Model Test 3 Voc

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Model 3.

N New Words Word Form Meaning Examples
Adjective Relating to the stomach and Gastrointestinal issues can cause discomfort
1 Gastrointestinal Noun intestines and pain.
The constant noise was bothersome during the
2 Bothersome Adjective Causing annoyance or irritation exam.
A small hole or wound made by The needle punctured the balloon, causing it
3 Puncture Noun/Verb piercing to deflate.
A structure or cell involved in Mast cells release histamine during an allergic
4 Mast Noun immune response reaction.
A person or thing that helps The mediator facilitated communication
5 Mediator Noun resolve disputes between the parties.
Enlargement or puffiness of a body His ankle showed significant swelling after
6 Swelling Noun part the injury.
7 Wheal Noun A raised, itchy area on the skin The insect bite left a red wheal on her arm.
To burst into flames; a sudden The fireworks flare lit up the night sky. The
8 Flare Verb/Noun increase in symptoms flare-up of the disease was unexpected.
The beekeeper checked the hive for honey
A place where bees live; a skin production. He developed hives after eating
9 Hive Noun rash with red, itchy welts the allergenic food.
Situated within or administered The intradermal injection was given just
10 Intradermal Adjective into the skin beneath the skin.
Relating to a severe allergic The patient experienced an anaphylactic
11 Anaphylactic Adjective reaction shock after the bee sting.
Extremely responsive to stimuli; His hypersensitive hearing made him
12 Hypersensitive Adjective overly sensitive uncomfortable in loud environments.
The study of body movement and Kinesiology helps in understanding the
13 Kinesiology Noun mechanics mechanics of human motion.
Beneath the tongue; administered Sublingual medication is placed under the
14 Sublingual Adjective under the tongue tongue for quick absorption.
Destructive to cells, particularly to Certain chemotherapy drugs have cytotoxic
15 Cytotoxic Adjective living cells effects on cancer cells.
Model 3.2
N New Words Word Form Meaning Examples
Feather, especially a large and The peacock's plume was vibrant and eye-
ornamental one; to decorate with catching. She decided to plume her hat with
1 Plume Noun/Verb feathers colorful feathers.
The ancient temple was considered a sacred
Regarded with reverence and place of worship. The sacred texts were
2 Sacred Adjective respect; holy treated with utmost reverence.
A type of soft red stone used by
indigenous peoples for carving The artisan carved a beautiful pipe from the
3 Pipestone Noun pipes sacred pipestone.
A small mammal with The porcupine raised its quills when sensing
4 Porcupine Noun protective, needle-like quills danger.
A shrub with aromatic leaves The bayberry candle filled the room with a
and waxy berries; related to or pleasant scent. She planted a bayberry bush in
5 Bayberry Noun/Adjective resembling the bay tree her garden.
A plant with aromatic leaves, Mugwort is believed to have medicinal
6 Mugwort Noun often used in herbal medicine properties and is used in traditional remedies.
N New Words Word Form Meaning Examples
To expel air forcefully, causing The steam engine started to puff out thick
7 Puff Out Verb expansion or swelling clouds of smoke.
To squeeze tightly between the She had to pinch herself to believe the good
fingers; a small amount, news. Add a pinch of salt to enhance the
8 Pinch Verb/Noun typically of salt or spice flavor.
He decided to sprinkle sugar on top of the
To scatter in small drops or freshly baked cookies. The garden received a
9 Sprinkle Verb/Noun particles; a light, gentle rain sprinkle of rain.
The soft substance consisting of The chef carefully removed the skin and
muscle and fat that is found bones, leaving only the succulent flesh of the
10 Flesh Noun between the skin and bones fish.
A place, typically a large, deep
pit, from which stone or other
materials are extracted; to extract The quarry supplied the construction site with
stone or other materials from a high-quality marble. The workers had to
11 Quarry Noun/Verb quarry quarry the stones for the project.
Model 3.3

N New Words Word Form Meaning Examples

Measurement of the depth of the Bathymetry is crucial for understanding
ocean floor or other bodies of underwater topography. The research vessel
1 Bathymetry Noun water used advanced bathymetric tools.
The detailed mapping or The topography of the region included
description of the physical mountains, rivers, and valleys. Topography
2 Topography Noun features of an area maps are essential for navigation.
The ship's anchor chain had some slack. He
felt the slack in the project's timeline. Slack
Noun/ Looseness or lack of tension; water refers to a period of minimal tidal
3 Slack Adjective/Verb slow or lack of progress flow.
A system for detecting objects Submarines use sonar to navigate and detect
underwater using sound waves; to other vessels. The team decided to sonar the
4 Sonar Noun/Verb use sonar for navigation area for potential underwater structures.
A device that converts one form
of energy into another; often used The transducer converted sound waves into
5 Transducer Noun in sonar systems electrical signals.
Involving or utilizing multiple The multi-beam sonar system provided high-
6 Multi-beam Adjective beams of energy or waves resolution underwater imaging.
The main body of a ship or The ship's hull was reinforced for navigation
aircraft; the outer covering of a in icy waters. The hull of the walnut
7 Hull Noun fruit or seed protected the edible seed inside.
The mountain ridge offered stunning views
A long, narrow elevated crest; to of the valley below. The farmer used a plow
8 Ridge Noun/Verb form into a ridge to ridge the field for better water drainage.
The soldiers dug a trench for protection
A long, narrow excavation in the during the battle. The trench across the field
9 Trench Noun/Verb ground; to dig a trench directed water away from the crops.
Related to or caused by an
earthquake; pertaining to the Seismic activity was detected along the fault
study of the Earth's internal line. The researchers used seismic data to
10 Seismic Adjective structure using seismic waves map the Earth's interior.
11 Altimetry Noun Measurement of altitude or height Altimetry is used in aviation for determining
N New Words Word Form Meaning Examples
above a fixed reference point aircraft altitude.
The process of converting atoms The ionization of the gas resulted in the
12 Ionization Noun or molecules into ions production of charged particles.
The driver had to decelerate quickly to avoid
13 Decelerate Verb To slow down or reduce speed a collision.
Continuous change or flow; the The flux of information in the digital age is
14 Flux Noun/Verb action or process of flowing constant. The river exhibited a steady flux.

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