Rights of Children

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Rights of Children

Convention on the Rights of the


Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession
by General Assembly resolution 44/25 of 20 November 1989
entry into force 2 September 1990

«Child» means every human being below the age

of eighteen years

…but in various legal-cultural cases, in many

countries 15-16 years old and above persons are
treated differently as adolescents.
• All children have the same right to develop their potential in
all situations and at all times.
• Every child should have equal access to education regardless
of the child’s gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion,
disability, parentage, sexual orientation or other status.
• States Parties recognize that a mentally or physically disabled
child should enjoy a full and decent life, in conditions which
ensure dignity, promote self-reliance and facilitate the child's
active participation in the community.
Survival & Development
• The right to survival and development underscores the vital
importance of ensuring access to basic services and to
equality of opportunity for children to achieve their full
• For example, a child with a disability should have effective
access to education and health care to achieve their full
• Every child shall be registered immediately
after birth and shall have the right from
birth to a name, the right to acquire a
nationality and as far as possible, the right to
know and be cared for by his or her parents.
• States Parties shall ensure that a child shall
not be separated from his or her parents
against their will, except when competent
authorities subject to judicial review
determine, in accordance with applicable law
and procedures, that such separation is necessary
for the best interests of the child.
• States Parties shall respect the right
of the child who is separated from
one or both parents to maintain
personal relations and direct contact
with both parents on a regular basis,
except if it is contrary to the child's
best interests.

• In many countries, you may adopt

or temporarily foster children.
Best Interests
• The best interests of the child must be "a primary
consideration" in all actions and decisions concerning a child,
and must be used to resolve conflicts between different rights.
• For example, when making national budgetary decisions
affecting children, Government must consider how cuts will
impact on the best interests of the child.
• The views of the child mean that the voice of the child must
be heard and respected in all matters concerning his or her
rights. For example, those in power should consult with
children before making decisions that will affect them.
• The child shall in particular be provided the opportunity to be
heard in any judicial and administrative proceedings affecting
the child, either directly, or through a representative or an
appropriate body, in a manner consistent with the procedural
rules of national law.
Dignity in Criminal Cases
• States Parties recognize the right of every child
alleged as, accused of, or recognized as having
infringed the penal law to be treated in a
manner consistent with the promotion of the
child's sense of dignity and worth, which
reinforces the child's respect for the human
rights and fundamental freedoms of others
and which takes into account the child's age
and the desirability of promoting the child's
reintegration and the child's assuming a
constructive role in society.
Civil Society
• Poverty: Up to a quarter of children are living in
relative poverty.
• Nutrition: Despite improvements in child
nutrition, 10% of Turkiye’s children are stunted,
meaning that they are of low height for their age
and at risk of further health and development
• Child labour: Some of the worst forms of child
labour continue to be observed in Turkiye
depriving children of their rights to health and
development, putting them at risk and
compromising their futures.
Civil Society
• Participation in education: Some children,
especially girls, drop out of primary school or do
not attend regularly for reasons like poverty
and/or child labour, conservative social norms,
domestic responsibilities, low expectations or
adaptation problems.
• Quality of education: Tests and observation
suggest that a high proportion of school children
fail to realise their full potential.
• Violence: Most boys and girls encounter some
form of violence, abuse, exploitation or neglect,
depending partly on their age, sex and social
Civil Society
• Children in contact with the law: Despite much
reform, the treatment of children who come into
contact with the law is still often out of line with
international standards.
• Honour crimes: Cases of honour killings and
forced suicides continue to be reported in some
sections of society. The victims are usually young
women – and sometimes adolescent girls.
• Early and forced marriage: There is a persistent
and largely-unaddressed problem of early and
forced marriage among teenage girls.
(UNICEF Turkiye
Civil Society
"İçerde Çocuk Var" (Children in Prison)
There are around 5000 female inmates, and over 400
children aged 0-6 who are required to stay with their
mothers for various reasons.
"İçerde Çocuk Var" works for improving the physical
conditions in prison.
Civil Society
• Gündem Çocuk
(Agenda:Child!) is a
non-profit organisation
that works towards the
goal of spreading and
developing global
human rights culture
by pursuing the
acceptance and
universalisation of the
UN Convention on the
Rights of the Child
agreement in society.
«Chidren’s Voice»
• Partnership
between Çocuk
Çalışmaları Birimi
(ÇOÇA), Bilgi
Media, Sulukule
Derneği, Tarlabaşı
Toplum Merkezi
and voluntary
teaching at TEGV.
Chidren’s Media in Turkiye
«Söz Küçüğün» Radio Prog.
• Children’s Voice
• 2008-2015
• By children for adults
• Açık Radyo

Tarlabaşı Community Center
• http://www.tarlabasi. • Children aged 8- 14
org/calismalar who are members of
Çocuklar Kulübü»
publish a magazine
for adults & children
Erciş’in Genç Sesi • http://ercisingencsesi.gun
• https://www.youtube.com
• The Young Voices of Erciş
• Children aged 10-14 yaş
published this newspaper • https://www.youtube.com
while living in the camp /watch?v=3wtNAqb3w0E
following the earthquake.
Eksi Onsekiz Children’s
«My Media»


“Same but Different, Different but Same”


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