Customizing Mars Instructions v0.2
Customizing Mars Instructions v0.2
Customizing Mars Instructions v0.2
Customizing Mars: Map Tiles adds near-infinite variability to the Mars map with an
easy-to-set-up modular map tile system and brand new sets of tile placement bonuses. Select 7
of the 24 double-sided map tiles to create a unique map for every game!
Customizing Mars: Milestones and Awards introduces new strategic objectives by adding 32
new milestones and awards to the original set of 30, and includes an innovative milestone and
award selection system to ensure balanced gameplay.
Customizing Mars: Board and Bonuses includes 25 double-sided tiles for customizing the
global parameter track bonuses, and furthermore brings your custom map, milestones and
awards, and global parameter tracks (including Venus!) all into one compact playing area.
Customizing Mars: Custom EVERYTHING! includes all three Customizing Mars expansions.
You have twenty 9-hex map tiles, four 7-hex map tiles, and eight 1-hex map tiles, all
double-sided, at your disposal to create endless permutations of custom maps. Your custom
map fits perfectly into the board frame of the Customizing Mars: Board and Bonuses expansion,
or it can be placed on top of the original Terraforming Mars map.
You can construct a map by choosing map tiles at random, or carefully craft a map to have new
and interesting gameplay effects. There are only a couple important guidelines on tile layout
(page 5) and tile selection (page 6) that you should follow.
Optionally, you may combine a 7-hexagon tile and two 1-hexagon tiles to replace a 9-hexagon
tile as in the configurations below.
You may randomly select map tiles (ensuring that they meet the below requirement on spaces
reserved for oceans) or manually select them to design a custom map.
To start, we recommend creating connected groups of spaces reserved for oceans. This more
closely mimics original map design by increasing ocean placement bonuses and creating open
areas for tile placement.
Add 1 microbe resource per microbe tag you have in play to any one card.
Reveal a card. Gain one resource of the printed type for each tag on the
revealed card. Discard the revealed card.
Areas with a steel reward do qualify as a steel placement bonus for Mining
Area, Mining Rights, and Mining Guild, even if you gain no steel.
When placing a tile here, you may choose to pay the resources shown to
increase the indicated production one step.
When you place a tile here, steal the printed resources from the owners (if
any) of tiles on the indicated areas.
An innovative selection system ensures balanced gameplay and a diverse set of milestones and
awards. Pick your own set, or select them at random for a new game every time.
Milestone restrictions:
● No two milestones may have the same number or adjacent numbers
● No milestone may have the same number as an award
● At most two milestones of each color (red, yellow, and blue)
● At most one milestone of each color with a ∅ symbol
Award restrictions:
● No two awards may have the same number or adjacent numbers
● No award may have the same number as a milestone
● At most two awards of each color (orange, green, and purple)
● At most one award of each color with a ∅ symbol
These rules also ensure milestone and award diversity. For example, the Gardener (3
greeneries), Mayor (3 cities), and Pioneer (3 special tiles) milestones each have a blue circle.
No more than two of these may be used in a single game, which prevents milestones from
focusing too much on tile placement.
Milestone Thresholds
Balanced over hundreds of games, but with a particular focus on games played with
expansions. For example, Diversifier has been adjusted to require 9 different tags in play for
better balance with the introduction of Venus tags.
That said, these thresholds may still not be perfect for your group, and so you may wish to
further adjust milestone thresholds. You can do this by hand, or you can purchase a
Customizing Mars: Milestone Adjustment Sticker Pack which includes numbered stickers to
overlay on the milestone tiles.
Q: Why shouldn’t [milestone or award] and [another milestone or award] be used in the same
A: Customizing Mars includes setup rules that prevent certain pairings of milestones and
awards. This is done to ensure a wide variety of milestones and awards in each game and to
Q: Are there map restrictions on using Polar Explorer and Desert Settler?
A: To remain true to the original intent of this milestone and award, we suggest not using Polar
Explorer when there are areas reserved for oceans in the bottom two rows and not using Desert
Settler when there are areas reserved for oceans in the bottom four rows.
Q: For the Distributor milestone, do I need to meet the 4 megacredit requirement before or after
claiming the milestone?
A: You only need to meet the 4 megacredit requirement (in addition to the other resource
requirements) before claiming the milestone.
Q: Do Party Leaders and the Chairman count towards the Proletarian award?
A: No. Party Leaders and the Chairman are not part of the Proletariat, and so they do not count
towards the Proletarian award! If you are seeking this award, you may need to be strategic
about when you place delegates so as to not become a Party Leader.
Appointee Requires 6 cards with a positive VP icon. Cards that score VP for
resources held do not count.
Decentralist Requires 4 groups of one or more tiles that are NOT connected.
Distributor Requires 4 each of: megacredit, steel, titanium, plant, energy, and
heat resources.
Plutocrat Requires 4 cards in play (not events) with a cost of at least 20 M€.
Award Glossary
Banker Highest megacredit production.
Celebrity Most cards in play (not events) with a cost of at least 20 M€.
Collector Most cards in play, including corporation cards, with one or more
resources on them.
Coordinator Most tags of any one tag type (excluding building tag).
Desert Settler Most tiles south of the equator (the bottom four rows).
Warning: Customizing Mars: Board and Bonuses requires the Customizing Mars: Map Tiles
and Customizing Mars: Milestones and Awards expansions. The global parameter track
bonuses are not compatible with the base game board.
Assemble these six pieces around your custom map, and then add milestones, awards, and
global parameter bonus steps.
Bonus Steps
The original bonus steps for Global Parameters are printed on the board frame pieces. But you’ll
want to mix it up!
There are 25 bonus tiles (17 short and 8 long) that you can use to customize bonus steps.
These bonus tiles cover the areas outlined in white, adjacent to the global parameter scales. A
short bonus tile covers one outlined area, and a long bonus tile covers two.
The Oxygen and Venus scales have three outlined areas that can be covered by: 1 short bonus
tile and 1 long bonus tile (recommended); or 3 short bonus tiles.
The Temperature scale has four outlined areas that can be covered by: 2 long bonus tiles; 1
long bonus tile and 2 short bonus tiles (recommended); or 4 short bonus tiles.
When mixing long and short bonus tiles, we recommend placing the long tile at the top of the
Global Parameter scale. Long tiles tend to have bigger bonuses!
We recommend not putting the temperature bonus on the temperature track, the oxygen bonus
on the oxygen track, or the Venus bonus on the Venus track.
When playing with the Turmoil expansion, you’ll still need to place the Terraforming Committee
board adjacent to the Customizing Mars board.
This ensures an overall compact experience whether you are playing with or without these
Fund an award for free. If three awards are already funded, you may not fund
a fourth.
Use a card action that has already been used this generation.
Place a “neutral” greenery tile. Do not raise the oxygen level. You do
receive any placement bonus for placing the tile.
Raise Venus 1 step. Only use if playing with the Venus Next expansion.
Gain 2 floaters. Only use if playing with the Venus Next or Colonies
Gain all your colony bonuses. Only use if playing with the Colonies
Add a delegate to any party. Only use if playing with the Turmoil expansion.
End of Game
Scoring Tied Awards
Instead of all players receiving the full number of victory points when tying for first or second
place, they instead split the available points, rounding up. See the following table, and note that
second place is awarded only if there is a single first place winner.
In 3+ player games, this adds motivation to be the sole winner of an award rather than settling
for a tie.
End-of-Game Sequence
This variant introduces an immediate end-of-game sequence when the global parameters reach
their goals. This reduces large swings in game length and scores based on whether the global
parameters reach their goals at the end of one generation or the beginning of the next. We’ve
found that this results in closer-scoring games, better balance between strategies, and less
feeling like the game drags on at the end.
The final production phase, greenery placement, and scoring proceed as usual.
Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Diane are playing a four player game. Alice went first this generation,
and Diane went last. Diane has already passed this round, but Alice, Bob and Charlie are still
active. Here is an example end of game sequence:
1. On his turn, Bob completes the global parameters. Diane is brought back into the round,
even though she already passed.
2. Charlie takes his turn of up to 2 actions, followed by Diane and then Alice.
3. Bob takes his turn of up to 1 action.
4. Charlie takes his turn of up to 1 action, followed by Diane. Because Diane went last this
generation, Alice does not take this extra turn.
Alice Diane
(went first this Bob Charlie (went last this
generation) generation)
This particular end-of-game method gives each player enough actions (2 or 3) to play their most
important remaining cards after global parameters have reached their goals.
This method also ensures that all players have within ±1 action of each other in the final
generation (assuming they use every action), without giving an advantage to the player who
triggered the end game condition.
Repeat for the passed cards, until you have chosen a new set of six corporations and preludes.
Choose your corporation and preludes from these.
If you do not have a corporation, you must play as the Beginner Corporation.
Repeat for the passed cards, until you have chosen a new set of four project cards. Buy cards
into your hand as usual.
When playing without corporation and prelude drafting: you may choose to discard all
corporation, prelude, and project cards. Receive a new set of cards, with two fewer project
cards. You may repeat this process as many times as you’d like until you receive no project
Law Suit
Even if a player has already passed this generation, they may play Law Suit after being
attacked by an opponent.
Toll Station
In a four player game, receive 2 M€ production for every 3 opponent space tags.
In a five player game, receive 1 M€ production for every 2 opponent space tags.
Place their player marker to the left of other colonies so that trading bonuses are not affected.
The player receives the same bonus for building a colony as other colonies on that tile.
Additionally: on a player’s first turn after Aridor adds a colony tile, a player may build a colony on
that colony tile.
If you only perform a single “half action” during a turn, you are considered to have “passed” and
may not take any more turns this generation. Note: you still may not take more than two “half
actions” in a single turn.
Example turns:
First Action Second Action Effect