b2 - Wordlist - Unit - 09 Advanced3
b2 - Wordlist - Unit - 09 Advanced3
b2 - Wordlist - Unit - 09 Advanced3
Page 101 9.10 dependent (adj) /dɪˈpendənt/
needing sb/sth in order to survive ● Living
9.1 emergency (n) /ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi/ on the outskirts of the city, I’m dependent on
a sudden dangerous situation in which you my car. I couldn’t do without it. ➣ depend (v),
need to act fast to avoid harm ● It is important dependence (n) ❖
to try and stay calm in an emergency.
9.11 developed (adj) /dɪˈveləpt/
(of a country or area) having an economy
9.2 rescue (v) /ˈreskjuː/ based mostly on modern industries and
save sb from a dangerous or harmful situation services ● Developed countries are
● The firefighters rescued two families from responsible for the majority of environmental
their burning homes. ➣ rescue (n) problems. ➣ develop (v), developed (adj)
❖ ❖
9.12 advanced (adj) /ədˈvɑːnst/
Reading Pages 102–103
having the most modern methods, ideas,
etc. ● The technology for replacing fossil
9.3 for free (phr) /fə fri:/ fuels is highly advanced. ➣ advance (v)
without paying or getting any money ● I’m not ❖
expecting you to do it for free; I’ll pay you, of 9.13 community (n) /kəˈmjuːnəti/
course. ❖ the people living in a particular area ● The new
9.4 critic (n) /ˈkrɪtɪk/ sports centre will benefit the whole community.
sb who says they dislike sb/sth ● She is a ❖
major critic of wind power, as she believes it is 9.14 address (v) /əˈdres/
expensive and harmful to the environment. give attention to an issue or problem ● Next,
➣ criticise (v), criticism (n), critical (adj) we need to address the problem of security.
❖ ❖
9.5 benefit (v) /ˈbenɪfɪt/ 9.15 meaningless (adj) /ˈmi:nɪŋlɪs/
help sb improve their life in some way or be useless; without a purpose ● Talking to him
helped to improve your life ● The new law was meaningless; he wasn’t going to change
mainly benefits younger families. ➣ benefit (n), his mind. ❖ ✎ Opp: meaningful
beneficial (adj) ❖
9.16 make a living (expr) /meɪk ə ˈlɪvɪŋ/
9.6 local (n) /ˈləʊkl/ earn enough money to buy the things you
a person who lives in a particular area ● Most need ● It’s a small island, where most people
of the people present were locals, but some make a living by fishing. ❖
had come from other areas. ➣ local (adj)
❖ 9.17 employ (v) /ɪmˈplɔɪ/
have sb do a job and pay them for it ● The
9.7 skilled (adj) /skɪld/ company has employed a new sales manager.
having the knowledge and experience ➣ employment (n), employer (n), employee (n)
necessary to do a job well ● We need a skilled ❖ ✎ Syn: hire
worker for this job, not someone with no
experience. ➣ skill (n) ❖ 9.18 professional (adj) /prəˈfeʃənəl/
✎ Opp: unskilled doing sth as a job and not as a hobby
● When he realised he couldn’t knock down
9.8 misunderstanding (n) /ˌmɪsʌndəˈstændɪŋ/
the wall on his own, he hired a professional
an occasion when sth is not understood
builder. ➣ profession (n) ❖
correctly ● Let me explain it again, because
✎ Opp: unprofessional
I think there’s been a misunderstanding.
➣ misunderstand (v) ❖ 9.19 hire (v) /haɪə(r)/
give a job to sb or pay sb to do a particular
9.9 developing (adj) /dɪˈveləpɪŋ/
job ● They hired a top lawyer to represent
(of a country or area) poorer with less
them in court. ❖ ✎ Syn: employ
advanced industries ● I work for a charity
that sends vaccines to the developing world.
➣ develop (v), developed (adj)
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9.20 host (v) /həʊst/
provide a place for sb to stay ● The mayor hosted Vocabulary Page 104
the guests at his home. ➣ host (n)
❖ 9.29 electrician (n) /ˌɪlekˈtrɪʃən/
a person whose job is to connect, check
9.21 privileged (adj) /ˈprɪvəlɪdʒd/ and repair electrical equipment ● We got an
having a special advantage because of your electrician to repair the cooker. ❖
position, which most other people don’t have
● She comes from a privileged background 9.30 researcher (n) /rɪˈsɜːtʃə(r)/
and cannot even understand the needs of a person whose job is to study a subject so
normal people. ➣ privilege (n) ❖ as to discover new information about it
● The researcher included questions about the
9.22 make up (phr v) /meɪk ʌp/ residents’ daily habits in the questionnaire.
form sth ● Locals make up 60% of our staff. ➣ research (v, n) ❖
9.31 inspector (n) /ɪnˈspektə(r)/
9.23 bring to mind (expr) /brɪŋ tə maɪnd/ a person whose job is to inspect sth officially
make sb remember ● Her name brought to mind ● The tax inspector checked all of our
my French teacher at school. ❖ accounts. ❖
9.24 herd (n) /hɜ:d/ 9.32 plumber (n) /ˈplʌmə(r)/
a large group of animals that live together; used a person whose job is to fit water pipes,
negatively in reference to people ● We saw a baths, toilets, etc. ● I think you should call the
herd of elephants. ❖ plumber to fix that tap. ❖
9.25 holiday-maker (n) /ˈhɒlədiˌmeɪkə(r)/ 9.33 financial (adj) /faɪˈnænʃl/
a person who is on holiday away from home related to money or the way you manage
● The beach was crowded with holiday-makers money ● My financial situation has improved
from all over the country. ❖ now that I got a new job. ➣ finance (n, v),
9.26 eventually (adv) /ɪˈventʃuəli/ finances (n pl) ❖
at the end of a period of time ● Our train
9.34 financial analyst (n) /faɪˈnænʃl ˈænəlɪst/
eventually arrived two hours later.
a person whose job is to study a company’s
financial situation and help it make financial
decisions ● Our financial analyst has advised
LOOK! us to invest in solar power. ❖
The adverbs eventually and finally have the same 9.35 mechanic (n) /məˈkænɪk/
meaning. However, their use is different. We use a person whose job is to repair machines,
eventually or finally to talk about sth that happens cars, etc ● The mechanic said my car would
at the end of a time period, as well as for an action be ready next week. ❖
that comes last in a line of actions, especially if 9.36 wire (n) /waɪə(r)/
there's been a delay or some difficulty. thin metal thread covered with plastic, used to
➔ I waited for him all day and he eventually / carry electricity ● She disconnected the wire
finally arrived at midnight. from the cooker. ❖
➔ I called her home, her mobile and her office and 9.37 pattern (n) /ˈpætən/
finally / eventually I got through to her. the way sth is organised or is done ● The
We use finally, not eventually, to talk about the last police inspector thought all three murders
thing in a list of things. followed a similar pattern. ❖
➔ First I made a note of a few ideas, then I made 9.38 manual (adj) /ˈmænjuəl/
a paragraph plan, and finally (not: eventually) I done with your hands ● Skilled manual
started writing my essay. workers are not always paid well enough.
9.27 theory (n) /ˈθɪəri/ 9.39 responsibility (n) /rɪˌspɒnsɪˈbɪləti/
a set of ideas that can explain sth ● I can’t a duty to deal with sb/sth so that you can be
prove my theory, but it gives a logical blamed if things go wrong ● It is the manager’s
explanation of her actions. ➣ theoretical (adj) responsibility to ensure that the team work well
❖ together. ➣ responsible (adj) ❖
9.28 inefficient (adj) /ˌɪnɪˈfɪʃənt/
not organised or able to do a job well ● The
system is very inefficient and wastes valuable
time. ❖ ✎ Opp: efficient
deal (n) /diːl/
Grammar Page 105
an agreement on conditions for doing sth or 9.53 graduate (v) /ˈɡrædʒueɪt/
buying sth ● We reached a deal to sell our complete school or university studies
company to the corporation. ❖ successfully ● She graduated from an
9.44 overtime (n) /ˈəʊvətaɪm/ American university with a degree in law.
time that you spend working at your job after ➣ graduate (n), graduation (n) ❖
the normal hours ● If everyone agrees to work 9.54 personnel (n) /ˌpɜːsənˈel/
overtime, we’ll have finished by the end of the the people who are employed in a company
week. ❖ or organisation ● All company personnel will
9.45 strike (n) /straɪk/ be trained in using the new software.
a period when a group of employees refuse to ❖ ✎ Syn: staff
work because they are demanding better pay 9.55 candidate (n) /ˈkændɪdət/
or better conditions ● Teachers are threatening a person who is competing to get a job or a
to go on strike if they are not paid for overtime position ● She was the best candidate so,
work. ➣ strike (v) ❖ naturally, she got the job. ❖
9.46 promotion (n) /prəˈməʊʃn/ 9.56 apply (n) /əˈplaɪ/
a move to a more important job or position in ask for sth like a job or a place on a course,
a company ● If I can’t get a promotion by the usually by sending a letter or filling in a
end of the year, I’m going to look for another form ● I decided to apply for the job, even
job. ➣ promote (v) ❖ though I didn’t have much experience.
9.47 give sb the sack (expr) /gɪv sʌmbədi ðə sæk/ ➣ application (n), applicant (n) ❖
remove sb from their job ● They gave him the 9.57 version (n) /ˈvɜːʃn/
sack because he was always late. a form of sth that is different from other forms
❖ of the same thing ● There are two versions of
9.48 paperwork (n) /ˈpeɪpəwɜːk/ the film, the original and the remake.
the written work that some people have to do ❖
as part of their job, e.g. filling in forms and
9.58 ideal (adj) /aɪˈdɪəl/
writing reports ● As the boss’s assistant, he
the best possible ● It isn’t an ideal solution, but
has to deal with a lot of paperwork every day.
it will have to do. ❖