The document discusses methods for measuring sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, and calcium levels. It outlines roles, testing methods, principles, reagents, procedures, and reference values for each analyte. Colorimetric and ion-selective electrode methods are commonly used. Reference ranges are provided for levels in serum, plasma, and urine.
The document discusses methods for measuring sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, and calcium levels. It outlines roles, testing methods, principles, reagents, procedures, and reference values for each analyte. Colorimetric and ion-selective electrode methods are commonly used. Reference ranges are provided for levels in serum, plasma, and urine.
The document discusses methods for measuring sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, and calcium levels. It outlines roles, testing methods, principles, reagents, procedures, and reference values for each analyte. Colorimetric and ion-selective electrode methods are commonly used. Reference ranges are provided for levels in serum, plasma, and urine.
The document discusses methods for measuring sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, and calcium levels. It outlines roles, testing methods, principles, reagents, procedures, and reference values for each analyte. Colorimetric and ion-selective electrode methods are commonly used. Reference ranges are provided for levels in serum, plasma, and urine.
ROLES - - W/ Na - most osmotically Membrane stabilization, Hastens reaction; catalyst
active constituent of plasma Nerve conduction, iron transport, Ca channel activity, maintain intracellular K conc METHODS ISE ISE ISE Total Mg - AAS, photometric Quanti-enzymatic AAS AAS TITRIMETRIC (SCHALES- Ionized (free) Mg - ISE - colorimetric FES/EFP FES SCHALES) intracellular COLORIMETRIC - Albanese COULOMETRIC Fluorescence using Furapta Lein AMPEROMETRIC (COTLOVE (Mg binder) CHLORIDOMETER) Nuclear magnetic resonance spectro IS microelectrode Electroprobe microanalysis PRINCIPLE Na+ Zn uranyl acetate = Na Turbidimetric technique - Classical Method - Combi of Magnesium and Xylidyl Blue Ca + O-cresolphtalein uranyl acetate precipitate + K ions in a protein-free Cl w/ Silver mercury = -1 complexone H2O = yellow solution alkaline medium react w/ undissoc Cl compound =combine under alkaline -alkaline medium-> Na tetraphenyl boron Titrimetric (schales-schales) conditions = form water Ca-cresolphtalein Kolthoff - triple salt - Na -> produce finely dispersed - most popular - std soln for soluble red purple chelate Complexone Complex uranyl zinc acetate turbid suspension of K mercuric nitrate and (purple) Albanese Lein - colorimetric tetraphenylboron diphenycarbazone as GEDTA - solubilized residue indicator =prevent interface from Ca Bradbury - color fade of Colorimetric HILLMAN & BEYER yellow supernate after preci =Cl reacts directly w/ Stanbio - Na preci from mercuric thiocyanate to protein free supernate = dec release thiocyanate ions - in abs of supernate as triple combines with ferric salt = dec in abs of supernate thiocyanate color rgt mixture = Na content Reagents Na color rgt - soln of uranyl KB rgt - aqueous soln of Na Direct Cl color rgt - Soln for Mg color reagent - Ca color rgt - O- acetate and zinc acetate in tetraphenylboron acetic acid Mercuric Thiocyanate, Mg Std - aqueous soln of cresolphtalein Complexone, aqueous acetic acid ethanol - ethanol mixture Ferrric nitrate, Mercuric MgCl w/ Na azide as *-hydroxyquinone mixture Sodium hydroxide - aqueous nitrate in Methanol water preservative Ca buffer - Precipitating rgt - aqueous Na hydroxide -Nitric acid & surfactants = Ca std - Ca carbonate in sol of TCA TCA precipitating rgt - preservatives dilute HCl Na std - NaCl in aqueous TCA aqueous soln of TCA K std - soln of KCl in aqueous Direct cl std - aqueous soln TCA of NaCl
Sample stability 14 days RT (15-30degC) 14 days rt - 7 days rt 24 hrs rt, 1week ref, 1 mos frozen Rgt stability 15-30 degC until exp date Rt until exp Rt until exp date Rt until exp date RT until exp date Protein free supernate 0.5mL serum; 0.5 mL PR 0.5 serum; 0.5 TCA - - - RT for 5 min Working rgt - Equal vol of sodium - - Equal vol of color rgt and hydroxide and color rgt buffer Rgt/ supernate stand for 5 mins ; centri high speed 15-30 mins; centri high - - 10 min for 5-10 min speed 5-10 min procedure Color rgt = 2.5 WR = 1 DW - 1 Color rgt = 1 Color&base 1 Rgt, supernate, DW = 0.5 supernate, std, cr= 1 0.01 0.01 =1 0.01 0.02 INCUBATION Rt for 10 mins Rt for 5 mins Rt for 5 mins Rt for 10; 37 degC for 3 min Rt for 60 sec WAVELENGTH 420 580 500 520 520/570/550 STABLE WITHIN 30 min 60 min 30 min 3 hrs 20 min formula (Abs rb-abs U/abs rb- abs (abs u/abs s) x 4 (abs u/abs s) x 100 (abs u/abs s) x 2 (abs u/abs s) x 10 S)x140 Reference value: Serum 3.6-5.5 135-155 98-106 1.3-2.1 8.5-10.5 9.2-11 Plasma 3.5-4,8 Urine 75-250 26-123 6-10 100-240 Unit mmol/L mmol/L mEq/L mEq/L mg/dL