Test 20

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Name: ______________________

1. Rin was __________ by the warmth of the welcome.

A. Blown B. touched C. hit D. felt
2. The railway _________ goes underground for a short distance.
A. Trace B. mark C. track D. trail
3. Too many teachers are ____________ with a lack of respect.
A. Treated B. cured C. behaved D. aimed
4. The pregnancy was just a ___________ to get him to marry her.
A. Tip B. edge C. step D. trick
5. Snow and freezing temperatures caused ____________ at many airports.
A. Trouble B. sorrow C. struggle D. battle
6. Don't jump the queue? Take your ________ like everyone else!
A. Way B. turn C. chance D. trend
7. Despite the _____________ weather, we had a marvellous weekend.
A. Unchanged B. uncared C. unsettled D. undecided
8. The _______ of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them.
A. Price B. cost C. expense D. value
9. He had a clear __________ of how he hoped the company would develop.
A. Vision B. sight C. eyesight D. concept
10. The ___________ of the container measures 10,000 cubic metres.
A. Amount B. volume C. sound D. figure
11. ____________ of time is the most extravagant and costly of all expenses.
A. Harm B. Abuse C. Waste D. Fault
12. Even though she was in terrible pain, Mary never lost the ________ to live.
A. Will B. greed C. mind D. thirst
13. Our plane is scheduled to ____________ in Atlanta at 6:30 p.m.
A. Bear out B. blow up C. bump into D. touch down
14. I finally managed to _____________ the book you wanted in a shop near the station.
A. track down B. call on C. bring on D. build up
15. If your performance is boring, the audience will ____________.
A. Call back B. tune out C. brush up D. burst into
16. Their dream ________________ a nightmare as the cruise ship began to sink.
A. Caught out B. churned out C. turned into D. cleared up
17. He was __________ of his flat because he couldn't pay the rent.
A. turned out B. clammed up C. carried out D. checked up
18. Burglars had been in and turned the whole house _______.
A. In B. out C. over D. up
19. She had no one to ____________ for assistance.
A. turn to B. chip in C. clear out D. catch on
20. Sensing the interest of the audience, the speaker ______________ his topic.
A. Clawed back B. warmed to C. climbed down D. carried over
21. You can ______________ a glass of wine before drinking.
A. Come up B. draw up C. fade away D. water down
22. The letters on this gravestone have been ________________ with time.
A. worn away B. dropped in C. fallen apart D. worn down
23. If you don't change the motor oil, your car engine will _____________ very quickly.
A. Draw out B. wear out C. fall back D. fend off
24. He keeps complaining and it really winds me ________.
A. Out B. in C. up D. off
25. She needs to _____________ her interview technique if she's going to get a job.
A. work on B. farm out C. fly at D. fall through
26. It is amazing how he has managed to __________ the business from almost nothing.
A. Flag down B. flesh out C. work up D. fork out
27. Let's get down to the nitty-gritty and ____________ the costs.
A. work out B. fall for C. get round D. give out
28. It makes no sense to _________ the enormity of the disaster which has occurred.
A. Bespeak B. belay C. beset D. belittle
29. _____________ is the diversity of genes, species and eco-systems that occupy the earth.
A. Multimedia B. Biodiversity C. multitasking D. biochemistry
30. The raw material for the tyre is a ___________ of petrol refining.
A. by-product B. by-line C. by-law D. by-pass
31. She had always been ___________ in Russian and English.
A. Bisexual B. biannual C. bilingual D. bilateral
32. Using ____________ plastics is one way in which producers have tried to solve the problem.
A. Biochemical B. biodegradable C. biographical D. biological
33. Nana was one of the few people in the class willing to __________ a new freshman.
A. Betray B. beware C. berate D. befriend
34. After losing my job it was cold _________ to be told I'd won the office raffle.
A. Comfort B. pleasure C. relief D. hobby
35. They always seemed a little awkward ________ strangers at the first sight.
A. For B. to C. with D. about
36. As a schoolgirl, she had dreamed ___________ becoming an actress.
A. About B. for C. of D. with
37. There is no clear and unbiased information available _________ consumers.
A. For B. about C. with D. into
38. You should be attentive __________ what your parents have said.
A. With B. around C. about D. to
39. The move follows growing public concern ______ the spread of the disease.
A. Behind B. over C. for D. to
40. She faced the stark _________ of backing the new scheme or losing her job.
A. Choice B. vote C. wish D. right
41. I plead ________ help to you who caused my suffering, and you do not even bother to reply!
A. Under B. with C. for D. about
42. She divides her time _________ New York and Paris.
A. Among B. under C. behind D. between
43. A nationwide campaign __________ pornography began in the summer.
A. Against B. through C. under D. around
44. It was the summer work that got me all excited ___________ the law.
A. To B. about C. for D. with
45. It feels like spring is just around the ___________.
A. Angle B. corner C. place D. border
46. Similarly, most middle managers are average or _________ average in intelligence.
A. Under B. behind C. above D. about
47. Great, his distinguished performance is really _________ precedent in history.
A. Without B. along C. between D. from
48. He doesn't have the courage to go against the ___________ of public opinion.
A. Flood B. stream C. race D. tide
49. Aron couldn't speak Polish. I made myself understood ________ difficulty.
A. On B. at C. with D. under
50. Many old people have to live _______ poverty because of the steady rise in the cost of living.
A. In B. on C. at D. under
51. Hundreds of working days have been lost this year ____________ illness.
A. Under B. from C. through D. around
52. Telephone boxes are spaced at regular __________ along the motorway.
A. Intervals B. distances C. periods D. seasons
53. There are £25 000 worth of prizes ____________ grabs in our competition!
A. Out of B. in with C. out to D. up for
54. If you scratch beneath the ___________ you'll find she's really a very nice person.
A. Ground B. surface C. landscape D. floor
55. From his position on the cliff top, he had a good _________ of the harbour.
A. View B. scene C. vision D. prospect
56. The display of fireworks on New Year's Eve is a fine ___________.
A. Comedy B. ridicule C. spectacle D. artistry
57. You can avoid danger by ____________ these simple rules.
A. Observing B. inspecting C. witnessing D. detecting
58. The police are trying to ___________ more officers from ethnic minorities to solve many other duties.
A. Receive B. recruit C. exploit D. apply
59. We have ___________ your instructions through to the last detail.
A. Pursued B. attended C. followed D. enrolled
60. He has __________ the help of a sports psychologist for the team.
A. Enlisted B. enabled D. enriched D. enforced
61. Students can be expelled for refusing to _________ to school rules.
A. Follow B. conform C. comply D. obey
62. When everything turns green, the countryside presents a truly beautiful ________.
A. Facet B. angle C. corner D. aspect
63. Nick made his last _______________ for the club in the Cup Final.
A. Appearance B. presentation C. exhibition D. introduction
64. She was ___________ as acting governor until an election could be held.
A. Attended B. assigned C. appointed D. commanded
65. She claimed to have seen the _____________ of her dead husband.
A. Apparition B. hallucination C. illusion D. existence
66. After three days lost in the mountains, all the climbers arrived home safe and ___________.
A. Sane B. sound C. solid D. right
67. After living in London, this little town seems like the back of ____________.
A. Middle B. nowhere C. beyond D. above
68. “Women who are thirsty for sour food will bear the boy” is an old wives’ __________.
A. Story B. myth C. novel D. tale
69. Rather than make a ________, I kept quiet and climbed in the back.
A. Scene B. sight C. spot D. site
70. There's an insect buzzing around in my bedroom tonight, and it's really _______________________.
A. Falling by the wayside C. getting on my nerves
B. Sailing close to the wind D. sending up a trial balloon
71. You'll __________________ of cold if you leave the house with wet hair—it's freezing outside!
A. catch your death B. raise the roof C. set you back D. take the rap
72. Fears of renewed terrorist attacks _______________ over the event.
A. Smelt a rat B. Ruled the roost C. rang a bell D. cast a cloud
73. Teachers cannot be expected to ________________ for poor exam results.
A. shoulder all the blame C. run round in circles
B. give the all clear D. stay one jump ahead
74. The club members held a secret ____________ to choose the chairperson.
A. Ticket B. paper C. receipt D. ballot
75. I suggest we skip over the details and get to the ___________.
A. Score B. mark C. point D. spot
76. If you're worried, see a doctor to set your mind at _________.
A. Rest B. peace C. break D. halt
77. My wife and I could never __________________ on the business of living.
A. see eye to eye B. feather in our cap C. fall into our lap D. put through our paces
78. If we know who he was we would __________________ of the whole affair.
A. Throw pearls to pigs B. Paint into a corner C. take him down a peg D. get to the bottom
79. I’m just biding my ________ in an office job until a position opens up at one of the local colleges.
A. Time B. chance C. date D. age
80. He decided not to ________________ of divorce until his wife had recovered from her illness.
A. Perish the thought B. Pick a fight C. broach the subject D. bend the rules
81. As a rule of __________, you should cook a chicken for 20 minutes for each pound that it weighs.
A. Finger B. thumb C. hand D. foot
82. Don't let yourself __________________ in minor details.
A. get bogged down B. make cold calls C. run a mile D. save your bacon
83. Why did you take ________________ to what he said? He was only joking.
A. Exclusion B. rejection C. exception D. omission
84. Some important evidence has ______________ about the murder.
A. come to light C. met a deadline
B. delivered the goods D. known the score
85. The abortion issue is a political hot __________ in the United States.
A. Tomato B. potato C. cupcake D. chicken
86. The cold ________ did not lift for a week. Every day we skated through the forest.
A. Breeze B. bark C. clink D. snap
87. With the _______ War almost over, the talks were a mere formality.
A. Cold B. cool C. mild D. hot
88. Don't take notice of Hammond's letters, they are nothing but hot ________.
A. Blast B. wind C. air D. breeze
89. He is to remain in the hot ______ as chief executive, every employee respects him.
A. Place B. seat C. area D. chair
90. Dial our 24-hour hot _________ to find out if you have won a prize.
A. Line B. dot C. number D. figure
91. After losing my job it was cold _____________ to be told I'd won the office raffle.
A. Relief B. pleasure C. comfort D. support
92. Our neighbor doesn't show much emotion. He's a bit of a cold __________.
A. Bird B. cat C. chick D. fish
93. This part of the country is a hot _________ of rebel activity.
A. Place B. spot C. flag D. flaw
94. I break out into a cold ___________ merely thinking about snakes.
A. Sweat B. steam C. power D. force
95. The strawberries are kept in cold ___________ to prevent them spoiling during transportation.
A. Fridge B. stock C. storage D. container
96. Go cold _________ and stay away from casinos and gambling websites.
A. Turkey B. Denmark C. France D. Korea
97. Our company cannot progress until we __________ more people.
A. Handle B. employ C. borrow D. attend
98. The main staircase was in the ___________ of a big ‘S’.
A. Word B. set C. line D. form
99. Don’t tell any secrets to that man, he will give the __________ away.
A. game B. hat C. form D. tale
100. To function effectively, a party leader has to be attentive ________ people's needs.
A. Of B. to C. for D. with

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