Practica 3 - Inmunología

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María Fernanda Alvarez Uribe 460322105

Monserrat Contreras Carrillo 460249114
Dante Huitron Hernández 850032791
Ilan Hernandez Castro 460320470
Paloma Alejandra Macedo Gonzalez 460321955
Perla Rubí Esmeralda Benites García 460322289
Materia: Procesos Biológicos
Profesor: Pedro Ivan Urciaga Gutierrez
Campus: Zapopan Fecha: 05/03/2024

Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms found virtually everywhere on Earth. They

exhibit diverse shapes, sizes, and metabolic activities, contributing significantly to
ecosystems, including human health, agriculture, and environmental processes. Despite
their microscopic size, bacteria play crucial roles in nutrient cycling, decomposition, and
symbiotic relationships.


Bacteria, drugs, decomposition, microscopic

Many bacteria can have generally rigid
Introduction: flagella, implanted in the membrane
through a basal corpuscle. They can also
Bacteria are prokaryotic have very numerous and short fimbrias
microorganisms, that is, unicellular or pili, which can serve as sexual hairs
organisms of a few micrometers in size. for the passage of DNA from one cell to
They have a plasma membrane, another.
composed of lipids and proteins, which They have characteristic RNA and
encloses and protects the cell, and a cell ribosomes, for the synthesis of proteins.
wall, which constitutes the physical and Cell wall is rigid and with molecules
mechanical barrier that shapes the unique to bacteria.
bacteria. In bacterial metabolism, a series of
Bacteria are prokaryotic microorganisms enzymatic reactions occur that cause the
of very simple organization. The bacterial alteration of a substrate several times
cell consists of: before reaching the final product. For the
Cytoplasm. It has a viscous appearance, proper functioning of bacterial
and in its central area there is a nucleoid metabolism, cells need to transfer and
that contains most of the bacterial DNA, effectively store energy. For this, ATP
and in some bacteria, there are circular (adenosine triphosphate) is a molecule
fragments of DNA with genetic that acts as the main source of energy
information, dispersed by the cytoplasm: used by cells to perform various
they are plasmids. biological activities. ATP is composed of
The plasma membrane has three groups of phosphate.
invaginations, which are the Hypothesis:
mesosomes, where enzymes involved in
the synthesis of ATP are found, and the Method:
photosynthetic pigments in the case of
photosynthetic bacteria. Table 1. Bacteria Interactive 3D App
Inclusions of a different chemical nature
are found in the cytoplasm. With the help of the application, identify
the shape and composition Bacterial,
make an image capture and report in Problem Statement:
your portfolio of Electronic evidence.
Despite extensive research on bacterial
Table 2. Projection of images structure and metabolism, there remains
a significant gap in our understanding of
Observe projected images of the main how structural variations impact
bacteria metabolic processes and environmental
Pathogens. Report in your electronic adaptation in bacteria.
evidence portfolio.
Table 3. Virtual laboratory for the virtual
cultivation of bacteria with the help of this The bacterial have different types of
website, you will be able to determine the structures and it have a lots of variety in
Initial conditions of a sample of bacteria morphologies whereby have different
and the variables that will intervene in the compositions and forms.
Once the bacterial sample concentration Result:
has been selected, the culture medium,
the concentration of nutrients, Coccobacillus:
temperature, Humidity and the optional
variables of specific nutrients, light,
aerobic medium, anaerobic medium; the
laboratory will perform the simulation of
the bacterial culture and indicate if in
those conditions.
There is some growth of a specific type
of bacteria.
Make 3 examples.
Take photographs and report them in
your portfolio of evidence Electronic.

General Aim:

That the student can identify each of the

parts of the bacteria and Its metabolism.

Specific Aim:

• Learn about bacteria.

• Known the structures about
Bacteria culture:

1) Material preparation:

1.1) Sterilize:
Inoculating loop
Culture media
Drigalski loop (optional)

1.2) Prepare:
Petri dishes with agar
Test tubes with nutrient broth (optional)
Sterile saline solution (optional)

Sample collection:

2) Swabbing: Rub the swab on the area

of interest.
Puncture: Extract a small amount of
tissue or fluid with a syringe.
Inoculation of the culture medium:

3) Streaking:
Place a drop of the sample on the Petri
Spread the drop with the inoculating loop
in a zigzag pattern.

4) Stabbing:
Insert the needle of the syringe into the
agar and deposit the sample.
Remove the needle and seal the hole
with agar.

5) Place the Petri dishes or test tubes in

the incubator.
Adjust the temperature and time
according to the bacteria to be cultured.
6) Examine the Petri dishes or test tubes
after the incubation period.

7) Observe the presence of bacterial


8) Perform biochemical or molecular

tests to identify the bacteria.

Flowchart for culturing bacteria

Petri dishes with agar
Test tubes with nutrient broth (optional)
Sterile saline solution (optional)

Sample collection:

2) Swabbing: Rub the swab on the area

of interest.
Puncture: Extract a small amount of
tissue or fluid with a syringe.
Inoculation of the culture medium:

3) Streaking:
Place a drop of the sample on the Petri
Spread the drop with the inoculating loop
in a zigzag pattern.

4) Stabbing:
Insert the needle of the syringe into the
agar and deposit the sample.
Remove the needle and seal the hole
with agar.

5) Place the Petri dishes or test tubes in

the incubator.
Adjust the temperature and time
according to the bacteria to be cultured.
Flowchart for culturing bacteria Observation:

1) Material preparation: 6) Examine the Petri dishes or test tubes

after the incubation period.
1.1) Sterilize:
Inoculating loop 7) Observe the presence of bacterial
Pipettes colonies.
Culture media Identification:
Drigalski loop (optional)
8) Perform biochemical or molecular
1.2) Prepare: tests to identify the bacteria.
Discussion: Colony: A group of bacteria that are
visible to the naked eye and that have
In this activity we know the different parts grown from a single cell.
of the spiralis and coccobacillus, the
other think that we need to know is about Culture medium: A substance that
Polly Matzinger. provides nutrients for the growth of
Endospore: A dormant structure that
In conclusion, the study of bacterial some bacteria form when exposed to
structure and metabolism is essential to harsh conditions.
understand the biological diversity,
Gram stain: A staining technique that is
microbial ecology, and biotechnological
used to differentiate between Gram-
applications of these ubiquitous positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
organisms in nature. Their metabolic
versatility and ability to adapt make them Incubator: A device that is used to
subjects of interest both in scientific maintain a constant temperature for the
research and in practical application in growth of bacteria.
various fields.
Inoculating loop: A small, wire loop that is
used to transfer bacteria to a culture
Agar: A jelly-like substance derived from
Microbial: Relating to microorganisms,
seaweed that is used to solidify culture
such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
Microbiology: The study of
Anaerobic: Refers to bacteria that can
grow in the absence of oxygen.
Petri dish: A shallow, circular dish that is
Autoclave: A device that uses steam
used to grow bacteria.
under pressure to sterilize equipment
and materials.
Pipette: A long, thin tube that is used to
transfer liquids.
Biochemical test: A test that is used to
identify bacteria by their biochemical
Sterile: Free of living microorganisms.
Streaking: A technique that is used to
spread a sample of bacteria over a
culture medium.
• Fundación EPM. (2020, 13 julio).
Test tube: A narrow, cylindrical tube that Cómo hacer un medio de cultivo
is used to grow bacteria. para sembrar bacterias [Vídeo].
• Microbiología. (2000).

• Metabolismo Bacteriano: Apuntes

bachillerato | StudySmarter.
(2009). StudySmarter ES.

• Agentes biológicos - Bacterias -

Portal INSST - INSST. (2010).
Portal INSST.

• Fundación EPM. (2020, July 13).

Cómo hacer un medio de cultivo
para sembrar bacterias [Video].

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