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Randomized Trial of Omeprazole or Ranitidine Versus

Placebo in the Prevention of Chemotherapy-Induced

Gastroduodenal Injury

By Sergio Sartori, Lucio Trevisani, Ingrid Nielsen, Davide Tassinari, Ilaria Panzini, and Vincenzo Abbasciano

Purpose: Anticancer drugs may induce acute muco- scopic scores after CT were significantly higher than
sal injury to stomach and duodenum. This study was pretreatment scores in the placebo (P ⴝ .003) and
planned to evaluate the efficacy of omeprazole or rani- ranitidine (P ⴝ .003) groups but not in the omeprazole
tidine in preventing such an injury. group (P ⴝ .354). Acute ulcers were significantly less
Patients and Methods: Two hundred twenty-eight frequent in patients receiving omeprazole or ranitidine
cancer patients with normal stomach and duodenum or than in those receiving placebo (P ⴝ .0001 and P ⴝ
with less than three erosions, who were selected to be .0315, respectively). Epigastric pain and/or heartburn
treated with cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and flu- were significantly less frequent in patients receiving
orouracil (90 breast carcinoma patients) or fluorouracil omeprazole (P ⴝ .00124) or ranitidine (P ⴝ .038) than in
alone (138 colon carcinoma patients), were randomly those receiving placebo.
assigned to treatment with omeprazole 20 mg, ranitidine Conclusion: Omeprazole is effective in preventing
300 mg, or one placebo tablet a day. Seven days after the chemotherapy-induced gastroduodenal injury. Raniti-
second course of chemotherapy (CT), the patients under- dine is effective in reducing the frequency of ulcers and
went a further esophagogastroduodenoscopy to evalu- upper gastrointestinal symptoms but is not effective in
ate the mucosal injury. Endoscopic findings were quanti- preventing the global endoscopic worsening caused by
fied on the basis of an arbitrary score, and the occurrence chemotherapy. The different efficacy of omeprazole
of epigastric pain or heartburn was assessed weekly. and ranitidine can be explained by their different
Results: A significant difference was found among pharmacodynamics.
the three groups (P ⴝ .0032), as well as between pre- J Clin Oncol 18:463-467. © 2000 by American
and postCT endoscopic findings (P ⴝ .00001). Endo- Society of Clinical Oncology.

NTINEOPLASTIC chemotherapy (CT) can frequently committee. Patients signed an informed consent before participating in
A induce damage to upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract
mucosa.1-4 Although the injury is often self-limiting, and its
the study. Patient selection consisted of two phases. In the former
phase, 300 patients with breast or colon carcinoma, selected to be
treated with cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and fluorouracil (CMF)
clinical relevance has been questioned,4 life-threatening com- (breast carcinoma patients) or fluorouracil alone (5-FU) (colon carci-
plications can sometimes occur.1,5-7 Moreover, upper GI noma patients), were screened on the basis of the following eligibility
symptoms after CT are significantly more frequent in patients criteria: no previous administration of other anticancer drugs; absence
with CT-induced ulcers or erosions8,9 and can impose the of upper GI symptoms (epigastric pain, heartburn, and vomiting);
temporary discontinuation of the anticancer treatment.10 absence of symptoms or diseases requiring administration of cortico-
The prevention of CT-induced gastroduodenal injury has steroids or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); absence of
brain metastases; absence of clinical, biochemical, and instrumental
been scarcely investigated in the past years, and most
evidence of liver cirrhosis or other causes of portal hypertension; no
studies were not well-designed or gave disappointing re- administration of antibiotics or antisecretory drugs in the last 2 months;
sults.11-13 More recently, in a placebo-controlled pilot study, a performance status of at least 2 (according to the Eastern Cooperative
we showed that omeprazole is effective in preventing the Oncology Group World Health Organization Classification14; and
CT-induced damage to the upper GI tract, whereas miso- absence of contraindications to esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS).
prostol, a prostaglandin analogue, is not.9 In another con- In the second phase of patient selection, the 300 patients formerly
selected underwent EGDS 1 week before starting CT. Only those with
trolled study, famotidine was also reported to have a good
prophylactic efficacy.8 The present study was planned to
compare the efficacy of two classes of inhibitors of gastric
acid secretion (the proton pump inhibitor omeprazole and From the Divisione di Medicina Interna e Oncologia Medica,
the H2-blocker ranitidine) in the prevention of CT-induced Azienda Ospedaliera S Anna; Istituto di Medicina Interna II, Univer-
gastroduodenal mucosal injury. sità di Ferrara, Ferrara; and Servizio di Oncologia, Ospedale Civile,
Rimini, Italy.
PATIENTS AND METHODS Submitted March 15, 1999; accepted August 30, 1999.
Address reprint requests to Sergio Sartori, MD, II Divisione Medica,
Azienda Ospedaliera S Anna, corso Giovecca 203, I-44100 Ferrara,
Patients Selection
Italy; email [email protected].
The study was designed and carried out according to the principles © 2000 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.
of the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by our local ethical 0732-183X/00/1803-463

Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 18, No 3 (February), 2000: pp 463-467 463

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Table 1. Endoscopic Score considered because several different antiemetic drugs (with the excep-
Grade Description
tion of corticosteroids) were given during CT administration. If some
patients needed to take NSAIDs during the period of observation, they
0 No visible lesion discontinued the study and were considered in the final analysis
1 Less than 3 erosions according to the intent-to-treat principle. Finally, the number of cases
2 3-15 erosions that needed to postpone the next course of CT for at least 1 week
3 More than 15 erosions or ulcer with a greatest dimension of because of upper GI troubles was recorded.
⬍2 cm
4 Giant ulcer (⬎2 cm) or multiple ulcers with cumulative Statistical Analysis
diameter ⬎2 cm
Statistical analysis was performed under the intent-to-treat principle.
Analysis of variance was performed to compare the three treatment
arms before and after CT, adjusting for CT regimen and time. Pre- and
normal endoscopic appearance or less than three Helicobacter pylori–
postCT endoscopic findings observed in each arm were then compared
negative erosions and without endoscopic evidence of esophageal or
by using paired Student’s t test, adjusted for multiple comparisons by
gastric varices were definitively admitted to the study. Helicobacter
using the Bonferroni method.
pylori status was assessed by rapid urease test, carried out on two
The number of patients developing ulcers in the placebo group
biopsies taken from the gastric body and antrum and monitored for
versus each active treatment; the frequency of postCT epigastric pain
color change (from yellow to red) up to 24 hours. A total of 228
and heartburn in relation to the prophylactic treatment administered and
patients (89 men and 139 women, aged 34 to 65 years; 138 with colon
in relation to the degree of gastroduodenal injury; and the number of
cancer and 90 with breast cancer) fulfilled such a definitive criterion of
cases in which CT had to be postponed because of upper GI troubles,
eligibility and were entered onto the study.
were analyzed using Fisher’s exact test.
Study Design
The 228 patients definitively enrolled onto the study were randomly
assigned to prophylactic treatment with omeprazole 20 mg once a day, Two hundred ten out of 228 patients who enrolled
ranitidine 300 mg once a day, or one placebo tablet once a day. A finished the study. Eighteen patients dropped out: six
stratified randomization by type of CT regimen was performed. The refused postCT EGDS (three in placebo, two in ranitidine,
drugs were administered in their commercially available form; how-
and one in omeprazole group); seven patients needed to take
ever, the patients were not told which drug they were receiving.
Randomization was performed and medications were administered by NSAIDs during the period of observation (three in placebo,
a member of our department not participating in the study. All two in ranitidine, and two in omeprazole group); and five
investigators were unaware of which drug each patient had received. patients discontinued CT after the first course for causes
One week after EGDS and randomization, CT was started. Cyclo- independent of upper GI toxicity (one in placebo, three in
phosphamide 600 mg/m2 body surface area (bsa), methotrexate 40
ranitidine, and one in omeprazole group). CT regimens and
mg/m2 bsa, and 5-FU 600 mg/m2 bsa were given intravenously on days
1 and 8 every 28 days to breast cancer patients. 5-FU 370 to 400 mg/m2 patients assigned to each prophylactic treatment are re-
bsa preceded by leucovorin 200 mg/m2 bsa was given intravenously for ported in Table 2.
5 consecutive days every 28 days to colon cancer patients. Seven days A significant difference was observed among the three
after the second course of CT, EGDS was performed again. Prior treatment groups (P ⫽ .0032), as well as between pre- and
studies have shown that mucosal damage is quite evident at this
postCT endoscopic findings (P ⫽ .00001). Table 3 reports
time.1,2,9 Endoscopic findings were clustered into five categories,
quantified according to the arbitrary score (Table 1) used in our prior in detail the pre- and postCT endoscopic findings observed
study,9 and obtained by modifying the combined endoscopic scoring in the three groups. PostCT endoscopic score resulted
system of Lanza et al.15 Biopsies were performed only when gastric significantly higher than pretreatment score in the placebo
lesions were observed to exclude the presence of epithelial atypias. (P ⫽ .003) and ranitidine (P ⫽ .003) groups but not in the
Both preliminary and postCT EGDS were carried out by the same
omeprazole group (P ⫽ .354).
endoscopist, who was unaware of the prophylactic treatment given to
patients. The frequency of ulcers was significantly higher in
The patients were asked weekly about NSAIDs use and evaluated to patients receiving placebo (11 gastric and seven duodenal
assess the onset of epigastric pain or heartburn; vomiting was not ulcers) than in those receiving ranitidine (five gastric and

Table 2. Chemotherapies and Composition of the 3 Treatment Arms

No. of Patients

Treatment Arm CMF Dropouts 5-FU Dropouts Total Dropouts

Placebo 30 2 45 5 75 7
Ranitidine 30 2 47 5 77 7
Omeprazole 30 2 46 2 76 4
Total 90 6 138 12 228 18

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Table 3. Endoscopic Findings Before and After CT*

CMF 5-FU Total

(no. of patients) (no. of patients) (no. of patients)

PreCT PostCT PreCT PostCT PreCT PostCT

Score Score Score Score Score Score

0 1 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 0 1 2 3 4

Placebo 22 8 12 4 4 6 2 36 9 20 3 7 6 4 58 17 32 7 11 12 6
Dropout 1 1 3 2 4 3
Ranitidine 24 6 17 2 5 3 1 40 7 27 4 7 2 2 64 13 44 6 12 5 3
Dropout 1 1 3 2 4 3
Omeprazole 23 7 21 3 3 1 0 36 10 34 4 5 1 0 59 17 55 7 8 2 0
Dropout 1 1 1 1 2 2

*Expressed as endoscopic scores.

three duodenal ulcers, P ⫽ .0315) or omeprazole (one fate, given empirically to all patients, suggests that the study
gastric and one duodenal ulcer, P ⫽ .0001). Four bleeding design paid some attention to the toxic effects of CT on
lesions were observed in the placebo group (one erosive- upper GI mucosa. Moreover, overt (even though not disas-
hemorrhagic gastritis lesions and two gastric ulcers and one trous) GI bleeding was observed in 7.4% of patients, despite
duodenal ulcer) and one in the ranitidine group (one such a prophylaxis. Many oncology units are in the habit of
duodenal ulcer). In all cases, bleeding was mild, and no giving gastroprotective drugs on an empirical basis to
blood transfusion was necessary. patients undergoing anticancer treatments, but, in our opin-
Forty-eight patients suffered from epigastric pain or ion, the prevention of CT-induced gastroduodenal mucosal
heartburn. Forty patients had postCT endoscopic worsen- injury is worthy of being investigated in controlled trials.
ing; eight patients did not (P ⫽ .0001). The symptoms were Recently, we showed that omeprazole is effective in pre-
significantly more frequent in the placebo arm (24 cases) venting such an injury, whereas misoprostol was shown as
than in the ranitidine (13 cases, P ⫽ .038) and omeprazole not effective,9 according to another report demonstrating
arms (11 cases, P ⫽ .00124). Twenty-four of 28 patients that misoprostol is not useful in the prophylaxis of high-
with mucosal injury with an endoscopic score of 3 or 4 had dose CT-induced mucositis.25 Indeed, anticancer drugs
symptoms versus 16 of 51 patients with injury with endo- seem to exert their toxic effects on the neck and foveolar
scopic score of 1 or 2 (P ⫽ .0001). CT was postponed for epithelium of the body and fundus of the stomach, as well
six patients in the placebo group, for two patients in the as on the surface epithelium of the antrum and duodenum,
ranitidine group, and for no patients in the omeprazole sparing the glandular compartment of the gastric body and
group (P ⫽ .036 v placebo). fundus.1 It follows that acid secretion is substantially
preserved during CT administration,8,9,26 whereas gastric
mucosal barrier is impaired. In such a situation, the inhibi-
Unlike other GI side-effects caused by anticancer drugs, tion of acid secretion induced by omeprazole can counter-
such as vomiting or diarrhea, poor attention is generally balance, at least in part, the imbalance between protective
paid by oncologists to the CT-induced injury to upper GI and aggressive factors induced by anticancer drugs.9 In
mucosa. However, acute lesions of the esophagus,16,17 another study,8 the H2-blocker famotidine was also reported
stomach, and duodenum1,2,18-20 are not infrequently ob- to be effective in the prevention of CT-induced gastric
served. 5-FU, cytarabine, actinomycin D, vinca alkaloids, mucosal injury, and the pH of the gastric juice was
and methotrexate are commonly considered to be the most significantly higher in famotidine-treated patients than in
injurious agents,1,21,22 and major complications can some- placebo-treated patients, suggesting an important prophy-
times occur, in particular when dose-intensive treatments lactic role of the inhibition of acid secretion.
are administered1,5,6,23 or concomitant factors concur to In the present study, we compared two drugs representa-
make the injury worse.7,24 Recently, a study investigating tive of the two main antisecretory classes, proton pump
patients undergoing high-dose CT and bone marrow trans- inhibitors and H2-blockers. The results confirm the prophy-
plantation questioned the clinical relevance of CT-induced lactic efficacy of omeprazole, although they appear partially
gastroduodenal complications.4 However, the conclusions unsatisfying in regard to ranitidine. Indeed, ranitidine was
of this study seem to be questionable in some degree. In effective in reducing the frequency of acute ulcers and
fact, the prophylactic therapy with H2-blockers and sucral- upper GI symptoms but, unlike omeprazole, failed in

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preventing the global mucosal injury caused by CT. The patients’ quality of life and compliance better during CT
possible difference in the efficacy of the two drugs can be administration, even though only omeprazole significantly
explained by their pharmacodynamic characteristics. Ome- prevented the need of postponing the next course of CT.
prazole 20 mg has been shown to reduce intragastric acidity Indeed, epigastric pain and heartburn were significantly
by 97% and to maintain gastric pH above 3 for 18 to 20 more frequent in presence of mucosal injury scored as 3 or
hours.27-29 Conversely, the time spent above pH 3 is 8 to 10 4, and ranitidine was shown to be effective in preventing
hours after administration of ranitidine 300 mg, and intra- such an injury. Consequently, it might be supposed that
gastric acidity is reduced by only 57%.27,28,30 The results of ranitidine also would have been useful in limiting the
our study suggest that such a duration and degree of temporary discontinuation of CT if a larger series of patients
inhibition of acid secretion may be enough to protect the had been investigated.
CT-injured gastroduodenal mucosa against the development In conclusion, our results do not allow the inference that
of major lesions (ulcers), but the global prevention of the the greater prophylactic efficacy of omeprazole can translate
endoscopic worsening observed after CT administration is into clinical benefits actually more considerable than those
likely to need the stronger and longer antisecretory effect of ranitidine. Further studies (investigating preferably dose-
exerted by omeprazole. However, no dangerous or life- intensive anticancer regimens rather than standard doses)
threatening complications were observed in our study, and are needed to evaluate this issue, as well as the cost-
both drugs were shown to be effective in significantly effectiveness of the prevention of CT-induced gastroduode-
reducing the frequency of upper GI symptoms, making nal mucosal injury.

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