HumanPattern Noxxplush

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Plush Assembly Instructions

Human Plush by NoxxPlush

For best results, read entirety of instructions before beginning.

• Minky or Fleece fabric, at least ½ yard body color.
• Sewing supplies: Thread, scissors, pins, needle. Sewing machine
optional but preferred.
• Poly-fil stuffing
• If embroidering: top water-soluble stabilizer, embroidery thread.
Note on reading pattern: I will refer to points that meet as coordinates. So
if point A on one piece meets point F on another piece, I will talk about
sewing from (A, F).

1. Print pattern at 100% scale; no vital part of the image will be

cropped. You can scale up or down to your liking but you may need
to make adjustments to account for stretch.

2. If you have embroidery designed to the pattern, embroider your

fabric, making sure to take into account the direction of the fabric.
Red arrows on the pattern indicate the direction that the nap/ fur of
the fabric should go to get the proper direction and stretch.

3. Trace pattern pieces onto fabric and cut out leaving a ¼” seam
allowance all around. Make sure to reverse pieces that are indicated
as multiples:
a. 2x labeled pieces need to be traced one front side and one flip
side. 4x pieces need 2 front side and 2 flipped side.

4. For areas with darts, just continue the seam allowance around the
pattern as if they weren’t present. Do not cut out darts.
Sewing the Head:
*Tip: Make sure when sewing that the fabric is ‘right sides together’, so on
minky, the fuzzy sides should touch.

1. Fold darts so matching letters meet with right sides of fabric pressed
together and sew along the dart line. Do this on top of the face piece.
(A to A)

2. Put Head Gusset pieces right sides together and sew along the top
and bottom edges (the shortest sides). Put Head Back pieces
together and sew from C to D, leaving open the indicated area for
turning inside out later.
3. Sew two ears and turn right side out. Then pin or use a loose stitch to
sew them into place on the head gusset as indicated by the EAR
markings. The ear should be laying over the gusset right side up.
Then sew the head gusset onto the face with gusset edge 1 centered
on the face dart (A) and gusset edge 2 on the chin (B). This should be
on the edge that does NOT have the ears sewn to it.
4. Pin the Head Back pieces to the Head Gusset, aligning edge 1 with (C)
and edge 2 with (D). Make sure that the ears are hidden flat between
these layers and that you securely sew over them. It is recommended
to lock in stitches or stitch over the ear sections multiple times to
make sure they’re secure.

5. Turn head right side out, stuff, and ladder stitch the opening closed.

Sewing the Body:

1. Prepare arms by sewing outer arms to inner arms, right sides
2. Sew Body Front and Body Back together from (A,F) to (B,G) on both
sides of the neck/shoulders area. Then attach them with side gusset.
Side gusset (1) goes to (C,H) and side gusset point (2) ends at (D,I).
3. Sew outer leg to the body, beginning by aligning point (O) on the leg
with point (J) on the Body Back piece and sewing to point (M).
Repeat on the other side.

4. Pin inner leg to outer leg right sides together. Sew from (Q) to (M),
then sew from (P) to (O). Use the triangular remainder of the Body
Front piece and connect it to the top of the inner leg piece, sewing
from (M) to (N). Repeat on the other side.
5. Join the rest of the inner leg pieces together by sewing from (N) to
6. Sew arms to body, making sure that they are facing the proper
direction with the thumb facing the same direction as Body Front. Pin
point (K) on outer arm to point (B,G) on the shoulder, then pin
generously so the fabric doesn’t slip. Sew all the way around the
opening. This is a little bit tricky by machine so go slow and readjust
to different angles along the way around if it’s easier. This can also be
done by hand if machine is too fiddly.
7. Sew foot bottoms to the ends of the legs, lining up point (3) on the
foot to (Q), and point (4) to (P).

8. Trim excess seam allowance all around the plush, making sure to clip
corners well. Turn the body right side out and stuff.
Optional Parts:
1. Optional breasts: Sew two of the side pieces together from (A,B),
repeat on the other two. Then sew them onto the backing piece with
(A) lined up to (C) and (B) lined up to (D). Clip the back of the backing
piece to turn and stuff, then ladder stitch onto the plush.

2. It is highly recommended to thread sculpt/ hand embroider fingers

onto this plush.

3. Use pattern pieces as a base to pattern clothes for your plush if you
wish. You can also segment the pattern into different clothing pieces
or use applique/embroidered details to add clothing onto the base
fabric pieces.
Putting it Together:
1. Hand-sewing: It’s time to get familiar with the ladder stitch! This is
the best way to attach pieces of the plush together in a clean way. A
great explanation of the ladder stitch is here:

2. Hand-stitch the head onto the neck, making multiple rounds to be

sure it’s secure. (Optional: If you plan on adding a lot of heavy hair/
head accessories you can add a bit of steel wire into the head/neck
for extra strength.)

3. Ladder stitch on any accessory pieces, such as hair, clothing, horns

tails, etc.
Finishing Detail Ideas:

1. If you don’t have embroidered eyes, you can use safety eyes to give
the plush some character. (Should be placed before stuffing the

2. You can hand embroider small details onto the face with embroidery

Thank you so much for using my pattern! I am always happy to
answer questions and give tips via message! I would also love to see
what you make with it so feel free to tag me on social media

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