The document is a packing list and manifest for a shipment containing 7 boxes on a wooden pallet. The boxes contain various equipment for a project, including measurement devices, cables, tools, and other supplies. The total gross weight of the shipment is 145kg.
The document is a packing list and manifest for a shipment containing 7 boxes on a wooden pallet. The boxes contain various equipment for a project, including measurement devices, cables, tools, and other supplies. The total gross weight of the shipment is 145kg.
The document is a packing list and manifest for a shipment containing 7 boxes on a wooden pallet. The boxes contain various equipment for a project, including measurement devices, cables, tools, and other supplies. The total gross weight of the shipment is 145kg.
The document is a packing list and manifest for a shipment containing 7 boxes on a wooden pallet. The boxes contain various equipment for a project, including measurement devices, cables, tools, and other supplies. The total gross weight of the shipment is 145kg.
LANDING MANIFEST / PACKING LIST/Mat.101 Delivery Address : EMCI o/b FUGRO FRANCE ZI du chemin vert 8 ROUTE DE SAINT-HUBERT 78610 LE PERRAY-EN-YVELINES France Contact : Olivier VINCENT +33 (0)13457869 Date : 01/05/2024 Project N° : 243420
PDA Unit (Fugro) n/a USA 5 Strain Gauges n/a USA 2 Accelerometers n/a USA 2 50m Main Cable n/a USA 1 2 PDM Box N° 2 of 7 : 60x40x40 - 25kg (Pelican Case) PDA Unit (G-Octopus) n/a USA 1 Connection Cables n/a USA 4 50m Main Cable n/a USA 1
Duct Tape n/a EU 10 Electric Tape n/a EU 10 Cable Ties n/a EU 300 50m Measuring Tape n/a EU 1 Tool Box n/a EU 2 M6 Box n/a EU 1 Torque Wrench n/a EU 2 Plates n/a EU 10 6mm Rope n/a EU 1 4 PDM Box N° 4 of 7: 60x40x40cm - 20kg (Carton) 50m Main cables (PDI) n/a USA 4 5 PDM Box N°5 of 7: 60x40x40cm - 15kg (Carton) 50m Main cables (PDI) n/a USA 2 6 PDM Box N° 6 of 7 : 60x40x40cm - 20kg (Carton) Bungee cord Rope EU 5
7 PDM Box 7 of 7 : 60x40x40cm - 10kg (Carton)
Bouyes n/a EU 3 Straps n/a EU 2
3 Pelican Cases and 4 Carton Boxes
FUGRO FRANCE SAS au Capital de 20 000 000€
Siège social : Work and Share 3-5 boulevard des Bouvets - 92000 NANTERRE - FRANCE RCS Nanterre B 421 280 504 – APE 7112B FUGRO FRANCE SAS au Capital de 20 000 000€ Siège social : Work and Share 3-5 boulevard des Bouvets - 92000 NANTERRE - FRANCE RCS Nanterre B 421 280 504 – APE 7112B