APA Paper
APA Paper
APA Paper
Shilen Britton
The intention of this paper is to examine the effects of advertising and psychological tactics that
businesses use on their consumers. Since we, as consumers, have to make decisions all the time,
I am interested in the effects that advertising and psychology has on our decision making process
everyday. As I have gathered and analyzed information regarding consumer behavior, I have
decided to study the ways in which businesses utilize advertising and psychological tactics, and
the true effect they play on consumers. Even though consumers have personal and social driving
factors, the advertising and physiological factors are the most influential, and they are the factors
that the businesses have the most control over. Through research and analysis, I have found
many factors such as product appearance, emotional connections, or advertising strategies play a
huge role in the decision process of consumers. Thus businesses can affect their consumers by
strategies. Understanding both the consumer's mind and the strategies that businesses utilize is
One's mind is constantly at work as they shop. Businesses are constantly working to find
different strategies and tactics to convince consumers to buy their products. For instance,
walking into a store, or even shopping online presents the consumer with many decisions to
make. So how does one make a decision on what product or brand they will choose? The
consumers may not notice it, but the businesses take control of every advantage they have to
make one purchase of their product. The purchases made by consumers ultimately are a result of
the advantages companies have in knowing consumer psychology and advertising techniques.
Consumer Emotion
Emotions often play a huge role in what connects a consumer to a specific brand or
product. One thing that consumers seek is the need to feel important and experience positive
feelings. Maryville, a well known national university explains this by saying, “Marketers can
appeal to a consumers’ self-esteem by making them feel important” (2023, para. 8). How a
consumer feels about a product is determined by the emotion associated with that brand or
product. The way a consumer perceives a certain brand or product as it either has a positive or
negative effect on their emotion which will eventually influence their decision-making progress.
As a result, the consumer's emotional reward is a large influencing factor in the decision-making
process. Consumers will always be drawn to the product or brand that gives them positive
feelings and makes them feel important. To add on, as consumers make their purchases,
emotional factors can contribute to their decisions in other ways as well. Humans may seem in
control over their emotions, but as Murry, a principal of a consumer psychology practice in New
York City explains, “The fact is that the human mind does not have access to information about
the processes involved in its decision making. Awareness of the mental machinations that
RUNNING HEAD: Psychological and Advertising Tactics Used By Businesses 4
produce specific behaviors is an illusion that makes us feel like we are in control” (2016, para.
8). As one is making a purchase they think that they are in control of that purchase, yet the
emotions of the mind are what drives them to make that purchase. The subconscious of our
minds reacts to the emotions we are feeling in that moment which in all makes the final decision
for the consumer. In order to explain this unconscious behavior, we create narratives that keep us
confident. Together, Murray and Maryville exhibit the importance of emotion, and the impact it
A large influencing factor that drives consumer decisions is the use of advertisement.
Advertising can stem from television, posters, online ads, to many more. Advertisements have
the same goal for each company, and that is to stand out over the top of their competitors to make
the consumer buy their product. Tally, a former publisher and mentor for the Huffington Post
contributor technologies states, “Though the techniques and media have continued to evolve, the
core concept of standing out still remains the same” (2021, para. 7). Businesses will use many
ways to make sure they stand out. Each business uses different advertising techniques in order to
gain an advantage over one another. Using different tactics is the reason why brands and
businesses are able to get you to buy their products. A highly effective tactic that creates a
craving for a product is repetition. As one sees a product over and over, their want for that
particular product increases. In the article written by Benjamin Christie it is stated, “One can
build identity awareness through repetition” (2023, para. 6). By seeing and hearing the same
advertisement over and over, it tends to lead to a consumer making a purchase. The repetition
and consistency of advertisements make the consumers think that they actually want that
product. Repetition is also such a key in advertising because there are countless opportunities
RUNNING HEAD: Psychological and Advertising Tactics Used By Businesses 5
shopping online or not, they can not avoid advertisements. No matter where they look on their
phone or computer, they are faced with the constant influence from advertisements. No matter
the age of the consumer or the generation they were born in, the use of social media and
technology has increased. In the article by Stephanie Harlow, she finds that, “Pretty much every
Gen Z consumer uses social media in some way, with an average of 2 hours and 51 minutes
spent on social media each day. Millennials aren’t far behind either, clocking in at 2 hours and 34
minutes” (2023, para. 7). Based on Harlow’s findings, businesses should be able to figure out
and understand that the medium of advertising is very important. Often the way in which they
advertise and the effort they put in has a big deciding factor on the decisions made by the
consumer. Overall, the impact of advertising and the ways in which businesses advertise is a very
Businesses have one goal in mind and that is to make a profit. They will use everything in
their power to make sure your money becomes their money. Businesses will go to any extent,
RUNNING HEAD: Psychological and Advertising Tactics Used By Businesses 6
and will use many unethical tactics to persuade you to buy their product. These tactics are often
seen as manipulation. In the article, “Are You Marketing or Manipulating? Let's Find Out” Saba
products — thus, playing with consumers' emotions misleadingly and deceptively. Sadly,
consumers are likely to accept false information because of their strong desire to improve
Oftentimes companies will put out misleading information that consumers buy into. A common
example of this is when different shops will claim to have the ‘best in the world’ of whatever
main product they sell. Most people know that these statements are untrue, but they still end up
buying the product. This is because these misleading statements and information play with the
consumers mind and emotions. Someone in that exact moment may be looking exactly for what
the business is selling, and the deceiving words are what the deciding factor is. To add on, Telke
builds on unethical tactics used by businesses, and says, “For example, many online gurus or
self-publishers flood their followers or target audience with fake engagements, exaggerated
income reports, bots, borrowed dishonest ads, etc. You see gurus selling deceptive strategies or
courses on making quick money online or becoming millionaires” (2022, para. 14). All of these
fake reports or fake engagements seem to be illegal, but are all legal tactics that take advantage
of consumers. They use these strategies because they play with the consumers’ emotions. Telling
someone that they can make themselves rich will spark positive energy into someone. Often a
reason why consumers buy into these online tactics is because they do not think twice, or do any
research about what they are looking at. The ways businesses manipulate consumers may seem
ethical or not, but in the end, they are achieving their one goal of making a profit.
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How a product itself looks is one of the most important factors to consumers. The design
and packaging of a product is the first interaction you have with that product itself. That is why
when a consumer is left with deciding between multiple products they will often go with the one
that is most appealing to them. Malcolm Gladwell, a renowned journalist with five New York
Times Best Selling Books, explores how companies often alter their products' appearance in
order to manipulate consumers' first impressions through Blink: The Power of Thinking Without
Thinking (2005, p. 164). In several scenarios, he discussed different brands that have seen
positive and negative impacts in consumer behavior from brands changing the design of their
products packaging. One of these examples follows the design of the 7-Up bottle:
If you add fifteen percent more yellow to the green on the package - if you take this green
and add more yellow - what people report is that the taste experience has a lot more lime
or lemon flavor. [. . .] It’s exactly the same product, but a different set of sensations have
Consumers instantly believed that the drink had changed due to just the colors on the bottle being
changed. Brands take great detail in the essence of their product and how it appears to quickly
draw the attention of the consumer’s mind, which in all affects the consumer’s decision. Another
aspect that packaging brings to the table is its effect on brand loyalty. Oumar Fofana, an author
product quality. Higher product quality leads to brand trust, which fosters enduring
consumer-brand relationships. Packaging quality plays an essential role in building brand trust
and, consequently, profitable consumer-brand relationship” (2023, para. 8). If a brand can
establish a well-known reputation for their brand they will be able to create relationships with
RUNNING HEAD: Psychological and Advertising Tactics Used By Businesses 8
their consumers. Being consistent with quality, and the way a product is displayed is key for
keeping consumers coming back. Companies know that they can establish a guaranteed flow of
money if they can get loyal customers that come back. Through both Gladwell’s and Fofana’s
research, it is clear that it is important for businesses to consider consumers' reactions to product
appearance because packaging can inform one’s intention of buying a product. The information
that a consumer can quickly grasp with their first impression is what will help them make their
purchase decision. This information they grasp in their first impression comes from the
unethical marketing all have a strong impact on consumer decision-making. Behind each of these
influencing factors are psychological ideas and concepts. Businesses can better their company by
understanding each of these psychological factors, and apply them to consumer behavior.
Ultimately, businesses must use psychological tactics to affect the consumer in order to
10 psychological tactics for impactful marketing. Maryville University Online. (2023, November
RUNNING HEAD: Psychological and Advertising Tactics Used By Businesses 9
Fofana, O. (2023, August 1). Packaging’s impact on consumer satisfaction and Brand behaviour.
Packaging Gateway.
Gladwell, M. (2019). Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. Back Bay Books/Little,
Harlow, S. (2023, November 30). How effective is advertising on social media?. GWI.
How does advertising influence your buying decisions?: Tally. Tally. (2021, December 29).
RUNNING HEAD: Psychological and Advertising Tactics Used By Businesses 10
Murray, P. (n.d.). Inside the consumer mind | psychology Today. The Myth of the Rational
Consumer. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/inside-the-consumer-mind
Tekle, S. (2022, September 20). Are you marketing or manipulating? let’s find out. Entrepreneur.