Worksheet Project Barrier Final Nov 2020 A

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Pioneer Project Barrier: Final approved version, November 2020

Design for Recyclability Guidelines for Plastic-Based Flexible Barrier Packaging

Plastic-based flexible barrier packaging
Compatible Limited compatibility Not compatible Specific testing, development or fundamental
Category Rationale/explanation
with PE or PP recycling with PE or PP recycling with PE or PP recycling reseach/innovation needed
Overall characteristics
Enable separation from dirt and other small pieces (currently Elements of the packaging that are meant to separate from the
done by drum screens where items equal or smaller than packaging, e.g. tear-offs, need fundamental re-innovation. Due
Dimensions > 20x20 mm > 20x20 mm ≤ 20x20 mm 20x20 mm are removed from the recycling stream). to their small size, they are known to easily escape the
collection infrastucture and if they get collected, they end up
in the waste fraction.

Enable mechanical separation of two-dimensional (flexible Case specific testing: For pouches with fitments/spouts to
Container-like flexible packaging Container-like flexible packaging
Shape Container-like flexible packaging packaging) from three-dimensional structures (bottles, trays, qualify for recyclability requires specific testing to determine if
is not permitted is not permitted
tubs, etc.); hence flexible packaging structures that behave they can be positively sorted into the two-dimensional flexible
General design like a container (e.g. rolls like a bottle) should be avoided. packaging stream.
characteristics Enable positive identification as a polyolefin (currently by
Outer layer PE or PP PE or PP Non-PE or non-PP
using NIR technology).
Residues from packaged High likelyhood of high amounts Residues from contents that remain in the packaging might be
Package should be designed in a Package should be designed in a
goods (avg. residue in pack of residues that are not easily difficult to remove in a washing step and can contaminate the
way that minimizes residues way that minimizes residues
after use) removed by washing final recyclates.

Enable separation from non-polyolefins (for example in a sink-

Density < 1 g/cm3 < 1 g/cm3 ≥ 1 g/cm3 float separation process). Be aware that the concentration of
fillers can alter the density to become >1 g/cm3 and thus
hinder the sorting into the polyolefin stream.
Primary Structure (for structure and barrier properties)
Minimum 80% monomaterial-PE PE or PP should make up the majority of the structure to
Minimum 90% monomaterial-PE
or monomaterial-PP or mix of PE Less than 80% mix of PE and PP reduce non-polyolefin components and preserve material
PE* or PP* content or monomaterial-PP by weight of
and PP by weight of the total by weight of the total structure value and quality. Case specific testing:
the total structure
structure Any other material combination not meeting these criteria,
Polymers with or without compatibilisers, needs further testing to
Even small amounts of PVC, PVDC, PET or biodegradable
PET** or PVC** or PVDC** or Containing PET or PVC or PVDC polymers lead to the contamination of polyolefin recycling qualify for recycling with the polyolefin stream.
Not permitted Not permitted
biodegradable polymer layers or biodegradable polymer layers streams, drastically reducing the quality of polyolefin
recyclates or disturbing the recycling process.
Acrylic**, PA**, PVOH**, Eliminate/reduce the loss of material quantities as well as
Maximum 5% each by weight of Maximum 10% each by weight of More than 10% each by weight of properties upon recycling; reduce materials that can cause
EVOH, SiOx, AlOx,
the total structure the total structure the total structure difficulties in the recycling process.
Barrier Reduce disruption of recycling process and eliminate
PVDC** coating Not permitted Not permitted Containing PVDC
coatings/substances potential for corrosion of reprocessing equipment.
Eliminate/reduce the loss of material quantities as well as
Maximum 10% each by weight of More than 10% each by weight of properties upon recycling; reduce materials that can cause
Other barrier coatings Not permitted
the total structure the total structure difficulties in the recycling process.
Paper or aluminium containing materials are not suitable for
recycling within the polyolefin stream and cause problems for
the recycling process (though can be recycled with aluminium
Aluminium foil or paper Containing aluminium foil or or paper streams, respectively, if there is a minimum weight of
Other materials Not permitted Not permitted these materials within the structure). Aluminium foil
layers paper layers
containing materials are easy to sort out from the polyolefin
stream via eddy current separators, thus pose a low risk of

Containing carbon black Enable sorting by colour (currently done by NIR).

Pigments Carbon black Not permitted Not permitted

Fillers and workhorse Fillers and workhorse additives such as thermal stabilizers, UV
stabilizers, nucleating agents, antistatic agents, lubricants,
additives (substances not
covered elsewhere in this
Permitted, but to be minimized Permitted, but to be minimized - slip agents, impact modifiers, chemical blowing agents,
tackifiers, are allowed but should be kept to a minimum in
guide) order to maximize yield and value of recyclate.
Additives Avoid potentially harmful additives to maximise versatility of
Substances of very high Containing substances of very
Not permitted Not permitted applications for recyclates. For definitions of SVHC see:
concern (SVHC) high concern
Eliminate/reduce loss of mechanical properties upon
Oxo-degradable or similar Containing oxo-degradable or recycling.
Not permitted Not permitted
(e.g. enzyme-based) additives similar additives

Polyurethane, acrylic-based There is currently no protocol or solid evidence available for

Adhesives and Tie-
and other workehorse evaluating the impact of adhesives or tie layers on the recycling
layers (preliminary, Optimise quality of polyolefin recyclates and avoid disruption
laminating adhesives, Permitted, but to be minimized Permitted, but to be minimized - process and the recycled material. Test results or equivalent
further research of recycling process.
excluding non-permitted evidence need to be developed, based on which these
needed) guidelines will need to be confirmed or updated.
ingredients listed in this table

Reduce non-polymer/polyolefin components upon recycling There is currently no protocol or solid evidence available
to optimise quality and value of the recyclate and allow or for evaluating the impact of inks on the recycling process
greater freedom in terms of colour of recyclate. and the recycled material. Test results or equivalent
evidence need to be developed, based on which these
Print (preliminary, Print coverage Minimal - the less the better Any level - guidelines will need to be confirmed or updated. Also
futher reserach washable inks and deinking processes should be
needed) developed to improve quality of recyclates and reduce
problems in recycling processes.
Maximise range of applications for recyclate Case specific testing: Packaging with very dark or very glossy
Colours Lighter colours to be preferred All colours - designs needs testing to ensure possitive identification by NIR
Reduce non-polymer/polyolefin components upon recycling
There is currently no protocol or solid evidence available for
Lacquers and inks without Maximum 5% by weight of the Maximum 10% by weight of the More than 10% by weight of the to optimise quality and value of the recyclate and avoid
Laquers and Inks total structure total structure total structure disruption of recycling process (e.g degassing). High levels of
evaluating the impact of lacquers and inks on the recycled
(preliminary, further material. Test results or equivalent evidence need to be
inks might cause gels in the final product.
research needed) developed, based on which these guidelines will need to be
lacquers and inks with PVC**- PVC disrupts the recycling process.
Not permitted Not permitted Containing PVC-binders confirmed or updated.
Additional Features
Same criteria as for primary Same criteria as for primary
Overall structure structure -
Same material as primary Increase the amount of polyolefin the final recyclate
Preferred Preferred -
Labels, Zippers, Optimise quality of polyolefin recyclates and avoid disruption
Spouts etc. Other material than primary of recycling process. A label is e.g. easily removable if the label
Easily removable Easily removable - can be removed by washing with water.

Label size(if not composed of Maximum 30% of the packaging Maximum 50% of the packaging More than 50% of the packaging Enable positive identification of the primary structure, i.e.
PE* or PP*) surface area surface area surface area polymer, via NIR.
Non polyolefin Due to the low density, these are likely to end up in the
foamed polymer as Containing foamed non PO with polyolefin stream and contaminate the final recyclate.
Density < 1g/cm3 Not permitted Not permitted
one element of the a density < 1g/cm3
total structure

* This denotes the target material of the recycling process and can include PE or PP co-polymers, as long as they are compatible with the respective recycling stream and are neutral or contributing positively to the quality of the recyclate.

** This denotes materials or substances to be avoided or to be minimized and include the respective co-polymers.
Final approved version, November 2020

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