English 5
English 5
English 5
TEST I. Encircle all the conjunctions (FANBOYS) in each sentence. TEST IV. Encircle the correct answer.
1. The chair is broken so we tried to fix it. 16. He is the god of war: He embodies the physical valor necessary
2. We have a lot to do but no one wants to do any work. for success in war but can also personify sheer brutality and
3. I need to talk to you because I have a problem. bloodlust. He is also the lover of Aphrodite.
4. Owen has a lot of friends for he is kind and friendly. A. Hephaestus B. Ares C. Apollo
5. The shirt was white yet it looked yellow in the sunlight. 17. It is the pet dog of Hades referred to as the hound of Hades, is
a multi-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld to
TEST II. Determine the Cause and Effect. Underline the Cause and encircle the Effect.
prevent the dead from leaving.
Eg. I got tummy ache when I ate too much ice cream. A. Aswang B. Hermes C. Cerberus
18. She is the queen of gods. She is known as the goddess of
6. Kevin went to the dentist because he had a toothache.
marriage: both sister and wife of Zeus, with whom she reigned
7. It was pouring rain, so the football game was canceled.
on Mount Olympus.
8. Cole wasn’t feeling well, so he stayed home from school.
A. Hera B. Demeter C. Hellen
9. Thomas was feeling sleepy because he stayed up late playing
19. He is the god of wine: he was also charged with fertility,
mobile legends.
fruitfulness, theatre, ecstasy, and abandonment.
10. Kenneth studied well that’s why he got a high score on the test.
A. Dionysus B. Hades C. Poseidon
TEST III. Read the news and answer the questions asked. 20. He is the king of gods. He was considered the ruler of all the
Cancer-stricken Migrant from Thailand Wins $1.3 Billion Jackpot other gods as well as of humans. He is the god of lightning and
Charlie Saephan, who migrated from Thailand in the 90s and has been battling cancer A. Apollo B. Poseidon C. Zeus
since 2016, won 1.3 billion dollars from the Powerball jackpot in Oregon, USA, lottery
officials revealed Monday (April 29). TEST V. Write a paragraph with 5 or more sentences answering the question
‘Is Mythology a history or a fiction? Explain’.
The prize, the eighth largest in U.S. history, will be split with Charlie's wife Duapen and his
friend Laiza.
Speaking about his win on Monday, Charlie said he would pray to God to protect him and
guide him in how to spend his prize.