Bai Tap Ren Luyen Ky Nang in The Textbook - All Tasks

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TASK 5-E-p42
Skim the article to find the meaning of these numbers and statistics.
1. 76,966:
2. 7.7:.
3. 16 hours:
4. $20:
5. 1%:
6. 4.8:

TASK 6-F-p.42
Answer these questions. Use specific information from the article.
1. Was playing the piano considered work or leisure by many Americans in
the late 19th and early 20th centuries? How do you know?
2. Is playing the piano considered work or leisure by many Americans now?
How do you know?
3. How do the authors calculate that a homemade scarf costs $140?
4. Why do "gray areas" exist between home production and leisure?
5. How did Ramey and Francis distinguish between home production and
6. What problem do the authors note with Ramey and Francis's conclusions?
7. What non-financial incentives explain why the authors grow tomatoes and
cook special meals?
TASK 7-A-p.44
Read the paragraph. Circle words that introduce an opinion and underline
words that showa different opinion. Then compare your answers with a
Do Americans have more leisure time than in the past? Economists cannot reach a
consensus on this question. For example, Ramey and Francis(argue that Americans
have about the same amount of leisure time as they did in 1900 and slightly less
than they did about 40 years ago. However, according to another study by Aguiar
and Hurst, American adults actually have more leisure timne than they did about
40 years ago. The differences result from disagreement over what constitutes work.
Ramey and Francis consider the whole population, whereas Aguiar and Hurst only
look at working-age adults, and they do not regard engaging in schoolwork and
homework as labor. Rather than focusing on this difference, we believe that both
studies support an alternative conclusion: Americans certainly do not have less
leisure time than in the past.
Source: Adapted from Kristie M. Engemannand Michael T. Owyang (2007,
January), "Working Hard or Hardly Working? The Evolution of Leisure in the
United States." The Regional Economist, 10-11.

TASK 8-B-p.45

Complete the chart with the different opinions on the question Do Americans
have more leisure time now than in the past? Use your annotations from
Activity A to help you.
Do Americans have more leisure time now than in the past?
Ramey and Francis's opinion
Aguiar and Hurst's opinion
The authors' opinion

TASK 9-C-p.45
Reread the article "Laid-Back Labor: The $140 Homemade Scarf." Write the
words and phrases in paragraphs 7-11 that introduce an opinion and a
different opinion. Then compare your answers with a partner.

Your answer:

TASK 10-D-p.45
Complete the charts. Use your own words to describe the definitions
and opinions.
What is the definition of leisure?
Levitt and Dubner Leisure is something you choose to
do; no one tells you to do it.
Ramey and Francis

Why do people choose to do menial labor when they don't have to?
Evolutionary biologists
Economists (including the authors)

TASK 13-E-p51
Scan Reading 2 and write the correct numbers.
Summarize the main ideas of the article by completing the table in your own
Stage Purpose(s) of tae Training Advantages and
kwon do techniques disadvantages

Early history
Martial arts as a
modern sport
("natural way
martial arts")

TASK 14-F-p.52
With a partner, explain the meaning of these statements from the article.
I. Soldiers back then didn't live long enough to develop long-term health problems"
(Paragraph 1).
2. "There should be no winners or losers" (Paragraph 3).
3. "Modern-day enemies are internal rather than external" (Paragraph 4).
4. "Focusing on only speed and power is like taking small amounts of poison every
day" (Paragraph 5).
5. "Proper breathing is fuel for the body" (Paragraph 9).
6. "Martial arts teachers in my home country, South Korea, are astonished to learn
that I have students who have been with me for 20, 30, or 40 years (Paragraph 13).
TASK 15-G-p.52,53
As you read in the article, tae kwon do is an event in the summer Olympic
Games. Supporters of this status might make these arquments in favor of tae
kwon do as a competitive sport. With a partner, use evidence from the reading
to argue against these positions.
1. The purpose of tae kwon do has alwaysbeen to defeat your enemies, so it is
appropriate to use it for competition.
2. Sporting events encourage tae kwon do practitioners to develop new and more
sophisticated moves and kicks.
3. Sports are supposed to be tough. Only the strongest athletes should be able to
survive the training and compete at the highest levels.
4. Martial arts are methods of self-defense, so the focus of tae kwon do should be
on speed, power, and technique. Competitions show which athletes have the best
skills in these areas.

TASK 16-A-p54,55
Read the sentences. Do the words in bold havea supporting, neutral, or
distancing effect? Circle the correct answer.
I. Although most people would prefer to have more leisure time, a minority of
experts unconvincingly argue that people don't need any leisure time at all.
a. supporting
b. neutral
c. distancing
2. Research unfailingly demonstrates that people are more productive after they've
had a vacation.
a. supporting
b. neutral
c. distancing
3. The author's analysis and the scientific evidence validate the position that
individuals do not need the same amount of leisure time to be satisfied.
a. supporting
b. neutral
c. distancing
4. A United Nations report states that a certain amount of unemployment is
inevitable in all economies.
a. supporting
b. neutral
c. distancing
5. The authors incorrectly contend that people value their leisure time more than
their time at work.
a. supporting
b. neutral
c. distancing
6. Some economists tell politicians how to present employment data in different
ways to support their position.
a. supporting
b. neutral
c. distancing

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