Vampire Chronicle

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Secrets of the City: New York, in its gothic guise, is a city brimming with secrets. From forgotten
subway tunnels to clandestine gatherings in penthouse suites, every corner can hide a mystery. Introduce
cryptic clues, enigmatic NPCs, and obscure lore that the players need to piece together.
Mysterious NPCs: Populate your world with characters who are more than they seem. A seemingly
mundane librarian might be a keeper of forbidden knowledge, or a homeless person in the park could be a
seer with cryptic prophecies. Encourage players to dig deeper into these characters' stories.
Unveiling the Past: With the recent Sabbat-Camarilla war, there's much to be discovered about what
transpired. Perhaps the players find themselves tracking down artifacts or information lost during the
conflict, leading them to uncover hidden aspects of vampire society and history.
New Kindred on the Block: As newcomers to the Kindred world, your players are perfectly positioned
to explore and discover. Let them learn about the different clans, their powers, and histories organically.
Their naivety can be a narrative tool that leads to surprising revelations.
Character-Driven Mysteries: Each character's background and sire can be a source of mystery. Why
were they chosen? What secrets does their bloodline hold? These personal mysteries can drive the plot
and character development.

Dramatis Personae
Player Characters
 Alexander Donovan: A young Ventrue from the blood of Hardestadt, a determined businessman
who wants to restore his family's fortune.
 Daniel Cruz: A young Brujah with a dark secret, who runs a car theft business inherited from his
Father from Red Hook.
 Alex Grey: A young Tremere, representative of a decimated lineage. A talented surgeon at the
Bedlam Private Hospital.
 Anastasia Moore: A young Toreador from an unknown lineage. A fallen singer sacrificed by her
manager on the altar of money.
 Gehrman Hisaishi: A young Malkavian haunted by visions. Became a vampire under tragic

The Ivory Tower. Its influence extends to Manhattan and parts of Queens. It vigorously seeks the support
of the old autarkis while grappling with internal weaknesses and the Second Inquisition.

Manhattan Court
 Victoria Panchard: "Prince of New York" - Ventrue ancilla from Hardestadt's lineage.
Alexander's Sire.
 Qadir al-Asmai: Sheriff and enemy of the Tremere clan. An Assamite elder.
 Dr. Howard Netchurch: Malkavian primogen, a research physician at the Bedlam Private
 Calebros: Former princeps pro tempore, war hero, Nosferatu primogen.
 Mazz: Brujah primogen, a gentleman gangster, former cowboy.
 Thomas Arturo: Young Toreador harpy, the Camarilla's architect, Valentine's child.

 Younger Hardestadt: An ancient Ventrue, founder of the Camarilla. Met his final death at the
hands of a Brujah in 2012.

 Henri Moore: Daniel Cruz's sire, a former gangster in Red Hook.
 Bruno Moore
 Anton the Butcher
 Polonia

Valentine’s Brood
 Valentine A mysterious elder, the lord of downtown Brooklyn.
 Hamilton Sims: A young Ventrue, Victoria's child who left her. The manager of The Echo and
Valentine's lover.

 Aran Rowan Bach: A mysterious Tremere who sired Alex Grey. His grandfather?
 Mad Hattie: A Malkavian in Red Hook, an old lady with cats.
 Bishop: A Gangrel in Red Hook, a Norwegian backpacker who met a sad fate.
 The Malkavian: Gehrman Hisaishi's sire.

Ghouls and Mortals

 Raymond Brown (152): An old ghoul, mentor to Daniel Cruz who once served his Sire.
 Lucy Hisaishi (18): Gehrman's high school sister; believes her brother is dead.
 Roland X: A producer in the music industry, responsible for Anastasia's death.
 Darren Lobos: Anastasia's former manager. Paid with his life for his betrayal.
 Alison Lee: A cool DJ, Valentine's ghoul.
 Thomas Baker (33): Daniel's brother, a bar manager, former drug addict, and petty criminal.
 Emily Baker (33): Daniel's sister, an office worker at an IT company.
Player Characters
Anastasia Moore
Bianka is playing a young Toreador vampire, Anastasia Moore. Anastasia a remarkable beauty. A young,
tall, tattooed woman with red hair. She is a gay girl who escaped from her conservative background in
the countryside and came to the city to become a famous musician.

However, her music career did not take off and her producer plotted to murder her for the insurance
money. This was the "Death Clause" of her contract, which Anastasia was unaware of. After a
particularly bad show at the Cathedral of Echoes, a huge night club, Anastasia was invited into a back
room where she was drugged, shown the Death Clause in her contract, and then her manager, Darren
administered a lethal dose of heroin into her vein.

Noone knew that the Cathedral of Echoes was the domain of an elder vampire, Valentine. Valentine,
sensing the transgression in his domain, intervened, killed Darren and saved Anastasia by making her a

Anastasia came to in one of Valentine's safe houses, a nice apartmant in a high-rise of Downtown
Brooklyn. She found there a young woman sent by Valentine to slake her hunger, and anonymous letter
from Valentine, explaining that she is now a vampire and she is free to do whatever she wants. But he
wouldn't want to force his company on her and he has no interest in raising a young vampire.

Later, Anastasia was found by the Camarilla, and she was left in the custody of another player character,
taking a plunge into a dark, criminal world.

One year later, Anastasia has basic knowledge of her vampire skills and abilities, and she can navigate
skillfully in her new domain, the Red Hook district, that she shares with other young vampires.

Anastasia does not yet know details about her lineage. However, she inhereted some unique traits from
Valentine through the blood: she is not affected by blood bonds, she has an appetite for vampire blood
as opposed to mortal blood, and she does not have a reflection.

Story Hooks

- She has a stalker who noticed her sudden and unexplained disappearance from the music scene and
now has conspiration theories.
- An ex-girlfriend who left her, and Anastasia wants her back.
- The manager, Darren, who was murdered by Valentine, left behind a family. The police suspects that
Anastasia killed him then disappeared.
- The producer, Roland, who arranged for Anastasia's death, is still at large, throwing out his web at
other unsuspecting musicians. Anastasia could become a champion for other victims.
Alexander Donovan
Van egy húga és munkája, mi van vele?
Alex Grey

Egy mágikus jel (kelta fonat) a mellkasán, ami elfeledteti az áldozatokkal a táplálkozást. A táplálkozás
során szívott vér egy része a jelet működteti (megtelik vérrel). Check, hogy lássuk elenyészik-e
(countdown 3).
Atyja bőrkötéses, kézzel írt útmutatót hagyott a lakásán.
Vérszerinti felmenő, aki generációk óta egyengeti a leszármazottai sorsát.
Magas, kopasz, égett arcú 40-es férfi
Neves magánklinikán dolgozott - Netchurch? Staten Island?

Az atyja Tremere Nódista, rátalált a Malkavita nyughelyére, aki megszállta. Most a két vámpr lelke
osztozkodik a testén. Ő teremtette Gehrman-t is, és majd másokat is biztosan.

Alex is kaphat látomásokat.

Gehrman Hisaishi
Japán származású
Van egy húga, aki egyetemre készül
Basically, Gehrman paycheck-je tartotta el kettejüket, nincs másuk
Gehrman-nak van egy baráti bandája Manhatten-ből
Victoria Venture értékeli Gehrman művészetét, Gehrman úgy érzi megmentette (Vic kegyelme mentette
meg a wight sorstól/a kivégzéstől)
Módszeres zenész, nagyon büszke rá (klasszikus egy kis jazz beütéssel)
Később érdekli az okkultizmus és varázslás esetleg

Az atyja Tremere Nódista, rátalált a Malkavita nyughelyére, aki megszállta. Most a két vámpr lelke
osztozkodik a testén. Ő teremtette Alex-t is, és majd másokat is biztosan.

Gehrman is fogékony a taumaturgiára, és bolond a vére.

John street 12, 42. emelet

Daniel Cruz
Atyja Henri Moore
Sire: Henry Moore
Szesztilalom alatt sikeresen megszedte magát, kialakított egy jól működő hálózatot az importálásra és
1923-1927 között megnyitott 3 "speakeasie"-t amik 1933 után már legálisan működhettek.
Mai napig működő kocsmák amik a legális oldalát képviselik a pénz áramlásának (Pénz tisztára mosását
is segítik)
- Nighttime Awake
- Old Soldier
- The Happy Sheep
A Moore által felépített szervezet a "Swamp Dwellers" (kikötői élet és Henry családnevének "Moore"
Név: Daniel Cruz
1970-ben született Cali-ban.
Anya: Isabella Diaz
Apa: Antonio Cruz
Ölelték: 2001
Apja a Cali Cartel feltörekvő tagja volt egészen 1982-ben bekövetkezett haláláig. A Cartel vezetése
nemkívánatosnak ítélte és elrendelték meggyilkolását. Danielnek és édesanyjának emiatt menekülnie
Édesapja egy barátja segített nekik átszökni a határon. Amerikában próbáltak új életet kezdeni.
Daniel hamar rájött hogy az élet nem egyszerű. Egy jómódú életből belecsöppentek egy apró lakásba amit
próbált egyedül fentartani az anyja.
14-15 éves lehetett mikor kisebb rablásokban már segédkezett a helyi bandának majd később csatlakozott
Itt ismerte meg Henry Moore-t a banda vezérét.
1990-ben anyja újra házasodott , ebből a házasságból születtek testvérei 1992-ben (öccse: Thomas Baker
és Huga: Emily Baker)
Nevelőapjával a kapcsolat viharos volt és nem sokat járt hozzájuk de testvéreivel próbált jó kapcsolatot
kialakítani bár ekkor már a banda volt a tényleges családja, de támogatta őket amiben csak tudta.
Nevelőapja 1999-ben bekövetkezett halála után megtett mindent hogy a családja ne szenvedjen hiányt
semmiben. Anyja nem tudta elviselni hogy már a második férfit veszíti el és előbb nyugtatókra majd
később erősebb drogokra szokott rá majd 2017-ben meghalt.
Testvérei Iskoláztatását ő finanszírozta.
Huga egyetemet végzett és egy nagyobb IT cégnél helyezkedett el. ( Emily Kor: 32 )
Öccse kibukott az egyetemről, inkább akart a nagytestvér mellett lenni szeretett volna a banda része lenni
amit természetesen nem akart neki engedni Dan. Thomas apróbb rablásokkal és fű terjesztéssel kezdte
majd később rácsúszott komolyabb szerekre. Dan bejuttatta egy elvonora ahonnan 2015 ben kiengedték
és hogy felügyelet alatt legyen Dan inkább maga mellé vette és rábízta a három kocsma irányítását és
felügyeletét. (Thomas: Kor 32)
2001-ben Moore úgy döntött beavatja Danielt egy hatalmas titokba hogy mi is van valójában az
Magához hivatta majd megragadta és Dan érezte ahogy eltávozik belőle az élet. nem tudta mi történik.
Mikor magához tért Moore jobbkeze Ray állt felette. Szája szélén érezte a vér ízét.
Raymond Brown (Korábban Henry Moore ghoulja 1912-óta)
Ray Mindent elmondott Dannek amit tudott az éjszaká világáról mesterétől.
Együtt elfedték a tényt hogy Moore eltűnt a föld színéről , eltemették és Dan vette át a bandát.
Dan azóta próbálja irányítani a bandát, főként luxus autók lopásával fogalkoznak és ezeket szállítják el
konténerekben a kikötőbőll. A drogokat teljesen megveti mivel úgy érzi a családja majdnem minden tagját
ezek tették tönkre, az egyedüli amit képes tolerálni az a fű de ennek használtát is megveti.
Nehezen viseli az arrogáns gazdagokat ezért is nem engedi a bandatagoknak hogy kisemberektől
vegyenek el. A területén belül nincs védelmipénz viszont a védelemre számíthatnak az itt élők.
Ami leginkább foglalkoztatja hogy két testvére a legjobb életet tudja élni. Ezért is próbálja minél jobban
megérteni a káiniták világát és hogy hogyan is lehetne hogy testvérei is részesedjenek az öröklétből annak
hátrányai nélkül.
A második a sorban pedig a hatalom megszerzése mind a városi bandák mind pedig az éjszaka világa
Megakarja reformálni a világot hogy ne az erőss élősködjön a gyenge fölött.
Storyteller Characters
Victoria Panchard
The new Ventrue Prince of New York, young compared to a lot
of elder vampires but she has a keen understanding of running
the Camarilla and getting things done for the vampires in this
She has all the support from the Camarilla, but the faction is
small compared to the huge Metropolis of New York. She needs
to spread her influence into the boroughs other than Manhattan,
first trying to either eliminate the anarch baron Valentine just
across the Brooklyn bridge or persuade him to join the
In mortal guise, Victoria is an average-looking woman,
youthful in her 40s, with dark, stylish hair, and the appearance
of a wealth.
As a vampire, her yellow eyes reflect the light, her skin is deathly pale, and she has a gaunt thinness.
She prefers dark, expensive, simple clothes, velvet gloves, silk scarves (covering the wound on her neck),
and a Princeps signet ring.

 Maternal feelings towards her children even though she uses them just like she had been used by
her Sire for decades.
 Democratic sentiments, believing the domain is too large and should be good for everyone.
 Strategic mind, knowledgeable in power dynamics and enemies.
 Takes great pride in her lineage, and she advocates that Ventrue are born to rule other Kindred.

 Dominate:
o Command (sufficient to see, not necessary to hear)
o Hypnosis
o Forgetfulness
 Presence
o Seduction
o Awe
 Significant financial resources
 Lot of support from influential vampires, such as the alliance with Qadir
 Access to her former Sire’s resources:
o Mortal soldiers
o Detectives and informants
o Connections within city administration


 From Hardestadt's blood (a pillar of the Camarilla).

 Crassly embraced as a clan soldier worked under/after her father in the power factory throughout
her non-existence. Played a major role in the war, provided resources.

 Pronunciation: [pen'sa-d]
 Her ghoul is an ex-mercenary woman from Israel, Deborah Naim.
 She holds Thomas Arturo close to her now. On the one hand, he is the childe of Valentine and an
important hostage and source of information. On the other hand, Victoria is seeking to reinforce
the Camarilla strongholds, creating safehouses, secret places from the Second Inquisition.
 She also holds Calebros in great regard and he is the only one she is willing to open up to.
Calebros is good to her.
 Victoria really likes going to concerts and appreciates art.
 She has a private gallery of portraits of Ventrue from her lineage and other vampires, e.g. Polonia,
or Calebros.
 She spends a lot of time gathering and analyzing information, strategizing and syncing up with
other vampires.
 Every three months, she holds court... only Alexander has a back door, but even he experiences
long waiting nowadays.
 She spent basically the entire year organizing the big Elysium where she proclaims herself Prince.
1854-es ölelés a vadnyugaton, még mindig őrzi a revolverét, ami cowboy-ként szolgálta. NYC szűz terep volt
számára, egyfajta hírnévre tett szert, mint gengszter celeb. Többször is el kellett játszani a halálát.

Anton bandájával on/off riválisok és szövetségesek voltak, de más városrészek tartoztak a befolyásuk alá. Mazz
főleg bárokban, szórakozóhelyekben, éttermekben utazik.

Erős kapcsolatok a rendőrséggel.

Inkább szörny, mint ember. Az emberiségre, mint nyáj gondol.
Thomas Arturo
Toreador, kiváló kapcsolatok a városigazgatásnál.
Építész, vértestvérek különleges menedékeit tervezi. Atyja Valentine, amit nem híresztel.

Kutatja a Chicago Works-t.

Dr Howard Netchurch
Azon a magánklinikán dolgozik, ahol Alex is, de ő éjszaka és a zárt osztályon kísérletezik
Princeps pro tempore
Az elsőszülött
Csatornalabirintusa mélyén elgépelget az írógépén
Qadir al-Asmai
A Banu Haqim hunter who has served the Camarilla for
more than 200 years. Originating from British India, he
earned his sire's embrace after a long service as a ghoul
and then served the Ventrues until just recently.
Qadir is the Sheriff, an extremely dangerous vampire in
New York whose authority is universally recognized.
Recently, he has invited a few Assamites to New York and
establish a domain. He is also looking for someone to
To mortal eyes, he is a slender Indian man, the kind
rightfully described as handsome, with dark hair, around
thirty, fit. His demeanor is somber, suspicious, judgmental.
As a vampire, he has yellow eyes, ash-gray dead skin, and
Qadir might present a weary demeanor, reflecting on the wreckage of his former humanity. He desires to
establish his own domain but finds few friends among the Kindred, most of whom see him as a
bloodthirsty executioner.
There is a desire for his own sovereignty, hinting at a complex character who is more than just a feared
enforcer. Despite his hard exterior, there's an underlying aspiration for more meaningful connections and
a legacy beyond violence.
He has spent nearly his entire life protected from the bloodthirst of his bloodline by the Tremere curse.
However, in the modern nights, he must resist the lure of vampire blood without any protective net.
He prefers to hunt in a manner that allows him to pass judgment.

 A strong, quick, resilient, and skilled warrior.

 Cat-like reflexes, capable of great leaps.
 Uses a vanishing act that partially hypnotizes and induces amnesia.
 His blood is toxic, containing poisons.
 Practices blood sorcery, known as Thaumaturgy.
Despises the Tremere, having driven them out, destroyed them, or forced them into hiding.
Secretly studies blood magic and plunders the possessions and relics of former Tremeres.

Autarkis & Anarch
Eduarde Claude, a former Anarch who has become an
autarkic ancilla. A Toreador of influence and power, his
alignment is sought after by the Camarilla, but his past is
shrouded in mystery. He is approximately 200 years old
and was a French soldier who personally witnessed
Napoleon's reign.
The Echo, an exclusive club that serves as a rich hunting
ground. He allows others to feed on his territory in
exchange for money or favors, dealing ruthlessly with
trespassers and poachers.
- As a mortal, he resembles a model-like, extravagant
young man with a designer stubble and buzzed military
haircut, often seen in fur-collared designer coats, t-shirts,
and jeans.
- As a vampire, he moves with lightning speed and his
eyes emit an unusual glow. His hospitality is spider-like,
dangerously charming, and when threatened, he hisses,
with his eyes flashing menacingly.
- Gallant and a vampire celebrity.
- Lightning-fast reflexes and cat-like balance.
- Robust constitution.
- An exceptional fencer and marksman.
- Abilities in mesmerism, dominance, summoning, memory erasure, and an intimidating gaze (opposed by
resolve+composure vs 6).
- Telepathy that allows him to recognize other vampires, a connection to his Domain that lets him read the
history of objects through touch.
Mad Hattie
Haunts Red Hook houses: brown brick tenement houses that look like blocks from Budapest
Cat lady, feeds from them too
Attacks kids hanging out near railway tunnel (drug spot)
Watches TV that talks to her
Attends the night market with all the junk she has
Gangrel claiming Red Hook as home, but has no problem with Daniel... Circles don't meet.
Likes dogs, lives like a homeless.
Hamilton Sims
Bruno Moore
Anton the Butcher
Aran Rowan Bach

Tremere Anathema.
Biotaumaturgia, alkimia, erős telekinézis, uralom, és vérmágia.
Nódista, Anton társa
A közel-keleten rátalált egy matuzsálem sírhelyére, aki megszállta. Most az irányításért harcolnak
egymással Aran testében. A matuzsálem teremtette Gehrman-t és még többeket.
The Malkavian
 A Vándor
 Szürke Zarándok
 Ő
 Aki tébolyt énekel
 Anthelios
 A Háromszemű
 Aki több helyen van egyszerre
 A szemfényvesztő
 A fekete hold démona
 A világvége prófétája
 Az őrült

Incubus Passion
Lobotómia egy pillantással

Aran Rowan Bach testében él a lelke.

A teste valahol Bach egyik tartályában lebeg hígított vérben.
Other Supernatural
Amanda Fuller

Deborah Naim

Raymond Brown
Leopold Delano

River Falls
Night Factions
The Ivory Tower
The Wraiths
A coterie of Assamites, invited by Qadir to establish a domain. A mysterious crew of masked spies and
They claim the whole city as their hunting ground, but they are a close-knit cabal and their lairs are all
tied to Qadir’s domain.

 Pillar (leader, sophisticated, secretive, judgmental)

 Slate (silent, dominant, vigilante) – Darker than Black
 Loop (obsessive, moody, tech expert)
Notable Assets
Scattered collection of safehouses and operative assets. A secret lair in one of the Manhattan residential
towers, designed by Arturo. Thaumaturgy rituals and Tremere artifacts.
Each member wears a white mask and conceals their identity with an alias. They communicate with a
private sign language. They diablerize non-Camarilla vampires, all their auras are pitch black.

 Qadir

 Tremere
 Police
 Anarchs
Even though Qadir is loyal to the Camarilla, he prefers to use the group for his own agendas instead of
lending it to Victoria. His ties to the Wraiths are a mystery.
Plot Hooks

 They recently acquired a map of the city that shows the celestial architecture, designed by two
rival architects more than a hundred years ago. The Wraiths are also looking to root out vampires
who threaten the Masquerade.
 They might cross paths with Alex Grey or he might be put in a situation where he has to protect
Tremere fugitives hunted by the Wraiths.

Valentine’s Brood
Visszhang Katedrális - egyfajta fizetős elízium/táplálkozó hely,

 Valentine (Toreador, szkeptikus öreg, extravagáns)
 Tiago (Nosferatu, szörny, filozofikus)
 Hamilton Sims (Victoria’s childe, Valentine elcsábította, igazgató)
 Alison Lee (Blood Vessel, DJ, eltökélt)

Notable Assets


Mr Grischnak fészekalja, Netchurch, Darálók, Skinner

Wolfram Hart, Camarilla, Sabbat


Mr West’s Brood
Master West
Black Molly, the Ghoul Girl
Rufus Leech Face - millió foga van
Rufus the Worm Lord - nem néz ki Nosferatunak elsőre, de ha hozzáérnek az arcához felreped és megmutatja a
Rubber Johnny


We are creatures of fear, a family
Toireador are Daevas, Succubi...
There is a Necropolis down bbelow... Half-collapsed, parking building stopped mid-construction cause funding ran
Alley behind needle exchange clinic is a hunting ground.
The Black Prince: Polonia
The Pig
Rufus, the
Rothadó Succubus-ok
Automatikus írás
Szemek néznek a csaj hátáról
Rubber Johnny... Ő csak..... Tönkrement...
The Grinders

The Bats
Birtok: Papír utcai gyilkos ház, régi papírgyár, elhagyatott házak és raktárok, rossz környékek Red Hook és Upper
NY Bay környékén.

Karakterek: Amanda Fulller (mad bitch, erős, elveszett), Rafe (fenegyerek, nárcisztikus), Billie (tűzzel játszik, gyors)
Bullethead (TRVE ravehead)

Erőforrások: Motorok, ipari romok Brooklyn hónaljában, hígvérűek és vámpírivadékok falkái.

Különlegességek: Amanda vámpír denevérei vért gyűjtenek neki és a kémei. A Papír utcai gyilkos ház még őrzi
Anton rezonanciáját, Amanda ebből töltekezik és itt jósol. A vámpírivadékok a Szabbat ostrom óta hosszan
hibernáltak, de Amanda megtalálta képes volt felvenni velük a kapcsolatot.

Szövetségesek: "Ő"

Ellenségek: Mindenki


 Anton visszatér: 4/1
 Amanda ráteszi a kezét valami veszélyesre 8/


 Victoria Panchard (Ventrue, státusz, stratéga, tapintatos)
 Thomas Arturo (Toreador, menedék-mérnök,
 Stephen Patrick Maslowe - Mazz (Brujah, pénzéhes, gengszter)




Ellenségek: Wolfram Hart


Day Factions
The New York City Police Department. Also known as the biggest, meanest gang in the city. Corrupt,
violent, and cruel.
The NYPD claim the whole city as their turf, but they are severely limited in places like Brooklyn and
Bronx by scarce resources and bureaucracy.
Commander McCleelan (corrupt, angry, arrogant)
Captain Mitchell (ambitious, fierce, confident)
Captain Vale (loyal, insightful, quiet)
Angel Black (demon-ridden, cruel motherfucker)
Notable Assets
Many large gangs of vicious thugs in uniforms. Shield of law, the eye of the Inquisition. Sometimes the
rich boroughs lend resources to other precincts.
The NYPD is divided into precincts, and they have fierce rivalries, encouraged by their superiors – often
good-natured, but sometimes violent.
Mayor’s Office, Camarilla, Bruno Moore
The Hooks
The Grinders
Damnation City
Red Hook
Population ~40.000 people
Nighttime Awake:
- **Description:** A cozy basement pub and restaurant tucked away in a less frequented alley of Red
Hook. Its rustic interior, featuring exposed brick walls and dim lighting, creates a welcoming atmosphere
for the weary and those seeking solace from the night.
- **Use in Story:** The Nighttime Awake can serve as a neutral ground where vampires and humans
interact with minimal suspicion. Its position as a haven makes it a strategic spot for meetings, information
exchanges, and discreet observation of patrons. The underground aspect could also hint at literal
underground connections or escape routes, useful in times of conflict or as a means to move unseen
through the area.
Potential Plot Hooks:
- A mortal informant frequents the pub, offering tips on the Hooks' movements or police activity in
exchange for protection.
- An underground passage discovered during renovations could lead to ancient secrets or dangers
lurking beneath Red Hook.
Old Soldier:
- **Description:** This pub caters to the older generation, particularly dock workers who have spent their
lives on the waterfront. Its decor is a homage to maritime history, with naval memorabilia adorning the
walls and sea shanties occasionally filling the air.
Use in Story: The Old Soldier acts as a hub for the working-class mortals of Red Hook, making it an ideal
place for gathering intel on the docks and any smuggled goods or supernatural items that might pass
through. The patronage by older locals also provides a rich source of historical knowledge about the area
and its supernatural occurrences.
Potential Plot Hooks:
- A retired dock worker unwittingly possesses an artifact of supernatural origin, sparking interest from
various factions.
- The pub hosts a secret meeting of vampire hunters, offering a daring opportunity for eavesdropping or

The Happy Sheep:

- **Description:** A vibrant disco that attracts a diverse crowd with its energetic music and colorful
lights. It's a place where the mundane and the supernatural blend on the dance floor, with humans and
vampires alike reveling in the nightlife.
Use in Story: Beyond its function as a haven, The Happy Sheep could serve as a pulse point for the
younger population and the supernatural entities drawn to their vitality. It offers a dynamic setting for
social encounters, alliances, and even confrontations amidst the anonymity of the crowd.
Potential Plot Hooks:
- A series of mysterious disappearances linked to the disco prompts an investigation that uncovers a
predator using the venue as hunting grounds.
- An influential Kindred chooses The Happy Sheep to host a supernatural gala, a high-stakes event that
could elevate or doom Daniel's standing in the vampire community.
Red Hook Clinic:
- **Description:** A small clinic that struggles to meet the needs of Red Hook's population. While it
offers basic medical services, its limited resources and operating capacity often leave it overwhelmed,
especially given the area's serious drug problem.
Use in Story:The clinic represents a vital, though under-resourced, lifeline for the community. It could
become a focal point for efforts to combat the drug epidemic or as a ground zero for supernatural diseases
affecting the mortal population. The blood bank, despite its modest size, might attract unwanted attention
from vampires or other creatures.
Potential Plot Hooks:
- An outbreak of a strange, blood-borne illness at the clinic leads to a quarantine situation, with
implications for both the mortal and supernatural residents of Red Hook.
- The clinic's blood bank becomes the target of a heist, implicating the vampire community and
threatening the Masquerade.
Downtown Brooklyn
Comprised of the residential and business hub Downtown Brooklyn, the residential and idyllic waterside
Brooklyn Heights and DUMBO, this is the sole domain of Valentine and his brood. The place is a mix of
skyscrapers, business and residential towers, as well as historical sites.

The Beat
The Beat, a 30-floor tower, stands in a neighborhood where old Brooklyn's industrial past and its tech-
driven future collide. The tower is a glass and steel monument echoing the area's resurgence, houses
music studios and record labels, crowned by a renowned concert venue that attracts talent from across the
The tower's developer, Alexei Romanov, a visionary with rumored ties to the city's underground, sought
to create a space where art and technology meet. The venue's manager, DJ Luna, known for her uncanny
ability to discover new talent, is a respected figure in the music scene, with whispers suggesting she
knows more about the tower's acoustics than she lets on.

Velvet Underground
An exclusive, mobile underground club, Velvet Underground is where punk and goth collide with the
vampiric underworld, offering a space for revelry and recruitment. Its location is a closely guarded secret,
shared through cryptic graffiti and digital whispers.

Hills and Gardens

Comrpised of Gobble Hill, Coerum Hill, and Carroll Gardens, these residential low-rises are the hunting
ground of the Nosferatu Mr West and his brood.
The famous Gowenus canal used for shipping transportation, there are seven bridges. Heavy pollution,
poor area.

Sunset Park
Industrial docs, cheap residential buildings. Mostly thin bloods and wights. The Hooks patrol the area
sometimes to hunt vampires.
Chronicle Log
First Session
Chronicle: Dark Horizons
The chronicle is set in the contested boroughs of New York City. After a brutal war in the 90s between
rivaling vampire factions, the city lies fragmented, with individual vampires and gangs acting as they
will. The old Camarilla faction, the vampire elite, looks to spread influence on the city from Manhattan.
After 20 years, they are able to produce a Prince again who would claim control over the entire city.
Many have tried before, all have failed and turned to ashes. For their ambition, the Camarilla needs allies
in unexpected places.
The chronicle narrows down in Northern Brooklyn, specifically Red Hook, where a coterie of young
vampires emerges as champions for the Camarilla’s cause.
The coterie must secure their hold on their territory, the Red Hook. Then if they want to conquer new
territories, they must navigate the unknown power structure in Brooklyn. Meanwhile, they must also stick
together and drive out anyone who would challenge their claim on Red Hook... new contenders, and
enemies from the past as well.
First Session:
Daniel Cruz, a lonely vampire running a gang in Red Hook, NYC is approached by the leaders of the
Camarilla faction in the city. They urge Daniel to establish a Domain in Red Hook that could be an ally of
the Camarilla. In return, they promise him resources to strengthen his power base and to improve the
To Daniel's surprise, by resources, the Camarilla means taking in newly turned vampires, and teaching
and shaping them to become useful assets in Daniel's plans. To assist Daniel, the would-be Camarilla
Prince bids her childe, Alexander Donovan to act as a strong ally to Daniel.
The three fledgling vampires, Anastasia Moore, Gehrman Hisaishi, and Dr Alex Grey were turned by
unknown, mysterious vampires around the same time, then abandoned. Now, Daniel and Alexander will
act as their Sires.
Session 2
The fledglings must quickly adjust to their new unlife while salvaging the remains of their old mortal
past. Meanwhile, Daniel and Alexander must learn to work together despite their differences.
Alexander relies on his Sire, Victoria for guidance in his new task. They muse on the city's past and
future, and what role Daniel and the fledglings might play. They even uncover the identity of Dr Grey's
Sire, a surviving member of the fallen Tremere clan.
Daniel focuses mostly on earning the trust of the young vampires, establishing himself as a father figure.
He helps Gehrman, a troubled offspring of the cursed Malkavian line, to get over his traumatic embrace.
They must fake Gehrman's death and funeral to keep up the Masquerade, the great conspiracy that veils
the existence of vampires from mortals.
Session 3
A whole year goes past and the fledglings mature into neonates. Now, they are ready to fight together with
Daniel and grow Red Hook into a powerful Domain.
The session starts off with the coterie strategizing in their lair. They are surrounded by unknown threats
and enemies from all sides. Their most immediate problem is the Hooks, a mortal gang spreading drugs
and ruin in Red Hook. The coterie investigates these lowly criminals, trying to find an angle for attack.
Meanwhile, Yhorm - previously known as Gehrman, and Daniel investigate a mysterious vampire spotted
here and there among the warehouses. After a few days, the stranger decides to approach them and
introduce himself as Bishop, a lone wanderer of the Gangrel clan. Daniel accepts him as a new, temporary
resident in his Domain, still assessing if Bishop's an asset or if he poses just another threat.
Session 3.1 – Doctor’s Visit
Dr Grey, only a few weeks after becoming a vampire, pays a visit to his mortal touchstone in a short
flashback session. Dr Wolfe, an elderly medical professor, old friend, and mentor meets the fledgling
vampire in his private office. The old doctor quickly notices Grey’s condition and asks him whether he
belongs to them now… and Grey admits that yes, he is a vampire now.
Over the next two months, Grey secretly meets his old friend once a week late in the evening. Dr Wolfe
becomes his confidante, learning about the vampire condition and the young vampire’s personal struggles
in adjusting to his unlife. Soon, however, the old man openly asks Grey to turn him into a vampire, saving
him from old age and from his imminent death.
Grey, torn with moral dilemma and fear for hurting his friend, requests an audience with Victoria, the de
facto ruler of the city. He tells Victoria about his situation and asks for guidance.
Victoria tests the young vampire, and educates him about what is means when a mortal is embraced as
one of the Kindred. Then she declines Grey’s request, stressing that it is forbidden to create a vampire in
New York without her permission, punishable by death.
As a parting gift, Victoria guides Dr Grey to a powerful vampire, Dr Netchurch, who claims the Bedlam
Private Hospital as his domain. Dr Grey befriends Netchurch who becomes his mentor over the course of
the year.

Session 3.2 - Happy Unbirthday

On the anniversary of her death, Anastasia secretly visits the Cathedral of Echoes, the night club where
she had the last concert of her mortal life. She blends in with the thousand other partygoers of the
Cathedral, navigating the neon-lit dance floor of the old church. However, as she ventures deeper, songs
from her concert eerily start playing. Confused and frightened by the paranormal phenomenon, Anastasia
decides to go to the second floor to get a better view of the place.

Up on the metal catwalk, she spots a bestial silhouette hiding high up in the eaves of the church. Very
much like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, the creature quickly moves out of sight. Anastasia decides to
search for it, hoping for some answers.
Soon after, she seduces as security guard to guide him into one of the bell towers. Ascending the stairs,
she receives a telepathic invitation to go to the very top. There, she finally meets her creator, Valentine,
overlooking Downtown Brooklyn in the cold winter night like a gargoyle. Valentine looks young and
nonthreatening, but even his friendly and playful demeanor cannot mask that he is an old predator and the
master of a powerful Domain.
They converse throughout the night, starting to form a friendly bond born out of mutual sympathy.
Valentine reveals his motivation for turning Anastasia into a vampire, saving her life and condemning her
to centuries of unlife at the same time. Not long before dawn, they part ways. Valentine assures his childe
that she is welcome at the Cathedral in the future, but Anastasia cannot shrug off the feeling that he is still
not willing to take responsibility for creating her, and that he is only an unreliable ally at best.
Potential Scenes
The Hooks Strike Back
The Thin-Blood Escapes into the Sun
Problems at the Red Hook Clinic
Netchurch’s Test
Echoes of the Old Chantry
Murder Scene
Child Lost in Red Hook
Scene Archive
Happy Unbirthday
Concept: Anastasia decides to return to the Cathedral of Echoes, on the anniversary of her death. She
finds Valentine there, who has been there the whole time, willing to talk to her childe if she decides to
seek him out.

 Identity and Transformation: Explore how Anastasia has changed since her last visit to the
 Belonging and Isolation: Despite being surrounded by Kindred, Anastasia might feel a profound
sense of isolation, underscored by her unique situation with Valentine. Can she be a part of this?
Location: The Cathedral of Echoes is a kind of an elysium for vampires, where they can meet and
socialize, or hunt and feed safely for a price. So, there are always a few vampires present.
Action: When Anastasia enters, her music starts to play her past performance, a psychological
manifestation of her power. This causes confusion but the DJ then takes advantage of this haunting and
creates cool tunes to stir the party. Later, she tells others about the paranormal phenomenon.
Valentine immediately senses Anastasia and reaches out telepathically, guiding her childe through the
hunting ground, challenging her to hunt or display her powers. In the end, he invites her to him.

 Hearing rumors about her disappearance

 Facing American Psycho level indifference to her existence "Oh cool… thought you went to
Malibu" or "Nice tan"
 Investigating the paranormal phenomenon
 Spotting vampires
o The hunchback of the Echo – Tiego: Spots Anastasia, interested in the echo of her
performance, wants to protect musicians.
o Hamilton Sims: Business-like, but insecure and jealous when learning that Anastasia is
Valentine’s childe.
o The blood vessel DJ Alison Lee – “So you are the same as Valentine…” and she knows
rumors about the disappearance of musicians.
 Just dancing… "Look at how confident you are, how happy you are… even vampires covet that
because they are miserable…"
Haunting Melody: When Anastasia revisits The Echo and feels the echoes of her past, roll Humanity.
On 3+, the haunting music imbues her with a sense of purpose, granting her a temporary point of Will. On
2 minus, the memories are bittersweet, offering a clue to her powers but also inflicting 1-harm
(emotional): The music is coming from her, it’s her heart’s song. On a miss, the past overwhelms her, and
she must keep it together or act out, potentially revealing her vampire nature.
Daeva Song: If Anastasia decides to perform at The Echo, leveraging her Toreador affinity for art, she
rolls Cha+Performance. On a 3+, her performance entrances all Kindred present, making them more
amenable to her requests. On a 2-, she draws attention, both wanted and unwanted. On a miss, the Beast
within stirs too close to the surface, threatening to break the Masquerade.
Death Resonance: When Anastasia goes to the back room, she senses the emotional residues of her death
and rebirth in The Echo, she automatically rolls a Rouse check. She gains a clear vision of what happened
that night, gaining some information otherwise unattainable: Roland’s name and address in the
Miscellaneous Ideas
Random Locations
1. The Blood Market
2. Beneath the city, in an abandoned subway station, a hidden market thrives,
trading blood, occult artifacts, and forbidden services. Governed by ancient pacts,
this neutral zone is a hive of information, alliances, and danger, where betrayal is
always a possibility.
3. The Echo
4. An exclusive, mobile underground club, The Echo is where punk and goth collide
with the vampiric underworld, offering a space for revelry and recruitment. Its
location is a closely guarded secret, shared through cryptic graffiti and digital
5. The Sanctuary of Shadows
6. In the ruins of a Gothic church, a sanctuary stands, protected by wards and
serving as a spiritual haven for the Kindred. Here, they honor the fallen, seek
wisdom, and engage in rituals that bind them to the night.
7. The Labyrinth
8. A network of tunnels beneath the territory serves as the gang's secret passages,
accessible only to those loyal enough to learn its mysteries. Rumored to hold
ancient secrets, its depths are feared even by the vampires.
9. Graffiti Alley: A narrow passageway between two dilapidated buildings, covered
in vibrant, anarchic graffiti that's become a canvas for local artists expressing
10. The Docks: A fog-enshrouded pier where old, rusting ships moor, rumored to be
haunted by the ghosts of drowned sailors.
11. Raven's Bookstore: A cluttered, dimly-lit shop specializing in occult literature and
rare manuscripts, with a cat named Hecate as its unofficial mascot.
12. The Underpass: A graffiti-tagged tunnel known for its echo, where street
musicians play gothic tunes on battered instruments to an audience of shadows.
13. Broken Bridge: A partially collapsed overpass, now a gathering spot for thrill-
seekers and those seeking solitude under the stars.
14. The Needle: An abandoned skyscraper, half-finished and left to decay, where
squatters and urban explorers dare to venture.
15. Midnight's Pharmacy: A 24-hour drugstore with flickering neon lights, providing
remedies for both mundane and mysterious ailments, no questions asked.
16. The Junkyard: A sprawling expanse of twisted metal and broken dreams, guarded
by a one-eyed dog named Cerberus, where the desperate search for salvage or a
place to hide.
17. The Haunt: An old, boarded-up mansion rumored to be cursed, its once majestic
facade now a testament to decay, serving as the backdrop for ghost stories among
the local youth.
18. Vinyl Catacombs: A basement record store hidden beneath a laundromat, filled
with rare punk and gothic vinyls, its entrance marked by a skull sticker.
19. Widow's Walk Café: A cozy yet eerie café located at the corner of a forgotten
street, where patrons whisper secrets over cups of black coffee served in skull-
shaped mugs.
20. The Cobweb Club: A dilapidated warehouse turned into an underground club,
where cobwebs are part of the décor and the music is as dark as the ambiance.
21. Shadow Market: A nocturnal flea market held in an empty lot, where vendors sell
everything from vintage clothing to oddities under the glow of flickering lanterns.
22. The Iron Gate: An old, iron-wrought gate leading to a derelict urban garden,
overgrown with wild plants and rumored to be a meeting place for witches.
23. Echo Bridge: A graffiti-covered pedestrian bridge known for its strange acoustics,
where people's whispers can be heard clearly at the opposite end.
24. The Mausoleum: An abandoned crypt turned speakeasy, accessible only through a
hidden entrance in the cemetery, where the cocktails are named after deadly sins.
25. The Black Cat Alley: A narrow alleyway home to a clowder of feral, but
surprisingly friendly, black cats, considered by locals to be guardians against bad
26. The Watchtower: The remnants of an old fire watchtower, now a secluded spot
for stargazers and dreamers looking to escape the city's light pollution.
27. Phantom Train Tracks: Disused railway tracks where it's said a ghost train passes
on moonless nights, its whistle a mournful cry in the darkness.
28. The Forgotten Arcade: A closed-down arcade where the games still hum and
flicker to life when the moon is full, playing by themselves as if haunted by the
spirits of gamers past.
29. The Tattered Page: A second-hand bookstore with floor-to-ceiling shelves, where
the scent of old paper mingles with the aroma of strong, black coffee from the
shop's tiny café corner.
30. Rusty Spokes Bike Repair: A cluttered bicycle shop in an old garage, lit by
strands of fairy lights, where the owner fixes bikes by day and hosts underground
punk concerts by night.
31. The Inkwell: A tattoo parlor known for its avant-garde designs and late-night
hours, adorned with sketches of gothic cathedrals and urban legends on its black
32. Derelict Diner: An all-night diner with cracked leather booths and a jukebox stuck
in the '80s, serving the best greasy spoon fare to insomniacs and night owls.
33. Rebel Yarn: A knitting shop by day that transforms into a DIY punk clothing and
accessories workshop at night, offering classes on how to repurpose and rebel-
stitch garments.
34. Concrete Jungle Gym: An abandoned lot turned community fitness area, where
locals have repurposed industrial debris into workout stations, surrounded by
murals of urban landscapes.
35. The Broken Pen: A cozy, dimly lit writer's café, offering a quiet refuge for scribes
of all genres, with walls lined with signed first editions and dog-eared
36. Loft Living: A series of converted loft apartments above an old factory, where
exposed brick and industrial fixtures meet modern minimalist design, housing a
mix of artists and young professionals.
37. Siren Sounds Record Store: An independent vinyl and music shop that doubles as
a haven for local musicians to showcase their work and share gig flyers, hidden
behind a nondescript door in an alley.
38. The Greenhouse Project: An urban community garden flourishing on the rooftop
of an old parking garage, where residents grow their own vegetables and host
open-air movie nights among the greenery.
39. Caffeine Underground: A basement coffee shop with exposed brick walls and mismatched
furniture, serving as a hub for poets, writers, and activists to exchange ideas over artisan
40. Midnight Tailor: A bespoke tailoring and vintage clothing shop that stays open until the wee
hours, catering to night owls and those in need of last-minute outfit repairs or alterations.
41. The Boiler Room: An old industrial building turned into a co-working space for startups and
freelancers, retaining its original metal pipes and concrete floors, offering a stark yet inspiring
42. Urban Oasis Yoga Studio: A tranquil yoga studio nestled in the heart of the bustling city,
offering rooftop classes surrounded by skyscrapers, providing a serene escape from urban
43. The Lantern Lit Library: A public library that extends its hours until midnight, adorned with
soft, lantern-like lighting, creating a cozy atmosphere for nocturnal readers and students.
44. Steel Petal Florist: A flower shop specializing in exotic and rare blooms, with a gothic flair in
its arrangements, appealing to those looking for something beyond the ordinary.
45. The Underground: A subterranean bar located beneath the streets, where the history of the
city is told through old maps and photographs covering its walls, serving craft cocktails
named after historic events.
46. Echo Park: An urban park known for its echoing acoustics, where local musicians perform
impromptu concerts under the stars, surrounded by the city's skyline.
47. The Canvas Collective: An art gallery that features street art and graffiti artists, transforming
the space into a vibrant showcase of urban creativity and rebellion.
48. The Silver Screen: An independent movie theater that specializes in cult classics, midnight
screenings, and film noir festivals, offering a nostalgic escape with its retro décor and
popcorn served in vintage tins.
Verdiales of the Forgotten City
Whether in rain, sun or wind
May this land blessed be
Whether walking or in deep sleep
May this land blessed be
Whether by day, or in obscurity,
May this land blessed be

Holdfény gyermekei... Release them.. Find them across the land.

When you draw on a place or object of power to create a magical effect, tell the Storyteller what you’re
trying to achieve. Ritual effects are always possible, but the Storyteller will give you some of the
following conditions.
You’ll need lots of Blood for it.
It’s going to take days/weeks/months.
First you must __________
You’ll need help from _________
It will require a lot money.
The best you can do is a lesser version, unreliable and limited.
You and your allies will risk danger from_______
You’ll have to disenchant________ to do it.
Faction Template
Notable Assets
Character Template







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