ME F319 - 2024 (Handout)
ME F319 - 2024 (Handout)
ME F319 - 2024 (Handout)
2. Course Description: Small oscillations of linear dynamical systems, free and forced vibrations of single and
multi-degree-of-freedom systems, normal modes and orthogonality relations, generalized co-ordinates and
Lagrange's equations, matrix formulation, eigenvalue problem and numerical solutions, transient response of
one-dimensional systems, continuous system, vibration of string, rods, bars and beams, Closed loop control,
Conventional and non-conventional control strategies, Stability criteria, State space approach
3. Text Book:
T1. "Mechanical Vibrations", Singiresu S Rao, Pearson, 6th Ed
T2. “Modern Control Engineering”, Katsuhiko Ogata, Pearson, 5th Edition
Reference Books:
R1. "Theory of Vibrations with Applications", William T. Thomson, Marie Dillon Dahleh and
Chandramouli Padmanabhan, Pearson, Sixth Ed.
R2. "Mechanical Vibrations - Theory and Application", Francis S. Tse, Ivan E. Morse and Rolland T.
Hinkle, Allyn and Bacon Inc. London, 1983.
R3.“Nonlinear Vibrations and Stability of Shells and Plates”- Amabili M, Cambridge University Press
R4. “Classical Mechanics” - Goldstein, H., Poole, C. and Safko, J., 2002.
R5. “Vibrations and waves in continuous mechanical systems”. Hagedorn, Peter, and Anirvan
DasGupta. Chichester: Wiley, 2007.
4. Course Plan:
Learning Objectives Topics to be covered Chapter
Introduction to Vibration: Basic concepts of Vibration,
Brief review of fundamental Oscillatory Motion, Harmonic motion, Periodic Motion, R-1-CH-1,
concepts of vibration Elementary parts of Vibrating systems, Degree of freedom, T-1-CH-1
Discrete and continuous systems.
Understand the causes and
reasons for vibration and Vibration analysis, spring mass and damping elements in a
3-4 why vibrations die out. vibrating system, Types of damping, Complex number
Analysis of simple vibrating notation, Harmonic analysis
Modeling of vibrating
Equations of motion: Newton’s 2nd law, Energy method, R-1-CH-2,
systems natural and T-1 CH-2
Rayleigh Method, Virtual work methods,
undamped. Effect of
5-11 Lagrange Mechanics, Generalized Coordinates R-1CH-6
damping on systems in
Single DOF free undamped vibration systems, Single DOF T-1CH-7
vibration, Other types of
free damped vibration systems R4
damping and energy loss
Learning Objectives Topics to be covered Chapter
Vibration under general Vibration under general forcing conditions – Periodic R-1CH-4,
forcing conditions excitation, Non – periodic excitation T-1-CH-4
Multi DOF free vibration systems, Stiffness Matrix, and
Two and more DOF systems
flexibility influence coefficients
modeling and analysis,
Normal modes, initial conditions, coordinate coupling,
22-27 decoupling
Matrix methods and forced T-1-CH-5,6
Matrix formulation, Eigenvalues and vectors, Multi dof
multi DOF systems
forced harmonic vibration, Orthogonality relations
Vibration absorber
Vibration of continuous R-1CH-8,11
Vibration of string, rods, bars and beams
28-32 systems T-1CH-6,8
Introduction to control systems, Mathematical modeling of T-2: Ch1,
33-44 Topics in control systems control systems, Transient and steady state response analyses, Ch2, Ch5,
State space approach for control systems analysis Ch9
5. Evaluation Scheme:
Weightage Nature of
Evaluation Component Duration Date & Time
(%) Component
ME F319