Piptte Calibration Procedure
Piptte Calibration Procedure
Piptte Calibration Procedure
First determine the type of the POVA to be calibrated.
Determine the volume of calibration of the POVA under test.
Check the ambient temperature, ambient pressure and relative humidity.
Determine the temperature of the liquid that been used in calibration
If there is a high difference between ambient temperature and liquid temperature
then wait for the liquid before calibration until the temperature of the liquid
stabilizes. (Generally for 2 hours prior to calibration)
Chose the required balance information based on the table below:
9 Evaluation
9.1 Calculation of evaporation loss
It is possible to determine the evaporation loss during each test cycle by
calculating the difference between the starting mass (m00) and the mass after the
first cycle time without making any delivery of liquid (m0). This can be repeated
again at the end of the test, to obtain mn and mn+1.
The average evaporation loss per test cycle can be determined by using either
Formula (1) or by another appropriate method or formula.
mevap the estimated evaporated mass within a test cycle;
m00 is the balance indication at the first reading (starting mass);
m0 is the balance indication after the cycle time;
mn is the balance indication after the nth replicate delivered;
mn+1 is the balance indication after the nth replicate delivered after the cycle
9.2 Calculation of the corrected weighing value of each quantity delivered
If the tare of the balance has not been used, calculate the weighing value of each
delivered quantity mi by subtraction m1 − m0, m2 − m1, m10 − m9. Add the
evaporation loss per test cycle calculated in 9.1 to each delivered quantity mi.
9.3 Conversion of the corrected weighing values to volume
9.3.1 General
The corrected weighing values shall be converted to volume using one of the
methods described in 9.3.2 or 9.3.3.
9.3.2 Calculation of volume using the general formula General formula for volume
The general formula for calculation of the volume at the reference temperature of
20 °C, V20 (at a reference temperature of 27 °C, V27), from the weighing value of
the delivered water is described in ISO 4787 [13] and is the basis for Formula (2)
in this document. The values mi obtained in accordance with 9.2 are balance
indications. A correction taking into account water density and air buoyancy is
necessary for the conversion of the weighing value of each delivered quantity mi
to volume Vi. If the cubic thermal expansion coefficient γ of POVA is known, as
specified by the manufacturer or measured with sufficient reliability by other
means, Vref,i can be calculated according to Formula (2).
Vi,ref is the calculated volume at the reference temperature, in ml;
mL is the balance indication of the weighing vessel after liquid delivery, in g;
mE is the balance indication of the weighing vessel before liquid delivery, in g (mE
= 0 in case the balance was tared with the weighing vessel);
mevap the estimated evaporated mass within a test cycle, in g;
ρA is the density of air, in g/ml, at the temperature, humidity and atmospheric
pressure of the
test, see Formula (3);
ρB is the reference density of the weights (typically 8 g/ml);
ρW is the density of water at the test temperature (in units of °C), in g/ml,
calculated with the
“Tanaka” Formula (4);
γ is the combined cubic thermal expansion coefficient of the POVA under test, in
tW temperature of the POVA, assumed to be equal to the temperature of the
liquid used in the
test, in °C;
tref is the reference temperature of the POVA (20 °C or 27 °C).
ρΑ is the air density, in g/ml;
tA is the ambient temperature, in °C;
p is the barometric pressure, in hPa;
hr is the relative humidity, in %.
The uncertainty of this formula can be calculated according to OIML R111 -1: 2004
[12] , section C.6.3.6. At other environmental conditions, Formula (3) shall be
replaced with the current air density calculations.
NOTE At the time of publication of this document, the current CIPM air density
calculations are described in Reference [5]. Calculation of water density
The density of pure water ρW is normally provided from formulae given in the
literature. Formula (4) given by Tanaka [6] can be used:
ρW is the density of water, in g/ml
tW is the water temperature, in °C;
a1 = −3 983 035 °C;
a2 = 301 797 °C;
a3 = 522 528 9 (°C)2;
a4 = 69 348 81 °C;
a5 = 0,999 974 950 g/ml.
9.3.3 Calculation of volume using the Z correction factor
Another possible procedure for conversion of weighing values into volume is using
the Z correction factors specified in Table A.1. The Z correction factors given in
Table A.1 take into account water density and air pressure during weighing at the
corresponding test temperature.
Convert each weighing value mi obtained from 9.2 to the delivered volume Vi, by
applying the Z correction factors at the mean temperature and barometric
pressure measured according to 8.1.4 and using Formula (5):
V is the mean delivered volume;
Vi,ref is each delivered reference volume;
N is the number of replicates.
When the cubic thermal expansion coefficient is not applied, Vi,ref is replaced by
Vi when using
Formula (7).
9.4 Systematic error of measurement
Calculate the systematic error of measurement es of the POVA using Formula (8):
eS is the systematic error of measurement, expressed in units of volume;
VS is the selected test volume at the POVA under test.
or in percent using Formula (9):
ηs is the relative systematic error of measurement, expressed in percent.
In the case of fixed volume POVA the selected test volume Vs is the nominal
The systematic error of measurement in the ISO 8655 series is based on historic
convention within the pipetting industry and is reversed in sign compared to the
definition described in ISO/IEC guide 99:2007,2.17, for more information see ISO
8655-1:2022, 6.2.
9.5 Random error of measurement
Calculate the random error of measurement of the POVA as repeatability or
standard deviation sr using Formula (10):
sr is the standard deviation, expressed in units of volume.
This random error of measurement may also be expressed as a percentage by the
coefficient of variation, CV, using Formula (11):
An excel sheet was generated to perform the calculations that been prior
discussed but the general measurement steps should be followed as discussed in
each section.