Revisão de Sensores Impedimetricos
Revisão de Sensores Impedimetricos
Revisão de Sensores Impedimetricos
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To cite this article: Elif Burcu Bahadır & Mustafa Kemal Sezgintürk (2016) A review on
impedimetric biosensors, Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology, 44:1, 248-262, DOI:
Correspondence: Mustafa Kemal Sezgintürk, Namık Kemal University, Scientific and Technological Research Center, Tekirdağ-, Türkiye. Tel: 90-282-250-
26-05. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
(Received 10 April 2014; revised 27 June 2014; accepted 3 July 2014)
A review on impedimetric biosensors 249
includes only the linear part, while very slow electron Antibody-antigen based impedimetric immunosensors
transfer processes are characterized by a large semicircular Impedimetric immunosensor is a sensitive technique
region (Yuan et al. 2010, Wang 2006). The diameter of the for simultaneous, label-free detection of antigen–antibody
semicircle equals to the electron transfer resistance (Wang binding. In impedimetric immunosensors antibodies are
2006). Bode plot is logarithm of the absolute value of imped- immobilized on the electrodes, optical fiber, or semicon-
ance (Z) and the phase (F) are plotted against the logarithm ductor chips, and they have attracted great interest in recent
of frequency (f ). years because of their promising applications in various
EIS is a powerful tool for investigating the interfacial areas. Antibodies and antigens are bound to each other
properties related to bio-recognition events occurring at and thus immunocomplex is formed and the electrode is
the modified surfaces. One of the advantages of EIS is the coated with a blocking layer. As a result of that, electron
small amplitude perturbation from steady state, which transfer changes. After antigens binding to the antibodies,
makes it a non-destructive technique. The impedance the access of the redox probes is hindered to a higher degree
can be measured in the presence or absence of a redox than in the absence of antigens. Since the Faradic reaction
couple, which is referred to faradic and non-faradic imped- of a redox couple hinders increasingly, the electron transfer
ance measurement, respectively. The faradic biosensors resistance will increase and the capacitance will decrease
detect biorecognition events which occur at the modified (Hou et al. 2013).
electrode by measuring the change in the faradaic current The most important step in the preparation of impedi-
(interfacial electron transfer resistance) owing to steric metric immunosensors is immobilization of biomolecules
hindrance caused by the biomolecular interaction and/or on the electrode surface, because it is essential to generate
by the electrostatic repulsion between the free charges of stable, reproducible, and selective biosensors. For example,
the target molecules and the electroactive species in the antibodies are physically adsorbed on the gold surface; but
supporting electrolyte. Redox probe selection depends on the adsorption of antibodies directly onto the bulk metal
various parameters such as the charge, hydrophobicity/ surface leads to the denaturation and the reduction of their
hydrophilicity, size of the redox couple, and the chemical bioaffinity. When antibodies are adsorbed on the surface of
and physical properties of the modified electrodes (Elshafey noble metal nanoparticles can retain their activity due to
et al. 2013a). the biocompatibility of these nanoparticles mainly AuNPs
The limitations of the EIS technique are the several (Chullasat et al. 2011). Table I summarizes the impedimetric
requirements to obtain a valid impedance spectrum. immunosensors in literature.
Theoretically, there are three basic requirements for AC Antibody-binding proteins such as protein A and pro-
impedance measurements: linearity, stability, and causality. tein G are generally used to immobilize oriented antibod-
The accuracy of EIS measurement depends not only on ies. Elshafey et al. (2013a) developed an electrochemical
the technical precision of the instrumentation but also impedance immunosensor based on the detection of cancer
on the operating procedures (Yuan et al. 2010). marker epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in brain
plasma. Anti EGFR antibodies bind to protein G modified
electrode via their nonantigenic Fc regions.
Biosensors based on impedance
Canbaz et al. (2014) quantified HER-3 for the first time by
Biosensors are designed for monitoring a biological reaction using anti-HER-3 antibody as biorecognition element. Self-
at the surface of transducers (Helali et al. 2006). A variety of assembly of hexandithiol on a gold electrode was success-
biomolecules such as enzymes, antibodies, cells, and micro- fully performed and then gold nanoparticles immobilized
organisms are the basic detection elements. For the develop- on SAMs to enhance the surface area. Cysteamine mono-
ment of an electrochemical biosensor, the key requirement layers were self assembled on the gold nanoparticles. After
is reproducibly immobilizing these biomolecules on to the performing SAMs, glutaraldehyde was used as crosslinking
sensor surface with keeping their biological activity (Rezaei agent to anti-HER-3 immobilization. By using BSA, active
et al. 2014). According to literature, various strategies have ends of the electrode surface are blocked. Finally, artificial
been used to design impedimetric biosensors. Among serum samples were spiked with HER-3 and detected by
these strategies are formation of surface functional groups the biosensor. They used the single impedance technique,
(carboxyl, amino, etc.) through various chemistries such as which is firstly used to characterize the binding between
silane on glass or indium tin oxide, and alkanethiol mono- HER-3 and anti-HER-3.
layers on Au to covalently link biomolecules to surfaces; Hou et al. (2014) constructed a sandwich immunosensor
the physical entrapment of biomolecules by various elec- for PSA detection. The signal was amplified based on the Ab2–-
trochemically formed polymers (i.e., polypyrrole and poly- AuPd–DNA toward the catalytic precipitation of 4-choloro-1-
aniline) or gel coatings; immobilizing biomolecules within naphthol (4-CN). DNAzyme catalyzed the oxidation of 4-CN,
Langmuir–Blodgett (LB) films based on amphiphilic poly- while AuPd hybrid nanostructures not only provided a large
electrolytes; and the layer-by-layer assembly of alternately surface coverage for immobilization of biomolecules but
charged polyions. also promoted 4-CN oxidation to some extent. The produced
Nanostructured materials, which are very attractive owing insoluble benzo-4-chlorohexadienone via 4-CN was coated
to their unique optical, electrical, catalytical, and magnetic on the electrode surface, and hindered the electron transfer
properties, have been used in the field of biosensors and between the solution and the electrode, thus increasing the
nanoelectronic devices. Faradaic impedance of the base electrode.
Table I. Impedimetric immunosensors.
Target molecule Immobilization step Assay principle Limit of detection References
Sulfate reducing Foam Ni/AuNPs/11 mercaptoundecanoicacid (MPA)/Ab/BSA/SRB Antibody–bacteria 2.1 101–2.1 107 cfu/ml Wan et al. (2010)
bacteria (SRB) interaction
Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) Ag wire/11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (MPA)/primary monoclonal antibody Antibody–antigen 1 pg/ml Bacher et al. (2012)
(anti-AFM1 mAb)/EDC/NHS/AFM1 interaction
Pathogenic bacteria Anodized alümina membrane/(3-glycidyloxypropyl)-trimethoxysilane/ Antibody–pathogen 83.7 cfu/ml Joung et al. (2013)
(GPTMS)/hyaluronic acid (HA)/EDC/sulfo-NHS/anti-E.coli O157:H7 interaction
antibodies/E.coli O157:H7
Semicarbazide (SEM) GCE/chitosan-cystein(chi-cys)/EDC/NHS/AuNPs/SEM-MCAb/BSA/SEM Antibody–antigen 1 ng/ml Jin et al. (2013)
Doxorubicin Au/3-(trimethoxysilyl)-1-propanethiol (MPTs)AuNPs/doxorubicin monoclonal Antibody–antigen 10.09 pg/ml Rezaei et al. (2014)
antibody/BSA/doxorubicin interaction
Interleukin-6-antigen SiO2/Si/SWCNTs/AuNPs/mercaptoacetic acid/EDC/NHS/anti-IL-6-antibody- Antibody–antigen 0.01 pg/ml Yang et al. (2013c)
BSA/IL-6 antigen interaction
250 E. B. Bahadır & M. K. Sezgintürk
Campylobacter (CJ) GCE/o-carboxymethylchitosan Fe3O4 nanoparticles/anti-Fla A monoclonal Antibody–bacteria 1 103 cfu/ml Huang et al. (2010)
antibodies 2D12(2D12 McAbs)/BSA/CJ interaction
Ketamine Au/3-mercaptopropionic acid(3-MPA)/EDC/NHS/ketamine antibody/ketamine Antibody–antigen 0.41 pmol/L Chen et al. (2013b)
Hemoglobin Silicon/Au/1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N- Antibody–antigen 20 ng/ml Hleli et al. (2006a)
biotinyl(biotinyl–PE and 6-mercaptohexadecanoic acid (MHDA)/ interaction
neutravidin/biotinylated anti-hemoglobin/hemoglobin
Bisphenol A (BPA) GCE/5i2:5′2″-terthiophene-3′-carboxylic acid (TTCA)/EDC/polyclonal (PAb) Antibody–antigen 0.3 ng/ml Rahman et al. (2007)
antibody/PBSTG/BSA/BPA interaction
VEGF Au/cysteamine/PAMAM/glutaraldehyde/VEGFR1/BSA/VEGF Receptor–factor 5 pg/ml Sezgintürk and Uygun (2012)
C-reactive protein (CRP) Au/polyethylene glycol (PEG)/EDC/NHS/anti CRP/BSA/CRP Antibody–antigen 176 pM Bryan et al. (2013)
Troponin specific Au/cys/synthetic peptide (epitope cTnC-89–98 of troponin C) C-antibody Antibody–peptide – Mantzila et al. (2007)
antibody interaction
Atrazine Gold deposited silicon/biotinyl-PE/MDHA/IgG/neutravidin/biotinylated-Fab Antibody–antigen 20 ng/ml Hleli et al. (2006b)
fragment K47 antibody/atrazin interaction
Ochratoxin A (OTA) Indium tin oxide (ITO)/chitosan(CS)-polyaniline(PANI)/IgG/BSA/OTA/OTA Protein–antigen 1 ng/ml Khan and Dhayal (2009)
5-Morpholino-3-amino- Au/1,4-benzendithiol/AuNPs/AMOZ-McAb/BSA/AMOZ Antibody–antigen 1 ng/ml Jın et al. (2011)
2-oxalidone (AMOZ) interaction
Penicillin G Thioctic acid/EDC/NHS/anti-penicillin/1-dodecanethiol/penicillin Antibody–protein 3 10-15 Thavarungkul et al. (2007)
Anti-avidin Ti/TiO2 electrode/avidin/BSA/anti-avidin Antibody–antigen – Mantzila and Prodromidis (2006)
Salmonella Au/tyramine/glu/anti-Salmonella antibodies (SA)/BSA/S.typhimurium Antibody–bacteria 10 cfu/ml Pournaras et al. (2008)
typhimurium interaction
TREM-1 Gold screen printed electrode/thiolated antibody (MCH-Ab)DL-dithiothreitol Antibody–antigen 3.3 pM Ciani et al. (2012)
MMP9 (DTT) interaction 1.1 nM
HSL 1.4 nM
HCCR-1 Au/Prolinker B/MCH/anti-HCCR-1/HCCR-1 Antibody–antigen – Chen et al. (2013a)
Anti-hemogglutinin GCE/EDC/NHS/ethanolamine/anti-His IgG monoclonal antibody/recombinant Antibody–antigen 2.1 pg/ml Jarocka et al. (2014)
antibodies His tagged hemogglutinin (His6-H5HA)/BSA/Anti-hemoggutinin antibodies interaction
EGFR Au/AuNPs/Cys/1,4-phenylene diisothiocynate (PDITC)/protein G/ Antibody–antigen 0.34 pg/ml in PBS; 0.88 Elshafey et al. (2013a)
ethanolamine/anti-EGFRantibody/EGFR interaction pg/ml in human plasma
IGF-1 Au/AuNPs/1,6-hexandithiol (HDT)/monoclonal anti IGF-1/BSA/IGF-1 Antibody–antigen 0.15 pg/ml Rezaei et al. (2011)
Table I. (Continued)
Target molecule Immobilization step Assay principle Limit of detection References
Okaidaic acid (OA) Screen printed electrode (SPE)/4-carboxyphenyl film/NHS/EDC/anti-okaidaic Antibody–antigen 0.3 mg/L Hayat et al. (2012)
acid monoclonal antibody (anti-OA-mAb)/ethanolamine/OA interaction
Atrazine Niobium/niobium oxide(Nb/NbOxHy)/APTES/Fb fragment K47/atrazine Protein–antigen 50 mg/ml Helali et al. (2008)
E.coli AuSPEs/crosslinker 3,3′-dithiobis (sulfosuccinimidyl propionate) (DTSSP)/anti Antibody–cell 104 CFU/ml Escamilla-Gómez et al. (2009)
E.coli antibody/cell culture/ethanolamine interaction 3.3 CFU/ml
AuSPEs/2-pyridyl disulfide activated E.coli antibody/cell culture
CEA GCE/AuNP/Ab1/CEA/HRP-GO-Ab2 Sandwich type 0.64 pg/ml Hou et al. (2013)
a-fetoprotein (AFP) GCE/Au-Gra/anti-AFP(Ab1)/BSA/AFP/SWCNHs-HRP-GOD-Ab2 Sandwich type 0.33 pg/ml Yang et al. (2013a)
Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) SPE/BSA AFM1/gold labelled anti-AFM1 antibody/AFM1 Sandwich type 15 ng/ml Vig et al. (2009)
Chagas’ disease Au/anti-CRA anti-FRA/CRA/FRA Antibody–antigen – Diniz et al. (2003)
E.coli O157:H7 Graphene oxide paper(rGOPE)/AuNPs/streptavidin/biotinylated anti E.coli Antibody–cell 1.5 102 cfu/ml Wang et al. (2013b)
O157:H7 antibody/BSA/E.coli O157:H7 interaction
SRB GCE/reduced graphene sheets(RGSs)/anti-SRB antibody/BSA/SRB cell Antibody–cell 102 cfu/ml Wan et al. (2011)
Low density lipoprotein Au/polyvinylformal(PVF)/AuNPs/anti-LDL—Mab/BSA/LDL Antibody–antigen 3.50 mg/ml Oliveira et al. (2011a)
(LDL) interaction
Human serum albümin Silicon nitride (SiN4)/SiO2/aldehyde functionalized Si-P/triethoxysilane Antibody–antigen 10-14 M Caballero et al. (2012)
(HSA) aldehyde(TEA)/monoclonal anti-HSA/BSA/HSA interaction
CD 14 or CD 16 Au/MUA/MCH/EDC/NHS/protein G/BSA/CD 14 or CD 16 antibody/monocytes Protein–cell 1000 cells Montrose et al. (2013)
Hapten/herbicide SPE/AuNPs/anti-diuron antibody/hapten/herbicide Antibody–antigen 5.46 ng/ml Bhalla et al. (2012)
CRP H-terminated nanocrystalline diamond (NCD)/anti-CRP antibodies/BSA/CRP Antibody–antigen 10 nm Vermeeren et al. (2011)
Ciproflaxin Au/pyrrole-NHS/anticiproflaxin antibody/BSA/ciproflaxin Antibody–antigen 10 pg/ml Ionescu et al. (2007)
Digoxin SPE/aniline/biotin-sulfo-NHS/neutravidin/biotinylated anti-digoxin antibody/ Antibody–antigen 0.1 ng/ml Barton et al. (2009)
BSA HSA/digoxin or BSA interaction 1.5 ng/ml
atrazine Au/polypyrolle film/nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) Cu 2/histidine-tagged IgG Antibody–antigen 10 pg/ml Ionescu et al. (2010)
atrazine antibody/BSA/atrazine interaction
OTA Au/4-carboxyphenyl (4-CP)/EDC/NHS/OTA antibody/ethanolamine/OTA Antibody–antigen 0.5 ng/ml Radi et al. (2009)
Fenvalerate GCE/CS/glu/fenvalerate monoclonal antibody/rabbit ovalbumin/fenvalerate Antibody–antigen 0.8 mg/L Wang et al. (2013a)
Murine double minute 2 Polycrystalline Au/cys/PDITC/MDM2 antibody/ethanolamine/MDM2 Antibody–antigen 1.3 pg/ml Elshafey et al. (2013b)
(MDM2) interaction
Human chorionic Screen printed carbon ink electrode/polypyrrole-pyrole-2-carboxylic acid Antibody–antigen 2.3 pg/ml Holford et al. (2013)
gonadotropin (hCG) copolymer/NHS/EDC/hCG antibody/ethanolamine/hCG interaction
Psoriasin SPE/polyaniline/biotin-sulpho-NHS/neutravidin/biotinylated anti-psoriasin/ Antibody–antigen 250 pg/ml Truong et al. (2011)
BSA/psoriasin interaction
Cardiac troponin (cTnI), Au/MHDA biotin caproyl-DPPE neutravidin/biotinylated anti-sLOX-1 or anti- Antibody–antigen 1013 M Billah et al. (2012)
Soluble lectin like cTnI/cTnI or sLOX-1 interaction
oxidized LDL
receptor-1 (sLOX-1)
Anti-myelin basic Pt/gelatin-titanium dioxide TiO2/MBP/BSA/anti-MBP Antibody–antigen 0.1495 ng/ml Derkus et al. (2013)
protein (anti-MBP) Pt/gelatin/MBP/BSA/anti-MBP interaction 0.1528 ng/ml
OTA ITO/TiO2/CS/IgG/BSA/OTA Antibody–antigen 10 ng/ml Khan and Dhayal (2008)
OTA ITO/nano-ZnO/rabbit-immunoglobulin antibodies (r-IgGs)/BSA/OTA Antibody–antigen 0.006 ng/dm3 Ansari et al. (2010)
A review on impedimetric biosensors 251
Table I. (Continued)
Target molecule Immobilization step Assay principle Limit of detection References
Adenovirus (Ads) Au/PANI 2-mercaptoethylamine(2-ABA)/sulfosuccinimidyl 4-(N- Antibody–adenovirus 1000 virus particles/ml Caygill et al. (2012)
maleimidomethyl)cyclohexane-1-carboxylate (sulfo-SMCC)/reduced IgG/ interaction
Atrazine İnterdigitated m-electrode (IDmE)/antigen/atrazine antibody Antibody–antigen 5.76 ppb Rodríguez et al. (2008)
Doxorubicin Stainless stell(SS)/APTES/AuNPs/doxorubicin-specific monoclonal antibody/ Antibody–antigen 1.7 pg/ml Rezaei et al. (2013)
BSA/doxorubicin interaction
Chloramphenical (cap) Au/SATUM/AuNPs/MSA/EDC/NHS/anti-cap antibody/ethanolamine/cap Antibody–antigen 1016 M Chullasat et al. (2011)
E.coli O157:H7 Au/11-mercapto-1-undecanol/epichlorohydrin/HA/EDC/NHS/anti E.coli Antibody–bacteria 7 cfu/ml Joung et al. (2012)
O157:H7/E.coli O157:H7 interaction
Stress-induced- Nanowell (NWA)/11-mercaptoundecanoic acid/EDC/NHS/streptavidin/ Antibody–bacteria 10 pg/ml Lee et al. (2013)
252 E. B. Bahadır & M. K. Sezgintürk
Xi et al. (2011)
the Rct was decreased. The resulting electrode also showed a
major decrease of the Rct, indicating the decreased amount
of bound S. cerevisiae and efficient competition between
Man and S. cerevisiae.
(systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment).
in serum
0.28 pg/ml
103 cfu/ml
0.2 pg/ml
0.1 pg/ml
1 pg/ml
1.5 nM
Con A lectin–toxin
cells interaction
of Rct in the presence of the adjunct probe was more than ten
Table I. (Continued)
Protein troponin T
Gram 2 bacteria
Gram bacteria
PML/RARA fusion GCE/FePt/CNTs/ssDNA/target DNA (cDNA) hybridization 2.1 1013 M Zhang et al. (2013a)
Dengue serotype Au/AuNpPANI with SH-terminal group/specific primer/complementary target hybridization 7 pM Nascimento et al. (2011)
catechol Pencil graphite electrode (PGE)/MWCNT/DNA/catechol (CA) hybridization – Ensafi and Rezaei (2014)
Target DNA Au/probe DNA/dithiothireitol (DTT)/MCH/target DNA/reporter DNA-AuNPs hybridization 30 aM Wang et al. (2012)
Lysozyme PGE/CHIT-GO/amino linked DNA aptamer (APT)/lysozyme Aptamer–protein interaction 0.38 mg/ml Erdem et al. (2014)
Aflatoxin M1 Au/cys/AuNPs/ss-HSDNA/aflatoxin M1 Aptamer–mycotoxin interaction 0.36 ng/ml Dinçkaya et al. (2011)
80 bases long ss DNA SiO2/S4N4/LDH/ODN/20 bases-DNA probe/100-bases long DNA/complementary 80 base long hybridization 1.8 ng/ml Baccar et al. (2012)
Lysozyme GCE/graphene/Fe2O3/lysozyme-binding aptamer (LBA)/lysozyme Aptamer–protein interaction 0.16 ng/ml Du et al. (2013)
Target DNA GCE/polyaniline/ERGNO probe DNA/t-DNA hybridization 2.5 1016 M Yang et al. (2013b)
PML/RARA fusion Carbon ionic liquid electrode (CILE)/TiO2/probe ss DNA/PML/RARA fusion gene hybridization 2.8 1014 M Zhang (2013)
Target DNA SPCE/MWCNT/aminated DNA probe/biotinylated target DNA/strept-AuNPs/silver Streptavidin–biotin interaction 22 fmol Bonanni et al. (2009)
Immunoglobulin E GCE/MWCNT/ionic liquid (IL)/chitosan nanocomposite (CHIT)/IGE-specific 5′-amino Aptamer–protein interaction 37 nm Khezrian et al. (2013)
terminated aptamer/BSA/methylene blue (MB)/IGE
Cytochrome c (cyt c) Graphite-epoxy composite electrode (GEC)/aptamer/PEG/cyt c Aptamer–protein interaction 69.2 pM Ocaña et al. (2014)
lysozyme SPE/MWCNT/amino-linked DNA aptamer/lysozyme Aptamer–protein interaction 12.09 mg/ml Rohrbach et al. (2012)
Thrombin Pt/poly(pyrrole-nitrilotriacetic acid)(pyrrole-NTA)/Cu 2/histidine tagged thrombin-binding Aptamer–protein interaction 4.4 1012 mol/L Xu et al. (2013b)
aptamer (His TBA)/thrombin
Ig E Nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) film/EDC/amino (NH2)-terminated IgE aptamer/BSA/IgE Aptamer–protein interaction 0.03 mg/ml Tran et al. (2011)
Thrombin Au/DTT/thiol modified anti-thrombin binding aptamer (TBA)/MCH/thrombin Aptamer–protein interaction 0.3 ng/ml Qi et al. (2013a)
Target DNA GCE/MWNT/G2-PAMAM/probe DNA (ssDNA)/target DNA hybridization 0.1 pM Zhu et al. (2010)
Thrombin (Thr) Avidin-graphite epoxy composite electrode (AV-GEC)/biotinylated aptamer of thrombin Sandwich type 0.2 pM Ocaña and Valle (2014)
(AptThrBio1)/Thr/AptThrBio2/gold-streptavidin nanoparticles (strep-AuNPs)/silver
Target DNA Au/MUA/MCH/3’SH-prob ss DNA-NH2-5′/AuNPs/DDT/target DNA hybridization 0.3 fM Wang et al. (2013c)
H5 target DNA Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) silicon dioxide thin film/APTES/ hybridization 1 fM Lai et al. (2012)
glutaraldehyde/H5 amino modified capture DNA probe/H5 target DNA
Hepatit B virüs PEGs/AuNRs (gold nanorods)/thiol linked DNA probe ss ODNs/target ssODNs hybridization 0.5 mg/ml Congur et al. (2013)
Tombramycin Polycrystalline gold electrode/MPA/EDC/NHS/tombramycin/ethanolamin/anti-tombramycin Aptamer–protein interaction 0.7 mM González-Fernández
aptamer et al. (2011)
E.coli outer Au/E.coli DNA aptamer I (ECAI) functionalized with a thiol group/MCH/OMPs Aptamer–protein interaction 107 M Queirós et al. (2013)
membrane Au/E.coli DNA aptamer II (ECAII) functionalized with a thiol group/MCH/OMPs
proteins (OMPs)
A review on impedimetric biosensors 255
The charge transfer resistance (Rct) of the electrode
increased with the concentration of the target DNA hybrid-
ized with the target ss-DNA (Gupta et al. 2013, Zhang 2013).
The single-base mismatched DNA sequence and double-
base mismatched DNA sequence were recognized via
Limit of
∼21.7 ng/mL
1.63 mg/ml
1.81 mg/ml
8.9 mg/ml comparing the increase of their Rct values. The results dem-
0.21 nM
Aptamer–antigen interaction
Aptamer–protein interaction
Aptamer–protein interaction
Hepatitis B virus
Vibrio cholerate
The conductivity of the cell membrane is around 10 7 S/m, covalent attachment, entrapment, cross-linking, or affin-
whereas the conductivity of the interior of a cell can be as ity have been used. Each immobilization method presents
high as 1 S/m (Pethig and Kell 1997, Yang and Bashir 2008). advantages and disadvantages. The choice of the most
Bacterial biosensors coupled to impedimetric detection appropriate technique also depends on the enzyme nature,
can be classified into two types, depending on the location the transducer, and the associated detection mode. The best
of the bacterial cells in the experimental set up. One type method of enzyme immobilization is related to biosensor
deals with measuring the impedance change caused by application which requires maximum sensitivity or stabil-
the interaction between the analyte and bacteria-modified ity. If immobilization method causes enzyme denaturation
electrodes. Another type deals with measuring metabolites or conformational change or if the enzyme on its active site
produced by bacterial cells as a result of growth in the pres- modifies, sensitivity decreases. Enzyme denaturation and
ence of the analyte. Table III summarizes the impedimetric blocking of active sites cause loss of activity. The solution
biosensors based on cells in literature. of this drawback is using spacer arm between the enzyme
Qi et al. (2013b) constructed a biosensor, in which bac- and the support under covalent binding. Techniques based
teria mediated bioimprinted films were used for selective on affinity interactions between enzymes and (strept)avidin
bacterial detection. Chitosan (CS) doped with reduced molecules, lectins, or sugars allow to immobilize enzymes in
graphene sheets (RGSs) was electrodeposited on an indium an ordered and site-specific manner, thus developing effi-
tin oxide electrode, and the resulting RGSs–CS hybrid film cient biosensors. Likewise, self-assembled monolayer-based
served as a platform for bacterial attachment. After deposit- immobilization reduces the number of random orientations,
ing RGSs–CS nanocomposite film onto the ITO electrode, generates uniform, reproducible and stable structures with
the Rct decreased when compared with the result obtained high coverage (Sassolas et al. 2011).
with bare ITO electrode. As a result of graphene facilitat- Table IV summarizes the impedimetric biosensors based
ing the charge transfer process of [Fe(CN)6]4/3. A much on enzymes and proteins in literature.
larger resistance was observed when sulfate reducing bac- Oliveira et al. (2011a) constructed a biosensor for bacte-
teria (SRB) attached onto the conductive films—because rial lipopolysaccharide determination. The deposition of
the bacteria hindered the charge transfer process. After poly(vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate maleic acid) (PVM) on the
the nonconductive CS film was formed to embed the bac- electrode surface formed a film with a large surface area
teria, the Rct increased again. Subsequently, fluorine silane for the assembly of cysteine-coated gold nanoparticles
coupling agent was coated on the functionalized ITO elec- (AuNpCys) and further immobilization of CramoLL lectin. As
trode and the SRB were washed away by acetone to leave a result of the AuNpCys inorganic–organic composite con-
bioimprinted cavities. Consequently, the charge transfer taining an amine group with a positive charge was adsorbed
resistance decreased sharply. on a negatively-charged PVM-modified gold electrode.
Finally, negatively charged CramoLL was immobilized on
Enzyme-based impedimetric biosensors the AuNpCys–PVM composite film based on an electrostatic
Effective immobilization of enzyme onto electrode surface interaction between oppositely charged species.
is one of the key steps in the fabrication of biosensors. Vari- Cortina et al. (2006) developed a urea impedimetric bio-
ous immobilization strategies such as physical adsorption, sensor using Röhm Pharma Eudragit S-100 ehteric polymer,
which is a copolymer of methyl methacrylate and meth- changes, or DNA damages lead to change in the imped-
acrylic acid that undergo a breakdown process at pH values ance. High specificity of binding affinity, better stability,
higher than 7. In this enzymatic biosensor, urea hydrolysis by and larger shelf life are advantages of aptamer-based bio-
urease, which causes an increase of pH, triggers the degra- sensors. Cell-based impedimetric biosensors are useful in
dation of polymer and generates an increase in capacitance, external in situ analysis. Bacterial, procaryotic, and mam-
which is followed by EIS. malian cells have been used to monitor the amount and
activity of microorganisms. Few studies on enzyme-based
impedimetric biosensors have been reported. These bio-
sensors act based on detection of substrate or product of an
According to IUPAC, biosensor is defined as a self-contained enzyme reaction.
integrated device which is capable of providing specific
quantitative or semi-quantitative analytical information Declaration of interest
using a biological recognition element (biochemical recep-
tor) which is in direct spatial contact with a transducer ele- The authors report no declarations of interest. The authors
ment. A biosensor should be clearly distinguished from a alone are responsible for the content and writing of the
bioanalytical system, which requires additional processing paper.
steps, such as reagent addition. Furthermore, a biosensor
should be distinguished from a bioprobe which is either dis- References
posable after one measurement, i.e., single use, or unable to Ansari AA, Kaushik A, Solanki PR, Malhotra BD. 2010. Nanostructured
continuously monitor the analyte concentration. Impedi- zinc oxide platform for mycotoxin detection. Bioelectrochemistry.
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