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Write the name of the animal and match the

picture to the description

I have got four legs. I am huge and
grey. I have got a long trunk.

I can swim but I can´t walk. I live in

the deep blue sea. I have got very
sharp teeth.

I am a type of cat. I am orange and

white and I have black and orange

I have a mane. I can roar. I am the

king of the jungle.

I have got four legs. I like to eat

leaves. I have got a very long neck.

I have got four short legs. I have got a

big mouth. I like to stay in the water
and mud. I am big and grey.

I live in Southern hemisphere. I am a

bird and I have got two wings. I can´t
fly but I can swim.

I have got four legs. I am grey. I have

a sharp horn on the end of my nose.

I haven´t got legs. I slither and slide.

My bite is poisonous.

I have got four short legs. I have got a

tail. I have got scales. I can swim, but I
can´t clim a tree. I am green.

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