Commentator's Guide (English) - r1

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Date of Revision: April 30, 2021

Introduction by the Commentator
(Due to pandemic, we added some announcements. Pls. refer to another sheet for the said announcement.)
(Use the microphone when ONLY YOU will be talking or reading something…)

“Good [afternoon] Dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Welcome to our

Eucharistic Celebration. Today, we celebrate the

[Memorial of Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and
Doctors of the Church.]

[31st Saturday in Ordinary Time.]

[nth day of advent, lent, etc.]”

“So as not to disrupt the solemnity of the celebration and the spirit of prayer,
we would like to request your cooperation by:

1. Keeping our celebration quiet and sacred.

2. Please turn off or put on silent mode your cellphones or other gadgets.
3. Please do not eat inside the Church.
4. Please attend to your children.
5. For those who CANNOT kneel during the Consecration, Acclamation, and
other part the mass the need kneeling, please remain standing.
6. We would like to invite everyone to complete the mass until the
Recessional song.

Thank you.”

“Let us include in our prayers the following intentions:

1. Thanksgiving by:
2. Special intentions of:
3. Repose of the souls of:
… and all the souls in purgatory.”

Introduce the presiding priest, lector(s), acolyte and yourself:

“Our presiding priest is…

Let us all rise (and sing our entrance hymn).” ← If no choir, no need to read the underlined.

(Pause) Let the priest start:

Gloria will be sang, unless Advent/Lent, or no choir at all

C: “Pls. be seated. “ or “Please be seated and listen to The Liturgy of the Word.”

Commentator reads introduction to the First Reading. If none, just say “The First Reading”.
After reading the introduction, the commentator sits down.

FIRST READING (Refer to the misalette)

--- The word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

RESPONSORIAL PSALM (Refer to the misalette)

Commentator must recite the response every after the verse has been delivered by the
Psalmist. Should not wait for the Psalmist to say, pls. response.

SECOND READING (During Sunday Mass or anticipated Sunday Mass only)

(Refer to the misalette)
If second reading will be read, commentator reads introduction to the Second Reading. If
none, just say “The Second Reading”. After reading the introduction, the commentator sits

--- The word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

GOSPEL (Refer to the misalette)

C: “Let us all rise to honor the Holy Gospel. “
(If Alleluia will be sang, NO NEED TO RECITE Alleluia.)
C: Say, “All together”… then read the verse before the Gospel
(Continuation of singing of Alleluia or if not sang, recite Alleluia)

P – Reading the Gospel

P – A reading from the holy Gospel according to …
All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ

C: “Let us all be seated and listen to the Homily.”

C: “Let us all rise.” (Let the priest recite the first phrase of the CREED).
(Creed below may differ from the one that will be recited, so, pls. refer to the misalette.)

P: “I believe in one God” Commentator continues with the “the Father…

Prayer of the Faithful
(This will be skipped during non-Sunday liturgy. Offertory will commence, say “Pls be seated”)

P – …. We shall say:
P – Response.
C – …. We pray:
A - Response.
C – …. We pray:
A - Response.

(Sometimes, the priest will add the ff.:)
( P - In silence, let us now pray for our personal intentions… We pray:
A - Response. )

P - … Through Christ our Lord.

All – Amen

Usually, offertory
song will be sang
here, so, no need
to respond.

(After the Priest washes his hands, say “please rise”.)

NO NEED to say “Please Kneel” bec. other’s may not be able to kneel.

C: “Let us all rise.”

NO NEED to say “Please Kneel” bec. other’s may not be able to kneel.

C: “Let us all rise.”

C: “Please be seated for some announcement.”


Japanese: Seitai o hairyou dekiru no wa katorikku no senrei to hatsu seitai o

ukerarete iru kata nomi desu. Go-kibou no kata wa shukufuku o
ukeraremasu node shisai no mae ni, te o awaseta mama o tachi

English: Only those who’ve been baptized in Catholic and received their first
communion can accept the Holy Communion. For those who wish
to receive a blessing from the priest may join the line, just put both
of your arms in front of your chest and bow slightly.


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