Astm e 707 - 90
Astm e 707 - 90
Astm e 707 - 90
E 707
or pavement. A variable water-flow rate or velocity corre- NOTE 2—A standard surface can be made using a porous grinding
sponds to a variable tire-over-pavement speed in a vehicle- stone. Such a surface should yield VSN readings in the 55 to 65 range.
operation sense. NOTE 3—Readings on a standard surface will increase initially until the
4.3 Measurement of friction at various simulated vehicle tire position is conditioned at which time the readings will stabilize. As
many as 150 tests may be required to condition a tire position.
operating speeds allows the establishment of friction-speed
gradients on laboratory specimens or on field pavements. 5.2.3 A change in tire position due to excessive wear shall
be made if check measurements against the standard laboratory
5. Apparatus 2 surface vary consistently by more than 61 VSN. Each new tire
5.1 Pendulum (Fig. 1)—The pendulum, including wheel position shall be conditioned for test measurements following
and tire, shall weigh 9.3 6 0.2 kg (20.5 6 0.9 lb). The distance the procedure in 5.2.2.
from the pivot axis of the pendulum to the wheel axis shall be 5.3 Nozzle—The nozzle shall have an exit opening of 0.50
457.0 6 3.0 mm (18 6 0.1 in.). Both axes shall be parallel in 6 0.01 by 75.0 6 5.0 mm (0.0200 6 0.0004 by 3.0 6 0.2 in.)
space. The period of oscillation of the pendulum shall be 1.4 6 and shall be made of stainless steel or other corrosion-resistant
0.2 s. material. The configuration of the nozzle cavity shall be such
5.2 Wheel and Tire—The tire shall be a smooth, no-pattern that the transition from supply hose cross section to nozzle exit
tread tire,4 conforming to the rubber requirement of Specifica- cross section shall be as smooth as possible, particularly in the
tion E 524, having an approximate 4.10/3.50-5, 90-mm (3.5- vicinity of the nozzle exit in order to minimize the likelihood
in.) tread width. The tire shall be mounted on a suitable 25 by of vortex generation and resultant poor exit flow pattern. The
75-mm (5 by 3-in.) rim. surface finish of the nozzle interior in the exit region shall be
5.2.1 The tire, inflated to 138 kPa (20 psi), shall be prepared that obtainable with 600-grit metallurgical polishing paper with
for testing by turning it on a lathe. The tread shall be trued with soap. The final polishing shall be in the direction of flow.
an appropriate grinding tool to produce a “flat tread surface” or 5.4 Water System (Fig. 2), consisting of a pressure tank, a
an infinite tread radius. The shoulder shall be beveled to pump to pressurize the tank, pressure gages, and pressure
provide a tread width of 75.0 6 3.0 mm (3 6 0.1 in.). The tread regulation valve(s) to control the steady-state exit velocity of
surface shall be ground to provide a tread surface that feels the water stream from the nozzle. Multiple pressure regulation
smooth to the touch and has a dull sheen. valves may be used to preset selected test velocities or a single
5.2.2 The tire shall be conditioned for test measurements at valve may be used and adjusted to each new test velocity. A
each new tire position by operating the pendulum against a filter is incorporated in the water system to remove any
standard laboratory surface (Note 2) repeatedly until succes- particulate matter. The water system delivers water to the VST
sive friction readings (VSN) do not vary by more than 60.5 nozzle through a flexible rubber hose that may be varied in
VSN (Note 3). length to accommodate both laboratory and field use.
5.5 Laboratory Floor Stand, consisting of a steel frame that
A tire suitable for this purpose is available from McCreary Tire & Rubber Co., supports the pendulum unit during testing (see 5.1 through
Indiana, PA. 5.3), holds the water system, holds and permits leveling of test
E 707
specimens for testing, and collects the water from the nozzle not to be moved during contact with the pendulum. Laboratory
for disposal. specimens shall have a test surface at least 90 mm (3.5 in.)
5.6 Strain Gage, Load Cell, or Other Appropriate wide by 150 mm (5.9 in.) long parallel to the direction of
Instrument—A weighing system shall be used to ensure pendulum motion.
consistent pendulum load pressure.
8. Preparation of Apparatus
NOTE 4—A viable weighing system may consist of a strain gage
(EA-06-350DD—350 MICRO MEASUREMENT) mounted on the fixed 8.1 Laboratory:
tire axle on the pendulum arm. The axle should be a 16-mm (5⁄8-in.) drill 8.1.1 Assemble the apparatus by placing the pendulum unit
rod, water hardened with a Rockwell hardness between C45–50. A and water system in the laboratory floor stand.
reduced area shall be cut for mounting the strain gage and should achieve 8.1.2 Join the pendulum unit nozzle hose to the water
a movement of 125–250 MICRO-INCHES for the measurement of strain. system unit and connect the water system unit to the laboratory
The strain gage shall be calibrated by load cell on a regular basis.
water supply.
6. Sampling 8.1.3 Level the pendulum unit by adjusting the laboratory
floor stand with leveling screws or shims.
6.1 Field—When tests are conducted to measure pavement
8.1.4 Level the VSN (variable speed number) scale arc by
skid resistance in the field, a sufficient number of locations on
releasing the scale arc lock and aligning the 90° mark on the
any particular road section shall be selected to provide for an
scale arc with the pendulum pointer while the pendulum is in
accurate assessment of the skid resistance of the pavement.
the vertical position.
6.2 Laboratory—When tests are conducted on laboratory
8.1.5 Rotate the wheel to the desired wheel index position.
specimens, a sufficient number of pavement specimen prepa-
Engage the wheel rotation lock.
rations or replicates shall be measured to provide an accurate
8.1.6 Release the vertical lock (Note 5), place the pendulum
assessment of skid resistance.
assembly in the raised position, and allow the pendulum to
7. Test Specimen swing through from horizontal latched position to check zero
VSN setting. Catch the pendulum on the return swing and
7.1 Field—The field test surface in the entire area occupied place it in the latched position. Adjust the pendulum latch up or
by the tester shall be free of loose particles and flushed with down on repeated swings until the pointer and pendulum read
clean water. In the case of hot bituminous pavements, it is zero VSN.
essential to flush the test area with water until the surface no
longer feels warm to the touch to assure reliable test readings NOTE 5—If the vertical lock specified is inadequate, a quick-setting,
that have not been affected by settling of the tester into the air-over-hydraulic system may be substituted.
surface during testing. 8.1.7 Place the test specimen in the laboratory floor stand
7.2 Laboratory—Laboratory test specimens shall be clean holder and secure in place using specimen lock.
and free of loose particles and shall be rigidly mounted so as 8.1.8 Level the specimen by adjusting the holder leveling
E 707
screws. This is checked by a spirit level placed alternately in 8.4.1 A separate pressure may be preset to deliver water
orthogonal directions. The spirit level rests on a brass plate through the nozzle to correspond with each of four water test
underlaid with sponge rubber that is laid on the specimen velocities.
surface (Fig. 3). 8.4.2 To preset a pressure, select the desired velocity on the
8.1.9 To set the contact pressure, release pendulum vertical control switch to activate the appropriate control valve. Turn
positioning lock and engage wheel rotation lock. With pendu- the water on. Adjust the control valve until the nozzle pressure
lum hanging vertically, gently lower the pendulum assembly gage reads the desired pressure for that velocity.
until weight is fully supported by the test specimen. Check 8.4.3 Repeat the procedure in 8.4.2 for three additional test
specified load reading. If not within 60.23 kg (60.5 lb), raise velocities.
pendulum and relower until specified load is met. Tighten 9. Procedure
vertical positioning lock, release wheel rotation lock, and rotate
pendulum counterclockwise to the horizontal latched position. 9.1 Tire Index Position—Use the same ratchet position for
8.2 Field: all repetitions on a given pavement location. Change the index
8.2.1 Assemble the apparatus for field use by placing the position when there is evidence of deterioration of the tread
water system unit on the field-carrying unit. Connect the field surface at that position as described in 5.2.3.
length hose to the pendulum unit that is attached to a swing arm 9.2 Nozzle Adjustment—With the pressure selected for the
hoist for lateral and vertical mobility. desired water test velocity, turn the water on and adjust the
nozzle angle until the nozzle stream impinges on the test
NOTE 6—A field traffic warning signal trailer equipped with an electri- surface 25 mm (1 in.) upstream of the center of the contact path
cal generator can be modified to carry both the water system unit and (Note 7). Repeat this procedure for each change of test
pendulum unit. The water supply can be carried on a towing truck.
8.2.2 Lower the pendulum unit into position such that the
NOTE 7—The center of the contact path is the line of intersection of the
swing is in the direction of traffic, perpendicular to the
plane of the pendulum arm extended to meet the plane of the pavement at
pavement surface. an angle of 90°.
8.2.3 Level the VSN arc following the procedure in 8.1.4.
9.3 Skid Resistance Measurement—Place the pendulum and
8.2.4 Zero the VSN setting following the procedure in 8.1.6.
pointer in the horizontal latched position. Select the desired
8.2.5 To set the contact pressure, release the pendulum
water test velocity. Press the test button that will open the
vertical positioning lock. With the pendulum hanging down-
nozzle valve and release the pendulum trigger in sequence.
ward, set the pendulum guide to hold the pendulum at right
After the pendulum swings upward, catch it on the return
angles to the pavement surface, then lower the pendulum
stroke and latch it in the horizontal position. Read the pointer
assembly until the weight is fully supported by the pavement.
indication to the nearest whole VSN (Note 8). Rotate the tire
Check specified load reading. If not within 60.23 kg (60.5 lb),
until it is in the selected index position. Return the pointer to
raise pendulum and relower until specified load is met. Tighten
the starting position. Repeat the procedure twice more and
the vertical positioning lock, release the wheel rotation lock,
average the three readings to obtain the VSN.
disengage the pendulum guide, and rotate the pendulum
counterclockwise to the horizontal latched position. NOTE 8—A digital read-out system, such as a linear variable transducer
8.3 Nozzle Calibration: differentiator (LVTD), may be added to the VST to facilitate VSN
8.3.1 To establish a nozzle calibration curve, measure the readings.
volume of water delivered from the nozzle for a set period of 10. Calculation
time over a range of pressures and calculate the water velocity 10.1 Average the three individual pointer readings at a
at each pressure by dividing the volume of water accumulated single water test velocity to obtain the VSN for the specimen
over the set time by the nozzle exit orifice area. Plot the tested at that velocity. Each individual reading must be within
pressure versus velocity. 61 VSN to be included in the average VSN.
8.3.2 Use the calibration curve to select pressures corre-
sponding to the desired test velocities. 11. Report
8.4 Water Pressure and Velocity Adjustments: 11.1 Report the following information:
E 707
11.1.1 Site or sample identification, 12.2 Bias determinations are not possible at this time due to
11.1.2 Description of surface tested, the inability to establish a true value of friction for pavement
11.1.3 Water test velocities used, surfaces.
11.1.4 Individual and average VSN values at each test 12.2.1 Coefficients of determination for comparison of VSN
velocity, and SN values in limited tests using both the Variable Speed
11.1.5 Plot of speed gradients, if applicable, and Tester and the procedure in Method E 274 over the same field
11.1.6 Remarks. pavement surfaces are as follows:
12. Precision and Bias Trailer and Water Velocity, Coefficient of
km/h (mph) Determination
12.1 Precision from field and laboratory tests using one 48.3 (30) 0.962
instrument indicates that the range of three individual measure- 64.4 (40) 0.958
80.5 (50) 0.967
ments should not exceed 1.3 VSN.
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with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.