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Group 1 - CityU8D - Digital Marketing - Coca Cola

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Executive summary 1.

Company profile 2.

Marketing Research 3.

Objective 8.

Idea Generation 9.

Media plan 11.

Action plan 12

Control 20.

Conclusion 21.

Digital marketing plan campaign

campaign "Dance Competition with
the theme "Act with Coca Cola Zero
Sugar" is an online advertising
campaign designed to promote the
Coca Cola Zero Sugar brand
through a unique dance
competition. The campaign is for
dance lovers and Coca Cola Zero
Sugar enthusiasts.
The campaign will be rolled out on
popular social networking sites like
Facebook, Instagram and TikTok
with celebrities. Contestants will
have a chance to participate in the
competition by submitting their
dance videos under the theme "Act
with Coca Cola Zero Sugar". The
campaign will evaluate the dance
videos and select winners for prizes.
We believe that the campaign will
be highly effective and meet the
business goals of Coca Cola.


The Coca-Cola Corporation is a global American

company that was established in 1892 and is best
known for being the maker of Coca-Cola. The
beverage industry company also produces, sells, and
markets alcoholic drinks as well as other non-
alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. The
company has always been passionate about better
client engagement. Over the years, the effective
Coca Cola Marketing Plan has been able to energize
the public, leading the world as the largest producer
and licensee of 3,500 nonalcoholic beverages. Coca-
digital Cola's marketing tactics consistently foster
interpersonal connections and solid relationships.
Because of this, they are able to outperform their
rivals and lead the beverage sector. Their website
and other marketing resources regularly promote
their goods while being true to their brand. Here, we
also create a marketing strategy that makes use of
video marketing and social media to engage clients
and expand.


Segmentation Targeting

Region: International, Domestic

Geographic Density: Urban, Rural

Age: 10-40
Gender: Males and Females
Demographic Income: Average, above average,
high-income earns
Ocupation: Professional, students,

Benefits sought: Refreshment,

satisfaction of habit, ẹnoying
the good taste
User status: Regular users
Coca Cola positions its products as thirst-quenching and refreshing.
The products they offer are said to bring joy to its target market. The
drinks and other products from Coca-Cola are also associated with
having a great time with family and friends while enjoying daily life.














Online advertising and user data
protection regulations vary from
country to country which may affect
Coca-Cola's advertising on digital
media platforms.
Must adhere to local and international
health and quality standards

The increase in internet and mobile
usage globally creates new
opportunities for Coca-Cola
Online advertising campaigns also
require large financial investments
Coca-Cola to carefully consider the
appropriate level of investment to
ensure the highest effectiveness.

The use of social media platforms
and digital communication channels
is more popular
Coca-Cola to find ways to adapt to
the rapidly changing trends and
tastes of customers

Opportunities for Coca-Cola in using

new technologies such as online e-

commerce and virtual reality


Invest a lot of time and resources to

ensure the correctness and

effectiveness of advertising


Coca-cola Paid media Pepsi
Starting in 2020, Pepsi becomes the main sponsor 2018-2019, Coca-Cola Vietnam will officially become
for 3 seasons of Rap Viet - a famous program for a partner of VFF to accompany and support the
young people national teams towards new heights, namely
Besides that, Understanding the concerns of conquering the dream of the World Cup. world in the
students, who work away from home every Tet to nearest future.
Spring, Suntory PepsiCo Vietnam continues to bring
a meaningful Tet program called "Bringing Tet In the future, this brand will support national football
home". This is the third year the program has been teams in the process of preparing for training and
implemented and continues to donate 556 round- competitions, performing tasks in the years 2018-2019,
trip air tickets and 3,600 round-trip car tickets to including competing at ASIAD 2018, and Southeast
students, young workers, and workers away from Asian Championships, preparing for regional and
home with difficult circumstances returning to their continental tournaments for the U16, and U19 boys and
hometowns. to celebrate the Lunar New Year in girls teams; attending the final round of ASIAN Cup
2023. 2019 (national men's team); competing for tickets to
the 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup.

Owned media
Instagram (official): Instagram ( official ):
Pepsi has 1.7 million followers on the platform along Coca-cola has 2.8 million followers on the platform
with nearly 800 posts. Recent posts focus on Pepsi's along with 309 posts. Recent posts focus on Coca's
zero sugar. The most recent video has fewer likes than zero sugar. The number of interactions is more than
previous posts, probably because the video doesn't the competitor
have enough traction yet
Youtube (Viet Nam): Youtube ( Viet Nam):
And here is Pepsi Vietnam's Youtube, with more than Not yet
288 thousand subscriptions and the majority of videos
have reached nearly 10 million views. That shows Pepsi
has traction on this platform.
TikTok (Viet Nam): TikTok (Viet Nam):
In contrast to other social platforms, Pepsi Vietnam's Like Pepsi, Coca-Cola Vietnam has not had an
Tiktok has just started with a small number of posts. investment in the TikTok platform, which is shown by
However, the interactions and views are impressive. the number of posts only strangely at 3 and the
This shows that Tik Tok is a potential place for Pepsi to number of followers is not high at thirty-two
advertise better products in the future. thousand.
Facebook(Viet Nam): Facebook (Viet Nam):
Pepsi's fan page reaches 37 million likes and focuses on Coca-Cola has nearly 3 times as many fans and
winning programs and is updated weekly. Pepsi's followers on Fanpage as its rival Pepsi, the last post
recent posts focus on advertising for an event called has the appearance of 2 DJs, GREY AND ONIONN.
"REVOLUTION 2023". The attached product is Pepsi Posts with low engagement
lemon flavor with no calories
Website (official): Website (Viet Nam):
Pepsi’s website had 227.5k visits for the last month. Coca-Cola has a global rank of about 794k, a
Bounce rate: 63.23%. The audience of it is between the country rank of over 26k and total visits of over 64k,
age of 18-34 and a bounce rate of 47%.
58.11% are male and 41.98% are female

Earned media
Pepsi has quite a number of hashtags, it comes Similar to Pepsi
from organizing prize contests and promotional
campaigns and events on social networking

Increase brand awareness of Coca-Cola zero sugar by 20% in 3 months
from the start of the campaign by attracting a minimum of 1000 people to
participate in the contest and creating at least 50 posts related to the
campaign translation on digital media platforms.

Specific: Increase brand awareness of Coca-Cola
zero sugar by 20% in 3 months, attract 1000
people to participate in the contest

Measurable: The number of people entering
the contest and the number of related posts

A Achievable: Number of participants and number of

posts are both achievable goals in 3 months time.

Relevant: The dance competition matches the
dynamic and youthful image of Coca-Cola Zero

Time-bound: The goal is set for a specific period of
3 months, which helps ensure that the campaign is
implemented within a reasonable time frame

Contests and campaign-related posts on digital media platforms can capture

customer interest and recall the Coca-Cola zero sugar brand as an interesting
beverage option for retailers activities with family and friends.

big idea
Dance contest with the theme: “Act
with Coca Cola zero sugar”

Key message in campign

Advertise by organizing a contest to encourage and stir

up the spirit of young people to act together, unite, burn
with passion and creative freedom in accordance with
modern trends

Use images and videos with products with


Viral element Share on social media specifically

Facebook is the largest social
networking platform in Vietnam and
the influence of the media that
KOL/Influencer brings is very large
and has a very strong impact.

FaceBook: Post content like other daily

Brand alignment life articles to create truth, the caption
will comment on the product with a
picture of using Coca Cola Zero Sugar
during a meal or after playing sports.
With tagline: “Coca Cola Zero Sugar –
Không Calo Không âu lo”
KOLs and Influencers to introduce
Sugar Free Coca-Cola products and
invite users to participate in contests.
They can create content articles,
videos, images to share on social
networking sites along with hashtags
and contest links.

=> Through this campaign, the brand's goal is to strengthen

its position while also affirming the brand against the recent
bad rumors about Coca-Cola.

Helping to attract many young people

to participate, increasing trust, love
and attracting attention with the
Brand value
media helps Coca Cola better
message communicate Coca Cola zero sugar
products more effectively. In addition,
this campaign also wants to target
people who have a need for beauty.

Main theme of The show:
Dance competition with the
theme “Act with Coca-Cola
zero sugar”

Inspire and motivate young people to
collaborate, come together, and be
passionate and creative.
Build a playground that is engaging,

Media channel
Social media: Use social networks like Facebook, Youtube, and TikTok to promote
the contest and engage customers. Create contest and Coca-Cola zero sugar
related posts, quizzes, photos, and videos to spark customer interest and
Influencer marketing: Find and partner with influencers relevant to the contest and
Coca-Cola zero sugar to increase brand visibility and engagement. Influencers can
post, share and participate in contest activities to increase audience interest.


Date: 01 May 2023

Upload cover image on Facebook fanpage
Task recipient : Marketing team

Posting contest with hastag and comes with prizes

and how to enter on 3 May
The poster is the marketing team

In order to inform about the contest that is more

effectively approached by young people with a react
number of about 2000 people, registration of about
120, the number of times to drop emotions, share and
comment respectively is 2500, 150 and 320.
Status announcing the contest: running for 10 days
(May 15 –May 25)
Status announcing the final round of the contest:
running for 6 days (25 July - 31 July)


Dance Quang Dang, Ciin
They are judges and marketing ambassadors
for the product. They will directly participate
in the contest as judges to mark the skills
and creativity in choreography. In addition,
they will be the representative of the brand
image for the company launching the


Well-known to many people in
many different sectors.
Post on personal page with hashtag
The photo/video must be vibrant,
elicit curiosity, always feature a can
of Coca-Cola low sugar, and
mention the contest in addition to
the primary theme.

Ninh Duong Lan Ngoc, TLinh, Ricky Star, Dao Le
Phuong Hoa and Trong Hieu Idol are influential
figures in certain dancer circles, known to many
people in many different fields to reach
customers on the internet. various ports

Requirements: upload the post to the
personal/group page on fb in public
mode on June 2 to June 25

Each influencer upload at least 2 posts
Always include the hashtags
#CocaCola#CocaColaZeroSugar #ActWithCocaColaZeroSugar
Each post must meet the following requirements: the
photo/video must be lively, cause interest, always have the
appearance of a can of Coca cola zero sugar, must mention
the contest along with the main topic.

Pay attention to post upload time for high interaction,

images are not warlike, provocative, easy to understand


Format: only online on facebook platform

Requirements: dance groups participate
in self-recording, self-editing, self-
choreographing on a single background
1 requested by the organizers. Then follow
the latest updates on Coca Cola fanpage
Time: From 6/1/2023 to 9/1/2023
Media: KOL, Influencer, advertising

Preliminary round: representatives of groups
Final round: the same format as the
register on the shared form to participate.
preliminary round, but replaced by a
Specifically, the groups self-recorded videos
in the form of dance on the 3-4p beat different beat with a duration of 4-5
announced by the organizers, then uploaded minutes. The groups need to invest more in
the video to Facebook on the group's or scenes, costumes, especially choreography
individual representative's page with the and the uniformity and harmony in the
hashtag #CocaCola#CocaColazerosugar
2 #ActwithCocaColazerosugar then copy the
movements of the members. The final
score calculation method includes 40% of
video link and paste it into the article link at
the request of the organizers. Freely creative the score from Dao Le Phuong Hoa, 40% of
writing content according to the main topic the score from Ciin and 10% of the score of
of the contest. The results will select the 10 the representative of the organizing
most outstanding dance groups based on committee.
60% of creativity in choreography and 40% of The results will be publicly announced on
interaction on the participating videos, which
the Coca Cola fanpage and the prizes will
will be announced by Dao Le Phuong Hoa
and Ciin on Coca Cola VN's main fanpage. be handed out to the winning team.

Beat 1: The style of the 80s and 90s is now Beat 2: With electronic music,
attracting a lot of attention from young strong and disruptive, showing
people, the neoclassical style is being used flexible choreography, confidently
a lot by young people from costumes, expressing their own personality.
photography to music or dances. Therefore, Therefore, the organizers used the
right from the preliminary round, the song "I go crazy because of you"
organizers will choose the song "Nuit De as the main theme for the final
Folie" with the LA flavor of the 80s as the round.
main theme.

June 1, 2023
Post the Fanpage introducing the
June 2 to June 25 dance contest and the Google Form
to register to participate
Influencers, hot Facebook fanpage
will post about the dance contest
with a beat file and submission link.
June 25 to July 15
Video reception, pre-qualification
July 15 to July 28
Receive video, preliminaries
take place August 1st
9 am to announce the top 10 finalists
7pm post the announcement of
August 2 to August 22 the final round with a new beat
file and the submission link
Video reception, final round
August 23
End of the contest and thank you
August 24 to August 27
Upload reaction video of Quang
Dang and Ciin
August 28 to September 1
Result announcement, information
confirmation and award ceremony

6.4. KPI
Marketing campaign

Reaching a wide audience,

especially young people.

100 dance groups ( 1000

participants )

Number of interactions like, share,

post views increased 5% -10%

Increase the level of live

coverage, awareness

Cost Decribe Expected ( VND)

Ciin( Bui Thao Ly)

Booking KOLs 120.000.000đ
Quang Dang

Dao Le Phuong Hoa

Ninh Duong Lan Ngoc
Booking influence Trong Hieu 280.000.000đ
Ricky star

Advertising Facebook Run asset 30.000.000đ

Advertising PR Facebook 25.000.000đ

Total Prizes 330.000.000đ

Management fee and other


Total 800.000.000đ
19 20

Contest results
1. Correctly publish information on the list of winners, prizes should be
publicly announced and updated on Coca Cola's website or social media

Advertising and communication

2. It should be controlled and monitored to ensure that the information
related to the campaign is not misleading or confusing to customers.

Examiners and KOLs

3. It is important to have clearly defined contracts and related agreements
in place to ensure that the parties are jointly implementing and
complying with the terms.

Personal infomation management

4. Coca Cola needs to ensure that the personal information of its
customers and participants is properly protected and managed in
accordance with regulations on privacy of personal information.

Time and budget

5. Must ensure that activities are carried out on time and with maximum
efficiency within the defined budget.

Overall, the dance competition with the theme "Act with

Coca-Cola Zero Sugar" is a promising marketing campaign
that has the potential to effectively engage and excite
consumers. By leveraging the popularity of dance competitions
and pairing it with the brand's message of being active and
healthy with a zero-sugar beverage option, the campaign can
resonate with a wide audience. The competition can be
promoted through various channels, such as social media,
online ads, and influencer partnerships. The use of hashtags
and user-generated content can also help to create buzz and
encourage participation. To maximize the impact of the
campaign, it's important to ensure that the rules and
guidelines of the competition are clear and easy to follow.
Additionally, offering attractive prizes and incentives can
motivate consumiers to participate and share the campaign
with their networks. The "Act with Coca-Cola Zero Sugar"
dance competition is a fun and engaging way to promote the
brand's message of being active and healthy while enjoying a
delicious beverage. With careful planning and execution, this
campaign has the potential to drive brand awareness and
customer loyalty.

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