Change 2011
Change 2011
Change 2011
ABSTRACT: In an attempt to control Ca3(PO4)2, CaCO3, and CaSO4 deposits in industrial recycling water systems, an acrylic acid
(AA)allylpolyethoxy carboxylate (APEC) copolymer was examined as a nonphosphorus inhibitor. The synthesized AAAPEC
copolymer was characterized by FT-IR. The performance of AAAPEC on inhibition of Ca3(PO4)2, CaCO3, and CaSO4
precipitation was compared with that of current commercial inhibitors. It was shown that AAAPEC exhibited excellent ability to
control inorganic minerals, with approximately 82.88% CaSO4 inhibition and 99.89% Ca3(PO4)2 inhibition at levels of 3 and 6 mg/L
AAAPEC, respectively. AAAPEC also displayed ability to prevent the formation of CaCO3 scales. Transmission electron
microscopy (TEM) images indicated that the outstanding performance of AAAPEC on Ca3(PO4)2 inhibition resulted from a
decrease in size of Ca3(PO4)2 solid particles thereby dispersing these particles throughout a fluid, while CaCO3 inhibition was
attributed to the formation of ribbon-shaped structures and CaSO4 inhibition resulted from loose CaSO4 crystallites speculated on
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images. The proposed inhibition mechanism suggests the formation of complexes between
the side-chain carboxyl groups of AAAPEC and calcium ions on the surface of inorganic minerals, and the excellent solubility of
complexes resulted from a number of hydrophilic polyethylene glycol (PEG) segments.
r 2011 American Chemical Society 10393 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 10393–10399
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ARTICLE
Scheme 1. Synthesis of AAAPEC The prepared solutions, 250 mL of CaC12 (13 600 mg/L Ca2+)
and 250 mL of Na2SO4 (14 200 mg/L SO42), were kept in
separate glass bottles at room temperature for 5 h to stabilize
their temperature. After that time, at the beginning of experi-
ments, these solutions were mixed in a flask of 500-mL capacity
immersed in a temperature-controlled bath. To avoid the con-
centration of the solution by evaporation especially at a high
temperature, we condensed the vapor by means of a cooler.
Precipitation of these calcium-sulfate supersaturated solutions
polyepoxysuccinic acid (PESA, 1500 MW), acrylic acidhydrox-
was monitored after these solutions were heated for 6.0 h at
ypropyl acrylate (AAHPA or T-225, 2100 MW), PAPEMP 80 °C by analyzing aliquots of the filtered (0.22 μm) solutions for
(615 MW), HEDP(206 MW) and PBTC (270 MW) were Ca2+ ions concentration by using EDTA complexometry titra-
technical grade and supplied by Jiangsu Jianghai Chemical Co., tion according to the national standard of P. R. China concerning
Ltd. (Changzhou, Jiangsu, P. R. China). Distilled water was used the code for the design of industrial recirculating cooling-water
in all the studies. treatment (GB/T 15452-2009). The pH of the calcium-sulfate
Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra were measured on supersaturated solutions was adjusted to 7.0 by using dilute
a Bruker FT-IR analyzer (VECTOR-22, Bruker Co., Germany) solutions of sodium hydroxide and/or hydrochloric acid and kept
by using the KBr-pellet method (compressed powder). The constant with borax buffer solutions. In another series of experi-
shapes of calcium-phosphate and calcium-carbonate scales were ments under the same conditions as described above, the
observed with a transmission electron microscope (TEM, JEM- precipitation of calcium-sulfate solutions was studied in the
2100SX, Japan). The shape of calcium-sulfate scales was ob- presence of chemical scaling inhibitors added to the CaC12
served with a scanning electron microscope (SEM, S-3400N, solutions before mixing with Na2SO4 solutions. A number of
HITECH, Japan). inhibitors of AAAPEC, MAAPES, PAA, HPMA, PESA,
2.2. Experimental Procedure. 2.2.1. Synthesis of AAAPEC. T-225, PAPEMP, HEDP, and PBTC were tested.
A 5-neck round-bottom flask equipped with a thermometer and a Inhibitor efficiency as a calciumsulfate inhibitor was calcu-
magnetic stirrer was charged with 70 mL of distilled water and 40 lated by using the following equation:
g of AA, and heated to 70 °C with stirring under nitrogen.
Subsequently, 40 g of APEC in 18 mL of distilled water ½Ca2þ final ½Ca2þ blank
(APEC/AA mass ratio = 1:1) and the initiator solution (3.0 g Inhibition ð%Þ ¼ 100%
½Ca2þ initial ½Ca2þ blank
of ammonium persulfate in 18 mL of distilled water) were added
separately at constant flow rates over a period of 1.0 h. The
where [Ca2+]final is concentration of Ca2+ ions in the filtrate in
reaction mixture was heated to 80 °C and maintained at this
the presence of inhibitor after calcium-sulfate supersaturated
temperature for a further 1.5 h, to ultimately afford an aqueous
solutions were heated for 6.0 h at 80 °C, [Ca2+]blank is concen-
copolymer solution containing approximately 35% solid. This
tration of Ca2+ ions in the filtrate in the absence of inhibitor after
product was decanted into a 10-fold volume of acetone with calcium-sulfate supersaturated solutions were heated for 6.0 h at
stirring. The resulting insoluble products were filtered and 80 °C, and [Ca2+]initial is concentration of Ca2+ ions at the
extracted in a Soxhlet extractor for 20.0 h to remove the beginning of the experiment.
remaining AA and APEC. The crude products were dried in a Procedure of calcium-carbonate precipitation experiments was
vacuum oven to constant weight to yield the desired AAAPEC also carried out similarly to calcium-sulfate precipitation experi-
as a reddish viscous liquid. The synthesis procedure employed for ments, except that the prepared solutions, 250 mL of CaC12
the preparation of AAAPEC from AA and APEC is shown in (13 600 mg/L Ca2+) and 250 mL of Na2SO4 (14 200 mg/L
Scheme 1. SO42), were changed into solutions of 250 mL of CaC12 (480
2.2.2. Precipitation Conditions. All precipitation experiments mg/L Ca2+) and 250 mL of NaHCO3 (1464 mg/L HCO3)
were carried out in triplicate and all inhibitor dosages given below according to the national standard of P. R. China concerning the
are on a dry-inhibitor basis. Analytical reagents and A grade code for the design of industrial recirculating cooling-water
glassware were used throughout. Water used was distilled water. treatment (GB/T 16632-2008).
All Ca2+ ions concentration as CaCO3 was standardized through
EDTA titrimetric method. Procedure of calcium-phosphate
precipitation experiments was described in an earlier publi-
cation.20 The precipitation experiments were done under 3.1. Characterization of AAAPEC. The FT-IR spectra of
the conditions of 250 mg/L Ca2+, 5 mg/L PO43, pH = 9.0, APEC and AAAPEC are shown in Figure 1. The fact that the
T = 80 °C, t = 10 h according to the national standard of P. R. (—CdC—) stretching vibration at 1646 cm1 appears in curve
China concerning the code for the design of industrial recirculat- a, while it disappears completely in curve b reveals that free
ing cooling-water treatment (GB 50050-95). Polymer efficiency radical polymerization between APEC and AA had happened.
as a calcium-phosphate inhibitor was calculated according to a The 1725 cm1 strong intensity absorption peak (—CdO) in
previous publication.20 curve a and b clearly reveals that both APEC and AAAPEC
Calcium sulfate was precipitated from supersaturated solu- contain carboxyl groups.
tions prepared by mixing of CaCl2 and Na2SO4 solutions 3.2. Effect of Inhibitor on Calcium-Phosphate Scales.
according to the national standard of P. R. China concerning The ability of AAAPEC to control calcium-phosphate deposits
the code for the design of industrial oilfield-water treatment was compared with that of other scale inhibitors as shown in
(SY/T 5673-93). The salts of CaCl2 and Na2SO4 both were Figure 2 and in Table 1. As is apparent from Figure 2, the
analytical reagents from Zhongdong Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. inhibitor dosage of AAAPEC strongly affected its performance on
10394 |Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 10393–10399
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ARTICLE
calciumphosphate inhibition, and there existed an obvious The data shown in Figure 2 also indicate that, except for
threshold of 6 mg/L AAAPEC. When the dosage of AAAPEC and MAAPES, the other inhibitors investigated
AAAPEC was below 6 mg/L, the inhibition on calcium- display poor calcium phosphate inhibition under the same
phosphate scales substantially increased when the dosage of experimental conditions. Compared to MAAPES, a recent
AAAPEC increased, while it was not variable with the dosage most effective inhibitor for calcium-phosphate scales, AA
when the dosage of AAAPEC exceeded 6 mg/L. The maximum APEC displays superior ability to inhibit the precipitation of
inhibitory power on calcium-phosphate scales was obtained calcium phosphate, with 100% inhibition at a level of 6 mg/L,
when AAAPEC was at a level of 6 mg/L. Similar results were whereas it is 90% for MAAPES at the same dosage. The data
obtained from the data of MAAPES in Figure 2. It should be listed in Table 1 indicate that the calcium phosphate inhibition of
noted that the similar tendency of the dosage on the perfor- the investigated inhibitors is still lower than that of AAAPEC
mance behavior has been reported in earlier studies on even though the inhibitor dosage increases to 35 mg/L, an
polymeric threshold inhibitors.5,17,21,22 unacceptable dosage for economic and environmental reasons.
What deserves to be mentioned is that the calcium phosphate
inhibition of PAPEMP, the most popular calcium phosphate
inhibitor, really increases to 81% at a level of 35 mg/L. However,
PAPEMP belongs to a type of phosphorus inhibitor; on the
contrary, AAAPEC only possesses three elements of carbon,
hydrogen, and oxygen, belonging to a type of nonphosphorus
inhibitor. Furthermore, when compared to AAAPEC, the
dosage of PAPEMP is much higher whereas the inhibition is
much lower.
The presence of scale inhibitors influences not only the growth
rate but also the morphology of the crystal.1,3,8 TEM images of
calcium-phosphate crystals grown in the absence and in the
presence of 4 mg/L AAAPEC are shown in Figure 3, and
indicate that the inhibitor of AAAPEC obviously decreased the
size of calcium-phosphate solid particles thereby dispersing them
Figure 1. FT-IR spectra of APEC (a) and AAAPEC (b). throughout a fluid. In the absence of inhibitor, massive needle-
shaped calcium-phosphate particles of a size of about 200 nm
were obtained (Figure 3a), while in the presence of 4 mg/L
AAAPEC, the irregular calcium-phosphate particles of a size of
about 5100 nm were produced (Figure 3b).
3.3. Effect of Inhibitor on Calcium-Carbonate Scales.
During the last two decades, investigations on polymeric inhibi-
tors to prevent or retard calcium-carbonate scales have caught
much attention of academic and industrial researchers.7,8 Com-
mon inhibitors evaluated include PAA, HPMA, T-225, PESA,
PBTC, HEDP, PAPEMP, and MAAPES etc., containing acrylic
acid or maleic acid and other monomers with different function-
alities (i.e., CONH2, COOR, SO3H).
In this work, we also studied the influence of these inhibitors
on the prevention of calcium-carbonate scales as shown in
Figure 4. It was suggested that the inhibitor composition has
an interesting impact on inhibitor effectiveness. As effective
inhibitors on calcium-carbonate deposits, phosphonates, such
Figure 2. Inhibition on calcium phosphate as a function of inhibitor as PBTC, HEDP, PAPEMP (marked with solid lines in Figure 4),
dosage. exhibited significant ability to control calcium-carbonate scales,
AAAPEC 2 39 3 83
MAAPES 2 2 32 71
PAA 2 38 3 81
HPMA 2 79 2 79
PAPEMP 2 30 4 80
Figure 7. Encapsulation calcium ions route via carboxyl groups. (a) Structure of AAAPEC. (b) Random individual hydrophilic molecules of
AAAPEC in water (for simplicity reasons only six AAAPEC molecules are shown). (c) Formation of AAAPECCa complexes arranged randomly.
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