ML Mod 6
ML Mod 6
ML Mod 6
2. Explain in detail Principal Component Analysis for Dimension Reduction.
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction technique
that transforms a set of correlated variables into a smaller set of uncorrelated
variables called principal components. PCA is often used for data visualization,
feature selection, and anomaly detection.
4. Feature Engineering: Dimensionality reduction can help identify and retain the most
relevant features, improving model efficiency and effectiveness.
6. Noise Reduction: It can help filter out noise and irrelevant information, enhancing
the signal-to-noise ratio in the data.
7. Data Compression: It can be used for efficient data storage and transmission,
particularly important in applications like image and signal processing.
● LDA aims to find a linear combination of features that separates
two or more classes in the data.
Supervised Technique:
● LDA is a supervised technique, meaning it utilizes class labels
during training to maximize the separation between classes.
Eigenvalue Decomposition:
● The transformation is achieved by calculating the eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of the covariance matrix. The eigenvectors form the
new feature space.
● LDA is often used for feature extraction and dimensionality
reduction in classification problems. It helps to improve the
performance of classifiers by reducing the number of features while
preserving class discrimination.
Before LDA 2D PLANE converted to After LDA 1D plane