599804880-qtvh VI en
599804880-qtvh VI en
599804880-qtvh VI en
Question 3: Choose the option that best describes the definition of product-focused production (product
mass export)?
a. Low output, many product types.
b. Products are often produced according to the "Manufactured to order" option.
Question 4: High output and many product types should be produced using the process
which of the following:
a. Mass customization.
b. Process focus.
c. Product focus.
d. Repeat production.
Question 7: Choose the statement that best describes the definition of office space layout?
b. Arrange for best utilization of personnel and equipment in the production environment
repetitive (batch production) and continuous production (mass production).
Question 8: Balancing between storage fees and ordering fees is an important criterion when arranging premises
which of the following:
c. Office premises.
d. Warehouse premises.
c. Safe inventory.
a. Selling products.
b. Ingredient.
c. MRP
d. Finished product.
Question 13: Select the statement that describes the definition of the MPS master production plan (Master
Production Schedule).
b. The planning table outlines the details and components of the product that needs to be ordered (product
export), and time of ordering and receiving goods?
c. The planning table determines the product and the time of ordering and receiving the product.
d. Product details.
Question 15: Choose the statement that does NOT highlight the advantages of applying the production system
JIT timing matching?
d. Reduce waste.
Question 16: Choose a production style that emphasizes the aspect of continuous improvement for people
and work norms?
a. JIT-matched production.
c. Kanban
A. Quality management
B. Maintenance planning
18. Why does the labor factor have the least impact on productivity?
A. 1776-1880
B. 1910-1980
C. 1980-1995
D. 1995-present
B. Reduce costs
C. Improve operations
21. Which of the following strategies has production facilities located only in the company's home country?
A. Globalization
B. Transnational
C. Internationalization
D. Localization
22. Which strategy to compete through operations is NOT part of the 3 basic strategies
A. Low price
B. Quick response
C. Customer-oriented
D. Difference
23. Which forecasting method does NOT belong to the qualitative group?
A. Moving average
B. Expert opinion
C. Do a survey
D. Distributor's opinion
24. To use the seasonal index of each year, the data must be from at least how many years?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
25. The weighted moving average forecasting method should have the largest weight
assigned to:
26. Which type of operation has the smallest number of product varieties?
A. Process oriented
B. Assembly direction
C. Product orientation
D. Mass customization
27. Which type of operation has the largest number of product varieties?
A. Process oriented
B. Assembly direction
C. Product orientation
D. Mass customization
28. What type of operational process requires customer feedback before creation
A. Process oriented
B. Assembly direction
C. Product orientation
D. Mass customization
29. When arranging premises according to the process, in order to improve, we should prioritize re-arrangement
30. When arranging premises according to products, the calculated cycle time is:
D. The time needed for a product to go from the beginning of the line to the end of the line
31. When arranged by product, we have 2 lines consisting of 3 stations: The middle station
(station 2) has a station time greater than the station before it (Station 1) and the station after it (Station
A. The previous station is always congested; The next station is always empty
32. In the economic order model EOQ, if annual demand (D) increases 4 times then
The optimal order quantity Q* will
A. Increase 4 times
B. Reduced by 4 times
C. Increase by 2 times
D. Reduced by 2 times
33. The total annual inventory cost of the EOQ and POQ models includes only 2 quantities.
The third quantity is the purchase cost during the year which is not taken into account because:
34. In the self-production model for POQ demand, which of the following statements is FALSE?
C. The cost per production run is the ordering cost in the EOQ model
D. The formula for calculating the optimal production quantity Q* is the well-understood formula for calculating EOQ
36. In integrated planning, which of the following solutions belongs to the group of proactive impacts?
B. Slow delivery
C. Change in labor usage level
37. Which of the following is a disadvantage of subcontracting solutions to carry out production 1
Finished products?
A. May lose customers
B. Reduce waste of equipment investment
D. Reduce inventory
38. Normally, what Level is assigned to finished products in the Product Structure Tree?
A. Level 1
B. Maximum level
39. If 1 part A needs 2 B and 5 C. There are only 10 C left in stock. Which of the following statements is correct?
40. When calculating MRP tables for a product, which of the following statements is true?
A. Calculate sequentially from small to large levels, complete all details in 1 level and then move on
to the next level
B. Calculate from large level to small level, complete all details in 1 level and then move on
next level
C. The details must use a single batching technique
D. Production time for a batch depends on batch size (quantity/production time/order)
41. In the dispatching problem on 2 machines, the objective function is to minimize the completion time
complete the entire job, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The order of work execution does not affect the objective function value
D. Instead of using Johnson's algorithm, calculate the time for all available arrangements
You can still find the optimal solution, and it doesn't take much time even though the problem has numbers
big deal.
42. In the job assignment problem using the Hungrary algorithm, which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. The step of subtracting each row and column from the largest number only needs to be done once
B. The loop achieves optimal results when the row/column crossed out is equal to the number of jobs
C. Any number "0" crossed out is not counted
D. Any number "0" that is the intersection of two dashed lines remains the same for the next loop
44. Among the dispatching rules on single machines, which of the following rules takes into account delivery date information?
1. Which type of operating process has the most flexible way of connecting stages?
A. Product direction
B. Assembly direction
C. Process oriented
D. Mass customization
2. What type of operating process harmonizes the number of product types and quantity of products?
product of each type?
A. Process oriented
B. Assembly direction
C. Product orientation
D. Mass customization
A. Process oriented
B. Assembly direction
C. Product orientation
D. Mass customization
4. When calculating the efficiency of floor layout according to process, 2 values between each pair of processes
The following are used:
A. Shipping frequency & shipping fee
B. Transportation & Transportation Safety
A. Is the exact number of stations to which jobs need to be allocated
B. The minimum number of stations that can be arranged while still ensuring the required output
6. For weighted moving average forecasting method, the number of periods should be used to assign weights
To be:
A. Greater than 2
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
7. When arranged by product, we get a line consisting of 3 stations: Middle station (station 2)
has a station time greater than the station before it (Station 1) and the station after it (station 3). Which sentence is next?
is this correct?
A. The time difference between the longest station and the fastest station should be as small as possible
8. In the economic EOQ ordering model, if annual demand increases 18 times, ordering costs
goods reduced by 2 times, the optimal order quantity Q* will be:
A. Reduced by 6 times
B. Reduced by 3 times
C. Increase 6 times
D. Increase 3 times
9. Using the seasonal index of each year, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The value of the entire year to be forecast is calculated directly from the season index just calculated
B. The season index becomes smaller when there is one season in previous years which is the smallest
C. The average seasonal index over years is greatest when the seasonal index of the most recent year is largest
D. Periodic inventory