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J Psychiatr Res. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2020 June 30.
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Published in final edited form as:

J Psychiatr Res. 2014 October ; 57: 141–148. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2014.06.010.

Phenomenology of OCD: Lessons from a large multicenter study

and implications for ICD-11
Roseli G. Shavitta,*, Maria Alice de Mathisa, Fábio Okib, Ygor A. Ferraoc, Leonardo F.
Fontenelled, Albina R. Torrese, Juliana B. Diniza, Daniel L.C. Costaa, Maria Conceição do
Rosáriof,g, Marcelo Q. Hoextera, Euripedes C. Miguela, H. Blair Simpsonh,i
aDepartment of Psychiatry, University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Brazil
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bInstitute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

cDepartment of Psychiatry/Internal Medicine, Federal University of Health Sciences, Porto Alegre,
dAnxiety and Depression Program, Institute of Psychiatry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro &
Institute D’Or of Research and Education, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
eDepartment of Neurology, Psychology and Psychiatry, State University of Sao Paulo, Botucatu,
fFederal University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
gYale University, New Haven, USA
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hCollege of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University, USA

iAnxietyDisorders Clinic and the Center for OCD and Related Disorders at the New York State
Psychiatric Institute, USA


Corresponding author. Instituto e Departamento de Psiquiatria da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, R. Dr.
Ovídio Pires de Campos, 785, 3o. andar sala 7 CEAPESQ, CEP 01060-970 São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Tel.: +55 11 26616972, +55 11
999318626 (mobile). [email protected] (R.G. Shavitt).
Conflicts of interest in the last 36 months
Dr. Shavitt has received travel grants from Lundbeck S.A. to participate in the European College of Neuropsycopharmacology
Meeting and International College of Obsessive–Compulsive Disorders Meeting in October/2012 and October/2013 and receives
research grants from Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP, State agency, #2011/51485–9) and Conselho
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Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPQ, Federal agency, #307742/2012–1). Dr. De Mathis receives a research
grant from Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP, #2013/04203–3). Dr. Ferrão has received honoraria as a
speaker for GSK, Pfizer and Abbott. Dr. Fontenelle receives grants from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e
Tecnológico (CNPQ, # 303846/2008–9), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ, State Agency, E-26/
103.252/2011) and Instituto D’Or de Pesquisa e Ensino (private agency). Dr. Diniz receives a research grant from Fundação de
Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP, state agency, #2011/00968–0). Dr. Costa receives a research grant from
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP, state agency, de Amparo a #2012/14070–8). Dr. Rosario has
received honoraria as speaker and part of the advisory board for Novartis and Shire. Dr. Hoexter receives a research grant from
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP, state agency, #2013/16864–4). Dr. Miguel receives research grants
from Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP, #2011/21357–9) and Conselho Nacional de
Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPQ, #573974/2008–0). Dr. Simpson has received research funds for clinical trials from
Janssen Pharmaceuticals (2006–2012), Transcept Pharmaceuticals (2011–2013), has consulted for Quintiles, Inc. (September, 2012),
and receives royalties from Cambridge University Press and UpToDate, Inc. Dr. Simpson’s work on this project was supported by the
National Institute of Mental Health grant #K24MH09155 and by the New York State Office of Mental Hygiene. All other authors
declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
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This study aimed to investigate the phenomenology of obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD),

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addressing specific questions about the nature of obsessions and compulsions, and to contribute to
the World Health Organization’s (WHO) revision of OCD diagnostic guidelines. Data from 1001
patients from the Brazilian Research Consortium on Obsessive–Compulsive Spectrum Disorders
were used. Patients were evaluated by trained clinicians using validated instruments, including the
Dimensional Yalee Brown Obsessive–Compulsive Scale, the University of Sao Paulo Sensory
Phenomena Scale, and the Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale. The aims were to compare the
types of sensory phenomena (SP, subjective experiences that precede or accompany compulsions)
in OCD patients with and without tic disorders and to determine the frequency of mental
compulsions, the co-occurrence of obsessions and compulsions, and the range of insight. SP were
common in the whole sample, but patients with tic disorders were more likely to have physical
sensations and urges only. Mental compulsions occurred in the majority of OCD patients. It was
extremely rare for OCD patients to have obsessions without compulsions. A wide range of insight
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into OCD beliefs was observed, with a small subset presenting no insight. The data generated from
this large sample will help practicing clinicians appreciate the full range of OCD symptoms and
confirm prior studies in smaller samples the degree to which insight varies. These findings also
support specific revisions to the WHO’s diagnostic guidelines for OCD, such as describing
sensory phenomena, mental compulsions and level of insight, so that the world-wide recognition
of this disabling disorder is increased.

Obsessive–compulsive disorder; Phenomenology; Sensory phenomena; Mental compulsions;
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1. Background
The World Health Organization is revising the International Classification of Diseases
(ICD). The current version (ICD-10) was approved in 1990. The goal is to enhance scientific
validity, clinical utility and global applicability of the diagnostic guidelines (Gureje and
Reed, 2012). In that spirit, an international group reviewed guidelines for obsessive–
compulsive disorder (OCD) (Simpson et al., 2013), raising questions about how obsessions
and compulsions are defined and whether there are valid ways to subtype OCD to facilitate
diagnosis, advance pathophysiological studies, and/or help guide treatment planning. To
address these questions, we investigated the clinical phenomenology of 1001 patients with
OCD from the Brazilian Research Consortium on Obsessive–Compulsive Spectrum
Disorders (CTOC). The goal was to refine the clinical phenotype of OCD and determine
whether revisions to ICD-10 diagnostic guidelines for OCD are supported by new
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phenomenological evidence.

How obsessions are defined is central to the clinical recognition of OCD. In ICD-10,
obsessions are defined as “ideas, images, or impulses” that enter the individual’s mind again
and again. In 2013, DSM-5(2000) replaced the word “impulse” with the word “urge,”
primarily to differentiate OCD from impulse control disorders (Leckman et al., 2010). In
parallel, a growing literature indicates that OCD patients have sensory phenomena (SP),

J Psychiatr Res. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2020 June 30.

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including urges, defined as physical experiences that precede or accompany compulsions

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(Ferrão et al., 2012; Miguel et al., 1997). In addition to urges, SP include physical
sensations, needing to perform a behavior until it feels “just right,” feelings of
incompleteness, and need for energy release (Prado et al., 2008). Initially, SP were thought
to be most characteristic of OCD patients with Tourette’s Syndrome (TS) or chronic tic
disorder (CTD) (Diniz et al., 2006). However, SP also occur in OCD patients without
comorbid tic disorders (Ferrão et al., 2012; Gomes de Alvarenga et al., 2012; Miguel et al.,
1997, 2000), especially those with early onset OCD (de Mathis et al., 2009; Rosario-Campos
et al., 2001). Together, these findings suggest that the definition of obsessions should be
expanded to include SP. Determining the frequency and severity of different types of SP in
OCD patients with and without tic disorders would help to address this question.

How compulsions are defined is also important. In ICD-10, compulsions are defined as
“stereotyped behaviors that are repeated again and again.” Yet, a study conducted in the
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United States (U.S.) found that mental compulsions are also common (Foa et al., 1995). As a
result, mental compulsions are described in both DSM-IV and DSM-5. In contrast, mental
compulsions are not mentioned in ICD-10. Determining the prevalence of mental
compulsions in large clinical samples would inform whether ICD-11 guidelines for
compulsions should be expanded to include mental compulsions.

Finally, different subtypes for OCD have been proposed (see Simpson and Reddy, in press,
for a review). ICD-10 recommends that OCD patients be categorized into those with
predominantly obsessional thoughts, predominantly compulsive acts, or a mixed form. The
clinical utility of this categorization is unclear: one U.S. study found that most OCD patients
have both obsessions and compulsions (Foa et al., 1995). In contrast, DSM categorizes OCD
patients based on their degree of insight into their OCD beliefs. Based on data from U.S.
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studies that insight varies in OCD patients (Foa et al., 1995; Phillips et al., 2012), a
dimensional specifier was introduced in DSM-5 (i.e., excellent/good, fair, poor, absent). The
rationale was primarily clinical: to ensure that OCD patients with poor/absent insight are not
diagnosed as having a psychotic disorder and treated with antipsychotic monotherapy
(Leckman et al., 2010). ICD-10 guidelines do not emphasize insight. Data from international
studies on the degree of insight in OCD patients are needed.

The CTOC provides a unique dataset in which to investigate these issues. This consortium
collected data on OCD patients from seven outpatient clinics across Brazil from 2003 to
2009. Patients were evaluated by trained raters with structured diagnostic interviews and
validated clinical measures, including two innovative measures (the Dimensional Yale–
Brown Obsessive–Compulsive Scale (D-YBOCS) and Universidade de São Paulo Sensory
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Phenomena Scale (USP-SP)). Using this database, we asked four questions:1) what types of
SP occur in OCD patients with and without tic disorders; 2) how common are mental
compulsions; 3) how often do obsessions and compulsions co-occur; and 4) what is the
degree of insight in this clinical sample of OCD patients. We also explored whether insight
varied with age, age of OCD onset, severity of OCD symptoms, severity of specific OCD
symptom dimensions, or current medication status.

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2. Methods
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2.1. Overview
CTOC methods have been described (Miguel et al., 2008). In brief, patients seeking
treatment at participating centers were eligible if they met DSM-IV criteria for OCD as their
principal psychiatric diagnosis, were willing to participate in the research, and provided
informed consent. Socio-demographic features and medical and family psychiatric history
were collected, and patients underwent structured psychiatric evaluation (Structured Clinical
Interview for DSM-IV Axis-I Disorders-SCID-I; additional modules for tic and impulse
control disorders; the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-K-SADS
sections for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and separation anxiety
disorder), and evaluations using validated instruments, including: the Yale–Brown
Obsessive–Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) and DY-BOCS (for OCD symptoms and severity);
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the Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS), the USP-SPS (for sensory phenomena); and
the Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale (BABS; for insight).

Each patient’s evaluation lasted about 5 h. Interviews were conducted by psychiatrists or

Master level clinicians experienced in OCD. Data were sent to a central data core. Data
quality procedures included twice yearly in-person meetings of interviewers from the seven
sites and on-line as-needed meetings to clarify data registry. A restricted access website
( stored assessment instruments, videos for
interview training and inter-rater reliability assessments. A description of all measures,
training for reliability and data management is available at Miguel et al. (2008).

2.2. Sample
The sample was comprised of 1001 patients. Half were in treatment at the CTOC centers at
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the time they participated. The rest came from the community or other mental health
services. Demographic and clinical features of this sample are shown in Table 1. Only 4
(0.4%) subjects presented hoarding as the sole symptom dimension, and this was the least
severe among all dimensions for the whole sample.

2.3. Assessments
2.3.1. Diagnosis of OCD and tic disorders—The SCID-I (First et al., 2002) was
used to determine the presence of Axis I psychiatric diagnoses, including OCD. Tic
disorders were also diagnosed according to DSM-IV criteria. CTD was diagnosed when a
patient had (a) either vocal or motor tics, (b) tics occurred several times a day, for at least 1
year, without a symptom-free interval longer than 3 months, (c) were time consuming,
caused significant distress or functional impairment, (d) started before age 18, (e) were not
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secondary to substance use or a general medical condition and (f) never met criteria for TS.
TS was diagnosed when a patient had (a) both motor and vocal tics at some point, plus (b)–
(e) criteria for CTD.

2.3.2. Clinical phenomenology—The Y-BOCS (Goodman et al., 1989) was used to

assess severity of obsessions and compulsions by means of 10 questions, 5 addressing
obsessions and 5 addressing compulsions in relation to amount of time spent with

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symptoms, interference, distress, resistance and control over symptoms. Individual scores
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range from 0 to 4 (total score 0–40), the higher score meaning greater severity.

The DY-BOCS (Rosario-Campos et al., 2006) was used to evaluate OCD symptoms
according to six dimensions: (1) aggression, (2) sexual/religious, (3) symmetry/ordering/
arranging, (4) contamination/cleaning, (5) hoarding and (6) miscellaneous. Obsessions,
avoidant behaviors, mental and behavioral compulsions are investigated within each
dimension. Individual dimension scores range from 0 to 15. A global score ranging from 0
to 30 addresses time (0–5), distress (0–5), interference (0–5) and impairment (0–15) in the
past week, the higher score meaning greater severity.

The USP-SPS (Rosario et al., 2009) evaluated the presence and severity of SP. It is a semi-
structured scale with two parts. The first assesses the occurrence of different types of SP and
their respective age at onset. The second measures the severity of current and past SP. For
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each SP, severity is measured by three ordinal scales with six anchor points that focus on the
frequency (0–5), amount of distress (0–5) and interference with functioning (0–5), making a
severity score for each type of SP range from 0 to 15. For the present analyses only current
scores were used. Types of SP include: 1) Physical sensations (tactile and/or muscle-joint),
defined as uncomfortable sensations localized in a specific region of the body (skin,
muscles, or joints), which precede or occur along with repetitive behaviors; 2) “Just right”
perceptions, triggered by tactile, visual, or auditory sensations, including the need for things
to feel, look or sound “just right”; 3) Feelings of incompleteness (i.e., inner feeling or
perception of discomfort that makes the patient do things indefinitely, or until feeling
‘complete’); 4) Energy release (i.e., generalized inner tension or energy that builds up and
needs to be released by an action) and 5) Urge only (i.e., “have to do it” perception related to
the repetitive behavior).
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The BABS (Eisen et al., 1998) evaluates six aspects of insight in the past week: conviction,
perception of others’ views of the belief, fixity of the belief, attempts to disprove it, whether
the individual recognizes a psychiatric/psychological cause for the belief, and the presence
of ideas of reference. The score ranges from 0 to 24; higher scores correspond to poorer
insight. BABS scores have been categorized into excellent (0–3), good (4–7), fair (8–12),
poor (13–17 or ≥ 18 + score < 4 in the conviction question, where 4 = 100% conviction), or
absent (≥18 score 4 in the conviction question) (Phillips et al., 2012).

2.4. Analyses
Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS18. The OCD + TS, OCD + CTD and
OCD without tics groups were compared using the Kruskal–Wallis Test for continuous
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variables (current age, age at OCD onset, Y-BOCS, DY-BOCS and USP-SPS scores) and the
Chi-square test for categorical variables (sex, proportion of different SP). Post-hoc analyses
were performed with the nonparametric relative contrast effects test for the continuous
variables and Chi-square tests for the categorical variables with the Bonferroni correction.

Descriptive analyses were performed for the distribution of BABS scores and the
distribution of the Y-BOCS subscores of distress associated with obsessions and
compulsions. Mann–Whitney and Wilcoxon Tests were employed to investigate the

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relationship between current medication status and global BABS scores. The Spearman test
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was used to investigate the correlation between the global BABS score and: (1) current age,
(2) age at OCD onset, (4) Y-BOCS scores, (5) DY-BOCS scores and (6) duration of illness.
Statistical significance was set at 0.05.

3. Results
3.1. Q1: What SP occur in OCD with and without tic disorders?
Ninety OCD patients (9.0%) met DSM-IV lifetime criteria for TS, 154 (15.4%) met criteria
for CTD, and 757 (75.6%) had no tic disorder. There were no significant differences
between these groups regarding age (mean (SD): OCD + TS = 32.01 (12.26); OCD + CTD =
33.27 (12.51); OCD without tics = 35.5 (13.12), p = 0.073), age at OCD onset (mean
(SD):OCD + TS 11.06 (5.88); OCD + CTD = 11.93 (7.65); OCD without tics = 12.86
(7.33), p = 0.072), or OCD severity (mean Y-BOCS (SD):OCD + TS = 25.74 (7.89); OCD +
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CTD = 26.12 (7.70); OCD without tics = 25.35 (7.43), p = 0.739). There was a difference in
the proportion of males (OCD + TS = 49%; OCD + CTD = 52%; OCD without tics 41%, p
= 0.019 [overall chi square], with post-hoc tests finding OCD + CTD patients significantly
more likely to be male than OCD patients without tics).

The types of SP endorsed by OCD + TS, OCD + CTD OCD without tics are shown in and
Table 2. Most OCD patients endorsed SP (60.4%), but there was a significant difference
between groups (p-value < 0.001), with post-hoc tests finding that OCD + TS and OCD +
CTD endorsed SP significantly more frequently than OCD patients without tics. Significant
differences also existed between groups in the proportion endorsing physical sensations (p-
value < 0.001) and urge only (p-value = 0.021); post-hoc tests revealed that OCD + TS or
OCD + CTD endorsed both significantly more often than OCD patients without tics. The
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global severity of SP was higher in the OCD + TS [mean (SD) = 6.90 (4.55)] and OCD +
CTD groups [mean (SD) = 5.02 (4.22)] than in the OCD without tics group [mean (SD) =
4.61 (4.66)] (p < 0.001); post-hoc tests revealed that the severity of SP was significantly
higher in the OCD + TS than in the OCD + CTD and OCD without tics groups.

3.2. Q2: How common are mental compulsions?

Five hundred and sixty-eight patients (56.7%) endorsed mental compulsions. All patients
with mental compulsions endorsed behavioral compulsions. Mental compulsions were most
common for the symmetry/ordering/arranging [n = 282 (28.2%); e.g., organizing objects
mentally; checking list of tasks mentally], aggression [n = 270 (27.0%); e.g., thinking
“good” thoughts to remove “bad” (aggressive) thoughts], and the sexual/religious
dimensions [n = 247 (24.7%); e.g., thinking good thoughts after the thoughts that offended
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God; saying prayers repeatedly to relieve distress caused by sexual thoughts], and less
common for the contamination [n = 166 (16.6%); e.g., imagining washing hands when
washing impossible in real life] and miscellaneous dimensions [n = 132 (13.2%); e.g.,
checking mentally for body signals]. Mental compulsions were least common for the
hoarding dimension [n = 83(8.3%); e.g., imagining accumulating objects].

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3.3. Q3: How frequently do obsessions and compulsions co-occur?

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According to the DY-BOCS, 991 (99%) patients endorsed both obsessions and compulsions.
Five (0.5%) patients had obsessions only and five (0.5%) patients had compulsions only; all
of the latter endorsed SP preceding their compulsions, including just-right perceptions (n =
3), energy release (n = 3), urge only (n = 3), and incompleteness (n = 1). Most patients stated
that their obsessions were associated with at least moderate distress (proportion endorsing
distress: none 1.6%, mild 6.9%, moderate 25.5%, severe 48.3%, incapacitating 17.8%).
Most also reported that they would feel at least moderate distress if they could not do their
compulsions (proportion endorsing distress: none 1.7%, mild 10%, moderate 19.6%, severe
46.3%, incapacitating 22%).

3.4. Q4: What is the degree of insight in OCD patients seeking treatment?
The degree of insight varied across the sample, as shown in Fig. 1. Based on prior methods
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for categorizing insight (Phillips et al., 2012), 31% of the sample had excellent (score 0–3),
25% good (score 4–7), 26% fair (score 8–12), 11% poor (score 13–17 or >18 + score 0–3 in
the conviction question), and 3% absent insight (score > 18 + score 4 in the conviction
question). Using the BABS item that assesses the degree to which a patient is convinced
their OCD belief is true, a similar distribution was observed: 28% were completely
convinced their beliefs were not true, 17% thought their beliefs were probably not true; 20%
thought the beliefs could or could not be true; 16% were very convinced the beliefs were
true; and 16% were completely convinced that the beliefs were true. The median total BABS
scores did not significantly differ between those currently receiving medication (n = 563)
and those not receiving medication (n = 438; Mann–Whitney Test, p-value = 0.797;
Wilcoxon Test (Fig. 2)). Of those on medication, 88.6% were receiving either clomipramine
or a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
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Poorer insight was correlated with: earlier age at OCD onset (rho = −0.076, p-value =
0.020), greater OCD severity (rho = 0.295, p-value < 0.001), greater severity of individual
symptom dimensions (aggression: rho = 0.089, p-value = 0.006; sexual/religious: rho =
0.096, p-value = 0.003; symmetry: rho = 0.153, p < 0.001; contamination: rho 0.177, p-value
< 0.001; hoarding: rho =0.156, p-value < 0.001; miscellaneous: rho = 0.192, p-value =
0.001) and longer duration of illness (rho = 0.11, p-value = 0.001). Insight was also analyzed
as a dichotomous variable. Compared to patients with excellent + good insight (56% of the
sample), patients with fair + poor + no insight (40%) presented higher scores in all symptom
dimensions (analyses not shown).

4. Discussion
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We used data from 1001 patients with OCD to address questions about the clinical
phenotype of OCD that are relevant to the recognition of OCD by practicing clinicians and
to how the WHO might revise OCD diagnostic guidelines for ICD-11. In this large OCD
sample, SP were common despite the comorbidity with tics. However, patients with tic
disorders were more likely to have SP that consisted of physical sensations and urge only.
Mental compulsions occurred in the majority of the sample, and the occurrence of
obsessions in the absence of compulsions was extremely rare. Finally, patients in this sample

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had a wide range of insight into the rationality of their OCD beliefs, with a small subset
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presenting no insight. These findings confirm and extend prior studies and support revisions
to the WHO’s OCD guidelines.

Historically, obsessions have been defined as thoughts, images, or impulses that are intrusive
and distressing. However, “sensory phenomena” (including physical sensations, “just right”
perceptions, feelings of incompleteness, need for energy release, and urges) (Rosario et al.,
2009) have also been described in OCD patients (Leckman et al., 1994; Miguel et al., 2000).
Most recently, Ferrão et al. (2012) reported that 65% of OCD patients in this Brazilian
sample had at least one type of SP preceding their compulsions. In another study of 813
patients from this same consortium (Gomes de Alvarenga et al., 2012), OCD patients with
tics had a higher rate of SP than OCD patients without tics (80% versus 67%), but the rate of
SP was very high in both groups. To contribute to this literature, we investigated for the first
time whether the specific types of SP differed according to comorbidity with tics, and found
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that OCD patients with TS or CTD were significantly more likely to have physical
sensations and urge only than OCD patients without tics. At the same time, 20% of OCD
patients without tics also reported urges preceding their compulsions, and the most common
type of SP in all groups were the “just right” sensations. The severity of SP was greatest in
OCD + TS patients, adding to evidence for a continuum between OCD + TS, OCD + CTD
and OCD without tics (Diniz et al., 2006), which could correspond to varying degrees of
overlapping neural circuits involved in their pathophysiology (Marsh et al., 2009). Overall,
these data do not show that the type of SP differentiates OCD patients with and without tics,
consistent with a prior study (Leckman et al., 1994). On the other hand, from the clinical
practice perspective, these data do support describing SP in OCD diagnostic guidelines,
since they are common, could be an important target of treatment, and should trigger an
evaluation for tic disorders in the patient and family members. Despite the lack of specific
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controlled trials, we would expect SP to be successfully managed in the psychological

treatment of OCD in a similar way to tic disorders, by adding to exposure and response
prevention the components of habit reversal training, such as awareness and competing
response training (McGuire et al., 2014).

The majority of the sample endorsed mental compulsions. In a field trial for DSM-IV that
evaluated 431 OCD patients in the U.S.,79.5% had mental compulsions, as measured by the
Y-BOCS checklist (Foa et al., 1995). That we found a lower rate (56.7%) could be due to the
fact that we used the DY-BOCS, which asks about mental compulsions inside each symptom
dimension. In contrast, the DSM-IV field trial added five specific items to the Y-BOCS
checklist to capture mental compulsions (i.e., special words, images or numbers re-created
mentally; special prayers repeated in a set manner; mental counting, mental list-making; and
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mental reviewing). Regardless, both studies demonstrate that mental compulsions are
common and that they almost always occur alongside behavioral compulsions: none in our
study and only 0.2% in the DSM-IV field trial had mental compulsions without behavioral
compulsions. These data support describing mental compulsions in WHO diagnostic
guidelines for OCD. Once recognized, mental compulsions also constitute important
treatment targets.

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Our data confirm that obsessions without compulsions or vice-versa are rare in OCD
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patients seeking treatment. In our study, 99% of patients endorsed both obsessions and
compulsions: only 0.5% had only obsessions and 0.5% had only compulsions. Moreover, of
the five patients endorsing only compulsions, all reported sensory phenomena preceding the
compulsions. Likewise, in the DSM-IV field trial (Foa et al., 1995), 96% of patients had
both obsessions and compulsions, only 2% had predominantly obsessions and only 2% had
predominantly compulsions. Together, these data demonstrate that the patient who reports
only obsessions or compulsions warrants further investigation to determine whether mental
compulsions or SP are present (supporting OCD diagnosis) or whether the diagnosis of OCD
should be reconsidered. These data also support the practice of using the co-occurrence of
obsessions and compulsions to differentiate OCD from other disorders with repetitive
thoughts (e.g., worries of generalized anxiety disorder, ruminations of major depressive
disorder) or repetitive behaviors (e.g., trichotillomania, skin-picking). Whether the
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underlying brain mechanisms (e.g., of obsessions versus compulsions and of obsessions

versus ruminations) are also differentiated remains an important area of study.

Although our data confirm that obsessions and compulsions usually co-occur in OCD, they
cannot resolve the direction of the relationship: whether obsessions trigger compulsions as
some OCD models assert (Salkovskis, 1985, 1999) or compulsive behaviors lead to
obsessions as others assert (Robbins et al., 2012). Given this uncertainty, we support the
proposed plan for ICD-11 (Simpson et al., 2013), which is to describe the strong relationship
between these symptoms but to use language that does not presume a direction of causality.

Our data confirm and extend prior findings that insight varies in OCD. Consistent with the
DSM-IV field trial (Foa et al., 1995) and prior studies in smaller samples (Phillips et al.,
2012), we found that about half of OCD patients had good or excellent insight, about one-
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third had fair to poor insight, and a small subset had no insight. Interestingly, the distribution
of insight did not differ between those on or off medication. Degree of insight was also not
associated with age. However, the majority of patients in this sample were adults (range 9–
82, with only 25% aged 25 or younger); other studies have found that children with OCD
often exhibit poor insight (Storch et al., 2008).

Insight was weakly correlated in our sample with both earlier age of OCD onset and
duration of the illness, consistent with some prior studies (Ravi Kishore et al., 2004).
Different from previous studies (Alonso et al., 2008; Shimshoni et al., 2011), but consistent
with others (Catapano et al., 2010; Eisen et al., 2001) we observed a positive correlation
between lower levels of insight and higher OCD severity. This finding raises the question if
the degree of insight should be considered an additional indicator of severity rather than a
Author Manuscript

specifier. On the other hand, an insight specifier may have clinical utility if it increased
awareness about how insight varies in this disorder (e.g., so that OCD patients with poor/
absent insight are not erroneously diagnosed with a primary psychotic disorder and
prescribed antipsychotic monotherapy). An insight specifier might also prove useful in
treatment planning. Although insight improves alongside OCD symptoms with successful
treatment (Eisen et al., 2001), poor insight patients are underrepresented in clinical trials
because they are less likely to seek or adhere to treatment (Santana et al., 2013). Thus,
patients with poor insight may need help to engage with treatment. Yet, the ability of

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clinicians across diverse settings and in different cultures to reliably use such an insight
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specifier is unknown. The global applicability of the concept of insight needs more study.

Several study limitations are worth noting. First, evaluations occurred only at one point in
time. Second, 75% of the sample was 25 or older, making our findings most relevant to adult
patients. Third, data about current treatment status was limited: medication doses and length
of treatment were not recorded, and there was no information on whether patients received
cognitive-behavioral therapy. Fourth, patients were recruited at tertiary services specialized
in OCD, and may present higher severity compared to other clinical and epidemiological
populations. Fifth, some variables (e.g., age at OCD onset, past psychiatric symptoms, prior
pharmacological treatments) were assessed retrospectively and subject to recall bias. Sixth,
despite the clinical importance of avoidant behaviors in OCD, their frequency and correlates
were not captured by the assessment instruments used. Reports on the frequency of
avoidance and the socio-demographical and clinical factors associated with its occurrence
Author Manuscript

(including the diverse OCD symptom dimensions) are urgently needed to obtain a more
complete phenomenological picture of the disorder. Finally, the high level of education of
the sample may limit the generalization of the results to the broad OCD population and the
worldwide applicability of these findings needs additional study.

In summary, the new data generated from this very large sample of OCD patients indicates
that the clinical phenotype of OCD can be further refined and supports the revision of the
WHO’s diagnostic guidelines for OCD. Specifically, the data support broadening the
conceptualization of obsessions, to include sensory phenomena, and of compulsions, to
include mental compulsions. As obsessions and compulsions co-occurred in 99% of this
sample, the clinical utility of subtyping OCD by those with predominant obsessions or
compulsions is not supported. Finally, insight in this treatment-seeking sample of OCD
Author Manuscript

patients varied from excellent to absent, supporting reconsideration of the boundary between
OCD and psychotic disorders in diagnostic guidelines.

We thank the members of the Brazilian Research Consortium on Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders who
participated in the process of data collection: Aline S. Sampaio, Amanda Galvão de Almeida, Ana Gabriela Hounie,
Ana Teresa A. Ramos-Cerqueira, Andréa L. Raffin, Angélica P. Lopes, Anna Guerra Toniolo, Aristides Volpato
Cordioli, Antonio Carlos Lopes, Armando Rezende, Carina C. D’Alcante, Carolina Valério, Christina H. Gonzales,
Cristina Belotto da Silva, Cristiana Machado, Daisy Pontual, Daniela Braga, Dante Marino Malavazzi, Elenita
Domingues, Eduardo Alliende Perin, Elisabeth Meyer da Silva, Érica Vasques Trench Helen Copque, Fernanda
Pasquotto de Souza, Helena Bins, Helena Silva Prado, Ilduara Sidrim, Ivanil Aparecido de Morais, Juliana Oliveira,
Kátia Niederauer, Kátia Petribú, Lucas Lovato, Luciana Gropo, Luis Evandro Lima Filho, Marcelo Basso, Marcelo
Camargo Batistuzzo, Maria Eugenia de Mathis, Marinês Alves Joaquim, Manuela C. Borges, Melissa Chagas
Assunção, Moacir Pires, Pedro Alvarenga, Patrícia Veloso, Priscila Chacon, Priscylla Jennie Rabelo, Ricardo Cezar
Torresan, Rosana Savio Mastrorosa, Samantha Nunes Santos, Sandro Iego, Sonia Borcato, Tatiane Cristina Ribeiro.
Author Manuscript

We thank the support from the New York State Office of Mental Hygiene and faculty and staff from the Anxiety
Disorders Clinic at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, who provided comments on an earlier draft of the

Role of the funding source

The following funding sources supported the research reported in this manuscript:

1. Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Sao Paulo State Research Support Agency)

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Grants #
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2. Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPQ, National Brazilian Council for
Scientific and Technological Development)

Grant # 420122/2005-2

3. New York State Office of Mental Hygiene

4. National Institute of Mental Health, grant #K24MH09155

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Fig. 1.
Distribution of total Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale (BABS) scores.1
1Missing data correspond to 3.3% of the sample (n=33).
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Fig. 2.
Distribution of total Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale (BABS) scores in relation to
medication status.a
aWilcoxon test (non-parametric). The median of the total BABS score of the whole sample

was used as the reference for the comparison of each group with the whole sample. The two
circles refer to outliers.
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Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of the sample.

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Characteristic Total
Age in years, mean (SD) 34.85 (12.99)
Age range, in years 9–82
Younger than 18, No. (%) 46 (4.6%)
a 12.56 (7.28)
Age of onset of OCD symptoms in years, mean (SD)
Age range of onset of OCD symptoms in years 3–54
Age of onset of interference due to OCD symptoms, mean (SD) 21.76 (10.63)
Female, No. (%) 569 (56.8)
Race, No. (%)
White 832 (83.1)
Black/African 39 (3.9)
Author Manuscript

Asian 13 (1.3)
Mixed (white/black) 115 (11.5)
Other 2 (0.2)
b 14.57 (4.97)
Education in years, mean (SD)
Marital Status, No. (%)
Single 544 (54.3)
Married-Partnered (e.g., living together) 377 (37.7)
Divorced-Separated 66 (6.6)
Widowed 14 (1.4)
Employment Status, No. (%)
Working outside the home 433 (43.3)
Retired 108 (10.8)
Author Manuscript

Student 179(17.9)
Unemployed 154 (15.4)
Working inside the home 104 (10.4)
Other 23 (2.3)
Y-BOCS, mean (SD)
Obsessions 12.68 (3.94)
Compulsions 12.83 (4.14)
Total score 25.51 (7.51)
DY-BOCS, mean (SD)
Aggression 5.29 (4.98)
Sexual, religious 4.30 (4.90)
c 7.34 (4.64)
Author Manuscript

Contamination 6.22 (5.15)

Hoarding 3.15 (4.08)
Miscellaneous 7.54 (4.70)
Total global 21.15 (6.26)

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Characteristic Total
USP-SPS, mean (SD) 4.88 (4.63)
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d 6.85 (5.46)
Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale, mean (SD)
Beck Depression Inventory, mean (SD) 16.50 (11.54)
Beck Anxiety Inventory, mean (SD) 16.02 (11.64)
Treatment, No. (%)
e 563 (56.2)
Current Medication
Any history of psychotherapy 643 (64.2)
Comorbid psychiatric disorder, No. (%)
Lifetime 921 (92.1)
f 837 (83.6)
Any mood disorder 426 (42.6)
Any anxiety disorder 651 (65.0)
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Any impulse control disorder 308 (30.8)

Any somatoform disorder 167 (16.7)
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder 127 (12.7)
Any eating disorder 71 (7.1)
Any substance or alcohol disorder 67 (6.7)

SD = standard deviation; YBOCS = Yale–Brown Obsessive–Compulsive Scale; DY-BOCS = Dimensional Yale–Brown Obsessive–Compulsive
Scale; BABS = Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale; USP-SPS = University of Sao Paulo Sensory Phenomena Scale.
Age of onset of first OCD symptom, may not correspond to the age of onset of distress/interference due to OCD symptoms.
1 (0.01%) missing.
2 (0.02%) missing.
32 (3.2%) missing. All measures are current, unless otherwise specified.
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Current medication status includes 397 (39.7%) subjects on selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, 102 (10.2%) on clomipramine, 27 (2.7%) on
selective serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors, which could be used in combination with antipsychotics, benzodiazepines and mood
The most frequent current comorbidities, excluding tic disorders, were (%): Generalized Anxiety Disorder (33.8); Major Depressive Disorder
(33.2); Social Phobia (32.0); Specific Phobia (30.8); Skin-Picking (15.4); Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (12.7); Dysthimia (11.2); Body
Dysmorphic Disorder (11.1) and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (9.9).
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Table 2

Types of sensory phenomena in OCD patients with Tourette’s Syndrome, OCD patients with chronic tic
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disorder and OCD patients without tics.

Sensory phenomena OCD + TS OCD + CTD OCD p-Value*

N = 90 N = 154 N = 757

Any Sensory Phenomena, N (%) A A B <0.001

76 (84.4) 117 (76.0) 457 (60.4)

Physical sensations, N (%) A A B <0.001

58 (64.4) s78 (50.6) 232 (30.6)
Just-right sensations, N (%) 63 (70.0) 94 (61.0) 362 (47.8) 0.654
Feelings of incompleteness, N (%) 19(21.1) 36 (23.4) 117 (15.5) 0.504
Energy release, N (%) 23 (25.6) 31 (20.1) 84(11.1) 0.133

Urge only, N (%) A A B 0.021

38 (42.2) 48 (31.2) 154 (20.3)

Abbreviations: OCD = Obsessive–Compulsive disorder; TS = Tourette’s Syndrome; CTD = chronic tic disorder.
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Chi-square test;
A, B
post-hoc tests with Bonferroni correction: (A different from B in post-hoc tests).
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