Math3 Q4 W2
Math3 Q4 W2
Math3 Q4 W2
Grade 3
Quarter Four Week Two Day One
A. Content Demonstrates understanding of conversion of time, linear, mass
Standards and capacity measures and area of square, and rectangle
Is able to apply knowledge of conversion of time, linear, mass and
B. Performance
capacity measures and area of rectangle and square in
mathematical problems and real-life situations
C. Learning Visualizes, represents, and solves problems involving conversion
Competencies/ of time measure
Objectives M3ME-IVb-10
II. CONTENT Visualizing, Representing and Solving Problems Involving
Conversion of Time measure
A. References
Curriculum Guide page 91
1. Teacher’s
Lesson Guide in Elementary Mathematics Grade 3
Pages 413 – 417
2. Learner’s
Material Learner’s Material Lesson 74 pages 287 - 291
3. Textbook
Mathematics 3 Lesson 74 pages 288 – 291
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
5. Other Learning
A. Reviewing Drill: Divide the pupils into 4 groups. Then, give each group a
previous lesson or model clock/improvised clock. Flash a card with time and the pupils
presenting the will use the model clock to show the time.
new lesson a. 11:30 d. 9:35
b. 2:45 e. 7:05
c. 1:20
Let the pupils answer the following questions mentally.
1. How many days are there in June and July?
2. How many days are there in August?
3. Summer is in April and May. How many days is the summer
4. January is the first month of the year. How many
days are there in January?
C. Presenting Presentation:
examples/ Present this problem.
instances of the Last Saturday, Nena helped her mother wash their clothes.
new They started washing at 7:30 A.M. and finished at 10:30 A.M.
lesson How many hours did they wash the clothes? How many minutes
is that?
D. Discussing new Let the pupils solve the problem following 4-step plan.
concepts & Understand
practicing new a. What are given? 7:30 A.M. and 10:30 A.M.
skills #1 b. What is being asked? The number of hours
Nena and her mother spent in washing clothes
c. How will we solve the problem?
Use realia or model objects.
Use a model clock or number line to show the elapsed time.
Guide the pupils to convert the number of hours to minutes.
1 hour = 60 minutes
3 hours = 60 + 60 + 60 = 180 minutes
Look Back
a. Is the answer correct?
b. What is the correct label? 3 hours or 180 minutes.
How did Nena help her Mother?
What can you say about Nena?
What do you do to help your mother in her household chores?
Read, analyze, and solve for Read, analyze, and solve for the
the answers. answers.
1. Alan started studying his 1. Nestor went to the province for
lesson at 8:00 in the evening. 3 weeks. How many days did he
He finished at 9:30 in the stay in the province?
evening. How long did he study 2. Your favorite movie is 90
his lesson? minutes long. How many hours
2. Mrs. Guevarra took the bus long is the movie?
for Bicol. She left Manila at 5:30
P.M. She reached her
destination at Iriga at 4:30 A.M.
How long was her trip?
E. Discussing new Group Activity Group Activity
concepts & Solve the problem and show Solve the problem and show the
practicing new the solutions in your solutions in your answer sheet.
skills #2 Answer sheet. 1. Jaypee and his friends played
1. Mr. Cruz worked abroad for basketball for 120 minutes. How
3 years. How many months did many hours did they play?
he work abroad? How many
weeks? How many days? 2. Malou ran in the Track and
Field Contest last Friday. She did
2. Roy practices swimming for it within 360 seconds. How many
two hours daily. How many minutes did she run?
hours does he practice
swimming for 3 days?
Processing the Activity:
Processing the Activity: What do you need to find the
What do you need to find in problem number 1? 2?
problem number 1? 2? How How can we solve problem 1?
can we solve it? How did you How did you convert 120 minutes
convert 3 years to months, into to hours?
weeks, and into days? How can we solve problem 2?
How can we solve problem 2? How did you convert 360 minutes
How did you convert hours to to hours?
minutes to days? Hours to What is the answer in problem
days? 1? 2?
What is the answer in problem
1? 2?
F. Developing Read, analyze, and solve the Read, analyze, and solve the
Mastery problems. problems.
(Leads to 1. Merian walked to school for 1. The Reyes Family goes to
Formative 10 minutes. How many church on Sundays. The service
Assessment) seconds did she walk? starts at 10:45 and ends at 11:45
2. De Jesus Family lived in the A.M. For how long does the
province for 10 weeks. How church service last?
many months and weeks did
they live there?
3. Nathan ran in the 10 km
marathon for 5 hours. How
many minutes did he run?
4. Ayieh started studying her
lesson at 7:45 P.M. and ended
at 8:50 P.M. How many hours
did she study her lesson? How
many minutes?
G. Finding practical Solve the following problems. Solve using the 4-step plan.
applications of Write this on your notebook. 1. After going to church, the
concepts & skills 1. John is 9 years old. How many children visit their grandparents.
in daily living months is he? How many weeks They stay there from 12:00 N.N.
old ? to 3:00 P.M. For how long do they
2. The ship is sailing for 60 stay with their grandparents?
hours. How many days is it on
the sea?
3. Tita Yolly and her children
were watching T.V. every night
after supper. They started at
6:30 P.M. and ended until 7:45
P.M. How many hours were they
watching T.V.? How many
4. The program lasted after an
hour and 30 minutes. How many
seconds did the program last?
H. Making How do we solve problems involving time measure?
generalizations 1. First, add or subtract the minutes, then the hours.
and abstractions 2. Write A.M. or P.M. to indicate the time is in the morning or
about the lesson afternoon.
Sometimes, we can make patterns.
I. Evaluating Read and solve the following Read and solve the following
learning problems. Do this on a piece of problems. Do this on a piece of
paper. paper.
1. Marvi and Leo need to wait 1. Ronnie took the train for his
for 3 months more before province and left at 11:30 in the
vacation. How many weeks do evening. He reached his
they need to wait? destination at 12:00 midnight.
2. Vic sleeps for 7 hours. Vince How long was his trip?
sleeps for 9 hours. Which of the 2. Mrs. Hernandez completed her
2 boys sleeps longer? How work in 30 minutes. It was 5:30
many minutes? P.M. when she completed
3. The ship traveled around the her work. What time did she
world for 80 days. How many begin her work?
weeks did it travel? 3. Liza and Lorna went to the
4. Malou baked cake within 30 library at 4:00 in the afternoon.
minutes. Lena did the same for They stayed there for 45 minutes.
40 minutes. How many minutes At that time did they leave the
did Lena spend more in baking library?
than Malou? How many
J. Additional Solve the following problems. Solve the following problems. Do
activities for Do this in your notebook. this in your notebook.
application or 1. Thrisha cleaned her room for 1. Romeo finished studying her
remediation 20 minutes. How long did she lesson at 4:00 in the afternoon.
clean her room in seconds? He played with Lito for 40
2. There are 5 weeks more minutes and then went home. At
before opening of classes. How what time did Romeo go home?
many days will Elmer wait
before opening of classes?
3. Julie is living in her
grandmother’s place for 7
years. How many months is
she living in her grandmother’s
place? How many weeks?
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on this
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners who
have caught up the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which my
principal or supervisor
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I used/discover which
I wish to share with
other teacher?
Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics
Grade 3
Quarter Four Week Two Day Two
A. Content Demonstrates understanding of conversion of time, linear, mass
Standards and capacity measures and area of square, and rectangle
Is able to apply knowledge of conversion of time, linear, mass and
B. Performance
capacity measures and area of rectangle and square in
mathematical problems and real-life situations
C. Learning Visualizes, represents, and solves problems involving conversion
Competencies/ of time measure
Objectives M3ME-IVb-10
II. CONTENT Visualizing, Representing and Solving Problems Involving
Conversion of Time measure
B. References
Curriculum Guide page 91
1. Teacher’s
Lesson Guide in Elementary Mathematics Grade 3
Pages 413 – 417
2. Learner’s
Material Learner’s Material Lesson 74 pages 287 - 291
3. Textbook
Mathematics 3 Lesson 74 pages 288 – 291
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
5. Other Learning
A. Reviewing Drill: Divide the pupils into 4 groups. Then, give each group a
previous lesson or model clock/improvised clock. Flash a card with time and the pupils
presenting the will use the model clock to show the time.
new lesson a. 11:30 d. 9:35
b. 2:45 e. 7:05
c. 1:20
Let the pupils answer the following questions mentally.
1. How many days are there in June and July?
2. How many days are there in August?
3. Summer is in April and May. How many days is the summer
4. January is the first month of the year. How many
days are there in January?
C. Presenting Presentation:
examples/ Present this problem.
instances of the Last Saturday, Nena helped her mother wash their clothes.
new They started washing at 7:30 A.M. and finished at 10:30 A.M.
lesson How many hours did they wash the clothes? How many minutes
is that?
D. Discussing new Let the pupils solve the problem following 4-step plan.
concepts & Understand
practicing new a. What are given? 7:30 A.M. and 10:30 A.M.
skills #1 b. What is being asked? The number of hours
Nena and her mother spent in washing clothes
c. How will we solve the problem?
Use realia or model objects.
Use a model clock or number line to show the elapsed time.
Guide the pupils to convert the number of hours to minutes.
1 hour = 60 minutes
3 hours = 60 + 60 + 60 = 180 minutes
Look Back
c. Is the answer correct?
d. What is the correct label? 3 hours or 180 minutes.
How can we solve problem 2? How can we solve problem 2?
How did you convert hours to How did you convert 360 minutes
minutes to days? Hours to to hours?
days? What is the answer in problem
What is the answer in problem 1? 2?
1? 2?
F. Developing Read, analyze, and solve the Read, analyze, and solve the
Mastery problems. problems.
(Leads to 1. Merian walked to school for 1. The Reyes Family goes to
Formative 10 minutes. How many church on Sundays. The service
Assessment) seconds did she walk? starts at 10:45 and ends at 11:45
2. De Jesus Family lived in the A.M. For how long does the
province for 10 weeks. How church service last?
many months and weeks did
they live there?
3. Nathan ran in the 10 km
marathon for 5 hours. How
many minutes did he run?
4. Ayieh started studying her
lesson at 7:45 P.M. and ended
at 8:50 P.M. How many hours
did she study her lesson? How
many minutes?
G. Finding practical Solve the following problems. Solve using the 4-step plan.
applications of Write this on your notebook. 1. After going to church, the
concepts & skills 1. John is 9 years old. How children visit their grandparents.
in daily living many months is he? How many They stay there from 12:00 N.N.
weeks old ? to 3:00 P.M. For how long do they
2. The ship is sailing for 60 stay with their grandparents?
hours. How many days is it on
the sea?
3. Tita Yolly and her children
were watching T.V. every night
after supper. They started at
6:30 P.M. and ended until 7:45
P.M. How many hours were
they watching T.V.? How many
4. The program lasted after an
hour and 30 minutes. How
many seconds did the program
H. Making How do we solve problems involving time measure?
generalizations 1. First, add or subtract the minutes, then the hours.
and abstractions 2. Write A.M. or P.M. to indicate the time is in the morning or
about the lesson afternoon.
Sometimes, we can make patterns.
I. Evaluating Read and solve the following Read and solve the following
learning problems. Do this on a piece of problems. Do this on a piece of
paper. paper.
1. Marvi and Leo need to wait 1. Ronnie took the train for his
for 3 months more before province and left at 11:30 in the
evening. He reached his
vacation. How many weeks do destination at 12:00 midnight.
they need to wait? How long was his trip?
2. Vic sleeps for 7 hours. Vince 2. Mrs. Hernandez completed her
sleeps for 9 hours. Which of the work in 30 minutes. It was 5:30
2 boys sleeps longer? How P.M. when she completed
many minutes? her work. What time did she
3. The ship traveled around the begin her work?
world for 80 days. How many 3. Liza and Lorna went to the
weeks did it travel? library at 4:00 in the afternoon.
4. Malou baked cake within 30 They stayed there for 45 minutes.
minutes. Lena did the same for At that time did they leave the
40 minutes. How many minutes library?
did Lena spend more in baking
than Malou? How many
J. Additional Solve the following problems. Solve the following problems. Do
activities for Do this in your notebook. this in your notebook.
application or 1. Thrisha cleaned her room for 1. Romeo finished studying her
remediation 20 minutes. How long did she lesson at 4:00 in the afternoon.
clean her room in seconds? He played with Lito for 40
2. There are 5 weeks more minutes and then went home. At
before opening of classes. How what time did Romeo go home?
many days will Elmer wait
before opening of classes?
3. Julie is living in her
grandmother’s place for 7
years. How many months is
she living in her grandmother’s
place? How many weeks?
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% on
this formative
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners who
have caught up the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor help
me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
used/discover which
I wish to share with
other teacher?
Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics
Grade 3
Quarter Four Week Two Day Three
A.Content Standard Demonstrate understanding of conversion of time, linear, mass and
capacity measures and area of square and rectangle.
B.Performance Standard Able to apply knowledge in conversion of time, linear, mass and capacity
measure and area of rectangle and square in mathematical problems
and real-life situation.
C.Learning Competencies/ Convert common units of measure from larger unit to smaller unit and
Objectives vice versa: liter (L) to milliliter (mL)
II.CONTENT Converting common units of measure from larger unit to smaller unit and
vice versa: liter (L) to milliliter (mL)
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource Portal
A. Reviewing Use flashcard. Instruct pupils to use mental computation in finding the
Previous product/quotient.
the new Lesson: 5 000 ÷ 2
1 000 ÷ 100
20 x 2 000
12 x 3
40 x 2 00
B. Establishing a Show a picture of a boy drinking a glass of water.
Purpose for the What can you say about the picture?
Lesson: What does the boy doing?
Why is it good to drink water instead of other beverages sold in the
How many glasses of water do we need every day?
C. Presenting Mother bought 1 000 mL bottle of water and 1 liter of milk in a box.
Examples/Instance Which of the two items is lighter? Heavier?
s of New Lesson:
D. Discussing New Group the pupils and give each group the materials and activity card.
Concepts and Group 1 and 2:
Practicing New Materials: 2 empty bottles that can hold 1 000 mL of water and 2 empty
Skills #1: bottles for 1 liter of milk
Directions: Pour the 1 000 mL of water in the 2 empty bottles.
Pour 1 liter of milk in the 2 empty bottles.
a. How many milliliters of water are there in 1 liter?
b. How many liters of milk is transferred in the 2 empty bottles?
E. Discussing New Mother bought six 500 mL tetra packs of orange juice. How many liters
Concepts and is it?
Practicing New
Skills #2:
F. Developing Luisa has to transfer 10 liters of cooking oil in bottles of 250mL. How
Mastery ( Leads to many bottles will she need?
G. Finding Practical Four liters of milk was divided among 8 puppies. How many milliliters did
Applications of each puppy have?
Concepts and
J. ASSIGNMENT: Convert the following:
3 liters
12 liters
2 liters
5 liters
8 liters
Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics
Grade 3
Quarter Four Week Two Day Four
A.Content Standard Demonstrate understanding of conversion of time, linear, mass and
capacity measures and area of square and rectangle.
B.Performance Standard Able to apply knowledge in conversion of time, linear, mass and capacity
measure and area of rectangle and square in mathematical problems
and real-life situation.
C.Learning Competencies/ Convert common units of measure from larger unit to smaller unit and
Objectives vice versa: liter (L) to milliliter (mL)
II.CONTENT Converting common units of measure from larger unit to smaller unit and
vice versa: liter (L) to milliliter (mL)
7. Textbook Pages
8. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource Portal
B. Establishing a Show a picture of a flooded place with plastic bottles, cups, cans floating
Purpose for the
Lesson: Say: Look at the picture and describe what you see.
Why do we need to keep our surrounding clean?
How can you maintain cleanliness in your house? In your classroom?
In what ways can we reduce the waste or trash in our surroundings?
What objectives in the picture can we reuse or recycle?
C. Presenting When you buy bottled mineral water or juice, aside from the brand, what
Examples/Instance other things do you want to see in its label?
s of New Lesson: It is necessary to know those facts? Why?
D. Discussing New Group the pupils into 4 and give ach group the materials and activity
Concepts and card.
Practicing New Group 1 & 2
Skills #1: Materials:
2 empty bottles of can hold 2 000 ml of water and 2 liter of orange juice
Directions: Pour the 1 liter of orange juice in 2 empty bottles.
How many liters of orange juice is transferred in the empty 2 bottles?
How many milliliters are there in 1 liter?
Group 3 & 4
5- 500 ml of bottle water and an empty bottle that can hold 1 liter of
Pour the water from the five 500 ml bottles to a 1 liter bottle container.
How many milliliters of water did you pour in the 1 liter bottle container?
How many liters are there in 1 000 milliliters?
E. Discussing New Mark has to transfer 10 liters of cooking oil in bottles of 250 ml. How
Concepts and many bottles will she need?
Practicing New
Skills #2:
F. Developing The water jug have 2 000 ml of mango juice. How many liter of
Mastery ( Leads to mango juice are there in the water jug?
G. Finding Practical The Santos family can consume 15 liters of water a day. How
Applications of many liters they consume in 1 week?
Concepts and
I. Evaluating Convert the following to milliliter or liter:
Learning: Julia prepared 350 mL of apple juice for her mother and 410 mL each for
her grandparents. How many milliliters of apple juice did Julia prepare?
A baby drinks 250 mL of milk in the morning and 300 mL at night. Does
the baby drink more than half of a liter?
A bucket can hold 7 liters of water. A jug can hold 3 liters less than the
bucket. How many liters of water can the two containers hold in all?
The capacity of a container is 4 liter. There are 2 liters of 600 mL of
syrup in the bottle. How much more syrup must be added to fill the
container completely?
Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics
Grade 3
Quarter Four Week Two Day Five
A. CONTENT STANDARD Demonstrates understanding of conversion of time,
linear, mass and capacity measures and area of square
and rectangle.
H. Making Generalization and
abstraction about the lesson (
Weekly Test Q4 Wk2
2. Cesar went to his grandparents in the city for 4 weeks. How many days did
he stay in the city.
a. 25 b. 24 c. 28 d. 27
3. Mrs. Torres washed the clothes for 180 minutes. How many hours did she
wash the clothes?
a. 3 b. 2 c. 3 ½ d. 4
4. Your favorite cartoon movie is 60 minutes long. How many hours long is
the movie?
a. 2 ½ b. 1 c. 3 d. 3 ½
5. Every Saturday, Elena helps her mother clean the house. They start
cleaning at 7:20 AM and finish at 10:20 AM. How many minutes do they
finish cleaning the house?
a. 3 b. 4 c. 1 d. 2
6. Toni’s team planned to play for 3 hours and 15 minutes. If they start at
11:40 AM, at what time should they stop?
a. 3:55 PM b. 2:55 PM c. 3:50 PM d. 3:00 PM
7. Janeth helped her mother prepare food for the family. They started
cooking at 9:00 AM and finished at 11:30 AM. How many hours did they
finish cooking?
a. 2 ½ b. 2 c. 3 d. 3 ½
9. Liza arrived in school 20 minutes earlier. If the class started at 7:15 AM,
what time did she arrive?
a. 6:55 b. 7:00 c. 6:45 d. 6:50
10. Carlos watched his favorite TV program at 7:30 PM. How long did he
watch TV if he turned it off at 8:15 PM?
a. 45 minutes b. 35 minutes c. 40 minutes d. 50 minutes
5. 6 L = _____mL
6. 20 000 mL = _____L
7. 4 000 mL= _____L
8. 8 000 mL = _____L
9. 5 000 mL = _____L
10. 12 000 mL = _____L
Key to Correction
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. A
10. A
1. 4 000 mL
2. 14 000 mL
3. 5 000 mL
4. 9 000 mL
5. 6 000 mL
6. 20 L
7. 4L
8. 8L
9. 5L
10. 12L