Leadership Styles For 5 Stages
Leadership Styles For 5 Stages
Leadership Styles For 5 Stages
Leadership experts agree that a key challenge facing leaders now and in the
future is responsiveness to radical change. This article continues prior work
on radical change with theory and research on leadership style. The result is a
model of radical change describing the leadership styles best suited to the
successful implementation of each stage in the change process. Using the
Leadership Style Inventory, leaders can determine which stages of radical change
they are equipped to handle. The article explores how individual and group
leadership style limitations can be dealt with to ensure radical change success.
he key component of successful rather than fractionation of diverse inter-
leadership now and in the next cen- ests and skills. Multiple styles of leader-
tury is proactive and effective re- ship are needed to effectively implement
sponsiveness to change. Experts agree that most forms of organizational change. Stra-
successful leaders must be flexible and ca- tegic leaders accept that they cannot have
pable of adapting to new conditions, open all the answers and they take steps to ob-
to novel alternatives, and willing to take tain information that effectively guides
greater risks (Kotter, 1990; O’Toole, their choices. These leaders rely heavily
1996). Too often leaders and managers on communication and persuasion with
address technical dimensions of change employees to advance their enlightened
but fail to consider what it takes at each strategies. When compared to popular
stage for leaders to actually carry out that models of leaders of the past, strategic
change (Heifetz and Laurie, 1997a; Rowe leaders are far more inclined to be infor-
and Mason, 1987; Rowe and Boulgarides, mation seekers than information
1992). distributors.
Leaders who can do these things are Figure 1 depicts the models of leader-
referred to as Strategic Leaders (Reardon ship from the early 1900s to today. In the
and Rowe, 1998). Such leaders recognize 1900s, leadership was equated with those
that most work now involves integration individuals who did “great” things. These
Acquisition Review Quarterly—Spring 1998
leaders had a “can do” attitude based on formation. Leaders are confronted with far
experience and determination. They used too many choices, as predicted by Alvin
their authority to “command” others. By Toffler’s 1980 forecast. He warned that
the 1950s, attention shifted to determin- this would inhibit action, result in greater
ing leader traits and how they fit the situ- anxiety and lead to feelings of exhaustion.
ations in which they function. In the early Today’s leaders also work with employ-
eighties, another change took place. This ees who are more diverse than those of
time the emphasis was on the “visionary” their predecessors and customers and sub-
leader. These leaders inspired others with sidiaries spread worldwide. Under such
insights and shared authority. Today’s conditions, no single leader can possibly
leaders, confronted with explosive change, have all the answers or all of the styles
need to be “strategic leaders”: sufficiently required to accomplish the myriad tasks
versatile to recognize the need for change, confronting him or her each day.
to seek input for developing creative strat- To effectively respond to the current
egies for change, and to inspire others to chaotic environment, leaders must recog-
adopt those strategies. nize their own strengths and weaknesses.
According to Max DePree, author of They must understand the extent to which
Leadership Is an Art, leaders are vulner- their leadership styles are suited to the
able in their day-to-day-jobs. This vulner- demands they face and consider the types
ability of leaders is currently exacerbated of people they need at their side to comple-
by the information superhighway afford- ment their styles. This is particularly im-
ing access to extraordinary amounts of in- portant when organizations undergo
Kevin J. Reardon, Ph.D., is a 1968 Distinguished Graduate of the United States Naval Acad-
emy. He received an Ph.D. degree in operations research and an M.S. degree in statistics from
Stanford University in 1974. He is a certified Navy nuclear engineer and attended executive
management training at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. Dr.
Reardon served in the U.S. Navy as a submarine officer for 27 years, commanded two nuclear
submarines, and retired at the rank of Captain. He is currently director of business strategy for
the Inter-National Research Institute in Reston, VA.
Alan J. Rowe, Ph.D., is emeritus professor of management and organization at the University
of Southern California Marshall School of Business. He has published extensively in such areas
as decision making, artificial intelligence, expert systems, information systems, and strategic
management. He has served on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Review, Man-
agement Science, Journal of Industrial Engineering, and Management Information Systems
Quarterly. Dr. Rowe has served as a consultant to such organizations as General Electric, Hughes
Aircraft, IBM, Kaiser Permanente, and Lockheed Corporation.
Leadership Styles for the Five Stages of Radical Change
2000 Strategic
1950 Visionary
1900 Great
radical change. This article addresses the that it also describes combinations of the
styles of leadership needed to accomplish basic styles called “patterns.” These pat-
organizational change and addresses the terns help to describe the complexity be-
question: Can any single leader possess hind leader behavior and competence for
the styles needed to lead at every point in radical change.
the change process? The commanding style focuses on per-
formance and has a short-term goal ori-
entation. Commanders are highly produc-
EXPLANATION OF LEADERSHIP STYLES tive and results oriented. They can be very
effective when goal achievement is the
The leadership styles shown in Figure 2 primary focus. They learn better by their
were derived from work on the Leader- own successes and failures than by input
ship Style Inventory (LSI) developed by from others.
Rowe, Reardon, and Bennis (1995). The The logical style pertains to leaders
inventory identifies differences in style who insist on covering all alternatives.
used by leaders that are based on the fol- They have long-term goals, use analysis
lowing two questions: How adaptive are and questioning, and learn by reason-
leaders when dealing with the issues they ing things through. They are particularly
face? How do leaders communicate with, effective when the goal is strategy
persuade, and energize employees in the development.
process of change? The inspirational style is characteris-
The LSI identifies four basic styles: tic of those who are able to develop
commanding, logical, inspirational, and meaningful visions of the future by fo-
supportive. One of its major strengths is cusing on radically new ideas; they learn
Acquisition Review Quarterly—Spring 1998
by experimentation. They show a high 80; inspirational, 81; supportive, 53. The
level of concern for assuring cohesiveness means provide an indication of style pre-
of members of the organization and en- dispositions. Style patterns, however, are
couraging others to follow the vision. not necessarily static. It is possible, even
They are inquisitive, curious, and satis- preferable, for leaders to develop the ca-
fied by finding radically new solutions. pacity to adapt their styles to the demands
Those leaders who are more concerned of situations, especially when their orga-
with consensus score high in the support- nizations are undergoing radical change.
ive dimension. They emphasize openness
and operate more as facilitators than di-
rectors. They learn by observing outcomes A CASE FOR LEADER VERSATILITY
and how others react to their decisions. IN THE CHANGE PROCESS
Most leaders do not possess a single
style, but a combination. These combina- The strongest case for versatility in
tions indicate which styles leaders are pre- leadership style comes from the recogni-
disposed to use. Inventory scores indicate tion that change is not an event but an ex-
leader style predispositions.1 A summary tended process. Each stage of that process
of how each style influences behavior in benefits from different leadership orienta-
critical areas of leadership is discussed in tions. Strategy researchers have proposed
Figure 2 (Rowe, Reardon, and Bennis, that change involves at least three stages:
1995). initiation, formulation, and implementa-
American business executives tend to tion (Webb and Dawson, 1991; Pettigrew,
score high on the commanding style and 1987; Child and Smith, 1987, Rajagopalan
low on supportive. Research using the LSI and Spreitzer, 1994. Another model (Rowe
provides the following means for Ameri- and Mann, 1988) proposed four factors in
can executives: commanding, 86; logical, the change process: Decision maker’s
LSI scores are derived by adding down the four columns of the inventory. The four derived scores (one for
each style) total 300. Means are based on the inventories of hundreds of American executives in the Marshall
School executive MBA program and those in businesses with which we’ve consulted.
Leadership Styles for the Five Stages of Radical Change
Acquisition Review Quarterly—Spring 1998
Leadership Styles for the Five Stages of Radical Change
has been launched and to maintain it de- types to each phase of radical change,
spite obstacles. This is reminiscent of the which we’ll now discuss.
description Hammer and Champy (1993)
provide of the reengineering leader (p. PLANNING
103): This stage involves charting the course
for change. Here the emphasis is on
The leader’s primary role is to act creativity, gar-
as a visionary and motivator. By nering impor-
“The logical leader
fashioning and articulating a vi- tant informa- constantly seeks new
sion of the kind of organization tion, identifying information, identi-
that he or she wants to create, the obstacles, con- fies obstacles, gen-
leader invests everyone in the sidering alterna- erates alternatives,
company with a purpose and a tives, and se- and considers pros
sense of mission. The leader must lecting among and cons in the
make clear to everyone that them. As shown final selection. ”
reengineering involves a serious in Figure 3, the
effort that will be seen through to leadership styles best suited to this are the
its end. From the leader’s convic- logical and the inspirational. The logical
tions and enthusiasm, the organi- leader constantly seeks new information,
zation derives the spiritual energy identifies obstacles, generates alternatives,
that it needs to embark on a voy- and considers pros and cons in the final
age into the unknown. selection. Inspirationals contribute to this
process by encouraging employee input
But inspirational leadership alone is not in the search for creative plans
sufficient. Hammer and Champy agree To encourage people to provide infor-
here as well. “Urging people isn’t enough,” mation, Stanley Gault, CEO of Goodyear,
they argue. People react warily and cyni- decided to refer to all employees as “as-
cally to executives insisting that the rules sociates.” It opened up lines of communi-
be broken and prior wisdom be defied cation. Jack Welch, CEO of General Elec-
unless a support system is in place so they tric, attributes part of his success to opening
can do these things. As Figure 3 depicts, up channels of communication with em-
radical change also requires the presence ployees. “To create change, direct, personal,
of logicals, supportives, and commander two-way communication is what seems to
types—but not always working together make the difference: exposing people to
at each point in the change process. Un- ideas from everywhere, judging ideas on
like the inspirational leader, who encour- their merits” (Tichy and Sherman, 1993).
ages the risks involved in radical change, Mort Myerson (1996), Chairman and
logicals, supportives and to some extent CEO of Perot Systems, makes it clear to
commanders are need to provide a support people that there are a whole lot of things
system that enables everyone to go against he can’t do. When they come to him look-
the grain and stay there for the long-term. ing for “the plan,” he tells them he doesn’t
Figure 3 was developed as a blueprint know the plan. “We’re either going to fig-
for assigning the most effective leader ure out the company’s future together or
Acquisition Review Quarterly—Spring 1998
we’re not going to do it at all” (Fast Com- in the change effort, and convincing them
pany, p. 10). that the direction chosen is not only best,
Myerson’s approach fits the radical but one that depends on their contribu-
change model information gathering, em- tions. In this stage, enabling or empow-
ployee involvement approach. Planning ering employees provides needed assis-
requires a learning approach to change. tance in preparing to launch the change
You can’t empower people if you think process.
you have all the answers. Mort Meyerson The enabling stage not only prepares
says he learned about leadership by open- people for change, but also provides an
ing himself up to doing so. “I told myself opportunity for leaders to frame that
I was having the same experience as a cat- change. Frames are schemata used to in-
erpillar entering a terpret events (Goffman, 1974). They can
“The enabling stage cocoon. The cater- assist leaders in explaining to others how
not only prepares pillar doesn’t know change efforts should be interpreted.
people for change, that he’ll come out Fairhurst and Sarr (1996) argue that “We
but also provides as a butterfly. All he assume a leadership role, indeed we be-
an opportunity for knows is that he’s come leaders, through our ability to deci-
leaders to frame alone, it’s dark, and pher and communicate meaning out of
that change.” it’s a little scary.” He complex and confusing situations” (p. 2).
realized while in The way a leader frames a planned change
that cocoon, “I don’t have to have all the influences whether potential followers see
customer contacts. I don’t have to make only constraints and roadblocks or oppor-
all the decisions. In fact, in the new world tunities and potential success.
of business, it can’t be me, it shouldn’t be This framing ability is at the heart of
me, and my job is to prevent it from being the distinction leadership expert Abraham
me” (Fast Company, p. 10). Zaleznik (1977) made between managers
Research indicates that executives who and leaders. The former pay attention to
spend long periods of time in the same jobs how things are done, the latter pay atten-
or industries develop limited perspectives. tion to what events and decisions mean.
Their knowledge base is limited and so is Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus (1985)
their desire to expand upon it (Cyert and were describing framing when they wrote
March, 1963; Tushman and Romanelli, that leaders concern themselves with the
1985; Miller, 1991, Rajagopalan and organization’s basic purpose and general
Deepak, 1995). Their thinking becomes direction and with articulating these ideas
rigid, which in turn limits the strategies to others. When used effectively, frames
from which they might choose. The les- create understanding—the basis for ac-
son here: If you’re going to stay in a job tion—and make collective behavior pos-
for a long time, keep the information flow- sible by enabling belief in one view to pre-
ing. vail over others (Fairhurst and Sarr, 1996).
Three styles are particularly useful in
ENABLING the enabling stage. The logical style helps
The focus in this phase is on explain- leaders develop frames to explain a
ing the plan to those who will be involved change. The inspirational style facilitates
Leadership Styles for the Five Stages of Radical Change
the process of frame development by en- Leaders must be clear about their own
couraging open discussion. The support- beliefs, they must have thought through
ive style provides employees with a sense their assumptions about human nature, the
that they will find help adjusting to the role of the organization, the measurement
new change. of performance, and so on” (1996, p. 46).
Essentially, if leaders have done their
LAUNCHING homework regarding proposed change, if
This is the stage in which the change they have logically thought through the
effort commences. To launch effectively, pros and cons, as logicals do, then they
leaders need to meet specified launch will have the confidence to encourage con-
goals, achieve early results to demonstrate trary opinions and the wisdom to learn
the value of the plan, and assess progress from them. Once they have entertained
along the way. While this definition of the doubts and skeptics and responded effec-
launch stage does not preclude occasional tively, their ori-
reliance on the inspirational or support- entation can
ive styles, the emphasis is on practical shift to direct- “One of the chief
obstacles in this
concerns of getting under way and achiev- ing people, in a
[the launch] stage
ing goals. These are better accomplished nonauthoritarian is resistance to
by the commanding or logical style pat- manner, toward change.”
tern. The logical style helps in the expla- mutually de-
nation of specified launch goals and the fined goals.
commanding style encourages a determi- There are times when commands work
nation to achieve them. extremely well. In an emergency some-
One of the chief obstacles in this stage body has to take charge. When tough bud-
is resistance to change. A natural inclina- get decisions must be made or personnel
tion, when confronted with naysayers and problems call for quick action, the com-
critics, is to strike back. Max Depree manding style may be most appropriate.
warns that “leaders don’t inflict pain, they Leaders who use a commanding style are
bear it.” DePree argues that too many lead- not necessarily bullies forcing their ideas
ers see disagreement as an indication of upon others. They are, however, goal ori-
rebellion. They prefer to surround them- ented and have a very good idea of how
selves with loyal “lieutenants” who do not they want to reach it. Once the planning
threaten their leadership. and enabling stages of change have been
But what if resistance is reframed? effectively conducted, the direction of
What if dissent is interpreted by leaders change should be one that the leaders, with
as potentially important information? The follower input, have worked together to
likely response is less defensive. If lead- define. At this point, someone or some
ers have truly thought through the changes group needs to point the way. This is
they propose, then they can be confident when a results-oriented approach can be
and comfortable with dissension. Accord- beneficial. It doesn’t require completely
ing to James O’Toole, author of Leading closing down avenues of input, but it does
Change, “To lead effectively is a matter require focusing on moving along the
of clear thinking on the part of the leader. defined path.
Acquisition Review Quarterly—Spring 1998
Leadership Styles for the Five Stages of Radical Change
decides to alter the design of a major part, providing them with the motivation and
it has the authority to make the changes assistance to do so. Here the style empha-
itself, rather than waiting months for ap- sis is once again on people. Persuasion
provals from higher-ups” (“Can Boeing becomes crucial.
Reinvent Itself?”1993, p. 18). Persuasion calls for an ability to listen
Edward Lawler, in his book From The well enough to know what matters to
Ground Up (1996), argues that the popu- people. The ACE Model of Persuasion
lar job enrichment approach to keeping (Reardon, 1981; 1991) indicates that
people interested is limited. Enriching the people are more
jobs of toll collectors, telephone sales rep- likely to change
“Persuasion calls for
resentatives, reservation agents and oth- if they see
an ability to listen
ers where duties are tied to repetitive cus- what’s expected well enough to know
tomer contact or to technology is a daunt- of them as ap- what matters to
ing task. Lawler suggests a “new logic” propriate given people.”
in which people become involved in a who they are
variety of team types. Problem-solving and what they
teams can work on identified challenges, can do, consistent with their own self-im-
work teams can be assigned the task of age and goals, and effective in terms of
getting work done, project teams can be bringing them the kinds of reward they
formed to manufacture a particular prod- value.
uct or deliver a service, overlay teams co- The logical style is useful in identify-
ordinate groups and individual activities ing and reading the cues that enable lead-
and management teams exist to manage ers to communicate in ways that are rel-
other teams and individuals solving inte- evant to people. If people don’t see them-
gration issues. This multiple team ap- selves as capable of stretching when the
proach offers a place for everyone in as- bar is raised, if they think it’s inappropri-
suring that project and organizational ate for them to do so or likely to lead to
change goals are met and can be especially punishment rather than reward, they won’t
successful if the right types of teams are stretch. Leaders need to convince them
chosen for the job and organization. that doing so is the appropriate, consis-
Such involvement is a promising means tent, and effective thing to do.
of catalyzing change efforts. If people are According to Jack Welch, this means
to remain energized, they need to feel that finding a way to engage the mind of ev-
they aren’t swimming like salmon up- ery single employee. If you don’t find a
stream, that their ideas are welcome, and way to make every person feel more valu-
that they will receive the assistance they able, then you end up with wasted minds,
need to make their work more productive uninvolved people, and a labor force that’s
and rewarding. angry or bored. Welch sees only one way
to get more productivity from people: to
MAINTAINING get them involved (“Jack Welch’s Lessons
This often overlooked stage of the for Success,” 1993). Persuasion is not
change process requires overseeing, guid- something done to people but rather some-
ing people to continue their efforts and thing done with them. So you have to
Acquisition Review Quarterly—Spring 1998
know what matters to them and use that, They value proactive thinking, avoid “re-
and a sense of ownership, to encourage acting” to situations, and reject autocratic
their best work. rigidity. Yet, when the path has been
Change maintenance requires an ongo- determined and people are “on board,”
ing emphasis on input and involvement. this same leader gives direction and looks
This is where the inspirational and sup- for results.
portive styles play a crucial role. If people This is a tall order for a single leader.
feel that their ideas, once considered valu- Consider, for example, Pfeffer’s descrip-
able, are being ignored, they will cease to tion of leader sensitivity. Pfeffer (1992)
take an interest in making change work. considers leader power the ability to in-
Often change is undermined by failure to fluence followers. This inevitably calls for
involve people being able to understand them. He ex-
and assist them plains that this sensitivity to people “does
“[Strategic leaders]
in maintaining not mean that one is necessarily going to
recognize the impor-
tance of people in it. According to act in their interests, in a friendly fashion,
the organization and leadership ex- or on their behalf,” but it does mean “un-
concentrate on ways perts Ronald derstanding who they are, their position
to challenge people Heifetz and on the issues, and how best to communi-
and stretch their Donald Laurie cate with and influence them” (p. 172).
imaginations in (1997b), this Pfeffer argues that sensitivity to others
forming and may mean man- requires “an almost clinical interest in the
implementing aging the rate of observation of behavior...not only self-
strategies.” change, orient- awareness, but more important, awareness
ing people to- of others” (p. 173). These skills are not
ward new roles and responsibilities, taught in most schools. Those courses that
clarifying business realities and key val- do exist are cursed with the derogatory
ues, and defining conflict as part of the “touchy-feely” label by educators and
process. practitioners focused on what they con-
sider “the hard facts.” So, how do lead-
ers, trained in traditional ways, come to
HOW VERSATILE CAN ONE LEADER BE? understand themselves and others?
Complicating the issue further is the
Leaders who are versatile are identified findings of gender researchers indicat-
as strategic leaders. They recognize the ing that men are less inclined than
importance of people in the organization women to engage in the sensitivity Pfeffer
and concentrate on ways to challenge describes (Kanter, 1993; Reardon, 1995;
people and stretch their imaginations in Rosener, 1990). In fact, our research us-
forming and implementing strategies. ing the LSI shows that female first-year
They see visions as the product of ongo- MBA students are significantly more
ing conversations between them and the supportive in their leadership style than
people who carry them out. They focus their male peers. By the time they gradu-
on and reward creativity and readily ac- ate, however, these same women have
cept innovative solutions to problems. shifted their style in favor of the logical
Leadership Styles for the Five Stages of Radical Change
style more consistent with the MBA As an example in the military context,
curriculum. it is instructive to consider the leadership
A similar challenge faces leaders who style aspects prominently displayed by
are not inspirational leaders by nature. three famous World War II generals in the
How do leaders suddenly take on the U.S. Army. Although each was a consum-
mind-set and actions of someone whose mate leader and undoubtedly capable of
manner of articulation encourages people fulfilling a variety of roles, they were
to follow their lead? The inspirational style placed in highly responsible positions in
occurs more frequently than any other in which their individual leadership styles
the five-stage model of radical change. It’s proved especially effective. Gen. George
possible to stretch oneself, work on fram- S. Patton, Jr.,
ing and delivering ideas to make them was a brilliant “We are left with the
more relevant and attractive to people. But tactician, a stu- conclusion that
acquiring an inspirational style is not a dent of military perhaps few, if any,
simple overnight task. history, and one people are capable
We are left with the conclusion that of the Army’s of being leaders of
perhaps few, if any, people are capable of most intellec- every stage in the
being leaders of every stage in the change tual officers. change process.”
process. For those who insist on having His mission as-
their hand in every effort, this can be dis- signments often placed him in situations
concerting news. But from another van- requiring a leadership style that could
tage point, not leading every stage relieves elicit immediate response to his tactical
leaders of having to be all things to all commands in the midst of grueling tank
people and gives them the opportunity to battles. Although some have argued that
step back and observe and consider the the intellectual in Patton might have pre-
change process. Here again, Pfeffer offers ferred a “kinder, gentler” approach to mo-
an important insight. Rather than consider tivating the desired results, there is no
power to be in the hands of one person in doubt that he was extremely successful as
all situations, he proposes (1992, p. 78) that: a commanding leader.
“An important source of power is the By comparison, Gen. Dwight D.
match between style, skill, and capabili- Eisenhower was responsible for organiz-
ties and what is required by the situation.” ing much of the Allied planning for the
Referring to observations of 304 labora- invasion of Europe and facilitating co-
tory research professionals asked to describe operation among diplomats and soldiers
the source of influence in their organization, of many nations. He achieved great suc-
“the principal finding was that the type of cess by emphasizing his skills as an in-
person who was influential depended on the spirational and supportive leader, even
nature of the project.” In technical service though he must have been sorely
projects, with less task uncertainty, inter- tempted at times to exercise directly
nal communication stars (those with many his command authority and the com-
internal contacts) were most influential, manding skills he so clearly exhibited
while in applied research units, boundary during his rise to the top. Fortunately,
spanners carried the most weight.” Eisenhower recognized that persuasion
Acquisition Review Quarterly—Spring 1998
and team-building were the keys to commitment on the part of their employ-
success in his position. ees (associates). To assure the buy-in of
A third soldier of great military and their people, they placed air conditioning
leadership skill was Gen. Omar N. Bradley. in the main building (the number one com-
During a portion of the war effort, he plaint) even though rules and regulations
found himself serving as a facilitator in indicated the arsenal was too far north and
support of Eisenhower, providing the logi- the number of cooling days too few (an anti-
cal explanations of policy matters and di- commanding style move). Substantial reno-
rectives to other senior officers of U.S. and vation of 13 buildings was accomplished,
Allied forces. In that role, he persuaded costing more than $35 million. Innovation
by explaining the rationale for selected became a paramount feature in the
courses of action and was supportive of TARDEC effort (inspirational orientation)
others as they expressed their concerns and as evidenced by a first-of-its-kind pro-
reservations. General Bradley certainly fessional development program along
demonstrated in with the establishment of TARDEC
a variety of virtual university.
“The TARDEC and critical situa- The phase approach to achieving their
general examples
tions during the vision along with an openness to innova-
indicate that leader-
war his com- tive ideas provided the foundation for the
ship is seldom a
one-person job.” mand skills and TARDEC change effort. It was only after
his personal they’d creatively established credibility
ability to in- with their own associates (aligning, en-
spire, but it is instructive to reflect on how abling, and motivating) that TARDEC
he relied on his logical and supportive leaders were ready to launch their cus-
skills as one of Eisenhower’s key facilita- tomer focus. They set up a marketing of-
tors. fice to coordinate customer requirements,
For acquisition professionals a useful expectations, and feedback which goes to
example of adjusting one’s style to the de- Center scientists and engineers. Their
mands of the task is the change effort Fielded Vehicle Performance Data System
launched by the U.S. Tank-Automotive (FVPDS) team of associates developed a
Research Development and Engineering sophisticated database which accesses 20
Center (TARDEC), the nation’s laboratory different vehicle logistics and performance
for advanced military automotive technol- tracking systems, enabling TARDEC to
ogy. In their effort to achieve global tech- anticipate customer needs and provide
nological superiority in military ground quick responses (DoD, 1997).
vehicles and providing affordable military The TARDEC and general examples
systems and the most commercial com- indicate that leadership is seldom a one-
petitive products, TARDEC’s 1988 man- person job. Of course, the buck has to stop
agement team headed by Ken Oscar rec- somewhere, but in day-to-day change ef-
ognized that commitment and personal forts, it’s better to share responsibility and
involvement would be fundamental. They learn what needs to be done from the
would need to put customers first. They people who get it done. James O’Toole
realized, however, that this would require writes that “leaders fail when they have
Leadership Styles for the Five Stages of Radical Change
an inappropriate attitude and philosophy style and lower on the commanding style
about the relationship between themselves than the typical executive MBA student
and their followers” (1996, p. 37). One of from the United States. Asian and Irish
the most inappropriate attitudes is that the MBA students score higher on supportive
leader knows everything. O’Toole pro- than comparable U.S. MBAs. A group of
poses that the best leaders always include presidential fellows at the University of
people who are affected by change in the Southern California, who were chosen by
process of planning and making that their respective schools for their poten-
change. tial as future leaders, had significantly
Awareness of one’s leadership style is higher scores in both inspirational and
critical to being an effective leader of supportive styles than the population as a
change. Although changing styles is dif- whole.
ficult, awareness provides a basis for fo- To stretch their leadership styles, lead-
cusing on the style that best fits each stage ers need to be aware of their predisposi-
of change. It helps leaders identify whether tions. The LSI provides that information.
they are prepared to lead the entire change By linking the LSI with the Five-stage
process or whether they might benefit Radical Change Model, leaders can see
from allowing others to do so with them. where their own and their peoples’
Research shows that some groups do strengths and challenges lie. Knowing
prefer certain style types. Comparing fe- what you’re best suited for and what might
male and male MBAs was mentioned ear- be more effectively led by others is criti-
lier. In another study, international MBA cal to achieving success in today’s envi-
students scored higher on the supportive ronment of radical change.
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