Ccna Notes
Ccna Notes
Ccna Notes
A group of two or more device that connect together to share information between
each other.
A process of using the connection between two devices purposefully to make that
sharing of information possible.
Maintain , troubleshoot
Type of Network
On the basis of host role
On the basis of geographical Area
On the basis of participation
Private network
Where data is shared only authorized Users.
Network which can be used by authorized Users.
Public Network
Network which can be used by authorized as well as
unauthorized user.
Virtual private Network
A logical network which is connected physical through ISP(Internet
Service Provider).
A private Network over Public Network
Type of Communication
i) Unicast
One to one.
ii) Multicast
one too many
Only two intended group of people.
iii) Broadcast
One to all
Not only intended but also to unintended group of people.
Modes of communication
i) Simplex
One way Communication.
Network components
A) Physical Components.
i) At least two network devices.
ii) NIC Card (Network Interface Card)
a) Wired
b) Wireless
iii) Transmission Media
a) Wired à cables
b) WirelessàRadio frequencies
B) Logical Components.
i) Protocols
a) Rules or Standard that defines how communication will or
should take place.
ii) IP àInternet Protocols
1) Topologies
Design of a network
o How devices are connected
Physical Topologies
o How devices are physical Connected.
Logical Topologies
o How Data flows between Devices.
Bus, Ring, Star, Extended Star, Mesh, Mesh (Partial Mesh, Full Mesh)
1) Hub
2) Bridge
3) Switch
4) Router
a) HUB à
It is a dumb devices
Every PC can communicate with each other.
It always works on Half Duplex.
Dumb Devices
It does not have any memory to decide where to send the packet
Traffic Received on One port of a hub will be forwarded to another
“active ports, accepts the port on which it was received.
It two devices sends the traffic at the same time over a hub than the
data will collide.
Collision Domain
A segment on which two devices are connected with each other and send data at
the same time which can collide with each other, then those devices are said to be
in a single collision domain.
Solution à
Hub :-
i) All Ports of a hub are in collision Domain
ii) All these Four ports are in single Collision Domain
b) Switch :-
i) Multiport Bridge
ii) It has memory to store mac address and form mac table
iii) It has multiple ports so that we can connect many devices
iv) Ports by default works in full duplex
v) 1 segments = 2 circuits
vi) TXàTransmission
vii) RX àReceiving
viii) Switch forms collision domain on per ports basis
ix) Router also forms collision domain on per ports basis.
x) It is used to connect a single network.
c) Router:-
i) Internal structure is same on switch.
ii) It is used to connect to different LANs.
iii) Routers can be used in LANS but most-commonly used in
iv) It is used to connect two different Networks.
v) Works on the basis of IP address.
vi) No mac table is maintained
vii) Routing table maintained
Broadcast Domain
Group of devices that receives the same broadcast sent by on one devices
All the devices are said to be in single broadcast domain
Broadcast received on one port of a hub and switch will be sent to all other
active ports accepts the port on which it was received.
All ports of a hub and switch are in single broadcast domain.
Router à forms per port broadcast domain
àBroadcast received on one port of a router will never be forwarded on other ports of the same
IP Address
An IPv4 address is a 32 bit address use to uniquely identify each device on
the network. A core function of IP is to provide logical addressing for hosts.
IP Sec optional
An IP address is most often represented in dotted decimal format.
o Example:
It is divided in 2 parts
o Network Bits
These bits must be same in a LAN network.
We cannot change these bits.
o Hosts bits
There bits can be change be different or unique in a LAN
We can change these bits.
An IP address is comprised of four octets, separated by dot: First Octet.
Second Octet. Third Octet. Fourth Octet ex. 158 .80 .164. 3 IPv4
Addressing each octet is an 8-bit number, resulting in a 32-bit IP address.
The smallest possible value of an octet is 0, or 00000000 in binary. The
largest possible value of an octet is 255, or 11111111 in binary.
D) Class D: The range of class D is 224 -239. This is use for Multicast address.
E) Class E: The range of Class E is 240 - 255. This is use for Experimental
and Research purposes
Private IP Public IP
It is provided by Network Admin It is provided by ISP(Internet
services Provider)
It is locally unique IP and provide by It is globally unique and used for
network Admin WAN communication
Unregistered Registered
Free of cost Paid
Range à class A à to Range àThose IP which are not private IP are terms as public IP.
Class B à172.16.0.0 to
Class C à to
Subnet mask
o It’s also 32 bits dotted long decimal address.
o It’s also writing in 4 octets.
o On bits in subnet is used to define network bits in IP address
o Off bits in subnet is used to define hosts bits in IP address.
Class A à (N.H.H.H)
Class Bà (N.N.H.H)
Class C à (N.N.N.H)
It is a method by which you can represent subnet mask. With the help of user to
easily identify number of ON bits (1) and OFF bits (0). For example, a subnet
mask of would be represented as follows in binary:
The first /21 bits are ON bits and last /11 bits are OFF bits, so CIDR value of this
network is 21.
1) Application Layerà
Application layer gives an interface where we can communicate with our machines for the
desire destination. Its acts an Interface between User and services. It checks the resource available for
Services Protocols
3) Session Layer àSession layer is used to create, maintain or terminate session between
client and Server.
a) Segmentationà
1. Breaking up of big crunch of data into small-2 stream so that the transmission loses can
be minimizing. How big the each segments will be it is depended upon the maximum
segments size.(by default –1460)
b) Sequencing à
i) Numbering of the data at sender’s end.
ii) At receiver’s end these numbers will be used to rearrange the data into correct
iii) It is a kind of identification for rearrangement of data.
2^32=4.3 billion
c) Acknowledgementsà
1. It is kind of receipts received by sender upon successful delivery of data.
d) Connection Orientationà
Source Destination
If connection parameters are acceptable by receiver then in Reply its sends the same
connection parameters
If connection parameters are not acceptable then in reply it will send its own connection
3àACK (11)
Buffer Size à Storage that is used to store the data before process
Congestion Techniqueà
Congestion technique in the TCP is negotiated using a flag explicit congestion ECHO this flag is
negotiated at the time of 3-way handshaking Process. If we no negotiate this flag that we are not going
use that Congestion technique.
Well known Ports à which are Pre- defined for any protocols
User Ports àwhich can be used by any user randomly.
SNMP TCP 161/162
DHCP UDP 67,68
FTP TCP 20,21
Flow Control/ window scalingà Instead of losing the data, Client sends a not ready to the
server in order to indicate that buffer memory is full and cannot receive any more data.
After the processing of all received data, client sends a ready message now to indicate
server that data transmission can be continued.
Windowing à
1) Before windowing, any segment sent must receive acknowledgement and the next
segment will not be sent until the ack is received.
2) If within 5 sec, ack is not received then the same segment will be sent again this process
is known as Retransmission.
3) This process makes any transmission very slow.
Windowingà”How many segments can be sent at once against a single
1. By default = 4128 bytes
2. Ex- Window Size = 3
5) Network layer à
a. It 3rd layer of OSI Model
b. It is used to add ip address with Segment
c. There are two types of address is added, source and destination address.
d. It is layer is used to find best path from source to destination
IP addressing àSubnetting
Path determinationà calculating the entire path between source and destination.
Path selectionà calculating best path among the entire path available between source and
Routing protocols ( OSPF , EIGRP , RIP , BGP )
Routing protocolsà Protocols which carries routing protocols to determination and
selection of best path from source to destination.
7) Physical layerà
a. Converting the frame into bits/binary and vice versa.
b. Data convert digital to electrical and vice versa.
c. It will make communicate b/w software and Hardware.
1. ISO
2. Layer 7
3. Reference Model
4. How communication will take place at each layer.
1. DOD(Department of Defence)
2. Layer 5
3. Practical Model
4. Defines what are the protocols that will be used to make this communication possible.
SYN – It is used to exchange these parameters, so for SYN, your tcp header will be of 24 bytes.
Rest of all TCP Packets are of 20 bytes--- 5 fields = 5 *4 = 20 bytes.
2) Destination port à Destination Port is a 16 bit filed. It is identified the port of the receiving
application. Port number which is used to identify service requested by user.
3) Sequence Numberà It is not only used to rearrange the data in correct order but also carry
the size of data inside the segments. It is also used for retransmission if any segment is lost.
R1 R2
SYN (Seq=0) +ACK (Seq=1) (MSS = 1460, WIN= 4128, LEN=0) ---------à
Last Seq=1
ACK = (Seq) 1
Last Seq =1
Next Seq= 13
Ack = 13 (data + last seq number)
Last seq = 13
Last seq = 16
4) Acknowledgement Number à
a) Acknowledgement num is 32 bit field.
b) It tells the sender to send the next data with this sequence number.
c) It is always sequence number of the last received data bytes increment by 1.
6) Reserved Bits
7) Flags à
b) ACK bità
i) If bit is 1àthe packet is an acknowledgement packet.
ii) If bit is 0àthe packet is not acknowledge packet.
i) Unlike URG bit, PSH bit does not prioritize the data.
ii) It just causes all the segments in the buffer to be pushed immediately to the receiving
iii) The same order is maintained in which the segments arrived.
iv) It is not good to set PUSH bit=1
v) This is bcoz it disrupts the working of receiving CPU and forces it to take an action
d) RST Bità
RST bit is used to reset the TCP Connection
When RST bit is set to 1.
It is indicate session has been expired.
When Destination port for which service is required is not available.
For both these cases flag will be 1(set)
Otherwise flag will be ZERO
When URG flag is set (1). It indicate that URGENT data has to send immediately to wire from
sender side and on receiving and the urgent data has to be sent immediately to application.
Urgent Pointer in TCP segment is used to indicate that amount of urgent data present in TCP
7) Flagsà3 bit
1 bit = Reserved
DF àDon’t fragment
If bit is 0 àfragmentations can be done.
IF bit is 1à fragmentation cannot be done.
MFàMore fragment
IF bit is 1àstill more fragment to receive
IF bit is 0àthis is still last fragmentation received.
8) Fragmentation offset àis used to reassemble the data into correct order.
Packet = 5000 byte (includes IP header)
ICMP header = 4980 - 8 = 4972 bytes
IP header = 20 bytes
Payload= 1st fragmentation = 1480 +20 = 0-1479 = 0
2nd fragmentation = 1480 +20 = 1480 – 2959 = 1480
3rd fragmentation = 1480 + 20 = 2960 – 4439 = 2960
4th fragmentation = 540 +20 = 4440 – 4971 = 4440
IP is a connectionless Protocols
No re-transmission
No ack.
àCisco à ! à Success
. àRTO
Ethernet Header
1) Preamble à
FLP (Fast link Pulses)
o Ethernet frame starts with 7-Bytes Preamble. This is a pattern of alternative
0’s and 1’s which indicates starting of the frame and allows sender and
receiver to establish bit synchronization. Initially, PRE (Preamble) was
introduced to allow for the loss of a few bits due to signal delays. But today’s
high-speed Ethernet don’t need Preamble to protect the frame bits.
o PRE (Preamble) indicates the receivers that frame is coming and allow the
receiver to lock onto the data stream before the actual frame begins.
2) SFD ( Start frame delimiter)
The last two bits will be set as 11 to notify the adjacent devices that to stop sending FLPs
and Start receiving data. This is a 1-Byte field which is always set to 10101011. SFD
indicates that upcoming bits are starting of the frame, which is the destination
address. Sometimes SFD is considered the part of PRE, this is the reason Preamble is
described as 8 Bytes in many places. The SFD warns station or stations that this is the
last chance for synchronization.
3) Destination MACàthis is 6-Byte field which contains the MAC address of machine for
which data is destined.
4) Source MACà
This is a 6-Byte field which contains the MAC address of source machine. As Source
Address is always an individual address (Unicast), the least significant bit of first byte
is always 0.
5) Typeà
a. To identify Upper and data link layer protocols.
i) IPV4 à 0X0800
ii) IPV6 à 0X86DD
iii) ARP à0X0806
iv) Dot 1.q à 0X8100
6) FCS(Frame Check Sequence)
o Data link layer =CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
Like checksum which not only verify header but data inside the headers.
This layer is used to perform error detection.
Whatever the value is calculated by CRC will be copied into FCS.
1) Serial Cable à
This is used to connect Router.
It is also known as point to point Cable.
Speed is 1.544 Mbps.
2) Co-axial Cable à
It is used for T.V communication
In 1970‘s it is used for computer communication.
Made by Copper
Single core
GW Green white
G Green
O Orange
OW Orange White
B Blue
BW Blue White
Br Brown
Br w Brown White
T568A T568B
Straight cableà
T568A T568A
T568B T568B
Cross cable:-
T568A T568B
T568B T568A
Router/PC Switch
1 Tx 1 Rx
2 Tx 2 Rx
3 Rx 3 Tx
6 Rx 6 Tx
6) Auto mdx: - This Feature is used on latest devices interface that help to change sending and
receiving pins according to cable.
7) Fiber Optical Cable: - Form of light
a) Single mode Fiber: - In which data will travel in single Beam of Light. Mostly
used in Wan
Distance 1-40 km
Speed 1-2 gig
b) Multi mode Fiber: - In which multiple beams of light can travel.
Distance – 1-2 km
Speed – 1-10 gig
8) SFP: - modules àEthernet , Fiber
9) Console Cable = this is used to take CLI of device or for Physical Access.
Hardware on Devices
1) ROM ( Read Only Memory )
This is defined Boot Sequence of a devices.
2) RAM(Random Access Memory )
All configuration or task of devices is working in RAM
All running Configuration is available in RAM
3) NVRAM(Non-Volatile RAM)
Saved configuration is available in NVRAM that is known as Start-up configuration.
4) Flash= that is kind of hard drive. That is used to store IOS (Internetwork Operating System) of device.
IOS version – 12.x, 15.x.
Bootstrap Process
1) POST(Power on Self Test) :- IN which devices will check all hardware component (RAM,
CPU, Interface Slot)
2) IOS :- flash à Boot IOS
3) NVRAM: - Check Startup Configuration à then Copy in Running Configuration.
4) RAM :- Running Configuration
Access Device
1) Physical Access: - Console Access
1) CLI: - Command line Interface: - In which all configure is done through Command Prompt.
2) GUI: - Graphical User Interface: - In which all configurations is done by GUI.
Router Ports
a) Console port à This is used to access CLI (command Line Interface) of the devices
b) Ethernet à distance à 80 m
ethernet = 10 mbps(e) (Mbps àmega bits per second)
fastethernet =100 mbps(Fe)
Gigabit ethernet= 1000mbps(Ge)
10 gig. = 10,000mbps
Line vty 0 4
Login Local
Domain name
DHCP works through a process called DORA (Discover Offer Request Acknowledgement)
a. Discover – whenever you enable DHCP on a client it start to find out any DHCP sever available.
b. Offer- DHCP server will offer an IP to the client. IP is assigned from a pool.
c. Requesting – Requesting for the IP offered by the Server.
d. ACK- When a client receives the ack, the client will assign the IP on the system.
Default Gateway –
1- A L3 interface through which any LAN user can Communicates outside the LAN.
2- The IP assigned on to the interface connected to the LAN will be your default gateway IP.
Relay agent –
o It is used when the DHCP Server is in remote location. Since the DORA messages are
broadcasted, they cannot cross their domain. So, we need an agent who could relay
the messages between the server and the DHCP Client. Basically it converts
broadcast packet into unicast and then relay to the dhcp server with relay agent
DHCP Snooping
Routing protocolsà Protocols which carries routing protocols to determination and
selection of best path from source to destination.
Routing table à this table is used to share route information.
R1#show ip route (by the help of this command you will check routing table)
C- Connected route
S- Static route
*S-Default Route
D- Eigrp
Connected Routesà
A valid IP should be available on Interface.
Interface status and protocols should be UP
do show ip route (to check routing table )
Dynamic Routing
Routing in which routes are maintained and calculate automatically.
Routers automatically exchange the routes b/w each other.
Some packets are there for each protocol which is advertised by routing protocols to
get the routes from their neighbouring routersà Directly Connected Routers.
Dynamic Routing
o IGP(Interior Gateway Protocols)
o EGP(Exterior Gateway Protocols)
IGPàRouting Protocols that share routes among same autonomous system.
EGPàRouting Protocols that share routes between different autonomous systems.
Autonomous System Numbers(IANA)
o Group of router or network in single administration is called AS number
o It is identify by decimal number
o 16 bit (0-65535) 0 & 65535
o 1-64511(public AS)
o 64512-65534(Private AS)
IGP(Interior Gateway Protocols)
o RIP(Routing Information Protocols)
o EIGRP(Enhanced Interior Gateway Protocols)
o OSPF(Open Shortest Path First)
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
Link State Routing Protocols (LSRP)
Link àhow many links are their between Routers.
State à How many routers are connected with each link
In ospf, routes are not advertised Infact complete database in the form of link state
advertisements(LSA) are advertised among the complete topology
Routers calculate their best path themselves.
OSPF metric = cost = Reference bandwidth /link bandwidth
Reference Bandwidth (100 mbps)àdefault
OPSF create a map of complete topology on the basis of “AREAS”
Area ID = 32 bit = 0- 4.3 billion
Backbone area (area id =0)
Non backbone area (1-4.3 billion)/Normal Area
Routers identify with in area
o Backbone Routers
o Non backbone Routers/Normal routers
o ABR(area Border Routers)
o ASBR(Autonomous System Boundary Routers)
Backbone Routersà Router have All interface in AREA 0
Non backbone à Router have All interface in non backbone area
Complete database is exchanged between routers within area only.
Area Border routers(ABR)
o This connected to different area together.
o A router will be ABR only when at least one interface of that is connected to
Area 0
o ABR will automatically exchanged best routes of one area into another area
without redistribution
o ABR’s will have the complete database of each area they are connected to.
o OSPF work in hierarchical structure(tree)
o A0 should be centralized located between all non backbone areas
o There should not be more than one area 0 in ospf domain.
Algorithm = SPF(Shortest path first )
Metric = Cost
ASBR(Autonomous System Boundary Router)
o At least one interface should be in ospf
Neighbour ship
o Area Id should be same
o Subnet and subnet mask should same
o Hello & dead timers should be same
o Router id should be unique within area
o Authentication should match
OSPF state
o Down
No hello will be sent or received
o Init
Hello is sent but not received in return
Active neighbour ship
o 2-way
hello is sent and received
o Exstart
Null DBD is exchanged between to verify bidirectional connectivity
for updates.
Master/Slaves (Election)
Highest RID
To decide who will start sending the database first
Once the election will be completed they will move to “ exchange”
Seq number
MTU size negotiate
o Exchange
Asking about each other’s database.
LSA header send from master
Then slave will send LSA header in response
But will not have network information in that DBD.
o Loading
Master will send LSR to ask detail information about LSA Header.
Slave will send LSU
Master will send LSACK
When the database is completely synchronised they will move to full
state and will said to form “adjacency”
Neighbour ship / adjacency -> 40 sec (wait timer )
2 –Way State
Network type
o BMA (Broadcast Multi Access)
o P2P (Point to point)
To reduce the number of adjacencies, router will elect DR & BDR between the router
DR(Designated Router)
BDR(Backup Designated Router)
Election Criteria
o HIGHEST Priority (def=1) = 0 -255
o Highest RID
One broadcast domain can have only one DR and one BDR
o Every DRother will form adjacency with DR and BDR both.
o DR and BDR will form adjacency with each other.
o DRother will never form adjacency with DRother. à Whenever DR send any update all will received from this multicast add. Every
router of ospf can accept that.àOnly DR and BDR can accept the update.
Clear IP OSPF PROCESS (Y) à Simultaneously with in msec
o DR (only two router in one BMA) currently
o DR/BDR (when more than two router in BMA)
o No election takes place of DR and BDR on P2p Segment.
LSA3 (Summary LSA) à to advertise best routes of one area into another area.
Generated by ABR
LSID= network ID of router
ADV. Router= ABR RID
Number of summary LSA= number of routes of another area.
LSA 5 (AS-External LSA)
Generated by ASBR when external AS other than ospf are redistributed into OSPF.
Number of LSA 5 = Number of external routers adv into ospf
LSID = network id of external routes
Adv router= ASBR RID
RID of ASBR does not change throughout ospf domain in LSA 5
It is a layer 2 device which forwards the traffic on the basis of mac
MAC address
ARP Packet flow
Switch Function
1. Address learning
2. Forwarding
3. Filtering
4. Loop Avoidance
1. Address learning :-
o Whenever a switch receives any frame, it learns the mac add from source
mac address field in ethernet header.
o Mac address will be learned and stores in a table called Mac-address
2. Forwarding:-
o A switch forwards a frame on the basis of destination mac in ethernet
o Source mac address – Will always be unicast
o Destination mac address
o When destination mac is unicast then switch will check its mac table and
whatever the port that mac address is learned on, the frame will only be
forwarded in the port.
o Routing / protocols
o when destination mac is broadcast then switch will copy the frame
according to the number of active ports and then frame will be forwarded
to those ports
Switch will never forward the frames on the port on which it was received.
Any end devices keep the Arp entry in its table for 4 hrs
Switch stores mac entry in mac add tables for 300 sec/ 5 min – Idle time out
o When the frame is intensely sent as broadcast
o When the frame is unintensely sent as broadcast but unicast.
Switch ports
o Access port
Port which can be members of one vlan at a time.
Ports which should be connected to end devices/Routers
o Trunk Ports
Ports which can be members of all vlan at a time
Ports which should be connected to other switch / routers
Tag can be done or removed on trunks ports only
Access ports does not support tag
Ingress –
o From where switch can receive traffic is known as ingress interface.
o From where switch can send traffic is known as egress interface.
Switch maintain mac table in CAM table.
Frame tagging
4 bytes trailer
1522 (max size of ethernet header)
Native Vlan
Trunk port:-
Static trunk
o Manually configure a port as trunk
o Define encapsulation method
o Make Port Trunk
o #Switchport trunk Encapsulation Dot1Q/ISL
o switch mode trunk
Dynamic trunk
DTP (Dynamic Trunking Protocols)
o Cisco Proprietary
o Layer 2 protocols
o Hello timer = 30 sec
o Negotiation Protocols negotiation for trunk
o Dynamic Auto (default)
It will wait for Negotiate never start negotiation.
3750 , 3850,above (Latest Switch)
o Dynamic Desirable
This mode will initiate and negotiate to form trunk port
2950 , 3550, 3560 (Old Switch)
Auto ---- Auto (no trunk)
Auto --- desirable (trunk DTP dynamic MSG)
Desirable ---- Desirable (Trunk Dynamic)
Auto ---- manually trunk (trunk manually)
Desirable ---- manually trunk (trunk)
Access port
o Dynamic access port which are by default access but can from
trunk if DTP negotiation received from adjacent switch.
o Static access port which will always remain access no matter
DTP negotiation is received or not.
o It is a layer 2 device
Will encapsulate in Ethernet Header.
o Cisco Proprietary Protocols
Can only run on cisco devices.
o By default
o To identify Physical topology
o To convert physical topology into logical topology
o Cdp Packet these packets are advertised through each and
every link between the devices.
int Mac add
Multicast add 0100.0ccc.cccc
o Cisco ID 0100.0C 24 bits
o hello 60 sec
o Hold 180 sec
show cdp entry *
o By default
o Layer 2 protocols
o IEEE Standard is 802.1d
o Loop avoidance
o multicast Address of BPDU is 0180.c200.0000
STP Terminology
o Root Bridge
o Non Root Bridge
o Root Port
o Designated Port
o Cost
o Alternate Port/Blocking Port
o Root Bridge
o Root Port
o Designated Port
Root Bridge
a. The main switch in STP that is providing loop free path and
b. Only one switch can become RB.
c. A switch which has best bridge id (lowest/Superior) will become
Root Bridge.
d. In a single switched topology, there cannot be more than one RB.
e. By default , before election of RB , every switch in the topology
consider themselves On RB
f. BPDU’s will be sent through each and every Port of the RB.
o Lowest Bridge ID
1)lowest Priority ( 0- 65535) default 32768
2)Lowest base Mac add
Only RB can send BPDU
BPDU will be sent through each & every port
Any switch which connect to know that its priority or
base mac add is higher will stop sending BPDU and not
understand itself as RB. (Non-Root Bridge)
RB always sends the cost as 0.
2) Root Port
Root port is elected on Non-Root Bridge only.
Root port is shortest path towards RB.
Every Non-Root Bridge can have only one RP
RP is only receive BPDU but cannot send BPDU.
3) Designated Port
Links Short
Ethernet 100
Fast ethernet 19
Gig eth 4
10 gig 2
100 gig --
Whenever the cost is sent, cost will be added on the receiving and not
sending int.
RB always sends the cost on zero.
STP States
Root Bridge always generate a Hello msg after 2 sec that msg is
known as BPDU
It is used to Elect Root Bridge
a) Configurationis used for election
b) TCN (Topology change Notification) is used to notify any
topology change b/w the switches so that re-election can take
Cisco Proprietary
Per vlan Spanning tree Instance
Instance are equal to number of Vlans
10 Vlans = 10 instance
Number of vlan = Number of instance.
Number of RB= No. of switches in topology
Priority + System extended Id(vlan number)
32768 +1 = 32769
It support only ISL
SMAC Int MAC address
We can have multiple loop free topologies
i. Multiple Root Bridge in a single topology
ii. Can be done on the basis of per vlan RB
a) Load balancing
b) No wastage of resources
c) BPDU are being distributed b/w switches
a) CPU utilization high
Bridge ID 8 bytes (priority {2 bytes} + {6 bytes} MAC address)
1 System extended ID
Support both ISL and DOT1q
Timer =
a) hello 2 sec
b) Max age = 6 sec
State =
a) Discard ( disable , blocking , Listing)
b) Learning
c) Forwarding
BPDU Guard
Ether channel
SW1 Sw2
One switch cannot have two port channels with same group
When multiple physical links are bundled together, STP considers
them as a single logical links.
1) Static :- on mode
2) Dynamic :- Protocols
a. PAGP(Port Aggregation Protocols)
i. Cisco Protocols
ii. DMAC – 0100.0CCC.CCCC
iii. Max ether channel 64
iv. Per ether channel = Max 8 links can be bundled
v. Mode
1. Desirable (negotiate)
2. Auto ( wait)
1) Auto --- Auto (no etherchannel)
2) Auto ---Desirable (etherchannel)
3) Desirable ---Desirable(etherchannel)
b. LACP(Link Aggregation control Protocols)
Open standard
Max etherchannel = 128
Per etherchannel = max 16 links can be bundled
b. Active (like desirable)
c. Passive (Like auto)
1) Passive --- Passive (no eth)
2) Active ---Passive(Formed)
3) Active---Active(Formed)
d. 16 links bundling
1) 8 link Active
2) 8 link Standby
Load balancing
9 algorithm
Port Security
#Switchport port-security
#Show port-security
This Technology is used when we have multiple gateways Router for LAN
On the perspective of clients
To provide redundancies for the gateways.
HSRP (Hot standby Router Protocols )
VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocols )
GLBP (Gateway Load Balancing Protocols )
o Hello
Group num
Transport layer
o UDP Port number 1985
o SP 1985
o DP 1985
IP Header
Ethernet Header
o SMInt Mac
o DMMulticast
Active router is responsible to give ARP reply to client
o SIP 10.100
o TIP10.10
Ethernet Header
Virtual MAC 0000.0c07.acXX
2 Extended ACL
Next to source
We can define Source , Destination , Protocols , Port number
Ingress Incoming
Egress Outgoing
Step 1 Create ACL, Match traffic and define action.
1 If ACL is applied on incoming ports then acl will be checked first then routing table.
2 If ACL is applied on outgoing ports then routing table will be checked first then ACL.
IP access-list standard 10
Int f0/0
IP access-group 10 in
ACL Guidelines
1 ACL works sequentially
ACL will check list in sequential order
2 ACL has difference of 10 sequence number
3 After the complete ACL list there is an “implicit deny” at the bottom of ACL
4 If you add new ACL then it will always added by default at the bottom of pervious ACL
5 Once the ACL matched the clause present at any seq. Num then rest of the ACL’s will not
6 Per int only one ACL can be applied per direction.
Types of NAT
o Static NAT
One to One Mapping
For each private IP we need one Public IP
To hide actual IPs
Entry is permanent
If we have multiple users so we have to give multiple static statements
Disadvantageto conservation of IPs
Max used in server forms(data center)
o Dynamic NAT
One to many Mapping
Entry is not permanent
FIFO(First in First Out)
Conserve your IPs
o NAT overload {PAT (Port add. Translation)}
All private users are translated into single public IPs
One to all
Conserve your IPs
Sh ip nat translation
R1(config)#ip nat inside source static
R1(config)#int fa0/0
R1(config-if)#ip nat inside
R1(config)#int s5/0
R1(config-if)#ip nat outside
clear ip nat translation *
Rule 1:- It is 128 bits address in Hexadecimal from. Divided into 8 blocks and
Separated by (:)
No need of NAT
No need of Subnetting
DHCP Stateless (No need DHCP Server)
DHCP State full (Need DHCP Pool)
It is in 64 bits.
2001:14:1:2:3003:8:7000: 80
If multiple fields are zero then write ten with double colon [::] only once in a
IPV6 address.
Ex- FC00:0000:0000:0001:0000:0000:0000:0001
IPV6 Protocols
NDP Neighbour Discovery Protocols
o ICMPV6(Back)
o Neighbour Solicitation (ARP REQUEST)(Multicast)
o Neighbour Advertisement (ARP REPLY)(Unicast)
Ospf V3
R3(config)#router ospfv3 10
R3(config)#int r fa0/0,l0
R3(config-if-range)#ospfv3 10 ipv6 area 1
o Something you want to secure
Security Terminology
Layer 2 security
Layer 3 Security
o Router
o Firewall:- It is a security device which is used to filter layer 3 and layer 4 & layer 7 traffic
Object Group
Cisco Firewall – ASA (Adaptive Security appliance)
Every Interface is a part of Zone
Zone represent some security level(0-100)
Inside Zone (by default 100)
Outside Zone (by default 0)
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
Traffic travel higher to lower then data will be permit
Traffic travel lower to higher then data will be drop
Firewall will make entry in Connection table
o This device is used to detect virus and any malicious data in packet and inform this to
o Example :- fake Mail
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
Authentication Who are you?
Authorization what can you do?
Accounting what you did?
The user who are coming that are authenticate user or not
How much access you have Privilege level
We will use cisco device ISE (Identity service Engine)
o Username
o Password
o Privilege level
TACACS+: A Cisco proprietary protocol that separates each of the AAA functions. Communication is secure and
encrypted over TCP port 49.
For device access
RADIUS: A standards-based protocol that combines authentication and authorization into a single resource.
Communication uses UDP ports 1812 and 1813 (accounting) but is not completely encrypted
Network access
When a connection between source and destination is established through radio
frequency signal is termed as Wireless Network. In wireless communication data travels
in air.
Communication without any physical connectivity.
o Wired –IEEE- 802.3
o Wireless- 802.11
When one wave completes one up and one down circle so it is known as
Cycle. It can also be represented in from where one wave starts from one
peak and finishes at next peak so, one complete circle or one sequence is
called cyclic pattern.
Frequency = 4 cycle / second
Frequency = 4 hertz
Its means that when a wave complete for 4 cyclic circle per second it
complete one Frequency.
o The Frequency range between 3 kHz to 300 GHz is terms called Micro wave and
Radder .The micro wave category also contains the two main frequency ranges
that are used for wireless LAN communication: 2.4 and 5GHz.
o Wave length = Length of wave
It is indirectly proportional to distance
2.4 GHz = 2.4 * 10^9 cycle/sec (wavelength more means number of cycles
is more)
5GHz= 5*10^9 cycle/sec
Amplitude: - It is use to increase power of Frequency.
A range of IP address is representing by Network ID. Just like “A group of frequency is known a
Wireless Band”.
There are two types of bands commonly LAN wireless Network use that are:
a) 2.4 –GHz Band: The range of this band lies between 2.400 and 2.4835 GHz is represent
by 2.4-GHz. Example: 2.412, 2.417, 2.442, 2.452, 2.484 all frequency are part of one
band that represent is 2.4–GHz Band. Total 14 frequencies in 2.4 GHz.
b) 5-GHz : The range of this band lies between 5.150 and 5.825 GHz. In this band contain
four separate bands:
i) 5.150 to 5.250 GHz
ii) 5.250 to 5.350 GHz
iii) 5.470 to 5.725 GHz
iv) 5.725 to 5.825 GHz
Note: - You do not need to learn the name of particular frequency. You just aware with name of
bands name 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz.
a) SSID: It is a short form for Service Set Identifier. Every AP (Access point) uses a unique
name or logical name as an identity, so that the devices can find it and connect to it.
One AP can have Multiple SSIDs. It is locally unique ID but could be same in different
Example: NB Network
b) BSSID: It is a sort form for Basic Service Set Identifier. The term which is used to
represent Access point Mac Address is called BSSID.
Example: a2:e4:r5:8u:9r:50
c) BSS: It stands for Basic Service Set. Every access point have range or radius called Basic
Service Set. Any device that wants to connect to the AP must fall in the BSS. The Access
Point is like the heart of BSS. In a BSS devices are directly connected to AP with help of
SSID (NB Network) and BSSID (a2:e4:45:76:d6:r6).
o Let’s suppose host A wants to connect with host B so it must first connect with
Access Point
1) Host A cannot directly get connected with host B. They both can communicate via
2) It not possible to Host A directly connect with host B. Why? Because then the whole
idea to create and maintain the BSS is debatable.
When a sender and a receiver communicate only in one direction through radio
frequency (or channel) then this type of communication is called unidirectional
Communication. A device can only be either a sender or a receiver.
o Example: Simplex Mode
b) Bidirectional Communication
When a two device communicate in both the ways but one at a time through frequency
(or channel) is called Bidirectional Communication. A device cannot be a sender as well
as a receiver simultaneously.
o Example: half Duplex
The AP holds the responsibility of mapping a VLAN to a SSID. The AP map the VLAN 10 to
the wireless LAN which is using SSID- NB NETWORK
Clients who are associated with the SSID (NB NETWORK) will be connected to VLAN 10.
Also, multiple vlan can be mapped to multiple SSID. TO achieve this AP must be connected to
the switch with the trunk link that will be caring the VLAN. The AP looks like multiple logical
AP, one per BSS having a unique BSS ID for each.
In the case of cisco AP it is done by incrementing the last digit of the mac address for each SSID.
One AP cannot cover the entire geographical area where the wireless clients are located. So, in
order to cover the entire geographical area we need to add more AP’s so that the entire
wireless client could join the available BSS. In this way we are extending the services set for the
Types of AP (Access-Point)
Traditional Network
o Configure all devices manually.
Human Error ( Misconfiguration )
Need a good team for implementation.
Need Firewall , NGIPS
Control Plane :- The Traffic is send between Device to Device
o Example :- OSPF , CDP , VTP etc
o Create a best path for user traffic.
o Routing Table
Data Plane :- The Traffic which is send between host to host or host to server
Management Plane :-The traffic which is need to manage a network
o Example :- Telnet , SSH , tftp , SNMP
o Host to device
Control Plane(OPSF , EIGRP)
Management Plane(Telnet , SNMP)
CPU(Control Plane)
RIB(Routing Information Base)
I/O Module (FIB) CEF(Data Plane)
Forwarding Information Base
Type of network
o Enterprise Network(LAN, CAN)
o DATA Center
When a connection between source and destination is established through radio
frequency signal is termed as Wireless Network. In wireless communication data travels
in air.
Communication without any physical connectivity.
o Wired –IEEE- 802.3
o Wireless- 802.11
When one wave completes one up and one down circle so it is known as
Cycle. It can also be represented in from where one wave starts from one
peak and finishes at next peak so, one complete circle or one sequence is
called cyclic pattern.
Frequency = 4 cycle / second
Frequency = 4 hertz
Its means that when a wave complete for 4 cyclic circle per second it
complete one Frequency.
o The Frequency range between 3 kHz to 300 GHz is terms called Micro wave and
Radder .The micro wave category also contains the two main frequency ranges
that are used for wireless LAN communication: 2.4 and 5GHz.
o Wave length = Length of wave
It is indirectly proportional to distance
2.4 GHz = 2.4 * 10^9 cycle/sec (wavelength more means number of cycles
is more)
5GHz= 5*10^9 cycle/sec
A range of IP address is representing by Network ID. Just like “A group of frequency is known a
Wireless Band”.
There are two types of bands commonly LAN wireless Network use that are:
c) 2.4 –GHz Band: The range of this band lies between 2.400 and 2.4835 GHz is represent
by 2.4-GHz. Example: 2.412, 2.417, 2.442, 2.452, 2.484 all frequency are part of one
band that represent is 2.4–GHz Band. Total 14 frequencies in 2.4 GHz.
d) 5-GHz : The range of this band lies between 5.150 and 5.825 GHz. In this band contain
four separate bands:
v) 5.150 to 5.250 GHz
vi) 5.250 to 5.350 GHz
vii) 5.470 to 5.725 GHz
viii) 5.725 to 5.825 GHz
Note: - You do not need to learn the name of particular frequency. You just aware with name of
bands name 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz.
It is a wireless network device which is used to connect different devices like Computer, Laptop,
Switch, etc. to make communication possible and Share data.
d) SSID: It is a short form for Service Set Identifier. Every AP (Access point) uses a unique
name or logical name as an identity, so that the devices can find it and connect to it.
One AP can have Multiple SSIDs. It is locally unique ID but could be same in different
Example: NB Network
e) BSSID: It is a sort form for Basic Service Set Identifier. The term which is used to
represent Access point Mac Address is called BSSID.
Example: a2:e4:r5:8u:9r:50
f) BSS: It stands for Basic Service Set. Every access point have range or radius called Basic
Service Set. Any device that wants to connect to the AP must fall in the BSS. The Access
Point is like the heart of BSS. In a BSS devices are directly connected to AP with help of
SSID (NB Network) and BSSID (a2:e4:45:76:d6:r6).
o Let’s suppose host A wants to connect with host B so it must first connect with
Access Point
3) Host A cannot directly get connected with host B. They both can communicate via
4) It not possible to Host A directly connect with host B. Why? Because then the whole
idea to create and maintain the BSS is debatable.
c) Unidirectional Communication
When a sender and a receiver communicate only in one direction through radio
frequency (or channel) then this type of communication is called unidirectional
Communication. A device can only be either a sender or a receiver.
o Example: Simplex Mode
d) Bidirectional Communication
When a two device communicate in both the ways but one at a time through frequency
(or channel) is called Bidirectional Communication. A device cannot be a sender as well
as a receiver simultaneously.
o Example: half Duplex
The AP holds the responsibility of mapping a VLAN to a SSID. The AP map the VLAN 10 to
the wireless LAN which is using SSID- NB NETWORK
Clients who are associated with the SSID (NB NETWORK) will be connected to VLAN 10.
Also, multiple vlan can be mapped to multiple SSID. TO achieve this AP must be connected to
the switch with the trunk link that will be caring the VLAN. The AP looks like multiple logical
AP, one per BSS having a unique BSS ID for each.
In the case of cisco AP it is done by incrementing the last digit of the mac address for each SSID.
One AP cannot cover the entire geographical area where the wireless clients are located. So, in
order to cover the entire geographical area we need to add more AP’s so that the entire
wireless client could join the available BSS. In this way we are extending the services set for the
Types of AP (Access-Point)