V: Referring to KD 3.8 The iconic figure explains the causes of
Survival and Con- Analyzing the occurrence damage to coral reef ecosystems caused by
servation of Coral environmental pollution and environmental pollution and global climate
Reefs its impact on the ecosystem change. The iconic figure then invites stu-
dents to analyze the importance of coral reefs
Referring to KD 3.9 and efforts of coral reefs conservation in In-
Analyze donesia
climate change
and its impact
on the ecosystem
Topic VI: Referring to KD 3.7 The iconic figure invites students to ana-
Coral Reef Biotech- Understanding the concept of biotech- lyze the use of biotechnology principles in
nology nology and its role in human life tackling various human activities (pollution)
that can potentially cause extinction on coral
reefs. One of them is environmental biotech-
nology (waste-eating bacteria)
The design of the integrated curriculum suitable with conceptual orientation objective
model of local primacy implemented into lear- (Degeng, 2013). The determination of core com-
ning tools includes syllabus, lesson plan, comic petence (KI) and basic competence (KD) adopted
learning materials, and assessment packed into and modified in the science syllabus for junior
three learning variable components adopted from high school according to the 2013 curriculum is
Reigeluth & Merrill (1978), consisting of (a) lear- shown in Table 1.
ning conditions, (b) learning methods, and (c) The learning method covered three com-
learning outcomes. Each component of the lear- ponents, namely (a) organizing learning strategy,
ning variable refers to the social reconstruction (b) learning delivery strategy, and (c) learning
theory that is considered relevant to the develo- management strategy. The strategy of organizing
ped model. This is in accordance with the prin- learning in the developed model points to the
ciple of social reconstruction theory because it content organization by involving more than one
places an integrated education with the environ- concept, procedure, or principle with the aim to
ment, solves social problems, and learns content unite the entire contents of the field study (De-
excavated from environmental potentials around geng, 2013; Reigeluth & Merrill, 1978). The lear-
students (Sukardi, 2016). ning organization included: (1) arranging coral
Learning conditions are factors which
reef materials into 7 chapters (Table 1); (2) pre-
influence the effect of using certain methods to
senting the core and basic competence for each
improve learning outcomes (Gagne et al, 1992;
chapter; (3) determining the storyline according
Degeng, 2013). Furthermore, Degeng (2013)
to the supporting materials and images , and (d)
classified the learning conditions into four va-
riables namely learning objectives, characteristics the task or exercise displayed at the end of each
of the subject, constraints, and characteristics of topic. The sequences of coral reefs comic materi-
students. The learning conditions in this study als in sequence starting from the simplest to the
focused on two classifications, namely learning most complex materials.
objectives and characteristics of the subject. The The learning delivery strategy on the deve-
structure of learning objectives in this develop- loped model highlighted the principles of social
ment model referred to the structure of the 2013 reconstruction which emphasizes the existence
curriculum which consists of (a) the learning ob- of collaboration, interaction, communication
jectives, (b) the core competence, and (c) basic and direct practice (Sukardi, 2017). Therefore,
competence. The objectives of the subject study the learning delivery strategy was actualized in
pointed to the principle of constructivism and the form of group learning, face-to-face activities
social reconstruction to build students’ under- in the classroom, field trips to see the real condi-
standing of the coral reef biological system from tions of coral reef ecosystems in the real environ-
the simplest aspect to the most complex aspects ment.
A. Sukri, M. A. Rizka, H. G. Sakti, K. U. Maududy/ JPII 7 (4) (2018) 467-475
The delivery strategy pointed to the prin- ning outcomes were assessments oriented to the
ciple of social reconstruction by implementing so- principle of social reconstruction and problem-
cial reconstruction learning method adopted from solving for real problems in a student’s life (Hun-
Luisa (2007) combined with social reconstruction kins& Ornstein, 2016). The assessment activities
syntax developed by Sukardi (2017). Learning ac- include: (a) guidance of field trip activity combin-
tivities were implemented through several activi- ed with project-based assessment including plan-
ties: (1) forming heterogeneous learning groups ning, data collection, organizing, process, analy-
in terms of gender, abilities, and cultures. The sis and concluding, and displaying data (Fauziah
formation of heterogeneous groups is expected & Saputro, 2018); and (b) critical analysis reports
to establish interaction and cooperation among as the results of field monitoring of coral reef
students (Pitriani et al, 2013); (2) initial knowled- problems.
ge activation; (3) presentation of new knowledge;
(4) conducting exercises through problem analy-
Product Validation Test Results
sis; (5) conducting research through field trip acti-
The product validation test was done to as-
vities; (6) drawing conclusions; and (7) reflections
sess product appearance and language whether it
on the learning process.
is good and correct according to Indonesia stan-
Learning outcomes are all impacts serve
dard rules. The results of the curriculum product
as a reference for using a method under different
validation test are shown in Table 2-4.
conditions (Degeng, 2013). The expected lear-
Based on the content validation results, the The appearance validation test results pre-
eight components’ average score was 3.4. As a re- sented in Table 3 showed that the average score
sult, the curriculum products consisting of a syl- was 3.8 and belonged to the very good category.
labus and comic teaching materials were in a very These results indicated that in terms of appea-
good category. Table 2 shows that three of the rance, the developed curriculum products have
eight assessment aspects were in the very good met the criteria for all assessment components.
category with a score of 4. All the three assess- Based on Table 3, it is known that out of the 12
ment aspects included the 2, 6, and 7 assessment components, there are 2 components scored 3,
related to the suitability of coral reef ecosystems namely the assessment components 5 and 7. This
with basic competence, student cognitive levels, elucidated that overall; the validation test results
and illustrations shown in comics for each to- achieved a high validity score. According to Af-
pic. This indicated that the coral reef ecosystem riadi et al. (2013), the magnitude of the validity
materials have been described in the curriculum score plays an important role in drawing conclu-
well. Similar results were obtained by Hartini et sions. Therefore, the higher the validity, the better
al. (2018) which showed that teaching materials the conclusions are drawn (Hartini et al., 2018).
integrated with local wisdom had been prepared The high validation test results are also shown in
in accordance with aspects of content validation Table 4 with an average score of 3.4. Thus, the
and appearance. language used was in a very good category.
The main purpose of the social reconstruc- with local primacy of West Nusa Tenggara, Indo-
tion curriculum is to include students in solving nesia. The concept of social reconstruction theo-
social problems (McNeil, 1981; Stanley, 1981; ry in this research was implemented through the
Hunkins& Ornstein, 2016; Sulthon, 2014). The learning materials and learning condition, and
social reconstruction curriculum emphasizes inte- assessment activities which held firmly the local
raction and substance extracted from the surroun- wisdom (McNeil, 1981; Stanley, 1981; Hunkins&
ding potentials (White, 2001; Sukardi, 2016; Sult- Ornstein, 2016; Pitriani et al., 2013).
hon, 2014; Mubaroq, 2018). The basic concept of One implication of the social reconstruc-
social reconstruction theory is the foundation for tion theory in this study was implemented in the
the development of science curriculum integrated content or subject matter that is adopted from the
A. Sukri, M. A. Rizka, H. G. Sakti, K. U. Maududy/ JPII 7 (4) (2018) 467-475
local a.k.a the coral reef ecosystem. According to subject matter is extracted from the potential
Suyitno et al. (2015), local wisdom in the school that exists around the student (White, 2001).
environment needs to be introduced and taught Furthermore, Sukardi (2016) emphasized that
to students in order to produce graduates who the setting of activities outside the classroom is
are relevant to the needs. In addition, Anggrai- intended to provide opportunities for students
ni (2017) revealed that learning based on local to acquire knowledge and skills through invol-
wisdom can enrich the knowledge and character vement in the real world. The results of various
development of the students. Subali et al. (2015) studies show that field trip activities can improve
reported that the implementation of teaching de- students’ academic performance (Amosa et al.,
sign based on local wisdom influenced the charac- 2015), creative and practical thinking (Mahgoub
ter of students as proven by the emergence of 11 & Alawad, 2014), conceptual understanding (Ta-
positive characters on student performance such neo, 2017), learning experience (Higgins et al.,
as caring toward the environment. The research 2012; Nyumba et al., 2018) , learning outcomes
results of Sugiyo & Purwastuti (2017) showed (Patrick, 2010), knowledge and attitudes toward
that the potential of local wisdom in the commu- multicultural (Prokop et al, 2007; Olukayode &
nity can be used as a character education model Tina, 2013; Neiman & Ades, 2014); and student
for elementary school students. The results are in academic achievement (Estawul et al., 2015).
line with Mayne’s (2014) opinion that the social The third implication of the principle of
reconstruction approach needs to be integrated social reconstruction contained in this design
into teacher training programs as a key compo- was in the form of assessment. The developed
nent in improving the quality of education. assessments were problem-oriented (Hunkins&
The implications of the social reconstruc- Ornstein, 2016) based on the potential around
tion theory in the developed design were also students. This form of assessment was a project-
reflected in the learning activities undertaken. based assessment which outlined in the critical
Learning activities prioritize the interaction analysis report on the results of the on-field reef
among learners which is the principle of social problem. Project-based assessment is one of the
reconstruction theory (Sulthon, 2014; Mubaroq, authentic assessment models (Fauziah & Sa-
2018). This concrete form of interaction activi- putro, 2018). According to Tai & Yuen (2007),
ty is reflected in the learning group activities authentic assessment obtained positive results to
implemented through the social reconstruction improve problem-solving skills, teamwork, and
learning model (Luisa, 2007; Sukardi, 2017). The increased student knowledge. The results of this
heterogeneous learning group consists of stu- design are in accordance with Fook & Sidhu’s
dents with different gender and academic ability. (2010) suggestions that authentic assessment is
Group learning is expected to establish interacti- more acceptable to students and serves as an al-
on between learners, learners with teachers, and ternative to standardized judgments.
learners with learning environment. The results Overall, the curriculum design that adopts
of previous studies have shown that social inter- local primacy generated in this study has been
action influences student learning outcomes and in accordance with the principle of social re-
motivation (Fitriastuti, 2013, Hurst et al., 2013; construction used as a reference in the develop-
Sari et al, 2013; Mulyaningsih, 2014; Nismawati, ment of the model. In addition, the results of this
2015; Rahmah, 2016; Murti & Heryanto, 2016). study are complementary to previous similar stu-
Aside from being positively affects student achie- dies in developing local primacy, especially coral
vement social interaction is also plays an impor- reef ecosystems integrated into lessons for secon-
tant role in improving the quality of learning dary school levels.
(Jung et al., 2002; Essam & Al-Ammary, 2013).
The results of this design are in line with Barakett CONCLUSION
& Freedman (2001) research suggesting that lear-
ning based on the principle of social reconstruc- The research results revealed that the integ-
tion is done to achieve high-level thinking skills ration of coral reef materials can be done through
through participatory, dialogical, and interactive the insertion and adjustment of the main coral
learning. reef materials in the Basic Competencies (KD) of
Interaction activities are not only carried science subjects especially in biological materials
out in the classroom, but also carried out through for junior high school level. The results of this
field activities. This refers to the principle of so- study also indicated that curriculum development
cial reconstruction theory that the substance or adopting local primacy was appropriate based on
474 A. Sukri, M. A. Rizka, H. G. Sakti, K. U. Maududy/ JPII 7 (4) (2018) 467-475
the principle of social reconstruction as the ma- Pendidikan Ekonomi, 2(3), 183-188.
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Gagne, R.M., Briggs, L.J.,& Wager, W.W. (1992). Prin-
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Hartini, S., Firdausi, S., Misbah., & Sulaeman, N.F.
(2018). The Development of Physics Teach-
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Directorate of Research and Community Service Saraba Kawa Character, JPII, 7(2), 130-137.
Higgins, N., Dewhurst, E., & Watkins, L. (2012). Field
(DRPM) of the Ministry of Research, Technolo-
trips as Short-Term Experiential Learning Ac-
gy and Higher Education of the Republic of In- tivities in Legal Education. The Law Teacher,
donesia who has funded this research through the 46(2), 165-178.
National Strategic Research Institution (PSNI) Hunkins, F. P., & Ornstein, A. C. (2016). Curriculum:
Scheme for the year of 2018. Foundations, Principles, and Issues. Pearson
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