Cc2lab Reviewer

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ROLES - - W/ Na - most osmotically Membrane stabilization, Hastens reaction; catalyst

active constituent of plasma Nerve conduction, iron
transport, Ca channel
activity, maintain
intracellular K conc
METHODS ISE ISE ISE Total Mg - AAS, photometric Quanti-enzymatic
AAS AAS TITRIMETRIC (SCHALES- Ionized (free) Mg - ISE - colorimetric
FES/EFP FES SCHALES) intracellular
COLORIMETRIC - Albanese COULOMETRIC Fluorescence using Furapta
CHLORIDOMETER) Nuclear magnetic resonance
IS microelectrode
Electroprobe microanalysis
PRINCIPLE Na+ Zn uranyl acetate = Na Turbidimetric technique - Classical Method - Combi of Magnesium and Xylidyl Blue Ca + O-cresolphtalein
uranyl acetate precipitate + K ions in a protein-free Cl w/ Silver mercury = -1 complexone
H2O = yellow solution alkaline medium react w/ undissoc Cl compound =combine under alkaline -alkaline medium->
Na tetraphenyl boron Titrimetric (schales-schales) conditions = form water Ca-cresolphtalein
Kolthoff - triple salt - Na -> produce finely dispersed - most popular - std soln for soluble red purple chelate Complexone Complex
uranyl zinc acetate turbid suspension of K mercuric nitrate and (purple)
Albanese Lein - colorimetric tetraphenylboron diphenycarbazone as GEDTA
- solubilized residue indicator =prevent interface from Ca
Bradbury - color fade of Colorimetric
yellow supernate after preci =Cl reacts directly w/
Stanbio - Na preci from mercuric thiocyanate to
protein free supernate = dec release thiocyanate ions -
in abs of supernate as triple combines with ferric
salt = dec in abs of supernate thiocyanate
color rgt mixture = Na
Reagents Na color rgt - soln of uranyl KB rgt - aqueous soln of Na Direct Cl color rgt - Soln for Mg color reagent - Ca color rgt - O-
acetate and zinc acetate in tetraphenylboron acetic acid Mercuric Thiocyanate, Mg Std - aqueous soln of cresolphtalein Complexone,
aqueous acetic acid ethanol - ethanol mixture Ferrric nitrate, Mercuric MgCl w/ Na azide as *-hydroxyquinone
mixture Sodium hydroxide - aqueous nitrate in Methanol water preservative Ca buffer -
Precipitating rgt - aqueous Na hydroxide -Nitric acid & surfactants = Ca std - Ca carbonate in
sol of TCA TCA precipitating rgt - preservatives dilute HCl
Na std - NaCl in aqueous TCA aqueous soln of TCA
K std - soln of KCl in aqueous Direct cl std - aqueous soln
TCA of NaCl


Sample stability 14 days RT (15-30degC) 14 days rt - 7 days rt 24 hrs rt, 1week ref, 1 mos
Rgt stability 15-30 degC until exp date Rt until exp Rt until exp date Rt until exp date RT until exp date
Protein free supernate 0.5mL serum; 0.5 mL PR 0.5 serum; 0.5 TCA - - -
RT for 5 min
Working rgt - Equal vol of sodium - - Equal vol of color rgt and
hydroxide and color rgt buffer
Rgt/ supernate stand for 5 mins ; centri high speed 15-30 mins; centri high - - 10 min
for 5-10 min speed 5-10 min
procedure Color rgt = 2.5 WR = 1 DW - 1 Color rgt = 1 Color&base 1
Rgt, supernate, DW = 0.5 supernate, std, cr= 1 0.01 0.01 =1 0.01
INCUBATION Rt for 10 mins Rt for 5 mins Rt for 5 mins Rt for 10; 37 degC for 3 min Rt for 60 sec
WAVELENGTH 420 580 500 520 520/570/550
STABLE WITHIN 30 min 60 min 30 min 3 hrs 20 min
formula (Abs rb-abs U/abs rb- abs (abs u/abs s) x 4 (abs u/abs s) x 100 (abs u/abs s) x 2 (abs u/abs s) x 10
Reference value:
Serum 3.6-5.5
135-155 98-106 1.3-2.1 8.5-10.5 9.2-11
Plasma 3.5-4,8
Urine 75-250 26-123 6-10 100-240
Unit mmol/L mmol/L mEq/L mEq/L mg/dL

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