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United States Patent [19J [11] Patent Number: 4,83~,772

LaRue [45] Date of Patent: Jun. 6, 1989


[75] Inventor: Albert D. LaRue, Summit County, Advanced In-Furnace NOx Reduction Systems to Con-
Ohio trol Emissions-M. A. Acree & A. D. LaRue presented
to the American Power Conference in Chicago, IL, on
[73] Assignee: The Babcock & Wilcox Company,
New Orleans, La. Apr. 22-24, 1985-Entire Document.
Operating Experiences of Coal Fired Utility Boilers
[21] Appl. No.: 190,734 Using Hitachi NOx Reduction Burners-T. Narita, F.
Koda, T. Masai, S. Morita & S. Azuhata, 1987 Joint
[22] Filed: May 5, 1988 Symposium on STA. NOx Control-Mar. 23-26, 1987--
Entire Doc.
[51] Int. CJ.4 ......................... F23M 9/06; F23Q 9/00; Developmental Status of B&W's Second Generation
F23C 7/00; F23D 1/00 Low NOx Burner-The XCL Burner, A. D. La Rue &
[52] U.S. Cl. .................................... 431/285; 431/171; M. A. Acree-1987.
431/284; 431/187; 110/263 Jt. Symp. on Stationary Comb. NOx Control-Mar.
[58] Field of Search ............... 431/284, 285, 187, 181, 23-26, 1987, New Orleans, LA-Spons., by U.S. EPA &
431/186, 171,189,279; 110/263 E.P.R.I.-Entire Document.
[56] References Cited Primary Examiner-Randall L. Green
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Assistant Examiner-Denise L. Ferensic
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Vytas R. Matas; Eric Marich
3,145,670 8/1964 Copian et al. ......................... 110/28
3,195,606 7/1965 Stout ................................... 431/171 [57] ABSTRACT
3,788,796 1/1974 Krippene et al. ....................... 431/2
3,904,349 9/1975 Peterson et al. .................... 431/184 An improved burner for the combustion of coal, oil or
4,095,929 6/1978 McCartney ......................... 431/284 gas places a plurality of retractable and rotatable gas
4,157,88_9 6/1979 Bonnel ................................ 431/182 elements in close proximity to the outlet end of a tubular
4,208,180 6/1980 Nakayasu et al ................... 431/284 burner nozzle of the burner which are shielded from
4,243,375 1/1981 Reed .................................... 431/284 combustion air provided around the tubular burner
4,270,895 6/1981 Vatsky ................................ 431/183 nozzle by a flame stabilizing ring having a plurality of
4,309,386 1/1982 Pirsh .................................... 422/177 openings adapted to closely receive each of the plural-
4,333,405 6/1982 Michelfelder et al. ............. 110/264 ity of retractable and rotatable gas elements. Eddies
4,380,202 4/1983 LaRue et al ........................ 110/263
produced by the flame stabilizing ring create a low
4,412,810 11/1983 lzuha et al. ......................... 431/187
4,422,389 12/1983 Schroder ............................. 431/284 oxygen/fuel rich flame resulting in reduced NOxforma-
4,545,307 10/1985 Morita et al. ....................... 110/264 tion.
4,610,625 9/1986 Bunn ................................... 431/285
4,748,919 6/1988 Campobenedetto et al. ...... 431/284 12 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets



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U.S. Patent Jun. 6, 1989 Sheet 1 of 4 4,836,772

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U.S. Patent Jun. 6, 1989 Sheet 2 of 4 4,836,772

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U.S. Patent Jun. 6, 1989 Sheet 4 of 4 4,836,772

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1 2
steam generators. In other situations, the need some-
BURNER FOR COAL, OIL OR GAS FIRING times arises for a burner having hardware capable of
firing all three fuels, though not necessarily more than
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION one of these three fuels at a time. Accordingly, a need
1. Field of the Invention 5 exists for equipment capable of achieving reduced NOx
The present invention relates to fuel burners and, emissions when firing coal, oil and, in particular, natural
more particularly, to an improved burner for reducing gas, and which can be retrofitted to existing steam gen-
the formation of nitric oxides during the combustion of erator units.
pulverized, liquid or gaseous fuels. 2. Description of the Prior Art
One source of atmospheric pollution is the nitrogen 10 Reducing NOx emissions from fossil-fueled vapor
oxides (NOx) present in the stack emission of fossil fuel generator units can take several approaches. One ap-
fired steam generating units. Nitric oxide (NO) is an proach uses fuels lower in nitrogen content, if such
invisible, relatively harmless gas. However, as it passes flexibility is available. This only addresses part of the
through the vapor generator and comes into contact problem, however, and fails to address NOx production
with oxygen, it reacts to form nitrogen dioxide (NO2) or 15 arising out of the combustion process itself. Further,
other oxides of nitrogen collectively r•eferred to as nitric Federal and/or State emission regulations may take the
oxides. Nitrogen dioxide is a yellow-brown gas which, lower fuel bound nitrogen levels into account when
in sufficient concentrations, is toxic to animal and plant setting the standards to be met, and thus set a target
life. It is this gas which may create the visible haze at level lower than what had to be met with the original
the stack discharge of a vapor generator. 20 fuel(s).
Nitric oxide is formed as a result of the reaction of A second approach focuses on cleaning up the NOx
nitrogen and oxygen and may be thermal nitric oxide emissions produced by the combustion process itself,
and/or fuel nitric oxide. The former occurs from the taking the nitrogen in the fuel and the efficiencies of the
reaction of the nitrogen and oxygen contained in the air burning of the fuel as given factors in the overall pro-
supplied for the combustion of a fossil fuel whereas the 25 cess. One example of this is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No.
latter results from the reaction of the nitrogen contained 4,309,386 to Pirsh, assigned to The Babcock & Wilcox
in the fuel with oxygen in the combustion air. Company. Pirsh discloses a filter house that employs a
The rate at which thermal nitric oxide is formed is selective catalytic reduction process for removing NOx
dependent upon any or a combination of the following emissions from a flue gas stream while simultaneously
variables; (1) flame temperature, (2) residence time of 30
filtering out and collecting entrained particulate matter
the combustion gases in the high temperature zone and
from the stream. An extended treatment of both of the
(3) excess oxygen supply. The rate of formation of nitric
above approaches is beyond the scope and focus of the
oxide increases as flame temperature increases. How-
ever, the reaction takes time and a mixture of nitrogen present application.
and oxygen at a given temperature for a very short time 35 The third approach focuses upon the formation of
may produce less nitric oxide than the same mixture at NOx emissions during the combustion process itself, and
a lower temperature, but for a longer period of time. In is what was referred to earlier as thermal nitric oxide
vapor generators of the type hereunder discussion and/or fuel nitric oxide. The combustion process inv-
wherein the combustion of fuel and air may generate loves the introduction of a fossil fuel and air into the
flame temperatures in the order of 3,700° F., the time- 40 furnace of the steam generator. Developments have
temperature relationship governing the reaction is such thus focused on the fuel/air introduction equipment,
that at flame temperatures below 2,900° F. no apprecia- alone, as well as in combination with the furnace of the
ble nitric oxide (NO) is produced, whereas above 2,900° steam generator.
F. the rate of reaction increases rapidly. Krippene, et al (U.S. Pat. No. 3,788,796), also as-
The rate at which fuel nitric oxide is formed is princi- 45 signed to The Babcock & Wilcox Company, is drawn to
pally dependent on the oxygen supply in the ignition an improved pulverized fuel burner apparatus and
zone and no appreciable nitric oxide is produced under method for inhibiting the formation of fuel nitric oxide
a reducing atmosphere; that is, a condition where the and providing the lower peak flame temperatures re-
level of oxygen in the ignition zone is below that re- quired to minimize the formation of thermal nitric ox-
quired for a complete burning of the fuel. 50 ide. Krippene, et al's burner is known in the art as a dual
It is apparent from the foregoing discussion that the register burner (DRB) because it employs two dampers
formation of thermal nitric oxide can be reduced by or registers for separately apportioning and controlling
reducing flame temperatures in any degree and will be combustion air flow between inner and outer annular
minimized with a flame temperature at or below 2,900° passageways. The inner and outer annular passageways
F. and that the formation of fuel nitric oxide will be 55 are concentrically placed around a central, tubular pul-
inhibited by reducing the rate of oxygen introduction to verized fuel nozzle. The pulverized fuel nozzle conveys
the flame, i.e., air/fuel mixing. a mixture of pulverized fuel and combustion/transport
In the U.S., Federal and state regulations are forcing air to the furnace where it is ignited and burned with the
development of fossil fueled combustion equipment rest of the combustion air flow provided by the afore-
capable of reduced NOx production. Lower NOx emis- 60 mentioned inner and outer annular passageways.
sion requirements apply to pulverized, liquid and gase- Peterson, et al (U.S. Pat. No. 3,904,349), also assigned
ous fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas. While the to The Babcock & Wilcox Company, is drawn to an
energy shortages of the early 1970's have contributed to improved liquid or gaseous fuel burner apparatus hav-
efforts for conservation of oil and gas, utilities in many ing a central passageway, a first and a second annular
areas of the country are unable to convert their oil and 65 passageway, and separate means for apportioning the
gas fired vapor generators to coal firing due either to flow of combustion air among these passageways to
limitations of the existing equipment or due to the in- achieve complete combustion of the fuel while reducing
creased particulate emissions attendant with coal vapor the formation of nitric oxides. The liquid fuel supplied
3 4
to and atomized within the burner is sprayed into the In new steam generator construction that applies
circular burner port of the furnace in a pattern substan- either TSC or IFNR technology, the furnace volume
tially symmetrical with the axis of the port. A. central and height are chosen to accommodate the extended
fuel tube or nozzle conveys the liquid or gaseous fuel to combustion requirements so that the combustion prod-
an atomizing assembly including a sprayer plate located 5 ucts are completely burned before the flue gas passes
at the outlet end of the fuel tube or nozzle. The central across the radiant and/or convective heat transfer tube
fuel tube or nozzle extends through and out of a guide banks of the vapor generator.
tube which supports at its distal end a truncated cone air In a retrofit application, however, the furnace vol-
deflecting device, through which the sprayer plate ex- ume and height are usually not variable, and the opti-
tends, which deflects combustion air conveyed by the 10 mum furnace dimensions needed for proper application
central passageway and a portion of the combustion air of TSC or IFNR may not be available. These problems
conveyed by the first annular passageway. Initial burn- were discussed in a paper entitled "Operating Experi-
ing of the fuel is conducted in a reducing zone by adjust- ences of Coal Fired Utility Boilers Using Hitachi NOx
ing the quantity of combustion air discharged through Reduction Burners", By T. Narita, F. Koda, T. Masai,
the central passageway; air admitted through the first 15 S. Morita, and S. Azuhata, presented at the 1987 Joint
annular passageway causes recirculation of air about the Symposium on Stationary Combustion NOx Control, in
outer periphery of the reducing zone to create a flame New Orleans, La., on Mar. 23-26, 1987, sponsored by
stabilizing zone; and finally, the remaining air for com- the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the
plete combustion is discharged through the second an- Electric Power Research Institute. As indicated in both
nular passageway so as to envelop the reducing and 20 the Acree, et al and Narita, et al papers discussed above,
stabilizing zones and eventually mix with the fuel to generation of low NOx levels minimizes the amount of
complete its combustion. NOx to be destroyed downstream. Improvement of the
LaRue, et al (U.S. Pat. No. 4,380,202), also assigned existing dual register burner (DRB) led to the develop-
to The Babcock & Wilcox Company, is drawn to a ment of what is known in the art as the Hitachi-NR
mixer for a dual register burner for the combustion of 25 burner (HTNR) for pulverized coal and the Primary
pulverized fueL Instead of the venturi section and coni- Gas-Dual Register Burner (PG-DRB) for liquid and
cal end-shaped rod member utilized in the apparatus of gaseous fuels.
Krippene, et al, supra, a deflector and a diffuser having Morita, et al (U.S. Pat. No. 4,545,307) is drawn to the
a plug and a shroud member are located within the improved HTNR burner mentioned above. In the prior
tubular pulverized fuel nozzle. As a result, flow separa- 30 art DRB (such as Krippene, et al) the pulverized coal
tion or fuel roping which can occur in the pulverized stream is supplied with only enough air to transport the
fuel nozzle is eliminated with minimum pressure loss coal; consequently, the burner flame at the burner
effect on the primary air/pulverized fuel stream. throat entrance to the furnace formed a good reducing
As indicated earlier, another development to reduce atmosphere. The balance of the combustion air, called
NOx formation in the combustion of fossil fuels focuses 35 secondary and tertiary air, came to the burner throat via
on the combination/placement of the fuel/air burning the inner and outer annular passageways, respectively,
equipment with respect to the furnace itself, and is and was to mix downstream of the central, reducing
known as two-stage combustion or TSC. TSC involves atmosphere burner flame. Too early mixing, however,
establishing a lower, air deficient burner zone and an of the secondary/tertiary air and the reducing atmo-
upper/downstream "after-air" or "over-fire-air" zone 40 sphere burner flame made maintaining the latter diffi-
in the furnace. The amount of air by which the lower cult.
burner zone is deficient is injected in the over-fire-air Morita, et al modified the DRB for coal firing by
zone downstream to complete the combustion process. attaching a bluff body at the outlet of the pulverized
In essence, the whole furnace is used as the combustion coal pipe, shaped as a ring-form dish having a hole
zone. A more refined version of TSC developed as a 45 therethrough for passing the pulverized coal/air mix- ·
result of strict NOx emission limits in Japan and is ture into the furnace. A portion or apron of the bluff
known as In-Furnace NOx Reduction or IFNR. A de- body protrudes into the inside diameter of the pulver-
scription of this process is contained in a paper entitled ized coal pipe to enhance ignitability at the exit thereof,
"Advanced In-Furnace NOx Reduction Systems to while the outside diameter of the bluff body extends
Control Emissions" by M. A. Acree and A. D. LaRue, 50 outside of the pulverized coal pipe partially into the
presented to the American Power Conference in Chi- secondary air (inner annular) passageway. In addition,
cago, Illinois on Apr. 22-24, 1985. an outward guide sleeve is provided, between the sec-
Briefly, the IFNR approach, jointly developed by ondary air (inner annular) passageway and the tertiary
Babcock-Hitachi K. K. and Tokyo Electric Power (outer annular) passageway to dispense the tertiary air
Company, employs multiple combustion zones in the 55 outwards beyond the central pulverized coal flame,
furnace. The main and lowest zone, the burner zone, later combining downstream to complete the combus-
utilizes low NOx burners operated at less than theoreti- tion process. The bluff body creates an eddy flow in the
cal air levels to reduce the total amount of NOx pro- pulverized coal/air stream supplied by the pulverized
duced. The gases and char from this main burner zone coal pipe which prevents it from diffusing in an out-
pass upwards into a reburning zone, that operates at ·60 ward manner towards the secondary air stream.
even lower air levels. Due to the low air levels, the fuel Other development work on improved burners for
decomposes and forms hydrocarbon radicals that chem- coal firing has occurred, and is presented in a paper
ically combine to reduce the NOxdirectly and which, in entitled "Development Status ofB&W's Second Gener-
tum, further reduce the NOx present. Upon leaving the ation Low NOx Burner-the XCL Burner", by A. D.
reburning zone, since the NOxlevels in the flue gas have 65 LaRue, M. A. Acree and C. C. Masser, presented at the
been reduced, the balance of the combustion air needed 1987 Joint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NOx
is introduced via overfire air parts in the combustion control, in New Orleans, La., on Mar. 23-27, 1987,
zone. sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection
5 .6
Agency and the Electric Power Research Institute. The the outlet end of the burner and other elements which
XCL burner design disclosed therein while using crite- convey the air needed for combustion to the outlet end
ria from the HTNR and DRB burners discussed earlier, of the burner. Starting at the central axis of the burner
was developed for coal firing only. and working outwards, the improved burner includes a
The Primary Gas-Dual Register Burner (PG-DRB) 5 retractable oil atomizer, which conveys a mixture of oil
for oil and gas firing, is a DRB modified to include a and atomizing media to an atomizer sprayer plate lo-
recirculated gas annulus which surrounds a primary air cated at the outlet end of the atomizer. The atomizing
zone that houses the oil atomizer, and is disclosed in the sprayer plate is located at the outlet end of the burner.
Acree, et al reference mentioned above. It should be The atomizer media, which can be air or steam, is
noted that, in this context, the term "recirculated gas" 10 needed to break the oil up into droplets small enough so
refers to flue gas, rather than fuel gas. The source of the that they can be ignited. Mechanical, or pressure atom-
recirculated gas would be from a point somewhere izers are also known and can be employed in place of
downstream of the last heat transfer surface in the steam atomizers which use air or steam. Surrounding the re-
generator, for example at the economizer outlet. The tractable oil atomizer is a tubular burner nozzle. The oil
recirculated gas shields the base of the oil flame to re- 15 atomizer is centrally located within the tubular burner
duce oxygen availability in the flame core; mixing of nozzle and is supported by members attached to the
recirculated gas with the rest of the combustion air inside of the tubular burner nozzle.
results in all of the combustion air having a lower oxy- The central passageway area between the outside of
gen content to further suppress NOx production. the oil atomizer and the inside of the tubular burner
For gas firing, as will be seen by a review of FIG. 4 20 nozzle conveys a mixture of primary air and pulverized
of the Acree, et al reference, supra, and by referring to coal particles to the outlet end of the burner and into the
FIG. 1 of the present application which shows a slightly furnace where this mixture will be ignited. Surrounding
modified version of the PG-DRB in schematic form, the the tubular burner nozzle is a gas zone sleeve which
gas elements 1 of the PG-DRB are placed in the tertiary partially defines an annular enclosure between it and the
air passageways 2 which encircle, successively, the oil 25 outside of the tubular burner nozzle. Attached to the
atomizer 3, the primary air zone 4, the primary gas zone outlet end of the tubular burner nozzle is a flame stabi-
5, and the secondary air zone 6. While each gas element lizer ring, which together with the tubular burner noz-
1 has at the outlet end thereof shields 7 which protect zle and the gas zone sleeve completes the sides of the
the gas outlet nozzle 8 on each gas element 1, it is annular enclosure.
clearly seen that each gas outlet nozzle 8 is continuously 30 The flame stabilizing ring has two portions. A first
swept by the combustion air flow passing out into the portion circumferentially extends around the outlet end
furnace 9 through the tertiary air passageways 2. This of the tubular burner nozzle and partly into the central
arrangement prevents the establishment of any fuel passageway, leaving an opening however through
rich/low air reducing zone in the vicinity of each gas which the mixture of primary air and pulverized coal
outlet nozzle 8 that is crucial for low NOx emissions. In 35 may pass. A second portion of the flame stabilizing ring
addition, some applications will also prohibit the use of is L-shaped, and is attached to the first portion of the
the PG-DRB scheme, and yet the need for reducing flame stabilizing ring. This second L-shaped portion
NOx emissions on gas firing will remain. extends circumferentially around and outwardly from
Accordingly, it has become desirable to develop an the outlet end of the tubular burner nozzle.
improved burner apparatus capable of separately firing 40 The annular enclosure contains a plurality of retract-
pulverized, liquid or gaseous fuels and which can able and rotatable gas elements, which are concentri-
achieve reduced NOx emissions on each of these fuels. cally arranged around the outside of the tubular burner
nozzle. These gas elements extend through the annular
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION enclosure, and convey fuel gas to the outlet end of the
The present invention provides an improved burner 45 burner. The second L-shaped portion of the flame stabi-
for the combustion of coal, oil or gas, and which lizing ring has a plurality of holes or openings which
achieves reduced NOx emissions when firing any of allow the outlet ends of these gas elements to pass
these fuels. through in close proximity to the outlet end of the tubu-
Accordingly, an improvement is made on fuel burn- lar burner nozzle. The flame stabilizing ring protects or
ers of the type desclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,788,796 and 50 shields these outlet ends of the gas elements from sec-
4,545,307 and which is particularly suited for retrofit ondary air which is being introduced around the cir-
applications to existing vapor generator units or for use cumference of this area to reduce NOx emissions. The
in new construction of vapor generator units. Part of secondary air is provided to the outlet end of the burner
the improved burner is disposed within a windbox to through an inner annular passageway and an outer an-
which a portion of the necessary combustion air is sup- 55 nular passageway. The inner annular passageway is
plied, and which is formed between adjacently disposed defined as the space between the gas zone sleeve and an
burner and furnace walls of the vapor generating unit. inner zone sleeve which encircles it. The outer annular
The burner wall is formed with an access opening for passageway is defined as the space between the inner
admitting that portion of the improved burner that re- zone sleeve and a burner barrel which encircles the
sides in the windbox. The furnace wall is formed with a 60 inner zone sleeve. To further direct the air exiting from
burner port that accommodates the combining of the the inner and outer annular passageways, an air separa-
fuel and air into a combustible mixture and the ignition tion vane is present which is connected to the outlet end
thereof. The ignited combustible mixture is then ex- of the inner zone sleeve. The air separation vane extends
hausted into the combustion chamber or furnace of the radially outwardly towards the furnace and circumfer-
vapor generator and is used to heat banks of tubes 65 entially around the outlet end of the inner zone sleeve.
which contain water or steam. This air separation vane influences the path of the sec-
The improved burner can fire coal, oil or gas, and ondary air as it exits from the burner into the furnace.
includes separate elements which convey these fuels to By shielding the outlet ends of the gas elements with the
7 8
flame stabilizing ring through which they are inserted, a port 50 and into the furnace 14. For oil firing, the burner
low oxygen/fuel rich flame is produced resulting in 16 is provided with a retractable oil atomizer 46; simi-
reduced NOx formation. larly, for gas firing, the burner 16 is provided with a
Accordingly, one aspect of the present invention is plurality of retractable and rotatable gas elements 48.
drawn to an improved burner for the combustion of 5 When firing oil or gas, substantially all of the air neces-
coal, oil and in particular, gas, which produces low sary for combustion flows through the windbox 42; no
NOx levels. substantial amount of air, other than nozzle sweep air,
Another aspect of the present invention is drawn to a discussed infra, passes through the tubular burner noz-
very particular flame stabilizing ring for a burner hav- zle 44. The particular details describing the oil atomizer
ing a plurality of gas elements arranged around and in 10 46 and the retractable and rotatable gas elements 48 will
close proximity to a tubular burner nozzle, and which be presented infra.
acts to shield the outlet ends of the gas elements from The air passing through duct 40 is the remaining
the quantity of air for combustion transported by adja- portion of air necessary for combustion and is delivered
cent annular passageways. into a primary air fan 52 wherein it is further pressur-
The various features of novelty which characterize 15 ized and thereafter conveyed through a duct 54 into an
the invention are pointed out with particularity in the air-swept type pulverizer apparatus 56.
claims annexed to and forming a part of this disclosure. Pulverized fuel to be burned in the vapor generator
For a better understanding of the present invention and 10 is delivered in raw form via pipe 58 from the raw
the advantages attained by its use, reference is made to pulverizer fuel storage bunker 60 to a feeder 62 in re-
the accompanying drawings and descriptive matter in 20 sponse to the load demand on the vapor generator 10 in
which a preferred embodiment of the invention is illus- a manner well known in the art. The pulverizer 56
trated. grinds the raw fuel to the desired particle size. The
pressurized air from primary air fan 52 sweeps through
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS the pulverizer 56 carrying therewith the ground fuel
FIG. 1 is a schematic showing a prior art PG-DRB 25 particules fro flow through a pipe 64 and thence to the
arrangement; burner nozzle 44 for discharge through the port 50 into
FIG. 2 is a schematic sectional elevation view of a the furnace 14.
vapor generator using fuel burning apparatus embody- A damper 66 is associated with the forced draft fan 32
ing the present invention; to regulate the total quantity of air being admitted to the
FIG. 3 is a sectional elevation view of the improved 30 vapor generating unit 10, in resp·onse to the load de-
fuel burner of the present invention; mand. A damper 68 is associated with the primary air
FIG. 4 is a close-up view of the right hand portion of fan 52 to regulate the quantity of air being introduced
FIG. 3; through the burner nozzle 44.
FIG. 5 is an end view of FIG. 4. It will be appreciated that for the sake of clarity while
35 the drawings depict one improved burner associated
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED with one pulverizer wherein, in actual practice there
EMBODIMENT OF THE INVENTION may be more than one burner associated with a pulver-
Referring to the drawings generally, wherein like izer, and there may be more than one pulverizer associ-
numerals designate the same element throughout the ated with the vapor generating unit.
several drawings, and to FIG. 2 in particular, there is 40
shown a vapor generator 10 including water cooled DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
walls 12 which define a furnace chamber or combustion EMBODIMENT
space 14 to which the fuel and air mixture is supplied by Referring now to FIGS. 3, 4 and 5, there is shown the
an improved burner 16. After combustion has been improved fuel burner 16 arranged to fire through the
completed in the furnace chamber 14, the heated gases 45 burner port 50. The burner port 50 generally takes the
flow upwardly around the nose portion 18, over the shape of a frusto-conical throat which diverges towards
tubular secondary superheater 20, and thence down- the furnace side of the water cooled walls 12. In the
wardly through the convection pass 22 containing the burner port 50 the tubes 70 which comprise the water
tubular primary superheater 24 and the economizer 26. cooled walls 12, are bent out of the plane of the wall 12
The gases leaving the convection pass 22 flow though 50 to form the burner port 50. An outer burner wall 72
the tubes of an air heater 28 and are thereafter dis- having an access opening 74 is spaced from the water
charged through a stack 30. It will be understood that cooled walls 12. The space between the outer burner
the heated gases passing over the superheaters 20 and 24 wall 72 and the furnace walls 12 form the windbox 42.
and the economizer 26 give up heat to the fluid flowing The burner 16 includes the tubular burner nozzle 44
therethrough and that the gases passing through the air 55 having an inlet end and an outlet end 44A and 44B
heater 28 give up additional heat to the combustion air respectively. The tubular burner nozzle 44 defines a
flowing over the tubes. A forced draft fan 32 supplies central passageway 45 and extends through an access
combustion air to the vapor generator 10 and causes it opening cover plate 76, across the windbox 42 to a point
to flow over the air heater tubes and around a plurality adjacent the burner port 50. The central passageway 45
of baffles 34 and thence through a duct 36 for appor- 60 defined by the tubular burner nozzle 44, conveys a
tionment between branch ducts 38 and 40 respectively. mixture of primary air and pulverized coal particles
The air passing through duct 38 is delivered into a PA/PC to the outlet end of the burner 16. An elbow
windbox 42 and represents, when firing coal, a major member 78 is flow connected to the tubular burner
portion of the air necessary for combustion of the fuel nozzle inlet end 44A and at the other end to the pipe 64.
being discharged from a tubular burner nozzle 44 asso- 65 Elbow member-'78 includes a splash plate (end plate) 80
ciated with burner 16. The windbox air is proportioned on its outside radius.
between an inner annular passageway 90 and an outer For oil firing, the burner 16 is provided with the
annular passageway 94 for dicharge through a burner retractable oil atomizer 46, having an inlet end 46A and
9 10
an outlet end 46B, and which is centrally disposed and . Jar passageways 90, 94, for measuring the total second-
supported within the central passageway 45. The re- ary air admitted to the burner 16.
tractable oil atomizer 46 conveys a mixture of oil and A plurality of inner vanes 110 are concentrically
atomizing media to an atomizer sprayer plate 82 located arranged around the tubular burner nozzle 44 in the
at the outlet end 46B of the atomizer 46. The atomizer 5 inner annular passageway 90, and impart a swirling
spray plate 82 disperses the atomized oil at the outlet of action to the first portion of secondary air passing
the burner 16 in the vicinity of the burner port 50, and through the inner annular passageway 90. Similarly, a
thence into the combustion chamber 14. The atomizing plurality of outer vanes 112, 114 are concentrically
media, which can be air or steam, is needed to break the arranged around the tubular burner nozzle 44 in the
oil up into droplets which are small enough that they 10 outer annular passageway 94 to impart a swirling action
can be ignited, a function also performed by the design to the second portion of the secondary air passing
of the atomizer sprayer plate 82. through the outer annular passageway 94. Outer vane
A gas zone sleeve 84 having an inlet end 84A and an 114 may be fixed in place, if desired. Preferentially, the
outlet end 84B is concentrically arranged around the secondary air traveling through the outer annular pas-
tubular burner nozzle 44 and partially defines an annu- 15 sageway 94 is swirled by two stages of outer vanes 112,
lar enclosure 86 therebetween. An inner zone sleeve 88 114. Providing two stages of outer vanes 112, 114 im-
having an inlet end 88A and an oulet end 88B is concen- proves the efficiency of swirl generation imparted to
trically arranged around the gas zone sleeve 84 and the secondary air passing through the outer annular
defines an inner annular passageway 90 therebetween. passageway 94. If desired, adjustment of the position of
The inner annular passageway 90 conveys a first por- 20 the inner and outer vanes 110, 112 can be accomplished
tion of secondary air needed for combustion to the in the manner described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,380,202 to
outlet end of the burner 16. A burner barrel 92 having LaRue. An air separation vane 116, is connected to and
an inlet end 92A and an outlet end 92B is concentrically extends outwardly from and circumferentially around
arranged around the inner zone sleeve 88 and defines an the outlet end 88B of the inner zone sleeve 88. The air
outer annular passageway 94 therebetween. The outer 25 separation vane 116 influences the path of the first por-
annular passageway 94 conveys a second portion of the tion of secondary air as it exits from the burner 16, in the
secondary air needed for combustion to the outlet end manner disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,545,307 to Morita,
of the burner 16. To accommodate differential expan- et al.
sion between the burner 16 and the furnace space or To provide for gas firing capability, a plurality of
combustion chamber 14, a seal 96 is provided at the 30 retractable and rotatable gas elements 48 are concentri-
attachment of the burner barrel 92 to the tubes 70. cally arranged around the tubular burner nozzle 44 and
It will be understood that in the present discussion, extend through the annular enclosure 86. These gas
the term "primary air" will refer to that portion of the elements 48 convey fuel gas to the outlet end of the
combustion air which would accompany or transport burner 16, and have their outlet ends located in close
the pulverized coal particles during coal firing. The 35 proximity to the outlet end 44B of the tubular burner
term "secondary air" refers to that portion of the com- nozzle 44.
bustion air which is provided through the inner and Referring also now to FIGS. 4 and 5, a flame stabiliz-
outer annular passageways 90, 94 during firing of either ing ring 118 is attached to the outlet end 44B of the
coal, oil, or gas. This nomenclature is employed merely tubular burner nozzle 44. Together, the tubular burner
for convenience; it is well known to those skilled in the 40 nozzle 44, the gas zone sleeve 84, and the flame stabiliz-
art that when firing oil or gas, substantially all of the air ing ring 118 define the annular enclosure 86 therebe-
neccessary for combustion flows through the windbox tween. The flame stabilizing ring 118 has a first portion
42. When oil or gas is fired, no substantial amount of air, 120 which circumferentially extends into the central
other than nozzle sweep air which will be described passageway 45 of the tubular burner nozzle 44 end
below, passes through the tubular burner nozzle 44. 45 defines an opening 122 through which the mixture of
Thus, in the present discussion there can be secondary primary air and pulverized coal particles would pass
air without any accompanying primary air. during coal firing. The first portion 120 can be a contin-
A sliding air sleeve 98, is attached to the inlet end uous surface or it can be provided with a plurality of
92A of the burner barrel for varying the cross-sectional serrations or teeth 124 as is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No.
flow area of a bell-mouthed annular opening 100 in the 50 4,545,307 to Morita, et al. Attached to the first portion
burner barrel 92 to regulate the amount of secondary air 120 of the flame stabilizing ring 118 is a second, L-
supplied to the inner and outer annular passageways 90, shaped portion 126 which extends circumferentially
94. An annular burner barrel cover plate 102, having a around and outwardly from the outlet end 44B of the
lip 104, is attached to the inlet end 92A of the burner tubular burner nozzle 44. A plurality of holes or open-
barrel and also to a tubular sleeve 106 which is attached 55 ings 128, equal in number to the number of retractable
to the access cover plate 76, and rotatable gas elements 48, are provided in the sec-
The sliding air sleeve 98 can be positioned to achieve ond, L-shaped portion 126. These openings 128 are
a desired cross-sectional air flow area of the bell- adapted to closely receive therethrough each of the
mouthed annular opening 100 by means of control rods plurality of retractable gas elements 48. By providing
(not shown) which would extend through the access 60 this flame stabilizing ring 118 having the plurality of
opening cover plate 76, allowing adjustments while the openings 48, the retractable and rotatable gas elements
vapor generator 10 is in operation. Such adjustments 48 are shielded from the secondary air which passes
could be made either manually or by means of appropri- through the inner and outer annular passageways 90, 94,
ately selected actuating devices. To facilitate appropri- resulting in reduced NOx emissions when gas is fired in
ate selection of the position of the sliding air sleeve 98, 65 the burner 16. The reduced NOxreduction is caused by
a grid of pitot tubes 108 is located within the burner eddies produced by the flame stabilizing ring 118 which
barrel 92 downstream of the bell-mouthed annular create a low oxygen/fuel rich flame. Particular sizing
opening 100 and upstream of the inner and outer annu- criteria of the overall dimensions of the flame stabilizing
11 12
ring 118 would follow generally the criteria set forth in jority of the pulverized coal particles entrained in the
U.S. Pat. No. 4,545,307 to Morita, et al for what is primary air to a location near the inside surface 148 of
described therein as the "bluff body". · the tubular burner nozzle 44, leaving the central portion
When coal is fired in the improved burner 16, the of the central passageway 45 relatively free of pulver-
retractable and rotatable gas elements 48, as well as the 5 ized coal particles. Particular design features of the
reatractable oil atomizer 46 are retracted to a position frusto-conical diffuser would be applied as disclosed in
behind the flame stabilizing ring 118 to protect these U.S. Pat. No. 4,380,202 to LaRue.
components from overheating or fouling by deposits The flame stabilizing ring 118 has a significant effect
from the coal. For the case of gas or oil firing in the on the mixture of primary air and pulverized coal parti-
improved burner 16, the retractable oil atomizer 46 or 10 cles during coal firing. The flame stabilizing ring 118
the plurality of retractable and rotatable gas elements 48 causes recirculation of this stream therewithin in a man-
are inserted into the burner port 50 so that they extend ner which promotes ignition of the coal particles and
beyond the plane of the first portion 120 of the flame improved flame stability. The arrangement of the gas
stabilizing ring 118. In the firing of oil or gas, a very zone sleeve 84 with its junction at the flame stabilizing
small quantity of secondary air would be admitted to 15 ring 118 in combination with the tubular burner nozzle
the tubular burner nozzle 44 through a nozzle air duct 44 prevents the flow of any secondary air through the
130, which is shown in FIG. 3. This small quantity of annular enclosure 86. As a consequence, the flame
secondary air or nozzle sweep air is admitted to the formed by the ignited pulverized coal fuel jet in the
tubular burner nozzle 44 to prevent backflow of com- flame stabilizing ring 118 together with the regulated
bustion byproducts into the tubular burner nozzle 44. 20 introduction of secondary air through the inner and
For the case of gas firing in the improved burner 16, outer annular passageways 90, 94 produces very low
additional elements are necessary to provide the fuel gas NOx emissions when firing coal, as disclosed in U.S.
from a source (not shown) to the plurality of retractable Pat. No. 4,545,307 to Morita, et al.
and rotatable gas elements 48. A plurality of gas ele- For the case of oil firing, the ignited fine mist of fuel
ment support pipes 132 are sleeved around each of the 25 oil droplets produced by the atomizer spray plate 82
plurality of gas elements 48. These gas element support located in the center of the flame stabilizing ring 118
pipes 132 position the gas elements 48 with respect to also achieves reduced NOx formation levels. Flow pro-
the flame stabilizing ring 118. Positioning of each of the files produced by the secondary air traveling through
gas elements 48 may involve moving the gas elements the inner and outer annular passageways 90, 94 are
48 towards or away from the furnace combustion cham- 30 affected by the flame stabilizing ring 118 and air separa-
ber 14, rotation of the gas elements 48 about the longitu- tion vane 116 to reduce oxygen availability to the oil
dinal axis thereof, or any combination thereof. Attached flame in a zone immediately downstream of the burner
to each of the plurality of gas elements 48 is a flexible port 50, which acts to inhibit formation of NO and N02.
gas hose 134 which allows for rotation, insertion and Complete mixing of the secondary air with the partially
retraction of each of the gas elements 48. Finally, a gas 35 burned oil fuel occurs further downstream in a series of
manifold 136 provides a common source of fuel gas to reactions at lower temperatures and lower oxygen par-
which each of the plurality of gas hoses 134 is attached. tial pressures such that NOx formation is avoided as the
Preferentially, the gas manifold 136 is located outside of char reactions are completed. Combustion tests indicate
the windbox 42 for ease of access and/or repair. This an ability to reduce NOxat typical excess air levels from
arrangement further facilitates servicing of the gas ele- 40 uncontrolled levels of 200 ppm to levels in the range of
ments 48, since they can be removed from the burners 120 ppm, without two stage combustion or gas recircu-
16 for inspection or cleaning by this arrangement while lation when firing oil. By uncontrolled, the burner 16
the vapor generator 10 is in service. was operated without the flame stabilizing ring 118 or
An igniter assembly 138 of known construction the air separation vane 116.
would be provided to ignite the combustion mixture of 45 For the case of gas firing, the arrangement of retract-
fuel and air provided at the outlet of the burner 16. As able and rotatable gas elements 48 positioned to be
shown in FIG. 3, the igniter assembly 138 would extend shielded by the flame stabilizing ring 118 results in an
through the access opening cover plate 76 through the extremely stable flame. Combustion tests have demon-
windbox 42 and terminate in the vicinity of the burner strated stable combustion from levels of 100% burner
port 15. An actuator 140 can be applied to the igniter 50 input to levels less than 10% maximum input without
138 for automatic positioning thereof. Similarly, an excessive flame induced vibration or rumble. With re-
actuator 142, attached to the-inlet end of the oil atom- spect to NOxemissions when firing gas, no uncontrolled
izer 46A and to the splash plate 80, can be used to posi- tests of the burner 16 without the flame stabilizing 118
tion the oil atomizer 46. In the same manner, atutomatic or the air separation vane 116 were performed. Com-
actuator means (not shown) can be used to position the 55 bustion tests were performed with the elements, how-
plurality of gas elements 48 with respect to the flame ever, and NOx levels were see in the range of 130-150
stabilizing ring 118. Whether the positioning of the gas ppm. Based upon experience with previous design burn-
elements 48 is by manual or automatic means however, ers, and upon a scaling factor to compare the uncon-
the critical feature to be observed is that the outlet ends trolled oil firing performance to a hypothetical uncon-
48B of each of the gas elements 48 should be placed 60 trolled gas firing performance, it is estimated that the
during gas firing such that they receive the full benefit burner 16 would produce NOx levels of approximately
of the shielding effect from the secondary air that is 190 ppm in an uncontrolled (no flame stabilizing ring
provided by the flame stabilizing ring 118. Finally, the 118 or air separation vane 116) setting under similar
improved burner 16 can employ a frusto-conical conditions, showing the burner 16 NOx reduction capa-
difusser 144 disposed within the inlet end 44A of the 65 bility when firing gas.
tubular burner nozzle 44 and which has an opening 146 While in accordance with provisions of the statutes
through which the retractable oil atomizer 46 can pass. there is illustrated and described herein a specific em-
The frusto-conical diffuser 144 would disperse the ma- bodiment of the invention, those skilled in the art will
13 14.
understand that changes may be made in the form of the first and second means for retracting, respectively,
invention covered by the following claims, and that the oil atomizer and its attached sprayer plate, and
certain features of the invention may sometimes be used the plurality of gas elements, to a position behind
to advantage without a corresponding use of the other the flame stabilizing ring when coal is fired to pro-
features. For example, the improved burner can be 5 tect the oil atomizer, the sprayer plate and the gas
arranged to fire only one, or two, of the fuels by delet- _ elements from overheating or fouling.
ing the unnecessary elements. In all cases the burner 3. An apparatus according to claim 2, further includ;
nozzle is retained fully or in part, but would not be used ing:
to transport fuel of coal is not fired. a sliding air sleeve attached to the inlet end of the
I claim: burner barrel, for varying the cross-sectional air
1. A burner for the combustion if coal, oil or gas, flow area of a bell-mouthed annular opening in the
comprising: burner barrel to regulate the amount of secondary
a tubular burner nozzle having an inlet end and an air supplied to the inner and outer annular passage-
outlet end and which defines a central passageway ways.
for conveying primary air containing pulverized 15 4. An apparatus according to claim 3, further includ-
coal particles therethrough to an outlet end of the ing:
burner; a nozzle air duct, attached to the tubular burner noz-
a gas zone sleeve having an inlet end and an outlet zle, for supplying a quantity of secondary air to the
end, concentrically arranged around the tubular tubular burner nozzle sufficient to prevent back-
burner nozzle and partially defining an annular 20 flow of combustion byproducts thereinto when the
enclosure therebetween; burner is firing oil or gas.
5. An apparatus according to claim 4, further includ-
an inner zone sleeve having an inlet end and an outlet
end, concentrically arranged around the gas zone ing:
a frustoconical diffuser, disposed within the inlet end
sleeve and defining an inner annular passageway
25 of the tubular burner nozzle and having an opening
therebetween, for conveying a first portion of sec-
through which the retractable oil atomizer passes,
ondary air needed for combustion to the outlet end to disperse the majority of the pulverized coal
of the burner; particles in the primary air near an inside surface of
a burner barrel having an inlet end and an outlet end, the tubular burner nozzle, leaving the central por-
concentrically arranged around the inner zone 30 tion of the central passageway relatively free of
sleeve and defining an outer annular passageway pulverized coal particles.
therebetween, for conveying a second portion of 6. Apparatus according to claim 1, further including:
secondary air needed for combustion to the outlet a plurality of gas element support pipes, sleeved
end of the burner; around each of the plurality of gas elements, for
an air separation vane, connected to an extending 35 positioning the gas elements with respect to the
outwardly and circumferentially around the outlet flame stabilizing ring;
end of the inner zone sleeve, for influencing the a plurality of flexible gas hoses, attached to each of
path of the first portion of secondary air as it exits the plurality of gas element support pipes, for con-
from the burner; veying fuel gas to, and allowing rotation, insertion
a retractable oil atomizer having an inlet end and an 40 and restriction of, each gas element support pipe;
outlet end, centrally disposed and supported within and ·
the central passageway, for conveying a mixture of a gas manifold, to which each of the plurality of gas
oil and atomizing media to an atomizer sprayer hoses is attached, for supplying fuel gas to each of
plate located at the outlet end of the atomizer at the the gas hoses.
outlet end of the burner; 45 7. Apparatus according to claim 6, further including:
a plurality of retractable and rotatable gas elements, a retractable lighter, arranged for insertion into the
concentrically arranged around the tubular burner inner annular passageway to a point at the outlet
nozzle and extending through the annular enclo- end of the burner so as to ignite a fuel and air mix-
sure, for conveying gas to the outlet end of the ture.
burner, having outlet ends located in close proxim- 50 8. Apparatus according to claim 1, further including:
ity to the outlet end of the tubular burner nozzle, a plurality of inner vanes, concentrically arranged
and being shielded from the secondary air when around the tubular burner nozzle in the inner annu-
fully inserted into the burner by; lar passageway, to impart a swirling acion to the
a flame stabilizing ring, attached to the outlet end of first portion of secondary air as it leaves the inner
the tubular burner nozzle and which together with 55 annular passageway;
the tubular burner nozzle and the gas zone sleeve a plurality of outer vanes, concentrically arranged
defines the annular enclosure therebetween, having around the tubular burner nozzle in the outer annu-
a first portion circumferentially extending into the lar passageway, to impart a swirling action to the
central passageway to define an opening therein, a second portion of the secondary air as it leaves the
second L-shaped portion attached to the first por- 60 outer annular passageway; and
tion of the flame stabilizing ring extending circum- a grid of pitot tubes, located within the burner barrel
ferentially around and outwardly from the outlet downstream of the bell-mouthed annular opening
end of the tubular burner nozzle, and having a thereinto and upstream of the inner and outer annu-
plurality of openings adapted to closely receive lar passageways, for measuring the total secondary
therethrough each of the plurality of retractable 65 air admitted to the burner.
gas elements. 9. A flame stabilizing ring for a burner having a plu-
2. An apparatus according to claim 1, further includ- rality of gas elements concentrically arranged around
ing: and in close proximity to a tubular burner nozzle having
15 16
a central passageway and outlet end, and at least one plurality of openings adapted to closely receive
annular passageway concentrically arranged around the therethrough each of the plurality of retractable
plurality of gas elements for transporting a quantity of gas elements.
air to an outlet end of the burner for combustion, com- 11. A burner for combustion of coal or gas, compris-
prising: 5 ing:
a first portion, attached to the outlet end of the tubu- a tubular burner nozzle having an inlet end and an
lar burner nozzle and circumferentially extending outlet end and which defines a central passageway
into the central passageway to define an opening for conveying primary air containing pulverized
therein; and coal particles therethrough to an outlet end of the
a second, L-shaped portion attached to the first por- 10 burner;
tion of the flame stabilizing ring extending circum- a gas zone sleeve having an inlet end and an outlet
ferentially around and outwardly from the outlet end, concentrically arranged around the tubular
end of the tubular burner nozzle, having a plurality burner nozzle and partially defining an annular
of openings adapted to closely receive there- enclosure therebetween;
through each of the plurality ·of gas elements, such 15 an inner zone sleeve having an inlet end and an outlet
that outlet ends of each of the plurality of gas ele- end concentrically arranged around the gas zone
ments is shielded from the quantity of air for com- sleeve and defining an inner annular passageway
bustion transported by the at least one annular therebetween, for conveying a first portion of sec-
passageway. ondary air needed for combustion to the outlet end
10. A burner for combustion of oil or gas, comprising: 20 of the burner;
a tubular burner nozzle having an inlet end and an a burner barrel having an inlet end and an outlet end,
outlet end, an outlet being located at the outlet end concentrically arranged around the inner zone
of the burner; sleeve and defining an outer annular passageway
a gas zone sleeve having an inlet end and an outlet -therebetween, for conveying a second portion of
end, concentrically arranged around the tubular 25 secondary air needed for combustion to the outlet
burner nozzle and partially defining an annular end of the burner;
enclosure therebetween; an air separation vane, connected to and extending
an inner zone sleeve having an inlet end and an outlet outwardly and circumferentially around the outlet
end concentrically arranged around the gas zone end of the inner zone sleeve, for influencing the
sleeve and defining an inner annular passageway 30 path of the first portion of secondary air as it exits
therebetween, for conveying a first portion of sec- from the burner;
ondary air needed for combustion to the outlet end a plurality of retractable and rotatable gas elements,
of the burner; concentrically arranged around the tubular burner
a burner barrel having an inlet end and an outlet end, nozzle and extending through the annular enclo-
concentrically arranged around the inner zone 35 sure, for conveying gas to the outlet end of the
sleeve and defining an outer annular passageway burner, having outlet ends located in close proxim-
therebetween, for conveying a second portion of ity to the outlet end of the tubular burner nozzle,
secondary air needed for combustion to the outlet and being shielded from the secondary air when
end of the burner; fully inserted into the burner by:
an air separation vane, connected to and extending 40 a flame stabilizing ring, attached to the outlet end of
outwardly and circumferentially around the outlet the tubular burner nozzle and which together with
end of the inner zone sleeve, for influencing the the tubular burner nozzle and the gas zone sleeve
path of the first portion of secondary air as it exits defines the annular enclosure therebetween, having
from the burner; a first portion circumferentially extending into the
a retractable oil atomizer having an inlet end and an 45 central passageway to define an opening therein, a
outlet end, centrally disposed and supported within second L-shaped portion attached to the first por-
the central passageway, for conveying a mixture of tion of the flame stabilizing ring extending circum-
oil and atomizing media to an atomizer sprayer ferentially around and outwardly from the outlet
plate located at the outlet end of the atomizer at the end of the tubular burner nozzle, and having a
outlet end of the burner; 50 plurality of openings adapted to closely receive
a plurality of retractable and rotatable gas elements, therethrough each of the plurality of retractable
concentrically arranged around the tubular burner gas elements.
nozzle and extending through the annular enclo- 12. A burner for combustion of gas, comprising:
sure, for conveying gas to the outlet end of the a tubular burner nozzle having an inlet end and an
burner, having outlet ends located in close proxim- 55 outlet end, the outlet end being located at an outlet
ity to the outlet end of the tubular burner nozzle, end of the burner;
and being shielded from the secondary air when a gas zone sleeve having an inlet end and an outlet
fully inserted into the burner by: end, concentrically arranged around the tubular
a flame stabilizing ring, attached to the outlet end of burner nozzle and partially defining an annular
the tubular burner nozzle and which together with 60 enclosure therebetween;
the tubular burner nozzle and the gas zone sleeve an inner zone sleeve having an inlet end and an outlet
defines the annular enclosure therebetween, having end concentrically arranged around the gas zone
a first portion circumferentially extending into the sleeve and defining an inner annular passageway
central passageway to define an opening therein, a therebetween, for conveying a first portion of sec-
second L-shaped portion attached to the first por- 65 ondary air neede1:l for combustion to the outlet end
tion of the flame stabilizing ring extending circum- of the burner;
ferentially around and outwardly from the outlet a burner barrel having an inlet end and an outlet end,
end of the tubular burner nozzle, and having a concentrically arranged around the inner zone
17 18
sleeve and defining an outer annular passageway and being shielded from the secondary air when
therebetween, for conveying a second portion of fully inserted into the burner by:
secondary air needed for combustion to the outlet a flame stabilizing ring, attached to the outlet end of
end of the burner; the tubular burner nozzle and which together with
an air separation vane, connected to and extending 5 the tubular burner nozzle and the gas zone sleeve
outwardly and circumferentially around the outlet defines the annular enclosure therebetween, having
a first portion circumferentially extending into the
end of the inner zone sleeve, for influencing the
central passageway to define an opening therein, a
path of the first portion of secondary air as it exits · second L-shaped portion attached to the first por--
from the burner; 10 tion of the flame stabilizing ring extending circum-
a plurality of retractable and rotatable gas elements, ferentially around and outwardly from the outlet
concentrically arranged around the tubular burner end of the tubular burner nozzle, and having a
nozzle and extending through the annular enclo- plurality of openings adapted to closely receive
sure, for conveying gas to the outlet end of the therethrough each of the plurality of retractable
burner, having outlet ends located in close proxim- 15 gas elements.
ity to the outlet end of the tubular burner nozzle, * * * * *











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