Group 5 - Revised Content Outline

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Group 5 UNIT 2: SCHOOL CULTURE Merano, Jeremiah; Prias, Justin; Puriza, Christine


Instructions: There will be two teams for this game consisting of 5 members each to play "Family Feud," Each team should have a unique
team name. To play, players should answer any of the five top answers.. There are 3 rounds for 3 different categories for teams to answer
and play correctly to get points.

Round 1: Popular Filipino Dishes

Round 2: Popular modern songs in the Philippines
Round 3: Famous literature in the Philippines.

Guide Questions:
1. What did you notice about the game?
2. What is one thing from another culture that you find interesting and why?
3. How can you show recognition of the culture of other people?


1. Definition and Main characteristics of culture

Culture can be defined as the set of beliefs, values, practices, traditions, behaviors, and artifacts that characterize a particular group of
people, society, organization, or community. It encompasses various aspects of human life, including language, religion, customs, rituals,
art, cuisine, music, social norms, and more.

1.1. Main characteristics

● Learnt - it's the behaviors and customs that people pick up from those around them. Culture doesn't stand alone; it's shaped by
society and how people interact with each other. It's something that everyone in a community shares and contributes to."
● Shared- culture is the sociological sense, is something shared. It is not something that an individual alone can possess.
● Transmissive- Culture can be passed down from parents to children and then to their children, and so on. It's not something you
inherit biologically, like hair color or eye shape. Instead, it's passed on through language and the things we learn from our
families and communities.
● continuous and cumulative- Culture is always evolving and expanding. As it develops over time, it tends to build upon itself,
accumulating knowledge and achievements from the past and present.
● consistent and integrated- culture, in its development has revealed a tendency to be consistent. At the same time different parts
of culture are interconnected. For example, traditions might influence language, which in turn shapes social customs. This
interconnectedness helps to create a cohesive and integrated cultural system.
● dynamic and adaptive- It does evolve slowly over time, undergoing gradual shifts and developments. Change and progress are
part of culture, even though they may happen slowly.

2. Elements of Culture
a. Symbols
● Non-verbal symbols - all societies have nonverbal symbols we call gestures, movements of the hands, arms, or other
parts of the body that are meant to convey certain ideas or emotions.
○ Example: “Thumbs up” in the United States means “great” or “wonderful,” but in Australia it means the same
thing as extending the middle finger in the United States.
● Tangible symbols - objects or pictures that bear a concrete relationship to the visual or tactile properties of the entities
that they represent.
○ Example: Philippine Flag symbolizes our country.
b. Language
● Language is crucial to communication and thus to any society’s culture. Humans have a capacity for language that no
other animal species possesses. Our capacity for language in turn helps make our complex culture possible. Language
influences how we understand the world around us.
c. Norms
● Cultures differ widely in their norms, or standards and expectations for behaving.
● Norms are the formal and informal rules regarding what kinds of behavior are acceptable and appropriate within a
culture. Norms are specific to a culture, time period, and situation.
○ Example: Daughters are expected to do the household chores while sons are expected to do the hard jobs like
lifting heavy objects.
d. Rituals
● Different cultures also have different rituals, or established procedures and ceremonies that often mark transitions in the
life course. As such, rituals both reflect and transmit a culture’s norms and other elements from one generation to the
● A ritual is a repetitive action or event that represents deeper religious, cultural, or social significance. Rituals usually
require sacred tools, specific attire, and sacred spaces, or locations dedicated to specific rituals.
○ Example: devotions to Black Nazarene, the Sto Niño, devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Misa de Gallo,
and various Lenten rituals such as the Pabasa, Moriones, Sinakulo, Visita Iglesia, Siete Palabras, Salubong,
and many others.
e. Artifacts
● Artifacts, or material objects, are what constitute a society’s material culture. Artifacts in a culture are items that
contain vital information about the people and the culture they relate to or for which they were used. Cultural artifacts
may be economic, political, religious, or social so long as they are representative of that society.

3. Basic Concept of Culture

a. Culture Trait
○ A culture trait refers to a single, specific element of culture that can be observed or identified within a society or group.
It's the smallest unit of culture; a distinct aspect of a cultural group
■ (Ex. Religion, Language, Arts, Music, Clothing Styles, Food Preferences, and Sports.)
■ Specific Example: Bicol Express a spicy dish that originated in Bicol.
b. Culture Complex
○ Refers to a group of interrelated cultural traits that are characteristic of a particular society or cultural group.
○ These complexes are comprised of multiple traits that are often interconnected and reinforce each other within the
■ (Ex. Religious Practices, Family Structures, and Fiestas)
c. Cultural Pattern
○ Cultural patterns are a set of shared beliefs, values, behaviors, and norms that are passed down from generation to
generation. They provide a sense of identity and continuity for members of a particular culture or society.
■ (Ex. Bayanihan, Respect for Elders, Fiesta, and Pagmamano)
d. Cultural Lag
○ Refers to the idea that some aspects of culture change more slowly than others. It is a phenomenon that occurs when
one part of a society (usually technological innovations) changes faster than another (culture), leading to a gap or “lag”
between the two.
■ (Ex. AI and Automation, Internet and Digital Division, and Social Media)
e. Cultural Diversity
○ The cultural diversity meaning is an ideological belief upheld in societies that recognize, appreciate, and respect the
cultural behaviors and presence of other people or people from diversified groups. Cultural diversity is the act of
inclusiveness; that is, acknowledging people from different cultural backgrounds and creating an enabling environment
that recognizes and values the social behaviors of others.
f. Culture Shock
○ Culture shock refers to the impact of moving from a familiar culture to one that is unfamiliar. This impact includes the
anxiety and feelings (such as surprise, disorientation, uncertainty, and confusion) felt when a person must adapt to a
different and unknown cultural or social environment. It might include the shock of a new environment, meeting new
people, eating new food, or adapting to a foreign language, as well as the shock of being separated from the important
people in your life: such as family, friends, colleagues, and teachers.

Make a character from the character outline below. Based on the discussion, think of different cultures your character could have.
Multiple Choices - 10 Items
True or False - 5 Items
Identification - 5 Items


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“Definition of Culture.” YouTube, 11 June 2014,

Drew (PhD), C. (2022, November 20). Cultural Traits: Definition and 18 Examples (2023).

Louise, H. (2021, December 22). The Culture: Characteristics and its Elements.

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Ramsey, G. (2024, February 14). Cultural Lag: 10 Examples & Easy Definition.

Sharer, H. (2023, January 16). What is Cultural Pattern? An Overview of Definitions, Examples and Impact - The Enlightened Mindset.

What Is Culture Shock | Insurance Explained. (n.d.). International Student Insurance.


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