Psychoshorts Programme 2024

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Book of abstracts and guest bios /

Livre de résumés et biographies des invité.e.s :

8:15 am – 8:45 am Coffee and registration / Café et inscription

8:45 am – 9:45 am Primary Keynote / Conférencière d’honneur:

Achieving Equity and Justice in Research for Linguistically
Diverse Populations
Prof. Gigi Luk, Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology,
McGill University

9:45 am – 10:00 am Break / Pause (15 mins)

10:00 am – 12:00 pm Panel: Going beyond good intentions: making EDI

considerations concrete / Au-delà des bonnes intentions:
rendre concrètes les considérations EDI
Moderator / Modératrice: Gabrielle Manning, PhD
• Catherine Anderson, PhD: Associate Professor (Teaching), Department of Linguistics &
Languages, Director of the Gender & Social Justice program, McMaster University
• Lauretta Cheng, PhD Candidate: Linguistics, University of Michigan
• Ethan Kutlu, PhD: Assistant Professor of Linguistics and Psychology, University of Iowa
• Karine Morin, LLB/LLM: Strategic science policy and program development leader /
Professionnelle du développement de programmes et de politiques scientifiques stratégiques
• Sílvia Perpiñán, PhD: Distinguished Researcher, Department of Translation and Language
Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch break / Pause-dîner

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Poster session A / Session d’affiches A

1. Leveraging Social Network Data to Ground Multilingual Background Measures:
Validating Entropy Part 1
Antonio Iniesta1, Michelle Yang1, Anne L. Beatty-Martínez2, Inbal Itzhak3, Jason Gullifer4,
Debra Titone1; 1Center for Research on Brain, Language and Music (CRBKM), Department of
Psychology, McGill University; 2University of Southern California San Diego; 3Canadian
Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging; 4Marianopolis College

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2. Virtual Reality Artificial-Intelligence Companion for Persons with Dementia in Long-
term Care
Anupriya Kakkar¹, Lisa Sheehy², Stéphane Bouchard², Andrew Frank³; ¹University of Ottawa;
²Université du Québec en Outaouais; ³Bruyère Research Institute
3. How does math-specific language experience impact word problem-solving in bilingual
Esteban Hernández-Rivera¹, Karla Tarín Murillo¹, Dan Chen¹, Michelle Jang², Gigi Luk², Debra
Titone¹; ¹Department of Psychology, McGill University; ²Department of Educational and
Counselling Psychology, McGill University
4. Bilingual Infants’ Discrimination of Speakers
Emily Carriere¹, Júlia Guerra1, Christopher Fennell1; 1Language Development Lab, School of
Psychology, University of Ottawa
5. How the Clock App speaks: An ERP study on Algospeak Processing
Cloé Lafleur1; 1ERPLing Lab, Department of Linguistics, University of Ottawa
6. Vowel Articulation: Do Simultaneous Bilinguals or Late Bilinguals Produce More
Maria Falconi1; 1ERPLing Lab, Department of Linguistics, University of Ottawa
7. What’s up with this and that? Demonstrative processing and comprehension in English
Melanie Knezevic1, Laura Sabourin1; 1ERPLing Lab, Department of Linguistics, University of
8. Speech Perception under Noisy Conditions in Monolingual and Bilingual Infants
Jean-Louis René1, Christopher Fennell1 & Emma Moores1; 1Language Development Lab,
School of Psychology, University of Ottawa
9. Does Better Objective Second Language Proficiency Predict Better Executive Function?
Madeline Smith1; 1Cognitive Neuroscience of Bilingualism Lab, University of Ottawa

2:00 pm – 3:15 pm Talk session / Présentations

2:00 pm – 2:25 pm Exploring grammatical coactivation in sentence processing:
Evidence from early English-French bilinguals
Yubin Xing1, Laura Sabourin1; 1ERPLing Lab, Department of Linguistics,
University of Ottawa

2:25 pm – 2:50 pm When Words Collide: Recognizing Compounds by Foveal Split

Cassandra Didical1 & Roberto G. de Almeida1; 1Concordia University

2:50 pm – 3:15 pm Generating and Revising Moral Decisions During First- and Second-
Language Reading
Esteban Hernández-Rivera1, Karla Tarín Murillo1, Debra Titone1;
Center for Research on Brain, Language and Music (CRBKM),
Department of Psychology, McGill University

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3:15 pm – 4:15 pm Poster session B and coffee break / Session d’affiches B et

1. Processing of filler-gap dependencies in native and second language speakers: Evidence

from a self-paced reading task
Shuzhen Wang1, Laura Sabourin1; 1ERPLing Lab, Department of Linguistics, University of
2. Persistent Effects of Adult Mask-Wearing on Speech Production in Children
Chesha Marzenska1; 1Carleton University
3. The Effects of Aptness, Familiarity, and Conventionality on Metaphor and Simile
Cedric Le Bouar1, Christopher Genovesi1, Roberto G. de Almeida1; 1Concordia University

4. The Impact of Sociolinguistic Differences on Multilingual Background Measures: Validating

Language Entropy Part 2
Michelle Yang1, Antonio Iniesta1, Anne L. Beatty-Martínez2, Inbal Itzhak3, Jason Gullifer4,
Debra Titone1; 1McGill University; 2University of Southern California San Diego; 3Canadian
Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging; 4Marianopolis College
5. How does a Person’s L1 Writing Script Impact L2 Reading in a Same or Different Script?
Naima Mansuri1, Antonio Iniesta1, Esteban Hernández-Rivera1, Pauline Palma1, Debra Titone1;
McGill University
6. Code switching and You: The Influence of Language Production on the Integration of the
Bilingual Lexicon
Nathaniel Brady1, Laura Sabourin1; 1ERPLing Lab, Department of Linguistics, University of
7. Neurocognition, bilingualism and executive functioning
Jasmine Lee1,2, Shanna Kousaie2; 1Clinical Psychology Program, University of Ottawa; 2School
of Psychology, University of Ottawa

8. Évaluation du rendement d’une activité de mobilisation des connaissances

Maïsha Morneau1, Christie Brien1, Theresa Rabideau1, Cristina Atance1, Chris Fennell1, Tania
Zamuner1; 1UOttawa Living Lab, University of Ottawa

9. Évaluation de l'apprentissage de la morphosyntaxe française chez les adolescents natifs

anglophones apprenant le français langue seconde grâce à la neuroimagerie
Judicaël Fassaya1, Phaedra Royle1, Karsten Steinhauer2; 1Université de Montréal; McGill

4:15 pm – 5:00 pm Student Keynote / Conférencière étudiante invitée:

Are production and processing alike after all? Examining the
cognitive effects of code-switching by constructing an
ecologically valid bilingual corpus
Leah Gosselin, PhD Candidate, ERPLing Lab, University of Ottawa

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5:30 pm – Reception / Réception
Join us for a drink at Level One, courtesy of the ERPLing Lab! A lab
member will guide you to the venue. / Joignez-vous à nous pour
un verre à Level One, offert par le laboratoire PÉ-Ling! Un membre
du laboratoire vous y guidera.


Thanks for joining us !
Merci d’être des nôtres!

With financial support from /

Avec du soutien financier de :

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