Secure Your Aircraft

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your aircraft
Introduction........................................3 Tying down.....................................12
Wing spoilers......................................13
Where to park your aircraft..................4
Tiedown knots....................................13
Types of tiedowns................................5
Multi-engine aircraft.........................16
Permanent anchor points.......................5
Parallel cables.................................... 6 Helicopters.......................................17
Floatplanes and skiplanes.................18
Ropes.................................................... 7
After a storm....................................19
Securing your aircraft......................... 9
Advice for operators......................... 20
Position............................................... 9
Controls.............................................. 9 Conclusion....................................... 22
Doors and other openings.....................11
Aircraft covers.......................................11
Extra security measures.........................11

Cover photo:

Every effort is made to ensure the information in this booklet is accurate and up-to-date at the time of
publishing, but numerous changes can occur with time, especially in regard to airspace and legislation.
Readers are reminded to obtain appropriate up-to-date information.

See the CAA website for civil aviation rules, advisory circulars, airworthiness directives, forms, and more
safety publications. Visit
Secure your aircraft 3

It’s common to experience strong wing conditions at aerodromes
around New Zealand, particularly during the spring and early
summer months. Although weather services try to provide plenty
of warning when stormy or hazardous conditions are on the way,
it’s not always possible to predict exactly when they might arrive.

High winds can cause damage to It’s important that you regularly
unsecured, or inadequately secured, practise tiedown procedures for your
aircraft. In extreme circumstances, aircraft, so you’re prepared when stormy
aircraft can be damaged beyond repair. weather arrives.

Because New Zealand’s weather can be However, it’s not only stormy weather
changeable, you should always ensure your than can cause damage. You may need to
aircraft is secured when parked outside. secure your aircraft during any period it is
unsupervised, to avoid the potential threat
This GAP booklet provides advice on how
of inadvertent slipstream or downwash
to correctly secure your aircraft, to ensure
damage from other aircraft.
it remains protected from damage in
unpredictable weather.

It also gives advice for operators on good

communication and practice regarding
tiedown procedures.
Photo courtesy of Wanaka Helicopters
4 Supply
If possible, secure your aircraft in a storm-proof
hangar or other suitable shelter.

Where to park your aircraft

If stormy weather is headed your way, the best protection for
your aircraft may be to fly it out of the area, if there is sufficient
warning time.
If it’s not possible to leave the area, Strong eddies can form around buildings,
the next best option is to secure your and aircraft could be damaged by flying
aircraft in a storm-proof hangar or other debris or lee-turbulence. This can cause
suitable shelter. sustained vibrations and unusual vertical
and horizontal loads (Figure 1).
If appropriate hangarage isn’t available,
the remaining option is to tie down your If you can’t find a suitable sheltered place,
aircraft securely in a suitable location. it may be possible to park a vehicle in front
of your aircraft. This will serve as an extra
Ideally, this means securing your aircraft
tiedown point, as well as helping to break
to fixed tiedown points. Many aerodromes
up the airflow over the aircraft.
around New Zealand, however, only have
a limited number of places available for
securing aircraft to fixed tiedown points.
These may be reserved for local aircraft,
so make sure you check with the aerodrome
owner before tying down your own aircraft.

If a fixed tiedown point isn’t available,

find a sheltered place to park your aircraft.
This could be a natural depression in the
ground, the lee of a building, or shelterbelt
of trees. Ask locals for their opinion on Figure 1 – Basic flow pattern around a sharp-edged
building. In the lee of the building, the velocity of the
the best place to park. Sometimes the wind flow is less than on the windward side, but it is
seemingly logical place may actually more turbulent and unpredictable.
be unsuitable, because of localised
wind effects.
Secure your aircraft 5

Types of tiedowns
The spacing of tiedown points should
allow for ample wingtip clearance between
aircraft. This distance is generally equal
to the major axis (wingspan or fuselage
length) of the largest aircraft, plus three

Photo: CAA
metres. The tiedown anchor eye should
not protrude more than 2.5cm above
Permanent anchor points are usually
indicated by white or yellow paint. the ground.

Fixed tiedown anchors for single engine

aircraft should provide a minimum holding
Permanent anchor points
power or strength of approximately 1400kg
The location of tiedowns is usually each. The type of anchors in use depends
indicated by either white or yellow paint, on the type of parking area – for example,
painted tyres, or crushed stone surrounding a concrete paved surface, a bituminous
the anchor point. There are normally three paved surface, or an unpaved grass area.
anchor points provided.

7.5cm bituminous base

3.75cm wearing surface
3.75cm minimum eye Ground line
45 –60cm
75cm approx

Sub- Concrete
60cm approx

steel rod
1.5cm diameter

2cm diameter rod approx

60cm square
concrete block
Figure 2 – Tiedown anchors for bituminous paved areas.

3.75cm minimum 10 –13cm Troweled depression

3.75cm minimum eye Ground line

2.5cm diameter rod

/3 H

/3 H

2cm diameter rod 2.5cm diameter rod


60cm 1.5cm diameter

75cm approx

diameter rod

10 –13cm Troweled depression

3.75cm minimum

2.5cm diameter rod 2cm diameter rod Discarded farm

/3 H

Concrete 7.5cm r. disc blade

/3 H

1.5cm diameter rod



Figure 3 – Tiedown anchors for concrete paved areas. Figure 4 – Tiedown anchors for turfed areas.

Photo courtesy of Wanaka Helicopters

Take care when choosing where you’ll picket your aircraft.

Parallel cables Figure 5 shows the two types of pickets

most commonly in use for grass areas.
Some aerodromes use continuous lengths
of parallel wire ropes, passed through Your picket set should include six (or eight)
u-bolt anchors and fastened at the ends steel stakes, three (or four) crossover tubes,
of the line with wire rope clips. The distance and three ropes of appropriate length –
between the wire ropes will depend upon all stowed in a bag. You’ll also need a
the types of aircraft that will use the mallet or hammer.
tiedown area. Remember to include the pickets in your
Tiedown chains (or ropes) are attached weight and balance calculations, and
to the wire rope with roundpin galvanised ensure they’re well-secured in the aircraft
anchor shackles. Where ropes are used, before flight. Stow them carefully so they
a metal thimble protects the rope from don’t become a problem during turbulence.
wear on the wire. This allows the tiedown Take care when choosing where you’ll
chains to ‘float’ along the wire rope, and picket your aircraft. Pickets can pull
gives a variable distance between anchor out under strain if the ground is soft, or
points, so that a variety of aircraft can use becomes wet. The coiled type is difficult to
a vertical tiedown without loss of space. get into stoney ground, and may be more
The vertical anchors and the flex in the wire likely to pull out in soft ground. The cross-
rope significantly reduce impact loads that over type of pickets are the most suitable,
may occur during gusty wind conditions. as they’re more likely to stay in the ground,
even if it becomes wet. The underwing
Pickets ropes should be led to points outboard
and forward of the underwing attachment
If permanent tiedown facilities aren’t
point. Hammer pickets all the way into the
available, you’ll need to use your own
ground, always in front of the wing.
set of pickets. It’s a good idea to carry
a set of pickets with you, in case you are
stuck at a remote aerodrome with no
other way to secure your aircraft.
Secure your aircraft 7

Once you’re ready to go flying again, Ropes

remove the pickets from the ground and
take them away with you, to ensure other Use ropes rated for 1400kg of dynamic
taxiing aircraft don’t run them over. If you load or more. Nylon or other synthetic rope
have to leave the pickets in the ground, is better than natural fibres, which shrink
ensure the rope is wound around the when wet and are more susceptible to rot.
pickets to make them more visible to
other taxiing aircraft.

3.75cm minimum eye

Ground line

Screw-shaped rod
1cm diameter

Photo: CAA
15 cm metal tubes Check the type and condition of your tiedown rope.
welded together Nylon or dacron rope is recommended.
to form cross

You should also check the type of rope.

Ground line
A soft, slippery rope can be stronger and
easier to splice, but it won’t wear as well
90 x1cm diameter without chafing gear, and is more likely to
steel rods
unlay (untwist) than a firm ‘locked up’ rope.
Multifilament (fine filament) polypropylene
looks like nylon, but it isn’t as strong. Spun,
or stapled, nylon and dacron aren’t as
Figure 5 – Two types of pickets most commonly
strong as ropes made from continuous
used for grass areas.
filaments, but they are less slippery, and
easier to grasp.

You can also use manufactured tiedowns

(straps with end fittings and a ratcheting
tightener). These are manufactured
to varying load standards. Carefully
inspect how the hardware might behave
under repeated cycles of tightening and
loosening with significant rocking and
Photo: CAA

gusts. Open hooks or S-clips, held in place

simply under tension, should never be
used, because they come off easily when
tension is relaxed.
A lightweight set of pickets utilising stainless steel
rods and twisted shackles stored in a plastic
(downpipe) tube.

Photo courtesy of Wanaka Helicopters

Regularly check your tiedown ropes, and ensure they

Photo: CAA
remain in good condition.

Custom-made tiedowns may work fine, but

it’s best to use tried-and-true designs and
materials. Don’t undo and re-fit the ends Dog-chain type clips should not be used when
yourself, as splices and stitching are usually picketing, as they are not strong enough.

the weakest links.

If you do use chains, secure them without
Avoid using chains alone. Without elasticity, slack, and make sure all fittings are equally
sudden shock loads during a gust can be strong. Dog-chain type clips aren’t strong
catastrophic. Chain and rope combinations enough, so use proper, round-pin, stainless
can work, but the rope must always be the steel or galvanised iron shackles.
part attached to the aircraft.
Regularly check your tiedown ropes,
and ensure they remain in good condition.
If you’re worried about their strength,
then you can ‘double up’ with other ropes
to give extra certainty.
Secure your aircraft 9

Securing your aircraft

After selecting a suitable tiedown site, secure your aircraft.
Make sure to use three-point tiedowns, allowing adequate
wingtip clearance from other aircraft. Make sure any adjacent
aircraft are also securely tied down.

Position Controls
Your aircraft should be parked and tied Controls should be locked or tied to
down into wind, or as nearly into wind as prevent them banging against the stops
possible. If you’re leaving your aircraft for and causing damage to hinges, cables,
longer than a few days, study the weather or pulleys.
forecast for the expected prevailing wind
For tricycle undercarriage aircraft, secure
direction. Alternatively, check on the status
the ailerons, rudder, and elevator in the
of your aircraft regularly.
neutral position.
There are various opinions as to whether
If internal gust-locks aren’t fitted, use
a tailwheel aircraft should be tied down
external control surface locks, or secure
tail into wind. Remember, your aircraft is
the control column firmly. This is commonly
designed to meet the airflow head-on,
done using the seatbelts, but using
and flying control surfaces can be easily
bungee cords is more effective.
damaged if control locks aren’t in place
when the aircraft is parked tail into wind.
This type of aircraft also has a tendency
to weathercock when on the ground, so if
it’s parked tail into wind (and not properly

Photo courtesy of Wanaka Helicopters

secured), it could be blown over, if rotated
into wind by a sudden gust.

In winds above 30kts, it’s safer to park

the aircraft into wind and dig around the
mainwheels. This will lower the aircraft, and
reduce the angle of attack of the wings. It’ll
also have the effect of chocking the wheels.

Another method is to raise the tail to the level

flight position. The device which supports
the tail must be strong enough to support
When using external surface locks, ensure they have a red
the aircraft weight and the wing loads. It
streamer or other means of reminding you to remove them
should be securely tied down, and the tail before flight.
of the aircraft must be securely tied to it.

Always check the surrounding area for

other items that could be a danger, such
as flying debris.

When using external surface locks, ensure

they have a red streamer or other means of
reminding you to remove them before flight.

Tailwheel aircraft should have elevators

locked in the up position when facing into
wind. Unless the tail has been raised to the
flying position, then it should be secured
in the neutral position. If a tailwheel
aircraft is parked tail-into-wind, then
the elevator should be secured in the
down position.

After the aircraft is properly located, lock

the nosewheel or the tailwheel in the fore-
and-aft position, apply the park brake,
and chock the main wheels fore and aft.
Photo courtesy of Southern Lakes Helicopters

Ensure that hi-vis ribbons on tail rotor

chocks stand out well.
Photo: CAA

Photo: CAA

Chock the main wheels. If internal gust-locks are not fitted, use external control
locks, or secure the control column firmly.
Secure your aircraft 11

Photo courtesy of Wanaka Helicopters

Pitot tubes should be covered to prevent the ingress of windblown dust and dirt.
Remember to remove the cover before flight.

Doors and other openings Extra security measures

Make sure all doors, windows, and hatches One extra measure you can take is to top
are closed properly. Cover engine openings up your fuel tank, to provide mass and
(intake and exhaust) for both reciprocating added stability in gusts. Always double-
and turbine engines, as well as pitot-static check the security and sealing of fuel tank
tubes, to prevent entry of foreign matter. caps, to avoid any water getting in. If the
filler cap sealing is in doubt, then you can
Aircraft covers place adhesive tape, such as duct tape,
over the cap area.
Aircraft covers can provide some protection.
When spreading covers out to dry after You could also deflate the tyres of your
they’ve been out in the rain, make sure they aircraft as an extreme measure, to reduce
don’t become FOD (foreign object debris) the tendency for the aircraft to bounce
by storing them away from other aircraft. in gusty conditions.
Secure any flapping tie leads.

Tying down
You should only tie ropes to the aircraft mooring points provided.
Never tie a rope to a strut, as the rope may slip to a point where
even slight pressure may bend the strut. Look after tiedown rings
carefully, to prevent rust and corrosion weakening them.

If extreme weather is expected, tie down

the nosewheel as well. This is to avoid
the front of the aircraft lifting in the gusts.
Take care when securing the nosewheel.
If fitted, the rope should go through the
nose gear tiedown ring.

Take particular care when securing

Photo courtesy of the US Air Force

tailwheel aircraft. Some flight manuals

specify certain steps to be taken for
maximum protection, such as tying the
tailwheel tiedown rope around the
tailwheel gear spring, then securing
it to the ground.

When tying ropes, draw them tight (not

stretched) and then back them off a few
centimetres. Too much slack allows the
aircraft to jerk against the ropes, while a
rope that’s too tight can put inverted-flight
stresses on the aircraft, which may not be
For aircraft parked for long periods at
designed to absorb such loads.
coastal aerodromes, the salty air will
increase the chances of corrosion occurring.
Have your tiedown rings checked regularly,
and wash down your aircraft with fresh
water frequently.

Place your aircraft so that underwing ropes

can be led to pickets or tiedown points one
metre outboard, and two metres forward
of the underwing attachment point.
Photo: CAA

On tricycle undercarriage aircraft,

secure the middle of a length of rope to
the tiedown ring under the tail section.
Then, pull each end of the rope away at
an angle of 45 degrees and secure it to Tiedown ropes should only be tied to the aircraft
ground anchors. tiedown rings.
Secure your aircraft 13

Wing spoilers
Some knotting terms
The problem of wing lift from the wind
can be overcome, to some extent, by using • A bend is used to join two ropes.
spoiler boards placed span-wise along the • A hitch is used to tie to an object.
top of the wing. If the anticipated winds • The bight is the curve or loop of a rope
will exceed the aircraft lift-off speed of when its direction is changed from that
the aircraft wings, the makeshift spoilers of a straight line. Any point within this
should run the entire length of the wings. curvature is said to be in the bight.
• The strength of a knot is the force
Spoiler boards are constructed from timber
required to break a rope containing
lengths of 50x50mm, with several 10mm
the knot.
holes drilled at frequent intervals. A strip
of 25mm foam rubber is then glued to the • The security of a knot is related to the
force required to make the knot slip or
underside, for friction and wing surface
change to an unwanted form.
protection. Lengths of nylon or rubberised
shock cord, threaded through the holes • Whipping is a series of turns of sail
twine or similar. It’s used to lash the
and around the wing’s leading and trailing
end of a rope to prevent fraying.
edges, tied together underneath the wing,
hold the spoiler firmly in place. Before tying, • A splice is a semi-permanent joining
place pieces of foam rubber as a buffer to of ropes or making an eye by
interweaving strands at the bitter
prevent chafing damage.
end. Splicing requires significant
The position of the spoiler should be skill and manufactured splices are
located at about 25 percent of the chord recommended.
length aft of the leading edge. (Figure 6).

50x50cm spoiler board Tiedown knots

The weakest link in the tiedown can be
the knot that is tied. Ideally, the knot
should neither slip nor loosen, and it
should be easy to undo.
1cm holes Waterproof 2.5cm foam A knot can fail in three ways: it can come
adhesive rubber
undone through vibration and general
movement when there is little load on
it, it can pull out when a load is initially
applied, or it can break under load.
Any break usually occurs where the rope
Figure 6 – Spoiler boards should be positioned at about enters the knot.
the 25 percent chord point.
The ultimate strength of a knot is a matter
of design – some knots are naturally
stronger than others. Security, on the
other hand, can often be improved by
the way the knot is dressed (finished off).
But making a knot more secure may also
make it more difficult to undo, so there’s
little point in making a knot as secure as
possible – only as secure as necessary.

The sheetbend is the most accepted knot for joining Tie this knot with the ends of the ropes coming off
two ropes together, particularly if the ropes are the same side of the knot. Don’t tie with the ends
different sizes. The thicker rope of the two is used to coming off the opposite sides of the bend. This is
form a bight. The thinner rope is passed up through known as the lefthanded sheetbend. Avoid this type
the bight, around the back, and then tucked of knot, as it isn’t as secure.
under itself.

The bowline is one of the simplest ways of putting To tie a bowline, form a small loop, pass the free end
a fixed loop in the end of a rope. It’s easy to tie and of the knot up through the loop, around behind the
untie, doesn’t slip or jam, and has a high breaking standing part of the rope, and back down through
strength. A bowline is a good way to secure a rope the loop. Make sure the end of the rope exits the
to a tiedown ring, and to attach the tiedown rope knot on the inside of the loop. If it doesn’t, re-tie the
to the ground anchors. For added security, finish the knot, so it will be secure.
knot with a stop knot, such as a figure of eight, to
prevent the bowline slipping.
Secure your aircraft 15

Single figure of eight

The single figure of eight is a useful stop knot to
temporarily bulk out the end of a rope. The finished
knot looks like its name. It’s useful to temporarily
stop the ends of a rope fraying before it is whipped.

Double figure of eight

The double figure of eight knot builds a non-slip
loop at the end of a rope. To tie, begin with a single
figure eight knot near the end of the rope, loop the
end of the rope around the carabiner or harness
straps, and retrace the figure eight.


Round turn and two half hitches

A round turn and two half hitches is used to secure To tie, pass the running end of the rope over the pole
a rope to a pole or ring, or to start or finish a lashing. or through the ring twice. Then pass the running end
It’s a good knot for securing a rope to the tiedown over the standing part of the rope, and tuck it back
ring, and is commonly used by pilots. While it’s easy up and under itself, forming a half hitch. Repeat this
to tie, it can be harder to untie, especially when the for a second half hitch.
rope is wet.

Multi-engine aircraft
Most multi-engine aircraft are heavier, generate more lift,
and therefore need stronger tiedowns. Don’t rely on the
aircraft’s weight to protect it from damage by storm winds.

Light twin anchors should provide a

minimum strength of 1800kg or more each.

Make sure you tie down and chock

multi-engine aeroplanes when leaving
them unattended for any length of time.
Use gust-locks to protect control surfaces.
Photo: CAA

They should be bright and bold, so as not

to be missed during preflight inspections.
Consider having a cockpit location or
checklist to ensure all are removed. If the
Multi-engine aircraft should be tied down and chocked
landing gear uses down lock safety pins, – do not rely on the aircraft’s weight to protect it from
insert these when securing the aircraft. damage by windstorms.
Secure your aircraft 17

On the ground, helicopters are particularly susceptible to
structural damage from storm-force winds. However, they do
have the advantage of being able to seek shelter more readily,
and smaller helicopters can tuck into places not accessible
to fixed-wing aircraft.

If hangarage is available, then you should

Photo courtesy of Wanaka Helicopters

use it. If hangarage isn’t available, then
you should move helicopters to a sheltered
position and tie them down securely.
Helicopters that are tied down properly can
withstand winds of 55-65kt, but anything
above this will likely result in some damage.

When securing a helicopter against wind

damage, follow the guidelines below.

• Position the helicopter’s nose into

prevailing wind.

• Position the helicopter further than a Regularly practise tiedown procedures for helicopters
on a fine day, so you can be prepared when stormy
rotor-span distance from other aircraft. weather arrives.
• Apply control frictions with the cyclic
in neutral and the collective fully down • Some tail rotors have a locking pin
(bail on if fitted). and/or a cover and separate tie-down
• Position the main rotor blades to prevent excessive flapping. Tail rotor
according to manufacturer instructions. covers or lines should be bold, clean,
and fit for purpose. Consider matching
• Install tip covers on the main rotor, them with a cyclic cover to ensure they
and fasten their ropes or straps
are not forgotten during a rapid start-
to the applicable mooring points
up. Never wrap straps around the hub
on the helicopter. Tension the lines
where they can be missed or forgotten.
appropriately (again, check your
manual) using anti-slip knots. Too much • Close doors and windows, and ensure
slack allows the blades to flap in high exterior access panels are secure.
winds, and too much bend can similarly Install covers for engine openings and
stress your blades. the pitot tube.

• Apply bubble covers. These can save Most helicopter flight manuals have specific
you time clearing snow, and protect the instructions for parking and mooring.
windscreen from wind-driven grit Follow the manufacturer’s instructions
and debris. for your make and model of helicopter.

and skiplanes
Floatplanes and skiplanes should be secured in the same way as
conventional fixed-wing aircraft – to tiedown anchors or ‘deadmen’
sunk under the water or snow.

For floatplanes, in addition to using If a severe storm is forecast, consider

underwater anchors, you can partially beaching the floatplane or transporting
flood the floats of the aircraft for added it to a hangar or more sheltered location
stability in the water during windstorms. to be tied down.
This technique can also be applied when
Secure skiplanes by packing soft snow
the floatplane is tied down on land, in this
around the skis, then pouring water on the
case to provide added weight. Make sure
snow, allowing the skis to freeze to the ice.
you empty the floats before flying again.

Secure floatplanes securely to

a fixed anchor point.
Secure your aircraft 19

a storm
If your aircraft has been
standing out in a storm,
carry out a thorough
preflight inspection.

Look for structural damage around control

hinges and inspect wing skins at points
where high loads could cause stress to the
airframe. Check all hinges and controls for
unusual slackness.

Pay attention to the undercarriage,

as the aircraft may have been lifted
momentarily and landed heavily. Aircraft
can also be skewed on their pickets or
chocks in extreme conditions, which can
stress the undercarriage. If you suspect
this has happened, have it checked by a
licensed aircraft maintenance engineer.

Pay particular attention to fuel drains.

Drain all sumps and check each sample.
Shake the wingtips, and repeat the draining
process. Remember to remove all covers,
gust-locks, chocks, and picketing items
before flying again.

Advice for operators

If you operate a flying business, it’s important that all pilots are
fully trained and regularly practise your tiedown procedures.
Excellent communication, consistency, and a culture of expectations
among all the pilots is crucial.

Talk regularly with your peers, and your

staff, on the specifics of installing picketing
items. Talk about when, why, and how to
use each of the items, covering topics like
wind speed and gusts, direction, length
of time the aircraft will be tied down, and
whether the aircraft will be monitored by
a pilot or not.

Remember, pilots are likely to have differing

opinions on the use of picketing items, so
it’s important to set out the expectations
and rules of the company or club.

Establish a set and robust routine in how

you or your company install and remove
picketing items. Ensure this routine is done
in the same way, every time, by all pilots
involved in flying the aircraft.

Where practical, all picketing items should Don’t tie tail rotor chock ribbons around about the tail
be the same across the fleet. Only the pilot rotor hub, as this can make it harder to remember to
remove them before flight.
should install or remove the picketing items,
so they know what they’ve done. Ensure
Have a purpose-built witness indicator
they aren’t distracted while installing and
installed in your aircraft, somewhere that
removing these items.
is very clear for the pilot to see, to prevent
them flying with the picketing items still
attached. In your procedure, the witness
indicator should be ‘first on, last off’.

Have an established routine for the final

walk-around inspection once everything
has been removed before flight.

Place a brightly coloured witness indicator over the

cyclic, and remove this last before flight.
Photos courtesy of Southern Lakes Helicopters
Secure your aircraft

It doesn’t necessarily take storm-force winds to cause
aircraft damage. To be prepared for New Zealand’s
changeable weather conditions, always ensure your
aircraft is securely and correctly tied down.
Secure your aircraft 23
PO Box 3555
See the CAA website for civil aviation rules,
Wellington 6140
advisory circulars, airworthiness directives,
Tel: +64 4 560 9400 forms, and more safety publications.
Fax: +64 4 569 2024
To order publications such as GAPs and
Email: [email protected] posters, go to

Secure your aircraft

was revised in February 2024.

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